am The Watchman-Warden WEEKLY EDITION -â€"â€"â€"--â€" ALLAN GILLIES. Proprietor â€"â€"â€"â€"- TELEPHONE 97. Subscription Rates The Daily Warder â€"- one cent per copy. By mail to points outside of LindsaJV, $2.00 per year, The Watchmanâ€"Warder (Weekly)â€" .LOO per year in advance ; $1.25 if mid during the year. Postage to United States Dolly or Weekly, 50¢ per year. ____â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"- Toronto Representatives H. E. Smallpiece, 32 Church-st. Any of the rec0gnized advertising agencies in Canada are authorized to accept business for The Warder. â€"â€"â€"â€"_______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ’HII'R’SDAY, -M.AY lst, 1913. â€"~â€"â€".~â€"_~â€"_â€"-â€" - -.â€" Ul-lNSl'S ()F \‘Il‘TORlA. Victoria county census gixes 13,- 390 of English origin. 14,241 Oi lr- ish and 5,935 Scotch, l3 (.‘hinese, 217 Italians. 116 Polish. 12 Russian, 4 Swiss, 32 Jewish, 2 Negroes, 51 Bulgarians. CANADIAN HORSE S HOW. On account of the Canadian Na- tional Horse Show at Toronto, the Grand Trunk Railway system will Sell tickets single fare for the round trip, with 50('. added for admission to the show. Tickets good going April 29th, 30th, May lst. 2nd and 3rd, returning Monday, May 5th, 1913. .‘v-cllrt: tirkets and hill from 2:11;. agent of the Railway. Grand 'l'runk FiliV \Hi'li Nï¬lli‘i. l‘ttrrws‘tmnllt-nts will kindly Ililtitl that no anonymous letters will heal I‘ in revs-ate Infiltration. the signature of the writer, llul, ne- t‘vssnr; for publication, but simply that w:- may krow by whom they are sent, Writers of “ Memoriuni " will: please note, that payment must in exery case accompany the pot-try at :3“ «will: for two verses. This week We are in receipt. of Sulllt‘ mentorinl' pour]; which we are unable to [rub lish for the l't‘;l.~()ll allot-c gih-n. I I 3H; Sllttlx'lM: l.\' th,).\’. with l"i'.:l.\ ,\lv-’.ilttlli\l church John ‘\lt‘:\;trltlt-I‘ ltowie hated toâ€"i ltut't'tu, .‘tllti “hwn he futixillv‘d 7.10115 1 .fr. .it. t.I‘tliz,;int'e “‘11.“. passed which ' l'l-{L'i-' \{l.()i\lllf.' within the city lim- tr~ ilih Lin still hillll< good, and, ._ .igtt Ln" Hit-hard llehrensi il= .:'m-~’v~ti lut’ Itrt-n‘km; iin- law. llv s :»;.-d and found j_"llll1_\', and u» .i .tri, ruwlw' rt) nn-t‘v in Zion ! A \\I‘\I'-t._ l ,t ‘15? ~'l..,\s cantata will be given? ._. ._ . 1) . \lit‘v lrt, by the (li' ,~r>;k'~'(! ll'v \lY'S. \V. l‘:. 'i hur'stlzil‘. l’(t.‘€'S()l‘,t '(-. ;‘. : ’tj ‘vi:'\ 'i. i‘. iliztt‘kncll, Cull-j . , Kl“. l1. i‘ztiz'h'u, trnuz‘; )lt‘.y ll. Lit; :;~\. nuns; utttl Ali‘s. ltr. lr-t ' ~11 l“.l'l('!ll:‘l. all ('1‘ l,lllti\‘tt,\.. Ull‘. .-*4;ti«':'.~h:;. Hi .\l:'. L'. l'. let‘- I l l ‘ lcl. \Vt'l'l-il: l‘ttl: CAMPS. i ‘ of the LV'DLX'ZL‘. Laboratory , .U‘t: fit-W engaged ! I i l 'l '9... >321“) " Hugh n--, (tttatvu. n ::..t.‘».n,: .l tutu-Sui examination of ti. A. '21: that. are It:‘uft0>‘t‘(l us sup- ,‘Elt'r’ fur the various militia camps ti i':.~‘t’f‘4lt"iit n throughout Canada. ‘ †‘v‘..t‘.~'!>. supplied to Camps will be, (h. L'WuI‘JYlT-‘Wl titre out it for drinking* }"ll':-( >O'N‘ 1 NH FIRS I‘ (ASH. . M ntiwn I‘jvho :-â€".\l:i_g:i.<'ratw Iva-lanterei heard l’liS ï¬rst (use in llztlthurton Monday night. lb was a ttxo-fold' «barge against James (illinour, one :Or threatening to shoot lilivaheth (Limour, a distant relation. and an- ..t‘nnr for usingr obscene language to- '.'.;tzll;<. the same person. The defend- ttnt is (lo-at and had to have the eVi- tie-rice against him read to him. IIe 81.21110' :10 d"l.>'n'»"" saw: a flat. denial. 'lhe Sc'culltl case was heard privately, and {illlllnl't‘ was ï¬nfll $20 and COStS, I but was remanded on the ï¬rst chargcl on {it'COHYlL of the unsatisfactory cir-l l I l l I t’llulï¬lallCO of his making no defence against the serious charge. BAKIIMAS'I‘ECH iii-1MI‘lllli‘t-ililfll. 'l‘he (lt'l'ltl‘llil‘t' of Mr. l‘un Jaimie- son, of \Voodxillc. for the Northwest was lust Wednesday made the 0C- L'nSlUD by the “outlville band to recognize the long: services of Mr. Jamieson in connection with the band and as a citizen of “‘OoclVillel in the form of u PD'St-ntattion of a. haIlLl>Ulllc t‘itlh hug and address which “1N it'e-‘zingly responded to by Mr: .lnmicson. Mr. .lnntieson has btft’f'. runnwctml with the band for the has: twelxe years and has been its li-at’ler SlllCt‘ the retirement of Mr. R.I Su‘llth‘. some three years ago. FAMOI'S WUMAN Dt'lL‘TOR. Mrs. Emma Stevenson. of Carmel, who has lit‘COll‘tC famous because of the ctlx'athe [towers of };.-r medicines, is still lining business. despite thet l"CL‘Xlt action oi the inspector for the; Ontario (Rtilvge of l‘h}sicians and‘ surgeons which brought her before! two cm::'t<. where size was ï¬tted nearâ€"i 1y $2M», \lrs. Stevenson is in the: city tl»-li\'er‘in: medicine and Calling. on patients. Tie pe-Op‘e have faith, in the powwrs of her malicines to such, an extent thnf Mrs. stex'enson is al- ways busy with callers. Her charges are not hirh, as one large bottle oil medicine can be purchased for a one} dollar bill. Two races of medicine: haw» arrived in the ,city and are belngi distributedâ€"Peterboro Review. MOVEL TO KENT-ST. Mr. John L. Hughes, with an "852i to increased business. has moved his' boot and shoe repairing shop on Wilâ€" liamâ€"st. to Kent-st., and now occu- pies the stand immediately west of .P. J. Campbell’s meat store. Mr.’ Hughes has also a store on Lindsay. st†in the 'l‘angney block, where he conducts a thriï¬ng business. He re» operation. inionnation‘ l 'l‘het must bear} M" *tttttctatactttttccc‘ l I I I I l I i I I I l I extrsr- i l I to $22; 1 mm mums :******************* CHICAGO. April 29.-â€"Wheat displayed nervousness today under several con- flicting influences and a net 109 of Kc to Inc was recorded. Corn suflered a net decline of a shade to 56¢, but oats finished 36c to Me up and provisions made a net advance of 21;“ to 10¢. The Liverpool market closed lid high- er on wheat. and 55d higher to 5d low- er on corn. Antwerp wheat closed 556 higher, Berlin 34c higher, Buds Pest Hie higher. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. Pm. Open. High. Low. Close. Closa Wheatp- May . . . . 93% 94 93% 93%!) 94 July . . . . 9511;; 95% 94% 94 36b 95* Oct. 90 9059 so so 90% Oats-â€" May . . . . 34% 35 345$ 34% 35 July . . . . 36% 36% 36% 36% 36% TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Wheat. bushel ........ $0 95 to“) 91 Wheat. goose. bushel... 0 90 0 n Barley, bushel ........ 0 58 0 O Peas. bushel .. 1 00 1 10 Oats. bushel ........... 0 $9 0 40 Rye. bushel ........... 0 65 . .... Buckwheat. bushel . 0 51 0 B :" TORONTO DAIRY MARKE Butter. rolls 0 33 Butter. separator. dairy.. 0 28 Butter, creamery. solids. Butter, store lots ....... Eggs, new-laid ........ . Cheese. new. lb ......... . Honey, extracted. lb.... Honeycomba. dozen .... MONTREAL MARKET. MONTREAL“ April 29.â€"0utside of sales of a few loads of Manitoba wheat in nearby positions there was no demand to speak of for future shipments, but there was a good demand for cats at a further advance of lyéd and sales of 150.- 000 bushels were made for June-July shipment. The local trade in coarse grains continues quiet, but the tone of the market is firm. in flour is very quiet. but the demand for domestic account is fairly good. Mill- feed is quiet. Demand for butter ll limited. and prices have a lower tend- ency. Cheese continues quiet. Eggs active and steady. Demand for pro- VlSlOnS is good. 6 6Ecruâ€"American. No. 2 yellow. 65c to Oatsâ€"Canadian western. No. 2. 43c: 60.. No. 3. mike; extra No. 1 feed. 41150. Barleyâ€"Manitoba feed, 51c malting, 70c to 74¢. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2, 56¢ to 58¢. Flourâ€"Manitoba spring wheat patents. o :3 no 690090 8: :3383: firsts. , $5.40: seconds. $4.90; strong] balggrs. $4.40: winter patents choice. $5...5; stratgl-t rollers. $4.85 to $4.90: (10.. bags] $52.20 to $2.35. ole oatsâ€"Barrels, . ' lbs. $2.05. “35' Millfeedâ€"ingan. $19 to $20: shorts. $21 m lln , 2 ' $28 to ‘34- gs $24 to $ 5, moulllle. Hayâ€"No. 2. to $14. Cheeseâ€"Finest westerns. 11c to 1154c. Butterâ€"Choicest creamery. 27c to 27%c; seconds. 260 to 2659c. Eggsâ€"Fresh. 21c to 22c. Potatoesâ€"Per bag. car lots, 50c to 60¢. Dressed hogsâ€"Abattoir killed, $14 to I l bags. 90 per ton, car lots, $13.50l Porkâ€"Heavy Canada short cut mess. barrels, 35 to 45 pieces. $28.50; Canada. gig)": cut backs. barrels. 45 to 55 pieces. Lardâ€"Compound tierces. 375 lbs. to $9.50: wood pulls. 20 lbs. net. 311?}? $10: pure, tierces, 375 lbs. $15; wood pails. 20 lbs. net. $15.50. MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKET. MINNEAPOLIS. April 221â€"01053: Pure. W'heat, May. $57140 to 89c' Jul ' 0 ' 91‘,~'.-C: Sfptember. 911930 to Slaczlléltc) ‘1‘ hard. 91:30: No, 1 northern, 90%c'to 91%c; .NO. 2. 58%t' to 53%0. {10. 3 yellow corn. 551,4c. 1 -‘0. 3 white outs. 3214’c-t0 32 No. 2 rye. 5I2t- to SSl/izc. léc. Bran. $16 to SlT. ' Flour unchanged. DULUTH GRAlN MARKET. l DUIJ‘T‘H. April 29.â€"Close: “‘heat No , 1 hard. 1::lgc; .\:o. l northern, 911/;c; No. 2;| Silly-to hill“: 25.0. Illnorthern, to arrive,’ c; . av, ‘Jttc; .uy, 921/c t ‘ September. Flt-35¢ bid. A 0 925a,, ‘ V ‘ ‘ I LA 1"th MARKETS i UNION STOCK YARDS. i 'TURUNTO. April 29.â€"â€"Receipts oil live :ti-t-k at the Union Yards were 5 101 Carlttads. 1754 cattle, 965 hogs, 59 : sheep, .370 calves and 14 horses. . _ Exporters William Howard bought for Swift ï¬gupany1 of Ehtcago 72 export steers, 1290 . eac . a. an avera ' ‘ per cwt. ge price of $6.5 . Butchers. Choxce steers. many of them export weights ’and quality, but bought for butchers purposes, sold at $6.75 to $7; good. $6.50 to $6.75; medium to good. $6 to $6.40; common. $5.25 to $5.60: cows, choice. $5.50 to $6; good. $5 to $5.40; medlu $4.25 to $4.75; common. $2.50 to $3.53; bulls. good to choice, $5.50 to $6.00; medium bulls, $5 to $5.40; comm ulls, $4.50 to $4.75. on b Stacker: and Feeders. There were a few transactions in stockers and feeders as follows: One wr- Ioad of steers. 925 lbs. each, sold at $6 to $6.30; one load, 800 lbs... at $5.75; and 40 smokers. 600 lbs, at $5.15. Mllkers and Sprlngers. Receipts of mllkers and springers were not large. Prices were steady at lasli week's quotations. Medium to good cowsl sold from $55 to $65 each; choice at $70, to 75; common. $45 to $50 each. - Veal Calves Good to choice calves sold at $8 to $8.50: medium to good at $6.50 to $8: common, $4 to $5.50; bobs at $1.50 to $2.50 each. Sheep and Lambs. Sheep, ewes, sold from $6 to $7: rams. $5.50 to $5.75: yearlings, $8 to $9; spring lambs, $4 to $8 each. H098. Selects, fed and watered, sold at $9.65 to $9.70, and $9.25 to $9.30 f.o.b. can at country points. to drovers, CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. April 29.â€"Cattle, receipts 2500. Market steady. Beeves, $7.20 to $8.90: Texas steers, $6.70 to $7.75: stockers and feeders. $6 to $8: COWS and heifers, $3.00 to $8.10: calves. $6.25 to $9.25. Hogs. receipts 10000. Market slow. Light, $3.35 to $8.60: mixed, $8.20 to $8.55: heavy. $3 to $6.45: rough, $8 to $8.15;t pigs. $6.40 to $8.60; bulk of sales, $8.30 to S 45. 5 Sheep, receipts 14.000. Market steady. Native. ‘56 to $7.15; yearlings. $6.50 to 7.90; lambs, native, $6.60 to $8.80. _____,__._..â€"â€"â€" AGAINST “CALL†SYSTEM; Bruce Presbytery Is In Favor of an Itinerant System. HAMILTON, April 30.â€"The Synod of London and Hamilton yesterday endorsed a strong resolution forward- ed from the Bruce Presbytery re- questing the General Assembly_to change the present system of calling ministers in favor of an itinerant system. The resolution declared the present method of extending calls to be humil- iating, . dating and aged ministers had little chance. ; . pairs for three or four dealers inï¬ll-1 boot was made, a job which usu- town, as well as looking after the 8My comes from the City of Toronto town and country trade, and needless repair shops. to say is exceedingly busy. In fact, he could anploy more men if they were available. His werkman. Canada hovel-sued amt as ministers had to go candi-l BIRTH. '3 noted as the very best. hence J EWELL.â€"-At urnsvills. April 24, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jew- 811. a son. . - Worm 3291111331131th The export trade. to 52c; . For this member a surgiâ€" - Every price here is attached to Goods of Merit and Quality. 75c Whipcordsfor 39c “ Special purchase of all wool whip cord'dress goods 42 inches wide. A good range of shades to choose from. The balance of a wholesaler’s spring pur- chase secured at a big reduction. We pass them on to you at the small proï¬t. and quick return 39 price, 75c quality only.................. c _ Silk Mulls 19c yd. Fancy stripe and self colored silk mulls, 27 ins. wide, some are washable shades, others dark color- ings for Summer dresses, per yd 29c and I 90 Washable Crepes only 15 Crepe in fancy colorings, in two stripes with bor- ders, plain white and other colors, suitable for child- ren’s summer dresses or ladies’ house dresses or kimonas, ordinary value 25c yd. A special 1 5 purchase ouly......... C Hemstitched Towels 28c Pair Linen huck towells, hemstitched ends, size 17 x 33. ‘A towel ï¬t for any'bedroom. Only per pair.... Ladws’ and Misses Suits $10.95 Ladies’ all worsted serge 'and tweed suits, colors grey, tans, black and navy. good seasouable styles, clearing odd sizes, but. all“ sizes re.- presented, ladies’ and misses, regular $15: To clear $10.95 Ladies’ Black Silk Coats $8.95 Ladies’ Tafatta Silk Coats, braid trimmed, half lined. mostly large sizes, regular $12.50 for $8.95 by mail. sou connotes:- 28c Window Shades at 500 An immenserauge 'if genuine oil opague window shades in Cream Lace Curtains Just placed in stock a large range of the new designes in Odd Rugs Reduced On all odd linas of rugs we 63c Linoleums 49c 1 Piece only, 4 yards Wide heav Scotch Linoleum, green _ grouzd, colored right through 113v: reduced the priccls ï¬greatly. cream tinted lace curtains, dir- white, green or cream and to back, floral pattern, regular 0 OUbt out y cu W1 nd 01.18 ect from the manufacturer. See trimmed with either lace or 630 per sq. yd., for. . 49 here to please you. Come in these at 32, 1.75, 1.50 1 35 insertion, Your choice 50 c and see them and save money. and - ..... .. C Qoooolono solo-coo. one-noose Cut Glass Salad Forks and Spoons 29c Cut glass forks and spoons, large and medium sizes, very suitable for salads as the vinegar will not effect them, and they are more sanitary, reg. 50c to 75c 290 each. To clear only......... J. Sutclllle Sons “.321: more LINDSAY New wâ€"v' _._â€"-â€"- _____â€"__' LASHES WITH SENTENCE i __¢_. PUJISHMEST you ASSAUIJI‘ o.\ . mg on instructions from the village homes. The May quarterly communion serâ€" vice will he held at our appointment on Sunday next, May 4, at Black’s school, at 10.30 a.m. SUNDERLAND. Sunderlan'd, April 2S.â€"The ï¬nal vote for the Hydro Electric for this town will be held on May 22. Act- Ridout-St. Drain Clogged, and lUL‘YG Gllth. commissioners the council of the' B M l Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of (Torson'st . Brantford, ‘f‘pnl gitâ€":7“. months township of Brock, gave the by-lawl y a an Siding. are keeping house for Mr. in Central Prison With me lashes at its two readings on Friday last. at. a - . Fell. “‘35 0 Mr, Neil Mcl‘hadden is busilv en-i the expiration of lit-e months',r . special meetingâ€"Mrs. J_ H. 1'}. the sentence handed outto “111mm Yrooman is spending a. few days in] Morrow by Magistrate Livingston in Oshawa. \vith'her mother before g0- the police court thls morning. Morâ€" ing to Belleville, where they will in row had been found guilty 0f as'{future reside, Mr. Vrooman having Monday afternoon, covered with saulting 8» young Slrl- â€â€˜9 father 'opened up a real estate ofï¬ce there. grime and muck. John was not admitted that he d‘d not have the â€"â€"Workman are busy repairing the there for the purpose of assisting in birth certificate, but he was sure that Presbyterian church after the recent enlarging the water course, but fell in .JOhn ward’ $1.10 heals the awe“? 'gaged in ditching at Mr. Kiet‘oll's tion of the ““htte Indian,†was dts- farm, East Manilla. covered in a drain on Ridoutâ€"st. on â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-0' News Items From his daughter “-3.5 only thirteen years ï¬re. Services are being held in the I through an OVPrdOSC Of ï¬re water. AS Old- town hall. It is not known just he can express himself in three lan-- Penelon Falls â€"-â€"-â€"Oâ€"-""‘ when the church will be completed. {guages at any time, he enlarged up- DIED. ’â€"â€"Ncgotiations are pending for theion his rhetoric during his perigrina- -O-- Fcnelon l-‘alls, April 30.â€"-'l‘he l. 0. purchase of the Nipissing Hotel, own- I tions at the bottom of the drain, and ed by Al. Collins, by the temperance spoke a. fourth one with more ven- O. l-‘. attended the evening service in TWOHI«:y.â€"ln Lindsay, on Wednes- . ‘ ' ‘ dav April 30 Mrs. Dennis Twohey, 990919 0f Sunderland.â€":Miss.1‘.. MC' Igeance than expression. 'lhe banks St. Andrew's church on Sunday ‘ ' .- ’ Phadden, of Toronto, is 11181th her were perpendicular, and there was no -. . , . . aged .0 years. . . owning. Bro. lle\. L. b. Lord oc- bome here.â€"â€"â€"()Wlng' to the farmers way up to the top, so he essayed two cupied the pulpit and addressed the Gideon Kintr was drowned litthile.beir1:g busy on â€is, lag: tthe to“: 1133 f0; 1:?†\vagibl100pshwhlcltthset people order on the subject " Secret 50- _ _ D . . . rat er quiet.â€" . ar er an . t in 113 an roug t or a cons a- . . , ' . d W n t ltS . . Cietles, ate the . seful or r the grlvilzlilg beeacrgsjveikggeifeb; tlieg rige of HomeWOod spent Sunday in WOOd- lble, who after much tugging and pull- a hindrtlnce) " 5 uDuring th: {loitering a g ville. 'ing landed 1‘13 man on the berm oi the choir sung " Praise ve the water caused by the dynamiting .ot‘ a dam on the Napanee River at Hmch- inbrooke. Many a man gets the reputation of being a “good fellow" when he is going to the bad. the drain. John was given such, ., ,. . _ comfort as the police cells aï¬ord for; ligrdï¬dwtlthhsoloittaéten tf-V Mr.’ Rf: Y ‘ ' ' - the afternOOn and night without'a n 95 '. ‘ e c ose o e “hen a sea captain marries a. wid _ _. addreSs Miss hathlecn McIntosh sang 0Ԡhe becomes second mate. meals, but g°t the my m‘tt 1‘8".de is. solo in her usual sweet voice, Carelessness is nearly always the'to him. this morning. and was given which was much appreciated. most costly item in an expense ac- It)“: minutes to leave town. Just! Messrs. w. McWatters, F. Tho . _,____.._____. count. . . it}? {dihe time it took him to leawgb. King and E. Mitchell, of Lindnsmsay, St' Thomas _YM'CA' raised more 6 am. {motored to town on Sunday and at- than $67,000 in its campaign for ’ "tended the 1.01).}. service on Sun- $50,000 for a new building. | day evening. Some men look for trouble in order Rev. C. 5. Lord and Master ____Q_.â€"â€"- Mc- New Church that they may be prepared. to dodge. Lean Lord were in Colborne last .Iirobably â€1‘19 hides? :2ng g; 3- â€"0â€" week attending the funeral of a SEALED TENDERS addressed to 5" t° d° “‘ en 5 e ‘5 “‘8 . 5° PENIEL CONGREGATIOX 'I‘O friend- by a. young man is to make him be- Mr. Bert Robson, of The Warder ERECT NEW EDIFICE. Peniel, April 28....Judge McIntyre, .staï¬, Was in town over Sunday. of Whitby, called on friends in this MeSSI‘S- J. Jones and A. Tiers left vicinity this week. the Master Howard Gilson, who the Postmaster-General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Fri- day, the 6th June, 1913, for the conâ€" veyance of His Majesty’s mails on a. proposed contract for four years six lieve that it is her ï¬rst experience. Fred Ball, 35 years old, was killed at the Maple Leaf Milling 00., Port Colborne. by being caught in the on Wednesday for Toronto in has linterest of the town. Mr. Russell Horne, of Lindsay, was ousooso‘osoooocosss one... -osss9oo- also-nose... ... Long Silk Gloves $1 and 1.25 Ladies' 16 button long silk gloves, double tip ï¬ngers, guarantee: to out wear the body of the glove, all popular shades also white and black sizes 6 to Si, 1.25 and...... mats. ling, o8t1nches. l l O : l l of maintenance Long Lisle' Gloves 39c Ladies’ 16 button long lisle gloves, white or Mack two dome fasteners. Reg. value 50c, only Anode... 25c Corset Cover Embroidery [90 18 in. Corset Cover Embroidery, good cambric cloth and variety of colors, regular 25c, for per yd....., loo-Don‘t... ODD... oooooo when you cannot come shop We will please you, 39c $1 A good quality, black or white silk glove With double tip ï¬ngers, only...... .. ...... 75c 50c Embroudery’ FlOuncing 43c 27 inch embroidery, English flouncing, sewn... styles to choose from. Reg. 50c reduced to 43c Matting Rugs Cheap All sizes in Japanese mp mil They save your hitter floor coverings during the «un- mer, and are nice floor cover- ings at and time. front 25¢ each up. l I . . . lunch I lloSfl‘dju, i clush l Winnipeg Big hinge. Bleached Tabling 50c Yard Full bleached Union Table Linen. 70 inches wide. Half bleached, all linen :23 - Above are very value. Only per yard .......... 50c i Homeseekers’ Excursions To Manitoba, Alberta. and Saskatchewan 19c Attractive Home Furnishings at Very Low Prices! special until t‘t‘? ‘3 and Return 35.00 Edmonton and Return 43.00 Other points in [.1 ’IrlttIY'l I’tL. 1 Return lllllll. 1W0 Inttllll ‘. l Homeseekers' 'l‘rum lcdlt" ! routo 2.00 p.111. 6 May to August. lll('l'l.\l'i4_ i , train to take, as “illllll'L' ‘ reached early lllUl‘DlllL', ct... passengers to make all line connections. Through trains nipeg and \\ wt. AROUND RHE WORLD Via "Empress hf .\~ir.." ban, Columbo, Hong K0112. August 30. V'esxol days at Hone Kong. entire cruise, 56:39.10. ing at Madeira, (fat... Ni Ill.‘ a were Leaving Liverpool June 14. (314' ft - |';L('i} l .u;>-’.B}. «‘1 w ‘ Lg; Lil. Toronto in Vt:- u . 'l‘n“ n, In." l't‘llihl.’ ‘ Hull: and arriving \kmt'o‘u‘?’ 14 it: l':X('l'.>.‘l‘€ hm ween (:1 {1‘14 time in England and departure 0’ l “Empress of Asia," and HOP at Hong Kong. .029: i Particulars from Canadian rat;- ' tic Agents or write M. (I. i D.P.A., (f.I’.Rj.'.. \l urpl'é' 'l‘t TOLIG i '1‘. C. MATCHET'I‘, Agent -â€"â€"____â€"â€"-___-â€"-_â€"_â€"__â€"__________â€"â€"â€"‘ times per week each way, between machinery. .been quite ill, has recavercd. , . Kirkï¬eld and Lorneville Railway _"â€""‘-"' "' Rev. Moore, of Wilfrid, preached rï¬lleng old acquaintances in town A Cheap Marine Telescope- Station (Grand Trunk), from the . a . here on Sunday last to a large and on Sunday and Honday, mke an Oblong narrow [10! out of ï¬rst of July next. I a J appreciative congregation. The Mrs. P. Perrin, of Cameron, spent. four pieces of quarter inch board Printed notices containing further . _ .. ‘ Sunday school and church services Md“ the guest 0‘ her sister, Mrs- i about two feet tong by sign-en inch“ information as to conditions Of pm- The Prion? my?“ to: mm...‘ m are being, held in Black's school H- H. Sharpe. I . a 1 3,- clean hills: -‘°me Cano- . . wide and ï¬taptece o.ce. posed contract may be seen and blank house. Recently a meeting of the Mrs. T1108. Graham and danghter ' (1 PM .-, meg by forms of tender may be obtained at trustee board of the church was held Audrey "iSitkd Dr. and Mrs. White glass across one “if ‘L, :3 5.10 the the Post Ofï¬ce at Kirkï¬eld and route N°ti°° to Creditors. at which Mr. Taylor, contractor, was ,0! Kinmount last Sunday. brass beaded w“? dr\:..s Fill ofï¬ces, and at the Ofï¬ce of the Post â€"â€"0â€" present and he is engaged to draw al Mr. R. M. Hamilton was in Peterâ€" W°0d sud overlill‘l‘m" “ †.iilllii-‘ax to Office Inspector at Toronto. In the matter of the estate of Mary plan for 0111' new church. RW- Lim- boro for 93‘9" days. all the "3““, “'“h T “'1'â€? "9 m. G. C. ANDERSON, Bryson, late or the Township of Som- bert, of Oakwood, accompanied him. Mr. Leslie MacKendry. of Black- keep out the light. 'Ith: “in". m. Superintendent. erville, in the 'County of Vivtoria, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Webster. of water, spent Sunday with his par- glass end two or three int'hé's 11-0 (1. Post Ofï¬ce Department, married woman, deceased. Oakwoo'd, visited at Mr. John cuts in town. . water and look throttlii' ‘59 We“ end. Mail SerVice Branch. Notice is hereby given that all per- 'I‘retheway’s. Mr. P- A- Ferguson, 38‘9“ for the This simple marine teles'T'Pe 15 mat. Ottawa, ,18th April. 1913. [sons having any claims or demands Mr. Campbell. 0! Woodville. paid atmmmmn Life AElimml‘le- of WW on the principle a the more elation against the late Mary BrysoD’ Who few business calls in this neighbor- 883’. motored to town on Fridao’o glasses through which to tool; at ll" ldied on or about the Fifth day of hood recently. ,lflss Martha Bellmsham was in famous garden, undo, ,1... sea net! March, 1911, at the Township of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Black were the Lindsay for a few days last week. the manna W_Chm w Emu Somerville, are required to send by gueSts of Mr. and Mrs. Sun Squisrs. the guest of Miss Henderson. , ' post prepaid. or deliver to Robert 8.! Miss Kay 11th has returned Hours. R. 3'3“? and K0180. 0‘ _' Frost, Kinmount, Administrator, or from visiting Lindsay friends. the Belle"l‘elephone Co., of Lindsay, British Scouts Enwous. :11 to the undersigned, solicitors for the Mr. Morrow. o! Woodvme. called on are working in town this W0“- It is expected that Kin: (;. "FCC The ,said Administrator, their names and Partial ,triends on Sunday- 1‘1" W“? 30W†mum“ shortly sign a cxtmniisï¬nt: tithing“ _ _ addresses, and full particulars in Mrs. mm. o! Cmmgton. and home from Pemboro on ““1“?- Duke '0; Connsught and u: we ' SEALED TENDERS warms! to writing of their claim: and state- llrs. lumen visited at Mr. John Hrs. (Rem) French in the guest of Scouts. . w ,1 8,, the Postmaster-General will be reesiv- meat of their aocOunts and-the na- lchague'g and with other triads Tomato friends this week. . There have been mn‘cm‘ma“ ,ng ed at Ottawa until noon. on Friday. ture of the Miss; it any, held by bsre. ' Kindly W the date 0' the burnings among: the L‘F‘ï¬h, the the 6th June, 1913, 10!. the mm- m. ‘ I i m alive wmt ‘3 mam ‘ ‘0' Cut-d.“ w t†in m M Soon“ since they learned LI?" BOT ancs of His Majesty’smails on {1:39â€" . And take notice that after the weeks Q Gallium- - church on 3‘7 - 3"- duke had personall.v 51.3“â€. “,‘3' git . . ‘ Scout’s commission in (alladar ..][r and)!“ W.L.Eardy,of0ak- an! of the prominsntsololstsof wood, 8‘ four years, six Twentythird day‘ of Hay. 19-13, t between said Robt. 8. Frost. will proceed fromthelstdisuibuts thorusetsoftbssaid posed contract for- ts gpitg of the_lubo_r it en tailed. adies’ We are showing Ladies’ Knit Summer Underwear Ladies~ knit (tillt'll with or Willtuttt slim: All sixes ......... Ladies‘ knit C(lllull \txw cv rib. neck finished \tztit chet beading. run \\‘.‘.‘:. “*ith or Without slit-"l. \. 1“] $17.95, 121*... 2 “if, ‘ Ladies‘ knit .. 1 ~ plain or with max \4 H or without Sllnl“. \ltl :. cs .................. ° †“Airywear The llt'\\‘t'.\‘l tlziu; summer llllllt’l‘V. t .1: elastic. \vt’SlF it) 15.2% stvles. with ..:- \x-t‘t Sit-(‘\'t‘.\‘. All \i/ttx. DraWcrs 1.. 131.5. dust-(l. pt 1' lt.1.!‘ flomeseekers’ Excursions To Manitoba. SaskatcheWan and Alberta p Each Tweedy until "V ‘â€"" :' incl alum Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return $43.00 Proportionate 1m. points. teturi. lllnl? -~ ., t. Settlers‘ Excursions '1‘0 ALllllll'l .t'\ ‘ \' ~ ‘ ( lll‘“ .‘x \, Every Tuesduj. :,';_ ., _ inclusive, iron. :3. '7 , lo. l’ort llogw, In -. “'est, at vent mu 1 .Les Through Ct)..t‘1.t:~ 1'_‘ Tourist 51003;)ng m2» gr.» . ed to Winnipeg wi‘ho ' leaving 'I‘oronl.‘ 11 wt ; Chicago and St. Paul t3. dates. The Grand 'qun'. l 11' .‘ .- way is the shorter? ;.ll'i . route bet \\ ut-n \\ .Lx; , , katoon, Edmonton. \V. R. \Vlnurss, Apr: 1. . “it-â€- Miu'htne llllll lit â€".m.«w.‘---*~-n l ________________’__..â€"v Two Irishman wwu- iii! m that was ll(‘ll‘._' llY‘Liiv‘ll ““1399. (We \‘ths tum “It“. and, "mutiny, ‘ asked itltll llu' Invalid.“ .,. “llal‘. 1" “\t," .. it . ‘Halt 3' you lyringr tlw 1.. the KTOUf‘Nl 1“ in“ ~5tlv it: that‘s in the an. ant; l-‘li less.†Personal property livluuguh i" i.-. tricc Harradnn, 1h:- (illlllt‘ir‘ Ill‘ll frag? Syn‘lpathtxt-r, “as sold tion at lJOndon for JJOl‘rltatklz v-r the income tax. Huntsville \V.(,‘.T.l'. 2c in“ ’ - C restoration of the t‘tll'tt'R WhiCh has received tiu- commendation, being: an m ant yielder with high foam ‘2: and gOOd milk Itt‘utlilt‘flt; Denies and altogether 111-- Of the intermmliatu \ltl'l'†the YELLOW LEVIATHAN This Mangel has l‘NI‘le? ti - - donation of the Tlt';t:1t‘lt' Agriculture as well as Successful farmers of th» ‘ consequently \vo - ‘7 three times the qttzmti". m this season, \Vi- :1?» the other well-knov u \i; I; - ' MAMOTH LON: illnl‘ ‘ INTERMEDIATE VIII 1 MY RENNIE’S Fl'GAl-L lllfll. SUGAR MANUEL, YIELI» ' GLOBE. You will get the RIGHT l.::.; . ‘ DUNOON’S t - Bum tuPERtAL . ,M to place on growâ€" " “ ‘ _ing contract. ‘ I07 0. I '3"