women then :rs, natural .11 sizes, to hot summer sortment on 1- family or no Whiskoy again l Full 0mg! hiel her Canad- .375 I isï¬ed. than we refund ,rdening, etc. ’ISFIBD Bannister 'n Bake: 33. etc. buying W2 dsay some- Century Toronto 25c pair Boot and Shoe Repairing. Hand-made Booms in stock or made to measure. First-class work and promptly done; Frank Forbert South of Maunder’s Hotel William-Qt. South . Lindsay Frank Fo rbert “'0' show many exunte novelties el- pyt'iully designed for June wedding KIW- 'l‘hmm articles have the run "harm of ccpmbinlng the handful with px-m'ticnl utility. Our REPAIRING t'lvpnrmwnt is equipped to do all work lu‘muptly. at vnrv moderate prices. ‘ \Vedding Rings 14k and 18]: Marriage Licenses Issued W. F. MCCARTY IN SILVBR‘AND CUT GLASS Peterboro’s cadet corps my bag»; M. B. ANNIS,’ 091919., WE FIT glasses to relieve eye strain, headache and nervous trouble as well :88 for the actual mprovement of visiog._ Lowest prices,~ best: results.-r‘j'~ ' EYESIGHT srncfnms'r 9.: Kent-st. [Over Neill's shoe Store] Lindsay Eyeglasses repaired. Broken Lenses replaced M.I).C,M., ET M.o. , OFFICE AND RESIDENCE : Corner Cambridge and Wellington Strpecs. CAMERON WILSON THE SHOEMAN NEILL Call â€and see our new BAR-a GAIN DEPARTMENT The Popular Jewelry Store The system of displaying these bargains enables you to make a selection at a glance. All kinds of men ’,s women ’s and children’s footwear are representedâ€" nothing wrong with the quality but. they’ re just broken sizes. This )8 a new dgpattmentâ€"to be brief, it is a system of d clearing out odd lines and sizes, also Special lines of footwe'ar ‘ that we may pick up from time to time. Departments THURSDAY, JUNE 10. 1999. n B aï¬alfl P R ICELESS ‘E Y [-5 IO" I Call I often and you’ll always ï¬nd something new on display. '. Hand-made Wu work. Also at the home of Mrs. D. W. Terrill in the evening at 8 p. m. All ladies are invited to the afternoon meeting and bring their gentlemen friends in the even- A meeting of the Women’s Insti- tute Will be held in tlie Grange hall on Wednesday, June 16th, at. 2330 p.111. Miss Yates, of the Agricultur- al College, Guelph, will be preéent and_.give an address on institute work. A130 gt. the.home of. lire. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jewell return- ed home‘ Wednesday after spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R McElroy ' spent Sunday at Woodville. Mrs. F. Websterend Mrs. J .r T. Birchard, attended the Lorneville branch ‘ of the Women’s Institute, where Miss M. Yates opened her summer series of meetings for -West Victoria. >- ~ An order for twenty-ï¬ve chairs has been sent to Mr. Stoddard by the Woman’s Institute for seating the Grange hall. . ~ _ Linden Valley, June 9.--The little home boyï¬at Russel Giles, who Was severely bitten by a dog a. couple of weeks ago, is getting along as 'well as can be expected; and will soon be able to come home from Oekwood, where he has been under the treat- ment of Dr. Dela ~ 7‘ ‘ ‘ Mr. W. Alllson. or Garden Hill, visited with Mr. J. '1‘. Blréhards last week. 'Mrs. E. ‘R. Rogers and Miss Iva May visited-at Lomaville» Sunday last. . Mrs. E. McElroylln visiting with her claughtor"ut Manse Grové. El- don. this waek. ‘ ‘ . Mine Mch. o! Beavorton. was the guest or Miss Callie last Sun- day . z Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Birchard spent Sunday at Linden Valley. er ‘ ‘ Dr. J.-Y. Egan, specialist," will visit Lindsay on Saturday, June 26, and will be at the Benson House un- til Monday morning. He will be at Fenelon 'Falls on Monday and Tues- day, and at Minden on Wednesday, 30th. Those Wishing to consult 'him should make a. note of the above dates. See announcement on anoth- F The ofï¬ces of the Department ‘of 'Agriculture are†undergoing repairs at present. New paper and paint is COMING VISIT. K . The dental ofï¬ces of Lindsay will be closed every evening at ï¬ve o'- clock and every Thursday afternoon from June 17th, until the end of August. RENOVATING OFFICES. EARLY CLOSING. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS. To Manitoba. Saskatchewan, and Alberta. on June 1, 15am! 29, August 10, 24, Sept. 7 and 21. '1‘. C. Matchett, C.P.R. agent. Lindsay. LIN-DEN VALLEY. 7k why-z "a LINDSAY ran bases well. McPhadden. Rog-. ers, and 0. Heatlie, were also in the limelight.~ For dur own boys, W. Tï¬ompsOn’s pitching, H. Thomp~ son‘s and L. Parking†ï¬elding 'Were m. to hear the entertainment given by the Sabbath school children. Too much credit‘i‘or this part cannot be given to Miss I/iia Sharpe, Miss Cornoii. Mrs. A. P. Mark and Mrs. John Swami-who trained the child: ren. As soon as the concert Was over the crowd assembled on the bail field to see tho. battle between-Little Britain and Valentin. About 4.80 tho two teams iinori up . and as they are! old rivals thv excitement of the rootoru was at a high pitch. 0. Hoatiin was on tho tiring line for Britain and W. Thompson for Val:- entia. Both pitched good bail. and' Thompson, with a iittlo hotter sup- port would have hold the score even less than it was. Valontia score most of their run in the ï¬rst two innings. and shot out the “ Bri- tatna " for four innings. when errors by Gray, V; Suggitt and Porrin started the scoring. However the score ended very croditabiy for Val. entia, 11-4. For the visitors Jack Ferguson in left ï¬eld played a bril-IH liant game He ï¬elded well, and VA LENTIA . Valentin, June .8.â€"Last Sunday and Monday being the days of ou'r ,anniversary services, attracted large crowds to the Vlllag‘e On Sunday services were held in the afternoon and evening. Rev. Mr. Welch, of the Baptist church, Lindsay, gave two splendid sermons. On Monday the church was crowded at 2. 30 p. is at present very low, .and the doc- tors hold out little hope of his re- covery. DB. and Mrs. Snelgxoveh Qf 01139; mee, paid our village a visit last ; sundw do!†“ “Several of $ur youngâ€" people . takmg in-~1:'h‘e Mount Horeb party ne’kf; Monday night.‘ Court Reaboro C:O.\F. will attend divine service:- here next Sunday ev- ening. We are sorry to learn that Mr. D. Rea. who has been ill for some time Among those who took in the ball game at Franklin from here on Sat- urday last were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hickson, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Calvert, Mr. and Mrs. Endicott, Mrs. T. Downey. Mrs. J". McNeevon, Mr. T. Hawkins, and many others. day'between Franklin and Reaboro. The game commenced at three p.m. it was an interesting game, and the Reeboro team won out 14-9. Our 'boys have made a good beginning and hope to keep it up during the season. once paid the rtésest attention to Mr. Beall’é discourse, which; was.ex- ceedingly interesting and instruc- ï¬ve. REABORO Reaboro, June 8.â€".'1‘he first nine of the Pigeon Valley baseball league was played, at. Franklin last Satur- . Mr. Beall occupied the pulpitof the Methodist church, in the absence of Rev. Mr. .Wilson. The lam audi- The excellent ice cream, etc for sale at Mr. W. J. 'I‘hurston’ s Satur- day evening attracted a. large crowd. We wish Mr. Thurston success in this undertaking. THE WEEK’S NEWS of the " COUNTY and DISTRICT Mr; and 158 Ed Woollgrd and son Esited with Mr oona‘rd' 3 mo- ther, Church-st, S *aflemoon. Mr. 'and Mrs.. Fishemmobcaygeon, spent Sunday at Mr. John P. Keyne. Miss ‘Ada. Webster Spent the week end in Oakwood. ‘ DUNSFORD MSW June §E-Mr. and Mrs Silas Thurston spent Saturday in town. , Fran our own outfit-pendants. ' kinéd'jn Mr. Billet’s mode. It measured three and a half feet in, length. This is‘ the aea‘pd one .0! the kind to be killed mintâ€"wood; Sonya time ago a blow-h'dder killed .in Mr. Billet’s vmods. measure-d three and a half feet a program was ,.rcndercd rather pleasingly. Miss Patton gave an instrumental solo. .A. hymn was sung by the choir and nudicnce. Mina Ella. Flett then favored the audience with an. excellent recita- ‘tion, well rendered. «Miss Myrtle Flatt also recited. The chief num- ‘ber was the address by Rev. C. S. Lord, on Dr. James Robertson. As an introduction he showed how much Canada owed to the work of the home missionary. The speaker believed that there could .not ,be found anywhere six million people quite so good inevery may as Ca-i nadians,- which tactile. declared to‘ be largely due to the eflorts of the} home missionary. > Nova Scotini held by the missionary {or Presby- terians, Quebec for Roman Catho-l licism, Ontario, along the Bay of Quinta} for Methodism. He then introduced Dr. Robertson to the audience by a few pointed illustra- tions, revealing the character and- stamina.- oi‘the man who Juld broad :und deep the foundetm for Prey" 'Mr‘ Wesley Pogue has in his pos- yession nine downy wild ducks about a week old. The eggs were found in a swale and set under a hen. He intends trying to domesticate the .young birds, and will give the boys .9, shooting match in the fall if he is successful. On Thursday of last week the socoml meeting or St. John’s Guild was held. After the minutes of the last. meeting were read 9nd adopted Mushroom were found in consider- able quantity in this vicinity and many have had eaten them for the ï¬rst. time. A partridge was found sitting on a nest. at thirteen .eggs in Mr. Joe. Pogue's bush. Kodak ï¬ends after mqny pttempts have secured the coveted photos. ms. Samuel Sinclair is. recovei-ing after a. recent severe illms. . We are glad to know that Mrs. S. Pogue..istconvalescentg. . ' Eden football club was organized last Thursday night. John Law- ton». president; managing commit- itee, Herb.’Nichols, R. Junkin, T. ;Devitt; captain, N, Graham; sec.- €tre‘as.,i 3.: Nichols ;' * referee. Dick Junkin. A ï¬rst-class ball hasbeen purchased and from the attendance .at, practice games this form of sport promises to be very popular. :The young laaies and older ones are much interested and ofl'er an inspira- ,tion-to the boys playing. We hope they continue to turn out. The l ' ill be glad to arrange with ' . oring .teams {or friendly Bury's Green. June 5.«â€"'I‘he beau- tiful weather is much appreciated by all farmers in this vicinity. ’ w Mr. John Swain. of Lindsay, - is visiting friends hére. Miss E. Crozier. Scugog, visited Mrs. G. Orozler Sundan‘. Miss Malcom, of Nestleton.‘ is vi- siting friends in this lecinity. Mr. J. Geroux spent Sunday in Valentia. Mr. and Mrs. R. Robertson, Little Britain, spent Sunday ï¬t Mr. W. Suggitt's. Miss Adair, ‘of Norllmd. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur Swain. Mr. W. R. Swain has been attend. ing conference at Belleville. Matures. N. Hicks did some sph did work behind the bat. Arm Eire game all went to the church lain; where supper has provided by the ladies. , After supper the people gathered once more in; the churclfto hear the following program: Selec~ tion by the ‘choir, a recitation ‘by ViVian Glassford a selection by the choir and an address by Rev. Mr. Welch on " The Dreadnought Church." Mr. Welch’s address. al- though shorter than intended, was listened to 'with much interest. A vote of thanks was tendered to the speaker and to those who prepared the program, by Mr. F. Hoare and Mr. J. Swain. The singing of the national anthem brought a very suc- cessful anniversary to a close. mmv’s GREEN. a, blow-h’dder was ‘ “YMKfllsudan-not leak, sink. water-log or warp. Never require canning, bailhgg or drying out. ‘Always dry, clean. comfortable and safe. For Catalogue and prices of ‘ Boats and Engines write our ' Canadian Representative unhinwxun skinnerâ€"noes away wlth the disagreeable noise from the explosion. Almost as quiet as an electric motor. Elimin- ates dlnagréeable odor. grease and dirt. Does away With the necessity of a mufller. ,Fully water'ojacketedâ€"cool at all times. No back pmsure. " commandmentâ€"Bum like government torpedo boats. The plates pressed to‘correct and rigid form in large steel dies by powerful drop luten are then cnuntersunk. riveted and sWest soldered in presses. P rscticell the same way that the plates of a torpedo boat are fastened. uppo by rigid fume work. POWER FLINTâ€"The tin-t marine gasoline engine in the world. the celebrated “Fem." built by the Fen-o Machine Foundry 00. at Cleveland, Ohio. Equip . with Automatic Pressure Lubricating Sys- semuAutomstic Quick tat-ting Float Feed Carburetorâ€"complete elec- trical eduiprnent of the highest order. - Il’l‘flRIALâ€"Tbe ï¬nest grade at new process dnuble galvanized atcnlplntes. Galvanizing is than chemically treated. This harden: the surface and prevents sea as. We guarantee our steel bouts positively against puncture. 'IODELINDesinmed exclusively for the w. H. MULLINS 00. by Whittelsey Whitaker. the noted naval architects. pf New York Oit . Clean cutâ€"grncm‘ulâ€"perfect lines- drvâ€"seaworthyâ€"fastcst fluni y launches in tho world for their size and horsepower. Mullin’s SIM 30018 dflfl ldllflCflQ-S A $25.00 Rifle for $5.49 0 $15 S ' Made of a pure Indigo Blue Serge. guar- III‘ I “It anteed fast color, very ï¬ne weave and nice soft ï¬nish, splendidly tailored, in single or double-breasted sack style, an exceptionally swell garment in all sizes from 34- Come in and let us 3,20% you these garments Navy Blue; and Black Serge: Suits 1 . B. HALL It is .3 perfect repeating rifle and is fully guaranteed. The magazine holds 12 cartridges, and barrels are made espepially for smokeless powder. Sighted for long ranges, up to 1000'yards. Call and â€than, or myour Murmur“ *0 3““ W“ W “QUALITY CLOTHIER and FURNISHER .J. CARTER This year the Serge' Suit is : as Strong 3 favorite as ever, for summer wear. MM“ 1mm ' Made of 3 our $15 smt 18 ounce Serge, pure wool, fast dye, double-breasted style, 3 button- ed vent in back, a splendid ï¬t- ting garment, in all sizes, 36 to 44. , Our stock was never more complete and the quality of clothing we carry, the ï¬t, style and exceptional values we offer make inducements why you should buy your suit at this store. or black botany serge, clear twill weave, well tailored, single or double-breasted, a splendid cloth and exceptional value at this price, all sizes 36 to 44. Below is a brief description of some special lines; Our $10 Suit 2 1 1 5 Simcoe-ot- Toronto - Ont PAGE mm is made of anavy blue gamma“ dthepom era! be horse-r: Irivmg con‘ one-nae h Ihmore. W. vmmittee in been folio nally doci‘ OOOfor 011, m “ï¬xation W!“ N '1 Lindsuy» 1 19‘ng 10.â€"The ft of flu L2 34