of 1* his 1 this cm the I . we ant heir ting . uant the 3 -tion Elan) ax 01 5 Ph ed t( on atte thr: .5 netV‘ :omx owde he!“ 0 sale li'ah'i ’ Ant GLA Apri ' e d ploc pril . unit ban to 3 co 315: wins rs Ian: â€lg rt 8. has nd 1 rcpt: 1g_ risi ‘ al 'e 1 date o All ladies are invited to attend. We axe keeping in close touch test and having authorized lucra- tnre homing on the subject can give you the same information as is mend 1n Sweedes . Hall’s Westbury. Elephant, Hagnum Bonum We also have . 01m, Shining, Hartly Bronze Groyotone, Carter’s Giant White Globe These are all fre~h and in the best condition at DUNOON’S DRUG AN D SEED STORE mometers. A Man is Knownty the Clothes He Wears A man is often aWay f1 am his companions, but in bus- i111 ss l fe he is never without like his clot'ies. Clotl. es m 1ke ï¬rst an l ast i1up1-.ess1u '13, both in businessâ€" and so: lLl circles. He is as stylish as his Cltlthls. Just as he measures others b) their peisonal appeaiance so is be taken by the Way he dresses. Better let us build that summer suit for you and have it done right. Wfl. Bill 8130“ Ladies" and Gent’s Tailors. West of l _\ 111 B1 “:6 his Clothe-s: i And he usually appears j â€"â€" â€"â€"â€".â€"-â€"-â€"â€".__.___._._._.._. --â€"â€"â€".â€".â€"_.._____V_.__. -‘_.__.__.___. SUMMER SCHOOL l June is the best month to enter. as we remain open July and August. Attendance being lowe1 these months attention is bettei and progress greater. Cool piemisesâ€"Peterboro is a favor ite Summer resort. Special course fo1 Public School teach~ ers Open entire year. cntex any day. Hail Courses. Peterbora Business College SPOTTON McKONE P1 incipals ‘RA'I LW‘AY SY..5T E M GRAND TRUN Home 5 e ekers Excursions 9 wi‘h the l»: uranent and are hand- ling the seeds bowing the highest to be had at Guelph. They recom Note-we sell incubator thero. Uverpool exchange clooo’d t‘oâ€"day. Chic-go July wheat closed â€3c higher corn 256:: higher. and. mg: closed 119' higher. N Winnipeg Options. mayhemâ€"July 31.21% bid. October not! Oatsâ€"Sept. 5336c. Toronto Grain Market. “heat. fall. but?!" ........ $1 3:3 to 3.... Wheat. red bush ........... 133 ...- Wheat. goose bush ......... 125 .... Rye bushel ............ _ ,f. 0 75 .... Buckwheat. bushel :....';.’. 070 015 l’eas. bushel ...........:.-."..’~'095 ...'. Barley. boom ...... . ....... 0 o - .... Oats. bushel ............’.... 0% 051 Toronto Oeivy Market. Butter. 8mm. dairy lb. 021 0 2 Butter store lots ............ 019 0 m 1 Butler, creamery. lb. rolls. 0:: 0 5 Butter, creamery. solldx.. .0... V" .... £833,319W-lald.dozen .00... 013 oool I Choose, largo lb. old ...... 014 .... Cheese, Mn, lb. ............ 01% .... Liverpool Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL. June trainingâ€"Baconâ€" Strong; shoit rib. mo; short. clear backs. 588; clear bellies, 608; shoulders. square. strong. is. lardâ€"Prime western. 5611 9d; American refined. 5611 2d; firm. New York Dairy Market. NEW YORK. June Lâ€"Butterâ€"Steady; receipts. 9711; creamery specials. Me to 27¢; extras. 26c. third to first. 211: to 5115c; state dairy. common to finest. 21c to 26- . process. common to special, 18c to 2355c; western factory first. we; western imi- tation creamery. first. 211: to tie. Cheeseâ€"Easier; receipts. 1415. new state.- full-cream specials. lac t) 13 c; do.. small colored or white fancy and large colored fancy. 12’,“ do. .. common to fair. 9c to 11¢: sklms. full to special. ï¬le to 1054c. Eggsâ€"Easier; receipts. 28.450: State Penna. and nearby fancy. selected white. 25% to ac; dc. fair to choice. 2454c to ,brown and mixed. fancy. 2354c to 24¢; do.. fair to choice. 2238: to 23¢ western. first to extra first. 21c to 23¢: seconds. 20c to 2154c; southern. first. 21c to also: seconds. me to 2035c. CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Steadyâ€"Hogs Steady at Buf- falo and Chicago. LONDON. June 1.â€"London cables for cattle steady at 1356c to 13‘éc per lb. for Canadian steers. dressed weight; refriger- ator beef is quoted at 100 to 10%c per lb. Toronto Livo Stock. TORONTO, June 1. â€"Somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 carloads of live stock arrived at the City Market. but not being able to get the returns from the G. T. R we could not give a detailed statement as usual. Exporcre. George Rowntree. who bought 330 ex- porters. for the Hanis Abattcir Co. re- ports export steers at $5.70 to 86.:6 and Maybee . Wilson sold 23 exporters. ' lbs each. at $8 40. Bulls and cows. 34.751320 to $5.25. Butchers. Georg e Rowrtree. who bought over 600 butchers' cattle for the Harris Abattoir Co... reports butchers’ steers and heifers $334.30 to 85:6 cows and bulls at $4.30 0 Milken and S prlngcro. There was a fair trade9 at steady priceS. ranging from $30 to 160 each. Veal Calves. Receipts large. prices easier at $5.23 per cwt..w'ltl1 an odd one of choice quality at a. little more money Sheep and Lambs. Receipts are growing, as the season ad- vances especially spring lambs. Export ewes 34.50 to 85 per cwt.; rams. $3.50 to 84 per cwt.: yearlings. $6 to $7 per cwt.; spring lambs. $3 to $5.50 each. ~ Hogs. Buyers on the Toronto market are a unit. in quoting hog prices down. at $7. 75 for selects fed and watered. and $7.50 f.o..b cars at country points. East Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO, June l.â€"Cattl Steady; prime steers, 86.75 to $725. eâ€" Vealsâ€"Recelpts, 500 head; slow and 75c lower; 36 to 87. 75. Hogsâ€"Receipts. 3700 head; slow and 5c TO WESTERN CANADA â€shawl-â€1118756 tos7.60: mixed, $7.40 to Via. Chic 0 Tune. 1 and 15; V13. Saxnia. and N. 1 . 00. May 31 and June 15. Steamer leaves Sarnia 3.30 p.n1, WINNIPEG AND RETURN 32.00 EDMONTON AN D RETURN 42.50 Proportionate rates to other points Alaska- Yukou- Paciï¬c Exposition, Seattle Low rate 1'01 round t1ip.Daily until Soptuzn 131' 3'.) 3190.). Full information and tickets from \V’. R. VVlDDESS, l‘own Agen A McNA BB. Depot Agent CANADIAN PACIFIC $76.60 Paciï¬c Coa st AR 0 RITURR Wide choice of routoo. Liberal otopovoro. 'l‘loltolo good (on; MAY 20 to SEPT. 30 Return limit Oct. at 8.1" direct Canadian mute See the Golden Wu: and 111: Rocky Mountains. Visit the Alaska \ulioo- Paciï¬ Exposition at that- no and other special at motions. Full info-1111311011 from 1.1. 111111.11. 1,111. um, GLENARM. £2.30; pigs. 86.8) to $6.6; roughs. 86.35 to Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts 800 head; slow; ewes. 25c lower. New York Live Stock. NEW YORK. June 1.-â€"Beevesâ€"Receip to 14:2; itiotglngEdolngt in live cattle. Feel- 5 ea y xpo to-morrow 9 - ers of beef. 650 quart Calvesâ€"Receipts 613. Slow and weak. Veals :5 to 38.501110 chol e no buttermilks. C Stock sold; Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts 3805. Stead sSal-iseOep. $4 to $6; lambs. 89.50; yearling; Hogsâ€"Receipts 3092. Market easy: quo- tations. 87.40 to 87.6: {1155.87.18 to 37.25. Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO. June 1.â€"Cattleâ€"Recelpts. eo- tlrrated at 2011): market. steady: beeves. $5.15 to $7.25; Texas otters. $1.73 to 38.â€; western steers, $4.75 to $6.30; smokers and feeders. $1.60 to 85.69: ccm and heifers. 3130 to 3641: to 37'. Hogsâ€".Rocelpts. estimated at 14 (m; mara he! steeds: light. 13.3» to 3? ‘15; mlxed. 36!; lo 1‘11; heaxy 37 to 37:15; mush. 3? 11 87. liken-Ml in rh ilflr‘ brew .. $7 13 in 37.143 pigs. $880 to $373: bulk 0 sales. 37.20 to 7.38 81mm l‘vre ms. estimated at 3:111 murâ€" kel. moody: Mme. ll to 13m: wslurn. “.271 l1) “3 voavllncs. 38:1“ ‘11 ‘1‘“; lambs name. 3353‘s to $3.171 unaleru. 80.80 to 13's Strelbeana G‘veg 3 Fountain. 0‘3““1‘. J\ PM 951:1,‘1‘8‘ Sl‘m'hqm. has volum «rel to present Slrulbcono Park in this oilv 11 ill: a magnificent fountain. prices to suit everyone. etc., only 300 yard. \ East of Dominion Bank Alsike clov,er retail. $9 per bus. Large peas 900 per bus. Small peas 80¢ per bus. Grass seed, per bus. retail, $2. 75 Hay. per ton, $12 to $14. Straw $4. 50 to $5. per load. Eggs, 18c to 190 per (102. Dairy butter, 23c to 24¢. Creamery butter, 290 per lb. Cream per quart 30c. Lard 150 per pound (faimer.) Chickens, per lb., 20c. Hens, per pair, 80c. Turkeys, 20¢ per pound. Ducks per pair 81. 3" Potatoes, per bag. $1. Rhubarb, 5c. per bunch. Cabbages, 5c. per lb. Tomatoes 2 1713 25c. Radish, 5c bunch. Onions (green) 5c bunch. . Lettuce 5c per bunch. Carrots 10c per bunch. Parsley 5c per bunch. Strawberries 20c per box. Cucumbers 5 and 10c each. Asparagus, 10¢ per bunch. Sage 51: per bunch. Mint, 5:: bunch. 1 Honey 12¢ per lb. Maple syrup 81 50 per gallon. Live hogs. per 121111.78 7 Veal 8 to 18:: r lb Lamb, retail, 1 c to 12¢ nor lb. â€Reel. retail 311 to 191! per lb. lleol‘ cattle, «lie to lilo. Pork 19¢ per lb 316%. 87 per owl Choose 17 per lb. Wool woshod. 17 to 19¢ lb. Mnemossss‘oum Wool. unwashed, 100 to 110 lb. i WEEKLY MARKEI‘S. 3 mmwm W ' fez? 2%! 1t 3 GENTLEMEN WHO ARE BALI). Investigate and see for youraoll the Following are the corrected prlcoa‘1Art covering in wins and toupooo Flour. best Manitoba retail :8 35 Prof Doreuwond Potent ‘l‘oupoeo m WM now worn on over 90.000 beads by Flour. Kennel». retail Q3 10 per all classes in all stations of lilo The Woman's Institute of West W- Viotorlo will hold a meeting at Glalorm on Tuesday, June 15th, at 2.80 p.m., at the home of Mrs. M. Woods. for the purpose of organic- ing o branch. Miss Mary Yates, 01 the Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph. will be present and give an address on the work of the Institute. 7 .1 Rolled oats, retail 83.15. Bron. 81.25 per owt. Fall wheat, 81.90 per bus. Spring wheat $1.15 per boo. Gooao'whoot $1.10 per bun. Buckwheat 521: per bun. Barley 48c to 52¢ per bun. Oats. 50¢ per bushel. In this particular structure the ventilation is perfect: on light on a’ leather ;,1s‘secu1uy adjusted to 111° 'heod: cop bo‘combod Note: your own heinthoymokoonvmonlod ten years younger.- booldos the pro- tectlon you got from coterrh. come, . l alt is because when you newest, and most up- --to date. Mant‘les, Millinery, HousefurniShings. 01' anyth' Look carefully ,over the - Silk and Wool Lansdown Pure silk and wool lansdown, a beautiful fabric for your summer dress or suit in all the latest colors of navy, dark red. pale blue, Wisteria. brown, black, cream etc, reg. - map. 1. b._. i I O o i l 25- for per yard 85c.- m ' Striped [suiting Wool suiting; 1n shadow stripe of brown, tqflpe. navy wistaria, etc, wide width and excellent for suiting at 50c Nets†~ ' i The Biggest Snap Yet Blouse nets in’the latest weaves and colors of plains, cream grounds with colored spots and stripes and at Plain Mulls Plain silk mull, a. beautiful soft material for summell , wear 1n colors of pale blue, pink, Wisteria, cream, white, Japanese Crepe ‘ Japanese crepe in plain colors of cream, pink, tan, pale blue and black, with a. heavy stripe in it at 25c. Serpentine Crepe ' m This is one of the newest wash goods in the market to-day. It washes like a piece of cotton. need to iron it and most durable goods for summer wear in colors of cream, pale blue, brown, old rose, tusc’an, navy, pink, black, etc, full 27 inches wide at 25c per.- yd nourolglo etc. Mondooetbem “no-Q “:MWW WW "'3‘" “Whomflouodo. Addrolo .. .. oâ€"‘Df “m-““~§~‘ §\S.\‘\§sg §non‘.“m‘.o.-...‘m.‘...‘M...-...§.o.â€-§-o-s.o.-.9-...-...§...‘ ‘“â€--, - ----‘--.-‘ ' . ~‘*“-*--‘.m†' . I -..- come to buy that we always have the goods 1n the No matter whether it be Dress Goods, Staples mg in general Dry Goods following" in Dress Goods and â€Rug Specials. We are showing a very large range of dainty wash muslins in floral patterns. stripes, dots, etc. One of the 11th and coolest materials for the hot summer days at from 10c up, Ginghams You all know what ginghoms are for washing and wearing. We are showing 11 large range patterns and colorings of plains, stripes, checks, broken checks, e.,tc at only l2§c yard We have just received a shipment from one of the largest and best wholesale Carpet Houses In Canada of velvet and tapestry rugs which we are going to clear out cheap. We bought them at a price, therefore, we are going to sell them at a price that has not been heard of in Lindsay before. The quality will speak for itself, the pattern is the newest and the colors cannot be beaten LOOK! Beautiful floral and conventional designs in colorings of green, fawn and crimson. Velvet Rugs 3x81}. .......20.00 324. ............. ........ 25.00 3ix4. .................. ............30.00 Tapestry Rugs 8:4 ..... .. "10.00 3§x4.................................... 13.50 You don’t L â€" GOW GAND‘T And the Montreal River Section 18 the Present Day Mecca for Prospectors THE PHENOMERAL RICRNESS OF COBALT -. Promises to be equalled or excelled in the new section abov,e and you want to get into these new (list. AT THE SURFACE WITH THE PIONEERS. The British Canadian Exploration and Mining Company. Limited. has been organized and is opu .21: in these new ï¬elds along lines similar to the Guggenheim Exploration Company in America The rm n- papydproposes to make for its shareholders everv legitimate form of proï¬t possible Its ï¬eld of prom “til Inc 11 e 1. Prospecting and staking cla 1m: 2 Dexcloplng. bv stripping, sinking and diamond drill testing. and materiallzing prospects into [1 m ed mines where the mineral exists. 3. 8113 mg and selling mining properties. 3. Acting as a promotion or parent company for properties or . ’ quired OP Ill t mum for their operation when ndViaoble. ’ 3‘ “in! RP." 1‘ mm: The Ilrltlsh Canadian Exploration and Mining Compam. h†"...“..on men in the 0 P, d l: n ‘W gunned and equipped on a substantial heels. It already owns nine claimsâ€"328 ACRES-4n the 11m wwr neldsâ€"three at Shining 'l‘roe Lake. three in Nlplulng, two at Duncou’a Luke. and one at. Elkbom 1.111.» It 011m interests 111 the Neck (low Condo Syodlcoto and the Ronny 111..., on 911w (and. â€1.“ llin luttcrAnw-e 1119‘ (in: claims ever stoked lo the Gov Gouda district and hung n.tm ollvor NB“ ‘3“ 0“ “d '08“ expenses or the llrltlnb Cooodlon o . â€H, â€d “We W Mid and the componv bun wmmmumlv 011 000 1mi‘gwg hm (“mam l lluuo mm “9 “0W MON 5 1 the company ln tho. ï¬eld. and , ‘ canoe travel opens up. 5 “‘9 more will. be coded in q \ .. n This is o llvo going oorporotloo oplondldly equipped for ouooooo ‘ ’ “d W 110mb of l‘ 1111 1~ moat nun-11111111 bualm mm. THE COMPANY mus 01211111112111) 31' mu: :3; more “N“ m 13110111111113? 111mm um unlocks or murmlns succmsrm. 1N lAls‘Uracrcnm: H, w. 111111 1111111111. 111.1. or 1111011 HA vn mom-1n rum .1 11: ran 00111111111: \ 11 11110111111? or suosunruu mu >1 w \l l\' ngbqoggogqoppuol. â€Momma Pu voluo. 01 nor ohm No wooed Nobility. 1.5000011 \H \m s ‘ 1 .11“. ml tmury WW. low oopltollootloo and low pug. .1 m mu 1“.me 1 . m. dlaorlmlnot 111mg", mp their :3 pro!“ 1111 mm“ " MM '°" W «ecu 1a which .11 aharoholdu “in 3““ in 0W3 pro-poem: 111. com pony boo no to 11111.... â€"05 cod told of ONNMQ '1" It". I‘ll â€I?" ‘0‘ “kyle“ 0! went, plan l’ I odor o limited block of them In tho Brltlob Oman Magma†00mm!“ 111 21* Ml“ , . â€It“ Limited) . “tutu-lo. 08â€â€œ AS H com collc young men. eï¬ecto for con ‘1 here is o- omoth. that - place or get in “THE FAN C ' “the band “it 1 The Wick Ba â€"-otrow. pana right on o1cr - Any hat c hat by the adj Over nine notions: Club otripcs. plaids. block and whi 2 A a L the la and binat in Sic Str for Our std all that :73 in [llt‘ Sq the llllll,‘ ‘ ‘ your Sci show :1 ‘ shapes in: Telc: copq plain uni prices in 50c Fe] in both 11% A splenili from. V or howcl size, 110 El hat (0 iii pur<c :1: l ____.J 5,... «‘ll riugtun ll est elulln“ “‘1‘ 31131.11 i .‘\i\l‘ «1 Boys 1111: in all ii..~ prltrx “‘04 LOO , MJ