:prove so 5213: ever,» touch the have the “no. ' values e you , long The ecially DOWï¬ 19c FOR 3111,3400 AGREE When wanted the money can always by obfained by you. Interest will be added to your balance twice a. year. Allditimml deposits may be made at any tune for any amount. A small sum, a dollar or more, and :1 few minutes with our Teller will open an account. Your money will be secure from careless expenditure, ï¬re and thieves, and from loss through un- wise investment. Omemee Branch J. B. L. GROUT, Manager, Bank of Toronto There is security sor your mdney when deposited in the R.J.Mulligan’s swam. gnjoyable. [have just received a great supply of KODAKS and SUPPLIES The pleasure you will derive by taking a kodak along will make your outing all the more in our SAVINGS DEPART- MENT. THURSDAY, JUNE 30. IQIO. Do You Koda. k crops Omemee On the evening of Dominion Day the Presbyterians will hold a. grand garden party on the lawn surround- ing the manse. Tea and other re- freshments will be served, and the Peterb-oro band will be present. Ad- mission 25 cents. There was a patriotic service held in the Presbyterian church on Sab- bath afternoon. The. floral decora- tions were beautiful; the Sabbath school children occupied the centre of the church, and Rev. D. B. Our- tie preached with his subject, “The stranger within our gates.†Mr. Mos. Magee of the Winnipeg branch of the Bank of Toronto, has returned to that Western metropolis after a pleasant vacation with his parents and friends. John T. Green, exâ€"pgesident of the Western Ontario Commercial Travel- -#7L_J LA Saturday afternoon was lovely, for the ‘Presbyterian picnic, and a large number attended and enjoyed ‘ the games and amusements' in Magee's Grove. ~ Captain Fee and his company re- turned on Friday from the training Camp at Kingston where a prnï¬t- able and er. jayable time was spent. Mrs, J. Biokom has leased. her re sidence and removed to Port Dover. Misses Mackenzie and Bartley. of the high school stafl‘, presided at the entrance to high school examinations at. which 31 pupils wrote. The pa- pers were of about the usual stan- dard, with a. few 4uestions of a. de- batable character Included. vauclu Vt.-.â€" .. lers’ Association. 333.3 prostrated by the heat at the G.T.R. -depot at Lon- gret. We understand Miss Weather- ilt will take a. further course in ed- ucational pedagOg’, which will en. able her to command a. more re- munerative position. Her many friends wish her every success. Mrs. H. J. McLean. of Mount Pleasant visited last week with her Omeme friends. The resignation of Miss Weatherilt, assistant . teacher of the public school, was received with much re- ~35 i; as Dominion Day celebration in Ome- mee will begin with the baseball tournament for a prize of base- balls, immediately at 1 p,m. The contesting teams are to play only bona ï¬de members. A lively but in- teresting contest is looked for and {the races will all be pulled 03 on the athletic ï¬eld, where the Peter- boro band will discourse elevating airs. Programs showing the do- lnations of Lindsay, PeterborO' and Omemee and the different events will be circulated. Dr. Masan, M.P.P., has promised to be present and hand his beautiful cup to the winner of the ï¬ve-mile marathon race. There will be contestants from Victoria, Peterboro and Durham counties. A gala day of good fun will :be provid- ed, and preparations are being made by the Presbyterians to feed the great crowd. There is no entry‘ fee to the Marathon. Everybody is] welcome. Come and see the sports and the progressive little town of Omemee. Admission to grounds 15c, Mrs. Curry. Many relatives and friends attended the service, Which was held in Christchurch. Inter- ment took place at the Emily ceme- tery. The bereaved husband. mother and other relatives have. the / sym- pathy of the village. . Wow. T. H. Fee, of Omemeo, are enjoying their trip in the Northwest. Omemee, June 27.-On Tuesday, 21st., the funeral of the late Mrs. (Rev.) J'. H. Sheppard took place from the residean of her mother, Go To Omemee on DOminion Day @me‘mee. June 25.-Mr. and Mrs THE WATCHMAN-WARDER. LINDSAY. ONTARIO. She used to be a. pretty girl. . Kent’s moon The fairest in the town. 10 o’clock, I: Hummudonghtfllblm. “9.42m Her hair a. mellow brown. â€" Now she is chap. her triad- Ilr- Joseph Tu prised, at 81:. Out mthalrhuboaupcoxldiud. MGM! Mr. Hill and Miss McArthur, of Wcodville, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. TFMCRae. Mr. and- Mrs. John Gilchrist left Monday morning to visit friends in Buffalo and otherpoints. Quite,- a. number from town and out of town tried the entrance examina- tions here last week. Mr. Birchard, of Coboconk, and Mr. Good, of Woodville, were the examiners. Mrs. D. G. Bruce and children are visiting friends in Toronto and Bran tford. tho meeting luncheon was served on the lawn. The ladies reported sgood time. Their next meeting will be held in the church on July 1281 nt mumpm Thoeewhoerenot yet members are cordle invited to nt- The new church bell tolled tom-the ï¬rst time Sunday morning. This bell was bought with the proceeds of the new year’s concert given by the choir, which was under the leader- ship of Dr. McLean, and presented to the church. Quite a. number from out of town attended the garden parties at Bols- over and Eldon Station last week. Both parties 'were well attended. and all had.,a. good time. It. is Kirk- ï¬eld's turn now. Mrs. McArthur and Miss Bickle spent Saturday last in Beaverton. Russell R. Campbell. of ‘Hsiley- bury, is visiting relatives in town. The W.F.M.S. of our Presbyterian church held their last meeting at the home of Mrs. Nell Melanin. Alter Mr. Faed of Canning-ton, .visitod his son._ F. Faed, of town. The brethren of the Loyal Orange Lodge of this village will hold their annual services in the Methodist church on Sunday, July 10. Rev. Jon'es, of Victoria. Road. will con. duct the services, assisted by the Victoria. Road choir. The brethren extend a. cordial in- vitation to members of all neigh- boring lodges to join them in their parade and services. Mrs. Alex. McLaughlin and family moved to Toronto last week. ' KIRKFIELD. Kirkï¬eld, June 27. â€" Anniversary services were held on, Sunday morn- ing and evening in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church, conducted by )r. Murray of Toronto, assisted by our pastor, Rev. H. H. Turner. Both gave excellent sermons, which were greatly appreciated by the large congregations at both services. The young people who went to Cameron Point Saturday evening to see the boys play Glenarm baseball team. were sorely disappointed, as the Scotchmen failed to put in an appear me. Miss quis Townley. of Fenelon Falls, is spending her vacation at Beechwood. Miss Millie Palmer visited with the Misses Thurston on Saturday. Mrs. Fred Jones went to the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, on Thursday last, where she will under- go an operation. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. Chapman returned to Toronto on Friday. BALSAM GROVE. Balsam Grove, June 27. -â€" The Misses MurchiSOn, of Gleam-m, vis- ited friends here on Thursday. Mr. D2~Dawson and Mr. Dawson. sr., of Bolsover, spent Saturday and Sunday at Mr. H. Dawson’s. vocace will be doubly prized with this capital feature included, giving infcrmation of commercial value as we'l- us 0: much interest. to missrappeered in the June 23rd issue or the Funnel-3' Advocate and Home Magazine. of London, Canada. under the caption, "Honor Roll of Shot-thorns in Canada," from the gifted pen of the veteran live stock editor. Mr. J. C. Snell. who has himself bred and exhibited ma!!! ï¬ne cattle, whose proï¬ciency as a. judge has long been acknowledged, and whose intimate knowledge of the breed and of the breeders‘ guarantees an instructive and rename narrative.‘ These contributions, investing breed history with the charm of personal interest. are bound to appeal wide- ly: While the regular issues of the paper are always rare value for the money to any one who wishes to keep in touch with what is best and foremost in Canadian agriculture amt stock breeding, the Farmers’ Ad- The ï¬rst -. chapter of an extended series of personal reminiscences that no stockman, and especially no Shozihcm breeder, in America. ought Advocate Will ' - Have New Feature A SAD CASE. the lot the “W _ wishes to °f 1‘ is best and agriculture Thu: , case leers it the case J oceph Taverna- committed suicide gt St. Cubhu-hu by "allowing ANOTHER CLOCK CONTEST. - The B. J. (:0th contest which ended on Saturday lest proved very successful. The clock stopped at 42 seconds utter 10 o'clock, sad the ï¬rst prize was won by Mr. J smes Kent, Queen-st... which mounted to '8. Ir. J. Ends. 0! Powles’ Cor- ners. won second money. 82. Hr. Kent’s record was 28 seoonds aft.- 10 o’clock and Ir. Hardy’s. record ween seoonds an. 10. The News is well illustrated and printed in a. variety of colors mak- ing it very attractive. It is en- dorsed by men of high rank and shows by word and picture the ad- vantages and beauties of DaytOn and Miami Valley. Public opiniozi is just and the public justly recog- nize in the Dayton Daily News a newspaper of worth and merit. The publishers are to be congratulated 0n the publication just to hand and invfact on the " everyday " issue of the News. The DaytOn Daily News deserves the loyal support it apâ€" parently is enjoying from the people of _ Dayton and the Miami Valley, es of Emily district will march to and attend divine service at the Presbyterian church on Sunday July 10th. The Rev. D. H. Currie. pas- tor of the church. and a. manber oi the order. will deliver the sermon. The inhalation 0! particles of dust, germs, microbes. etc" in our little town makes liie a. little unpleasant. at! we hear the opinion expressed that the civic father: would be well within their powers. and their eo- tion be commended. if they purcha- ed :9. .sprinkling outï¬t and put it to The Dayton News of this issue is divided into sections as follows: Cover 4 pages. main news section 2-2 pages, new home 12 pages, Day- ton beautiful, historical, education- al. mercantile, manufacturing, trans- portation, ï¬nancial, building as- sociation, automobile, Miami Val- ley, 16 pages each, insurance 12 pages. and The Warder congratulates our American contemporary. No so- called American yellow journalism is evident in the issue of the News, but rather everything is wholesome and readable. More power to the News. OMEMEE. Omemee. June 29.â€"Loyal Orange Lodge No. 113 of Omemee, and the members of the other Orange lodg- and newsy, containing articles of deep interest to old and young. The articles in question are from the pens of distinguished writers and prominent men The paper comprises two hundred and ten pages, and is said to be the largest newspaper ever issued. For one-eighth of a century it has been published under the ownership and direction of‘ Mr. James Cook, and during that time it has witnessed a great development in every depart- ment. The entire edition is bright The Warder acknowledges with thanks the receipt of a copy of the New Home Edition, of the Dayton Daily News, 'of Daytou, Ohio. It is by far the best edition oi its kind ever received by\ The War-tier and every page is a feature page. In is- suing the New Home Edition the News also celebrates its 102 anni- versary. case will be heard at Whitby on Thursday next. This is the ï¬rst case to be tried under. section 81 or the License Act, which states that a. licensee convicted 0! “having an im- proper or a riotous or a. disorderly house,†is subject to the immediate cancellation of his license, or its sus- pension for a period not exceeding sixty days. If the license is cancel- led the holder cannot obLtain another for two years. Biggest Newspaper Ever Published LICENSE DEPARTMENT MAKES A CHARGE AGAINST PBOPRIE'I‘OR. Following the investigation into the death of Wm. Foulds after a drunken carousel at Atherley, near Orillia, some weeks ago, the Prov. incial License Department has start- ed proceedings against Chas. Healey/ the proprietor of the Healey House, of keeping a disorderly inn, and the OAKWOOD BANKER MOVED ‘. TO WINNIPEG BANK. “Tommy" Tdmpkins, teller in the Bank of Montreal. Oskwood. has received notice of his transfer to Winnipeg, and will leave (or the western city next week. “Tommy †is well known in Lindsam and his many friends will regret to learn of his departure. HOTEL MAN 0N TRIAL TRANSFERRED sunbatâ€" Mntohdngdoncu inn. Handout-Waging Bowman-3.1 x-m unch- much. urn-Md he found u would I 23rd,.» an. A. 3. Ghana. 1A.. mmmamm. mamum Juno abddomotthoumpm. the Hotel Tm, intending to hum it new E. didn’t. Fad had an all-con- mine Quin to gave lamp ot_ it was placed at. $1900. On motion of Messrs. Perkin and Tompkins. Dan Campbell was assessed for the Glen- arm Temperance House instead of J. A. Campbell. General' business was then taken up and several accounts were pass- It was some ï¬sh I John Aldous of the Prince Arthur Hotel. Mon-Fella. landed n 21- pound ‘lunge on Snturdq within 900 yard- of hie door wldle- trolling from n canoe. It took eome time to On motion of Messrs. Sims and Tolmie, D. Brokenshire's assessment Tolmleâ€"Tompkineâ€"That in place of the usual by-luw granting sums of money to various pethmestere to expend on their road divisions. the} each councillor be appointed a, com- m‘rsioner to make such uppropv‘u- tions as he deems wise, limiting each commissioner to 3200. Palmer Sims â€" That Wm. Perkin a couple ol the Eldon Council at. and D. Tolmle be appointed to meet. learm at 2 pan. June 14 to ad- just the expenditure on the boundary between Eldon end Fenelon. Moved by Mr. Tolmie. and second- ed by Mr. Parker. that the following names be added'to the roll as M. F.: Arthur Landell, Wm. Landell. Robt. Landell. Frederick Swift. The fol- lowing as F. S. : A. Thurston. W. Wilson, J no. Tolmie, Arthur Perkin. and Foster Powles.â€"Carried. Pleasant Point. June 28.â€"Fenelon township adjourned Court‘ of revision and general business meeting was held weer-ding to motion passed. at last session at the post oflice. Pleas- ant Point. It was moved by Mr. Sims, and seconded by Mr. Tomp- kins, that D. Imrie be assessed for part 8. con. 6, M. Maybee owner ; also that Angus McLean be assessed for part S. W. pt. lot 9 in con. 6, as owner at $150. ToLmieâ€"Simaâ€"Thet a. by-luw be passed at next meeting of counril for regulating the use of ï¬rearms on the shores of the lakes and rivers in this municipality: LANDED AT FENELON FALLS AND SENT TO mRON‘m. Dundas Flavelles Limited E EEHEEHEEH-TEEEEEHEEEFEEEEEEEHEHEEEE BEE-EH? ï¬tï¬ï¬‚iï¬ï¬ï¬tï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬hï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚iï¬ï¬ï¬a Penelon Court of Revision A ZI-POUND FISH Hat days . these, aren’t, they? But do not worry. â€":-we can help you to keep cool. What you need is a good supply of light, cool tub dresses. We have just what you want either by the piece or in ready- to-wear garments. This Week we are ofl’ering these goods at prices that beckon to you. See our excellent range of pretty tub dresses made of ï¬ne mull, shades of pink, sky. mauve, cream, tan and white, Princess style, embroidered 5 7 10 and lace trimmed, strictly up- -to- date†Two tone crepes, mulls, French Organdies, Dimities, American Suitings, etc. ., all new imported goods, fast colors, good washers, regular 25c and 356 yd. at I 9 per yard ........ . ............................................. . ....................... c Just What You Want! Tub Dresses at Inviting Prices and 350 Wash Goods 190 Yard lumen. -Smnlhundredpcsonm’oh- LUCW.â€"~At Chrhtonod by maximum mmm..1m lamina“... “,1!wa LEMEL. m- am of“ m M_Mpmaflu_vfl- walla-toy. Bu on! I wantbo send you a complete 10 doys'trestment entirely tree to prove to you that you can cure out-self at home. easily. uickly and . Remember. that It will cost you nothing to give 0 Want It oomplcuï¬tlsl: and it you d wish to continue} L will cost you only about 12 cents I week. or less than two oentsa. do. . It will not interfere thhyour worker occupation. Just send me you: tune and sddress. be me how you suffer. if you w and I Will send you the treatment. for ourcese. ent' tree. in loin wmgser. b return mail. Will also send you tree oleostany â€""WOMAN'S WN MEBICAL A [SE "With ex lanswry illustrations show in: why women sufl‘er, and how they eon easily cure themselves at ome. Ev ery woman should have it. sud learn to think too hersell. Then wheuthe doctor says-“You must havean opera- tion.“ you osn decide for ourselt. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home may. Income". ol or youngflï¬'ro Mothers of Daughters. I will explain a. simple home Whyhich speedily and efl'octuslly cures Leuoorrhma, Green Sickness. and Painful or u so , A mâ€"â€"-â€"_~\n anal LMIOM n‘mm melt “in {On “an MonsMon 11'; Young Ladies. Plumpness and health alwags result from its use. * erever you live. I can refer you w ladies of your own locali'ty w 0 know and will gladly tell my sufferer that this Home‘l‘reeunellt really “resell women s discussant! makes women Well. strong. pluralism! robust. Just send In your “are“. and the tree ten days'treetment is yours. also the boo . Write tea-day. as you may not seethis ofl'er ass-tn. Adam-s : 9 MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box]! 263 hrlure. Cracker], hints. Oils. 61133 n! In“ Pam 9 15433 20000 Rolls ofg Wall Papers TO CHOOSE I'IIOM ' WW 1 WALL PAPERS, WALLPAPERS [ME TO YOUâ€"MY. SISTER . new coloring. Price. u mmprmMmsctoupCI-on. Candi-n. alumina-t Out-h Poul. Curta- Roda. Room lemmings, etc. 1‘. J. Parsons E 1872 SPRING FREE TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER BUFFER- IIO FROM WOMEN’S AILMERTS. {its a woman. ow woman‘s sufl'erings. I have found the cure. . Iwill mangree of any_ charge. my heme treet- nent with n mstrucuons to eufl’emr tron women’s ailments. I want to tell women about this cureâ€"yon. reader. for. yourself. your daughter your mo er, or your sister. I wont to hell you w to cure yourself at home without the he! oladoctor. Men moot understand wom- en'es enngs. What. we women know tron ex- we know bettertlmn anydocwr. I know myhometmtmentisasaleandsurecnretor Leucorrhcsor Whithh discharge. Ulcerstlon. Dis- Mentor Follln or theWornb. Profuse. Sonny chums! Periods. terlne or Overlsn Tumors or Growth. also pslos In the head. back and bowels. beerlugdownbeunzs. nervousness. creepingleel- In; up the spine. melancholy. desire to cry. hot flashes. wwlness. lunacy and bladder troubles wgere csnsedpy weakness popularly our sex, 1910 WINDSOR. ONT. PAGE