is roads “’3' Iland hit" he†agineer on U†lding into t†the muskra“ pmseh'ea. Th. mediums to ram tunne‘m the t {‘0 33V? m 11mm §KR.~\'I‘S. $0. 3033“" Ion-mod und phyglo,‘n. menu. 0' Pm: 5‘ “’mwh‘ll "0“ “r lh'mh'm an n will I‘M'Wn (qr-night. Li' f0»! :sh ctory Goods ‘9 “D “WEB ma \ min-w \ hm-r Tl m {mu run‘ further under- ), Kirk~ V ictoria, WILL ï¬nding, .1 ution. :kv out. tori; Ho work town xx‘ â€0:: nl tum «mam XIW: - her. kn. u. cun- HUG 09m iewed ,9 well ? grit- rulers Indef- J uno ï¬t or l‘uhle t1 Inn Lind- BS la! huwh ated and ldua "I m Emu “‘m “all Alia CNN ; Omemee Branch - A. C. Hodgétts. Mgr .\‘\ DRUGGIST mm armour: mass am: 3'1"!†,, While they last at $1.99! a" pair complete. Your eyes tested free bythe most improved methods. . BAXï¬K OFTORONTO Business mum~- - - We have about 50 pair of gold ï¬lled spec- tacles, ï¬tted with good lenses, we will clearout FOR SALE T ‘ri;.\N(‘HI~‘.S IN ONTARIO. QUEBEC AND THE‘ WEST. J.G. EDWARDS Co. counts Emacs Hsuse, Lindsay, on Wednesday May 7 PETTSBURG WIRE FENCING Eyesight Speaiaufll .: Kbul-al. we!- N‘eih’s Shoe Store Ewglwaes renamed. Bmlan Lrnaeh rephwed MEANING] 01:11.0. .thRSDAY. MAY lat. 1913. * mantel-to Us. ' ' 3 The M Shine! Better for the Shoes ‘ I l' (“PITAL‘ me) FUNDS " GENTLEMEN WHO ARE BALD †awash: in wlieve yum 939‘ Imadduhb and nerves“; :3â€: wail}: for mm“ in» ..m ul‘ mmn‘ Lowest prices. 'sulla. :Eu-y will make any We“ QHI' wars younger. †is; protected in all Countries and m .0 not fail to call and see them: and .zs rhe idea! farm fence, electric weld throughout urn-nth mu! strong, a“ 9 inch wire No lock to slip. A Free Demonsnration is Offered to All anding good times there r falling off last year in iu's‘ drink bill. Hm Hunk of Toronto invites the Accounts of Business lFfOl‘matiOYlS, Pompadonrs, Fronts, Waves, Switches,1‘»x‘aids 25mm] dollar addition to High School is contemâ€" lutur nqth n-nw' ht(ll of Toronto a. per-fem; service. lti and mmplete facilities assure customers of the Bank rg bakers ha\’e advanced the loaf from ï¬ve cents Mrn 'c the Dorenwond tent Toupee which protection to the xtural effect. dur~ lgth, hygenic qual~ ‘c unequalled. Be- »:y will make any R. L. MORGAN 16 inch stay at 35c rod 24 inch stay at 33c rod LADIES’ WITH THIN HAIR a demonstrmion of THE DOREXWEND TRANSFORMA- will give a charm and attramiveness to an otherwise I! will assisr any Woman to keep her youthful appearance. nrinr to an others in efl‘ects thew produce when adjusted. huir and efï¬ciency of wogkmmaship. :m- sun-k Mrh» Latest Fashiom in Hair Gosds. â€"\ Style to Sail: Every Individual. Quality Hair Good 5) “Beautiful Hair†Its ample resources. extensive connections. Priceless Eyesight IO. IOQI III HOV 85,000,000 who will be at the Prof. DORENWEND of Toronto makes every women beautiful. and all who desirP to make the must of their appearance have the oppï¬rtunity of paying a vi>it to Mun-tom. mama. Nomivhwe “9 9““ ï¬nniw‘sary at the have 9 communion». do. mdem Order or Oddtellmxs was com. i Successor to mum In“. ‘rï¬fawheswdax 11:0 "“5 kind“? ‘ . 050 y. w a some mam era a - influx moved a." bum m "3 tended divfne serum in the Queen-st. ;own oï¬lco. 0PM“ Watchman-Wu 'MethodiSt Church. It “as a splendid :der, Kent-It. Phone 41. lama Hum-out of the brethren. and an in- Mad Rea.) Du†in m it! Natale. ‘structive dis-curse was listened to. § _ ReV. D. Balfour being the preacher. He took his text from the 26th chapâ€" A woman would rather not know a itex"_of_ Acts: 2ch versa: “And Paul } A woman would rather not know a secret than not have am one to tell it to. norm» I mun“. In 0mm. whim noun.- a. Benetton (or the Bank 9! Hum (any to loan a love“ Mm. m â€use. 6 Wilma-eh. flout. um. .ï¬n. Brunet mes n Woodvmo g9. 3. Hopkins. 3‘04 M nome- |BGBÂ¥MQ B\A\g LL‘E‘ The Condition of the Duchess of Connaught is slightly improved. COMING ’s and may only be purchased on and remember the date. 103-1 05 Yonge-st. , Toronto as am sump . 1.310]! R. KING“ .s‘s‘s‘ss‘ss‘s. 6.176.578 WWB “IUD“DV“ â€v. ' . An ounce of silence is worth a ton' Remember this. and some day you of senseless talk. ' may become a. " genius.“ Admiral Peary described his con I Even “ one had not a. particularly ‘ nest of the North pole before it 'violinic turn of mind or hand, s to- {q he tal of 161,616 hours of practice on i Khedi 11 Geo him]. S at t . ‘ mp 0c} y a that instrument. might produce g Cairo J lfirst-class performer A Kin t tcher, emes Rob . gs on bu b8 One hundred and sixty-one thou- lthirty-ï¬ve years in business there, hasreeeivedwordthstanunclo in mdhonrsofpmueestany one Ireland haslelthimsG-iOflOO er 'thingwonlaresultin success. And oryono awning Small 33.0. Mb? «1:: image. ‘sgresd some line again†h†the that Genius 1!. inmostlnstsmss. composed.lsmely- at The sad Worm; E; Children Or'y m. m .. a. m Mp. “a?“ ;. A mim‘ rigging “Lars tolsbor and CASTO RlAnu-uâ€" Some stencgraphers marry their employers because they are tired of being dictated t9. } Port Hope. April ï¬llâ€"In rescuing this mooted SUMO“- iIIarry King, a lourâ€"year-old boy,, But. if a commission should under~ ‘from drowning in the Generaska river i take to investigate great poetry. this afternoan Charles Kinsella. Ital- ' greet prose. great paintings and in proprietor of a fruit store here. great music in the making. undoubt- added to his teem-d of saving two 9 edly the ï¬rst paragraph in its report persons from the water during the Iwould have to do with great effort. past. year. The child, while playmgl It is a. fact that some persons are on Mill-st... slipped into the river and , by nature more gifted than others, was being swept away by the awilt ijust as some are born stronger. This current when Kinsella, plunged in and‘makes it easier for some persons to brou ht him safely to~land.‘ iproduce results. A neat for the gold medal of the; Once in a long while comes along Royal Humane Society will be made one who can, without apparent ef- on behall of Kinsella by townsmen. jlort, turn out the ï¬nest‘ol work. ' You can not these pm: from (my medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cunts a box or six boxvs for $2.50 Item Tho Dr. Williams' Medicinc 00., Brockvluo, (mt. ltions. 'J‘u this sane condition is due attacks of rhuunmtism and lumbago; llhc sharp stabbing pains of sciatica and neuralgia: pom- appetite and a desire to mold oxwtion. YOu van- not. curv those troubles by the use of pm'gative nu-dicinosâ€"you need a tonic and a, toniv only, and among all mud- icines them, is none can equal Dr. iWilliams.’ I‘lnk Pills for thnir tonic, llrwgivlng. nm-ve-ruslorlng powers.‘ I Every ,dose of this medicine makes nuw, rivh blood which drives out im-; purities, stimulates awry organ and; brings a. fouling 0! now hunlth and energy to weak, ill-ml. ailing mun, 1woml‘n and chillln-n. If you nn- out“ of sorts give this medicine a. trlal the appetite. revlvo dumping spirits, and use how quickly it. will restore and llll your wins with now. health- giglng blood. 7 ] Plunged into River Saved Child’s Life One of the sure“! signs that the blood is out of order is the pimples, unsightly eruptions and eczema. that, come frequently with the change from winter to spring. 'l‘hcsc prove that the long indoor life of winter has had its allect upon the blood, and that a tonic medicim- is needed to put it, right. Indeed thm‘e are few people who do not need a tonic at, this season. llad blood does not merely show ï¬lm-11' in disï¬guring- erup- ' “Paul,“ stated the speaker, "would not, ask any man to belong to an or- ganization that he did not belong to £himself, and Paul was a hero as he stood before the King and the Rowan Governor and stated his beliefs. 110 had something to tell which would be to their advantage to hear, something which they had not. He was a man Banish Pimples And‘ Eruptions Lord J 9511s Christ. addressed him on the way, and from that hour he en~ tered on a new life. and began to preach the gospel. It was while thus addrussfng E‘estus and Agrippa that Paul uttered the words of the text. IN THE ‘ NEED "7,-.. 'v - mu. casvyo Lucas uuuuh} g 11) opening his sermon, the reverend * gentleman told the story of Felix, the ‘ unscrupulous man, who had run his. course as Governor of Judea, who fhad Paul imprisoned with the ulti- ‘mate hope that ne would be put. to death. However, Festus, the new Governor~ came, and Paul was sent to him, the latter deciding not to 5 nd him to Rome to be punished. 1 Paul knew the hearts of the men who ' were charging him, so be appealed to : lbe sent to Rome, he being a. Roman »: himself. While he was waiting to) be sent King Agrippa II. visited Fes~lj mus, who promptly placed Paul’s case‘J ‘before him. Paul was brought a before Herod Agrippa. who gave him the opportunity to speak, and Paul commenced by relating to his life seven years back as a. zealous Jew, when he persecuted the Chris- tians, and afterwards to his vision while on the road to Damascus. The Hamna'mm said, I would to God, that, not only thou, but also all that hear me this day. were both almost and together such as I am. except these bonds." Ottawa“, April Wyn-As a result of an ‘rï¬mgement made last. summer by “19 whim!“ of mm. and defence m England concerning the interchangé 031is In the Canadian Imd‘ Imush armies. the omcia! announcement ls made that Low Brooke. eldest an; M the Earl of Warwick. will command this year at l‘vtawawa the second mouam; brigade‘ up will he has Comma h_,\~ a brigade major“ ._ .. W.“ "up,†The mm! muumed bl‘lgadé eon- aim or the 3rd Dragoons. mm _= quarters at l‘vtet‘imm. !nkimt id“ mm Inwhmn. Nurthummlwd and flaming! mumieu. “him the {m Hum than. with hmkwamen‘u at Mngstua. taking in Him MwaM‘ Lean»: Rev D. Balfour Preached British Ofï¬cer to Cdmmand ~ Mounted Brigade-Victoria Included SPRING MUST PlifH’LI‘I A THNIC'MEDICINE. run his. “How many men there are to~day The committee of judges this yea (lea, who who knows wry little 0! the great were the following well-known new: the ulti- pr.ncipies that. have helped to uiakcipapermen: Mr. J. F. Kach’ay of th Put. to the people what they are! Paul was‘Globe, Mr. Geo. E. Scroggie of th the new bound to Jesus by bonds of love. We ‘Mail and Empire, and Mr. Samer was sent may talk about the friendship ot'h'ille of the World. After cerefu ; not to David and Jonathan, for it is strongi'cons deration of each of the alman )unished. and valuable. There are organiza- acs entered in the 1912 contest th: men Who tions in this land with similar fricnd- prizes have been awarded as fol )ealed to ships, but there is something higher lows: Roman still, the friendship of the good Sa- (1) $50 in gold, Mrs. Willian iting to maritan. There is something goodlShaw, Winchester, (mt. ; $25 in gold ted Fesgin the mutual understanding betweentMiss Enid Simpson, Bay View, P.E ul’s case‘men to stand by each other for good, IL. : $25 in gold, Mrs. A. C. Russell brought and it is a good thing to see menlAvonton. Ont. 10 gave setting aside a part of their carningsl (2) $25 in gold. Mrs. 'l‘. 1". Cul- speak, from time to time to aid their broth-he , Shepard, Alta.; $15 in gold. tting to ers in time of distrt-SS. There arejlirs. 1’. C. Peterson. Chamberlain zealous other organizations besides the orâ€" $88k: $10 in g01d. Mrs. E M. 9 Chris- gunized Christian Chm-d) which are Schultz, Lower Sackville. NS. V‘iSion doing good for their fellow Inen.! (3) $10 in gold, Miss Dora S. 18. The Homes are being: beneï¬tted by thisiPeI‘ry, Havelock. N. 13., Butternut him on organization. with its 2,tl00,000 uf'Rl'dge PD. ; $10 in gold. Mrs. E. G. ' he enfmcmbers, spread all gvor tht- country. Hutton. Athnlstan, Que. ; $5 in gold. gun to;'l‘he 0rd“- ha\e 5.; homes thronghout Miss Grace 1.. Fullerton. Prince “'il- ile thus’the word, with some 4,000 inmates, liam, NJ}- )8. that'where brothers and their families arel (4) $5 in 301d. MiSS E. Stough- text. cared for. Even in the Province of‘ton, 165 6th-ax‘e. west. Vancouver, “would Ontario the Order has boon doing a 3‘0- an or~'good work, bent-ï¬tting the humus of‘ (5) $5 in SOId- Miss Ida 31- “and‘ [Ong‘ to those who belonged to the Order. ,ford, Snowflake, Man. i as be However, any influence in the tl-rdvr (6) $5 in gold- Mrs. Edgar llunâ€" Houran;s};otild not he ailmwd to interfere can, Dundalk, ont- 5- He with your church work. The church. (7) $5 in 8010: Miss Margaret 31- DUId he should he held always in ï¬rst plate", {King Lochend, ANK- ‘lething’ and all such organizations should? (8) $5 in gold. Mrs. Robert Il.‘ a man work in harmony with the church." iMcDonald, 500ҠIlill EiISt- N-S- I , fl 0"" _ . '3: The grc aï¬critic and 1" “ ':\ g ’f, annoyed. C ‘l've pract " and now ‘ r. Again h nut. mn‘OA The average “ genius," however. is a. hard worker. and the fruit of IO. called “ _genius " is the fruit of hard work. But it a commission should under~ take to investigate great poetry. great. prose, great paintings and great music in the making, undoubt~ ythe ï¬rst paragraph in its report would have to do with great. eflort. Much has been said and written about " genius." Much more will be said and written before any reason- able conclusion is reached regarding this mooted subject. They don't. know that, according to his own statmnont. Sarasato had practised on the Violin 161,616 hour: -â€"not counting Sundays. And. like as not. he practised on Sundays. The other; contented thomaolvos with that. old crumb of comfort, " 1t 1 wen- u genius I could do something fine. too.†Probably not can in ten thousand over thought, or work in connection with it. Probably not one in each ten thou- annd who were spolleIUnd by his playing over thong)“. of his art as anything also than the flowering of " genius.†The critic’s flow was the view of the world. Mun accoptml Sarusate as a " genius â€â€"whutox'er that. may boâ€"aml lot it go at. that. Again he froxmed, sho'ok his head and muttered something. The great violinist looked at the critic and frowned. A genius ! ‘ " he Said, visibly annoyed. †For thirty-sewn years I've practised fourteen hours a day, and now you call me a genius I " .-~â€". Q The t“o sat talking fox some time. Finally, after they had discussed many phases of music, the critic cried out. enthusiastically, " You are a. genius ! " Once a famous critic called on Sar- asate at his villa in'beautiful Biar- x‘itz. l Genius is Composed Mostly of Hard Work i and Great Effort Sarusate was one of 1113 great \‘iu- lim‘sts in his day. He was a master and the world bowed to him. Leigh Mitchell Hodges, In l‘hiladel- Sermon to Oddtel!ow throne that he had prevxoualy an. up for himself. end the service he was tendering to J eaus was a service also to his fellow men. He preached to all. to the Governor and to the slave. for he recognized master and slave as upon the same footing beio're the Lord. He felt that. these principles would work their way through Sm-i- o-t)‘ and bring all LOgethOr for one common good. “Vloua thu his beliefs shank! 80 out. before val um world. and that All the world should be brought to the teat of Jesus Christ. He weal. on preaching. and he at all times ro- oognlzed the followers of Jesus Christ. He put the Lord on the This is the ï¬rst mum of the inter- chm of ofï¬cers fur camp mud {w 13““!th (‘ulx H0“. “$.11“;le his war whlb in Raglan An an“ nowoetmm will be mam “only mm- min; certain mum at u» t‘amk dian aeruee. Mm “m 30 w Etwlnmi on the same miaahm. Lord Brooke is a distinguished Br!- mh mull-y omcer pl much emf. team. He was stall once!- of Genâ€. ‘nl Sir Juhn French's cnvnh‘y dMa- ion in the Boer war. He mag ‘ sperm trip to the Buignflll win. 1. a comma! or \he Territorial utmory, and also colonel ul‘ a *l‘erruorial cyc- am corps and captain of lhe late Gugmg nnAthelr sperm! mm and Addington and Leeds counties. phiu North American. i WATCHMAN-WARDER, LINDSAY. ONTARIO. hirs.‘ Itiseuiertoteuatortune than tombâ€. AMWuonentonomby gunman-nos. reault land a speedy and co: “ I was always tired and nervous," she states. " I felt been; and sleepy after meals. My limbs were heavy. and I had A dragging sense.- tion ucrossm loins. yskin itch- ed and burnedy at night.M yI had a bitter taste in my mouth, especlnlly in the morning. In twenty years 1 herdly knew what it was to have a well moment. Then I commenced to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Six boxes cu?“ m I! Hedeme Perrenlt' 3 symptoms were those of kidney disease. They ere‘ the symptoms of nine out of ten_ oi MADAME PERREAUL’I‘ TELLS HOW SHE CURE!) HER KID- NEYS WITH DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, AND FOUND HEALTH AND CONTENTMEN'I‘. ‘ Vex-nor. 0nt.. April 25.-â€"(Spocial)â€" “ I am very content. Dodd'n Kid- ney Pills have made me well." Those are the words of Madame Eugene Porreault, a highly-respected lady of this place. and mother of a large Imily. For twenty years she was a summer. But, let her tell her oWn story. ,_ ] Weddinp u-e gens-11y choice ct- CAN FIND A CURE IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. All the Tired Nervous Women Should you not have 11 Copy of Dr. Chase's Almanac, denanson. Bates , (T0,, Limited, Toronto, wiil be pleased to mail you one and answer any questions about the diary con- test. which has become so popular with many thouSnnds of people, I! you have not been successful do not let that keep you from trying again this year. The old saying that †practice makes perfect " applies to keeping diaries as well as other thinks. (14) Dr. Chase’s Medicines ($2). Misa H. Hibbs, Clinton, Ont. (15) Dr. ‘ Chase’s Medicines ($1.- 75), Mrs. J. J. Harris, North Lake, (13) Dr. (‘hase's Medicines ($2: 25), Miss L. M. Bell, Simcoe. Ont. (11) Dr. Chase’s ReCeipt Book. oilcloth. Mrs. F. R. Crick. Glad- stonn, Man. (12) Dr. Chase‘s Medicines ($2.- 50), Miss Emily Snmways, Country Rd., Bay Roberts, Nfld. (10) Dr. Chase's Receipt Book, oilclolh, Mrs. E. P. Jenkerso'n, Duds- well Centre, Que. (9) Dr.’ Chase's lloceip'tpitdok. leather, R. J. Quantrell. Goldwater, Ont. ‘ (2) $25 in go}d. Mrs. T. p. Cul- }len, Shepard, Alto..; $15 in gold. ,Mrs. P. C. Peterson, Chammrlain. Sask.; $10 in gold. Mrs. E. M. Schultz, Lower Sackville. NS. 3 (3) $10 in gold, Miss Dora S. ’Pez‘ry, Hemlock, N. 13., Butternut 'Ridge P.0. ; $10 in gold. Mrs. E. G. Hutton. Atholstan, Que. ; $5 in gold, The committee of judges this year were the folloning w-ell -kno“‘n news- lpapel‘men: Mr. J. F. KacKa‘. of the Globe, Mr. Geo. E. Scroggie of the [Mail and Empire and Mr. Sumer- !\ille of the W.orld After careful icons deration of each of the alman- acs entered in the 1912 contest. the prizes have been awarded as fol- lows : (1) $50 in gold. Mrs. William Shaw, Winchester, 0m. :8 5 in gold, Miss Enid Simpson, Ba:v \iew P. E. 1.. : $25 in gold Mrs. A. C Russell, AVnonton Ont. Many of our readers will scan with interest the following list of names to see if they are among the best writers of a diary in this great coun- try. $200.00 in‘ Gold and Other Valuable Prizes For Best Diaries Kept in Dr. Chase’s Almanac. Prize Winners Itisnocmuchmdermtnr. All-Ln Schiedel, of New limb . 01m, in I staunch friend 0‘ 1-: Egyptian bitumen. Here 1% he write- abont in work for him. “I but now med Do Inc HPâ€: Linimcm‘fo: a years. um and ‘ give. the but of nustuctiou for m and hunt. I tried me liniment com com during the winter to: lump in udder. and n ample bottle cured each cu: in than I Also found it good for . unculu Rhona-Nun and for Lang...†- .. I A‘- A|__--.- L-†A Hm“ I“. a t thin “it?! I“! 0|! hand 3:3“. enigma; Sign“! Manhunt. n steps â€35‘ one. prevents brood panama. a yawn all tunmumion. mm “4 mm“! in man or bar-t. M 15¢ a an dukra‘. m ample on «an»! Doug!“ (‘0. . “mun. 0“- In Diary Contest went! a posh] toâ€"dny. Western Canada Real Estate Co. 204 Kent Building :: :: Toronto TEA]! OUT THIS COUPON AND MAIL TO-DAY It certainly is an interesting souvenir booklet we want to send you. it will show you how to make the stroke that creates real dollars. Why not IADE â€BESSION OF KEY IN SOAPâ€"FILED 0mm. Vancouver. 13.0.. April 26.â€"Alhert Vm amped from it?! today b ex- ceedingly dour management. 'orkâ€" “In In I. barber he managed to get an imprilslon 0! we mm"- key on a piece 0! soap. Taking um: as his model he ï¬led down an duminnm comb unul it made as good n he)" ‘3 [ho jailor‘n. The oflicial animate is that Tomn to needs 4,000 more. houses. The milk wagons for the cheese factory started on their routes on Monday. new from here “em b\ the morn- ing train on the (‘. P. R†and report that there was scarcely standing room in the Cari. 0! course it has the whole passenger ironic. as people can get home the same day. with plenty of time to do their business on arriving. It‘s an CLEANEST. SWLEST. and BEST HOME DYE. one an bur-Why you don’t even have Io know what KIND of Cloth your Good. In and: ol.--So Munit- m lupoulbte. Send {of Fm and Card. S¢ory Booklet. m: Booklm" mult- o! Dyan: over other colors. Tho JOHNSON-RICHARDSON (20.. United. 5 - Manna-1.0... "Gunman: la O.K.. and flu Comm II M npuhblc.†Mr. Tripp and son wok g business trip to Lindsay on Saturdtv in their automobile. and report having a tine d9; andrvary geod roads. . A~ulllon.m "WARDER." LINDSAY. Hr. Trims. cm momma ggwo his mm» and house a coat, ut mm. which add: Very mneriauy to its looka‘ m. Frank Andaman minted his home. which look: well. FRAXKLXN’. Nahum. Apr" 99.-m warm Mamet of In: week. and the min «gluing. which w“ nag: 'h“! hi2: \me.hudohegoodto\ a w and clown which all am through "1Q “ï¬lterhwxj-vll‘ Rooï¬ng is UM! savanna in nu; mum “mine-cleaning and panning is n» W of the day in thin burg tor the mm m Western Canada Real Estate Co. 204 Kent Building, Toronto, Ont. Withoulo‘ligoflonbmplwe mdSomcnlr .‘Bookld. umdaofcmq. . @mangay mm: 6.8““. â€a 22 WWII-St. 76mm MI M can, W 8016 Buy, umma-uummzq. CLEVER ESCAPE The forests that grew a million years ago around where the prairie town of Canaan- gaï¬now thrives to-day, added to Canaan- gay’e rich resources. How? Why is it that Csrmangay heads the list of shipments of wheat in all Alberta. No less than a million bushels were shipped in Ign-snd from the 1912 crop the tremendous increase of half a million bushels! And all this with only a ï¬fth part of the surrounding fertile lands under cultivation i Why not takethe initiative in a good stroke of business by ï¬nding out why in only three short years Carmangay has changed from a stretch of prairie into a live town with no less than 53 places of business, a public school, several banks, municipalh owned waterworks and electric light plants mammoth elevators, etc. the Star Town of Southern Albetta Money is often made by a strokc of the pen. A few lines of enquiry has enabled hundreds to make money out of . . . . O. loo-coo. o f Yomiuu-y ï¬at-goon l Honor Graduate of the Ontario .Veterxnary College, Pancreas-gm ’Royal Ketexinary College, also of gche London School of Tropical biodi- , cine. ~ If 50: “odd be popular 5011 must be “:11 m: to pay the “'in Dentistry 5 specialty. Calls an promptly attended to day or night Ofï¬ce and Residence corner Russel and Cambridge-at... Lindsay atmce Phone 387J. Residence 387M. DR. J. M. RICE ' cm. W. mummy! l mum-Mt. north I ‘ In: P: 0' Iuildlnd‘ [And-IL The (haunt! h:- tho man“... I. Min «can of tho upply. 008M. qua all m In.» nou. We!“ hr «my... Com Yong. 15nd VI. J. ILLIO‘I‘I‘ [lauda- Iu 9:11:0in â€v... â€I. ~v.\-“~ Dr. Neelands, Dentist Gavin; to the nun Standard Maintained in the Popular Sucoeoduuy men-mg n the 0m Spratt Killen's Store Conciliation m. Telephone ‘10. [mttummucyclel ‘13:? LINDSAY Monuments “:23; W. H. CRBSSWELI New Spring stock 0! Bicycle sup- plies. Dunlop Traction Tim. “has. Pumps. etc. Repair: kept for the Massey. Cleveland and Pet-(vet Bic3rles. Horne Nippon. an}! blower Knives sharpened. Saying Harbinâ€. Etc. repaired. T0308“. ON I“ fLLlO‘TT. PAGE meaty Work Bed 157 L_