rtio he! .ing at' “can to son by public auction on Sum-day. the 12th June. 1909. the whole of the household furniture and F A case of smallpox was'discovered on the Allen Liner Virginian, and the vessel has been held at qua-an- oflects. the property of Mrs. Donald Anderson. Bond-st. Lindsay. consist- ing in part. of parlor furniture, 8 fancy rocking chairs. fancy cushion- ed rocker. 8 fancy chairs and fancy arm chair. 8 lawn rockers, 2 fancy parlor tables. expensive music cabi- net. ï¬ne‘parlor carpet, expensive mu- springs and other mattresses, a quantity of carpet, toilet setts, kit- chen table, dishes, graniteware, gems, hanging flower pots, 2 lawn mowers, garden tools, jars crooks, and various other articles. Sale at two o’clock sharp. The furniture can be seen at the residence. ELIAS BOWEB," Auctioneer. sic lamp, extension table, dining- room chairs. fancy curtains, iron bedstead, fancy dresser, 2 bed-room suites, bedstead, good lounge, sofa, AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AN D EFFECT! Hours for day class, 9 to 4.30. An even- ng class will also be taught; for the bene- ï¬t, of those who cannot come during the (lax from 7 to 9. ll wishlng to learn, or for full particu- lars write Miss Valens, lnstmctress P. O. Box 351, Hamilton This course ls also successfully taught by mall. Charge for full Vcourse is now only $10, tobe paid when through if satisï¬ed. This reindes one of the most perfect systems nnse. Wanted, ladies to learn dress cutting dressmaking and coat making. No ac- complishment you can acquire will prove to you of such every (13.) life long value .as a practical knowledge of dress-making. ~'We teach you everything from the plain- est shirt waist to the most elaborate toilet and rantee perfect satisfaction. We stan prepared to forfeit $25 to any lady whoafter taking our course can Show us an article in dress-making she cannot cut ï¬t and put to-gethcr. N ot only the lining but all the outer $0“ in Coats. Skirts, Waists. Sleeves, rappers, Girdles, Child- ‘ regs Clothes,_ete. , \ Tha subscriber has rocolvod instruc- 01m to commence in Lindsay June 14th Learn Dress Cutting “and Making PAGE TEN. WM. WARREN Some second hand goods cheapâ€"give me a call. Closest prices and best terms. Bell Pi an o s, Karn Pianos, Bell Organs White. Standard and Raymond Sewing Machines Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines William-st... Opp. St. Andrew’s Church P. O. Box 217 Ladies and Gent’s Tailors. West of PymHouso Better let us build that summer suit for you and have it done right. W.G.Bldif K130" Just as be measures otï¬ers by their personal appearance so is be taken by the way he. dresses. He is as stylish as his clothes. A man is often away frnm his companions, but in bus- iness life he 18 never without his clothes. Clothes make ï¬rst and last impressions, both in business und social circles. And he usually appears like his clothes. A Man is [am by the Clothes lie Wears ', June 7th, 1909. was givenvthe cap and uniform of the institution. ’ examinatiop and obtained a. ‘ very Creditable mark, after which she Downeyville, June 9. â€"We are pleas ed to hear that Miss Teresa. O’Brien of Downeyville, who has been train- ing in St. Josephs hospital, Peter- boro. has passed the probationer' s Now York Liv. Stock. nw YORK. Juno Lâ€"Boovooâ€"Mpu 8!: nothing dolnl; noun “I; around boo! slow. st 90 to m. m to- monok. 280 curler. o: boot. cunt-Receipts. no; nothing doing of importance; tooling new; druid calvu uchunxod; cI drool-l won. in to 12¢: country drool 8c :0 1h. Sheep and umbov-Mtl. as; M slow; prune luau mu M: modlum and common trodes slow and wont; sheep. 88.50 to :5; min. as to 9.8: you-um. “.15 to S. Hogsâ€"Receipts, 2827: nothing doing of Importance; feeling moody. Ohimo Liv. Stock. CHICAGO, Juno saneâ€"Rooï¬ng- tlmated ct 2500: market Mgbogg, umated at 2500: market steady; heaven. :5.†to 87.25: Texas steers, 8.80 to ‘3}: western steers". 36-75 to $6.40; stacker: and feeders, $3.60 to 8550; cowa‘ and hello", $2.40 to 83.5;_ ealves.j§.75 to €315. ‘ “ , ,, . .‘ 1am. a†to w; UBL'CB. “I“ sv w-w‘ Hogsâ€"Receipts, estimated at. 14.0»; market steady to strong; light 81 to “50; mixed. 87.20 to $7.70; heavy. $7.5 to $7.8): rough. 87.25 to $7.45; good to choice heavy. $7.45 to $7.80: piss. $6.10 to 8’1: bulk or sales. 87.35 to $7.70. Sheepâ€"Receipts. estimated at 10.000: market steady; native, :4 t1 vagrant-n. w no In OI. w; lurnuru. "av .l-Ui pugs. :33: to 337% who. 8.6 In um; um... t Shoe: um Limboâ€"Receipts. u had; slow. “any Ind unchanged. Hosiulniéeibu, no bad; “My active and steady: hour. 87.†to $8.6; mind. £1.36 £017.95: Yorker-37.78777.» ‘51 £2.85 Mn. ‘ Voila-énocétp'ï¬' 166 86.75; glow and So logger: â€Am 38. , h A. Eat Buflnlo Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO. June tâ€"Cttfloâ€"Ro- celpu. :00 had “My active und study: prjgne “gen. $.75 tot? Al: the demon report prices lower. with the exception of one. end he am he could not get on hon 1t $7.86. fed .nd watered. or u :7. r.o.b. can u coun- try points. ' Sheep and Lambs. Export ewes, $4.50 to 86 per cwt; rum. $3.69 to $4 per mm; spring lambs. 83 to $8 Receipts liberal; to $5.50 per cwt. Exporters. Geo. Rowntree was the only buyer of exporters that we heard of operating. Mr. Rowntree bought 7:!) cattle for the Harris Abattoir Company. Amongst the lot were 237 exporters. for which Mr. Rowntree paid $5.85 to 86.40. The latter price was paid for an extra choice load or cattle brought in by John Vance at Tavistock. weighing 1450 lbs. The quality of these cattle has not been surpassed by any sold this season on either market. They were of the shorthorn breed. and. red by Adam Moore of Tavistock. a tar- mer who knows how. and feeds cattle. There are many iflmers who know how. but don't. . - l. Butchers. ‘ Geo. ROWntree bought about 5% butch- ers’ cattle for the Harris Abattoir Com- pany at $5 to $5.75; cows ‘at 84.50 to $6.25. and bulls at $4.50 to 85.37%. Mr. Rowa- tree was well pleased with the general nualxty of the cattle he bought. and tho drovers seemed to be generally satisfied with the prices paid. Stockers and Feeders. Harry Murby bought two loads. Mr. Murby paid for one load. 925 lbs. each. at 84.75. and one load of stockers, 700 lbs. each. at $4 per cwt. Milkers and Springer; There was a moderate delivery or milk- ers and springers. for which steady prices were paid, ranging from $30 to 860 TORONTO, June 8.â€"Not being able to get. a report of receipts from the G.T.R.. we are again unable to ive a detailed statement of receipts, at there were in the neighborhood of 100 car-loads. Gables Firmâ€"Hogs Stu and Active at Buffalo and Ch cage. LONDON, Jun. 8.â€"London cables for cattle are study. at 13c to “no per lb. [or Canadian steers. dressed weight: refrigenwr beet I: quoted at 10W: to 10%c per lb. mCheesE-Stesdfl unchanged; receipts 10.- Liverpool Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL, June .8.-â€"Wheatâ€"Spot No. 2 red western winter. nominal; tuturea. easy; July, 93 Kid; Sept.. 83 71;“; Dec... 83 â€ed. Corn-Spot, new American mm- ed (via Galveston), ï¬rm. ‘63 7d: futures steady; July, 58 6d: Sept, Se 535d. Bacon â€"Strong; long, clear middlea, light. 623; do., heavy. 618: ahquldera, square. strong, 52:. Lardâ€"Prime 'western. strong, 67.; American reï¬ned. strong, 585 3d. Tur- pentine opiumâ€"Steady: 29- 9d. New York Dairy Market. NEW YORK. June 8.â€"Butterâ€"Steady: unchanged; receipts. 25.802. A 7 Toronto Grain Marv» Wheat tall. bush...........81 40 t Wheat. red bush ..... 1 38 Wheat. goose. bush........ 1 30 Rye. bushel .......... . 075 Buckwheat. bushel o 70 I-eas, bushel 095 Barley, bushel ........ 06$ Oats. bushel ................ 0 62 Toronto Dairy Market. Butter. separator, dairy. 1b.. 0 19 Bitter, store lou........ ..... 0 18 flutter, creamory, ‘lb. rolls.. 0 23 Butter, creamery, sol!ds.... 0 22 Eggs. new-laid. dozen. . . . . . . Cheese. 1b., old................ Cheese. new. lb................ 90° {3'25 _lecpool and Chicago m PM Close “ï¬sherâ€"Liv. Stockâ€" Lats; Quotations. Tuesday Evening.- June 8; Liverpool wheat futures closed 15“ higher. m 36d lower to %d higher, com- Pared with Saturday. Chicago July wheat closed 1c higher. 00"! %c lowery and oats 55c lower. Winnipeg Ootions. Wheatâ€"July 81.29, October 81.08% bid. Oatsâ€"July 5739:: bid, October 38%c bid. Exsnâ€"Study; unchanged; receipts 33.- DOWNEYVILLE. CATTLE MARKETS. Toronto Livo Stock. Veal t0 Calves. prices steady. at $3 irain Men-I’M ...........$1 40 to 8.... 0 14% --â€" 7 ' ’ The minstrel troupe in aid of the CAMBRAY. football club. intend Visiting Kin- Cambray, June 7.‘-Mr. and Mrs. mount on Saturday, June 12th. The John Christian spent Sundgy with boyssgave' a good COMJIOTG and Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘hos. Hunter at Vic. we wish them all kindazot success at toria Road recently mam- Mrs. W. B. Fair returned last M The Women' I Institute held their Day, have gone to Peterboro to at- tend. the funeral of their brother-in- law Mr. Robt. Walsh, who was bur- ried last Sunday. Mr and Mrs Jordon, of the White settlement, was in the village 05 Sunday. " Mr. Wm; Suklofl‘, or Canning-ton. has commenced the sale of a. ï¬ne assortment of dry goodi in- the Fur- ester’s Halt. \ Capt. German and Bissett and Adjt. Habkivk. of‘ Toronto, gate- a. mugical entertainment in the S. A. barracks, which proved to be the treat of the season. W0 understand that: Mr. John Balloy, of Hand Lake. has purchasod the old Won tum“ Mrs. Harry Ingles. «\Coboconk. was the guest of her brother. My. Wm. Embury for a. few‘ days last Mr. Thomas (3001):» but moved hls family to the old‘ mill house on‘ We:- tor-st.. Wham thoy Intent! to live- lor the summer. Mr. liugll‘ Lowery. or Dlgby. wan visiting Manda how last. Sunday. Mrs» Mathew Greer; urn. has gou- to reside' ,with‘ her diughtur. Mina Addio. Forguuon. at Rosebgnk. Mam. Mr. Wm. Rtmd‘. of Why. was h town on business one day l‘ast week. Mr. J. W. Gillie and Mr. H. W. Johnstom of Powres' Corners.. were in the vmage on' business last 9-. tux-day. Mr. Arthur Adair has returned home from the Federal College in Lindsay. where he has been taking a course in bookkeepingand his many friends will be pleased to learn that he has passed with honors. Norland, June 7.â€"Mrs. McComb, of Orono, is visiting her niece, Miss Willa Ferguson for a few weeks. What About _"_ ‘thé , ‘ ' Hot Summen .kaays Now as the hot summer days are coming everyone is looking for some- Our stock is now complete for the comfort 0f men, women "thing cool to wear, . Read the following and be convinced, then and children in the hot days. come and look for yourself. East of Dominion Bank Men’ 3 ï¬ne negligee shirts, laundered neck band and cuffs attached. This rs one of the best wearing materials made, fast washing colors, in plain grounds with fancy stripes, checks and dots, assorted sizes, 1.00 each. Men Look! For Your Summer Comfort ! Children’s Dresses made of ï¬ne white India Lawn, waist with deep berthe, edged with lsce and insertion, skirt with deep flounce with two rows of lace insertion around it. Prices from 2.25 to 3.50. Young Ladiea' Tailored Wash .Skints 1.50 J ust the identical for an afternoon or boatmg tnpâ€"locke so crisp and fresh, and so easy to launder; made cf pique eertmg, in plain gored style, a perfect ï¬tting skirt, sxzes 37 to 42. Price 1.50. . Ladies’ Suit made of ï¬ne linen, semi-ï¬tting. fashionable skirt trimmed with fold and buttons, colors tan with white stripe, blue with white stripe, cream with tan stripe, special price 36, Ladies" Tailored Shirt weist Suit k 0f ï¬ne percale, waist with Gibson Pleat, Piped With biac , skirt trimmed with two bias folds, piped With black on either edge, assorted sizes, price $5 NORLAND. A number of the young people at- tended the basket social at Union Creek and report a good time. Burnt River, June 8.â€"Mrs. Stone- liouse. of Vancouver, 3.0., is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ad- kins, of this place Mr. T. D. Perdue spent Satunday at Feuelon Falls. . - The annual social evening which was held at the home of Mr. S. Bogshaw on June 2nd; under thy auspices of the Women's Institute, was a splendid succcs. What might hove proved 3 Intel {accident occurred one evenlng lust. Week. when on automobile come in- ‘to the village, frightening a. horse «MW- by Mr. R. damn. it turning the rig over. also a. horse belonging- to Hr. Thou. Graham. 0! Inlay. bolt- ed into the platform in front of Mr. Gilbert's store. Fortunately no serious harm was done. Mr. S. Bagshaw is mhingllng his. barn. He is putting on the Paul†people’s shingles, of Oshawa. ‘ Mm. W. Manning and daughter. Min Libbie. were the guests at Mr- Joe. Jones. Little Brmm on“ Sun- Mr; 8. Burton. accompanied by Misses E. Webster and A. annular. spam Friday evening of last week at Hartley. Master Howard Clarke spent So.- tnrday and Sunday with his uncle. Master Oswald Manning at Spring brook Farm. Hartl‘ey. Mr. and Mrs. J. Burton,. of Can- nington. were visitors at. Mr. E. Burtons last week. ' Mr. W B. Fair and Rev.. E; Ton- kin left on WMy for Bellevillo to attend the culerence. day from visiting her so. Mr. H. B. Feir at Bdleville. BURNT RIVER. N garden on the farm." Miss Leno, Miller, of called on friends Hominy. annual meeting at the home of Mrs. - It Suddaby. 'l‘he omoors elected for ’ ting the ensuing year as followé: Miss alibi Hodgeoa, president; Mrs. Perdue, ‘m vice. opm. “Mrs Hopkins. sea-trees; won' Mrs. Nlchbls, Mrs. C. Hodgaon, and Lii Miss Dodd. directors. A large numo Sud! be:- talked of going to Guelph list 1 June 221d. The next meeting will Ii: boatllra. C. Hodgaon, on June Sum 29th.'1‘he topic {or the meeting will be, "The summer vegetableihere Boxall Matthie And we have the goods you need for Housedeening, Gardening, etc. Carpet Whips. Outdn Stretchen, Floor and Bannister Brushes. Gm. Iheu-e, Len Mowers, Lawn Rakes Spain: FothIhoveh, Garden Race, Hoes, etc. It will pay you to see us before buying The Old Reliable H ' onceâ€"Established Over :Quarter of a CemIH‘Y Toronto .fgdon for out ofktgdwn must can for u: [out two quarts. $2 0†P11†pm It plum unmu Itasca. V We so]! all poglar $6. of whiskey; wines. em, elther (unad- un or imported e most complete-tech in Toronto. We donot consider 3 Isle haa’anw you are fully satisï¬ed. â€W" we keep the money. othetvlee you return the goods and we xvfund the money. and that is saying a great deal. if you vim try W “GREEN SEAL†RYE $1 Full Quart You mot buy a both!- or more arguable whiskey for fryâ€) 0" modicum! {3110003. We will let you the judge and the VS luskc." mus_t_ho u actoryjn every met. A _ - _ Y0" WILL BE MORE THAN SATISFIED Fine double thread balbriggen shirts or drawers, natural cream shade, overlocked seams, pearl buttons, all sizes, to clear at 25¢ each. band to show you, and 0111: prices are right. A Straw Hat There’s not only com- fort and elegance about these but there’s splendid service as well; this scam. on’mdesigns and colors, reliable, stainless dyes and high grade yarns for Men’s ties made of choice silks in the seasons latest patterns and styles, folded end four-in-hand only 50¢ 'each. Hosiery for Men Neckwear SPRING IS HERE H. GEORGE OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS Hamilton, Underwear is what. you want for the hot summer days. 7 We havo ‘a good assortment on PHONE 7 lasts. Jones a (ting wood with Me at Mr. Um] m: A. Sinclair {won't come on. “WW 06. It’s a boy. m'h Gussie Bailey and Miss W»'hp have been on the sick *1!“ mm better again. i m“! m. of Silver Lake. spect m m the parental roof. ' Mum-talk of a oelebratiol Ii‘l. Jones and Hunter are cut' hood with the sawing ma- †Ir. Umphrev’s. . A. m on the 0.13.3. 3.0., delay tmï¬ic Lind say .'. JUNE 10, only 25c pair Frank South of Ma; Boot and Shoo 1M Boots in stock or First-class Work a William-It. Sou Frank ical lllihl) men! is m pmmptly. m w: \Veddiug H Marx-in gt- W. F. M we show mum .-\ MIL debigllwl FS'IL'VBE'A Wro's cade‘ Med as a regime MB. A WE FIT glw strain, heady trouble as wel vement. c pneae,’ best r91 OFFICE AND Comer Cam‘m'i CAMBRO THE S - ‘Thvsc- «Hi In of cmuhinit EYESIGH Call representu broken siz< The 5: make 3 Be] The 1’4 This i clearing OL' that we m: THURS? MJLC. All ki ' v