1910 It fl and placing them in good $8 88 positions. Catalogue free. $3 88 Enter at any time. Write W. $3 88 H. Shaw, Principal, 395 $8 88 Yonge-st., Toronto. 38 38$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $3 83 83 88 $8 88 $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ $3 $$ ‘3 SUMMER TERM. $3 Alois will make a season stand at his own stable. Terms.â€"For terms see small cards. WM. RICHARDSON. Manager. BROS.. LINDSAY, ONT. Be is a. beautiful brown, three years old, and Was imported in February, 1910, by Geo. W. Souers, of Hunt- Ingdon, Ind. No. 5277, the property of LINDSAY SEE THE NEW IMPORTED GER- MAN COACH HORSE Baxon Lad, (7172), 18 at :work daily on the farm and no doubt will prove {sure foal-getter. Termsâ€"T0 insure $10, payable lst. Feb, 1911. Peter Moirison, Owner follows prmt session and leads into Fan Term for stu- dents in all departments of The Central Business College Toronto. The largest, most influential school in Canada for training young 1380910 and placing them in good positions. Catalogue free. Enter at any time. Write W. Will make the season of 1910 at his own stable L Eldon. ' 0t 12’ Con. 5’ (7172)}C.C.S.B. TH E PROPERTY 05* Peter Morrison, Argyle, Ont. The Pure Bred C dale Stallion BARON LAD IMPORTED PERCEERON ST ALLIOLN ALOIS f LINDSAY )NT. threeyears, Clydes- †Wind your watch in the mom- ing, never at night.†“ Never lay your watch down, in fact, anywhere. Hang it on a. hook, vertically, in the same posi- tion it occupied when in your pock- et. Watches were made to lie. or rather stand, in that position only. “ Another and a. seasonable rule is never to lay your watch down on stone or marble. The cold derang- es the delicate works. “ There’s the reason,†said the jeweller. “ Watches get dirty be- cause the pockets they are carried in are never clean. A watch pocket, my dear sir, should be cleaned out regularly once a week. Observe that rule, and your watch's works will not get clogged up again. The inquirer turned out his watch pocket, sheepishly bringing forth a pinch of mud-colored dust, some lint, and a mall ball of black fluï¬. ’ “ Why do watches get dirty? †said the jeweller. ‘; You’ll ï¬nd the answer in your watch pocket. Turn it out.†men. June 25. -- The. baseball tea was a ' teams from Oakwood and Eden lock- amounting ed horns in a stiff ï¬ve innings coni test last evening} the former-Winning sorry to; h: by one run, the score facing 4â€"3. teacher, ms The gene was an excellent one from at the end a the battery for, the winners, while guest of Mr. Tompkins and Jewell were the star est :artists for Eden. Mr. Fred Perrin Mr. and 1! made a very efficient umpire. The I Mrs. Frank . a Mr. Colinj The Hartley Invincibles took' ’ the » Sunday the Manilla nine into camp at a. game Palestine. played at the Eden anniversary, the The Woman score being 9â€"2. The result was cial last nigl somewhat of a. surprise to the Man- I and Mrs. Hi: illaites and others. The anniversary ments were s June 25 By Arthur L. Phelps. Pills. I haw found them most bene- ï¬cial; they N'Brindeed, n splendid pin, NIMhafl-fly mommendthemtoall those who sufl’er {ran Mm†no trying various eo-called medial 'hich did no no good whatever, I was persuaded to try Milbum’n Luz-Liver Mr. Henry Pearce, 49 Standiï¬h An, Owep Sound, Ont., writes:â€"“Havins been troubled fog yeam with mï¬paï¬on, Milbum’; Laxa- Liver Pills cure Itipation and all Stomach Liver Bowel complaints. Any irregularity of the bowel. i. al- ways dangerous to your health and abould be corrected at once for if this 13 not done constipation md all sorts of changes an liable to attack you. Yamouth, N.S., moving furniture and breaking dishes. We ire pleased to hear that Mr. David Rae is slowly recovering and hope he may be restored to peflect health. School closes next Thursday and go juveniles will be able to enjoy emselves during the hot weather, Mr. and Mrs. McGeough spent Sa- turday and Sunday visiting friends in Downeyville. ! Mr. J. Thorne, Ira. Shaw, ,Wm. Windrim and John Blaylock. Wm. Ray and several others attended Fan‘- ning’s sale On Saturday and report a. 9:39 crowd in town. THE WATCHMAN-WARDER, f. Dru Thompson, of Omemee, ï¬lled the pulpit on Sunday in the absence of Mr. Griï¬ith. 1 Earthquake shocks were (alt at Troubled With Constipation F or Years. ‘ m. and Mrs. Bert Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wickett, 'uul Ht. “Dd Mrs. .Garnet Treleaven enjoyed a trip to Sturgeon Point Saturday. Mr. Colin I Mï¬rchison spent last Sunday the guest of Mr. Staples, of Palestine. The Woman’s'Institute gave a. 80- cial last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram‘ Rogers. Refresh» tea was a. big success, ther proceéds amounting to $180. , The residents in this section are sorry to : hear that the DOPUIOJ' teacher. Miss E. M. Burke, will leave attheendotthoterminorder‘ to agtend Normal. mm.» «m undue risk being taken by followu's or the sport : Don't bathe shortly alter dining; wait at least two hours. Don’t sit in a. boat or stand about undrased after being in the water. Don’t swim far alter a. hard day's work, or over-exertion alter other forms of exercise. . Don’t bathe in mall-equated or so- cluded parts. Don’t mt'he alone it subject to gid- diness or faintness. Don't dive into the water without ‘ï¬rst manning the depth. Don’t take fright if you {all into the water with your clothes on; re- member. clothes float. and assist you to float. Make {or the sham, swim- mlng with the-tide or stream. â€Don't‘swim too for out in the see orlake unguarded by shoot oran expert am. Don't take {right I! sand with ‘ T. W. Sheflhld. honorary member of the Rayal Life Saving Society, formerly of Lindsay. now of Regina, Sash, has published the following : "ION’TS FOR SWIMMERS." The many drowning fatalities re- corded by the press during the sum- mer season call for more care being taken by the average swimmer. and beginners generally, and it is ear- neetly desired that the following dent's for swimmers be posted up in a conspicuous place at the bathing place or summer resort the reader visits, thus helping to minimize any %%%%%%x§§§§§§§§@%%%%%%%%%%% g Sheeting DONT’S FOR SWIMMERS % Mill Ends g Something to' Interest Every $3 Housekeeper g%%%ï¬ï¬g§§%%%%£%%%%ï¬ï¬%%%ï¬%%ï¬ Fine Serpentine Crepe for ladies and children’s dresses, comes in all the newest shades, good width and positively no ironing. Just‘shake well after washing. 2 Prices l2§c and 18c Dress Crepe Fine quality dress ginghams, in light or dark colors, stripes and checks, regular width, these are all exceptionally good val- ue, two special prices, 75c and 9c. - Extra good quality for summer wear, comes in stripes and checks, dark colors only, good width, those are also nice for working aprons. Very special prices, 8c and 10c. Bleached or unbleached, full 72 inches wide, plain or twill. very ï¬ne quality, regluar price 30c, sale price 25c. Very ï¬ne nainsook. 36 inches wide, extra niee quality for ladies’ and children’s wear, in lengths from . l to 10 yards. Regular 14c and 15c. Sale price 10c. Very Special MON EY-SAYIN G IN DUCEMEN TS in car Staple Department. Goods to clear at Greatly Reduced Prices. Next to Dominion Bank. you {all into :lotbea on; to- ad assist you a shore. swim- NDSAY, ONTARIO. y Don’t plunge or struggle when you ï¬nd yournell' in deep Wotan, . Don't throw the hands or Inna out o! the water. Don't pup any per-on who ap- proaches you; do what he whyou. Don't gttunpt to get. into o boot comlng to your m: catch hold of tho eta-x. until assisted to gut‘ln. BEGINNERS. Don't go beyond the depth ofyour hips it you can't swim. Don't dive out of or try to get into a. boat from the side; dive from the stern and get in from the stern, but only then from a. boat with a. broad beam. Don't swim neu- dame. wata'lane. or where reeds are growing. Don’t swim away from shore. el- wm along the shore, Don't swim without company if you have n week heart, and only af- ter consulting a doctor. Don't swim against the 96mm 11’ you come across weeds. ' Doy't swim without protecting yourearaiflfljecttourtrofle. SOME DON 'TS AND POINTERS TO lifting one am out, shouting for help. Don't abuse this; leave the water as soon as possible. 'I'lb hum-am _â€"â€"Â¥ Amyonnvictimf Ha losthoper intendingto r wm'yï¬urblood lawman,“ “Jeanne“? Our an i Bu 0.59.â€..-5"? ~:m. Whuchudcnetor m 7113 has trend 8...er you an? other: twill do for you. W on mine for an honest {man F «CL... “PM W)ondimotx:£ u. moo CORSET. WM t u o Mom-edhimof i “calms ears - mhoquutwokhiltmge. Elaine ' 12mmcommencedytohesm Icontlnued the N" Ill-moo Tmrlnn for (our months unauthoendotthnt had Mklwgdmd'l mirage “’4 I thnoyeu-s you hang; cer- umymmdyouruumentwgï¬wm bout. chsnntern persona) www.mmmmwmuuyyouwish. ï¬ns. Extra heavy quality of damask inches wide, regular price 50c. Ask Very Special Showing in Dress Silks Table Linen J netâ€"imagine getEng a ï¬ne quality dress repp, 36 indie wide, in colors of white, blue, rose, champagne and mauve, 25¢ Rgpp Suiting Very pretty for kitchen and ball curtains, comes in cream or white, 40 inches wide, lace edge, also coin spots und Erilled muslin, clearing at lflgc. Curtain Scrim Full Bleached Damask Bed Room Towels, fringed ends, size 18 x 45 inches, assorted patterns, regular 50c value, 39 Sale Price†cfl oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BLOOD DISEASES GUBED Linen Towels Sample Towels, these are Extra Value, size 18 x 4-5 inches White or Red stripe centre, regular price 45c. Sale 296 Price .............. ’ Bath Towels Cor. Midï¬gan Am. and GrisJolâ€"dâ€"S: Also pure linen towels at 23c , very pretty designs, 72 : to ,see this. linen for 37gc. Lindsay PAG E