a a. ‘ammmmmmmsnmsmwmmmnnmï¬ {as hid . ,- 3 L‘.te .; ,s .4‘ i 3 ti. i. xi ism; ‘r “i; s i l l " in ‘ » V; tuning. 3: Appointed in here . .. . (,5 Railway r5 .1 on June p“<=r. r-‘(it‘ve to the knume station to 3 near the Sturgeon-3"â€" l 5555555 to Hold Emily From Thursday's Daily. Thurstonia Park, having been sur- Veyed and planned. was formerly ope coed just a year ago by a family gathering of the friends and relativ- es of the owner of the park, Mr. lanry Thurston. 80 successful and and make us lose the good we oft might win; by fearing to attempt. I toria Day an annual event at the park receixed ready response. En- joyable as was the event of a year ago, this year was far more so. I The park during the year. although inditement as Shakespeare has written. You may feel insecure as to where you ought to go for best money value, and when tempted thus, remember the poets words, don’t trust your traitor doubts, but come to us. We’re the place for general Housefurnishings, such as; through nature's kindly touch. is al- ways an enchanting and attractive place, had been greatly improved. The grounds were graded, the trees trimmed, walks and ,shaded avenues arranged.- A large campus amp-ac- in; fully two acres, had been pre- pared so that admirable oppbrtun- ity for football, baseball and other popular games requiring much Carpets, Wo‘ol Rugs 3x3§ and 3x4, also all wool and unions, very choice; Foor Mats in every style for indoor and outdoor Wear, Curtains, Blinds,Curtain Poles, Art Mus- lins, reversible Cretonnes, Art Sateens, Furniture Coverings, Sofa Cushions, Cush- ion Tops in hand painted, printed, tapes- try or plush, dainty little hand painted Pin Cushions, just the thing for Milady’s dress- ing table, and whil talking of Milady, we would like to tell her that we have on hand the most useful article that will meet along felt want in her wardrobe, namely the New Patent Dress Hanger, for keep- ing her skirts in order, they are only ten cents and every one can have one as they content of the most enthusiastic ath- lets. It is noticed that an ampl’e dock of timbers and stone has been pro- vided, and now any craft or vessel sailing the-Kawartha waters can 'land at the park: 3113' load of pas- sengers or cargo, with safety and ease. Cottage, booth and stable ac- ‘commodation, with swings, seats. (and shady nooks. have been arrang- ed with an abundant supply of well Ifrom any point of view presents more attractions for a summer outing than Thurstonia Park. the ï¬rst time, and receiVed its bap- are SO cheap. tism by the junior and senior foot- Should you contemplate a near shoppeng in town, send to us for our Lace Curtain cat0- t design. 1 logue in which you can see the exac ltoria Day. The game was “may extend to you an‘ invitation to and will take it as a'favor if you We cordially visit our store are gathered here and there about do so. adian yorng women in holiday and outing attire were much in evi- with the full complement of younger .boys and girls also, co-mingled with 1the crowds of spectators. diet. The seniors were a ï¬ne sam- youthâ€"men of ï¬ne physique, appar- ple of active and well developed ently quite conscious of their agility ouumumo ouummm W W coo .“NNMOOOOOOQOOOOO0.0â€.â€00000000900.660 DOGWOOOOOOOOOOMHOMNHNWW "to their post with a careless as if there was little chance to win. In the countenance ot every lad. however. might be discerned a trace of something which plainly enough declared that if the seniors won a {goaL they. at least would have to work for it. The teams are immediately at work â€" the seniors are the stronger; the Capital Paid Up ' ' $ 14,400,000 ball is soon dangerously near the Rest - - - 11,000,000 lgoal. but just here the juniors seemk 1-1 . . ed to develop such agility and s i Undivlded Proï¬ts ' ' 699’970 that the seniors were baffled in every Total Assets - ~ ~ - 165,234,768 attempt to put the ball through the geal. This condition of things Was Worth Looking Into All men who have Bank Accounts are not prosperous, but all prosperous men have. Bank Accounts. l The beginning of the prosperity of many men has been \ Dont delay, place your sur- plus money, no matter how little, in the Bank of Toronto :1 Saving’s Bank Account. The connection between Bank Accounts and prosperity is worth looking into. If you decide in favor of 3 Savings Bank Account, on 11 receive interest at three per cent, com- which you wi . . (1 added to the prmapal, the puted four times a year an BAN K OF MONTREAL will welcome you as a customer, and will do its part towards helping you to attain 0 M E M E E "““Spemy' A N o w A T c n I T o R o w / â€" linterest is Added 4 times 5 Ofï¬ce Hours: H, B, Black, year. :bsolute Safety, may 0: o'coc . , II on time. ghturinyl 1: to 1 o‘clock. W Lindsay Bra-â€eh e POLY J. B. L. GROUT, M’g’r THE CANADIAN BANK WESIEHI link if illilll MMER E LITTLE BRITAIN OF CO ‘ C Chartered by Act of Parliament 1882 m om mom mm 1m This Bank with its 128 branches and agencies in Canada. United 3. I. want, President Paid-up Capital, 310,000,000. state. and on“ Britain, 1. in s in; mm, Guardians: of Rest, _ . _ 5,000,000 SI$OE?°‘?$ m Muiroxnent M“ ' ' Tm A536“. ’ "3'009'000 savmcs DEPARTMENT . and mucus anuzmt Canada, and in the United suits and sum w?,‘:,‘j“,f;,:‘ 3,1,2: mwzï¬'ï¬iï¬ â€™b’. ’ "car, at highest current rate from BANKING BY MAIL ‘5 3.1:“ of deposit,» (by «withdraw. Businessmaybetransactodbymadlwithanyhranoh oftheBank. Accounts may be opened and deposits Farmer’s Business Resolve to ontaof-town aeoonn cwâ€. of SW. M Lindsay Branch, W. C. T. Morson, Manager gentlemen?“ ._ ThuistonTS at Dunsfonl ., either seniors or juniors gaining a thoroughly enjoyable vwas the occas-l _ ion that the SW02 to make Vic- ,surroundms groups, over appeared to the village of Manilla to the village 1 in Day in Thurstonia Park. 1 water at hand. In fact, few places] . . ltunc to come, be, and is hereby set I It was not. therefore, a matter of , much astonishment that the ' com- nty Lorfo-lk,E ngland. two of whoscl ‘ , . mns came to Canada in 1835 wf-f f D f l I . lmunity 0 uns ord turned out m terwards followed by four others, the! mass to enjoy Victoria. Day at Thur- ‘ \ . , stonia. The Campus was occupied forlgigzgaéï¬i: slimywhom are principally dence, while interested older ones. :tOnn 0‘ Dunsford. ““3 found ‘0 lihe oldest living descendant of the; I But to glance at the manly chaps led the king of the 'l‘hurstons. about to enter into the dreadful con- ; 13in was declared to be the family , lsecrotary of the Thurstons. l We and ““1- The “mm W" a mi“ â€â€œ3Ҡsample of the manly boy in hisl The following were also selected tol 1"teens". They each sauntercd away {be a committee to make all arrange- l grace 'ments and provide a prohram fort Peculiar to the lad with half trained ‘the annual gathering next year: "’ lGiVCS Telling Answer to Cl‘itiCiSill at the death of Mr. George Andrus. son agility. but silently ambitious to ac- ‘Albert complish something. They looked‘ N0 INJllSTlCE T0 Reunion Every Explained “Mb.“nl' The Etching Pout last night in an The strange outcome of the game attempt to make political capital could only be accounted for by the l (1088 rank injustice to the returning attentive spectator, who mu... randomn- for this riding. Mr. H. J. noticed that just as victory named Lytle. as well as sadly twisting the a certainty for the seniors. their facts. The case referred to in the susceptibilities for the fair sex in the chasing of the polling place from divert their attention, just at the of Cresswoll. The Post claims this point when all was needs to scores is a great hardship to the majority triumph. The juniors as yet. atany of voters in, the subdivision. and rate. are uninfluonced by such trifligg that the change was made to secure attractions; and so concentrating all political advantage for the Conscr- their best ooerg-ies at the time they votivos. were most needed, were able against The change was made by the no- fearful odds to hold their own, turning Ofliqer after consideration of This interesting game of football the complaints of a large number of was followed by ten, after whichlelectors in the southern and eastern there occutxed another interesting in- lportion of the subdivision. Those cident, which. no daubt, will furnish who know Mr. Lytle know that he a chapter in the family history of would not act from any masons ox- the Thurston. in this country, when let-pt those of right and fairness in space ’ “t is written}, The large gathering 1 such a mattei', and the facts certain- could be carried on to the heart's Was Called to order by‘Wm Thurston. 11y Upheld his action in this question. ESQ» for the Purpose of determining A glance at the encampsnying diu- whether our annual gatherina of the gram shows the exact position of Community in general. and a family inflairs: gathering of the Thurstons and their 1 friends from shroughout the Domin-l ion in particular, should be amd‘ to for all time to come. upon Victor- CON. 10â€"10 LOTS. CON. 9â€"10 LOTS. # CON. 8-10 LOTS. â€"X-C RESSWELLâ€" CON. 7â€"10 LOTS. The Rev. Matthew E. Wilson was. called upon for an address. It was. then moved and seconded. and en- 3 thusiastically carried, that the 24th§ of May, in each ensuing year for all i apart as the occasion of and annual family reunion of all the descendants of John Thurston, of Brunncls, cou-l CON. 6â€"5 LOTS i CON. 5â€"5 LOTS # It was further resolved that the Manilla is at the extreme north oldest living desen-iidant of the name baill teams of the villa . Althou h _ , , Se 9: lat the time, be. and is hereby dc- {west of the diwsxon and it can the game is a little out of season] . . . . . at this time of the year, the teams l clared to immediately succeed to the {easxly be seen what an incouvexnent resolved to try conclusions on Vic-i l tonsâ€"hereupon and hereby elected. toivoters. Cresswcll is a much more family designation-King of Thurs- place this is for the majority of the be the designation in perpetual suoâ€" central location, and this is the â€Si labout three o’clock. Coats and oth-l . . . let unnecessary garments were Set: on of the on“ declared to be the lOBLY mason for the change. The aside, groups of interested spectat- Eoldest, by the common consent of;number of votes at Cresswcll is lthOSC present, on the occasiOn of the ,practically the same as at Manilla, l the grounds, and the attractive Camifamily reunion on May 24, in Thurs 3thcrc not being a difference of two tonia Park." tone way or another. A study of Upon inquiry. Mr. Carnaby Thurs ithe diagram will plainly show how mlCrcsswell accommodates all the ol- ectors in n more convenient and fair Dam. and thereupon by three roua. w‘y, and the facts that. the SOUlh' ing cheers he “.05 chosen to be mm lern people have not received u square 'deal before is no argument for the lcontinuance of inconvenient condi- U n r Solution, Will} h t . . p0 e mm '1‘ urs on. Etions. “333°; 3: 32:;- irrmz‘“: inn, FLAVBLLE MAKES REPLY Thurston, Hazel Thurston. Norman Kennedy. James Thurston, ' 'William V. Thurston. » fleeting . Thanks, amid cheers. Was tenderedl Mr. Henry Thurston .or the use of, From Thursday's Daily. the park, and the singing of God: The meeting at the Conscn'utivc 53"0 the King brought the formal .club rooms last night was one of proceedings to a close. 1010 best yet. Mr. John Carew made The rest of the evening was scent; _ ’ in boating, and visiting, Mr. Thos. :3 very able chairman, In his OP?"- W. Thurston making it particularly : ing remarks he dwelt on the neces- enjoyable for thewisitors in the urn sity for earnest work. The ques- stinted “99 °f h" gasoline yacht. tion of the day had been I well MARIPDSA mus. 24th Giulli'llfllpl'elme Cressweï¬anilla Case 12 Pages Weekly Special Trial Trip Offer 5 0 0 TO THE END OF THE YEAR l . l . l 1 l l | l < FILL OUT THIS BLANK enclose money order or pestal note for 50c and mail to The" Watchmaneiiarder' i ! l Lindsay, Ontario ooceecceceaoemaeuceeéemeeeeemeoeemmwnmmm Fifty cents enclosed for which you are to send me The Watclnnan-Worth-r each “‘ch to Dec. 3], 190.8. NAME ._ __-_ ......................................................................... _ POST OFFICE . W ......... l ceceeeeeoeécca FEEâ€"(lid ANDRUWA with) 3 this Morning :popular Lindsay Young Man Killed at Toronto Early l 1 From Friday's Daily. EAliK‘l‘t Duffy, of 258 King-st. east. ‘ A \cry sud nicesugc was received in ,f‘lll’u‘s} nigllit 'Andrus rcmarkrd to. 3 Lindsay this morning by u. 10‘ng i on enmo‘xe. that he did not think ‘and devoted father. It was a teleâ€" the shaillllg‘\\a.s safe, and although 3gram from Toronto which announced 11". had nothing _to do Wn'h the ma- chinery, it is said that he attempted loi Mr. Mort. Andrus, turnkey at the to “Sign: 1:1“13130’â€: consulting 11:19 {Victoria county jail. There were« â€1m? “ osc m) n was to so? at e ‘no particulars on the yellow piece p “(mg of all belts and machinery m jof paper as to how the death had ‘gencral. occurred, save that he had been vary) The young man's mother is visit- Dufty, and the news was lsuddenly killed. The father ~ was ling MYS- 'gricf stricken. broken as gently as possible. but the I Mrs. Andrus, the young man's mwjeldoi‘ly woman was completely pros- llhcr, is visiting in TorOnto. with tratmi by the accident. her daughter. Mrs. amen Dufty Chief Comm-r J ohnston‘ Was notiâ€" .(Molly), at whose place George was .ï¬ed and an inquest Will be held. boarding, and was present when kind} â€"â€" land sympathizing friends called atl The deceased young man was an V:iclt.orlia D†"‘33 32:19:: 12° (This: thrashed out and now it remained 1‘ the home after the accident had ocâ€"iexceedingly popular resident while cm peasure an ‘ 8 for the workers to see that the oth- curred to break the news as gently living in Lindsay, his home town. tonia. er work was attended to. The isâ€" at possible. ,sue was plain and if any man did Ihis duty we would be cheering ' on market [.156 {the evening of the 8th of June with a large majority to our back. ed selections on the mandolin, while'George Andrus, aged 21 years, wasi Mr, A. Ler presided u, the almOSt instantly killed shortly be- Pottingerâ€"s't., and there survives a In this issue appears the list . of piano. market prices which rule at Lind- Mr. Jm Fleury 88"0 a brief but Having been liorn here. he was The Daily Wardcr's special repre- known to host: of citizens. The scntative in Toronto has wired the :family is also 'exceedingly well- 'following detailed deSpatch of the “mom, and all will have the sincere terrible and distressing fatality: §sympathy of their numerous friends ‘or years they have residtd on “3V8 Been RCVISCdl Naylor Bros. gave some appreciut- Toronto, May 29.â€"(Special) â€"1in Lindsay. fore eight, o'clock this morning, and ldevotcd mother and father, and a just shortly after he had commenced [brother Wilfred at home, and a lov- work, in the Firstbrook Box Fac-ing sister. Mrs. Dufty. in Toronto. 535' Wmâ€- Th†have been cane- .able addrm touching on public ques- , I tory at King and Princess-st. , George was an enthusiastic base- fully corrected and revism!- and will tions, and explained why he resigned ‘be 011311qu weekly “3 the prim the license commissionersbip in this vary. meg to the great interest riding. Hr. Fleury’s explanation; “km in' the town markets by “1°93 put a quietus on some of the yarns The young man was employed in iball and hockey player, and plfl‘ed feeding a machine, whirl: cuts light 'with the north ward teams for years, l p. of wood into kindling. when .He was also a much esteemed meniâ€" in attempting to put on a belt the her of the Canadian Order of For- residing in the country. it is our in- being circulated by some â€W31 ma- . lshafting on which the pulley revolves esters, and it is likely that they will tention to keep the market prices up-to-date. GATA DAY AT chinists. 'to drive the machine, fell down. 'have charge of the funeral, which i ‘12;an cl :“urgifg :2: Andrus was struck by the whirling lwill in all probability take place on maliCious refderl“. in; this Post to mass in the stomach, face and back :Sunday afternoon from the family enccs ‘ of the head. The blow on the head 'residenos to Riverside cemetery. The | M" J' D‘ Flavollo, Dr. Wood â€id rendered him unconsciou., and Ibody. it is expected, will be brought. :fgg’fmuifqvgmxdmgwbgf 1;: he remained so until he expired in {to Lindsay this owning. "ALIBURTON Post " “jd the speaker "is to be'an ambulanCe while being driven tot “bile in Lindsay the deceased fl ’ w by tha wrilmunity at. the General Hospital. ‘ ‘young man “118 Ongngcd Wllh MY. _____ 18:89“; George hOstfrom, 10 Power-st†forc‘zlJoChn Carew in the lumber mill. . 5 ' , man in t c nctory, was aso struc ; .oorge was also a member of the Holiday Celebrated Most AP- â€" “W†3"“ "mm ’°“‘° by u... pulley and sum... “Morrow-13.0.. or Cambridge-st- who- . . 0f the record 0‘ the Whitney 60": fortunately escaped with a few bruisâ€"«dist Sunday school, in which class prorlatelyuBlg Crowds ecum- .0991“ of Lindsay. es. 3... has mu impomt om... - u. said Mr. Ellis. Mr. Fox “'1" 89" P Andrus came here from Lindsay jwas pOplllar among the boys and his ""â€" gpod majority and the peOple of this two months 80 and lived with his sad and untimely demise will be The Orangemen held a gala day “ding 100k ‘0 “1‘.“ town to 99" ‘° sister and brother-'inâ€"law, and Mrs. learnt-d with deep regret. at Haliburton yatflday' all sorts it that Mr. Fox is returned by n‘ of sports and a baseball game be- majority twice or three times as I tween Haliburton and Minder: being large as he received last election ! " [summer ,school PreSidcntâ€"H. H. Foster. the main attractions. linden boys Mr. J. D. Flavolle touched first on Vice-Pmidontâ€"E. 1‘). Crane. l". D. and their sweethearts were down to the record of the Governmentasout- Sec-Treasâ€"W. G. Clarke. BA. the northern -town in fpll force, and lined .by Hon. Mr. Whitney in his at Chemong Park Ass’t. Sl'C.â€"'“'. P. Podqon, BA. had a big time. The riValry be- address here. While not objecting , Registrarâ€"Miss Edna Drewry. tween the two towns makes mutton to fsir criticiinn, Mr. Flavelle did The Kwâ€: Lam S“ ,l - , ve interest . n a is do "me gdmoniigamm Mend, CO1, 333,33:er itizdugefhe 2:0, schoo1,_noy ofouimo Conference. in 'DESTROYED BY FIRE. Sam. Hughes “'88 Pwt in t1†31‘ tion of the agricultural classes. Mr. r°°nn°°m°n ““1 Epworth â€3005' The porlable saw mill on the proâ€" ternoon and at night he showed his L. V. O’Connor had told Mr. Fla- Will be held at CWDE Park from party of Mr. Purser, of the l7th con. pictures of the late South African voile recently on the street a,“ he July 6th to 13th. 1903-. The com- of Smith, and owned by Mr. Wm. war in the town hall. The young was misrepresented by the Post, â€a mitlee of management 18 composed 1 Allen, of Pontypool, was destroyed people enjoyed the dancing amuso- regretted that ho had been .0 mib of: llby fire a. few nights ago. The mill ment in the hall in the afternoon quoted. sun Mr. O'Connor had non. Presidentâ€"F. R. Foley. PwiWas situated. on the shore of Stoney League. [Lake andiwas valued at $2,000. So by 001- Hughes. publicly. The 9‘0"“ "m closed. but the l°° sure Mr. Steven did not apprOVs of Dcrochc. insurance- cream and refreshment booths ~ m the way this matter had been fought w open and wï¬e‘ 011 an lumen†by the Post, yet Hr. SteWart had "â€â€' 'â€" trade. In fact the whole day Will mpg-way been 00th to keep quiet a round of pleasure. and as there and take any beneï¬t that might re- v†ideal Victoria weather..the burg cult. Hr. Stewart was an honor- was flocked With People: able man and a good citizen and s. friend, ' but Mr. maven. wart, while an honest man. Iliad sl- so refused to eondunn the notorious mac-doings of the forma- Lbsrsl Goy- ï¬nd â€-130 at night “t“ the lecture not yet had the grace to state this sidcnt Conference Epworth Mr. I-‘isvelic said he felt Hon. Presidentâ€"His Honor Judge far as can be learned there was no m ' Ir. novella also acted We pay interest upon amoun upwards four times a year. The Dominion Bank T I