Hsss Frances “Nichol. The house was beautifully decorated with roses, toms and points. After the newly studded couple received congratula- tions. all Sgt down to ._ dainty wed- .g..g.§sԤ.s.s\§s.§... maxm-tummnn \mm. - -\ swan: mu mum Mm mmw {wok New at Hm tmnw M \h“ and Mn, Hmr‘lua Mmmelmi. M Mammy; Md aw. ‘Nromm whun Mas km Mung \vm Shut»: maimed! Mughwv of)â€: Jun“ 9km. M; Kmmumu. hdmnw mu MW! at Mr Winimu may flunmwzun. an“ M†Mr: and hurt Jmi: Handuraum x35 t‘aHnmthL. ‘l‘awme, ‘l‘ha reraumm wan perturmed m ma Raw. HF. 5336;. of 8L. Ann‘: (‘huwhz The bride was 3mm away by her brothrr-m-law. Mr. Charles Mamie». 01. The bridesmaid was Misti Pearl Henderson. sister of the groom. and the groom was supported by his un- g silver mesh bag, to the brtaesmmu ‘ sunburst 'ot pearls. and to the best» man geld cud link. and to the flawer girl . gold bracelet. The wedding march was 1313de by The bride wore her tmveuing dress 9! pearl-grey satin. and carried ‘ bouquet of lilies o! the valley. The groom's gift to the bride was . silver mesh has. to the bridesmaid .ss§§.ssss§sss§c‘ss... cle. 3dr. Harry Davis. at Hamilton. Little Miss Irene HMNichol was flo- wer girl. M-mmm; It...“ PAGE "BLVD. The Day We Commemorate in Honor of “ Victoria the Good; †You’ll certainly want a new Suit for the 24th. Something stylish that will stamp you as aprogressive man. . Our Sort of Clothes, Headwear and Toggery make a Man carry him- self well because he knows he is dressed ~3 correctly and dressed well l Cool Suits of Serges, Lightweight Cheviots and Homespuns. Two or Three Piece style. Every Suit is a beauty, is Classy and Different! Then when it comes to Straw and Panama Hats, cool underwear, Shirts and other Haber- dashery wWe’ve the best that’s made “Where the Good Clothes Come From.†A Five Piece Suit----Coat, Two Pairs of Bloomer musers, Cap zmd Belt 2131 made of the same materlal. We [H them â€The lett†Because they give the greatest sat- .“ Where the Clothes Come au‘tion. -Sec. them. flymeneal $7, $8, $10 to $25 . J. GOUGH Good From†GOUGH’S Mm. .l. A. “Windward. uf Hamfltnn ;‘Miss lmrwn Jurtlnn. Unml-st. His “is: Denis and Mr. L’vcil \Vnodwam. numernus acquaintances in Lindsay Man of Hamilton. gnm be pleased to hem of his suCcpas mm- a mnaemu 9\\‘flillg was spent and Mll join with Tim Mum in ex- 1m happy mmplv [pH 0" NW eleven- tthlm-r I'chHanna thirty train for a twu wpvhs‘ noun}- â€"Mrl-. ; M. Naglm ls making prep: mmm m L‘hwago am! St. mm. (m aratmng m {mu-e ‘l‘nmday mtsr'n'mn‘ mm remrn Hm will reside at 4?.) on a lung {Hp m \mtpm Canada. mat Manama†‘romnm lwmch Journéy‘hp propeses making in (From Sanwday'a mug») :\h'--. ‘1‘: u; “mm. at Hohvaygvuu. MUM nu hum r'F'wuda‘ and“: =Mn The“: Meauade. of umemm'a. wa: a hmainvgu mum- 111 Lindsay this Emir-mum =3", :\. It. Malian Hammad mums $043M after anemia: ma funeral at his sister in Elmira. 8J1“ ' gm: Mark (inserts. of madam Ont. was a business viiitov in Lind! my tan-day, " 431:. E. .1. Woollard. wife and children. of Boboaygeou. visited Lindsay friends to-dgy. â€"Mr. W. Hunter and Mrs. Hunter. of Bobcaygeon, visited town friends to-day. â€"Mr. W. A. Fallis, of Boboaygeon. was a guest at the Hotel Simpson to-day. in town for a few hours to-day. Mr. Otto in an old linden boy. having been born on the Porter 1am. Do you know of a boy who does not wear out at least two or three palrs of trousers to one coat? We don’t! It pays well in the end, to buy (xtm trousers for they make one SUlt aboï¬ equal to two SLUtS. An extra pairoftrousers to match the coat 18 21 SPLENDID INVESTMENT ! ‘. O. Otto. of anemoe. was ls‘ bunny-I â€";\lr~. (2 ll. Naylm- ls makln; prep: ‘aull (m amlmna m wave 'l'nmlay lllm‘fllhï¬ v at 4'70 on 41 mm: ml. m “'pslvl‘ll Canada. 'Wllll‘h .jmwnéy 'hp proposes making in My “llup†our; llls‘: destlnalmn will 119-2) be: Regina. whm‘u his llr-olhm‘ mm ï¬lm lwaygvuu. w already lwldp. and llw lnlpullenï¬ law. aw l9 melee all me way: Mr, Nag: =ummm'lw will ha aewmpanlï¬d by Ms me: “than lhlï¬ lhvr. and {3 number at slaps will ba maul: in tho principal lawns and mad lumw omea' clean; the mum ‘l‘he Wen-dew lunar-g1 0t jalms 'm wishing Mm Naylor a plea: am and sale trip: “ Where the GOO Clothes Come From =‘l'w Robert “1 Perks. the well- knowa contractor. at London. mug... and one of the leaders at Methadism in England gave a luncheon Friday at Ottawa. or “ love toast." as it was humorously termed by some at the guests to all the Methodist pas- tors in the city. the Methodists in the Cabinet. the Methodists in the Senate and House of Commons. and prominent Methodist laymen of- the city. _It was on known! reaction. a. kind‘ 61 family gathering. wherein political differences were forgotten for the time being, where_ the sub- Lindsay Bethany. my 12.â€"Mr. David Lamb. living three miles west of here. had a cow whiéh’ took sick a Couple of weeks ago. She was given some medicine and seemed to get bet- ter. until Thursday 1851; when she took worse again and nothing eould be done to give her ease. so on Fri- day to put her out of pain Mr. Leach'killed her and opened her to see what was the trouble. The stomach was examined. but nothing could be found, but on examining the heart there was found a darning needle with about an inch and a-haif sticking out of one side. Mr. Leach has no idea how it got there. Cow in'Painj Killed by Gunner-- ‘ Needle In Heart RM'. Mr. “ens made pastm‘al ‘ neighborhood last day. We are plraxod to say that Miss Annie Swanton is aide to walk again after re‘ng laid up for three wet-KG with a l‘adly sprained anklv. Mr. and Mrs. l’ewnm Adkins. of Hobcaygvon. visited .“r. and Mrs. W. Adkins on Sunday. Mr. Russe‘l ’l‘ownsmul, of L. F. l., was home for Sunday. Mrs. J. Hofigsun and children m(\\'- (-(I up to Donald last work. She “as an'compan‘ud h_\' her sist-un Mimi .lvn- n'o Wood. Mrs. E. Roma‘s. of Toronto. is vis- iting- hrl‘ parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. has no idea how it got there. A new telephone line is being put up fr6m Bethany to Liï¬'ord by the different farmers. The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the Methodist church here was Bet-Wyn my lamâ€"nu. â€on... beach, living three miles west 0! here. had a cow which took sick a Couple of weeks ago. She was given some medicine and seemed to get bet- ter, until Thursday last when she took worse again and nothing could be done to give her ease. so on Fri- day to put her out of pain Mr. Leach‘killed her and opened her to see what. was the trouble. The stomach was examined, but nothing could be found, but on examining the heart there was found a darning needle with about an inch and a-halt‘ sticking out of one side. Mr. Leach has no idea how it got there. A new telephone line is being put up t‘er Bethany to Liï¬'ord by the different farmers. The monthly meeting of the W. M. held at the home of Mr. Monks on Tuesday afternoon last, after which H the quarterly tea was served. The frost of the past few" nights has done damage to the gardens that ‘in the mac are already up. Great preparations are still being for the bi;r day here on the Tint h made 0 1 oln 'wubertoree, my 12.â€"wnbertom is] not yet deal. although last “ Sun-day? week many of the local captains of industry were ruthlessly robbed of their Sabbath rest through the ï¬ery darts of the ï¬re ï¬end, who made ‘ ï¬erce attack upon the southern part, of the village. and only by valiant eflorts on the part of the scratch lo- cal ï¬re brigade was he rObbed of the chance of adding the homes of llr. G. SteVenson and seVeral others to his gigantic roll of victories. Not only did the wind help the ï¬ne ï¬end on land, but it made an attack on the village by water. with the result that the compact mass of logs in the llake broke from the custody of the [boom chains and scattered all over S. of the Methodist church here was :the lake. Truly is millework and matrimony identical; both are tackled or “better or for worse." Truly the Icon is a peculiar freak of nature. A nest has. bet-n hatched hine shop of the Spear it and to see the strange v Lauder Mill, thirds craning their long rubbery necks and "loaning" at pnssersâ€"by is worth football and baseball gquite a long trip. Great. preparations are still being made for the hie,r day here on the 24th. Both football and baseball teams are expected. In the evening there is to he one of the grandest concerts e\‘er put «m in this tonn- Shil‘. Consisting of over thirty peo- ple, called the “ Lady Minstrels." This play is ('Omin',r from I‘eterhm'o and has been planed there twice with full house. BI‘RNT RIVER. Burnt River, May Iiiâ€"Mrs. J. Budd, of Toronto. arrived on Friday. Shv will reside here for me summer. RPV. Mr. Wehstm'. uf ('ubocnnk, made pastoral calls through the nniahhnrhnnd list Friday and Satur- it ing- Booth Big Program of Sports for May 24th 'l‘hu l.().l". committee are working‘ ass1duously tn hau- ull arranm-mcms complete and-give a grand day's sport to the public on Saturday. May 24th, inst. The Wan-r sports. which will he ghen {In the fort-noon in prox- imity to Ihv Lindsay-st. hridgv on the Sumo-g, “ill be most attramch. 'lhfs spun wi'l furnish a fund of fun and amuw-nwnt for young and old «hiring lln- fun-noun. 'l'horo will he Gunm- ram-s. logâ€"rolling contests. walking gn-usy [mlv over tho river, and many uthor aquatic and nautical t-nlcrtuinnn-ms. There will he no 1..“ :n n... dm-'s g1 ort from morning canm- ran-s. walking gn-us and many nth; I.‘lllCl‘luilllllI'l\ls lull ‘n tho (hi3 until owning. Immediately the marim- pc- tlw marinn- pc-rfm'mam'os one of thv most altrnvthe ralathumpian proc-‘s- sums ever hum. in Lindsay will con- gregate. and start at the (not of Ix’em-st. and paradv to the Agricul- tural Park. lflfl’urvn‘ nationalitk‘s will bu reprvslnlml. and thing.- which aim rmlculnusly funny wm be awn m this must amusing [pamro of the day‘s doings. Nu: hamhnn tnnmn will minnow kw aupmumw and vnluuhlv 9mm ‘I’he mamas wm (mm m 0m a'elm‘k sharp and continue nu awning‘ 'l‘h'hi mum in worth mew than thv «out at mu day‘s outing m the flutters It Madam: an mid. people are loan: in: forward in “newsman e! a. are“ and ath day of MI. mirchtulma and malady. .u ,,-.‘.._n. Horau raw-mg at the anvr-nmm “m hm“; ‘th‘vri‘iigtlmy band wm (“mums mush during me any um wt“ be at a nature intended «3 «your m blight: .mL _ g- __ an the inhale“ of all, The urge posters tells the story at the My. Don‘t target to ma than for g mu list at sports ..nd coaditï¬m at entry. WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. The Lindsay branch of the Wo- man's Institute will hold their an- anal meeting on Friday. lay 16. u 3 o'clock. at the home oi In. W».- Burden. 90014:. A full “tomes is requested. Mrs. Shot-u, of Ottawa. u. the Na- tional council of women. “gated bringing out London boy! to work on 1am- in mm sad as page. and domestlc mtl in winter. The condition ot‘tho Duchess of Connmght b .113th worse. ,_- A: 1...“; 'v_â€".â€"u_v __ - v mmmgm.mtm¢- megttqeightdmmmp‘m“ d u x afh-r mo conclusion of the m‘mumln durum hm anmhor 1mm A ï¬ne team of ho"sos arrival on iSaturday for the Tonvin 6;. llupont ICompany. and will be sent to tht-ir Magmooth mine. Preparations are lieing made for a long stc-ady run of :graphite production. I Truly we are modernizing. Mr. John Holmes has had the Village surveyed into lots. he bring tho for- :tunate holder of most. of sanw. and iis prerarfng {or demands from home [builders for choice lots. 'l‘hrn the :air is rife aith rumours of tho chan- iges of proterti-us, mining options, ,etc.. etc. I The school trustees am- taking hold .ot' the idea set. forth by tho Govern- lment to make agriculture intorcsttng to the children, and have had the tiet't-ssary land p‘0\\ed that the future Bachelors of Agricultural Srig-nct- 'Illa)‘ hiiVe an easy start on their job. 'A frnt‘t‘ is to he put up at once to prevent tht- (tattle from arrogatintz to themselves tho position of jUIlgt-s of the food \alucs of Wu various vrgo- Wilberforce. not yet deal. week many 0‘ industry were liolicaygeon. May Iiiâ€"The heavy :school and mttiun. That emblem of froSls of the latter part of last week purity. the white carnation. was are hm‘mg th: elIeCt of retarding the ;g(~nerull_\' worn. Mother's Day is spring crops and injuring to some-Z here to stay. ulthnugh some are quite extent the early sowing and clover. hostile tn the mmement. Garden truck in the tillage is nut 'l'he \‘erulam Agricultural Society far enouxgh'adxansed tn be smitten hold a meeting in Warden llottum‘s very much yet and although fruit hardu'are store Saturday evening to further discuss the movement of 3 trees are in bloom it is nut gtnerully ‘First of July celebration here that understood that frosts hurt fruit. in that. stage nearly so much as “hen lday. Arrangements are abeut com- the fruit is formed. After all weiplete and the society full;~ expect a seem to be pretty safe. slunuper (lit_\'. It will be a day of Mr. W. 'l‘. C. Boyd returned lust [sports from dawn to sunset. A danc- week, after an extended trip of some E ing pavilion will also be part of the two months in Lew York. lattmctions. The day's prneeedings The Esturinn, uhust- familiar “hia- Ewill close with an entertainment in tle used to call wouldâ€"be trawlersgthe tuwn hall. all on behalf and by out of town at 5.55 during the sum- ithe miely. Remember the date; mer season in )ears gone by. has "t‘ayeeon fur mine that day. been om on the ways at Little Hub It is also proposed to ham. a few all spring undergoing repairs, tilting spurts nn the plains here on May her out [or an exeursimn bout this 24, There ure prospects for a coup- summer. Mr. White. of La'kciieltl. islle of games of baseball. The Boy Scouts are having a con- ._ .u.‘ .._..... t..." tun-n \‘nCIlrl‘MV the purchaser. _ ' ; elebration at Bobcaygeon On July 1--Presentati0n To President of W. I. .'\ meeting nl‘ l‘ho- committee of llw brunch of llw \icluriun Hull-r ul' Nursos was held last week. All members 0! commium [‘N‘M'lfl, and all ofï¬cers reflected includlng tho advmory board. In discussing {he usenllnpsa of the nrgnnlmllun amung the county people It mun dwlded [hill the matter «mam he llrnughl before the mneml church»: and a eommlltw nl nae Nplflehllmt 9mm (lemmlnauon mu: nmmmlm for that punmap. Minn l-‘pmunon. mum reps walla: tho order. hm: elem aplen- «lld work during llw pull your and calm me dudes at a new war hot: :9» WWW la haggling {m mom. ‘l‘hc Wsmwn‘n Institute mm mm- alnual mm; and “action at at: am hat ‘l‘noudas monsoon at Menu-hum. me home at In. new mdeï¬vered. uttingoutthevduo dmmwthelom.church. tyrc‘ Mm. Them M, fltowart. who has been pmtdent at the Initiâ€" tuto atmo tta amm'tmtian. nod who has given unawrtngly at Im- time and gtwwl worked with u puma-a o! bettering the matting- at hoe tol- lowsvorkm. pron-ed that Ibo be not Meow. The muo- th to: valuable mvtoeu undo be? u pmt Iurpflle In two Madame M01 m and an Mull. The '0' clean no: In. nun. ml- dont; In. Cluxton. Vicente-idem: In. Joseph Thurston. newton-y- trouurer. Urn. Stewt won elected dhtrict director. The India on (10113 i. grad work one: hove the hearty uynpothy and oo-opention 0! all in their qdeovon of bettering the common every doy m:- 0! We. Smitty. the 11th. vu Hotbox-'- Doy have. and tt was am Wed by no“. of tho chm-chin. when our- to the occasion $3wa But. when We: mm mm “Jami" in a... ï¬ght: The ï¬rst round took place on. April 19th. when the local county constable gained ‘a case of liquor on the I. B. Q 0. By. shipped to Harcom, yellowing the same to be (or sale contrary» to the law, the said Harcourt luring in local option territory, and a mining dis- trict. It was shipped to a person whom the constable failed to locate, and for this reason llr. Ayearst. Pro- vincial Lictnse Inspector. asked that it be forleited to the King. Howâ€" e.‘er, as a local resident bearing the same surname claimed the liquor. the informatiOn was amended. GiVing evidence under oath on his own be- half, he said that. the order was sent by registered , letter from Han-aunt on April 18th, to Mr. Shannon, oil Lindsay, in his own name. but the. shipper had made a mistake. Evi- dence was given. by the Harmurt postmaster. the local J. l’. and Conâ€" stable and defendant. The latter ad- mitted haVing purchased twelve bolâ€" tles on the li-‘th of April, twelve on the 23rd. and six on May ï¬lthâ€"thirty in all in twenty daysâ€"and succeeded in getting the magistrate to believe that it was all for his own use and not for sale. In summing up, His \\'nr.~hip said the cons-table was jus- tiï¬ed in the seizure. and the fact of having the name only partly right was in its-4f suspicious. as it was a \iulation of law to ship in a tit-ti- tious name. However, if defendant would produrn the original order sum. to the liquor store at l i-idsay, show- ing that. it was 5""! f« r in a genuine way, he would ret‘Ognizc his claim to the liquor. Defendant said it was in possession of his lawyer at Lindsay, but he would have it forwarded to the Magistrate. The latter ordel'vd the case of liquor to be under arr-st until the proof required was rucvhfll. The ï¬rst round ended in a draw, neither side seemingly having gamed any ad'antamr. attractions. The will close with at: the tuwn hall. all the bocit‘l y. R: bumper dit_\'. It will be a any sports from dawn to sunset. A dancâ€" ing pavilion will also be part of the attractions. The day's [mica-dings will close with an entertainment in the hunt hall. all on behalf and by the society. Remember the date; '(‘avmeon fur mine that day. owning. “III 2H“. ,\n Inn-Ivan"; pmgrmn has been urrangI-d and will he ('al'rlml out. The tourist season will smm he on again. Alrmdy them In a sprink- ling. A stray 9,qu or am has been seen hmm‘lng nmumi and Wouldbe pleamrvawkoI-n spying out the camp- Ing grounds. “~th Ilwy prmmm lo- cnum during Ilw happy plmnuw m- nun in Ihln connoeuun the mansion If. 1'. ii. HaIuMm-Hundm IraIn In lut- Ing nI‘I‘amgï¬l I‘M main and Will In all pmlmhIlIII run on «mm H“? mm» “Mule an hm .wu‘. ‘Hw Im‘m cum;- In fur mm erIIIeIImI Ian-II sum: mar. luring as it did a! 7 Imam. JIM u the ohm-elm we going Io won shin. W Ilium-Mu won-thinner! um! «wanting a plenum-Moving oom- mmmy Inland at u mum. olmv: «I. and '95!“qu mph! It. E. .l. Woollard in mlmtu no property may nun-ohm by u m fence. SANDERSON. â€" M Bounty Vdo. may. «by 1. to m. min-a. Hr. I". W. “and h «adding MI Inn in (mm qt his now awning. Ir. Md MI one at m hum-amt mum in town. It in reported that Capt. Lune is m in Toronto. but from what «use we lave not been due to Ian. ' Kr. C. E. Stunt-t. editor of the Botany†Independent. tho m. the good ad the bauwuï¬nd nu. su- m. m houdtyln‘ In New York. Ir. J. J. mm: «a J. R. au- wan m puildlng a dividing Moo between them to keep Mn- What-1y. planted therein. eagerly lookedâ€"(or battle he- the “webs" ml the “drSS†mine 9!! Thursday 1â€â€œ May rhen Magistrate Delunere acted . ,_ L..- ï¬nht.‘ The ï¬rst T" Auspices 1.0.F. in» Great 9mm snmou Maiestic Baron By Baron's Pride (9122 The Property of Geo. W. Curtis, Lindsay, Ont. W111 be at his own stable, 1'10 Kent-st. West during the season of 1913. ()ne of the best horses Hm“ has ever been in this district. Parties having man‘s in mm should call and $00 this Imz-M- p..- foré deï¬ding. cards Terms.--'I‘o insurv a fun able lst January, 1914. tried regularly will lu- cl season mares. Marns «hi before foulingr time will full insurance. All an owner's risk. Mr. Chas. Iindsav [mrvhzmud a niftv outï¬t “hila- in "‘lmun!0 un 'luvs- dau last. and “as out (m “min "day doing Kom- st. with his late puuhase, 'Ihe rig i'~' an upâ€"tn-datc- Iii-.uughmn and should pro\'e a monm -umkm' m its (mm r. ’lhis is [‘10 ï¬n! ML of this style (Wt-r in Lindsay. Noticu is hon-by gixen that lhe (‘ourt of ReViSion a!" Lho- .\SS4‘SSIIH'HL Hull of the Municipality of Maripusu “I." bo hl'ld in the Town Hall, (mk- wood, on Jum- 9th. at 23 um. All xwrsons having husim'ss at thv an» required to attend a! Hu- t‘mc and plant «mart Mud .V ICW LIVERY (H "l'l-‘l 'l Nativu is h (‘ourt Of Rt'Vi Hull 01' the M" will be hold i! ~Mrs. Rehill. daughtm'. nor lialfour. of the jaiL morning for (mmmev. “‘th spend a couple of months; Rhmunalism may SUIT, but it dues n01 nity. is putting on a, DG‘V tram I (n ronto to Muskoka “'harf. commnncmg Saturday. my 17th. let-n in: 'l'oron~ to 10.15 mm. daily, except saznday. arriving Muskoka Wharf 1.4†p.m.. making direct connectimu with s'v'EHI- era for all paints on hillsknkn IAIKOS. A brand new train, cmrmmg of baggage car, Vcstihule ('UnA'IH‘S. and I‘ulor-Libru'y-Buï¬ct our v in be or mud and passengers aru assured o! This mm runs right to steamer gt Huskoka “'hnl‘f arriving Muskoka Wharf 1.4†p.m-. making direct count-cum] with swam- el‘l for all points on Muskukn lakes. A brand new train. con~1~HIlg of hlggnge car, Vestibule (‘0:l~‘m‘S. and Parlor-Library-Buï¬et (‘ur \"iH be 09' ented and pamngwers aw assured of a mm'ortable ride along: mu most in- teresting route to Musknkn Wharf. which to the original nah-un- to We (gr-tamed Muskou Lakes. d ' - . . - HI.» .voidlng any incon veni-‘nr Return connection is tall letving Muskoka 10.45 .bm. (it“yo 9x00!“ I'm-Q fret-onto 8.10 pm I'Iâ€"g --.v..-v "WV . Tom-M Tickets at rodnmd ram! m now on me to fluskoka rnmr'u. (000 tor “Op-0"U' I‘. my pmm and to mum: unul Novomhpr :Wh. W"- Il‘ull particular: and mm“: mm crud Trunk Arman. w. n. Wod- M. mm. Town t‘mnnvr U“ mm A9“: 'phono n A W "I“. amne- ‘Hokel, Imam , WM. Warm “chat: at rodm now on ale to muakoka : tor atop-over u my pm: so return mm} Nomhpr R1. ’OR Skill-Z. â€" .\ l. lity of Amt-rival: ‘ Apply Louis Mm n PK). For pedigree. 01“ You 9 re Busy! The Grand Trunk Raiiua WILL REACH YOU on THE NEXT IA IL POSTPAID mmoom’S (Ill' OWN you have a drug a ï¬t your outdoor. \‘uu [100“ came to town for small var Jult drop a "no or “phone at And horhuu and n mm “M to town fur Hum“ N0". With the teloldum. NM mull «ivory a! ,\ mud we want you w in We want to he‘ knowing that w! ‘1 “duties for COURT OF REVISION NEW MUSKOKA 'l‘liA I .\ (13617) (13316» ron's'Pride (9122). the 1.: ing sire In Scoutind up till 1911. nave 5mm: ngrams. new train 1‘: um B. \HCIJ‘MV (,‘h-rk of 3m aY 15th. 1913 I .l M I'I‘I'II \Vmulo-r it difï¬vull ma 3C0] In ("8' â€â€˜alh‘ with “hurt at Sunday. I" him Imn‘fl'l" and "W 1‘11 thu- S S pH 2| \\ l-‘alls not “’l sec non 0N! an indizs At; 3. c1! hold As the 1 out their a! that H Cid meetil “on. m ï¬rm "A!!! umam bras; (mp w “In (mm ‘l'w Iomumn m. .9“! MM “man “95‘ ask mm 1 â€103' 35 a" hi not than "3 "Hr ‘h m to bmmt "I" (‘m‘ou M- “ {I MvIwwv ‘0 ““3".†Mn ‘9 will M «r m EN... “ I “If me. Another Em}: (â€wring any and we nutter up wi View to 10cm" Meta Vicc~c we Iudust Linda aid in roga Mens co: “' fancy colon d 5 Boys jerse; or cardinal, rm long or short 5 ; Young Men’s st; factured, superior qu shapes, designed for value at $2- $10 is the prizw coat, a ï¬ne Engli; h or, made in sinzjx'w ! collar. all seams 5a mented, bigz’aluv p Men’s crush'or â€om very ï¬ne qw amicable, nicely 15 Ma good valued Men’s Ball or short slem'ï¬s each 50c and .7 Cash and One Px Si 0' ns, ADVERT! ~Iil Cure“ mm. aim omamun 0H] Men S )Mo (‘OF regula â€UH dl‘u \\ u stati for 903011: of Farr-J: Men’s ll SA IH 16 Ho: