Amine». BI: 11, col-ll. 01' â€a l“ \ND ISHER as #9 em: 499391 m: «m B TEACH: always“ FOR §€§: It was annoï¬nced i gammy yesteï¬i Smith had éa â€9 Estate to 5‘ HM“ Inf‘al'xnzgfitiwh hm}: Railway TiCket Agents, Ul' from the Company at sm- Ia or (‘ullingwooi W. R. Widdon, Taiyuan l HacNabh. Depot “Ont Sailing: man Cullingwood 1-30 P-m' and OWt‘ll Smund 11.45 p.111. Wednes- days and Saturdays for 800 and Ggflrginn Buy Ports. Sam Northern Navigation Company (Brand Hunk “(Mtg Jos. Maunder Son Flour, mmle from strictly high grade Manitoba wheat at the' Victoria Mills. Gold Medal or Baker’s Queen at a. reasonable priceâ€"that’s What you get when you buy QUALITY W. F. McCarty. The Popular Jewelry Store A new line of 8 day Mantle Clocks, RichlyCut-Glass, the latest designs in siiverwe‘ar, cake dishes, fern dishes, casSeroles, pie plates‘ Pearl handled Desert Knives and Forks, Butter Spreaders and Fruit; Knives. * Wedding Rings and Mar- riage Licenses Thc largest stock in Lindsay to choose from, consisting ofâ€" was announcetl it C81 mu Grain. Flour. Coal and Cement Headquarters For 1 - Wedding Gifts DOMINION DAY Mum IiékÃ©ï¬ OF REAL ESTATE F. H. Kidd, Agent Midland Loan co. 913Kent-st. - Linde MONTY T0 LOAN Eggggses Kept, D o Eyesight Specialist . 92 K; m- 5r. aver Neill’s sf.“ Stare Satistumk n Guarantee gs'apt‘as got to come frozn >eye- stru'in :Iï¬d very often the only remr‘i." is glasses. If you date to camp in we will test your eyes free of char-26: and demonstrate to your entire satisfaction if anything is wrong. “'9 me at your service at :mv time. DR. M. B. ENNIS b or what. :1an stemming (Ema ... Sn). Pmt Al‘ht but stand ? 1v Mundav‘, Weduesd “Y _$D_d ht 3.50 piin. 'Only the; Wedi md Saturday steamers 80 W MM 30 and JULY 1. Phone fl mm; i WNW Chm 29s very moderate at Sign Em MW '1: La“) That Headache 3% EM}: M13“: m8 mmwm m Wood-Lac Stain will greatly an- hanca the beauty of the wood 88- muaa they arcs not too "thick†ta {emu-:33 the poresâ€"nei’ther Mil ‘ ' m bum-ea ï¬nish, will r3? 8 Ht 1‘“!!! the grain bf The "Wood Lac Way" is the only way that is absolutely satisfactm-y, simpIe‘ï¬nd pgï¬cï¬ical.m .n county. ï¬on. Mr. Cochrane and his ofï¬cials will inspect the mines in Hastings Committeeâ€"R. H. Graham, Robt. Nuylor, John Hall. L. WILLIAMS, ALLAN GILLIES Rec.-Sec. Chief Ranger. on the route to Niagara Falls, and excursion tickets will be accepted on any of these boats. A MW coach will be attached to the train for the accommodation of those hav- ing luggage. In! ? â€WEN“ ;;:;;;;;:?;§3'§ E29â€?! 929?; \ht‘HH'i EMU“: :1: 999 §_Â§ï¬ gzgg “HHS‘THH. :2: 2:: 1:29:11 §:§9 §:95 “NBS†:1. :1: 2113:9337 31%? gig? MBH§§§§ :1: 1:: 2:2:6269 323:3 : 5 giï¬ ". 2221:: 1:::::§:§§ gig 135 6!?le : 2:: 2:: :zzgzég 91% 3:38 .siï¬ï¬‚ï¬â€˜VmQ :z: 2:216:56 7 £11 3,: yNï¬NW-‘QR :1: 2:223:66 £165 3:3 Eurkï¬tun m. 33:19 .396 -. M33463" ".1 12633 119.5 1:19 am Mm? .-.-. mil-fl} izï¬ï¬ 119 (â€RV-emf!“ 2". 3:26:66 136116 L96H§t Em :zgï¬g 4:65 1:96 impairâ€"st WM}? 19 m ‘J'qmutq Union 1a.. aï¬ Children under 12 ran. halt 39% Tickets are semi giving an apesm only and retumins by my $98th train up to the 5 p m m having Toronto for Burke“!!! Lindâ€! Md Bobcay seen on Monday. JW l5 There are three boats making double trips daily (excepj gunday)‘ and on up the Niagara River on-uhe of the magniï¬cently ï¬tted boats of the Niagara Navigation 00. ll 9. raxe treat. Leaving the boat at Queen: ton the excursiouist is taken by electric cars to the mighty Nia- gara Falls, viewing rm the W3 the Rapids, Whirlpodi; Bfoék’s {tom}- meht, etc‘, Time table ahd faféï¬i , Tu Tu This will be easily the best out.- ing of who season. I: is a. threa- day event, and will prove a splendid short vacation during the heated spell. It. puts excursionists 'm 853; reach of f1 lends in the ‘ngma Peninsula and New York State. The sail across the lake from Toronto It is said the forest ï¬res in North- 'n Ontario were caused by the rail- Court, Lindsay No. 125 Canadian Order of Foresters will conduct an exam sicn to Togonto and Niagara Falls on Saturday. July 23, Via. Canadian Paciï¬c Railway, Nia. gzua Na\igation Co., and the Internation- al 1{aiiway Co. Mrs. Blgwett. Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. R Avery. Rev. J. F. Chapman was at Brook- Quite a numï¬er of pupils wrote on the extrance exams. in this centre. scn001. rroceeds will surpass $100. Rev..Elliott wascalling 011 friends Prof. C. Allen, son of Rev. Allen, in the village the past week. Visited at Mr. G. Prouse, and gave Mr. and Mrs. G. Shaver, Califor- a short address during the service on nia, called on friends in the village Sunday evening. \ when passing through to visit Mr. Quite a number of pupils wrote On Shaver, Port Hoover. Mr. Thompson, choruses by the L. Kennedy last v choir and also flower drills and exerâ€" Mr. 0. Mark am cises by members of the Sabbath sisted at Mr. E. 2 school. Proceeds will surpass $100. Rev..Elliott was Miss Maggie McLean, Lindsay, vi- sited at Mr. T. Wooldridges. The 8.8. anniversary services in connectiOn with the Methodist church were a marked success. The child- ren’s service in the morning was most beautiful and helpful. The church was prettily necorated with flowers. In the evening Rev. Roger Allen, a. former pastor, delighted the people with an inspiring discourse. On Monday at 4.30 p.m. a baseball match was played between Lindsay and Little Britain, which resulted in ‘an easy victory for the home team. An excellent supper was prepared by the ladies. After supper a very en- tertaining and proï¬table program Was given consisting of addresses by ReVS. J. Archer and R. Allen, solos by Miss Greenway, A.T.Câ€".M., and wxuuu , Vl' . John . -vz.- a5 vuuuur, ’sited at his brother’s, ,‘ Connor Sunday and Monday. Mr. Chas. ‘Yeo, Galt, is visiting father, Mr. Wm. Yeo, sr. Mrs. DillInan, Oakwood, is visiting at her san’s, Mr. Dillman, 01 this village. - Mr. and Mrs. Lane, Columbus, are are spending a few days at the hum of their daughter, Mrs. E. Wickett. Miss L. Shaw, Salem. spent Sun- day at Mr. W. J. Hooper’s. Dr. and Mrs. Archer have returned to Edmonton, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wickett, Lindsay. visited friends in this section on Sunday. , Miss J. Yeo, teacher in Toronto. is spending her vacation‘with her fath- er, Mr. W. Yeo. Miss B. Hall, Zion. visited Mrs. his {Big Time at Little Britain 3 ‘ 011 Anniversary Day Mr. T. Wallis was Eaned to Bob- caygeon during the past week gwing to_ phe death of his sister ‘ ‘ Little Britain; June 289â€"103. Rus- land is Visiting her son at Kirkfleld. Miss Moore, Rochester, spent a few days, at the home of Mr. George Mark. ReV. Roger Allen was entertained at the home of Mr.. D. Yerex during his stay in our villaige. M m -.. WEEK-END OUTING i, . h 11"»; sf; His brothaha who assassins him are 3333,15 $0ng om: Malcplm or Cuï¬iwh; John of Cassatt: ’ » and Thomas bf Mantawuk». ms 913‘: and fawg; team are Mas; Metastases: a? idea a *6 1Hasas $3“ $533; a “$331 6a . '. " hé"- ' ' "113‘ E? "‘3‘? 9? Q35 Tk’FUBw‘Wsdaaaadam. Mam sans, as as; Man‘s ...... tamâ€",5 ggg gag Gamma, Paaasamwn; was wail-21%;: "Tâ€fggg gfgï¬ gig lss attaaaéad; ‘ï¬ae amass as . e -‘- g“ E3138 â€,3 ashlarâ€"en was me my Haas flea; Ea seas â€g"; 3326 s: a! Malabreehs ‘ï¬se mass; M}: an; "““g‘sag 916 339 8!,6asnaea; wise hag! waned ms "‘3‘; g3; 13?? Leash my aim 9mg has {amass "-"-'-'- ‘43 3‘ . 1"?5 aadaasm as few 19mg ml 69mm: ===§= , ï¬g {98 mg wemg so the meaamm at the ====§=§9 ' = :- hemea Mas. ï¬aeaeesa {smashed a has! ass as as as aama ass as as aa; asaa assasaamm †9 ‘9‘ m “a 9 .5550an iiilgwgw Baggggglllitl: 9,96 1:31:11. Amwï¬ gggaiii a! u-v --â€" v vâ€"-â€".vâ€"v-‘ Oakwood, June 28.â€"-Don't forget the“ grand union excursion to Peter- bow and Lakeneld on may, July 8. The outing will be under the M13- piece 61’ the Oakwoot‘. and East Oak- wovrimthoqm Sammy among. an BIG _ EXCURSION. Porter Charlton, who admitted murdering his wife in Italy. maynot be extradited from New Jamey. as it is possible that Italy may not ask to have him sent back for trial. Two Bufl‘alo girls were locked in a. box car accidentally and carried on to New J ersey. where they were re- leased after two days. \ 12th 01‘" JULY DINNER AND TEA. All visitors to Lindsay on Jul 12 will be pleased to know that the Salvation Army will provide hot dinner apd tea at the barracks on Peel-st. Dinner commences at 10 a. m. A good stat! of waiter-3' in at- tendence. Th9} "5-H Mama “wave Messrs Wm: am! mast mm Mmhvaak; m; Baum mm 69M lien; Mm Ween mm Mammy as new at the: Ga: cased and Mr? W is and H: Jams at Dawn 0:; tender friend and true. om' lest-1mg vigil kept We weep m mom for you Nor blame uaâ€"Jesus wept [ He was of _a genial and hospitable nature and his happiest moments werewhen he was surrounded b his relatives and menus in his |uved home. ' In religion Mr. Leith held the Anglican faith. He was an en- thusiastic Orangeman from the age of 18 and a staunch member of the Liberal-Conservative party. The deceased was the fourth son of the late Mr. Malcolm Leith of Garden Hill, and had resided on the homestead until a few years ago when he gave up farming owing to failing health and purchased his late residence in Perrytown. Port Hope Times: Robert Mofl‘att Leith, the subject of this obituary, died at his residence, Perrytowu, on Sunday, May 22nd, 1910, after an illness of several months.~ Mr. D. Yerex and gang are making tile. Mr. H. Lapp, Sunder-land, spent Sunday at home. Miss J. Yeo, teacher in Toronto. is spending her vacationiwith her fath- er Mr. W. Yeo. Miss B. Hall, Zion, visited Mrs. L. Kennedy last week. Mr. 0. Mark and 3. Morgan vi- sisted at Mr. E. Z. erex. 7, â€"'~v â€"' “118 a law days at the home of Mr. 'T. Malmder's. It is expected thu our boys Will ; play a retmn match of baseball in :Lindsay next week. A Mr. Morris Connor. Kirkfleld, vi- sited at his brother’ 3, Mr. John Connor Sunday and Monday. Mr. Chas. Yeo. Gait. is visitinz his A few “from this sectiOn attended the strawberry party in Oakwood on Tugsdal evgning. lin Sungay sgpplying for Rey. A1181}- ROBERT MOF-FATT LEITH‘ fliers; OI I TUARY. Iv--.. V‘“V.l mi. m. Wm? WM“. u]- a mm mm. BALL! WAN W tors in not an tha â€1121;: in he in Mint mt. " on My mining. MW ‘1er Jam: nah both denim Me. n. “We can present a. strong case.†declared Mr. King. "What diflerenoo does that nah?" asked his Lordship. "There 15 a. strong can on the other side. de- claring him to be am." "Not m: :- strong a om,†te- plied in. King. "Ono at that dueâ€" tors in not an inï¬nity mt? ertson. “I lave a. number 0! simâ€" davits to put‘ tnâ€"eeven or eight of themâ€"end when they are all reed. itwmbeoeenthtthaeunoneed 01 an inane to be tried.†"This matter will not be settled on afï¬davits,†declued the Chic Jul- tice. "It mutt be tried to en in- "I wish the motion enlarged." said Mr. John King. LC... counsel for Mrs. Frau. lormarly [in Bob. 0., canned {or the next Irina to ing to have Fraser declared ‘ lun- gtic." said Mr: A. ll. Mane“, K. ‘fgmte Jam §§W=1ww a lot». a! mlwwa‘ m m 918 mass may: mam H mm m cm “we?“ W de- mihsqmotmms Mn the new 13mm 1|?er which mm harm m m: mm "The mm mm m the mt rim 0: mm m m mu Hannah Robertson. â€9 I am mav- Lot of Vultures . after §Neill’s Mammoth 3’ ‘ dUly Shoe Sale REMEMBER THE DATE; SALE OPENS SATURDAY, JULY 2, 8 AM See special window displays. Sale lines are conveniently displayed on oursho w cases Neill The Shoeman To run off this stock quickly we are offering a number of, these lines at less than the manufactt’ir- er’s cost price. and will conttnue for 30 days. The story is brief--- a leading manufacturer overloaded in summer foot- wear; our' l:uyer secured all the surplus stock at a spec- ial rate on the dollar.‘ COMMENCES SATURDAY, JULY 2, AT8 A.M- 90 Kantat. Write for our Mail Order Catalogue. It will show you how to save money on your shoe purchases No One Should Miss Attending This Feast of the Old Man’s Cash } "mumoldmmotuyuu homespun.- ï¬ilï¬oflmï¬fnliï¬ï¬‚f‘ I: Bottling: of :1 â€133? out." Mom m. m W' 5:“: fmwmw‘gmm, 2.3311» â€We “19"†tam-rind.†hummus cm min-.ugmrï¬ovm mm WM ma“ â€Ma WWIB‘: Mummy. 3; â€gm ï¬lemem-w "Well, u I said. this question will not be settled on “vita." repent- ed his lordship. “I have had no time to question the doctors who made the mama mtg! by my learned triad.†ho {Should W2. WONG mm Na order tor an mm: M tn mm m- nacy. and the latter be chaired ll!- me, the way would the; be upon to â€tact the mar-Vina on that that ground. In. King snugly op- posed the co ordering and: an in- oue. anduk .atleut,toran 60-. luxuriant. ymm m m cumin? a. ward: $9 Eh! mdiflena 9! 7 grew." deem Mr: m ““9 mm? m WM! 9 most Mr 990:†were {a m mama “fl‘ho lut‘ mm In put In only MAM-C. " "You nude no attundt to." Specials in Summer Footwear ;TWE EAï¬mbv SM©E ï¬w©RE wood 18 runs to 4. The game, ulthon nther one-aided. was in- teresting, and a hunter of bril- lluat play- wero made. Eden had the service- 0! the Woodvillo htt- tu-y. Promo and cheod. while Odwood’n home brew buttery. lulu. Bonn and Stacey. mal- wm in the me. It. Rich 0:- borne lead an umpire. In tuningschoieeprogm emu-mum. â€Imam“... nun-uh mutation. and tantrum-at. M w rendered. whiny two aw“ WM â€5 MO mm mm 3:1 VIntheafteu-noonthereturn game of baseball between Eda: and Oak- wood was played. the ï¬ve lnnlnga content resulting in a. win for oak- lee lawn social held under the auspices of the Methodist church at Oakwood last waxing, was largely attended by Lindsay citizens. and they report a good time. an excel- lent cuppa and a dallzhttul pro- Oakwood Defeated Eden Baseballists Man that were were “a m 6! W1: mm me? the 819 mm; mm: †iameead;. nasal cm, was WW *m“ m mm a V . . $4515†Ma 55 um d am one $459333 9' ï¬dmï¬ï¬h M33 m m gs an W am dim. ’ The quality is unsurpas- sed and we can safely re- commend these goods. The styles are correct as they were made for this season’s trade. There are bargains in men's high shoes and ‘ ox- fords; bargains in women’s ï¬ne boots and low shoes; bargains in children's foot- wear of all kinds. FOR QUICK SALE.4ï¬ sold cheap. Lot 16 in HI. Ponceoqionn‘ of El“. two WWW hunk aim-k. _"â€1 ' {8‘3 swim. “21 Kim FARM FOR SALE.â€"ONE } ï¬wuws mu tag mews W mu @9556 9? Water ©9mmmmam w m; 12 S‘Gleek man an m flewam ‘m at my am #95 the Wm 9: mm $69 tea at mm; .1 than mm mm in mm m t New m mfm‘ and mm mt“, mmmï¬t: 1m ma Wflm M: um um m on. W“, 8%?“ â€muons and museum's may to a t We Men at the Bow! m Wil- t'lwmt. m lowest at! m m wt ml! ted. Elmo wk mumps " " Band at red acres, more or less. being the wt half 01 lot 4, con. 1. Eldon, 11} miles from Lornevllle. and 1} mile. from Woodville. Good coil, 70 tore. cleared. the rent in bush, any cloned. {me from mustard end quick grin. I. ma Idllng well. and orchard. On the! mun- lleeu‘eah'emehoueemd burn. and frame horse stable and cow stable and driving shed. Will be sold oneuymendunot sold by the 1-1:de win bemted foreterm. Apply on themremlaee or to Wm. Bailey, box 80. Lomevllle. Lindsay ‘-.â€" flï¬) F65 Tï¬ï¬bï¬ï¬ WANTED I; 175 c!!! m, or 91 oncherd. On tho! m- frame house and burn. horse stable and cow driving shod. Wm be any terms. and u not a let of September will ’or a term. Apply on as or to Wm. Riley,