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Watchman Warder (1899), 3 Jun 1908, p. 12

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ant eir '18 be 5 ion ~thd. ~ Federal railroads in Switzerland have decided to charge extra for big hats, not when sent in baggage. but those on women’s heads. Stim- ulated by the complaints of men who have had their eyesgput out, their hair disarranged and their ears cut by the enormous hats of women passengers, these railroads ‘re go- a": tge‘sh“? 2:1 32?;‘3‘; satisfied with the award of the Con- eight centimetres in diameter (about 31 inches) will be classed along with bicycles and carts and ‘other things that have v~i eels, and cannot go in on the wearers’ tickets. ple and'widely extended banking fans, ilities, its ex fiance of more than m years of ban ing in Canada. and its well known financial strength, is able togive its manv customers an unex- celled banking service. Woodland Sundae ‘ Your Account at this bank. wheth- (3th Phosphate or large or small, will receive careful All flavors. at Phosphate. Bank of Toronto J. n. L. GROUT, Manager \ From the best seed growers ""‘ A YEAR TO cossmss seed corn There is no @ing in the fact that the Grand Orange Lodge at their meeting in Peterboro, touched on a very important question, one in fact, which was so important that it was decided to leave it' over un- til the meeting next year. When the delegates from British Columbia asked that fitlie Grand Lodge establish a political plat- form, they trumped up a matter that has been considered time and time again by the older members of the Orange Lodge, and the standing over of the question for a. year long- er was a wise step. The question of establishing a party platform and getting a candidate to support that Several varieties at the drug store. The platform, is one that will require a - great deal of thought. The memb- watChman-wardef ers of this important body will have ample time to discuss the .pros and WEEKLY EDITION cons of the question within the next Published at Lindsay, Qntfi-Yioi by 'many old and young members of the The Watchman-Wattle: Printing 0°" Order in favor of the stop, there are also many old and young members Allan Gillies, Business Manager of the order adverse to the step. “’9‘” 97' SECURING coop TEACHERS Subscription Bato- The Daily Warriorâ€"Delivered by Mr. J. J. Tilley, inspector of Mod- carrier or by mail to town sub- e1 schools, in his address delivered scribers, 25¢. per month. By mail before the teachers of this county to outside points in Canada or the last week said, if we wish to have British Empire, ‘2 per W“ better schools we must put in a bet- Th° Watchman-Warden. (Weekly) ter class of teachers, and that we .1 per W in advance ’ ‘1'25 If cannot expect to have good schools paid during the year. Postage to _ . . United Saw. m __ Daily 01' With poor teachers In them. Tnese Weekly, 50c. are almost self-evident truths. The only difference is as to how best to W secure the better teachers. The new THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1909. plan of having all teachers Normal trained instead of first taking a Mod- el school course will require a few EAST VICTORIA SOLID years to fully test its efficiency. In the face of it it is reasonable to ex- Mail and Empire: East Victoria pect good results, but there are seems to have undimi-nished faith in some factors which do' not appear the Whitney Government. Hence the on surface whicli crifis have point- large majority for the Ministerialfed out. ' candidate. It does not look as if thel It. is to be hoped that the results 'reaction had set in, although the To-iWill be all that is claimed by its. ronto organ of the Opposition de- I advocates for the vast majority of clares from time to time that such ' the people Of the Province 0f On- is the case. tario desire to see our public schools raised to the highest standard pos- THE BIG HATS jsible. There is a proportion of the people who, when it comes to the matter of salaries, are not willing to pay such as will ensure the best teachers. Men especially will not remain in the profession without adequate remuneration. It is interesting to note that the Mrs. Dqu, wife“‘of the moderator of the Presbyterian General Assem- bly, ,died at Winnipeg. Winnipeg street‘rajlwaymen are not ciliation Board. . The Consolidated Elevator Com- pany will build a new 1,700,000: bushel eleVator at Fort William. The hours of civil servants‘at Ot- tawa have been increased to from 9 to 5, with an hour anda half for lunch. A VANISHED OPTIC The latest victim of the hatpin a Chicago car' conductor. A bad iflllll s... I II ' curve in thc- il'nh caused him 10/ M Miniimiie Sendaes and College Ices- ‘ IceOreamSoda ‘ - 4,. '. ” Egg Phos h David Harum p ate Cherry Phosphate The Bank of Toronto. with its am- Intoroot ptid on Savings Deposits. capital ' - “9m,“ ' Rest - amm ~- 'Tryourspeéial, OmemeePuflet. Attsnbi-‘ial sundae'for the Mara- ' “ ‘â€" thop Winner Omemee Branch twelve months. Although there are Master Timothy Eaton were guests day May 27 after the b . 0-! of Mrs. Eaton's Parents Mr. and . ' the Mrs, John 11ch overs unday. meeting had been attmded to, at the home of Miss J ardine on Wed- nesday and as there will be, besides the regular routine work, a paper on missionary efiorts, it. is requested that a full attendance of the mem. bers be present. ‘ was in Omemee on Saturday evenâ€" ing. sible match game of baseball next week, and urges all players to at- tend practice regularly. with Peterboro friends. ‘ Tuesday did not surprise us. Honor throws a glamor over the eyes 0!. hmong us. Having taken an active my a poor Victim Lube mail oven Part is all our noon; ‘al macro” for so haw-read tselmmortalwds ‘ " Graz: "The paths of glory lead but muéh {ha lead y assis‘ “tance and 'd to the grave.” .- Toronto friends‘ . 'ment of horses on Saturday. Public-schools are set for the 213+; Y?“ to accept this gift and and 22nd of June for mean. and that God’s but , ”W. m Miami muons ' to low'renmm" " wwm 3““ From our own correspondent _ enemas. May 81.â€"rho committee or Sunday wish to thank the donors of prim for Victoria Day sport-{Here’s a W the recipient of a handsome: list of the large-hearted helpers: ,mtie clock and the tollowlns ed- The Watchman-Warden Mr. H. Ash- dress on behalf of the school VII more. proprietor of the King. Ed- read by Miss H. Lam. and Mr. 1“ ward. Undsay; Messrs. p. subsoil. Mark presented the sift- “1° ”8’“ 'l‘. A. McPherson Jr. 00.. T. J. Pars- at Mr. Hogg's departure 1' 119"" one, T. 0. Ivory. Charles Ivory, .l. felt, by all connec 2‘- Wylle. John Meme, ’l‘hoa' Palm- both school, as he has been unremit- er, H. Beatty, H. Murray, Bank of ting in his efforts in its behalf. Toronto, W. H. Curry, J, '1‘. Beat- Mr. A. 0._Hogg, Superintendent. ty. all of Omemee. Our baseball team is considering THE ADDRESS" the acceptance of a. challenge to plav . for a silver cup on J une 7th at Ida. many 3‘88” 37°“ have labored mu? The receipts of the concert given “8 in this Sabbath school. The 800d by the Public Library on Victoria that has been ““9"” 3°“ in the Day; were about 8100, quite a grat- noble work, no human mind can W m measure, for it isa work that al- Dr. Snelgrcve has changed his fects charactergconduct and destiny. place of residence from King-st. to Children have come into this school the Presbyterian manse on Sturgeon- in tender years and have grown up st. _ .. Mr._and Mrs. T. w. Jamieson were its influence, and have gone out to in Omemee on Thursday. fill places of responsibility and trust. Mr. J. W. Mitchell has removed to We thoroughly believe that they are King-st. the better for having come under the influence of the teaching and life of dent of Sturgeon-st., having moved this Sabbath school in which you into a residence purchased from Mr. have filled for so many years, the Mitchell. ‘ responsible position of superinten- A very pleasant evening was spent, dent, and we believe your life and at the home of Mrs. (In) Snelgrove teaching and work will tell upon on Friday,_by the local dancing Club. many other lives for their lasting Miss Flora and Mr. Will Jardine good- We desire to say that we up- have returned to their respective Vo- preciate very much what you have cations after a pleasant visit at been to us, and what you have done their home.~ for us, more than words canexpress. Miss Bennett returned to Toronto Sorrow is ours in “10me that you on Wednesday, after spending g ‘011. are soon to leave us. We therefore, day with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Wy- ask you to accept this gift (a clock) lie. from us as a suggestion in a. small An organizer of the 1.0.0.}: was degree of our appreciation of your looking over. the ground to see if work and worth. While you have prospects were good for a bunch labored with us in the Gospel, may of the order in Omemee. The“ results the Head 0‘ the Church spare your were quite satisfactory, and he ex- life many years that you may con- perts to return and begin work ere tinue to spend your many talents for long, the building up of the Church of the Mr. tBleasdall, of Toronto, is the ever-loving Christ. guest of his daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Signed on behalf of the 801100) : J. Sutton. B. Weldon, Assist-Superintendent; hr. James McLean, of Mount Plea- J. M. Pascoe, teacher; L. Barons, sant. was in Omemee on Saturday. “3°11" and treasurer; H. Lane, We are pleased to state that Dr. teacher : 153- J- M- Pascoe, teach- Sutton is improving as rapidly as er; Leslie Mark, secretary; Mrs. J. can be expected, when the serious- S. Tinney, Jos. Tinney, K. Harcus, Mr. Robt. Adams is now a resi- ness of his accident is considesed. E' 3' King, J' F‘ Brass, Mrs. M- A musical trio of the Salvation James, teachers. Army gave a splendid entertainment on Friday evening in the local 'bar- PRESENTATION Rev. Mr. Mitchell, of Bi‘antford, was the preacher in the Presbyterian TO M“ u church on Sabbath afternoon, and he 3 o “66 gave a very brilliant and instructive _...a sermon. We understand he is not ' , eligible for a call, being still an un- oakwggd Ladies Regret “er dergrate. . Mr. E. Jamieson drove out to flung-BMW” Pontypool on Sunday. .. Oakwood, May 81.â€"At the regular Mr. and ms“ J- 0- :Eaton and meeting of the Ladies’ Aid on Thurs- the ladies adjourned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pascoe, where the tables were spread for tea. After refreshments were served, the secre- tary Mrs. (Rev.) W. Elliot, read the following address to Mrs. Hogg, and Mrs. J. F. Brass, predented on be- ’I‘he W.F;M.S-. will hold a Inacting Mr. Joseph Gardiner, of Franklin, cut glass berry bowl. Mr. and Mrs Hegg leave for Toronto shortly to reside. Manager. Magee announces a pos- ‘ THE ADD S : Miss Ackerman spent Victoria Day The results of the by-election on regret at the 1058 we are about to sustain through your remval from or many , yelirs. we shall on y W . ??_‘-'.‘~-\e ‘ - vice you have always given. Mr. Harvey spent the holiday with Be assured that you gofrom here ‘ taking With'ycu our sincerest good wishes for your success in} your he. « home. As a remembrance 095' O . . 0! Promotion examinations in the With whom you have worked “:11“ Mr. Williamson shipped a consign- . . r . . Highechools and‘coneahte Institute" . Signed in an" r:: . = . .-- , .. . .> ._ 011"“ ‘ . ,_ .. asare.down terathe 23rd, 24th and Aldrin-e. or. Bragg" -M-mn'.fla"* "Mo‘f'Jnne, . ‘ . ' . " oh; WW8!» Dear Superintendent,â€"For a great- to manhood and womanhood ‘der, you later on for a little atte suggest garden barrows, mg forks, shovels, spray pumps. Briefly, everything to make th 1 ° and shrubbery beautiful for the coming year. c awn, garden ”ceptionally' good values andfmoney, saving Will be easy at this store. Many clearing lines have been p placed in stock during the past few days and are being marked at very low prices for quick clearance. lWe expect them-to move out in the above time and we know it will be to ydur advan- tage to make an extra effort to be here. We say shop as early as you can, for it insures splendid selecting Oppor- tunities. M maniacs-1r, Wbllzk cotton hose, since}, 9, 9} and 10 inch. oo'oooooIoooooooooopo o o olo 25o Ribbons for 150 Beautiful silk and satin ribbons, 6 inches wide, splen- did assortment of colorings. Regular 25¢ a yard. ‘50 Special per yard... . . . .1 Tinsel Bolts 250 Ladies’ belts made of beautiful tinsel in pretty de- signs and nice buckles. Reg- ul 50c d l valbes for xiv": 25‘: Wash Blouses 89c Ladies’ white blouses in a variety of styles and splen- did quality mull and lawn, all nicely finished snd extra special at each...... 890 OOOOOOOOOcoooooooo ooooo 0 Boys’ Wash Suits All immense range of these very popular summer gar- ments for the little loys. Splendid washing colorings as well as plain White. These are made in a' variety of styles and include many very ‘ pretty new ones. Come and see them before they become picked over, [and] see how cheap they. areâ€"you can't make them as reasonable, so save yourself. Lisle Hose 196 Women’s lisle hose in black and tan, assorted sizes, spot and fancy designs. Regular Efaetififi‘f’ffi ff'f l 90 J. Sutclifi’e Sons amm\ LINDSAY osnllnul [ 9. ”I (D; H 5‘ no 5 m G) '3 O E Spring is here and right now is the time to make things grow. The trees and bushes need pruning, the dead limbs should be taken off, and the garden and lawn will amply repay '0 and both "e" W by the Montreal Reform Clubs-on m. ntion now. Good workmen use y kinds we carry. Let us 95:33:21an lawn rakes, spades, spad- pruning shears and saws, Drug i No need in drug bu and can-fa features “‘1 can buy «ll solute safe There is about that or the sup service. too, that right. l. lll Druggih'i Krin'lj‘ (l Toronto 104m â€"â€"Mr. (hall‘- )and, War a \ â€"-Ml'. Ito M ited his aum Sunda)’.-â€"XOI‘1 ..Mr. \l(‘l02‘ county, near (. of Molar 1511's -â€"Mr. and M! Fencion Fella yesterday. â€"Mr. Harry. is the gum: . , Kylie, I’o‘ll'l‘l U" â€"â€"Miss Vol}: the guest 02' m1 Kylie. l’rti'l‘f‘m' -MISS ll l‘b'l her mothvr a!“ t on. â€"-Miss Tumult ion Falls. is .n the guesz n: 31.: -â€"MI‘$.Hv\x ,1‘ town Nitric-rug ter, Mrs. ill" in â€"Rc\, Mr I m 3'85 ill 10le 1.”: day. l â€"Mr. and Mr: returned 10 TA and are at ill. 1 ronto NiAH‘S. j â€"Mis:~ (lorry-a lon Falls hek east \"ahi fl'u-ni two or Ihl'w' im‘ â€"Mr. L. Slal‘l ployed at the S last evening for will remain in . â€"Masim' (tour! oconk, has roml ing spent the hc and uncle, My: row, Wellington- â€"â€"Mr. J. Morg. Toronto, where few days \‘is.:in MCCrimmon, an! daughter, Mrs “ -Mr. Willlslli‘ rie, formerly «M filling lhf.‘ pumli at the l0('al xiv-vi days. made \‘(lt‘a of Mr. liillingslq the newly liltpul. arrive for a \‘.|‘(" From sau‘ â€"Mr. John (‘ Was a \‘lS‘itnl‘ 3 -â€"Major Stupid town loâ€"(ilu . â€"â€"Capi. Nth; [J ville. was in in â€"Hl‘. T. (I l chant Of Jan-'H' town yesterdufi. â€"Mr. and Mrs Bobeaygeon. on yesterday. â€"â€"lr. and Mr Oakwood. were calling on {non â€"Mr. Jamm- Best's Station i spend the Work â€"Mrs. Wm. 1 Vancouver . ll l‘ town, and her l Perkin, Washbu -â€"Mr. and Mr Newmarket, a Oakwood. were Mrs. R. Poguc, day last. â€"Mr. W. A. Q ing for Fort W three months {fiends in B0 w. A; will be r

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