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Watchman Warder (1899), 3 Jun 1908, p. 2

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.vlth 1 of 1‘ his a this l-l't the “I ', WI heir ling l unnt the s ~tion llanl ll)’ 0! 5 Ph ~11 tc 1 cu atte thrl » netV 30ml? )wdt‘ :l'ah'l ' (more was no liourlnlng of trumpets or sounding at cymbals at the opening at the Marine“ Baseball begun at Little Britain on Saturday. Instead the High lukkamuk. Eli. Ly tie. remarked. "You‘d better let 'om {linden I ‘ t ‘ lM 0| "a“. g. .9 Melt." “.1 columns yelled for 1.11.. lul'tyathird “um "Play hall.” tiw‘pmv ,mli'."u a m' rmhmwn all.“ Will” 'l‘hen Umpire Dick antler spoke tho word that started the bail a-l‘Oi- Hakim“? Moo-formal and pl 9 nu ma combining quality. Mac for this season in the tar-lulled Mormons league. Little “Hm" l‘l‘ | it M"... and lzmwcu were the contenders on the ball field on Saturday. and the ,“Ellemgxmgm’l BM”. balm: €300:an hr in the kind that remand: the high sr‘re of tO-dl‘y' you turning out well an " well uric ed with him. so much so that l have hi and ma". ‘ pa pen to 10th the get of Benin Fin the past w later than u from all the Clydesdale. l have owned W and l’otontato Bid. lytie's retrieving of passed balls which rolled down one toll is Scots Fir. William“: lingo incoming!“ M) a M Prov-swell natives-Oven out 7 runs in 1. it was a good game and it wurmml the hearts of the lane to watch Hi! The pitching of Harry Kesiick for (‘reusweih Dick liulier's umpiring. have I; My horsemen having mam to H ' i ate the creek. someti . wro the main. outalanclln and ‘ h “me am i ’ "W H I find Reolelr in amt demand. embossed features of the game. The visiting team. too, made more than one or two croSS~8.\'0d play: Gun ueror I”. 5th dam M s but their plll'l‘ul' was there or there- abouts with the neediul and prevent- held an. by Garibaldi 312. ‘ ad scoring. it might be added that the said pitcher. one Harry Kes- Roof! lick, (,‘l'esswoll, Ont., struck out fifteen men. drove out three clean hi'ta. MONDAY ammo“... ng 3rd. Will scored three runs, stole a base. and had seven assists. In the vernacu- Lindsay. and proceed to John Hutton'S. lot . 18$ 00". . 0 . for night. 1111' of random he ”won his own game. ‘ - . TU SDAY--\Vill proceed to J". O‘Reillv's. lot 5‘ con. 1. Ops. for noon: thence to W, C. Johnston‘alot 18. con. B. Valentin, for night. and remaln until after dinner Vi ed- - The game was played at Riverside Park, Little llritain, the river part being understood. The size of thcl crowd Can 5.. better understood when It is known that $5.50 was the amount of the collection taken up on nccday. THURSDAY Afternoon-APcheed to to Maunder’s Hotel until night. TERMS a catcher's mit. for fear a collection plate would not be large enough. A GOOD GAME. The score 7-1 might lead many to‘ believe the game was a lop-sided contest. Not very much. There" was excitement galore all the time from the drop of the hat to the fin- lsh and the boys from Britain were fighting to the finish. 0. Hcatlcy started to do the pitch- ing for the Little llritain team. but could not got his benders going and Rogers. who had been playing sec- ond. came into the box. Rogers pitched nice ball and it was not his fault that the game went by the bOard. A glance at. the error column in the table below will make it conlpa’ rabively clear how the game was lost and won. Cresswell had four ________________.____. misplays to Little Britain's eight, P. Heatley,1f. “"3 0 0 1 0 O O and Cresswell two more hits than _____ .. HOME TO DIE. Petcrboro, ()nt., May 28.â€"Robort John Graham, son of R. J. Graham “DICK' ' BUTLER. of him in the meantime. Yesterday baseball in the MafipdSa Baseball man was found sit-ting in the C.P.R. League at Little Britain on Sat- station at Havelock, in a state ol‘ mama collapse, and turned out to be the few hours later. the other team. 33 1 a .. Andy Dixon. who caught for the CRESSWELL. Within the past few days there has champion Manilla team last year. AB R HPO A E SB been an advance in the price of all turned up behind the bat lor ”888- A. Dixon. c. ........ 5 2 1 15 1 o 1 grades 0' harness leather Plamllac' well, and the little lellow was wort-h Harry Keslick, p. 5 3 3 0 ,7. 70 1 turcd in Canada from four to live his weight in gold to his team. He McIntyre, 2b. ......5 0 2 1 O 1 0 cents a pound. This means that; catches like a veteran and throws Osborne. 1b. ....... 3 1 0 8 1 1 2 the price of a set of heavy harness nicely to baseS- Besides he is a da-n- Broad. 3o. ........... 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 goes up $9.50 to $3. or from $32 to gerous man at bat and on bases. lHow. Keslick. 33.4 0 0 2 0 1 0 $35. . TompkinS. the Oakwood plazrer.|w. Grant. 1.1. ......l 0 0 o 0 0 0 ACCOl'dlng in the manufacturers. whom Little Britain secured to play Moase, c.i‘. ........... 4 .0 o 0 0 1 0 the advance has been due to the the initial sack, scored the lonely Thompson, r.f_ ""4 1 0 0 0 0 1 scarcity 0f hides. These have ad- .___________ vanced from 12} to 17 cents a run for his team. due to raggedl Iwork on the part of Cresswell for an 38 7 7 27 9 4 6 pound. innings. Tompkins held down first Summary : First on ba115_ off Heat- LINDSAY MAY ENTER. base in good style. ely 1. oil Rogers 1, on" Keslick 1. Lindsay may have a team in the The Heatley boys were helpful to Struck out. by Heatel." 2. by Rogers Mariposa league.‘ Word has come. their team and McFadden on the i 5, by Keslick 15. Passed balls, from the magnates of combinatiou keystone sack, was there with the Heately 1. Hit by pitcher, Tompâ€" at Mariposa station that a team wallop. once. The entire team would kins and Osborne. Umpireâ€"R. But- from here would be received with a be fifty per cent. better with prac- ‘ ler. Rogers pitched for Little Brit- glad hand. Sonya has passed up 'tiSe- . am from the fourth innings and the the game for the seasonâ€"maybe The third and seventh innings were ‘ Little Britain infield waschanged. Valentia's win at Cannington had Cresswell's lucky ones and they were ‘ the two innings when things broke Score by innings : ‘ team scored four runs in the two innings mentioned and Britain scor- i A LARGE DEER. brewery: Wagon or a circus without a l i .d 8' number Of errors. Some visitors 1'. St P ' clown. . 9' At the start it seemed as though, . a “89°“ omt It's Lindsay or Hartley so Pat . the other day saw a large deer rang- ' ' the game would be a 2-1 or 1-0 afâ€" t, inn‘ in the woods The animal dis Powers and I‘JCI- Lytle says. The . - g 3 c ‘ . . _ . I fair, but the invading team gradual ‘ appeared into the thicker part of the chowe Wlll be made to mOl‘l‘O“ Pl‘Obf ly drew ahead. ' ably. w d. bi ' . - The Little Britain t should 00 s e ore a closer View could be bt 'n . give the Cresswell outfit an exciting,0 al ed ‘ chase before harvest time. ' AGE OF THE EARTH. ‘ The summary: The geologists figured some time constructed half a century 380 are ago that. the age of the earth is at now past history for all that "5 LITTLE BRITAIN. least 230.000’000 years. while mams of them is one gate and it PROGRESS AT THE mcxs.‘ The old Lindsay locks that were ABR H PO A E SB mathematical physicists have com- will disappear in a day 01‘ tWO- E. Yerex. 3b. as 4 0 1 1 2 2 1 puted that the sun itself has not ex- Contractor 'Ritchie has made 800d 11. Heately, c. ....4 o 0 s 5 1 o isted more than 115.000.1100. Now 9'08”“ during “‘9 Past few “'99“ noraddcn. 311.2114 0 1 1 1 1 1 R. J. Strutt. an eminent scientist. and “WW will see the completion H. Everson,-r.l ..... 4 O 1 1 0 0 1 announces as the result or a recent °' the caller dam at Flavelles' mill. r. Stacey. c.l. ....4‘0 0 0 0 0 0 experiment with a chunk ol thorian- “9 men ““me mm“? in 1. Tompkins. 1|)...3 1 1 13 o 0 2 it is. containing helium. that the Pulllnz do“ the old dam end a 0. Bentley. p. 81:4 0 0 0 3 2 0 latter could not have accumulated in the “W 0‘ 'l “'99“ it Will 50 a thing of the past. Contractor Bit- chie will build the new dam betel-e be commences at the locks. It will be built entirely at cement. under the supervision or a government in- spector. He also expects to have the water Wimfilfégbfi ' L. Regen. 2!). p. 8 0 1 2 4 9 1 less than 240,000,000 MI. AYER’S HAIR VIGOR ' Does not ColortheHalr “than” Wvflm Wat-flu“? Alum my; manual-.1121: WommmMMwmmmpdhm AYER’S HAIR VIGOR Does not the Hair could-r. . ' ‘ ' . m the new cannot dam is com- pleted a coder dam will be built '0 as to“ have the water run our the, , cementum. woman: m, loud ~ are his. con-W This" collar ‘ hill'tctWMnm at l: aim”. SK) 278). l h Prince (‘ressweil won the game on their merits and on a hoop throw from gtuiey'rfilgin (1!“ dmhfilfim ‘ sfig'gfixoixg- second base which missed the Little Britain catcher by yards. together he hv Prince of Wain 078. 2nd dlunuuntmw Leah 13931. 1’ ~ : ‘ 't ' . . ' - , .. W Isl-lace of Albion 6178. by Pflndealeom 8r.lduln ‘ with intent Dilipltt)8 on llrl ulna part when snappy pissing was is Mcmtrave leym h Top Gallant 1850. by Drain 2?“? ““1"“ ith dam Fanny of Po nth moo lié Paisley Jock WEDNaSDAY Afternoon-Will roceed to Gen. Mark's. Little Britain. for night and out noon next day. Oakwood. for night and till Frida afternoon. , FRIDAY All swoonâ€"Proceed to h s own stable. Lindsay. where he will remain until Saturday morning; thence Toinsure a foal 31:100. payable lst January. 1910. W. B. JOHNSTON. Manager. The Magnificent Standard Bred Stallion, The Pathfinder Will make a season stand at his own“ stable, Lindsay. To insure standing colt, 515003 In case. 00“ fill out before he is on his feet, return privilege grantedfree. ‘ oi’ Havclock, left home three years ago. and his parents heard nothing Who umpircd the opening game of morning, at an. early hour. a young son who had been missing. He was , taken home, and died of paralysis .a ’ '0715 8 6 HARNESS LEATHER ADVANCED something to do with it, and again Wonderful Lfld (119) (2)- . . _ ILittle Britain ..... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 o 0â€"1 maybe not- At all odds they want: It 8008 ‘0 Show “lat his “Wk . . badly for little Britain. The foreign 0,855...." ......... 0 1 2 01 0 2 0 1_7 another team in the league for a.‘turning out right. and my patrons his quality 0‘ bone, PM: and three team league is like a. one horse 'are well satisfied. for in the yea-r- am will.» mac- 1...... ’le _ . of Ill! lie ll Gaga"! and locum need that my patrons a! le “55. l by Tommy Garl- leave his ,n stable. Temperance House. G. W. CURTIS, Owner. .â€" i'l‘ho Pure Brod Clydesdale Stallion 3’ no rivals. Sec cards for more ex- itended pedi res. “ BARON LAD ,’ Baron Losd’s first appeatanoe in (7172) ' the show ring was at Cannington on Will stand for mares during the sea- the 24th “1:315!" lit-:38- N“ bills son of 1909 as follows: two m” 0 e to 0013130 In the aged class. where he carried oil Tuesday. May 4, will leave his first prize. At the Canadian Na- ‘own stable, lot 12, con. 5, Eldon, tional. Toronto. last year, he won 10‘: 21' con. 3' Eldon, for night. on bya hall-brother. At Woodville .‘ . , . , Wednesday. will proceed to' John in the same year he again was first - Sutherland's,‘ Argyle, 'lor noon, and repeated the trick at Lindsy The Thorouthbrod Clydesdale thence to his own stable (or night. Central and Ibsverton Fall Show. FaYOI'itO Knight Hockin's, lotrl, con. 5. Eldon. forJ Hadley Sm Show. (6014) noon; thence to S. Benson's, lot P. IOkBIMX. Owner 4, con. 8, Eldon, {or night. The property of Thos. H. Walden. Ops. He will make the season or Friday. will proceed to W. Camp- 1909 at his own stable, lot 14. con. bell's, Hartley, for noon, thence to 6, Ops, all week, omitting Satur. RObel't Staples', lot 17, con. 10, days, when he will be at the Cen- Eldon. for night. ' tral House, Lindsay. Maunder's 'E°' Saturday will "proceed to his own tel. . . ~ ‘ stable, where he Wlll rem t n.9,... Knight in c610;- .. . ”he Mowing m ”21‘“ “i'l'hcllnported Thoroughbred Stal- beautlful dapplecl brown with white. *The above route will be continued [ion of the celebrated hind feet, white star 'on face and isi , rising six years old. W M Favorite Knight (6014) was aired . . _._. Kathe weld-7T0“ Knight Of St' lax-12:32:13 d gyms: lllmocmautl“ t s w by Mr. t' rew's (, ), (4488' ), lst dam _ _ cc of Haliullll ‘ . . Nan Erskine. (6400) by Sir Era- "m“- . 3° "0' “sled my 31. moot-ted by“: Naumuttfilusgcz lclne (2119 (8253). 2nd dam Scottish 190“: ”l“ ”“1 'b’ “w "‘9'" PM the property’ at .w a Weese. Lind- Lass. By Scottish Champion (44) Honnson,‘Argylc. 3" l3 ‘3 81101}- 37 ° ' ' (5840), 3rd dam Nance, by Prince legged, "a and W horse. . of Wales (293) (511). 4th dam by ‘m" mm” M ml well-muted mm b” "WW“ ”“9”“11” neck, egtcellent ends, and a middle docs coming t° thiroountry. and 1. to match. large forms .39, ; '1“th Who am him last year alters m, across the ocean. {set is faultless, and m, action tree will and Man. vcy much improved of 1907 and 1908 his colts were and “7‘”- 1" elm" 11° ‘8 a‘model . - prize-winners at the Lindsay Cent- draught hora in hi. MVMW 8.181)!!!" a ‘ beautiful bay With ml. and his deal was also .‘ prize make-up, and his breedingis first- black points. not hairy-legged. has winner in 1907. Hisg‘r. dam. sired m“- M m mo 8004 feet best °' by Scottish Champion, was winner Baron Lad.“ (7172) M '” Kate “in '3‘ “CM 1800 "’3' Those of first prize at Cobourg and first at Thistle (8°81)' by “‘9 M10 imp. on ”W with " 300d disPOSi‘ Lindsay in 1882, and in 1888, 3913- (1’49). (73“)- Second dam. Nel- Gon- -' 0nd at Lindsay. and in 1884 am 1" WWW“ “3030)- ” Bela'ownle . Tao tar-non of this district will at Lindsay. His gr. gr. dam, sired imp. (2088) (9115)- W dam Ind a my profitable horse to breed by Prince of Wes. was winnEr of DolLy (5239)- ”! Prince 0'0!!! lmp.- to. He will stand for mares six days first prize at Cobourg, first at Lind- (871)' dam Nellie, by imp. (3917); ll tho week throughout the season say and am at Omemee shows in PM '4“! Jam (5938- by Imp. at. nmlm's HOTEL Lindsav 1832. Emperor .(1107). (2759). . m ' " , Mâ€"To lam. 812.00. Term-.410, payable when you have a 10111 1 week old. Parties W. A. WEESE. Owner. throughout the season. health and weather r'permitting. . the mare and foals bold as occur! until paid tor. . Baron Lou's-drown tin W Toronto. W, 28.â€"Elizabclh Ran- aowm Mh7mlo,(ulu), ‘MW.IIM‘¢6 M. a nursc in lht‘ “t by“ lanai,“ “PM: , Y; 0! ‘Ir. Stnchan Johnson. . insured from heart hill-3mm“ l5 lht‘ l'l‘ll‘illfl _.Mtl\’0l for hOl‘ art. 1 “highest in the . from the middle "the loan. which laid III broken mass on and proceed to D. F. McEachern’s, 'second inc. strong field, being beat-l June Sample Sale Price 2.4 Ijldit is. lHHll [‘8 and (I luchcr law styles, 1) do! (languid. inn 2 are up in $4. Price .......... . i Ladies~ hooti styles, chocola to 7. Regal Sample Sale E .oq 1 A. (‘amdn-n. N. to a lungiul‘ll “on", was llull knowledge or will accompanied her, '1‘“ Inlvl‘nuiloli min-loll mm at m to considcri “in; in the ho in Canada sum.

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