ave been adding beautiful line of nt follow if You i varied and our ms for Wedding ;ert Spoons, erling ,., LINDSAY; ek INDSAY in need of any. Lox cent. advaan â€" .E. W. MCGAFFEY. hunks at wnuï¬esale Prim: We have Qpcacd a crate 01 Lrocxeryponmsung D111manureâ€"Vegetable DIShCS, Plat- 'eCCS 0t . dodgoll’l‘p PlatCS. Bowls, Dmner Plates, Breakfast 65: and Saucers, Sugar Bowls, Butter Pat- c s Wtï¬â€™ UP decided.barg§1m8 for June Zl and 22. See ................................... .o-oot-u-u 'uo. ..... broidery edging- . Go _ 75c. bargain pays â€022.“ Corset. reg 85c bargain days â€" . ‘ 'wnwhite. reg 126 bargain day's..:.. ............................ ..... 21‘ White Lawn, reg 12c. bargmn days f g. 12c, bargain day 3.1%,“ light Print. re . '9. spotted Muslin. rug: 9c. bargam days ...................................... swmack and Whitc Blouse Silks, reg 45¢ bargain days .. éwants Blouse silk. 11,1. yds. to 21/, yds reg. 50c bargain days > Dress Serge. rvg- 90c bargain days 1 Black Dress Serge, reg 73. bargain days ............................................ ‘1 rcg 48c. bargain days .......................................... ‘ Dress Serge. 31M Ruffled tucking. reg 45¢ bargain days ....................................... â€B0385 mum Trinnninfl’. I‘Ofl 10 and 12, bargain days ...................... :ww ."" .mllling’ reg 1†an“ 1-31 um 5am uu †" Gloves. off all Ind and brlk .. .. . ‘s ikeï¬s Straw IIatS, rag to and 00c, bargan ain davs............................ ' Armlets. reg 106 barg g . _ . . 133mg lacé insertion. reg 4 and ac bargain days Cottonade. rvg 27w. bargain days ..: ............... mes"' ' ' " «'11 days ahzrtmg. mg Ina bag 1.; . Pairs Lace Curtains, reg 90c bargain .days ,,,,,,,, Pairs Lace Curtains. reg. 81.7.), Bargam days Per cent. 03 Men's Hats and Caps. _ White and Red Tums. n-g 25c bar gum days Aâ€. -m... 0",- Tlovn'ain darn If“: Lav-v- ‘ IPer cent. 03 Men's Hats and Caps. mute and Red Tums, mg 250 bargain days ...................................... Meme Floor Oil t‘lmh. reg 23c Bargain days ................................ sOdd Men‘s Suits reg $5 and $7, Bargain days $2 SBoys’ Suits. reg $3.50. bargain days ........................................... $2 â€Ken‘s Neck Ties. 1-9:; 25c bargain days .......................................... 9m Fancy Dress Goods. reg 20 and 25c, bargain days ...... : ...... {Pieces Ribbon. plain colors reg 7c bargain days ............................... :m Ticking. reg 22c bargain days ............................................... mm White Cotton. rvg 10c Bargain days .......................... _ ........... [Towdling reg. 8c bargain days, ........................................................ 5°30}? Belts, reg 20c bargain da ys ....................................... s“Human tor We can save youisyer cent on your trunk bin! You can buy a best quality trunk from us cheaper Every department has a bargain for you, come and see. @htrï¬szmms ‘p 0! Beue)’. 196 acrw. 75 wed, . ’0’ a. stock 1am. L326 °‘.‘ it to Day for the 001 cg“? from Coboconk ; =m1a' Lurch†and railroad. R. N BILL, r. 75L. and $1.00, Bargain days.... reg 18c. bargain days _’ blk cottnn. r, blk. caslunert‘. reg. "8c, bargain days a 50x, rcg 25C. bargain days a. reg 50c, bargain days, bargain day, 2 for .......... . 59 reg_ 5C. 9g 30c and 35c. bargain days all sleeves, reg 15c, Bargain day . mnnn vests sm WE WANT You TO INSPECT THESE GOODS. LE OR RENT. â€"- ‘. Gull River Range. THE WATCHMAN'WARDER. :Xc bargain days reg ‘JO‘c bargain days tog. $1.75, Bargain days ‘ § 9 :1 crate of Crockery consisting 75 and 50c, bargain days .............. HOUSE AND LOT FQR_ HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.â€" Juat west of Ur, Robt. Bryans res- idence at head of Kent-st, small ï¬rms house and 4 and one-third u- w. acres 332;; 'giu’den land; township tunes; town advantages. Will be sold cheap. Apply to S. 3!. P0}?- gmlfléctthrgain day 10c - . . ..... 5c .o-n...-.o.o.-.o.--oo---uo .o Lin day 6c day 31/2c . 550 60c f...... 8c 61/: .ys 5c 5c bargain days 25 . nu? an» bargain daVS." 25C nuoooouc-nnuo...o-..o ................... -.....a...~o-oo-...o-~.--c.-...-o...-.. ..................... S .................................. ..--...-....-0......-.n-..-o......o.o.o... 41cm gbnzrï¬srmmtz _vâ€"’ . Watchmai-vlfarda ofï¬cesâ€"16- aonouoo-o.-o-uuunc.-nnnuo uuu..oooo..oo.~o-o-....- $1. ouno.--oo.-..c-o-‘u o..oop-.. 3“.- 15c 29c, ............. 11c 7c ..... “5c ... DC 63c. I 73C ._ ‘i6c HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"Close to con- vent. eight. rooms and milk house, also stable; 1,; acre of land. Very easy terms. Apply at this ofï¬ce- SIXTYâ€"ACRE FARM FOR SALE. â€"- in Muriposa, 1/2 mile from Cambruy station. Good clay loam. Frame house and good outbuildings For particulars apply to S. \I. PORT- FARM FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"The best. farm in the Province for sale or to rent at once. It is situated about a mile and a half northâ€"east of Sonya. on the fourth con. of Mariposa. The south half of lot No. 2, containing eighty acres, seventy-two tillable and eight good hardwood bush, beech and maple. Good buildings and well fenced. Apply to ALEX. FERGUSON, Sonâ€" â€"ya Ont.â€"3-tf. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALEâ€"On Bay-st., south ward, near G. T. R. workshops. Solid brick, 9 rooms. with .ï¬ve bed rooms and closets; front and back stairs; good collar with concrete floor ; one acre land; outbuildings. Apply at this ofï¬ce. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE -On corner Logic and Glenelgâ€"sts, East ward. White brick veneered. 8 rooms with large stable. Good dry cellar under all the house. Plenty of hard and soft water ; ï¬acre lot with fruit and shade trees, A very desirable property in a. good locality and at reas- onable ï¬gures. For particulars apply at this ofï¬ce.-â€"16-tf. DmIRABLE FARM FOR SALE.â€" Lot 18, con. 9, township of Ops. 3% mls. from Lindsay, on Downey- ville road. The farm contains 150 acres good clay loam, in good state of cultivation, well fenced and thoroughly drained; free from stumps, stones and wild seeds. Brick dwelling, one frame barn. and two log ones, log stables, dri- ving house, 25x55; two good wells Terms to suit purchaser. Apply to MATTHEW FARRELLY, on the premises. Lindsay P. O.â€"19â€"8. TEACHER WANTEDâ€"For the. Lind- say Public Schools, holding not less than second-class certificate and specially qualiï¬ed for junior work. Salary $300 per annum. Duties to commence after summer vacation. Applications inclosing tmtimonials and stating fully ex- perience and professional training will be received by the undersigned until July lst. ROBERT SPIER, Box 276, Secty. B. E.‘ L. Lindsay‘, June 17th, 1901.â€"â€"25-1. FARM FOR SALEâ€"East half, lot No. 4, Con. 10, Fcnelon, containing 100 acres, more or less, all plough land. The soil is clay loam, good and dry. Good dwelling, frame barn. log stable. driving shod. Two good wells. Seven miles from Lindsay, two-and-a-half from Dunsford. Close to school IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. â€"-If you Wish to save money in the pur- chase of Binder Twine you may do ER, Watchmzixi-{Varder ofï¬ce, Lind- say.-â€"25â€"3. FARMS FOR LINDSAY, THURSDAY. JUNE 20th, 1901 and post oflice. Plough leave after harvest; possessibn next ';~pring. This is a good farm at a. very reasonable price. Apply to J OHN B. KENNEDY, Dunsford 1’. 0. -- v--w~ . so by calling at the office of the undersigned at Oakwood and exâ€" amine the samples of twine which can be purchased at a. price which cannot be obtained in the usual way of business. The Canadian Cordage and Manufacturing com- pany of Peterboro have made ar- rangements to have a large con- signment at Mariposa. Station which is to be supplied to the shareholders at wholesale prices, and to parties who are not share- holders at a small advance. ‘ Or- ders can be delivered at Mariposa Station, Oakwood, Woodville or Lindsay as parties may require. The undersigned will attend at the ‘uv â€".â€"â€"-- ofï¬ce of J. P. Cunnings at the rear of the Dominion Bank, Lindsay, on Saturdays from ‘1 to 5 p.m., where he will be prepared to transact business for the company and where the twine can be inspected. JOHN F. CUNNINGS Special Agent. A--‘ An A Oakwood 4th June. 1901 able berm! : About eighty acres, near Lindsay. Good house and barn; ï¬rst-class land. Price reasonable. South west quarter of lot 25. concession 8. Township Ops. 21/2 miles northeast of Lindsay ; 50 acres. 40 acres ï¬t.to run machin- 17...} C†“v. vuvwâ€" ' acres. 40 acres ï¬t.to run machin- ery on. balance good pasture land- Cloee . to cheese 7 and butter _.iactory. Small lrame'barn and stonefoundaâ€" tion started for house. This farm will be sold at a bargain on 8383’ w. Alw- Lot 3, con 7., Manvers, 100 acres (Square). clay loam ; good stock and grain farm. Frame barn. horse stable, strawhouse, all at- tached ; good veneered white brick house. about ï¬nished. Plenty Of spring and creek water. About six acres ' standing hardwood bush. Seven acres {all rye sown; plowing nearly all done. Bearibg orchard» Convenient to school, church, store. etc. A good farm at a. reasonable s.’ M. roam. 31cm ghnzrtiscmmts. ! SALE.-â€"-The subjoined be purchased on reason- ticulars apply t0 Watchman-Ward?! BOARDERS WANTEDâ€"Apply at 33 Sussexâ€"st., North Ward.â€"â€"â€"1â€"tf LADIES' BICYCLE EOR SALE.â€" Royal Enï¬eld (English wheel). In good condition. Apply at 11115 ofï¬ce.-â€"20â€"tf. RESIDENCE FOR SALEâ€" In the South Ward, few minutes walk from P.O. Soild brick, 9 rooms; very deSirable location. Apply at this ofï¬ce.â€"-24-tf. FARM FOR SALEâ€"Nine miles south of Lindsay ; 75 acres, all plow land Good outbuildings. A good farm at a. reasonable price. Apply at this ofl‘ice.â€"â€"-24â€"3. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALEâ€"On Elgin-st. North Ward. Seven rooms good cellar; quarter acre of land. House nearly new; newly papercd and grained throughout ; a bargain Apply at this oï¬ioeâ€"23â€"3. A BARGAINâ€"For sale, a ï¬rst-class ()shaWa Grain Thresher, second- hand, at a bargain. Apply on Lot 21, Con. 14, Mariposa, or to Seth Armitage, Cambray P.O.â€"-23-3. JACKSON’S ISLAND FOR SALE.â€" Four acres, beautifully situated in Sturgeon Lake, half way between Sturgeon Point and Bobcaygeon. Steamboat to Lindsay twice a. day, an ideal spot for a summer resi- dence. Apply to MOORE JACK- SON, Solicitors, Lindsay.â€"â€"-24â€"tf. STRAYED,-â€"-On or about April 20th from lot 5, con. 8 Mariposa, a Yorkshire White Boar about seven months old, and weighing at that time about 120 pounds. The ï¬ndâ€" er or any person giving informa- tion that will lead to the recovery of the same will be suitably re- warded. J. D. TINNEY, Oakwood. S'I'RAYED.â€"â€"-From the premises of the undersigned, lot, 14. con. 8, Mariposa, on or about May 30th. one Aged Leicester Ram. Finder. or anyone giving information that will lead to the recovery of the same will be suitably rewarded. W. A. SILVERWOOD, Oakwood, P. O.â€"24â€"2. STRAYED SHEEPâ€"From the premâ€" ises of the undersigned, Lot" -2, Con. 14, Mariposa, on or about May 23rd, 1901, THREE EWES and THREE LAMBS: two ewe lambs had tail‘s cut. Finder will be rewarded by sending informa- tion to GEORGE OWENS,, Cam- FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.â€" Lot 22, Con. 4, Brock township, about 11/2 miles southwest of Man- illa Junction. 100 acres, 75 under cultivation. Good buildings and well fenced. Frame house, large frame barn and stables, good well and a neverâ€"failing spring; young orchard commencing to bear. For terms and particulars apply to ALEX. FERGUSON, Sonya, Ont. ADMINISTRATOR‘S SALE of VAL- UABLE REAL ESTATE.â€"â€"The adâ€" ministrator of the estate of John Ferguson late of the township of Mariposa in the county of Victoria, yeoman, deceased, will offer for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION at the SIMPSON HOUSE, in the town of Lindsay, on SATURDAY, the 13th DAY of JULY, 1901, at :2 o’clock in the afternoon the follow-‘ ing valuable property. The west half of lot number 2 on the lst concession of the township of Mariposa within 120 rods of Lake Scugog. There are about 94 acres cleared and under cultivation and the balance is covered with good hard wood bush. The soil is a rich clay loam. the' property is well fenced; there is a good orâ€" chard of fruit bearing trees and 2 neverâ€"failing wells. There are erectâ€" ed on the property the following buildings and all in good repair : a frame dwvlling house, one and a half stories high with frame kitch- XRM FOR SALE. OR TO RENT.â€" Limb-class 150 acres in Ops four miles from Lindsay on good road. All plow land, high state of cultiâ€" vation. Brick house, two frame barns 30x80 and 30x90. Stone foundation. Stable, driving shed, etc. Small orchard. Close to church and schools. For further particulars apply to C. S. BI. ACK- WELL CO., Lindsay.-â€"2 2.4 bray P.O.â€"â€"24-3. 60 x 66 with stone basmne'nt under the whole and all thoroughly ï¬tted for stabling ; a. frame sheep house and a. frame driving house about 24x40. This property is situated in the centre of one of. the best agricultural districts in the proâ€" vince and is most conveniently'sitâ€" uatcd being about 1 mile from the village of Sonya. 2 miles from a- grave Station, 6 miles from Cress- well, 9 miles from the town of Port Perry and 18 miles from the town of Lindsay. r AL‘ 31717 attached “all on good stone foundation and with cellar under the whole : a frame barn abqqt Terms : Ten per cent. of the purchase money must be Paid I“ the time of sale and the balance within one month thereafter withâ€" out interest. There will be a; res- erved bid. - Further particulars and conditions of sale can be had on application» ‘ to the a undersigned- Dated this 10th June, A. D. 1901- ALEXANDER FERGUSON, Admin- istrutor of Estate, Sonya 'PJO1 . 01' ELIAS BOWES, Lindsay P.0.â€"-25' £12m gmbertistmmts TO MACHINISTS OR OTHERS.â€" I GIRL WANTEDâ€"For general work. Apply to W. J. MORTON, confec- tioner, Lindsay.â€"â€"25-2. FARM TO RENTâ€"Lot 19, con. 1, and part of con. 2, containing 22’ acres in all. 31/2 miles west, of Lindsay. 175 acres plow land, balance rough pasture, with a nev- er failing creek running through the centre. Firstâ€"class brick resâ€" sidence. two frame barns, stable 60 feet long, driving sheds, (to. Firstâ€" class bearing orchard of four acres Will rent, for ï¬ve or ten years to suitable tenant. Apply to W. M. GRAHAM, on premises, Lindsay, Society Notesâ€"Local Jetsâ€"The Train and Boat Service Miss Clark, who has been visiting her sisters Mrs. J. H. Brandon and Mrs. M. S. Swanwn, for some time left last, Thursday for Rochester. July lst at, Lindsay, dwarfs and eclipses all neighboring attractions. Continuous sports, horse racing, acâ€" robatic performances, military asâ€" sault-at-arms, followed by a grand concert. in Academy of Music at. 8 Reeve McArthur spent Tuesday in Lindsay. Mr. W. T. Junkin left. on Monday afternoon for the Pan American. Mr. J. R. Graham spent Sunday with his family. Mrs. J. Chambers who was among the guests who attended the wedding of Miss Edwards of Cannington on Wednesday of last week. Col. S. Hughes, M.P., spent an hour in the village on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson and Master George enjoyed a day on the river last week. Miss Wilson, eldest, daughter of Dr. A. Wilson, returned from Whitby Ludies’ Collch last Friday for the midâ€"summer vacation. She was acâ€" companied by her friend Miss Mcâ€" Gregor of Colorado. Mr. R. S. Rowland spent, Saturday in Lindsay. Mrs. and Miss Nugcnt spent last Thursday in Lindsay. Mr. C. Moore of Toronto spout last hursxiuy at the Talk. ' The G.T.R. pay car passed through the village on Monday on its regular northern trip. NEWSY BUDGET FROM THE FALLS Fishing began on Monday and throughout the lakes have been dot- ted with small boats. The regular monthly meeting of the W.F.M.S. of St. Andrew‘s was held in the lecture room of the church last, Thursday and was Well attended. The garden party held at Powles' Connors last Thursday Was graced by an umber of our citizens. Rev. R. C. H. Sinclairc spent a few days in Ottawa last week. His pul- pit, in St. Andrew’s was ï¬lled on Sunday last by the Rev. Mr. Shaw of Toronto who preached two very impressive sermons. would like to correspond with some one who could organize a stock company to start the manu- facture of Iron and Brass Bed- steads in Lindsay. I have a. rac- tical knowledge of the busine"..,and can give the best of references. For particulars write to W. S. MAY, 298 Barrow-st., Jersey City, N. J. Mr. G. Martin set ï¬re to the brush in his woods near Currie's Greek last Monday evening, and the fire became so extensive that he was obliged to take assistance out. to subdue the flames. About 0 p.111. the ï¬re beâ€" came very bright again and persons who were not aware whence the re- flection proceeded feared that a. large ‘conflagration was taking place near the village. The Society of Chosen Friends held 1' II The funeral of Mr. Thus. Jones, a well-known and highly cstocux d resi- dent of Fenclon Falls was wdlâ€"at- tended on Tuesday afternovn. Mr. Jones was unmarried, but was wait- ed upon during 1115 illness by his mother. a social evening in Twomey's Hall on Monday evening. A most interes- ting program was rendered, refresh- ments served, and a most enjoyable evening spent. â€" -- â€"- n n -1 U‘v‘diulo â€r""' 'h‘ent Valley Lodge No. 71, C. 0.0! O. F. attended church parade here last Sunday morning at; the Baptist church. The Rev. Mr. Roberts, pas- tor of the church, addressed the vis- iting society and won warm praise from his listeners for his very beau- tiful , and appropriate, address. “‘__3 Company No. 5 of the mom, Victoria Rifles left morning to join the 0th it‘S in Lindsay to attend p] ï¬sh) ghbzrtisemmts 750. a Year in Advance; $l if notZs ago and injured his leg badly. It' was at ï¬rst feared that the limb was broken but when medical aid had been procured it was found that: no fracture had taken place. He is now rapidly recovering from the ac: cident. Mr. Tomlinson, a. man living neat Currie's Creek in Fenelon. ended his life last Friday by his own handy. The man had been in low spirits and poor health for some time and it is supposed that the rash act, was com- mitted in a ï¬t of temporary insanity, caused by the depression of his spir- its. He leaves a widow and three children to mourn his sad, tragic death. The thanks of the dwellers along the Trent Valley Waters are due to the G.T.R. for the folders recently issued by that company advertising the beauties of the Kawartha Lakes The residents of Fenelon Falls would however feel their hearts throbbing with more. gratitude towards the said company if they would estab- lish a' half way decent train service between Lindsay and the north. The passenger car that comes out on the noon train would be a disgrace to a well-organized construction train..- It is to all appearances cleaned up twice a year, and as a matter of fact duringr the heavy rains of a few. weeks ago three seats were rendered untenable by a leaking roof. A par- ty of tourists on heard one, day were so much impressed with the beauti- ful service that it is likely they struck the place for the last as well as for the first. time. Another com- pany which demands our eternal gratitude is the Trent Valley Naviga- tion Co. They give us a. boat service for two months and unless they turn from the error of their ways this season. the rates charged are higher 1than the railroad rates. Last sum- mer parties coming down from ('oboâ€" conk bought tWo tickets one to Fen- elon Falls and another to Lindsay and saved a small sum on the direct ticket. No wonder that Bobcaygeon and Lakeiield gather the. tourists while the beauties of Fenelon are left to “waste. their sweetness on the {desert air." WIIERE THE PUBLIC GIVES ITS OPINION Who Will Take Stock in a New industry An advertisement was a short time ago inserted in the WaLchman-War- der by a. man named W. S. May of Jersey City, New Jersey, asking for some one who would im'vst capital in a brass bedstead industry in Lind~ say. Mr. A. I). Mallon wrote to him for particulars and received the fol- 1owing reply 2 298 Barrow-5L, Jersey City; S. . June 1111), l901. Mr. A. D. Manon, Esq†Lindsay, Ont. Sir zâ€"Tn answer to yours. 01‘ the 6111 I would say that you have a. ï¬ne town for the bedstead business. It does not take much capital 10‘ start a. factory, but it takes money to tide it over the ï¬rst sales. for a. certain amount of credit has to be given. We could have good; on the market by spending S3000 hm to make the business a sucu-ss at least.‘ $20,000 able. I was in Lindsay two Years ago’ and was talking to Mr. Rich. Sylves- ter who advised me to SP" Mr. J. 1)., Flavelle. I did so and he called a: meeting of the Board of Trade. A; committee was appointed but I never, heard from it. That is why I adv *r- tised in the Watchman-“order. for I thought it might bring the matter to mind. Mr. Sylvester told me he would take stock. I have ideas of my own that I would be glad to ex- plain, if my expenses were paid, or a. committee sent here. I enclose refer- ences as to my ability, Yours. eta, W.. S. MAY. That was the Record in Two Days Las Four runs in two days is almost a record for the ï¬re team. That is what they did on Thursday and Fri- day. At about 5 o'clock on the for- mer day they rushed away to the eastern boundary to ï¬nd that the ï¬re was at Mose Grozenc's stable some distance outside the corpora- tion. Cause : boys and matches. To- {tal loss. . o ‘ That evening about nine o'clock the frame house on Kent-st. east owned by Frank Forbert caught. ï¬re and burned ï¬ercely. It had been empty for a couple of weeks. A big crowd went down and watched as pretty 3. ï¬re as one would want to see. Some roofs in the vicinity re- quired close watching but the ï¬re- men kept danger at a distance. The house was destroyed. At 11 o’clock next morning; some sawdust took ï¬re in the I’arkin lum- ber yard, but the hose was not laid. Before one o’clock a small ï¬re in one of Ald. O'Rielly’s houses on St. Paul-st. occupied by Jas. O'Neill brought the team out again but the > - ' ‘ ~« »-.-4 ..... AA flow- to Cure all Skin Diseases Simply. apply “SWAYNE'S OINT- MENT." No internal medicine re- quired. Cures batters. eczema. itch, an eruptions on the face, hands, nose kc.,- leaving the skin dear. white end services of the .brigadc tive powers are possessedby no other -Aâ€" In): vnnr dmzzist fon' FOUR FIRE of capital should be avail~ were not need- '. Saniples tree nine o’clock $315