Misc Libbie Carpenter of Valentin. accompanied by her mobher, visited Mr. Those Mouse. :12, recently. Bmd of this place. The interest taken in this P211158 here by the young people speaks well for Zion us a community. A lame and attentive audience enjo ed the pro- gram rendered by the school ast Sunday. Several visi ore from a distance were present. Am 3mg those who took part in the entertainment are the following: Lec'tition, Stella James; duett. James and Archie Sellars; recitation, Ella Mark; duett. the Misses M StOVer and B. Stokes; recita- tion. Ada Snelvrove; solo, Joseph Short; instrumental music, Mahlon and Myrta Culbert ; temperance address. Mr. S. D. Gerrow. Scuzog ; song, Leta Mitchell and Essie Yerex ; reading, Beatrice Stokes. According t) the usual custom of the band a new program committee is elected every three months, During the past term the Misses Annie Hall and Ada Snelgrove have ably ï¬lled this position, and will for the nex; three months be relieved by Miss Edith b‘rise and MiSs Myrti Culbert. The band extend hearty thanks to the retiring committee and words of encouragement to tho-re acting in the future. May this good work prosper long and well in our_midst. Miss Cora Walls of Sengrave is the guess of Mrs. Duke King. Mrs. R. King and dauzhuer Mary have moved from Port: Perry 00 this neighbor- hood taklng up their abode with Mrs. King’s non, Mr. D King. As the ï¬shing season re-opens this week the young men and boys of the lake vicino ity lr» getting their ï¬shing tackle in order, auticipatimz great sport tor the next few days, as there is a lull in farm workjust no W. zens of Upington presenting Col. Sam Hughes with a flag. it n 24 hours, far ahead of the main column under Gen. The ab ave picture is taken from a photograph and represents a group of the loyal cit' k, 001. Hughes ordered his men to open ï¬re. They wasjust after he had rescued the tow I from the rebels He led a small force on a forced ride 68 miles i Settle. Finding Chit the rebel fore as were about to attack Upington and already occupied the river ban although nearly three to One. Col. Hughes then seized the ferry and crossed the river under ï¬re. Soon did so and the eoecnv replied but were driven back the rebels were driven out of the district. Gen. Settle thanked Col. Hughes for his dashing conduct, as also did Sir Alfred Milner, governor of Cape Colony, their appreciation of his work. \Ve have this plate by the kindness of the Montreal Star. and this picture represents the residents showing ’J MANILLA Don’t. forget the Beaversoa Oddfeliow’s annual excursion to Hamll’s Point, Mus- koka, on J nae 20th. Train leaves at 7.35. Fare $1.40.â€"23-2. It is said that the largest room in the world is the “room for improvement.†and we might say that though our sidewalks are rather better than they were, yet they are still adding to the extent of that ‘rnnm.’ Every man, woman and child in Victoria county should help along the h0~1).La.l fund. You may need its kindlv ofï¬ces some dav. July 2nd gives you the Opportunity; Lind- say the place. See the program of sports for “Victoria Hospital Day,†July 2nd. Twelve hours of fun without; alloy; all clean sport, no fake ï¬xed games. Lindsay. July 2nd. Mr. and st. W. C. Johnston of Salem spent lam, Sand ay at. Mr. Culbert’s. A little lady 111:5 arrived at the home of Mr. D. Beecroft. We believe she has come to Shay. Congratulations David. ‘ . ‘ 15“; but the vacancies were very well ï¬lled by Mr. West of Little Britain, who preached a very able sermon. and Miss B. Coone, who performed the duties of organâ€" ist very satisfactorily. Revs. A. W. Coone. S.T.L., and J. W. Coone also attended conference. 7 _ _ _ .. CAMBRAY Dan’t miss the Beaverfon OdderOW’e excuriiou to Hamil’a Pomt, Mnakoka, on J are 20:11. A delightful outing. Train leaves Lindsay at 7 a.m. Fate only $1 40 â€"-23 2 Surely “the farmer whistles a merry tune" his spring for everything in his line seems to ba prospering. Weather grand, crcps looking tiue, and his prospects were never better. Conference at Port; Hope was respons' }»‘e for the absence of the Methodist minim r, Rev' H. McQuade, and the organist of xhe Same church; Miss L Ccone, on Sunday _Ag win we have to report the monthly meeting: of th- Sunday School Temperanpe LETTERS 0F 12 Carrespondents All Over the Ccunty ZION â€"MARIPOSA tï¬iuu FIN GERBOARD MANILLA INTEREST yâ€"1.3\\i , a--;..‘ Auckcqâ€"n Mrs. O. Kleon of Germania is the guest of her mother, Mrs. John Austin, during the attendance of Rev. 0. Kleun an ghe synod in Waterloo 00. The W.F.M.DS. of St. Andrew’s church heid a reception in the lecture room of the church on Friday lash. after listening to a most able address on mission work in India by Miss Chase. a. returned missionâ€" The many friends of Miss A. Dickson are deeply pleased to be able to congratu- late her on the successful termination of her fnur years Arne course at the Toronto university. Mlse Dickson will receive the degree of BA. 3': the commencement exercises of the uni verslhy this week. Rev. W. Farncomb is in attendance at synod in Turonto. and during his absence on Sunday nexc‘Sc. James’ pulpit will be ï¬lled by Rev. Mr. Goodheart. so favor- ably known here as the “Russian Jew.†rvdnrivillage band under the ebb leader- ship of Mr. De Cew is receiving the support it no well deserves, and a near band stand is being built on the wear corner of Colborne and Bond atreeta, where open air concerts will be given on Friday evhningu throughout the ‘sluhmer. 'Dr. Neelanda, dentist. will be at: the MoArthur house, Fenelon Falls, on 'I ueaday, J una 191mf Mr. A. ‘McKendry spent Sunday in Lindsey. In is beginning to look as if something else besides our water power were being: drawn to the county town. The automobile will be something new; come and see it. Your been girl may like 3 cup on it. he “a bicycle built: for two†(dozen); Joly 211:1}; Lindsay. _u L C1,,_A "VI-v IIUA‘I’ «as-w.â€" wv -_- Mrs. E. A. McArthur left last: Friday to attend the commencement: exercises of the Detrolt. dental college on June 14 h, on which occasion her son. Mr. C. M. McArthur, will receive his diploma, hav- ing passed successfully the ï¬nal examin- ation of the college. Hle many friends ware are delighted to heat of Mr. Mc- Arthur’s success and we are all ready on hxs return home “to salute the doctor. †day at the F9118; R.member the annual excursion of the Beaverton Oddfellowa to Hamil’s Point, Muskoka. on June 20th. Train leaves Maripoaa. station at 7.20. Fare $1.40. â€"23-2. saves nine. "]§;H"§e;{har visits every place. At this time of the year the storm appears to be lingering around Seagrave. We all desire much good may be done minus any electric sbmi A. Mr. and Mrs. Gilsou of Lindsay intend 'o spend the summer with their daughter. LIYB. Willa. If you “CV?! spent a cent on a holiday, do .~u unW; the object. is a moat worrhv :JDU. Open your hearts and your pockets, wide. July 2nd at Lindsay. saves mne. .» Miss Maggie Hughes of Toronto is visit- ing at Mr. Earle’s and Mr. Frise’s. Mr. Cornell, wife and daughter, of Taylor‘s Corners, paid Mrs. Rodman and son William 9. flying viaig onï¬atnrday. Miss May Coad of Taylcr’s Corners, accompanied by her brother, spent Sun- day with Miss Edith Frlse. A gentleman from this place attended Sonya church on Sunday evening and after service when he went to get his rig to his surprise his whip was gone. N ow before that Mr. Someone gets into trouble he had better return the stolen property or put it back in the owner’s vehicle next Sunday evening. This country of ours has a dwelling where such a class of people are packed and salted away, so be- ware and take warning for a atich in time UV... vv .a-..~â€" .â€" _' __ Mr. John Frlse "and family of 3130];- water vlaiced under the parental roof re- cently. _.___ _- I ,AI_L_J L-.. "ME; Vida Moase has completed her education and is now remaining at homg. As tlfé contents of two items cent: It COL. HUGHES PRESENTED WITHflA FLAG . M6310 cf Toronto'spenb Sun- FENELON EALLS OAK WOOD Potatoe- per bus........ 025 30 MEAT, POULTRY AND DAIRY Pnonuox. Bucnerperib............. 012b0015 Chickens, per pair. . . nu .. 0 45 t0 0 60 mggs.nerdozen.........,. 0106001] gag; live weight per. mm. 6 30 to 6 50 -Aâ€"A nPn nay. par run...... Lard per lb........ Sal-aw per had...“ Hides ~Beef. . . . . . Peas; Mummiesâ€... P885, Blue........u Blackeye peas....... Highest ................. 83.70 Wednesday Lowest ................. 47.50 Monday Warmest day, mean of. . ..69.05 Wednesday Coldest “ “ 59.50 Satuuday The week “ . ..64.24 PRECIPITATIONS IN INCHES. Greatest fall of rain in one day 0.84 Thursday Rain fell on 1 days. Total rain fall 0.84 Buckwheat ......... Barley, per bushel. . . Ryeooo'mooooo ‘0‘ 03“ nnnnnn ocooooQooc Peaa,sma.ll...... Wool -â€"wnahed.. . . . . . . . . . Woolâ€"unwashed . . . . . . . [From the Lindsay Observatory] Report for week ending Saturday night June 9th, 1900. Fall Wheat per bushel. . . . O 00 no ’) 63 F'yfe Wheat do do... . . . . 0 00 to 0 63 Spring do do .... 000b0063 Goose do do..... 000m063 Davy of the season is adverbined for June 29thy at the residence of Mr. R. Lamb. val-v.“ "vu- luvâ€"v -- Mr. J. H. Stanton, with his usual en- terprise. has taken some splendid views of the interior of Messrs. Needle: Sc Sadler’s power house, thirty of which he has already mailed to outside polnts, and he is kept busy ï¬lling orders. The generatâ€" or ls a magniï¬cent piece of machinery, well worthy of inspection, but since the death of Mr. Poole in Lindsay. from con- tact with the exposed wire, a number of persons would prefer to view it from the Safe distance of one of Mr. Stanton’s ï¬rst class views. The summer season is on and the ï¬rst excursion of the season passed through our waters on Tuesday en route to “The Fort†and Coboconk. The ï¬rst garden Van; . The stave factory of Messrs. T. H. De Cew Sons on Redner’s Point is an inâ€" dustry well worthy of attention. One day last week they cut 45.000 staves. us- ing 39 cords of bolts. Last week they shipped three cars to New Jersey, ï¬ve cars to Pennsylvania and two cars to London, England. They have sufï¬cient timber in the water already to keep them running all summer and are just the kind of ï¬rm needed to keep pace with the other enterprising ï¬rms in our village. They have shipped before to foreign markets and the ï¬rst car load sent out by them was sent to Greece. 7 _ _ The Lindsay Markets 1168!: ............... , per bushel ........ o'mooooo .c¢ v... .....I... ......II- nall...... ....... Mummies.......... 31ne............... ve peas............ 91.9282: EQEEZEIE; a: The Weather Ion-cocoonoolO do do .... do do..... OOABSE GRAIN TEMPERATURE. VEGETABLES. 0...... THOMAS BEALL. 1525:0650 600w? 0U 09t0010 200m200 755t0800 15 to 16 Ste 10 58 6 70 43425556 00000000 mmmmmmmw wwmwmmm 00000000 A_mply provides for expansion and contrac- tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires used Always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter how â€'5' great a strain v ' is put upon 1t. m -------Iml Wl----------IMI Does not muti- Illllï¬lI----------lml late, but 6 dos IWI----------IWI efficiently turn cattle, horses, ,1 11911:__========:m1 h0g8 and pigsq _ uxamIâ€"-â€"-â€"â€"---â€"ImWI wt: EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARAN?EED BY THE MANUFACTURERS. HIGINBOTHHM’S Next. to Daly House Call and See it. Can show you how it will save you money. PAHlS GREEN BLUE STONE INSECT PUWDEH EUPPEHAS EHLUHIDE HE E! AGENCY FOR THE MEBIBAN sï¬Ã©Ã©LWflVEN WIRE FENBE DRUG STORE Hardware and Builders’ Supplies OUR PRICES - WE CAN SAVE 1701; Max. Made of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily Ga!vanized.‘ Subscribe fo Watchman WW A Reg lar BMW 0 ' / 1n Busmess / , This is what we have had and are having in e, ment of our store, and it is no great wonder when EerYdepa the low prices that we have been making, markipiou consii right down to the lowest notch. G0 to ‘5 “€me White Lillies .............. 25: By Ede rd Avis Make His Praise Glorious. .35c By E. O. Excell Melodies of Salvation ....... 35: By John R. Sweeney Suitable for Choirs, Sunday Schools, etc. GEO. A. LITTLE G. A. LITTLE, Book and Stationery Stare. OPP. POST OFFICE u y Just Published all kinds of- WE“ WM [5va .IMNI‘N‘ \C} \\ L .71)?" «in: E95115)†353'. -Wa A .‘der Screen Doors Window Screens Oil Stoves Milk Cans . Pure Mixed Pan Pure Paris Green Lawn Mowers Fishing Tackie Ice Cream Freeze KEEP 3001 !I:€g‘;; jUNE Kentâ€"st- Ne w Men’s Men’s Late All th