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Watchman Warder (1899), 3 Jun 1908, p. 3

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18 e colt I Owner. more ex- .. L-'J..'l‘.“3 in ..::r:;r-"on on “a v So: being . : irripcte in r 'zrrfigvl otf ': iv! .in Na.- Won 7 .' beat-- . ivillc "4t ‘I . v I. l ‘,v f\ .l' 1. .wav f‘.l..’ Fitbtv, the F. N. Owner â€" â€". <.â€"_.' 'rg h bred Stal- ebrated ed .1 r. Ernest, let, Austria, 1, and now Hes»: , Lind- wonderfully ntry, and year after a .‘ne ocean, b improved bay with g‘ge‘l, has ct, best of lbs. These md disposi- istrict will 9 to breed the season Lindsay. F1, Owner. UR! DC E. , both Ran‘ urso in the Johnson. i to (loath v, which 4 ra\ inc. at from heart t he reason her act. t in the l 8 middle w. :‘L » fl , . _ I‘ . .: 1 . " : ‘ A w N ‘ f . "v “r WAICiflMN-Wm - I if , I. q .. “2 .V ,_ ‘ a f» u .z a” ‘ ‘ . . . "w perineum. JUNE 3. 1009. , ,, . ._ Mâ€"fl BIG JUNE SAMPLES siffi $3000.00 Sale of Sampies‘ and. Floor Stock .for the Month of June prices. and Men’s. Women’s. The goods will be sorted under the different No one Every possible facility for quick service will be proVided. Boys.’ and girls’ on different tables. who comes will be disappointed. Men’s Boots Made of box calf. vici kl l. lllurlior and lure. @(llllf‘ll‘t‘llllt. lung wrurlug shoes, uuiuple clues are ll. 7 Mill 8 only. realm" values are $3 Mill Ml on rule, for 1 49 I J“‘ ©|tll|1|1 \\\\‘\|\\1II ‘.\‘|'.\\\\ I l I l in Baby‘s Shoes 19 Doc. pair of sample boots for mules. Fortunately for us babies are all born barefooted. This helps the shoe business. Pretty little baby‘s shoes. bootees, moo canine. slippers and shoe. in all colored leather. red. blue. white. June SuulpleSalc 250 Men‘u wine colored cult «in. ion SEV ERAL DONGOLA RESIDEX'I‘S â€".._._-â€"â€"..â€"-â€"r ‘ "I WORKING ON DRIVES. Dongola, May 29.â€"-On Wednesday. started for Shelbourne, where Lmlie-s’ boots, slip- pers and Oxfords, lilllcher lace strap styles, pltent colt dongola. tan and oxblood, sizes 2; to 7, regular values are up to $4. Quick~Clearin June Sale Pllceg .................. 2-49 , Men’s white canvas oxfords and boots, ' medium and heavy fines, alll sifzes 7 and 8, regular value $ on an e or ‘ ‘ June ............................................. 996 u c“ C “t f ‘ Men‘s boots, same as cut, plain toe. . . patent colt, goodyear welted sole, sizes 6 Ladies boots and oxfords. popular to 9. Don’t miss seeing this Bargain styles, chocolate kld leathef, Slzes 2; Table, regular values 34 and 450, June t” 7' Regular value 2-00- June Sample Sale Price ........ .................. 1 74 ..... 2.99 Ladies’ Boots Ladies blucher oxford, dongola kid. light and heavy soles, regular 1.50, June Sale Price] 24 summer. On Tuesday, May 19th. the stork left a fine baby girl at the homeI lof Mr. and Mrs. Jas. :ummcrfield. He hovered around the settlement somewhere, and on Wednesday. May 20th swooped "down with another baby girl for Mr. and Mrs. John ‘J. WcGee. Miss Rose Quinn and Mrs. Alfred Lloyd, of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McNichol and family, of ‘Toronto, have been visiting their ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Ladies’ white canvas oxfords, size 4. regu- 74c lar 1.50 and 1.75, June Sample Sale ............... respective friends here during the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. McNichol re- turned on Tuesday and Mrs. Lloyd and Miss Quinn on Wednesday. Some of the Dongola people were at the Pine Grove cemetery at Nor- land on Monday, as it was decora- tion day. Robert O'Brien has gone to Hali- burton, where he joined the drive of .logsbcing taken down the Burnt River by Craig Austin Co. W'llic Davis, Arthur Barkwell and Fred Pogue, started on Monday for Dudley township to work for Craig Austin until haying. G. H. Barkwell was putting in his crop on the McKee farm last week. On Thursday and Friday this week most of the men in this settlement were at Kinmount loading ties for ‘Mr. John Austin. I Mr. Robert Chadwick has been Vi- siting at Mr. John Pogue’s, but has now gone to Craig 6: Austin’s. Jas. Quinn, sr., Willie Quinn and Arthur Barkwcll, were at Fenelon Falls on business last Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Woodcock, Albert and Orval Woodcock and Ernie Fountain went to Corben's Creek, below Co- boconk to fish. There was no school here last Mon- day as it was Victoria Day, a day dear to all the lOyal hearts around Dongola, although our late Queen in whose memory it is kept, has 100 pair ladies’ boots, plain toe, these are solid leather, good every day wearing boots, regu- lar values 1.25, sizes 3 to 7 4 8, on sale June at ............ 0 Same girls’ school boots. size 11 to 2, regular 81, June Sample Sale Price ............ 690 .â€" Men’s Boots Men’s boots in chocolate vici kid and tent colt, blucher style, size and 7only. rogular 3.50, June Sale Price ...... 2 49 , gone to her reward nine years ago. She will not be forgotten in many generations. We are getting plenty of rain and we are again bothered with those “ pesky'moskitters.” The trees are nicely leafed out and everything is looking spring-like now. The crops are growing rapidly. Mr. G. H. Barkwell ,has cleaned up anew fallow of about three acres. If The Watchman-“larder staff could have seen the traffic here last Sunday they would certainly think that “ In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts -of love,” was true. . Now when so The elix Forbert 52 Kent Street ___â€"â€"- -C..__ . â€"â€" ._â€". -.â€"â€".__... Miss Mary Parrott was found dead The Canadian lumbermen are . be- for a marriage in her house at Guelph by neighbors, lieved to have been drowned in Long her who had not seen her about for some Pond, near Ogdenburg. 0 time. . The books of the United Copper Mr. W. S. Alward’s design for a Company, wanted in connection with ‘ C'ém- memorial to Mr. Bell, the inventor the trial of F» Augustus 'Heinze. misgion met at W'ashington yester- of the telephone at Brantford, has have disappeared. day to consider the regulations for been recommended by the commut- ‘ The secretary of, the London Tm fishing in the boundary waters be- tee. . ' paranoia league condemns the old boy , .. ., _f_ . tween Canada and the United The failure of the Trench pasta celebration. and says it takes coma onthe Gf®;:.:ttu¢iq’r tench. « States. strike bus--1?” followed by the time for the. moral tone of the) city - â€" A Leamington youth Was, fleec _ ‘ ‘ of $520 by Windsor pool sharks. .- tion of Labor , mgo. , , ‘ A. Camden, N.J., girl, who went to a magistrate license, was married without knowledge or consent to a man wh accompanied her. summer illlw. our popular liuca for . . ~ neat Wear. solo» “a gmdvmu- \Vrlt- limo .tmk nine-- 8 in in. ll to 2. ed. extension cdgo. since 6 to )0. I Suns line in tan. June sunl- i pie Sfill‘............ ................. 2.49 Pl‘il't'. MG. â€"â€" "â€"0â€"- â€". .0- . lCrops Are Good Says May 20th, Miss Alice Woodcock which w she last year are now pleasing the farm-I intends staying with friends for the ers of Simpson Shaw, Sasha, is looking forward to a splen- did year. Mr. Shaw is Grand Mast-i er of tthe Grand Orange Lodge the Province of Saskatchewan, where dcr the present regulations shouldinot been a large many of the boys are away it leaves. Mlum.‘ « hlldren‘u uni you hs‘ (lungulu kid. hluchur and lace in sample nines ill. 13 and l, Ladlou‘ Strap slippers. and oxfords. l. l! and lit Rl-glllul' value dongola kid, all sizes. mgular 1.25 and Price .. . . . ............................. .5". Juno Huulplu Ruin 990 1.50 values. June Sample Sale 990 3 Former Manvers Farmer Prospects for a bounteous harvest. come, but the order would in a few ill probably exceed that arrears begin to appreciate a new ' strength. Western Canada, and Mr.l CROPS ARE GOOD of Gainesboroug'h,i Mr. Shaw was not worrying about ithe weather or the crops. He was, iin fact, well satisfied. The spring in i had been rather backward, but lat- ! terly the weather hasbeen ideal, and been rapid. There has increase in the rapidly grow in strength of numbers ; amount of land sown with grain, but and worth. He attended the sessions i it will be sufficiently appreciable. held in Peterboro last week. er. Shaw is well satisfied with the Mr. Shaw, who left Manvcrs about i West and looks forward to railway thirteen years ago to improve his 2 facilities and a general opening up position in the West, stated to a rc- : of Southern SaskatcheWan. The in- porter that a higher standard was i creasing number of farmers from the being demanded in accepting mem-;L'nited States is still experienced. bers. and a fine class of citizens were ' and they are proving good citizens being received. The results would and farmers of the most desirable not be apparent for some years to type. MW KIRKFIELD. ONCE GET A Lindsay team in the â€"~â€" . Mariposa league and then you'll Kirklicld, May 31.â€"Kirkfiold scn- hear a bouquet of rude jibes coming i0? team had a fine practice 01' base- from Pctcrboro way. Let them ball last Wmincsday nip‘ht- Hope throw mud : “'0. don't care! to have a game soon. ' . ~ Miss Kate Wclnnis and Mr. S. B. “INFANT DIED. Tho baby girl at the House of Re- Elson spent the 24th of May in! , ‘ . , _ Bolsovcr. They report having a fugc, for whom the (hildien s Aid good time. it is making good progress-and un-igrowth has Society were seeking a foster home Mr. M. B. Connor spent his holi- land: for whom thcy have already had several applications, died at that days in Little Britain. _ . . . . Glad to hear that our boys won I‘mm‘tm‘on Friday. a number of races in Cannington on iWILLIE BROWN INJURED. the 24th 01' May. . Master Willie Brown, son of Mrs, Some of our young folks are so M. Brown, of the north ward, met ing t0 spend the 9th 03' June it iwith a painful accident yesterday by Beaverton. lbeing run over with a team of hors- ‘W ics and wagon, while playing on tho KICKED m; n HORSE. Istreet- Mr. Andrew Hanson, of Mindcn. {BROKE HER LEG. was kicked on the knee by a horse Mrs. Meg“, who lives about 3 a few days ago. but is now able to mile east of,~Lin~dsay, fell and broke be about without the aid of crutch- ! her leg to-day just, before noon. 1 l The ambulance got a hurry call MOVING TO 1‘. ALLS. {to bring the injured lady to the . ‘Ross Hospital here. Lindsay has lost many Valuable‘ How serious the injuries are ha v0 and prominent citizens during the ‘ not yet been ascertained, but it is past few months. and is about to said that her arm was also fracture lose another well-known family in .ed; .: g the persons of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ilNSPECTED BRIDGE; ' “ Sadler, and their little daughter, A deputation from the cox-mg! Miss Mona Sadler. who will leave Council were at the Mud Lake Nar- next week for Fencion Falls, where ‘ rows bridge on Thursday on a trip they will reside in the future. Mr. of inspection and to meet a deputa- Sadler has accepted a position with ‘tion from the County Council of the Light, Heat . Power Co., of,0ntario county. The Victoria counq Lindsay, at their power house in ty council have thought that m. Penelon' Fa118. and will commence his rio county should assist in the main- new duties in the near future. tenance of this bridge and the depu- Mr. and Mrs. Sadler have been re- tation explained why this should be sidents of Lindsay for many years done ”to the councillors from the .. - CS. _/ during which time they have .made neighboring county. a host of friends, who will regret to Those in the Victoria calmty depu- hear 0‘ their demm- HIV and taflon were: Warder Jordan and Mrs. Sailor were We of St. Anâ€" Councillors Graham. of Garden, drew's Presbyterian Church, and the Young. of Dalton. Hawkins, of Ind- congms‘ution ‘feel chat,they have re: on. and _J. B.’]£cNemie. county clerk oaivodigrutlos-inthdrnmovdandw '- jtmmm _, Itunno-gntdautouome 00an ”tweak. “amour-young“ of contributing torch: exp-nu ‘ ot' thebstwishei.pl§vcrylnmidrcloimafnuining the bridge in a lava-o. ,' j”fiw;.,,._. .. up Low. to 82': M 7 I0 .0 ‘2 2 2o ltes l in C t being B usaosulnon l pays a I of the l! taxable i )9 was 32 f Maripos $9,877. 0 ice. nine 2 whateujor ts on dial the Lind .... lalization ftornoon t~ le majorit 2e income assessmen. to Lindsa 011, the ii For inst. ncss asses )00 for 19 {urcs this assessors” assessmen 5,000. If )9811 follow able incom. sen fixed a daily deci ment in t. 3 same at i W ' 00mm will be rid Lindsay tl is since thd‘ essful dcmd rs ago; :1 her evening lngemcnts l mmittw in ‘ arc Messrs. hmorc, W. 1 )e horseâ€"rag .riving conte one-mil.I ha and many for , eral Mill te 10.â€"â€"'1‘ho l pom 0f till“ and social sentcd at in as continuvfli scmbly this )r. Princlc. but now of it some hOt ninet llinistcl n, the Minis for some 1 there was proval. Dr- e. Let him st me if he rithout, glO ident that . '1 not app?“ ;peaker, no 1 the truth 0 . the politicifi

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