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Watchman Warder (1899), 3 Jun 1908, p. 5

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l follows: 'm u lei-so 73-1311” to. 17 1““ “ leash. . ill 11 linfacuti‘ryrdpgm rmarantcrd ‘ “1 hot 1 Ml Null!) Eight out! ling inst motions. Mill R “l l l’ risen. hirgsa E no.“ FOR Hover..- . Allan Gillies. H 13. and the on", half of lot a ounshl 0 ' [out 1410) ‘05:; woodland Md. Esouth of 0m.- and well w“. am sprin Fund farm 3 a: School convex». ixen March 1 w leave alto; OPS. containing ich are clear-ea oil is rich clay o the premisesa Hg, barn 30:30 or ten cattle, l. one real good good. The farm oneâ€"half miles or price and? xi Hooey, 154 0, ()nt_ LOT 3, CON. .r‘res. Theft m 50 acres new iv! Fain!!!” in “fish and co- . rims throw um“! vii-inking >o\ with ”6% ...,-1.. sitthllhlf Nu.» new 8” ..1l;..._, WEE sNtlSfin . 1111M ..... 1 1111111111: : ..... 1...11 miles - ... music! ":11 '1. :JVW “1933 r ruchâ€" Intuit: i‘ilL. reditors :‘il pursuant. to SCL'ElOn 38, wins" Claims Tallies Naylor' Hell‘ln in the irmer, deceasâ€" out the ninth If). are requjr- Paid or to deâ€" .e(l solicitors a will of the fore the 1213!! l, their names riptions and a articulars of ature of the y them, and st mentioned will proceed : of the de- only to the rties entitled ll then have of May A.'D. on, 1 t... Executors. GATE 1 BE ’ TORIA the guard- r Neil and , the infant 'eil, late 01‘ he County GIVEN that wenty days of this no- uade to the County of‘ Capitol Paid lip Rest Undlvlded mu. ‘ 26 “7,628: ... .1 h . Branches of the Bank in every Province of the Deminion. A general Banking business transacted. Savings Depaltment at every Branch. ‘. ~ ‘- Omce Hours: 10 to 3 o’clock. Saturdays 10 to 1 o’clock. H. B. Black, THE CANADIANEKNK OF COMMERCE ‘ limb efifififil moms §§TABB§EEB l“! 11. 11. unless, milieu Paldslp Capital, Cl 0.000.000 “rightist! 1.111119, @8911 master Rag?” Fund, 3 0,000,000 tranche throughnnl Canada, and in the United States and England SAVINGS BANK K‘A‘fisi: W RTMBNT Deposits of Si nntl upwards are received and interest allowed at cums rates. Accounts may he opened in the names of two or 1119112 poisons and withdrawals mass by any onset them or by the survives 114 Lindsay Branch, W C. T. MorsonJianmr WW 1111 FARMERS BANK OF CANADA opposrrn nos! OFFIOE i -â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"'â€"â€" E EVERY DOLLAR i 3 LINDILY Y on can save should be placed in a Savmgs Bank account, where you have absolute set lrity for your money y. This bank pay .n.crest on the DAILY BALANCE. You day your money remains on will receive interest for every In this way not a dol- deposit, no matter how short a time. lar is ever idle. Make This .2223 Bull. LINDSAY BRANCH " data” OFFICE HOURS 9.00 sun. to 5.00 pan. Yictoria Lean 81 Savings Co. CHARTERED 1895. Loan on 'M‘ortgages. of Repayment. Purchased. Money to Easy Conditions. Mortgages 5 l 2 and 4 Per Cent. Interest 011 Swings manly), and sultan-soy owon‘lnl 7-80 *0 33° omen Hoursâ€"9 to 4.30 moon's worm summon” received a letter from his ' . ' -, ~ ; . in Manitoba this morning. and found stallion ‘ irons Ir. _ ‘ ._,.' f,-"-091\0IM Tho-ulnond sum or it is ‘orogoosttotho soundhwlthout‘ m1. tho ' m topooo o hydra outhorisin'ttho oxpondlg. furs «slammed-um»: ondimprow ‘ ' moot oflho 0ollo¢ioso Inotftuto.‘ ~ Ion! by Dr. Wood mondod by l. 11. Comp- boll: Thot this shooting on.» hoof-int oxplono- tions of tho hood ofoduootion or to tho roquiro- . monts of ‘thodoportmont of oduootiou in Nod to tho Gollotloso Instituto building. in odor shot it my boino position to mointoin its sanding or on opprorod school. oppress of tho propoool of tho hood to onlorgo tho prooont building ond oroot o gymnooium, ond would oloo rospo‘otfully roquost the town council to pass tho noooooory by- law for tho roioing of tho on'munt roquirod for tho ‘ sold purpose, forthwith. ' About- one hundred and fifty rates or so hence, and more wanted the payers, out of the 1,000 asked for. whole improvement plan to be start- turn up at the public meeting Thurs- . ed at once day. The meeting was called to! The motion passed by the meeting; She sunâ€""lo my case Zorn-Bull give the men who pay the taxes an opportunity to 8a: what was upper- l 000 for the Collegiate Institute im-l "103‘ m their minds regarding the lprovements without asking the rateâ€"i proposal to spend $65, 000 in the more to vote on it building of new schools. Quite a few cause the repairing and enlarging 0‘ of them did air their views and with that school is an imperative one exception all were in favor of pressing duty. new schools. Some were in favor of building schools on the installment pending of 850 000 in building three plan, 11 building now, another shear new Public schools, next January. CANliill THE POE 'l‘hl \BTER. The stall" at the bust allies. includ- ing the 1111111 carriers at retention). col. ll; ti. angels with 11 beautiful walking cane. ‘ EMF. “MRS ill ill“ ” tilt Johns. 0116.. M111 nn.=m.11. 3* din lath ruminant at the defunct llamnnt its s1. Jenn. found utility l yesterday 111‘ having 116m tnlse stain-â€" meals at the bank a mains to the Ft: name Department at Ottawa. was sentenced tel-m. The evidence showed that flow hail loaded the hauls up will notes slaw ed by persons of little or 1111 sull- atouce. his brother. 0. S Roy. who is indebted to the bank for shout. $800,000, admitting on the stand that he was not worth. and never “had been worth, more than a couple of thousand dollars. All this paper he. 11 been signed at the request of Roy. As it. became due it was re- newed, the interest. being added to the principal. Though it was worth. loss,. it was returned to the Govern- ment ~as current loans and discounts. After addressing the court for an hour and a half in his own defence, Roy was sentenced to five years in (the penetentiary, the maximum term. . NO POLITICAL PARTY. Peterboro, May 28.â€"At today's session of the Grand Lodge it was decided that a monster petition should be promoted against the pro- posed' amendment. of the coronation oath. One item of business transacted by the Grand Lodge to-day which is of i . particular interest to members of the order was the decision to re- store the blue and purple degrees to the ritual. NEW L‘A RBl‘AkEll. its. ll. Bahia and family, of lieu: mullet. 11H lvsd in Lindsay the oth- presented “in. mining post masts. or day. hlltl have takes up incidents at the. comer at George and bulls- its. 11th they will inside for the Mm Willi: 9E PA‘PRQhLEh. ‘l‘hn planing- et the steam inc-ht Munch on the has of Quintaâ€"Ail: dam some district route has winni- asked the town council to give ‘15"! This was be- do I'“ and File ratepayers Mill vote on the Ex. i an“ is Mrs. Elisabeth 'lsylor.oi loo-wood Avonuo, Toronto. Sbs soy. 3â€"“ For fourlou buyouts i suffered ocuul no. binding piles; Dunn that lspout on honours amount mono on 'modlos' sod docta’s plo- oaiplioos but got no «so. Zuni-Bull woo (£5th to everything else! bod Mod. ond‘it cured no I on grotol’ol for the core. and or! hove never bod co, 1 know the com is A. Gardiner. of Catalina. ’irinily Boy. ofl‘octod o wonderful cure. For twelve 1 land been troubled wi: l1 bllml‘i , unit In. Ills osi I‘m ”11.351“!me etc. but“ never come ocross onylhi good until i tried Zunaioh, w cored loo. That this Inoy bribe moons solos m from pilot to his I, tls the wish of mobs «W‘ufl'lom’u c nil: noses bulls. Mists. «lens. bloods \ .pmiol mbsmhllmn, “WK. “‘l I “ 21...“: l 35" 1.1.,“l: ZilfllBUk M 'l‘l'l‘tl Allin-V lllllllfifill llslllnx. My 961. 2011;“ limo \. um: LINDSAY: Population 8,000, olt- ustod in tho county of Victorlo on tho Scugog river. o link in the Ko- wortho hollo- choir. on the G.T.R. T and c.r.n., 78 miles south-out of Goorgion Boy, ond“~70 miles north- ~sost of Toronto; also 24 miles mt of Mrboro. Telegraph and tole- pono exchange. bunks. Chief indus- tries: Flour. ootmool, woollen. saw and planing mills, tonncry, agricul- tural implement foundry. turbine water whorl foundry. saw mill ma- chinery and other factories. lumber- ing and farming. The town contains six fine churches. a Collegiate Insti- tute, schools, public buildings, opera house seating 800, hospital, house of refuge and a public library of 4,000 volumes. An ozone filtration and purification plant has recently been installed in connection with the wat- erworks system. The town has well- equipped fair grounds, on which a splendid county fair is held annual- ly. Surrounding towns and villages where no papers are published: Dunsfond, Sturgeon Point, Downcy- ville, Ookwood, Cambray, Renboro, Janetville, Kinmount, Coboconk, Grasshlll, Monillo. and Little Bri- tofu. Orange Grand Lodge lie-Elected Officers Pctcrboro. May ’i'.-â€"’l‘l1c Grand Orange Lodge reelected all the grand omens {lo-night 1m 1909, as follows râ€"llr‘anrl Master. hr. '1‘. la. sprouts: Deputy 1t1-aml Master, inputsâ€"(3111. .l_ ti. lat-1111. rim-111- rial llmml Mantelsznmmln mast, lit '1‘. issuers: llllltlr'ltl mm. lit-«luv howls}. Quebec, tins. l". mustang” New llrnnsulcll. lim. ll ll Fulton; 5111\‘11 50min. Mulch H l tlnw‘lmn Maw an ' Mammllh. "l‘lms. fillnrlw ; Suntuuwllhnsl l‘nl‘n A. Kass; l‘râ€"lmc Eduard. island not. .i. no fill the annil. which will now dslflines. John “seminars. 111111 11 has lens: 11111121111 01111111111111 ,, 0 Mc- .ll‘llg 119911 the mlulnstl sinus-t chum of lakes. l‘lle course of the 81111111. which will be ill control (ll Chill». 3- “- Osman: will attend through scam .oountles and illustrates the wealth of the water routes in Central 011- tariu. The boat wu; start in Cou- cnhhing Lake. go down into Lake Sirucnc, out by tho Tum. Valley Ca- nul into Balsam Lake and on thrn ugh Sturgeon, Che 'long, Stoney and Rice Lines Lars Srugog will be visitml during. the and season. The countleS'tnrough which "1. ana will pass in her long winding course “'1" 535: :0c. Ontario, Yorx, Pvt-l'l-m'n. Victoria, \‘Durhsm uni Noflllllmlwrhlnal. 1151110511 111 111111 lull SAVED 1111113 Dodd’s Kldney Pills cured Dan 11. McGee’ s Backoche BE USED YHE OLD RELIABLE KIDNEY REMEDY AND FOUND A SPEEDY AND commas CURE FOR ms TROUBLE . James River, Antigonish Co. ., N. After a. discussion that waxed ls. “May 28. -(Spsclol) .â€"It has again 8339.1 going frequently, the proposal that an Orange platform should be drawn up for submission to political c-.ndidates was snowed. under to- night Deputy Grand Master Lieut. -Col. : . J. H. Scott movad that a. commitâ€" vwarmandkepttheGma Masters beenproven inthecaseof’nr Dan McGee, a well known former living near here, that backache is only a. symptom of kidney trouble, and that Dodd's Kidney ‘Pills cure it quickly and completely. . ‘ “ I suds-ed from hockslche for two months," Mr, McGee states. " It too consisting of the Grand Master, started from a strain and grew himself; Controller Hocken, of To- canto; J. Whitely, Grand Organib er of British Columbia; W. G. Web- lock,- Grand Master, Alberta. audJ. H. Dominate (linden) SWmorningsIhodobitta‘tostnm Grand Auditor, should 15o appointed mm ' W my tmdraw up thé’plotfonn “cw {’I‘hsultfdecgdsd tom nodds mumumnmmsd’mmmmmmmngw steadily worse. I also had occas- ional attacks of 1111113111ng was 11.le tired and at times my" eyes were pulled and swollen in. the named show. 0111 teen years old started from Annie tor Var-mouth in, 11 large sailboat towing a dinghy A gale coming on. they anchored in the lee of Murder Island. At dusk the gals increased, and they attemp- ted to put out another anchor with the small boat, when the latter up- set and both men were drowned. The Show boy, alone in the large boat, could do nothing. The bodies were recovered and taken to Argyle. NEW BRANCH. Th Winnipeg Telegram says: This week two large companies involving $1,500,000 have been inrorporated in Winnipeg. One company is incor- porated at a million dollars and the lather at half a million. One company is the Sylvester Auto and ThreShing Co. , with a capital of half a. million dollars. The purpose of the company is to manufacture threshing machines and engines of all kinds. The directors of the com- pany are Robert Henry Sylvooter, manufacturer; Richard Sylvester, manufacturer, Lindsay, Ontario. [George A. Bull, broker ; Ed- ward James McMurrsy, barrister. - atâ€"lsw, and Thomas Kells Moore, student-at-lsw, all of- Winnipeg. Hr. Bull, speaking to The Tele~ gram, said it was the intention of Loren: Alberta. .1. (lalluicllsel; Saskatchewan, Simpson Show. Grand Chaplain, Rev. Wm. Walsh; Grand Secretary, Wm Lee; Grand Treasurer, W. J. Parkhill; Grand Director of Ceremonies, Capt. T. G. Wallace; Deputy Grand Secretary, W. M. Fitzgerald; Deputy Grand Treasurer, H. C. Hocken; auditors, J. H. Delamere and Jos. E. Thomp- son. Deputy Grand Lecturers â€" Newfoundland, Thomas F. Butt: Nova Scotia, E. H. Humphreys; Prince Edward Island, A. S. Mc- 'Kay; New Brunswick, H. C. Mc- Leod; Quebec, Samuel Brown; On- tario east, James H. Hutt ; Ontario west, T. Y. Thompson; Manitoba, Jos. Lit-bill; Saskatchewan, John Wilson; Alberta, A. R. Carmichael; British Columbia, W. E. Dunlap. SCRATCHED PIMPLE ; IS DEAD. After scratching a pimple on his face. Arthur E. Young, aged 15. son oi" Jos. Young, a farmer, near Brockvillc, contracted blood poison- ing” and (lied. SENTENCED TO BE HANGER L’Orignal 0nt., May 27.'â€"Sa1em AsaLv. a Syrian pedlar,‘who murd- emd his brother Joseph at Hawkis- bury. in December last, was tried at. the Spring Assinss here to-day. A mixed jury brought in a verdict the company to erect a plant in of murder, with a recommendation Winnipeg ind start manufacturins- to clemency. Judge Teetzel, of To- He was not in a. position, he said, ronto, who presided. sentenced Asa- st present to make public any of the 1y to be hanged at L'Origual, on company’ 8 plans. . The new company is a branch of July 23rd next. 4 The evidence showed Asalay was the establishment now located in not donated at the time the crime Linsty, Ont. Recently the firm has was committed, but that he and his placed on the market a combination brother had qwrelled OVer the bus- threshsr and engine. It is under- . stood. the new company has been formed to manufacture the new in- vention in the West, and a big foc- tory. .,u.it ism, willbeerectod. iness in which they were partners. Asaly. who is only 22 years old, had his legs so badly frozen before being captured that both had to be amputated below the knees. ”Tho Winn New Directory ‘0' the your 1909 contains the fol- lowing Morales to tho town of . )r. Pringle. " it some hOt r“ mkg'tfr.fi 4'": 22.»; é .a _-. U, . , “:1 1 3 lsliutlon Itornoon .1 Tie molar-1‘ )e horse-M1 lriving conu one-mile bq and man; ‘. for . cral Mil 1e 10,â€"The i port of the and social rented at la as continued ‘sembly this but now of duct ministej p, the Minis I for some 1 there W“ mv‘l, Di’. e. Let him st me if he without 310 ident that - ll not opp!“ ithe truth 0‘ the-1'30lit " h

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