E like but mm: for Advertisers. Covers Lindsay ) leen or; a a. ge- j a trans- .ll nx'r l receiv-z , _ . if highest , ~ m‘;' I “ ' , 'oil‘lce of deacon at the time of MI 4: ll‘ yeah tau-W1)†of J3,†'mey and death inhis church, also mam ;' , ' “ useful articles in a home is a refrlg- â€mu“ â€9“†“2°“ “5 â€my '9 'rchanga entor. Use it once and see how good Christian qualities and stead- ns 6.- m it W mt butter and milk £813th in the faith. Mrs. Brown. mt, we during the warm viesthcr A nice .9 two sons and three daughters curb fith you ' ’ ‘ - , v p ‘ p . Sortment and low in price at Cinna- vive him, and have the symoaLhy at .- ‘ C W h G 0d V « T mon‘s. Lindsay. we neighborhood. "31‘5““ “r" ‘h° 3» “age, Hats, aps as o s The Toronto Star of June 19 con- At any rate. all!“ is a. non-bonus : I h « G23†alumni" I lot: the 1‘21““ dosl 1; Mo; dei‘r.‘wï¬d¢eï¬:s.t§;.1§rd\lright.. Mr. 7 ~, ' †tains' ther’iollowingnews article con- roaOJrom W40 and; no bo- M1001?! ,, ‘. .. .. last. week w: “58:1: “and“. “:9 and Hrs. .P- D. McIntyre, D. A. Mo. 2: . . coming thenew C.P.R,line to Gear-.1105†have been W, and none re- may. “wharf-it W W community loses on; of its â€oldest Pheroon, B. and J. lichen-e, Mr. Everything pertaining to Summer must go. sin-n Bay : . , . i awed. ,- . . Luau-«hat Ir. M IL 3,0“ and be“ respected citizens and ,0 the and Mrs. -hT:lo= Love and muons :u- """' nelg‘lborhood MW“ his†M'- 1m- ‘1- Methodist: church specially a severe NW :1 “(ignored 0‘ â€m 1““ blow has camel‘s Mr. McGee was one ‘ W" c ' One of the most necessary and nanny cartonâ€"‘1 'aszmms'from“ the, . . .. gdea over the Mum ~ M â€M“ n unlaudâ€" who cvar rejoiced. who eVer aocountâ€" . . . . useful articles In a home 13 a wing- BARGAIN DAYS _ “Canadian Paciï¬c Friday and Sa'turday June 22nd and 23rd 5.10115 are gradually being mapped or Peterboro'.'the line .~ .. a hill at Mud meant! for ten miles ed 93199: it scanned W to â€9“?“ ed it a provilegï¬ to acknowledge the . . thï¬t such a; useful my must h‘ve Mum. whom he â€Von. He had for orator. I 98 11 ONCE and see 110’. nice it keeps meat, butter and milk Men’s Suits, Rain Coats and Pants. called being the line from the Peter-ï¬r 9° “1 t “M. Ԡmm‘y 0‘ N“, m , . mm, be... my 7 00, ale ' ' $5 50 boro neighborhood to Victoria Hal-.Ethe town it is somewhat shah-like in 5° 3 y t intuition. Hr. Brown t gag†a res-fulfirlat “it during the warm ther. A "saw . o . - 7 S m ' iconstmction. Indeed, the whole ï¬ne When in failing health for a year 318- 361135.833???" caifivénï¬gl sortlnent and low in price at Cinna- past, suffering from sanction of the ' Men’s overâ€"check tweed suits, reg 1,0,- 1. :11 Geo ‘ B d . ‘,. , . . . f 4. .,'nownas.e rg'lan ay-an _ 10‘1“)" llght and dark Tweed Suits, reg. 38‘ for 6'50’ 5 59 or 50 Seaboard Railway. This ,line is nine. is “59‘3“?“ by the many hm"; but . ithis is most evident in the neighbor- stomach. which defied the skill of the gave his “blast to the Master's service. church Peniel “.11 ‘ 1. place best racti , - Mr. Hem had lam-d 1 "set. 11‘: ’ v ' v " 3'0 0“ p tioners â€â€œ1 finally as W e ‘ o is Sunday and Monday, 24th and 25th. p . _ 93 _ 1 300 f 2 50 mon's, Lindsay. " , ' ' . -3 ' o ‘ . ' . ‘ . r . , boys lxmcker Suits, sizes to ‘30, Very speua , reg o ty_seven miles long, as at present [hood of the terminals. east and ‘M'cst'. . . ,, sumed a dropsicwl tendency, with the (affections on things abOVe ; he medâ€" . . A good time is expected, as a num- foremost ti chu h ' k d par n rc “or ' an The anniversary at the Methodist 7 ‘7 ‘ "1 ' I-v . ‘ b \ ‘ Boys Blouse berge Suits, reg. 1.00, sale we, reg. 1.50.8818 "-120 projected, but may be somewhat lens are It Will pass near the Village of Umeâ€" rzsult that. the end v ‘ pc jute“, upon the life beyond and was . so filled with joy in anticipating the 11);: of eloquent speakers are on the Men’s Tweed Pants, reg. 1.50, sale 1.20; reg. Men's Rain Coats, reg. 3.50, sale 2.98; reg. mce. a deputation from which recent- fully and almost UMXpectedlv. The 2.00, sale...... ......1.60 shorter before the ï¬nals p 5-50 for """ 4'45 completed. It pradically parallels 1y urged.the village's claims. It will prime of life, having been born in _ . . the Grand Trunk, especially from Lmoleums, 011 Cloths and Carpets. the Couchichmg Narrows ,0 me Han! go through Lindsay, and pass one 1840 M 1 , h '1 east fCanltta' three and n I ' "53 m‘?“"““nâ€â€œ. â€a" rule 0 5' 0 9" spent many years in this Vicinity glory of God's redeï¬ned that. this earth seemed to have _ lost the attrac- tion for him and he‘u‘as waiting for GLENARM. the great transition assured that Pure paris green for potato bugs late Alex. I. Brown was in the then he would hear the Master 3 vmca at Cinnamon's, Lindsay. Lino-leums 16x4 wide, reg. 45c square yd, sale....... ...35c bor- i With . ., Linoleums 16x4 wide, reg. 55c-square yd, sele......... L........4»5c WIL . ‘ \I g - ()9 half miles went at Glonarnl, two â€wing resided new. Cum-“gum for . Oilcloths, 4-50 yds, reg. 28csquare yd, sale ........ ...23c L IT E‘ TLR‘PETERBOR ’ ‘miles south of Eldon, through Brech- a lengthy period, from whence he M‘gnï¬ â€˜0 hm“ .“Friend, 30 “P highâ€"- A large stock of pure Mani‘lla “The advertisement calling for ten- . in. through lipterg‘rove. through Ath- moved some years 380 t0 the “9'3 er. ' Such a we ‘5 that 0‘ M" “0' Binder TWine. 650' feet t0 the pound. farm in M9088" With its comfortâ€" G99 is Of untold good. "6 Wed at Cinnamon's hardware store, Bind- A his own generation and fell asleep. say. Partners will do well to get the Hemp Carpeting, reg. 1%, sale 10c; reg. 15c, sale ........ 12%0 Floral Hemps, extra. heavy, reg. 20c for 16c; reg. 25c, sale. ...21c ‘19“ .loca‘es the 93‘9"“ lemmus _ 0f ,9†15’ J“"f“°"' t° 0â€"‘a‘ men“ able homestead. the‘hne at a pomt on the Canadian through (.oldwater and Fesserion 10 Deceased was a man whose word was as good as his bond, and whom All Wool Carpets, new patterns, reg. 95c; sale........~.... . . . . 75c , . sale. ..... . . . . . . 58c Paciï¬c between Peterboro and‘ Have- = Victoria Harbor. , to know was to love and respect. He is gone but we can hardlv call - - , ' . . - . price before placing orders elsewhere. life/8;: Egon m thxyorkfi the Sladâ€" The Presbyterian church, Glenarm, “god ‘12:: as? “b fcmmï¬ed.‘ d' on will hold its annual picnic in Mc- ‘ a me t e ear 0 ea ' Kav's Grove on Monday, Julv 2nd. and in his life a."d departure he bore Special attractions are being pre- “r. m :3233 ,..... .. than con ucrors Lh‘rou h Piim who ball tournament between the followâ€" loved “5", A memogial service is ing teams: Fenelon Falls, Manilla, to be held in the church Sunday ev- Lainbray and Hartley. lock. Thereby a tale is said to hang. “The new railway will cross the H . ed h _ i . ‘I ,_ e was deeply interest in t 9 cause ally en ,Couch chlng l arrows on a drau of rg‘ht, and acmve in church circl ' The Talbot and Pigeon being at. the time of his death an honored elder of tho Woodvillc Pres- |byterian church. The session feel deeply the loss of such a helpful as. Wool-ï¬lled Carpets, reg. 60 for 49c; reg. 70c, Ladies’ Rain Coats and Skirts. Ladics’ Dressy if Shower-proof Jackets, neatly tailored, reg. 8.50 _ man, and there are those who afï¬rm Whether the railway will [ï¬n ter Peterb‘oro is a matter of specula- gbridge. . 'rivers will also be crossed, and the Scugog at Lindsay. " ..7.25 I... otnoal o what the railway authorities deny. for. . ’. ................................................ g . Ladies’ Light Fawn and Grey full length Rain Coat-s, reg. 6.75 for .a .v pâ€" v n F â€CM-â€7 . .. .. a.-____,._______A ‘ . . ' 0.2.9- recr. 4.2-9 sale 600‘ recr. $10, sale ........................ 8.8.3 ' sacrum, and at a recent meet-mg, , . ’ .â€" ’ ’ D 1 G CBS OF RAT YEBS M I H Soothers f M' De ustiï¬ed to this fact in a esolution enlng 2““ "‘5‘ l . . - .- _ -. ‘ -. . â€"' â€EVIB r. - . . n. or ms ' r .. ' ' - 1 Ladies’ «,l.lrl\.dn(l llght u0lC1r0.d DUCk Sgï¬rtsrfig- 1-10; 33 e ---85C N EPA Grassi. objected to assessment 0,- of sympathy with the bot-awed rela- Window screens. and screen doors' HEAD LAKE. Y Ladies light grey Tweed bklrts, reg. 5.50., sa 6 ......... ........ ...4«.45 BEFORE 000‘" OF REVISION $3600 on property occupied by Dr. tlves. The {army‘s-inn church will at Cinnamon s, Lindsay. . Mrs. Walter 6051“,, ,md family are 13 only Medium grey and black Wlth winte Tweed Sk1rts, reg. 5,50, w, H. Clarke, claiming that. it dog; be much the poorer by the removal 3‘. let‘s? steels of pure Mamlla spending a few weeks “'th lm- par- to do 1' 1t ‘ 3 00 . , _ not pay 3 per cent. on the “ceased of one who was always faithful to Bind?!“ 'IWINO: 65“ feet to the 909ml. cnts, Mr. and MrS- Halli-lux- ouse d. r ........ . ........ o "‘. .................. c... ............. a H. . The Court Of ReVlSlOn met In the value. The assessment “'85 conï¬rmed the can of duty and “110m ï¬pll‘lt at. Clgnamon S lllTrgwarenstore, Ling- The HOVFS Of MT. (il‘Ol'g'r? Ilytle's . ' . - . '. . . , , , councxl chamber on Monday evening Mr. Sonthvran algo appealt-d from was one of peace and helpfulness. 58.?! armers “T 0 W" 1’0 get 1 0 death was received wnh regret. by ,- Men S and BOYS Summer Hats and Caps. to hear the complaints of taxpayers the assessment of $2500 for Messrs. But. in the family circle eï¬pocially, price before placmg orders elsewhere. his friends of this place. " ’ Squior Son. as they came here “'1“ the W198 counsel and cheery .MOSS’S- 13933000“ and _ ‘Rldf'rr Of Our teacher. Mr. Rombough, spout the presence of the husband and father Lmdsax conducted semcczs m the Saturday in Lindsay. church here on Sunday evening- Mr. We are glad to hear that Wakeï¬eld hot weather, reg. 2.50; sale 2.10 in regard to the recent assessment. _ . With the understanding that A widow, two a ' 0' | Mens Black Fedoras and the new There were present Mayor Vroohlan. assessment Shuuld remain at, 31000 sorely missed. , . _ Councillors Rea, Maunder, MCFfldden, for ten years, and this is only the sons and thm daughters mourn the Rider preached an interestmg SCT- Bailey is recovering from The 51-V01’8 ï¬fth year. This agreement will loss of one. who was ever anoted to? man on "Burdens." hurt which he received while at On Tuesday Messrs. R. Argue. C- school. the best interests of his home. The. _ . Argue, I Felr and R. Irvme, leave Mr, George Alton had a, horse and Men’s grey, brown and fawn Linen Hats, all new‘shapes, reg. 55c, 60c and 65c; Bargaln Days for flat sailor shape, reg. 1.75 for '2 ‘ . O'Rcilly, and the two assessors, stand, ’hut there is a din‘erenoe as to . ................................. 50c 1.45; reg, 2.00 for ,,,,,,, .....1.68 ‘ v .’ r v , 7 ' c . ‘ _, . , . G . . Li d ' d J. . . ' c ‘ ' ' Boys and Youths dr‘iblmen hat’s, 00 Odd Straw Hats for men and M859†90 H n 533. an the nature of ms busmess, whether Children (will rise up and call him 7 _ . . reg. DOC; sale .................. 450 b0 '3 were from 50c to 2 00_ Fleur-y. The appeals made In con- it is wholesale 0,. retail. the court blessed," as they treasure the Inem- here for a tour of the borthwest. con klllOd by lightning durlng 9, Men’s Very ï¬ne \Vhite Straw Hats, 1y ’ . ' ’ formity with the advertisement were believes it to be wholesale, and that ORV 0' his 1311th in hours Of W981“ Pure pans, 8"?" for potato bugs thunderstorm recently. eds 1'90“ 1 9:), sale Q10 rec 200 sa 8 ...... . . o c . .........- ...... 25C heard and most Of them acted upon. “'OUId place the business 835058 it ".955. his unfmhw-fl'ajth' in GOd and at Cinnamon S, I-Jlndsay. A number of our boys started for ’ D. ._. ’ b u , h. . 50 Odd Felt Hats colored and Ther wer about thirtv cases at 50 per cent, and that was also his "01“me u’Stmmfly t0 the fact MY,- ROM' MCGm' 0‘ Port Perry, Cobourg on Monday morning under for .............................. 1.70 ‘l . _ e e _ ’ ‘ ' the decision of the assessors. They that- While he was conscious 0‘ the has so far recoyered from a sew-re the command 0‘ Capt. LeCraW, of Men’s Fawn Fedora. Hats, very black, were 1.50 to 2.50; sale 90c The levy against thCOproperty oc- are seedsmen. and Mr. Soother-an waning of bodily strength, yet the illlnefss thiathgc 18 1:218 LloGt'll' 11313;? Norland. . . ‘ ‘ 9 ., . v - .. . cupied by L. A. Archambault, corner claimed that they pay for growing Spiritual vision “'85 87°me clearer. *8 men 5 re. ' . c 1 s 'm y â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘ newest shape, reg. -.50, sale 2.10 Yachting Tweed Caps, reg. 55c, of Bohd ï¬nd Cambridge streets, will the seed and grow it to order, but May those who remain. emulawï¬uch dISPOSlt'lCn has won him-many warm L- ~ Mens light grey Fedoras [for the sale ..... r ...45c be reassessed to the peesem occu- Mayor .vx-ooman thinks it is the an. example. Ample testimony to the friends m this comémmty Band “’0 Foresters and Sons of Scotland ~ - pant. , manner of disposal and not the 65W!!! in Wh'iCh ML BVOW'W†held are 3:1 glad that he ‘5 recovering so ..â€" mpfhod of obtai 'n a, w t at b all classes, was. 'vcn b the “I†Y- . - IN g e ares h Y _ 8‘ .V Mr. J h Walkef‘hasbeen feeling Yesterday the streets of Lindsay 0559 were epllvened for a few hours by large numbers who gathered to pay , indisposed for a couple of days, but . . the excursuonists who came from H. Hopkins, objected to the Valua- makes a dealer a wholesaler. . Mr. Michael Guirey objected to payâ€" a last tribute of respect to one whom , , 39" ls recovering. Agitncourt and intermediate places tion on all the property occupied by ‘ their manufactory and other busi- mg $2276 tax on lane 0" north “3"" had learned »to tht' A Mrs Wm Anderson who was dele- ness. The ofï¬ce is assessed at $1000 Kent street for which he receives 85 "109- appropriate 10 the 0003510“: ' ‘ ' . on the'r W8 to 130*â€va n. for the land and $2500 for the rental. The lane is ten feet wide “'35 held at the home by ,his pastor, gate to Port \Hope for the W' M '5’ The 1memoirs of thc‘fglncmlrt L . - .- .. . . building. It is claimed the land is and same depth as lot. and land in R0“ W. M» Kannawin, BIL. 859M!†has returned and reports a very mâ€" 0. F. lodge and the Sons of Scot- 130; sale 110; plllow cases 100 5 Patterns colored cotton \"0116, not worth that amoum and that the that vicinity is assessed $110 pet by 1%er- Cr888.81ter whim the “mung â€351°“ , land vearlv have an excursion to building is a. more shell.’ The saw- foot frontage. - It. was raised from remains were tenderly borne to their The pastor, Rev. Mr. Ward, tack different p0ints and this vear they last resting place in McIndOO's cem- the â€M9" in 0mm church h S“: chose to go to, the village. of Bob- day morning and m Queen-st. c urc ’ caygeon. There were nearly 300 in 1 Baker}. Bryans, through Mr. G. ........................ 50c gag. 27c, sale............... ...15ci mill property is assessed at $1000 3600 last assessment to $1100. The etery. And now he stands with his Lindsay, in the evening. Cottons, Shootings, and Wash Goods. 536 inch White Cotton, cambric 8x4. Bleeched sheeting, reg. 38c ï¬nish. reg. 12c; sale 9,1,0; reg. sale 28c; reg. 32c, sale .-.....25c ........................ 11c 2 Patterns basket cloth vesting, reg. 22c, sale....... . . .......12lc '» ‘p ‘.. lilclLA 1121‘ :ca 3' ZEUS. a n) ‘ QC, "-lll‘ Cotton Pillow Casing, 36 inch, reg. pair, for 4.2 inch ("Ts-r-zzlnr pillow cotton, Brown and Navy near-silk under- for land and- $3000 for building‘s. lane is used as an entrance to rear of NW1 233C: 1‘ . . ......17lc skirts rear 2,40, sale ....... ..1.90 These ï¬ res are claimed to be too business houses. « Assessment was 5317101113 gazing on the ï¬nished story - , the artv and thev were havin a . ‘ , . . . 5 .- , - , b - . - - high. Tghue assessors add to the value conï¬rmed. ‘ of his life, and wearing the \xictor's D31. hasmyth, captain of the 10681 ï¬ne Filming They lmew whereg to 5X4 l‘)lU(.‘Ciii“i bllt‘t‘tlngs, reg. 20C; 0 ‘V hlte Shlrtr‘VEllst Slllts, lawn Of the buildings the worth 0; the Mr. John J. FUl'leV was granted CFO‘Vn. Milltla, and about 20 ofl the boys, be Well fed. for thov stopped at engine and boiler. which according to reduction .of $50 on his aSSessmcnt ‘ are 0“ for the season's drill at ('0‘ Lindsay hp'tels for digner, for house and lot on Mill street. The 0. weep not for the bk‘ssed dead. bourg. Most of them went by train. leav- ing at one o'clock, returning by boat: and embroidery, reg. $3, for $2 sale 20c; lug. 230. sale. ......18c Nor wish them here again. PENIELâ€"MARIPO SA. . 1n the afternoon. 1902 he has sold one-eighth of an ' What 3 bring them bad‘ to earth and acre. and this year's ï¬gure was $150. sin, Window screens and screen doors Mr. J . C. Clark, who represented Mr. George Ingle stated that in To feel its, grief and pain? at Cinnamon's, Lindsay. his court at the high court of Ford Perhaps the largest, fuqeta! that esters which met here last August, clude these as they should be reck- 1899 the Council fixed his asseSsment O 1 sad d d . weep not for the bes ca . ever took place in this v1c1n1ty was was the secret of the committee that of the late Alex. M. Brown, and Mr_ J. Daft, chairman. ' cried as machinery, which is exempt. The buildings, he claimed, could be at $3,500 for his planing mill pro- perty. It was placed at $4,000 this But try to catch their strain, While on their golden harps they . being over one mile in length. He was a good citizen, a successful ‘ -â€"â€"â€"â€"§-â€"â€"â€" sing, His love for sinners slain. farmer, and will be greatly missed in this community. The pailâ€"bearers Funeral or «10111! James Stevens their reading of the act they have a , right. to do, as these are tï¬e motive power. Mr. F0 kins claimed that it is not' the inten ion of the act to in- Sailors7 ' “Tams†and Whitewear last assessment was $700, and since Chiillrun's “bite Sailors, reg. 25c and lace trimmed, reg. 1.40 for '20:. ..-1. lScfor .......... 35c for .......... White {ml ( ‘nlorcd linen hats, reg. Corset covers, lace trimmed, reg. 55c for : reg. 80c for... .68c 27c for 19¢; reg 55c, sale...43c made for $1000. The Sadler proper, eds are, south of year with a bu‘lSincss tax of 60 per- Lallies’ W‘i. - I tv where the coal sh and colored Spotted Ladies’ embroidery trimmed draw . . . Ithe bridge is valued at $400 for land cent. On motion it was reduced to $3,500, and business tax wiped out. _ss-~sysy-ywsnssessypoyssossownsov-~wwss V: o .. 2 V (T ' ...' . ' H yachtln‘- _' .ps. re: 30c for , 300 ers’ reg 600 for 450’ reg 4.0% l and $300 for building. A vacant lot Ladles’ n1_ .1‘. dresses, embroulery sale -‘30c ea“ of the church is valued at $800, Mr. G. A. Little claimed overval- and another. property at $1000. Mr. nation on his store on Kent street 0. weep not for the blessed dead. were selected from the members of Messrs. Bak- west. The assessment Was conï¬rmed They are but gone before, the Woodvillc Presbyterian church, The funeral took place on Tuesday ‘ ‘ Their schooling days of pain are M which deceased was a member. at 2 p.m. from the family residence * and also an ofllcial. Rev. Mr. Kanâ€" on St; Paul street, the interment: Embroideries. Laces, Gloves and Hosiery. Hopkins submitted that . - . -. _- E b .d 1 9 . - 9 . 1 er 6:. Bryans are running a manufacâ€" as made, $1600 on land, $1500 on b â€Sch hue bluss .111 r01 ery’ reg’ 13§c, 53‘ 6 11:0, reg' 1“??? 83‘ eâ€'10c turing industry and are entitled to building, $1075 business assessment. paSt. . ' 18 inch Emrmdery; reg. 300, sale 24c: reg. 40c, sale33c the fairest treatment. They pay Mr. M. J. Lewis wished reduction And ours mll soon be o'er! - - . $3000 a month in wages, a ‘ 0 Inch Emb“ 60 1 , 48 ‘they feel sessment was conï¬rmed, $1,000 on reg. 0: 33 e....... - ° ' ° ‘ ° c that the assessment is .too high. The property assement. 5 inch Chiffon Frilling, white and black, reg 28 for 22c, reg 25‘for 20c _ , , 10 - 1 L 1 l rt. 0 10 1 6?: to 3;» per cent,-because that ls alre- P1969b 3"“ .nse ion, reg. c sa e ' ° ° ' ° ' - ° - - ' - - - ~ - .0 tail business. Because they happen Mr. F. Knowlson asked for reduc- rion on Mrs. R. _J. Matchett's houses 6, cream and white red 10c ' . . . . . ’ 5 ’ sale 60 by them should be. assessed . the reduced to $1500. Mr. John O’Brien’s assessment was Sawin, assisted by the Rev. Mr. being made at Riverside cemetery. whips, d-leries, ï¬ne, reg. 10c, sale 6§c; reg. 60, sale............4c wmn t d th f . thin nd While on his creamery Prom-fly. but theas- v - - ~ . ‘ ' (1' ~ . , White Lace loklng, reg. 380, sale 27c; 1 a o o e a“ g and 60 per cent. business 3 Pieces Cream and Pans Overlace, reg. 1.00, sale 75c; reg 90c for 65¢ business assessment of 60 per cent._ ° _ _ should on' the coal sheds be reduced Mr. L. A. Murphy wrthdrew his application for reduction. 6 pieces Lace. '2 inch, reg 5c, sale 4c, reg 835e, sale...‘... ,- . . . ,, . ......6c to be running 'a factory it is not . to, 4 pieces 6 inch Lac follow that all other industries owned from $1700. no.1 Up. - 11.00 (In. ~ ‘ - .~....~.- a 1.30 3m, 10 pieces colored Garter Elastic, reg 10c yard, sele....-;“....... ...,_.‘..5c same. The coal business is in separ- .;,-_>.) pm, Slate, tan, navy and champagne Silk Gloves, reg 50c,sale. ...':.40c ate building. _ . reduced from $900 to $850. {3-40 P-md 18 inch black Silk Gloves, reg 75C, â€sale... . .~.£ . . “3.. ._ -.£....85c .ses'lz’e 15:31:29: cézlmtihewzszf': f"111;.“Iguana!l. greenest, was reducâ€" 1,33 3:: 24- inch white Kid Gloves, reg $2.25, sale?" . . . . n. ’9 predcfminating feature. 9 . : ‘ 1,. L. '3. ngh‘ It â€pared for Mr. . ..g;..,.g.;,., “Nairy, brown and black thread Gloves, -reg.38c, saleirii‘.........r-...., This case was not decided, but will. J. s. cCarty, but as his assass- < Thurs- ‘ ‘ i be heard at another session oi the _ment has been realised 8150 on the ‘ court next Tuesday. .- -. roll this yesrfthenmount was con- G. C. Burgess, assessed $1200 for iii-med. . . a- house and lot,that he paid 5150(1 for, claimed that he was taken . in maintainer: visiting our store, . and no the complete range of I ,‘Bo'y’sclothl‘n‘greareshowing . __.___.â€"-â€"-. AuctiOn Sale sorâ€" ' {2' ‘ Town Pro The subscriber has received instruc- _ 7 tions from Mr. Edward Benson to of? 7 _ , , , ,- g .. _ , .. \ .. ‘ fer for sale by public auction on the g , ‘ ' W ‘ ‘ ‘ .- _ .. , .1. 0 ;.h. _ . " . j, g g 7 «, ““““ premises, the house at presen * ‘ M ‘ 3 . " “up-Q ' i pied by him, on the corner'oi Ml -, andï¬Glenelg streets, in the Town . oi Lindsay, on ‘ ‘3" ' Wednesday. the-27th Mo. was '77 properties in the town. The house . '4 , ‘ ;.3- ' -~â€, ,3 ' ’ -. ' ‘ . - ‘ » l ,- , . . - ., . ,, , , , , _ solid brick 21} stories, contam’ lug-l“.L ' ' ‘ ' ' ~ - ’ , , 7 ‘ ,, , †‘ :7 ‘ ’ '5†. 4‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' . rooms and largelattic. Vial...â€