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Watchman Warder (1899), 30 Jun 1910, p. 5

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{910. For lien, “‘ Ito, Ont, natmcb- 00.. Ton .1 Somerâ€" amt, 0‘ 0180-:- number Victor- ' lb. "I Com- as. ii Lindsay Branch, B. l. WALKER, President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Image! THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ' E f cilit afi' ded t farm 00” NTRY B U S I N ES S vcfger: forytheozransagtion :frstlalg; banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. A ts be ed b '1 BANKING BY MAIL isxizgzwzrzmzm :2: . . p ,‘19;__ 12: Advertise in the Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England H19 Vittoria loan Savings (0. DIVIDEND N0. 32. Xotice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of Six per 09m, per annum upon the paid up Capital Stock 0f the Company, ° 1910, has been declared for the three men and the. same W111 be payable at the office of the Company on and after Friday the First Day Of July next. 7 [he transfer books will be closed from the 25th the 30th uune both. days inclusiiel OF CANADA o‘fiposrrn pos'r, orncn 10 to 3 o’clock. Saturdays 10 to 1 o’clock. Lindsay, June 631:, transacted. ESTABLISHED 181'? Capital Pa (1. Up $I4,4 Rest ' ‘ $031 Undivided Profits 3 Savings Department at every Branch. With equal {25th- Bank of Montreal“ Branches of the Bank in every Province of the Dominion. A general Banking business Office Hours : THURSDAY. OFFICE. TORONTO 1910. By Order of the Board Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 6,00 0,000 J AHES LOW, Manager HOLMES? Manag er . B. Black, $|4,400,000 $0,000,000 ESTABLISHED 1807 $27,08I,6| $68!,56I ~ “u " 9 , ' who marries Lora Achmon. Manager ceived a. $30. 000 check _ grandfather, to be used wi ’sttlctlons, and another an uncle for $30, 000 with ' it!” a. ring. Sablecos t8, , ' collars. pendants-ad galact- m” Wade! munch: figurein inthe 1181’. of E 5 Egg: EE :Irr‘egularities - I Discovered t' at Ottawa Ottawa, (June 23.â€"Despite injunc- tions to observe the mumost sanecy it develops toâ€"night that investiga- tion into’oertain of the dep ‘ ts of the Prtnting Bureau has ealed what are. to say the least of{ them. injudicidus purchases of stock from favored concerns, One firm in par- ticular, with strong political pull, is alleged to have supplied the Printing Bureau with suflcient quan- tiey of a‘ single line’ at goods to last for a dozen years. As a. result of this discovery, it is understood. the head of the branch has been sus- pended, and other suspensions. are to follow. It is denied at headquar- ters that anything is seriously wrong at the bureau, but the suspension re- ferred to and the eflorts made to keep matters quiet indicate that sus- picions of graft methods are well founded. eau to have their annual depart- mental report in blue-book foam in time for the use of Parliammt. It is also reported that many men are assigned to work in the bureau ‘for political reasons, and that they are virtually independent of the respon- sible head of the bureau. There is also gossip to the effect that all of rI)uring the last session of Patna; ment there were many complaints about the failure of the Printing Bur- The market was only fairly ‘ well attended this morning. butter, eggs and chickens being the only produce ofiered Ionsale, at the same prices as quoted last week. Followmg are the cmected price! : Flour, best Manitoba, retail 82.90. Flour. Manitoba. retail, $2.65. Rolled oats, retail $2.25. Shorts. retail, $1.20. Bran, per cwt., $1.05. Fall wheat, 85¢ per bus. Large Peas. 703:. per bus. Small peas 65c bus. Spring wheat, 75¢ per bus. Goose wheat, 75¢ per bus. , Buckwheat, 40¢ "per bus. Barley, 42¢ per bus. Oats, 80¢ per bus. Rye, 60¢. per bus. Red clover. retail, $6 bus. Alsike clover. retail. _85.50. also gossip to the effect that all of the printing done at the bureau is not Government business. Some ad- vance copies of speeches. which have been given to the press by at least one member of the Cabinet. appear to have been printed at the bureau. “Wm wit, 5c bunch. Honey 10¢ per lb. Live hogs, per cwt., $9. Httle hogs, per pair, 36; Veal 6 to 15¢ per 1!). Dairy butter. 190 to 20¢ Creamery butter, 23c lb. Potatoes, 35c.bag. Apple $2 to $4 per bhl. Celery 10c bunch. Lettuce Sc aunch. Onionss 5c bunch. Parsley 5 cents bunch. Sage 5c per bynch. Rib Roast 12c. Sirloin steak 14c. Spare ribs. 8 lbs. for 25¢.- Bee! cattle, $5 to $6.75 per cwt. Hay, $10 to $13. Glover hay. $10 to $18. Pea. straw. $1.50 per loodi Straw, $3.50 to 34 load; Cream per quart 300. Lord per ponnd.19c. Chicken. 81 per pair. Hens, $1.25 pair. Turkeys. 180 lb. Ducks 81.20 to 81.40 pair. Geese. 206. pound. Mb. 12c am 18° l'b. Beef, St: to 12¢: lb. Hides. :9 to $9-50- Head cheese 10¢ per Tb. wed apples 5c lb. Rhubarb, 5c bunch. Wool, washed. 20c 1b. wool, unwashed. lsrh. WEEKLY MARKE IS. her ddz. , ‘18-192. Carter. of having received his degree. "Doctor of Medicine,'$a.nd‘ ‘Master of Bur- gery" on Thursday last in Con;- cation Hall of Royal Victoria Col- lege, Montreal. Reports in Montred daily papers of last week show Dr; MacEachern graduating with many honors and standing very high ,in his course throughout. He has also been very successful in receiving splendid offers for positions Jn the three largest hospitals. At present “Mac" is on a four or five weeks leave of absence prior to taking a. position on the ROyal Victoria. hos- Crippled With Lame Back THIS RESULT OF LONG STAND- ING KIDNEY DISEASE WAS OVERCOME BY This letter give. you some idea of the definite and certain results you obtain by using pr. A. W. Chase’s Kidney and Liver Pills (or kidney This medicineu veryorompt inac- uon and very direct inedectingcure. You do not need to keep PP the munent long before you find W marked improvement. Mrs. Richard Patterson. Eden- alddney disease of long standing by the use 0! Dr. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills. I used tosufieragreafl deal. not knowing what was the «use of the mule. .11.“ so bad mend. Gaps Co.. 62119.. writes: "I want to tellyou that! was cut-odor that. I wan anion crippled . with lame, sore beck. “Before ‘I had used two boxes 0! these pills I found my back, better and less-than three boxes made the cure complete. I have never had a some back since, and believe the cure to be lasting." Backache. headache. bodily pains, scanty, painful urination. deposits in urine after standing,.§ckle appetite. h‘om kidney diocese. . You can be pmticallywtain fluff. JAMES HOFFA'I'I‘. Last December It. James Moflatt went on a. visit to one of his daugh- ters, Hrs. Moore. of Cincinnati. U. S. Hehadbeeninaweekstateol’ health {or some time More he left. and it was not altogether a surprise when word was received of fitted)» The body tux-rivet! ,Qg. the mid-day train Monday. and the funeral was heldinthealternoon. Hem one or the early residents of W having lived here over forty you”. , . a _ -‘___..ILI_ museum. Toronté. Write for free copy 0! Br. Dr. Chase's Kidney and Liver: run will heip you and help y!!! giddy was a» test {or yam-self “HR! One p111 a. dose. 25 “3- box, d Pension Falls, June 24. 1910 Former on. ansey KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS OBITUABY. J . celebrated in Lindsay, charge of the afiair, and are work- ing overtime to make the day one of the grandest sum ever held in the town. The committee in charge have waived the assm‘ance of al- most every lodge in the entire coun- ty, as well as those from Haliburtâ€" on. Rterboro, Durham and several from Northumbu‘land and ”arm. that they will be present in Lind- say on the 12th in full strength. It will be the first. time that many lodges from a distance have ever and this in itself is aumcient proof that the de- . monstration win be a record breaker. ' . mess section, will be decorated as it \ L r l L 1| I I 5 The entire town, especially theltusâ€" : been Peterboro. [Many (our years ago at. Preparing blood, P.D.M.; Dr. A. E. Vrooman, awarded to ‘Turner 6: Sons, of :Braee. Rev. in l the dexn- 9 » castration. and it is expected that .W For July ‘ Celebration at ’Caygeon WV crowd, and Horn pm» coy“ ions. no person will be compelled to go home hungry. Several bands will be present. and at the conclusion of the big parade to Victoria Park the following speakers will address the large assemblage. All that is re- ;quired is fine weather, and Lindsay will be the scene of the greatest or- ange celebration ever held in net- ern Ontario. T. B. Collins, P.G.M., J. H. Dev-l m. M.L.A.; Col. Sam Hughes, M.‘ P., P.O.M.; John Kelley, 13.0.11. , S. J. Fox. M.L.A. ; J. H. Delamare. P.D.I.; Dr. Mason. ELLA; Rev. L. A. Duprau. P.u.C.; Dr. J. W. J. F. Chapman, Rev. A. H. W. E. French. the resi- dent clergymen, and several throughout the country and from a distance. Town Will be Well DR. 1!. P. MacEACEERN. On July 12th Lindsay will have one -ot the greatest Orange demon- stntions ever held in the history of the Midland district. A strong. ex- perienced, qnerggtic committee has _.-_I- --° â€".-â€"vvâ€"- - n _ for all. Fire works in the evening will wind up the day's sport. A teacher training class has or“- bed in connection with Sundny school association at the convention we last. Febmary. and Rev. 111-. Foley was chosen teacher. Early in ltaytheclasamuonthelr first subject-the Nev Testament. One of the class. however, H1} Hick-on, fog-dâ€" eporâ€"te, ' rwhich in] tie tun on Iron; 10 to 12 in the tamoon, and for the aquatic sports which com- mence at 2.45 in the afternoon. he citizens? committee are leaving noth- ing undone to assure a pleasant nay Bobcaygeon. June 24.â€"'I'he cele» foration here ‘on July Ist promises to 'be unequalled. Granting good wea- ther. Bobcaygeon will put on its holiday attire and will celebrate. A monster calithumpian procession ls being‘armnged by Mr. ‘Wm. Hickson. the able and emcient secretary oi the agricultural society. whose an- nual procession has played such a. prominent part in their annual 1311 {ah-s. And when Mr. Hickson takes ewfibceu’sjien in hand be it for the agricultural society or for a. cele- bration of our Duninion Day. its success is assured. The Lindsay Cit.- izens’ Band will be here ior the day. head db pmessiomplaytorthe 73â€"0} Wins More Degrees society. whose an- m ha played such a. unkn in their 'umual (all visit hand be it {or the for d .etv or {or a. cele-l E3“ ternity hospital; where with on os- u the outdoor department and city ruining courts york. Ir. Malian in known mdreepeetedbythecitium otthis town. who u‘c overJOyed to‘hear of such glowing reports of his success. 311'. 1(3an was at. one time a resident of Woodville. and also re- ceived part of his education in the Lindsay Collegiate. and his many delighted to hear of his good euc- oese. / at least 20.000 will as preset-lb vu~ this occasion lrom all corners of the Midland district. Special preposi- tions are being .made by the church- es. societies, restaurants and hotels. for the accommodation of the big crowd, and from present expectat- ions. no person will be compelled to go home hungry. Several bands will be present. and at the conclusion of the big parade to Victoria Park the following speakers will address the large assemblage. All that is re- %;quired is fine weather, and Lindsay ‘will be themed thegreatest or- ange celebration ever held in get- em Ontario. T. B. Collins, P.G.M., J. H. Dev- itt. H.L.A.; Col. Sam Hughes, M. P.. ROLL; John Kelley. P.C.M. , S. J. Fox. M.L.A. ; J. H. Delaware.; Dr. Mason. ML.A.; Rev. L. A. Dliprau. P.u.C.; Dr. J. W. Wood. P.D.M.; Dr. A. E. Vrooman. lBev. J. F. Chapman, Rev. A. H. â€"'i‘he focal volunteers under Capt. V. W. W returned to-dty 0" theyldtmlmniflt and ”Quintana-unmet b! m. which VII more congenial. They report a pleasant, but a hot time. 'that we almost feel assured of him for the future. ‘ Excursionsâ€"well. u few. Tuesday the Sunday school: of the Built” “.1 Anglican churche- from Undeay passed through to 01k Orchard. Wednesday the Sunday schools 01 Chtemont and Locust Kill me in by the steamer Otonnbee from Lind- say after a ride by C-P-B- to “'4‘ say. A pleasant afternoon was PW ed and they returned. leaving her! .t5p.m. mam’mfl ee- compenied the excursion. Yesterday evening the first monlight of the season called by Met Stoney Lake to cum. My!” time one tipping was a. monster of the deep, and was" on exhibition In Mrs. Baker's win- dow during the dternoon. It. La- monte, the gentleman who hooked the his fellow. was overlayed. and became so interested in landing his 9 prize that the length of his right] Emu reached went into the water; unknowntohim. mums first. visit here, but with a. catch 7 mm 19331; 20,000 will be present .911 mummmm fulfills Half at 21 11).. It :Girls Put Des Moines, Iowa, June 24. â€" B. senting the hen placed upon the red necktie by was Ethel Morris. dean of women. the men at Lrake naive» sity have risen in defence 0! VM cherished neckweu' and have deck:- edv wa} against the edict. issued ‘6 the women's mass meetihg recently. lndefinnoeofthodisdaintrun tho fair sex admonished by the womu's dean. every man at the naive-it, wore his mod. brilliant red car! a chapel. __ . ”m. The men risk a lalllng from grace in the eyes of the co-eds, but the: say they are willing to take tho chance. What the girls will do in not known. They have made no do- finite plans either to “been out." theredflesandtheirweerersorta welcome the display as a manly a.- eertion of an inalienable rig-ht. BIRTHS. ALDOUS.â€"-In the Township of Fan- lon. on Friday, June 10th, 1910. the wile of Mr. Percy Aldous, ‘ CURTIS-'41 the township of Fen- elon, Friday, June 19th. 1910, the wife of Mr. Robt. Curtis, 9. son. HOPKINSâ€"In the township of Some mine, on Tuesday, June 21st, 1910, the wife oi Mr. George Hop- kins, a daughter. MOREâ€"At Penelon Falls, on Set- urday, June 11th, 1910, the wife 0! Mr. Thos. Minore, a-son. TELLYâ€"0n the 8th in BOW the wife of Joe. A. Tully, Vern- lam, of a. daughter. - MARRIAGES. MARSHALL â€" IRVINEâ€"On Wed- nesday, June 22. by Rev. Thou. Snowdon, at the residence of the bride's brother, Miss Jennie I. Irvine, of Ops. to Mr. David lb:- shall. 0! West Toronto. ‘ MATCH‘E’I‘T â€" BRITI‘ON. â€" 0n the 2181;, pt Christ church, Bobcaygeon by the Rev. F. Louis Barber, Fred- erick C. Matchett. of Toronto, and et Elsie Britton, daughtel of ROM. Britton, of Bobcaygeon. SPENCERâ€"LYNDEâ€"On the 22nd,, at the Methodist 'parsonage. Bob- caygveon. by the Rev. E. Foley. On motion of Messrs. Howden and Council it was resolved that reports be taken by respective councils and at present to permit of the county of 1’6er to proceed with tem- porary repairs, consistent with sal- ety. and that this committee is of the opinion that in the near future a new bridge should be built, 91'0- viding the Dominion and Provincial grant is sumcient toward a new bridge to enable the municipalities to complete it. Hrs. Phoebe Hallock. 75 years old, received the prize {or the best recitation at a Long Islanh, N.Y. Hr. Du). chairman, at a meeting a tour of inspection.- on instead heldthm. gun and Bying (tom Vicwrio. couno ty. and Ald. Phelan and Buller of the city council, Peterboro, visited the Pigeon 7 Greek yridge _'_l‘hur_sdaly BRICK.â€"On the 10th, at Devil’. Lafi, North Dakota, William Kenn DEATHS. LONG.â€"On the 17th in BM: Alice Catharine Long. aged 17y“ Bi‘ick, aged 1-5 years, youngest Son of Patrick Brick, o! Vex-ulna. MOFFAT.â€"On the 17th in Cincinnati James Mofiat, aged 83_yeu:g. Messrs. Hoher, Darling. Howden and Young from Peta-bore county. Messrs. Chas. Cornea. R. ' J. Hull!- Deputations Visited township. LLEN. â€"-On the 52nd, ii: Harvey, William Frederick Allen, aged tw¢ months, son of Albert E. Allen Pigeon Creek Bridge Ban on Red Neckties Dandruff is, but the: to take tho 1 will do is made no 50' {nae out.’s met: or ta anally..-

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