21: FIFTY ACRE FARM FOR SALE..â€" In Mariposa, fair buildings; good water; close to school and church. Price $1300. Apply at this oï¬ice. HARM FOR SALE OR RENTlâ€"Belng nest half lot 24, con. 9, Brock, one mile north of Manilla, 4 miles from .Cnnnington. 100 acres, 90 acres dared, soil dark clay loam. On the farm is a. good stone house. fair outbuildings, orchard. two good wells and never-failing spring creek. Fall ploughing well advmced. Ap- ply if by letter GEO. J OHNSON, Box 53 Cannington, or on lot 2, con. 18, Mariposn.â€"â€"6~t1. FARM FOR SALEâ€"That valuable farm situated on lot 5, con. 11, Eldon, containing ninety acres more FARM FOR SALEâ€"South half lot 19, con. 10. township Ops, contain-a ing 100 acm good land about 60 of which are cleared and in good state of cultivation ; 20 acres bush, remainder good pasture. Frame FARM FOR SALE.-â€"North quarter lot 2, con. 7, Mariposa. Contain- ing ï¬fty acres, good frame house with stone cellar, full size, log stable, thirty acres cleared, with LOSTâ€"Small Black Spaniel Bitch, about May 24th. Answers to name “Curly." Reward will be given for imormation as to her whereabouts F. C. McGAHEY, Lindsay, P.O.â€"- HOUSE FOR SALE IN LINDSAY.â€" I hrve been authorized by Mr. H. Ferguson to sell his raidence on corner Albert gnd Melbourne-eta, south ward. This is a. substantial dwelling, containing eight rooms, Building lot attached. A good A ti- [ARE FOR SALEâ€"East half Lot 1, Con. 14, Emily, 100 acres, all plow land, On the premises are good 103 dwelling, frame and log barn. name and log stable, pig-pen, henâ€" ory, roothouse, etc. Two acres of bearing orchard. Plenty of good water. Eight miles from Indgay barn 60 x 30 with stabling undere heath; log stable holding three team of horses ; comfortable log house; young bearing orchard; nev- er-failing well. Three and a half miles from Lindsay; school house on the corner of the place. This larm will be sold at a reasonable Price as I intend giving up farmâ€" mg. MRS. MARGARET CAL- VERT, Lindsay, 110â€"254, or less. 011 the premises are a. log house, frame barn and log stable. The land is in a ï¬rst-class state of cultivation, about seventy-ï¬ve acres under crop, six acres of good hard- wood bush, balance pasture. Water plentiful. One mile from Hartley? For full particulars apply to Mrs. J. R. GILCHRIST, Hartley, P. O. â€"vâ€"uv__ Bun-goon Point md Bobcaagoon. Steamboat to Lindsay twice a duy, u ided spot for a summer reel- donm. Apply to MOORE a; JACKâ€" SON, Solicitors, Lindsay .--24-tf . runII-igg éaiegm through it. This property is within one hundred rods of Manilla Junction. E. EVANS, and four miles from Dunsford. For further particulars apply at this omee.â€"20-tf. gaggto 7 secure a comfortable home, as the property must be sold at once.â€"C. CHITTICK.â€"22â€"tf ma nu;- on 10 new LOST mpmms INSURED by getting your marriage license from Thou. Bean. Licences issued either st hishomonAJbertâ€"st.orut his ofï¬ce at. G. W. Bull’- jewellery FARM WANTEDâ€"Near good market. 150 acres good land, with suitable buildings. Apply stating price to Box 592 Lindsay. â€"25-3. W. F. BROAD, Veterinary Surgeon. Inspector of Live Stock for Domin- ion Government. omoe and resi- (101100.46 Peel-ct" between Salva- tion Army Barracks and Curling Rink. Telephone 146.0111: ansâ€" wered night and day. JAMES DOAN, carter 1- pmparod to do carting of all kinds on short notice and at reasonable rates. FARMERS AND OTHERS wishing to THOMAS SWAIN, Blackstock P.O., 0m... Licensed Auctioneer for Dur- ham, also Ops Township. Farm Stock and other sales promptly at- tende'd to ; charges moderate. CREAM SEPARATORS.-â€" A good Separator, will add at least. 256. a. hundred to the value of your milk. Thu there in a. saving in labor and the satisfaction of know- A LARGE AMOUNT of privata funds WELDON, Solicitors. aw, Ontario Bank Building, cor. Kent and Wil- liam-stun Lindsay. In 0W every Monday. HE UNDEBSIGNED are prepcrod to loan money on Farm, Town and. Village Property, at the very low- est rates of inter-pet, privuto or company funds. McSWEYN l; Clerk, Oakwood. .Ont. Insurance Agent, Issuer of Inn-tinge Houses. Conveyancing in all its Form. MONEY T0 LOAN. borrow many on farm property will ï¬nd itto thelrinterest to write or see me before plains their loans. Business strictly comment- ld. H. 0. HAMILL, lot 17, con. The removal of piano. and organs a. specialty. Orders can be left at JOHN FLUBEY'S Grocoer Kent-at.â€"19-3m. to loan, 4} and a per cent. WM. STEERS, Solicitor, Dominion Bank Building, William-st... Lindsay in; that you no getting all butter. Can you aflord to cure for, feed and milk cows and then eachdaylocaeaspercent.o!the tat produced ? Many people hesi- tcte to get a Separator because the old style complicated machines maohardtoclean. But thenew Sharpless 'Ihbulu' Separator enâ€" tirely overcomes this difï¬culty, and notwithstanding the fact that there we no discs, zig-zag plates or other contraptions in the bowl, it is ab- solutely guaranteed to skim closer thm any' other mgke of separator. A free trial gm. Come and see the machine in operation any time Send poet-card for descriptive mat,- ter and prim list to P. J. WIL- KINSON, Cambray. or to GEO. HUNTER, manyâ€"443m. , Fenolon. Inlay P. O.‘ VETHIUA RY SURGkON HAMMGE HOMES AHDLB FOR SALE MONEY m L01†FARM â€WED ‘WTIONEHIS Townnh‘fp T0 BORROWERSâ€"Wo no loaning money on real estate mortgages at. the lowest currentxutes. The busâ€" iness is done in our on can. and DONALD R. ANDERSON, Barrister, Solicitor. be. I am now loaning large sums of private funds on let. mortgages on mm property of. 4} to 5 per cent. Terms to suit. bor- rower. 0mm immediatdy opposite the Duly House, Kent-It... Linda-S. MOORE a J ACKSON, Barristers. be STEWART O'CONNOR. W. Notaries, to. Money to 10.: u. very lowest marl-ant nu- on best. terms. one. corner Kant and York-ota.. Lindsuy. ’1‘. Stewart. L. V. O'Connor, B.A. G. H. HOPKINS, Btu-flaw, 801£ch error the Ontario Bank. Money to Loan at Lowest Baton. one. No. 6 William-atâ€, south. DR. SUTIONï¬utJ-t. 1m, Hon- or grain“. of Toronto Oahu-shy and Boyd Congo 0! Dung-1 Bur: DR. NEELANDS, dentist. Lindsay. Extracts teeth without. pain by gas (Vituuz-d Air) “ministered by himforaeyw-withgmtm He studied the go: under Dr. Cot- ton, 01 New York, the originator at gas for extracting tooth. Dr. Cob- ton writes Dr. Noelnndn that. ho has given the gas to 186,417 persons without an accidont. Dr. Nahua- DB. F. A. WALTERS. damn. Lind- say. Honor Nuts 0! Toronto University sud Rqul__cone¢_‘o_ o! 88803 and debentures. T0 TORSâ€"We invest money 101' clients on mortgagee. also upon 1'1de debentures, investment stocks end bonds. MeLAUGHLIN, WAR: the principal and interact repaid touswithoutanymmseo! ro- mjtting. We also purchase mort- Solicitors for the County 01 V10- toria. and the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan on mortgages at. lowest. current noes. om W,lâ€" ham-at... Lindsay. F. D. Moore. Alex. Junk-on. uees the best local pain obtunden. Beautiful artiï¬cial teeth W at moderate prices. Please send a postal card More coming. 01300 nearly opposite the swoon Hm- Linda?- TA. warm. PRACTICAL ARCHI- TECT. Box 178 mm.â€"1o-a-n. Haida aorta-I for good Datum. lumbar Boyd Dam 0011.10. 031- goons. All the hunt Improved methods adopud sad prion- mod-r- am. Omen ovu- Andm Nu- gnnt'u, opposite thch'u total-39. and Royal Congo 0! Bantu Sur- geons. Evcy dept-uncut 0! duo- uatry in done In a Mud and scientiï¬c manna- ut modern; prio- a. one. our Harm's Dru Eton. . H. GROSS. nun-3.. Dents! Surgeons. All the least and improved Me. of dentistry successfully performed. Chergee moderate. Oflee over smog:- R. ARTHUR DAY, dentin, succu- aor to the ma Dr. Bart, lambs! of Toronto Dontd College and T0- ronto UniversitY- A190 grudusto of American Dental 0011030- Moat modern dentistry PI’Um-‘N‘i in the moat. scientiï¬c manner- BAMISTHIS, ‘0- murmur EVERSONâ€"In the township of Ver- ulun, on Saturdgv, June 7th 1902 the wife of Mr. Walter Everson of a son. RUTHERFORDâ€"In the township 0! Fencion, on Sunday, June 8th, the, wife of Mr. Alexander Ruthedord, I ofsaon. SPROULâ€"In Cannington. on June, 5th, to ï¬r. andâ€. Albert. B.~ Sproul a doughnut. CLIFFâ€"In Cannington, on June 6th Butter, per l‘b ...... Chickens. pa- pd: Turkeys per 1!) -- Fall Wheat, per bushel... Fyte Wheat, per bushel... Spring Wheat. per bush. Goose Wheat, per bush... Buckwheat. .. Barley. per bush ...... Rye ........................ 0st: _ .. .. ... .. Peas, small ............... Peas, mummies ... Postman---.... Buckeye Peas ............ Alslke Clove ..... ..... .. Rod Clover .... ..- .. - Potatoes. per he; .- 060t0065 HEAT, POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCE DR. HcCULLOUGH cl Pourborough. will mu; Lind-q Int ad third Wednesday of and! month at. the Simpson Bonn. Hmato¢p.m Oouuluuon in m. hr, 'I‘hrou DEA. ammo. A. andso. Gauudn-idmcorncoluw DR. JEFFERH. Oflco homOtoll STONING “CHINE for sale. In um du- ropur. Will be sold at 3 Wu. Apply to WILLIAM “GEE, Box 6 Jmtville.â€"2H. STBAYEDâ€"Cuno onto tho premises pl‘tho undersigned 6th con 0pc on June 6th. one lam! broncho mum, blind one eye and branded "A. A." 0m in toque-ted to prove prop- erty, pay expense- nnd remove the nnlmd. WILLIAI CROWLEY. Lind-3y P. 0â€"298. STRAYEDâ€"From the premise. of the undersigned, lot 8. con. 8. town- ahip of Ops. on or before the lat of June, ONE DARK RED STEER yearling. with white spot on left side. tail clipped and stu- on (use. Any information tint will lead to its recovery will be thankfully xe- caived. PE’I‘ER llAWKcNS. Rea- boro P.O.â€"25-4. goons. Edinburgh. Dentists of Midwifery. Edinburgh. Special at.- tantlon glvu to ll'd'ifu-y and dis- ouel 0! women. Nwhonp No. 98. uyand W. Bantu“ o! Boyd Colleen M and Sur- *R. G. S. RYERSON. 60 Congo-0%.. Toronto. En. oar. noon and 8. WHITE. mu 0! Toronto Unitas“: W Fatality. duo grant» of Trinity University. Toronto. and maniac 0! College of Physicians and Sun-gm. Onurio. 0mm Mud-â€4t. 'Ibkphono 107. phm No. 4-8. mad Noon Dina-l. The Lindsay Markets varABLms o -OrOI-m-o "M750 mmwmw 00005 mmwmw ms1w m0005 500 5235 777 M454777mm7 0000000 0000084 mmmmm ammowmwww mwmmwmmo mmmmmm 00000000000060 (H) McKINNONâ€"Frlday. June 6th, John D. HcKinnon. oldest son of Mr. Anthony McKinnon of Hariposn, aged 21 years. - HcLEODâ€"At Hmietta, Michigan on Wednesday, June 5th. Isabella Mc- Leod, relict of the late Donald Mc- Leod. formerly of Mariposn. and mother of Mr. Nelson McLeod of Cannington. OLIVERâ€"In Brock, on Friday, J une 6th, Robert Oliver. aged 73 years. PAYNEâ€"On June 10th, at his resi- dence in Harvey, Adam Payne. ag- ed 84 years. HcCREAâ€"In Lindsay, on June 12th. Kory Wish, wife of Mr. W. C. S. llcCrea. aged 26 years. HcGILLIVARYâ€"At Fenelon Falls. on Thursday, June 12th. 1902. Flora McDonald. wife of Neil McGillivrny, nged 65 years. SILVERâ€"In Lindsay. on Monday. June 17th, Ellen Nowry, beloved wile of Mr. Charles Silver. aged 59 you-I. CLARKE. â€"In Lindsay. on June 15th Input Clarke.wi1e 0! William XcGinnis. aged 80 years. mmâ€" At the residence of her mum-.199. S. H. Metherell 53 Wont, Toronto, on Tuesdav the‘ 17th inst... Mrs. John Mallett sr.. ntthe .300! 87. Funeral at lit- tle Britain today (Thursday). HOO'I‘ONâ€"HAYGARTBâ€"At the rear ldence of the bride’s lather. Myles Math. Balsam Lake. on Wed- needey. June 11th, by Rev. A. J. Terrill. Ethel ll. Baygarth, to Hark Andrew Hooton of the town- ship of Ctvcn. CLARKâ€"FALLOWDOWNâ€"At the res- ldenoo o! the bride's uncle Mr. TR. Glendennlng by the Rev. D. 1!. Mar- tin of Cannlnflton. Kr. Amos Clark to [in Elizabeth Fallowdown. both of Brock. HILLâ€"HENDERSâ€"At the residence 0! the bride's parents, Bond-ct†on Wednesday eftcrnoon, by Rev. E. Rom, Selina Maud. eldest daug- hter 0! Kr. and Mrs. John Headers, and Ollver Bailey Hill 0! Iiddloâ€" town. N. Y. to Ir. daughter. cndln Kent-Sta KEEP ‘ 0.. CINNAMON’ Screen Doors, Window Screens, Refrigerators. Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks, etc, 1‘ loyest prices. We are headquarters f“ Wrre Fencing, Pure Iixed Paint; Dealer in Puma-8’ and Builders’ Stoves, Tinware, etc. Hot weather is comingâ€"4m can assist you to enjoy it. We have anice assortmentofzzzzzz fl! lam-WARD} “It Pays to buy at CinnamoAnjg’ Britons cording Don 't {c Wednesd ember n the pea; the two partyisn commem sturdy 3 sons anc the his: seated l director it. their perous The pri: many centre. turn me. when an ed. A f t C. 11108! 0 mm one In Cameron stop in ï¬ Hall mis stop for Wilson c: North Victoria Amman-lull The annual June meeting at! North Victoria Agriculturll was held at Kirkï¬uld on 6th" Uï¬ï¬‚ Baseball hone N L Kent Stapl Flour Oil Ca and l« Youths Boy! 3