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Watchman Warder (1899), 19 Jun 1902, p. 12

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21: FIFTY ACRE FARM FOR SALE..â€" In Mariposa, fair buildings; good water; close to school and church. Price $1300. Apply at this ofiice. HARM FOR SALE OR RENTlâ€"Belng nest half lot 24, con. 9, Brock, one mile north of Manilla, 4 miles from .Cnnnington. 100 acres, 90 acres dared, soil dark clay loam. On the farm is a. good stone house. fair outbuildings, orchard. two good wells and never-failing spring creek. Fall ploughing well advmced. Ap- ply if by letter GEO. J OHNSON, Box 53 Cannington, or on lot 2, con. 18, Mariposn.â€"â€"6~t1. FARM FOR SALEâ€"That valuable farm situated on lot 5, con. 11, Eldon, containing ninety acres more FARM FOR SALEâ€"South half lot 19, con. 10. township Ops, contain-a ing 100 acm good land about 60 of which are cleared and in good state of cultivation ; 20 acres bush, remainder good pasture. Frame FARM FOR SALE.-â€"North quarter lot 2, con. 7, Mariposa. Contain- ing fifty acres, good frame house with stone cellar, full size, log stable, thirty acres cleared, with LOSTâ€"Small Black Spaniel Bitch, about May 24th. Answers to name “Curly." Reward will be given for imormation as to her whereabouts F. C. McGAHEY, Lindsay, P.O.â€"- HOUSE FOR SALE IN LINDSAY.â€" I hrve been authorized by Mr. H. Ferguson to sell his raidence on corner Albert gnd Melbourne-eta, south ward. This is a. substantial dwelling, containing eight rooms, Building lot attached. A good A ti- [ARE FOR SALEâ€"East half Lot 1, Con. 14, Emily, 100 acres, all plow land, On the premises are good 103 dwelling, frame and log barn. name and log stable, pig-pen, henâ€" ory, roothouse, etc. Two acres of bearing orchard. Plenty of good water. Eight miles from Indgay barn 60 x 30 with stabling undere heath; log stable holding three team of horses ; comfortable log house; young bearing orchard; nev- er-failing well. Three and a half miles from Lindsay; school house on the corner of the place. This larm will be sold at a reasonable Price as I intend giving up farmâ€" mg. MRS. MARGARET CAL- VERT, Lindsay, 110â€"254, or less. 011 the premises are a. log house, frame barn and log stable. The land is in a first-class state of cultivation, about seventy-five acres under crop, six acres of good hard- wood bush, balance pasture. Water plentiful. One mile from Hartley? For full particulars apply to Mrs. J. R. GILCHRIST, Hartley, P. O. â€"vâ€"uv__ Bun-goon Point md Bobcaagoon. Steamboat to Lindsay twice a duy, u ided spot for a summer reel- donm. Apply to MOORE a; JACKâ€" SON, Solicitors, Lindsay .--24-tf . runII-igg éaiegm through it. This property is within one hundred rods of Manilla Junction. E. EVANS, and four miles from Dunsford. For further particulars apply at this omee.â€"20-tf. gaggto 7 secure a comfortable home, as the property must be sold at once.â€"C. CHITTICK.â€"22â€"tf ma nu;- on 10 new LOST mpmms INSURED by getting your marriage license from Thou. Bean. Licences issued either st hishomonAJbertâ€"st.orut his office at. G. W. Bull’- jewellery FARM WANTEDâ€"Near good market. 150 acres good land, with suitable buildings. Apply stating price to Box 592 Lindsay. â€"25-3. W. F. BROAD, Veterinary Surgeon. Inspector of Live Stock for Domin- ion Government. omoe and resi- (101100.46 Peel-ct" between Salva- tion Army Barracks and Curling Rink. Telephone 146.0111: ansâ€" wered night and day. JAMES DOAN, carter 1- pmparod to do carting of all kinds on short notice and at reasonable rates. FARMERS AND OTHERS wishing to THOMAS SWAIN, Blackstock P.O., 0m... Licensed Auctioneer for Dur- ham, also Ops Township. Farm Stock and other sales promptly at- tende'd to ; charges moderate. CREAM SEPARATORS.-â€" A good Separator, will add at least. 256. a. hundred to the value of your milk. Thu there in a. saving in labor and the satisfaction of know- A LARGE AMOUNT of privata funds WELDON, Solicitors. aw, Ontario Bank Building, cor. Kent and Wil- liam-stun Lindsay. In 0W every Monday. HE UNDEBSIGNED are prepcrod to loan money on Farm, Town and. Village Property, at the very low- est rates of inter-pet, privuto or company funds. McSWEYN l; Clerk, Oakwood. .Ont. Insurance Agent, Issuer of Inn-tinge Houses. Conveyancing in all its Form. MONEY T0 LOAN. borrow many on farm property will find itto thelrinterest to write or see me before plains their loans. Business strictly comment- ld. H. 0. HAMILL, lot 17, con. The removal of piano. and organs a. specialty. Orders can be left at JOHN FLUBEY'S Grocoer Kent-at.â€"19-3m. to loan, 4} and a per cent. WM. STEERS, Solicitor, Dominion Bank Building, William-st... Lindsay in; that you no getting all butter. Can you aflord to cure for, feed and milk cows and then eachdaylocaeaspercent.o!the tat produced ? Many people hesi- tcte to get a Separator because the old style complicated machines maohardtoclean. But thenew Sharpless 'Ihbulu' Separator enâ€" tirely overcomes this difficulty, and notwithstanding the fact that there we no discs, zig-zag plates or other contraptions in the bowl, it is ab- solutely guaranteed to skim closer thm any' other mgke of separator. A free trial gm. Come and see the machine in operation any time Send poet-card for descriptive mat,- ter and prim list to P. J. WIL- KINSON, Cambray. or to GEO. HUNTER, manyâ€"443m. , Fenolon. Inlay P. O.‘ VETHIUA RY SURGkON HAMMGE HOMES AHDLB FOR SALE MONEY m L01” FARM ”WED ‘WTIONEHIS Townnh‘fp T0 BORROWERSâ€"Wo no loaning money on real estate mortgages at. the lowest currentxutes. The busâ€" iness is done in our on can. and DONALD R. ANDERSON, Barrister, Solicitor. be. I am now loaning large sums of private funds on let. mortgages on mm property of. 4} to 5 per cent. Terms to suit. bor- rower. 0mm immediatdy opposite the Duly House, Kent-It... Linda-S. MOORE a J ACKSON, Barristers. be STEWART O'CONNOR. W. Notaries, to. Money to 10.: u. very lowest marl-ant nu- on best. terms. one. corner Kant and York-ota.. Lindsuy. ’1‘. Stewart. L. V. O'Connor, B.A. G. H. HOPKINS, Btu-flaw, 801£ch error the Ontario Bank. Money to Loan at Lowest Baton. one. No. 6 William-at”, south. DR. SUTIONfiutJ-t. 1m, Hon- or grain“. of Toronto Oahu-shy and Boyd Congo 0! Dung-1 Bur: DR. NEELANDS, dentist. Lindsay. Extracts teeth without. pain by gas (Vituuz-d Air) “ministered by himforaeyw-withgmtm He studied the go: under Dr. Cot- ton, 01 New York, the originator at gas for extracting tooth. Dr. Cob- ton writes Dr. Noelnndn that. ho has given the gas to 186,417 persons without an accidont. Dr. Nahua- DB. F. A. WALTERS. damn. Lind- say. Honor Nuts 0! Toronto University sud Rqul__cone¢_‘o_ o! 88803 and debentures. T0 TORSâ€"We invest money 101' clients on mortgagee. also upon 1'1de debentures, investment stocks end bonds. MeLAUGHLIN, WAR: the principal and interact repaid touswithoutanymmseo! ro- mjtting. We also purchase mort- Solicitors for the County 01 V10- toria. and the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan on mortgages at. lowest. current noes. om W,lâ€" ham-at... Lindsay. F. D. Moore. Alex. Junk-on. uees the best local pain obtunden. Beautiful artificial teeth W at moderate prices. Please send a postal card More coming. 01300 nearly opposite the swoon Hm- Linda?- TA. warm. PRACTICAL ARCHI- TECT. Box 178 mm.â€"1o-a-n. Haida aorta-I for good Datum. lumbar Boyd Dam 0011.10. 031- goons. All the hunt Improved methods adopud sad prion- mod-r- am. Omen ovu- Andm Nu- gnnt'u, opposite thch'u total-39. and Royal Congo 0! Bantu Sur- geons. Evcy dept-uncut 0! duo- uatry in done In a Mud and scientific manna- ut modern; prio- a. one. our Harm's Dru Eton. . H. GROSS. nun-3.. Dents! Surgeons. All the least and improved Me. of dentistry successfully performed. Chergee moderate. Oflee over smog:- R. ARTHUR DAY, dentin, succu- aor to the ma Dr. Bart, lambs! of Toronto Dontd College and T0- ronto UniversitY- A190 grudusto of American Dental 0011030- Moat modern dentistry PI’Um-‘N‘i in the moat. scientific manner- BAMISTHIS, ‘0- murmur EVERSONâ€"In the township of Ver- ulun, on Saturdgv, June 7th 1902 the wife of Mr. Walter Everson of a son. RUTHERFORDâ€"In the township 0! Fencion, on Sunday, June 8th, the, wife of Mr. Alexander Ruthedord, I ofsaon. SPROULâ€"In Cannington. on June, 5th, to fir. and”. Albert. B.~ Sproul a doughnut. CLIFFâ€"In Cannington, on June 6th Butter, per l‘b ...... Chickens. pa- pd: Turkeys per 1!) -- Fall Wheat, per bushel... Fyte Wheat, per bushel... Spring Wheat. per bush. Goose Wheat, per bush... Buckwheat. .. Barley. per bush ...... Rye ........................ 0st: _ .. .. ... .. Peas, small ............... Peas, mummies ... Postman---.... Buckeye Peas ............ Alslke Clove ..... ..... .. Rod Clover .... ..- .. - Potatoes. per he; .- 060t0065 HEAT, POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCE DR. HcCULLOUGH cl Pourborough. will mu; Lind-q Int ad third Wednesday of and! month at. the Simpson Bonn. Hmato¢p.m Oouuluuon in m. hr, 'I‘hrou DEA. ammo. A. andso. Gauudn-idmcorncoluw DR. JEFFERH. Oflco homOtoll STONING “CHINE for sale. In um du- ropur. Will be sold at 3 Wu. Apply to WILLIAM “GEE, Box 6 Jmtville.â€"2H. STBAYEDâ€"Cuno onto tho premises pl‘tho undersigned 6th con 0pc on June 6th. one lam! broncho mum, blind one eye and branded "A. A." 0m in toque-ted to prove prop- erty, pay expense- nnd remove the nnlmd. WILLIAI CROWLEY. Lind-3y P. 0â€"298. STRAYEDâ€"From the premise. of the undersigned, lot 8. con. 8. town- ahip of Ops. on or before the lat of June, ONE DARK RED STEER yearling. with white spot on left side. tail clipped and stu- on (use. Any information tint will lead to its recovery will be thankfully xe- caived. PE’I‘ER llAWKcNS. Rea- boro P.O.â€"25-4. goons. Edinburgh. Dentists of Midwifery. Edinburgh. Special at.- tantlon glvu to ll'd'ifu-y and dis- ouel 0! women. Nwhonp No. 98. uyand W. Bantu“ o! Boyd Colleen M and Sur- *R. G. S. RYERSON. 60 Congo-0%.. Toronto. En. oar. noon and 8. WHITE. mu 0! Toronto Unitas“: W Fatality. duo grant» of Trinity University. Toronto. and maniac 0! College of Physicians and Sun-gm. Onurio. 0mm Mud-”4t. 'Ibkphono 107. phm No. 4-8. mad Noon Dina-l. The Lindsay Markets varABLms o -OrOI-m-o "M750 mmwmw 00005 mmwmw ms1w m0005 500 5235 777 M454777mm7 0000000 0000084 mmmmm ammowmwww mwmmwmmo mmmmmm 00000000000060 (H) McKINNONâ€"Frlday. June 6th, John D. HcKinnon. oldest son of Mr. Anthony McKinnon of Hariposn, aged 21 years. - HcLEODâ€"At Hmietta, Michigan on Wednesday, June 5th. Isabella Mc- Leod, relict of the late Donald Mc- Leod. formerly of Mariposn. and mother of Mr. Nelson McLeod of Cannington. OLIVERâ€"In Brock, on Friday, J une 6th, Robert Oliver. aged 73 years. PAYNEâ€"On June 10th, at his resi- dence in Harvey, Adam Payne. ag- ed 84 years. HcCREAâ€"In Lindsay, on June 12th. Kory Wish, wife of Mr. W. C. S. llcCrea. aged 26 years. HcGILLIVARYâ€"At Fenelon Falls. on Thursday, June 12th. 1902. Flora McDonald. wife of Neil McGillivrny, nged 65 years. SILVERâ€"In Lindsay. on Monday. June 17th, Ellen Nowry, beloved wile of Mr. Charles Silver. aged 59 you-I. CLARKE. â€"In Lindsay. on June 15th Input Clarke.wi1e 0! William XcGinnis. aged 80 years. mmâ€" At the residence of her mum-.199. S. H. Metherell 53 Wont, Toronto, on Tuesdav the‘ 17th inst... Mrs. John Mallett sr.. ntthe .300! 87. Funeral at lit- tle Britain today (Thursday). HOO'I‘ONâ€"HAYGARTBâ€"At the rear ldence of the bride’s lather. Myles Math. Balsam Lake. on Wed- needey. June 11th, by Rev. A. J. Terrill. Ethel ll. Baygarth, to Hark Andrew Hooton of the town- ship of Ctvcn. CLARKâ€"FALLOWDOWNâ€"At the res- ldenoo o! the bride's uncle Mr. TR. Glendennlng by the Rev. D. 1!. Mar- tin of Cannlnflton. Kr. Amos Clark to [in Elizabeth Fallowdown. both of Brock. HILLâ€"HENDERSâ€"At the residence 0! the bride's parents, Bond-ct” on Wednesday eftcrnoon, by Rev. E. Rom, Selina Maud. eldest daug- hter 0! Kr. and Mrs. John Headers, and Ollver Bailey Hill 0! Iiddloâ€" town. N. Y. to Ir. daughter. cndln Kent-Sta KEEP ‘ 0.. CINNAMON’ Screen Doors, Window Screens, Refrigerators. Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks, etc, 1‘ loyest prices. We are headquarters f“ Wrre Fencing, Pure Iixed Paint; Dealer in Puma-8’ and Builders’ Stoves, Tinware, etc. Hot weather is comingâ€"4m can assist you to enjoy it. We have anice assortmentofzzzzzz fl! lam-WARD} “It Pays to buy at CinnamoAnjg’ Britons cording Don 't {c Wednesd ember n the pea; the two partyisn commem sturdy 3 sons anc the his: seated l director it. their perous The pri: many centre. turn me. when an ed. A f t C. 11108! 0 mm one In Cameron stop in fi Hall mis stop for Wilson c: North Victoria Amman-lull The annual June meeting at! North Victoria Agriculturll was held at Kirkfiuld on 6th" Ufifl Baseball hone N L Kent Stapl Flour Oil Ca and l« Youths Boy! 3

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