lifeboat m, m d to 81313011, ‘ , with inï¬nite ives were plied lï¬dboat caught the anchor; lift flew on her rat: within her, such table gratitude the eï¬orts of t 3y, one of the n med to have snï¬ allows, revived SI he name of t‘ ber- lost. asked or man no time-for speed Again and I her wild way water shook M er, threatening me than one of ‘wondcred how harmed throng! in ‘a'd' ' 'VOOI hey sat or lay on the point Seven in an t] worn. wan men, as with theutm 18 coxswain oft ad that no more :trose, for c oxswain, ho: "0 0533216; †5°C. a11d $1. ‘1 dragged on nd were an ling surf into artle “10m 1 1m Hm Ladies’ blue and black los’ Black Lustre, . lisses‘ black and grey Hisses' blue and black mg .75. Men’s Fancy Light weig gâ€"len’s‘Fanc‘v White Vesd Sâ€"Boys’ Tweed Suits, 10 per cent. off all Boys IOper cent. all all Men’s 10 per amt. of? all Can I-Ladies . dies .1) 16-h! Table Linens, Towenings, Cottonades and [mac ï¬-Pure Bleach-ed. 60 in Table Linen, reg. 45H; ; 9â€"Purc Bled/110d. 672 inch Table Linen, reg $1.25._9( soâ€"White Cotton Towels, 3 for 100; Linen ToWels, 2 : z-Men's Balbriggun Shirts and Drawers, reg 35c ........ aâ€"Men's Balbriggnn Shirts and Drawers, peg 55¢ ........ 34-31933 Colchr‘atud Spring Needle Underwear, reg. 80¢ Fsâ€"Heavy Moh- (Tottonade, reg 27c_22c ; reg_18cfli ....... ‘S-Heaw Cotton Shit-ting, reg 160.43%“ regw15c hrgain "a Ladies’ White Wear, Blouses and Children’s Blouses 15â€"mdies’ White Night GOWnS, embroide ' 17-Ladies’ agitc {\Tight Gowns, lace trimmryegnmmregegi Jigs. 900 """""""" 69c lsâ€"Ladies'v ' ite 7nderskirts, lace and insert; ' . ‘ ------ 89c . on trimmed reg $1 10 39 ’ ‘ . c 19,1,adies’ White Unders-kirts lace insertion Wi h ’ cks neg - v ' ’ I go-Ladxes “hxto Drawers, hemsti-tched and tugkéfiu‘flouncé .313352110 , g. '28c 21â€"Ladios‘ Lace Trimmed Drawers, re 30câ€" . . flâ€"Ladié' “31m Blouses, lace and “Eamon 21:;ir%:'55c ..................... 45c reg 51.1 ) ............... - .......................... . mmxng ,and tucked, 1;.Ladics' White Blousw, lace and 155;... ......................................... 94c 34.1,adys' \Vhitv Blouses, Insertion trimgtnmmmg reg $1 10 $1.25 35â€"La_dzes Z'Hau-vo: red, Whlte and Pink Silk â€313:3 $3 75 ............. 3 00 ï¬-Chxldren q \Ehzte Aprons, ages 1 to 6 y M reg $5 ......... 2 50 xâ€"Whitc Law Curtains, 3% yds long reg eal$15ioreg 30c ..................... 25c ‘ 85c 10 p81. Cent_ 0‘1 all Ladies! Whitewear ‘ 00-. ............................ 10 per cent. off 'all Blinds and Lace canaztnkmï¬ï¬inï¬'Wm DB ‘ Days. Bargain ' ,Snm aye. Table Lmens, Towenings, Cottonades and Underweaium B. Days liâ€"Pure Bleach-0d m in 'I‘ahvn 7:..-__ __ ... W. MCGAFFE Y 10 per cent. off all Gloves J1me; gain 3†Ladies’ White Wear, 3101 Itsâ€"Ladies' White Night Gowns, em! Bargain - ‘ ‘ 1,.Ladies' Summer lVet Corsets, reg, 75c ‘ whim-en's Summer Net Corsets, 3 to 1 3.4311195" Drab CorsetS, No. 176; all size kmdies' B and C Corsets, No. 210, w]: 5.Ladics‘ Summer Corsets, assorted, reg 5..Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, reg 27c _ 7..Ladies' Black Lace Front Thread Hose Hï¬dies' and Misses’ Black Hose, with u‘ 9,Ladies' Misses" and Children’s Ribbed C Ioâ€"Ladies' Black Thread Hose, natural 50] 11.4 patterns Val Laces and Insertionsrel 1-3.3 patterns T orchon Laces, reg' 7c and 5 13,10 patterns Embroideries, reg4c, BD 1 14â€"42mm“ White Cotton Vests, long sleeves» 1543 dies. short Sleeve Cotton Vests, raga 4n ‘._ nnï¬â€˜ A“ all “1---; F We’re going to submit a list 0 " » e, - wear. The weather has been a. ï¬tfleggggls‘youflliï¬Ã©Ã©d for mer Goodshbut. we are going to Stimuia' 91‘ 1333351123 “with temptmg Inducements. “.ebnying "iï¬fth‘ ‘9.- '°‘No~ v- Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers Coleman-d Spring Needle Unde More (,‘ottonade, reg 27câ€"22c ; Cotton Shining, reg 166.131 H.111] and Saturday June 3111 111111111. 1 O0... "0... Ladies†Rain Coats and Shirts, Men’s ILptonette Rain Coats,-grey, fawn luck and blue-neatly‘trimmed Dress lm- and black fancy flecked Walking lack Lustre, nicely-made Skirts, neg ack and grey Skirts, silk trimmed- l vo'lv ’“u‘uo. P 12~0.13 black Dress Skiff-s Corsets, Hosiery, Laces, Embroideries and Vesta and at Corsets, reg. 75c June Bargain Net Corsets, 3 to 10 years, reg, ats, No. 176, all sizes, peg; 50¢; ..... orsets, No. 210, White, mg *1 LIKELY IT'S EMPIRE DAY STUFF (The Toronto Globe) Rum. has W the who ing of purxotlsm in her mum lessons create the inform“ thlt otho 3“;th not Who-modal] ‘u ' , A 200.000 pounds wanted rot; which We will pay the highest prim, and one cent above} market price in oxâ€" change for goods. > ~ _v-.-.-vw, 1.55- i Jrawers, reg 30câ€"2-lc; . ace and insertion ~-oo-...---..-o..'o-0..... uuuuuuuu 'uuLS,-grey, faWn and green, reg $5 $3.7 5 r‘trimmed Dress Skirts, reg $5. 0 ' flecked Walking Skirts, reg $5.50 urawers, reg 55c ........ ile Underwear, reg 80c 7câ€"22c ; reg 18cm ....... 16câ€"13§c, reg.15c........ ooooooooo to. u... a... d...- trimmed, 3' reg. 450â€"350; reg 3n, reg $1.25â€"900 : WM WW * am Days ......... 500 and out. That 13 to 10 years, reg. 25e..._..... ........ 17c heartening record 1 sizes, reg. 50¢ ................ Q. ........ 44c their attempts ‘0 1 ), White, reg $1 .............. ........... 4 89¢ ï¬eld to oppose C'ol , reg 40c and 50c ..'. - 'm- ............. 80.................................; 2c ; reg, 10c ...... - ......... ., reg 1704-140 : reg 9.‘ In. an... .-.¢o. .u...ono... for ..... ts, neg725c ....... .. 2% g ose, reg 13c“. 10c f¢ 3c...’...‘c , .................... 22c 1:} 6c ..... . .................. 4c ............................ ‘50 b 10c ...... - ............... 5c 1:! ~14c ; reg 27c 22c m ; reg 25c... .......... 21c se June B Days 31] Blouses. 59] reg 90c ............ 6% of .flO ..................... 89c Mo: Imed, reg $1.10 89c ab ks, reg. $1.30 $1.10 the iounce, reg. 35c 28c ga1 55c ..................... 45c tio 2g and tucked, an: ..................... 94c we] 9;, reg $1.10 $1.25 'be 75 ............ 3.00 tor' reg $5 ......... 2.50 o-oooo-ooac.o.. Dc 21c manner of a man who reckmléimhlm’ .u .......... self posmsmd 0f supernor Skill in mampulation or of some dark secret; lousesJune B Days that was discoverable only by a e 90- senator and not safe In the keeplng ’0g 0 ------------ :3: of anybody less than a senator, Mr. ed, reg $1.10 89c , reg. $1.30 $1.10 Ince, reg. 35c 28c and that they had not left then- reg $1.10 $1.25 work and travelled long distances to 75 3 00 'be made fools of. But then sena- 'e $5 """"" 2‘50 tors can make monkeys of common ', g """"" 2'5 men and get nothing done to them. ........ 85: Anyway that’s what happened. . j_,]'une B . Days In so far as prominent local Liher- 1 als were concerned, the meeting was . ' June B. Days marked by more discretiOn than m..- - ....- ......... 3.95 1.25 ..... 1.50 ............... 120 June B Days Here was a. topic iii which Mr. Steâ€" wart had room. He shook out a , topsail and sailed in. The Rockies 1 were dandled on his knee, the St ‘ Lawrence obliged the assembly by ' full Vvv all“ sections of Canadas nature} scenery were by main force dragged onto the' stage, while N lag- ara; thundored in the background. ‘W-hen' did ,these mountains ï¬rst towâ€" er. and the St Lawrence ï¬rst. to“ r and these prairies ï¬rst become ‘01" tile. wand; our! natural scenery? 01'†togetuneahgriponidmsolf. he! thanked , out the reply. "After 1! 1896 Then did his ouditofl 51w ‘ their heads m1. some minim “Miâ€. - u do the J19! Wm “. w». Idwwm . course; and the mines, he dug flu-,m and hid the precious metal there, and by him the (crests were planted Via-.1. mom! does anybody “ant to talk about on a. Liberal platform? Mr. Stewart doesn’t anyway. And what Liberal convention would not ï¬nfl material for a cheer in the stuâ€" pendous narrative of what Lauricr had done ? _ . _ ‘ , . v. - -â€"'----““ Undnyand Whitby . , . r “’22: 222:2â€:2 2222-2 :2 2mm growth or hem tife convention put the Liberals r m be no leeral cendidate. Mr. C. 'E. :gï¬Ã©ggggmaï¬igmggsg £233 such a hopeless plight as heron lou .Weeks was sure It wouldbe only 8““ is securing. Within quite re cent time: can’t expect a. Liberal convention to 112g ewny their 231114118 to the Contigw- z the or di pa ger trains {0] go into ecstacies over that outlook. a 13: to say ngd tr 01' 1;“ Roblte Toronto bnyfluway ofliEBlackwater haw ‘But why try 7 Talk about soxnethmg £0 be a lea. l a e. t r. ° been supplemented by one leav' else. What’s the use of having a ennedy decared that hey-wens up . . . bi-r country if you can’t use it to talk against a weak candidete, but later his? about in such an emergency and the government did not expect as that 9 The good crops of lateâ€"â€" them to. win, and what. was the us}; didn‘t-Laurier cause. them? Why 0f 0f ï¬ghting iffrthmzs no (1:223:81; time to catch it here. cause; and the mines, he dug them, gnnélllgbe st'. d Ith" £61130 b tell- But there was the rub. General and hid the precious metal there: . e tow, are in lighichphey was public demand {or a mom convenient and byxhjm the {greets were planted- 11:13 0 that r m3; retu a. Tory service, reinforced “no. doubt by re Mai-.1. more does anï¬vlmdy want ‘2 wig!!! he 1. “liege†andmoafd one into cent railway developments in this re- talk about on a Liberal platform‘i 11"]: h N ' d that alwa s elected gion have at length persuaded the Mr. Stewart doesn’t anyway. An w m e mow y ' A . Grand Trunk omcials to provide a van - w “1 T ry t’ll he went there, but never . what Liberal n tron- - o d not :ftegwarr;8_ mam. hv a" mm. . better semen. marked by more discretion tha; lor. Hardly enough men sat arc the chairman to make him look 5 The gentlemen who regard tk selves as the lnndino tin-1n... .: It Was avery but Senator Me] throat from the manner of a in: self VpOSSQSind Of gate’s 0W“ Statement for'm‘from the north, the {10am}; of Music . Thos.» Stewart héd'beén awn! ‘tural scencI'Y’ ï¬rst lo '2‘ demanded the pausing a moment 'ip on"-1uimsolf, he t-hga reply. "After id his auditors ship a some OXBIM’ l ’ost uc wume Grit party joined in that retreat. Third; tine That is the somewhat dis. record of the Liberals in npts to put a man in thq pose 001. Sam. Hughes ‘ lay a. large gathering“ of tom the south riding, and according to that dale statement on the plat- the north, assembled in 1y of Music. r McHugh had it. by the L the outset. With the u only “mourn ,, Some out tin-L 13;. Her- haw L ’ ONTO, some heat, a. lot of candor and-"(m mazing accuracy .. when he sud: “Where are we mat? Herc we are toâ€" day aï¬d don’t- know “hat for; we are Just like a lot of steam coming- out of a pipe. We need 10- righthous men to ane Sodom." Befom putting Mr- Graham’ 3 km- endment chairman eXplaincd thaï¬ it meant to 0‘ nothing but to adjourn sine die. That. settled it. mleg‘atcs Who had retained a fair amount a! gel? individuality undead] the rest proceeding- gave up when M!!! W that the meeting m to what it meant but. if. matte «Maud 1: ea better to Mt maumuayuuammwom‘ around wâ€" -- -c‘, y \a-VVI-V“ a. Tory till he went there, but never afterwards. Fight by all means; but that all happened in England.1 The chairman said it was the best convention he had seen in 30 yearsâ€" . and the doctor saw one or two that ‘ didn’t :look much- to him in that .time. So things went on till the man who announced himself ,as the only delegate from the north (altho- ugh he had expected there would be a. earful) summed the situation up with pressed his motion on the ground that it was circulated there would The, mpwth be no Liberal candidate. Mr. C. E. both. Indicate: Weeks was sure it wouldbc only givâ€" the lmqrovedl ing' away their hand to the Conserv- A? â€curing- “’1 I The delegates were n They stroked their whiskers ed inquiringly at each othc what Senator McHugh saic right reasoned the map representative from the'sidt the can’t do anything toâ€"da , tell what it! to the tn you ave going to do toâ€"m'ormw. put on a quite} There are schoolboys that won’t ï¬ be 118-. bUt apart i ng. It disappointed. and in their he: you contented, but thcy show no to the. troops. They 7â€"â€" "va W V“'6“" are , ~â€" cause an tr 1e; 1' would have either of ‘ «a: uwwr. "and what these men - y _ou.b t there were little number of bewilderim - so our Supplies 118- high towel ed to be†cadged to _ us on wagons, but fines 0f 11: Hugh, senator after that each squad provisioned it- outlines 'l fon‘good reason. and Smale who was self from the nearest town. the sky ‘ Fox) have said that . The country is very desolate. It sands like 0-day select a candl- was entirely strippedand burned dur- the Vault amt In comparison. “What I want to know,†went the doctor, “and what these I here want to lmow, is : what are going to do about mama...- â€-4 m “99'0va noise Up and in 883] elm that they w “3" what a his 00111 “at importapt fol good thing. .0 m... vuv wu. anyway work out. “Did I like soldicnmg -? Well, them are things about it I liked. It is and quite an experience. I had good health with the exception of a six- weeks attack of (ever, but I have had all the soldicring I want. You have I: into the proceedings by heard a good deal in Canada about an amendment the direct the way the omeers tneated , chance to do something. It be right thing too. If you anything toâ€"day, tell what going to do toâ€"miorrow. schoolboys that won’t, ï¬ght! the man'with an v - Iva-M-v ! ":‘lvfl 15 O] rlected and noâ€" 'mac .affjer ï¬le {:11 of Pretona. he imxssxon fee Lay, as fur as he Promlse a w 0 would keep on .. ' _ ‘ ieach 'day it there ever would ï¬ghtmg] semal smllmgs a day- pay- , gone outsii able when the war was over. Some tel holds 4 of those still believe they will get} it. modation i; 33‘0 nonpluaed. , “Not only is there stagnation agri- People can $312330:ng5; .Oulturally in Africa, but that stag- awonder. magnet: yea; after the war business flared up LINDSAY ] was; but that has all dxed dowa ISO! mmmft: and c1331; to the Cast); flung: are '-' shad; blgrnahh Imam ‘ "mm 11071310“? changed to a rush out It 13 a â€ML Eh about such good place to keep away from. Land [In He couldn't The people in Cape Colony are wen If he know puzfled by the move 1.0 bring Chinese Ion-4 place in Li'ber- labor into the ‘l‘rruva'VHaI mims. A surprish an that can’t There are plenty of whites who would (audition of :ely them are gladly do the work for fair pl y. '1 Tue Northwest u 0 used to do it might ye: man-Wardâ€. 7' The rank bo’ embloimd- hm Mâ€. L“... .- __,.. completely Bpoile if it might be I Smale who was s have said that mh‘t n pond; _ ,__ -...u.u ul 1-. with the 11... md Mr. G. W. Shea .v- id quite a bit '0" bay who enlisted in the a the doctor bob- Afrimn Constabulary at Win ssive tones de- .‘nd agent, three years in that St re not there to m Arm“- “'1 W88 ‘ ‘ try they had nor the War «(sacrum on‘ Mr. 31 they were but v “v up Julsl rank ha eumloyodijiizt; both have the 01- sidetracked (or Ohinunen, who, Des for believed out there, will never :1 he is work as Well as lthe able-bodied (‘th ï¬rs! NODOdV Can mv wk" nun... The Wesley Sunday School will mm In" new on Ir“. 8. I). mum'- luwn- at magnum on Fri- fay owning. Juno 1m.mmca° land “any prom-um. m to 3. Admin-ion so and 16 men. If "pm‘dent intentions are carried out the, new train will be running in a weak or two. .l . .uuc woman wny sac and her family The subject has been under consid‘ ,left Dakota. “Ola,†said she, “We eration for some time, but ROW it‘ {only had 160 acres there, and we got has been decided to 'put on a fast 10-1330 an acre for it. That wasn't IcaJ train between Peterboro and Toâ€" ,enough land, but it hrought us ron'to going by way of Whitby. It ’enough to buy three times as much will make 119“qu between Peterb'oro ‘much here, and better land and have and here. and only at Port Perry 111 nice surplus.†That seems to be between'here and Whitby and then «the rule with the American settlers- right int'o the city. It will leave [my all: (111583 well, have mane , [Lindsay at 8‘0'0190k in the morning; know prairie farming, ,and will do 3),“;31Wé , have, f "2.310 “Whitby 'great things “for the Canadian. West: mace .'-' yum; ‘ local mt .mqvanenx t to M er fame â€3.. ' . .- gifteoommoninthe ésttoo. Old†“ .. ' Main-weed There madam wham‘rtea with 160 m1 m 1 â€Metallic rut?! inc"! 100]: pin that as only a. patch. “new!“ that mod-t9 M $50 ‘nolloflt’o‘m-eomlér a good ' †': "unanflleyï¬Ã© won't m a and naive Wflfout.†*rwvwwwl Toronto by way of Blackwater have been supplemented by one leaving qt 6490 in the morning and connecung at Whitby with theâ€"main line. By rthis service a man reaches the city about 930â€"“ he gets up in time to catch it here. But. there was the rub. General Leaving Petorboro it Will nuke Quick Time to the City by way of Wu! and Whitby A FAST TRAIN FOR TDRONTO WILL BE PUT 0!! BY G. T. R work as Well as lthe able-bodied Kat.- ï¬rs: Nobody can ansay why things are just as they are or how they will IDAâ€"l- -â€"- L that after the {all of émtoria he promised all who would keep on ï¬ahffl’naflm ..... I ,n n... A some 01 that. is true and some enough £6 is not. I have nothing to say farmers o‘ tint point. It could do no keeoers a . a scene 01 structlon. Th - . they had wanted to .night are be“; e51: been imnomihln c..- ‘Lm -have [either 0f the othnr l GLANDINE. South Africa is a scene n. Many of the men 1 '0 Wm mtioned had warâ€"some of them from an over the country. bOWilden‘vng, r or so our a'JPPHIBS 118- high tOWers‘ d to us on wagons. but fines 0! 1110] h squad provisioned it- Outlines b1; amt“ town.- the Skv v 7 â€"Vâ€"' DWt demeanor to 1d. They are seal; ad in their hearts dis, they show no hostil- "’95- They always very desolate. It e‘Wnd burned dur- ’ 3m that arq “"8 as yet little My grain but a, ' who, it is him.. Not ashamed t he will eats, mi 3r ï¬ghting We st It Seems which is we learned ing’ “0! course things aregoing‘along Ind [311 right but another bad c'rop would Bin bring on a disaster. A chic! trouble has with last_ year's crap was that met injut ripening time kept it growing. and it did dot ripen. ral GOOD AMERICAN IMMIGRANTS. enb _“A ï¬ne class of settlers is swarm- re ing ’in from'»‘tbe‘ Statesâ€"Dakota†Pe- Montana and Minnesota especially. he ' They all have money and come from a, good farms in the States. I asked 'one woman why she and her family (1- left Dakota. “0h," said she, “We it! lonly had 160 acres there, and we got 0-1830 an acre for it. That wasn't lo the E; 5. t nun- uu W N or I! k ‘5 E 5i 5 i a bunk. ’3 E g E j’l‘ho;m«rlon calls it this summer colony twice a dayâ€"on the. up trip 1:; 5h; morning. and on the down ut. -~Ir.' A. Phyluir wm build 3' ï¬ne munch the lower palm. - LIIIK‘B. 1‘ sumrlsin Sta ~ ’ould ’tonditimx of in; texpen't as.“ â€â€˜3 '1 he Northwest was ‘ ma > Yr: man-Wardor the de to t been gentleman who it is ad frnm +1.“... .12“; long ago return- now prame mnmng, and will do mt things “for the Quadian West. That maveuxept tab or farms is xgitgo common in the gum Old an extent by the'wholesalcs. I know [of one ï¬rm that has $40,000 hook debts" and only does about $30,000 of business in a. year. Financial re- ports' on business men > 3.1- , ranged along ' but fines of monster buildings 1 ed‘it- outlines “blaze clean-cut the sky, ’ ' § lea-Go: - A surprising I (audition of a. 2 Northwest “'35 ; man-Wardor 1 ' gentleman who ed from there t months “long that nagion, 1; 5WD. formprly Iston m Sisson, DOW traveller h â€The fact, as; "that last yea;- that; region. He is Mr. ston, formerly of the 1 Iston 91 Sisson, boots a: now traveller for a big ' “The fact2is," said M anyone on the spot can suits of it. That and t} _to farm lands that every douple of years ago, has amid!» conditions no 8011c outside for. ml hOIds 4,000 I modation is got†people can be [ac ’awondcr. LINDSAY MAN SAYS WEST IS ON EDGE_0F BALD TIMES PLEASANT POINT sands lilié the vaulti â€5 way are in debt 1d are owed by custo also in ‘debt {Or land. best bQSiness ï¬rms in mers the B0 a crisis, Not “fer-bought land alter Spending mm .thc bgsinoss men of ‘ Veg‘omg ‘along 21' bad drop Would . A chic! trouble 31’ Was that. met kept it growing, is Mr. Rdbt. Join: tlgc ï¬rm of John- ' can see the res nd the Nudge in- evHIV/'bOdy took a . has U‘ought ï¬n- up them near. Not only have and shoes, but 3‘ :I‘oronto ï¬rm. asses on the Si4 {ed along the â€Ui‘dings till Clea-1‘61“} as glimmering . Johnsnmi ’f heavén um °f the great Hide, above the most [ileuâ€" ï¬n§t sight is Buying till those against: 3‘ thou- t is held that no.- ‘is there and in- out»