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Watchman Warder (1899), 3 Jun 1908, p. 13

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and extra l """""" 891: Suits inge of these ummer gar- little loys. H vhite. These variety of e many very Come and they become (1‘ see how â€"â€"you can’t ~1sonable, so 90 hose in black lsizes spot is. Regul ar .iii‘.’ 190 0118 OSHA WA ' eke things dead limbs :mply repay lrkmen use 1y. Let us alles spad- and saws, 11, garden ES or $35,”. |uebec. will be ntreal Reform (r colorings “’3 i 3, e of the lead- taWa, is dead. 1 ~law to inStal . ‘0 ‘ .‘ Drug Security"? A. , No need of taking chances ‘ in drug buying. Worthinéss and carefulness are essential features at this store. You ' can buy drugs here with ab- solute safetyund confidence. There is never any doubt about the quality of our goods or the superior grade of our. service. You can be certain too, that the price will The right. A. HIGINBOTIIAN Dmggist Lindsay Nei .rly Opposite Post Ofice l. Terry speiit mefll‘ay in1 MM ‘;~ spent yesterday at Oa‘kwood. ville was in town Saturday. goon was in town/on Saturday. - was: in town on Saturday. yesterday. "'"""““°’“"“°"‘ -§-0~$-e.§.......s...‘...o‘...‘ “New.” we 1 l for a few hours. 0 friends. 3 Personals . M wwsmmsa ay. From Friday‘s Daily. â€"Mr. John Thompson, of Lorne- ville, was in town yxesterday ' urday. -111. 1‘ D Moore, K...C was in -â€"Mrs. w. Best, of Winnipeg. is visiting friends in town for a few 'lol onto to- -day on business. . â€".\fr. Lhallcs A. Parkin, of Nor- days lilnd, 31ml his aunt, Mrs.,Wm. Bibby, over weeks With friends in Minden. Sundayâ€"Northern Advance, Barrie. â€"Miss (Dr) 363'. 01 Toronto, ne- Regiment â€"Ml-. \‘ictor Begg, of Stormont newed acquaintances in town Sun- camp opens at Barriefleld on June mother died a few months ago. 15. S GOING WEST. Major Staples, of Lifl‘ord, town Saturday. and said good-bye and to a large number of his county. near Cornwall, is the guest day of Mayor Bcgg for a few days. â€"Mr. Fonclon Falls, were visitors in town we“ 0‘ “NW3 â€"-Mr. and Mrs Geo. Moore ycfilt‘nlay. family, Miss Myrtle McGill and Mr. â€"Mr. Harry filament, of Lindsay, Kylie, Pctcrboro, for a few days. Janetville. â€"Miss Nora N. Reilly, of town, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Sadie Kylie. l’eterboro, for a few days. â€".\flss B. Browne is the guest of her mother and sister in Canning- months. ton. â€"-Messrs. J. H. Staples, G. H. Shea, W. Shouldice, and F. .E. â€"â€"Miss Fannie Brandon, of Felle- lon Falls, is in tow-n for a few days. the guest of Miss Eliza Spratt. â€"Mrs.Hewitt., of Toronto, was in town yesterday, the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Real. â€"Rev. Mr. Phelps, of Campbellford was in town for a few hours yester- the future. --The Misses May and Ethel Adam left this morning for Ottawa to !spend a couple of weeks holidays. They will also visit Peterboro, To- (3 v route and Montreal before returning. a . i 0 ,. . ' ~ . 7 â€"-Th m . K - -.\Ir. and Mrs. J. C. Grace have e arrlage 0‘ Mlsq ate Gm’ . ham, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. returned to Toronto from Lindsay, - d 're at the Queens says the To- George W. Graham, Peterboro, and a“ d ’ Mr. Thomas Reynolds, will take ronto News. ' . . , y 1 â€".\liss Gertrude McCall, of Fene- giagigeery quletly 1n the atter part ion Falls has been the guests of. â€"Miss S. V. Ford left this morn- eust ward friends during the last ing for her home, Ringley Redgate, two or three days. surrey, England. During her ' resi- â€"Mr. L. Starr, who has been em- deuce in town she has gained many Ploi‘ed at the Sylvester “’1‘5' 1°“ friends, who will regret to hear of 335‘ ewning for Cobalt, where , he her departure, but will wish her ban will remain for the summer. voyage “it .. .. , lllly Eczema Patients Suffer oronk, has returned home after hav- NO WONDER THEY DESPAIRâ€" mg spent the holidays with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. F. Barja- BU'I‘ CURE HAS NOW BEEN FOUND. ' row \Velling‘ton- -St. â€"â€"Mr. 1. Morgan has returned from It is 'a strange thing about ec- zema. Toronto, where he spent the past fcw days visiting his daughter, Mrs. llfct"rimmon, and his great grand- After wasting money on nostrums, dosing the stomach or smearing on greaSy salves for years, many a skin daughter, Mrs. T. W. Wheeling. -â€".\fr. William Thompson, of Bar- sufl'erer gives up in despair. He says: ' n, formerly operator at Lindsay, is “ What is the use. some may be filling the position of freight agent :11 the local freight shed for a few days. mudc vacant by the promotion .11‘ Mr. llillingslcy. Mr. Milligan. '1... we appointed agent. will not wed, but my case is hopeless “MY" m" a Week 0" ten days. But a trial of the simplest remedy â€"just a little oil of Wintergreen pro- perly compounded (as in D D. D. Pre- scription) will wash away that itch‘. In fact, it will take away the itch immediately, the,instant D. DD. is applied. Read this letter from Mrs. G. J. Hutton, of Renfrew, Ont..: “ Jan. 15. 1909. “ Since I was a child nine old (and I am to-day thirty From Saturday's Daily. â€"â€"Ml-. John Coppins, of Bald Point “as 21 \‘isitorlin town yesterday. â€"-Mlljm- Staples, of Lifford, was in *mvn to-day. â€"â€"<‘apt. Neil Patterson, of Wood- ‘v;lll-_ was in town to-day. -Mr. T. G. Hawkins, general -mer- client of Janetville, was a Visitor in town yesterday. â€"Mr. and Mrs. James Lithgow. 0f llobcavgeon, were visitors in town lemnlay my hands. I have spent money on â€"Mr and Mrs R. McCulloch, of: all kinds of: medicines and ointf Oakwood, were in town YGStOFday" ‘ calling on friends. ‘ â€"Mr. James Miller, sr. , went to Best‘ 5 station to-day, where he will spend the week with lfriends. ‘ . â€"-Mrs Wm. Davey, and child, of Vancoux er, are visiting friends in town, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs Pal-kin, Washburn's Island . g . â€"Mr.a11d Mrs. John Currey. Of to-day my ed. I shall never be without it in my house and , will always recom-. are who suffer from this aw- ’9 neighb ful torture. eczema- Fun. A. nKingiaaer B' jâ€"Ald. 11. J. Lewis wlreandchud ._ ~19“- 11.11 Johnson, damsel was in town Saturday on business: â€"Mr. Eugene Shine, of . Downeyé- ' -â€"Mr James Wallace, of BobCayâ€" . ~-Mr. Jas. Arnott, of Dunsford, â€"-Mr and Mrs. L. B. Hartle, of Fendon Falls, were visitors in town l -Mr. Wm. Suggitt, ol' Valentin, was in town on Saturday afternoon --Mr. A. C'. Reesor, of Locust Hill, W‘m; spent Saturday in Lindsay with AN OLD SUBSCRIBER. Westaway, of Oakwood, was in, town on Saturday. and call- hand. . Mr. Westaway He was ‘on his way home from 1s one of The Warder's oldest read- Sweden, to Southampton. and in crs, having been a continuous subr scriber for forty years. BARRIEFIELD CAMP. A despatch from Ottawa giv es :1. was a VW in town to-day â€"Miss Maggie Hanson. of the Bell list of the militia that will train at â€"-Mr. Lee M eehan, of Lindsay, vig- Telephone staff, is spending two Barriefield â€"Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sadler and Miss Mona left for Fenelon Falls to- ‘ Mr. R. G. â€"Mr. and Mrs. John McDougall, of Port Perry, visited in town on Sat- ed at The ‘fiardcr. this and had one leg taken on. He was' year, and 11; is noticed that the 451,1. taken to the “alkcrton Hospital, is not in the list. 'lhe Camp, Kingston, â€"Mr. Findlay Robson, of Fenelon and Mrs. 11. B. McGra-th, of Falls Was in town yesterday. the was friends. Mr. Staples is leaving on Tuesday is the guest 0,- his cousin, Mr. Jag. H‘mm Salsbury, spent yesterday 111 for the West with the intention of - looking up the location of his land . grant, and homesteadlng the same. leaves tomorrow for Edmonton, Al- Mr Staples has a large number 0, Mrta’l Where he will visit his son fr lends in L 11d d Mr. Joseph Phillips, for a couple of l say an also m â€"Mr. Robt. Phillips, of Cameron, the surrounding country. THE MUD LAKE BRIDGE. Reeve Anderson left Wednesday for hausted the trouble makes itself evi- Brechin, where,he will join the ward- cn and some of the members of the and together with a depu- tation of the Victoria County coun- cil they go to inspect a bridge Mud Lake to ascertain whether On- tario county should not the maintenance of bridge.â€"Cannington lPlaindealcr. LOST IN WOODS. excitement prevailed here Wednesday, says the Harburn correspondent to the Minden Echo, when it was discovered that R.’ H. Holland, Esq., of Port Hope. was visiting at Mr. A. Curry’s, was missing. He left the house after din- ner to look for wild flowers but fail- ed to return. Search was made but up to ten o’clock that night no trace of him could be found and early next morning every man in Harburn‘ was out but could not tell way he had gone. He finally came out on the Haliburton road 11. miles south of the settlement managed to reach Mr. Thos. erts' who drove him home very lit- tle worse for his twenty-four hours ramble in the woods. WOOL, WOOL, WOOL. The first wool to be disposed of on the market by local farmers spring arrived on Saturday. price was received. to White, leave to-morrow for Western Canada, where they will reside for . . counCll, at contribute the i -‘ goes from bad to worse until you feel towards Much last who d which few and Rob- this for which a fair Every second farmer that came town this morning had a bundle of wool tied behind his buggy and many cases several bundles. At noon there was hundreds pounds of wool piled in the market room. and John O'Leary. the local representing Flavellca Ltd" had a very busy morning attending many customers. Mr. O'- the Only buyer on market this spring and he expects a very busy time for the next weeks. The prevailing prices this buyer, to his 7 Leary the few old) I have suffered with eczema in 1.0an OPTION CONTESTS Forty-one local option contests havebeenbesminwo.hl pre- thnt fluenthisw was! paratlon .f'or votingoan‘nuu-y -- Mud basaltic tad-fly my next. accordingto'l‘hel’ioneer Two afictafswmonthsdmf'alttbecure of these municipalitiesâ€"Brantford was compw She ”a - up, wu. and W clties.'1'hsre are llama pinkrfllsbavedcne whatdocr mend it to my many friends and now. if there is nnyonein W ' The marriage or Mrs.Marga1et Sutherland. of Rosedale, Ont" to Melvin H. Olapp. shoeimerchant, of Toronto,- took place on Wednwday afternoon, May 26th, at the “muse lof the'Bloor-st. Methodist church, lToronto, Rev. Dr.‘ W. F. Wilson of- ficiating. The happy couple left on the evening train on an extended ~ trip to Buffalo and other American cities, and on their return they will make Toronto their permanent resi- ..r dcnce. ‘The many Rosedale friends Mr. Clapp express congratulations lto the newly-wedded couple. are right. BOY KILLED. C. E. Kilmer, a former citizen of Bobcaygcon, was killed on Thursday evening under most distressing cir- cumstances. He was an electrical engineer and had been to Sweden to arrange for a quantity of machin- ery for new works that he had in “\l-.. L55" 2 l\ t , \\_\ J)! \\ lllr..." '§$\$ l silks with excellent clinging qualities. train again he fell under the wheels unskilled makers. but died a'few hours later. His your order right now. THREE SILK BARGAINS A full range of colored Tafieta Chiffon Silks all of best He leaves a wife and three child- ren, one being a baby a month old. Q 1» passing through Walkerton, the old home of his parents, he got off the train to send a message to his fath- er. and .n getting on the moving I Overland Nerves a Muss S'gnal quallty. width I8 20 and 21 inches wide, soft durable makes 111.11 ~ give the best of wear In shades of browns. blues, rods. greens, pastelhsgleot 972;] paécsglladesl sucl} as pink, sky, cream soc .111 w 1 ............................. THE TROUBLE CAN ONLY BE M qua ities or . Japanese Shantung Silks. 27 inches wide, a strong silk for CDRED BY ENRICHING BLOOD suits and skirts. theseg come in shades of tan, brown, navy, {fifrf’flfl‘l‘iflii'f ..... i: :EE‘.'.’Tf.i’.‘.‘fff.f‘.‘. 23:33:35,313? 50c When your 11‘3" 0‘15 53' Stem is ex ~ Jagmcae Shant lug Silks. 3% inches wide, natural color only, this sil leavery fine and rich bolting make, glistens like a dent in many was You feel always diamond and will wash and wear like iron. 50c Pei yard ....... .7 .......................... .................. . fatigued and unfit for work. severe headaches distract y:ou your back is w;eak you sleep badly; your appetite is uncertain, you are nervous and ir- ritable and after any exercise you tremble and perspire excessively. I! the trouble is not checved your case WHITE COTTON. 7c '500 yards of pure White Cotton, 37 inches wide. a strong heavy even make for household purposes. Worth 10c “7 per yard Our price while it lasts Will be per yard c that your condition is hopeless and that insanity is threatened. Your nerves are calling for help. They are starved because they de- mand from the blood’ more nourish- ment than it can supply. New rich i blood is the secret of nerve strength SPECIAL DRESS STUFFS All wool Panama Cloth, “British make,” 44 inches w ide made of good stron yarns of bright finish, a clean 61 m make of dress materials, sh es are navy, brown, myrtle..c1-¢ma111”50 also black. 65c value for per yard.. .......... .. c Impoxted French' Delaincs, a material for summer dlcsses and waists. made of fine wools and with delicate printings, cream black and colored grounds, with spots, stripes and floral 50c designs. Worth up to 65¢ for per yard. ..... .. .................. American Cotton Sllitlngs. a new lot just received. These and Dr. Williams’ Pink Plus for Pale People cure nervous disorders because they feed the weak. exhausted nerves with rich, red blood. The case of Mrs. Emma Hall, of Hamilton, Ont., furnishes proof that Dr. Willianm' Pink Pills will cure even the most stubborn cases of nerve exhaustion. Mrs. Hall was left a widow and was forced to work in a mill to maintain herself and her two little children. She bravely faced the battle of life, though she had never had to conform to such conditions before. Notwith- standing the splendid spirit she dis- played the work played havoc with delicate constitution, and some years ago Mrs. Hall noticed signs in her. self of a nervous collapse. She con- sulted a doctor who gave her some medicine and told her she "would be all right his few days." But relief did not come and it was finally a daily occurrence for her t6 faint at her work. These fainting spells quickly developed into pronounced hysteria and chronic inltabrlllty, and Mrs.. Hall says that death would have been a relief. She consulted sev- eral doctors but got no help.- and she felt that she was almost bordering on insanity. In this condition she was advised to try 111'. Williams' Pink Pills. Grasping at even the p08- slbillty of help she decidedto do 80. After taking three boxes she actualâ€" lyfoundsome improvement andme p are 34 inches wide, all in self and fancy stripes on linen grounds. gist the weight for summer suits and skirts. 25c l’er yard ....................................................... ....... .......... GREY COTTON. 9c (1)0 yards of extra line Factory Cotton. 40 inches wide. It‘ s 11. make very clean and of even thread. will bleach easily. Sold regularly at 12§c per yard. While" it "lasts the 9‘ price is per yard ...... ... .... ~ Dundas Flavclles Limited here. a satisfactory suit? tion. newest style. cutofthoodmstymm .' . Busy'sew'ing time. these ' ' days- Every woman is interested in pretty Dress Goods and $4115, douny interested if the prices Here vou’il find ' the prices cxceptiel ally low. the 53* ings plomlnem, the displav the mts‘. re- presentative v on have ever seen. New ideas. new styles for Spring and Summer Dress Goods of new effects, new show- ings. Silks of richness. Lustrous. shimmering DRESS MAKING DEPARTMENT. You might select the prettiest dress pattern in a fame of Dress Goods or Silks and have the smart appearance of the costume, marred by Our expert mediates have a reputation for high- class workâ€"a reputation they well deserve. Give us You take no risk in dealing $10 Will Do It Can I spend 310 and yet get More than once recently we have. been asked just- that ques- ._ We” ”’lwith large emphasis. $10 will buy a fine WWW Iflmloblmkorbhsugesuit in the veq‘ . There 18 no room for fault about the style, the fa' oric, the sewingâ€"411s suit is well tailomd as it. should be, which means thorough workmanship. Every button, every stay, every scam is right. Pay twice as much in many places and you will get no better value than our 310 suits. We know we are winninu new friends Wmngby Wofpficewith reliabletsfloring. I! Ombudflflsmtsm We! valueâ€"Ifyouarelooking, H- ltes l in ,t being ‘ ’ ;£:.u 1 pays . l of the taxabl. )9 was 1' Mari $9.370. .ies, ills : wha -» ts on ‘ the L' ... 0 lulluti. fternoo 1e maio ’3 in . n assessm to L' - - oil, the ~ For '.» 11858 1:: )00 for {tires thi assesso . asse :1»- _ 25,000. peen fell able in sen fixed nally deq meat in. a same I will be i Lindsay J 1e since essful dell rs ag03 her evenil ingemcnts mmittec ii are Mess! hmore, W. )1: horse-1i lriving con one-mile I and ma! l l # For eral MI 16 10.â€"Thfl port of thl and soul seated atl as continul sembly thl’f )r. Pringle, but now It some hot linet ministl n, the Mill1 l for some :1 there 11 proval, D .e. Let hill st me if hi including “(-1 not app? speaker. no . the truth . the 901m“

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