i i 1ples. i ~ oods g . l 1 ' . 3: Amino “1.. I _ “‘ .. corn 1 tio f . lC a S. g _ if 'I D colleg;n 1:112:10 0:111! l - * young men. Neat gray and blackendwhito 3 0 effects for conservative dreooero. _ 0 I There 1: Ionlyonehond thhtï¬eoflotofld : - E smooth. that does not wrinkle. dip out of , ' place or get baggy and lame. . ' a??? g "1111: men awesome M a: o FANCY HAT BAND" y‘ ' “the band with hooks†(all rights reserved). § The Wick gagd 113:“: adjusted to any hot 1:31:01; Ever thae'old bond" Pits any size but i Any but can bemede o Club or Vanity . hat by ythe adjustment of o Wick Bend. . F and Over n1ne hundred patterns and combi- ne... : 3.131231253553331? seem ?rok en : black aind white eï¬ects. . my 11’ t 2 5c t0 75c 'et 3 I g A varietv of ï¬t the 3 [1.1 of , the latest patterns 1' out Q - are l and color com- Id of 5 . . 11. the 3 bmatlons always ' ll . é; . “15-?“ i 1n stock. 3 1 g . ,. g 0 i o g raw a S o 3 for Men, and Boys 5 O 9 10 E Our stock is complete with '0 3 all that is new and correct : in the Straw Hot. Now is : the time for 7 you to make : 5 your selection: 9: We can : show a. splendid range 0 0 . . - ' . , : shapes 1n Sallors, Panamas, , : Teler cope, Slouch, etc, in . say plain and fancy strawsI at prices from in both hard and soft styles. A splendid stock to choose Whatever your taste w districts 5 r1p:,-1':;1Ling The com- {11'0131 Will from. or however extreme your ‘3‘ size, be sure you can get the hat to ï¬t your head and 'WW into prov- purse at this store. -:~ om pan iCS See our celebrated BIar- rington Hat in all the new- est shapes and colors which WI ; 111111.13 l we guarantee and sell at $2.50 ‘ Canada s 1111') .\RE / â€â€˜qu Also our splendid stock of I q â€WAT Boys’ and Young Men’s Hats SHARES in all the newest colors at â€121:, “:3: 3 prices from .. 1.00 to 3.00 an. Pro“ 1 90 cents 4 50C to I0. 010' ‘.»2 . Lindsay. 1' A? ..1 ‘1: '.‘ â€151;? : Mr. Richardson is completely over; T hauling and remedelling- the resid- Thomas ,garpentering with Mr. 3.: once he bought from ’Mrs. have 11’?qu beautiful home. Rev Mr. Snowdon occupied pulpit of his friend, Rev. Mr. Butler, Iin Wooler on Sunday Mr. Lewis Fallis, village, has tok- en ageggy for the Peter Hamilton Co. ., PeterbOro, and from now ~ on will act as their representative ‘in J anetville. Mr. Fallis is placing on his lot a commodious building for the display of the different articles he is selling, and we predict for him a liberal patronage. - Mr. Gordon Ingram, of was in Janetville Sunday. Sunday, May 30, day in church' circles in Janetville. The morning service in the Presby- terian church was taken by ' Rev. Mr. Duggan, ~ representing the -Do- minion Alliance.“ Mr. Duggan, who is a most excellent, reader; in a very forcible and thrining‘tone of voice, read Isaiah, chap. 5, denouncing woe to the drunkard and the seller . of strong drink and took for his’text the word of the Greeks at Jerhsa- lem, “ Sir we would see Jesus, from which he preached a powerful sermon, showing ï¬rst of all the ob- ligation upon the church. to show the Christ to the world notfonly by the good among themselves, but by extending the helping hand to those J anetv1lle May libâ€"Mr chines Armstrong is at present working at â€' ..mé Lindsay. was a notable Iâ€. "'_' l 4 p.. '- m .1;â€" w Brought ’. , “ -.1 “1161,1808: Ihat’vouboen oonmletoly , ,_ "} suffered to; cum y. pains from indigent!" known rained; I was told to try “mud-fives.†and I sent for six boxes, and this was the only «medicine that did me any toad I am now entirely well, I eon eat or- dinary food and I never have a head- ache. and, for this relief I thank this wonderful remedy “Fruit-a-tlves." My case is well known in this vicinity and you may publish this statement. ALCIDE HEBEBT. 50ca box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size 25c. If, for an" reason, your dealer does not handle “Nit-actives," they 'wlll be sent postpaid on receipt of price by F‘rult-u-tlves IJlml‘ted, Ottawa. LORNEVILLE. The Woman’s Institute of this place will hold a special meeting on Saturday June 5th, at 2 .30 p. 111. who had fallen into the snares and at the home of Mrs Geo Fisk m†temptations of sin. When Christ was on earth men thronged him, very many out of idle curiosityand this thronging .of the multitude prompted, not by anv real motives to forsake their sins was so wearij some to the human nature of on Mary Yates, of the Ontario Agri)ul- tural College, Guelph, will deliver an address on, “Problems of the home." 1 at-teod. A PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL. cured of n thief-pubic. :fg‘ been: 7 anytiflngbutwhatlmflerouawfulgeiwemm andauitscon d I used every McGee“: When completed he. will ohyolclons. but the dyspepsia and hang? .‘ aches persisted in spite of the treat- Wm ‘ ' ' . "" "'l _"'"" All ladies are cordially invited "to' Lord that frequently he retired ti: Peterboro Business College, whigh the Bethany home of Mary and the largest and most popular Matthew;J for"? ., rest. People were 1school in Eastern Ontario, rem thronging‘t‘he church to-dï¬y. some oped" the entire year, and hï¬ ' for twenty or thirty years, and yet cial courSes for public school teach- not getting into vital touch with the Christ. Further M12, Duggan' iconï¬ned his remarks of the evil of lintemperance almost altogether to iCana-da, dwelt upon the duty of Ca- nadian citizens to the immigrants, who as a mighty tide are coming to‘ our shores, many of them with the strong purpose to forsake the old haunts of sin and in a new land in changed surroundings to begin life again. How 1mp01tant place out of their way the temptae tions' so. hard for them to resist. Much had been accomplished in the last ten years. Yet even now in Canada every year1 5, 000 men and women went down to drunkard's gravesâ€"an awful harvestâ€"a line . of graves if placed im a. row over ï¬ve and a. half miles in length. ‘The {yearly product of the li’quor traï¬c linCanada. from which our Govern- ment received ï¬fteen,million dollars’ revenue. As an instance of the manner in which crime diminishes, where strong drink is not sold, Mr. Duggan'. quoted the case of the Prince Edward Island, which is under Pro- vincial prohibition. Some time ago ta. census of the prisoners was taken land it was found that the various jails throughout the province were empty except one, and it. contained only one prisoner and he was there for the offence of selling liquor il- legally. ..Mr Duggan cited! further instances and closed his most inter- esting discourse with an optimistic word for the onward march of pro- gress of prohibitory laws through. out the United States and Canada and the whole world; . memmg, afternoon and swung services in the Methodist church was conducted by the Lindsay Y. 11. (LA. ewe-11391191111: band. led by Mr. Ring ham. Splmdid singing, both by the hand the choir and congregm ties gave to we meetings :1 factors austere“ and vigor“: 111111 without mmic it" would he Minis, _ to 1111mm message were mu conducted, W and pro- then to ers and others during the summer months; Students are admitted any day and receive individual instruc- tion. I " VALENTIA. There will be a special meeting 0 'June 18th, at. 8 p.m. in the For- esterS' hall here. Miss YateS. the O.A.C.,â€" Guelph, will deliver an address on the following subjects : .“OIur serVan ," "Earth, Air and ater, etc.’f The officers of the branch extend an invitation to the ladies interested in home making to attend. chu can make a pine floor almost as beautiful as hardwoodâ€"you can change old, discarded furniture mak- ing it handsome and modern in ï¬n- ishâ€"you‘oan change the harsh, bad- ly marred surface to a beautiful fin- ish with a. coat of Wood-Lac. Mr. D. Cinnamon carries a. full , stock, W other Quite a large shop for ma- chinery and other articles which he WANTED ! EGGS. BUTTER and“ .PO ULLTRY AND ALL Kmp’s l the ~Womnn’s tnstitute on Friday†’pcrmnbeudmfnbtmum them preach IOF . FARMI PRODUCg can. «an m on cam. ...... y... « “mad...†uni-5cm â€Mutts country; Mfmw H08 Iï¬re,hasolroodystu'ted1toworkof , deVastoIï¬Ionr Thump‘s‘mntod on women-.0110- memmyotur.h. P. MeKaguo ï¬pmtly my stomach dnrmg'hahoforonoon Itwasnotob- wonderful medicine, took ï¬re lost Sunday, I served till the family were lult go- ingto tochgmh. More anyone could tents were reduced to asheS. and also the stable. After much herd work othe mill and lumber pileswere sawed. The origin of the ï¬ne is un- known. â€I" Miss Florence .Short was staying . "Hill â€Crest" with her friend Miss Edith McKague for a few days Mr. John Quinn 1s expected home Some time this week. HARTLEY. Hartley, June 1.411112 Harry Liv- jugstone Moving Picture Company Ix-isite'd our village on Fridav ing and gave a. good concert. Victoria Road will play a friendly baseball match with Hartley on Monday, afternoon, J une 14 at the anniversary of the Methodist S. S. and the Epworth League of C. E. here. A splendid prognam of sports has been arranged for. Rev. Mr. Wheelan, of Toronto. will occupy the pulpit of the church here on Sunday. ' OnJ‘riday evening two â€campaign- ers†will give an illustrated mis- sionary lecture «in the church here. Rev. Mr. Whattam is attending conference this week. , , WOODVILLE Woodvillo, Jtine 1.-'â€"Bro. Joseph White, of Whitby. R. W. DJ). Grand Master of No. 12 A.F. . A.M., paid his ofï¬cial visit to Harding Lodge, :_No._ "1477, on the 27th inst, and found the craft in a flourishing con- dition here. The second degrees were exempliï¬ed, after which ample inPage Fenceocaubeotretchedtighter justice was done to the fourth de- than 0th“ fence. Make‘ ï¬lm “8’ gree. Many visitors were present frOmIIBroek lodge, Cannington and King EdWard lodge, Sumlerland, and also from other sister lodges. visit from the Grand Master on that ownsion assured the brethren that Harding lodge was directing their stops along the proper cOurse. Rev. R. A. Whatham and wife left for Bellcville, where they will attend l the Methodist Bay of Quinte confer- ‘I once this week. Mrs. Whatham will visit friends at Wilton and f points before returning. ‘ Mrs. Dan. McLachlan, who has been visiting friends in Toronto, of during the past few weeks, has re- turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Jamicson- visit- ed with friends in Toronto last week. Mr. Peter Byer and Mr. J. A. Mor- gan, of Toronto, were in Woodville last week, the guest of Dr. Byers. Capt. N. L. Patterson was in Lindsay on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs: C. E. Weeks to Lindsay this week.I Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McTaggart spent 'part of last week with friends in Toronto. ‘ ‘ Mr. Hector Ferguson has returned to Toronto, after a two weeks’p'isit with friends and relatives in Wood- ville. Mr. Russell McKay, who came home from Toronto two weeks ago, is on the sick list, but. is improving nicely. Mr. Clare Weeks, who has been attending college at Woodstock, is home. for his vacation. The social given in the Methodist church last Friday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid was a decided success. I . . Rev. A. J. Mann was in Beaverâ€" ton last week, where he preached preparatory services inL St. Andrew' 9 church. The sacrament of the lord’s drove byterlan church here on June 6. Rev 111 limos. of between, «111 preparatory ,Eservlcea on rundown“ not It. Koala - . mm A. EVEfl- othersueed three. Save you money all round. Come and A samples. Write,coll.orphoueford1isyearslowprices. other I 'Amrlcnnllbnoe E. “but, I... J. , the great Hair Goods Artist ‘8 comingwith ’ 1 . I III. m WI 1 1 will be it Benson House. Liuds v,‘ ' on Saturday. June - 19th. “ml-II, 1 ' Dori this m- me. “1:...“ “r1..."- 1n over ,vM-Dt‘ldo [’3ng mid New Wien- York styles, and Woven. Wigs, Ito. Inclym inntod to I i and try on any of those creations. ' 0 give an the some choice selection and satisfaction as you would - get at our oronto establishments. 11011511111103 mm 1011131 for Gentle-co who are bold, 1s a masterpiece of Scientiï¬c Hair construction .Socucelv adjusted. Comb and . brush them just as our own hair Absolutsl in etectable. - They protect you from Colds, ‘ Catari- Neural gin, etc. ., and will rake you look 10 years younger. Over 90,000 at our are now in use. Don’t fail to see them. REMEMBER, ONE DAY ONLY Dorenwend Co. " Toronto, m Methodist ‘ 103.106 YONGE ST. , {1718.6 L o“ Puts the Page Wire Fence years ahead of competition. It doesn't weaken the lateral wires as other locks doâ€"it does hold the fence 1n shape year in, year out. And the high carbon steelvspring wire ‘ ghet- Heaty’ W l l L. ""f V proof. Callioronly two posts where James Jack Agent. Bnloovor. MEN-WE BAN GUBE Yflll FIIEST IEDIGII. IISTITUTE II IIEBIGI OWNED AND occurreo BY DRS. K. a K. YOUNG on women) MEN who need thesorvices of expert specialists why waste our man in treating with w noth got, why waste your money with worthlem electric belts ordmgstmcnootrumawhen you can get Wm reliable, successful treatment these Hooter Specialist. Dre. K. K. have treated patients throughout Canada. .for over .Oyoorsond mmpo “015d They acceptonly curable cases and your ass ve incurable it need not costy you a con 11 you are unable to call at our once for a personal examination we wfllsenanuesu‘on List for you to ï¬ll up from which we can diagnme your case and tellyouwhethor you are curable or not. Then we will prosaibespeci 'ï¬c remedies for your individual case w hich you can tokoothome. Wehsvenocu remedy thatwooendcé'tohoivery erybody nugget? most specialists we preocn e rem- edies required for each individual case to Wow. That‘soneof the secrets of ourwondorful success when others fail. “for" Fno Booklet on Die-coo of Ion W) M FARMERS! You can save dol- lars as buying fenc- luc, wire. cement. iota, metal roofing. nupflu. ‘ Lindsay j ’19 since the essful canal rs ago‘z.’ A her evening mgemcnts d mmittee in c are Messrs. hmore, W. 13 )e horse-raj ltiving con ‘ one-mile b0; and many for eral Mill to 10.â€"The 0 port of the 1 and social cented at la: as continued sembly this )r. Pringle. it but now of it some hot oinet ministers n, the Ministl 1. for some 1 there was prov-.1. D'- ‘e. Let him st me if he ' including H g the truth of