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Watchman Warder (1899), 30 Jun 1910, p. 7

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t. weath- stove of elighted INDOW RICES. ECTION ich flhflefi GO 5 “@633”, ml: in “a 4» bush 8!“; Mi ', ON '1“ bra ache: Shae: e83! E. GREGORY [win Creamery Building nuns“ The Pathfinder will make the ne'e- mn 1910 at my barn. 170 Kent-st., t Thursday afternoon. he will to Omemee via. Reaboro for the Igbt. returning home for noon on riday. Feeâ€"$1.3 to insure, payable Feb- ary lst, 1911, with return p117!- He free in case of bad luck. 7 For pedigree see small cards. GEORGE W. CUR’I'IS. «\0 recreation in thg world 08!) beat'picture taking and Picture making. Y o u r SPare tim e is valuable. KOdakery combines pleas~ are with education, ORG- door with inside work,vast fun for little money- 31.00 buys a. Brow. "you cunnm call, write a: 'BRMQ. by depth of well and mm m llfll later is required. We will '0‘ just What tools and matter“! Ihring, Windmills (or sale m lists for wood-turning attended to uptly. Ir. L. Bennett. Port Hope, in the other of the first colt got by Path- Mar in Canada, which also shows [markable speed math 8. great way 10: going,\which is quite evident that he will not only produce speed, but my and extreme speed. fight months old it could easily show .zhree minute clip while being led wide its dam over the snow. Re- may it has been an eighth of . mile in 20 seconds. ”1 Makes Repaired M 33694, (A. TxR.) M your mare whom an. will "m; vou best return. nu ll Witt a. intelligent breed» wan to do. What: selecting u lelon it '!I Nt- W to not «mo with plug? of Nb- Mc u! gout! confomstlon. good 2M and um and nbovo dl. an 1. mm“ Mod, and b. am he I- ”am! [More deciding. m only way to locate ti. but II by enquiring and cumming Mr 3", A colt from an Interior horn an!!! as much to raise a on. from m best. m. c. O'Neill. Lindsay. 1. u“ 9'0““ possessor of a. colt by Pub. W that. shows more speed thug uy colt. ever bred in Victoria or wounding counties. When only Dennis Pump Works 16h me You One Yourself ’alf a Century ‘8 said that fine “NM wuwlat‘ m Great Standard Bred Stanton Ll aqua": Established FOB Th MW any time . DENNIS in true of ”WW u teas sameness! ‘ufiHéFmfi 5 MB w WINS: We MO a and Wm 98 3136 THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1910'. impftfi'éfi min a other things Lindsay. Ont would be made to sufler. Apr-ently crazed by heat, William Roberta. a painter in New York, armed himself with a. hm bone, and ming‘wfld in the street struck u "AC. ‘__)_ -_.___ ._--_|_ unveiled at St. J 01111, N. B. Mrs. J oshua. Long-1110, of Tancook, sloop in Chester harbor. Dr. Mariano S‘dmea, of New York, ’ Black Hand blackmailers $8,- pend OOOfor the mofhisthree year old son, wom they kidnapped, Threatshadbemmadethat meg. tha ransom was paid. thecliild Injured: His mother, two sisters and two brothers. A hired man named Wilson had his leg broken. Palmer had his collar bone broken. Thomas and Ward were cut and bruised about the face. As 'soon as the message was received medical help was rushed to the scene. 7 TL; head areyEd. Maddijan and two little children. QHEAT fi‘HJEM é MHJSE NEAR 306,31!) AW; Moose Jew. (Seam June 26 A frightful story of death and @5913: the es the result, of Thurfidtwfi 8mm reached this city on Saturday over the long-distepce telephtme from the “ south cthW.‘ eheut sixty miles from 140989 Jaw A terrible cyclone struck the neighbor-- hood about 2 p m on Thursday.” was immediately lollowesd by a ter- rific hail storm. which swept e qtrip of the country a mile wide. Every house and shack in the path of the storm was destroyed. Three persons were killed. seven more or less ser- iously injured. and all manner of crops utterly; d’tr o'yed rm..- an“: dean 1m M’mMiian and‘ |REV. BEN H. SPENCE FINDS A l SPIRIT OF HOPEFULNESS. 1 Rev. Ben E. Spence, Secretary. of the Dominion Alliance of Ontario. has just returned from visiting the Manitoba. Methodist Conference, held this year for the first time in the twin cities of Port Arthur and Fort William, tvm days in one city and two days in the other. These cities 'are entering on a local option cam- nigh; During the month at June -11». s'pemse visited the London. final: Hum; m§ at quinte. Mama! and Toronto -‘tililfel‘eliéé§ and states that a 9th!!! ' feeling a? {lawfulness was measles etl evmwhefie; its is leek: mg lamest! to hem the biggest @1113;ng m the {all t at has yet Efimpfil “9% h 6: NEW STATION. A deputation consisting of Messrs. John Dobson, Col. Deacon and W. McDonnell, waited on Mr. Macklin. TWO CARS OF LRILLS. Mr. Eugene Fee has received two cars of Hoosier seed drills which he has sold to local farmers. FOUND $100. On Friday last Mrs. Warren Wors- ley found $100 on Kent-st... which was claimed by Mr. Hare of Fenelon a. few days later. WON OTTAWA CUP. Skips McLean“ and Hughes won the Governor-Geneni‘e cup at 0t- tewe. yesterday by one shot. COUNTY AGENT. Mr. John Hora. xenon! went; for the Singer Sewing Machine 00.. has been appointed superintendent or agencies for Victoria. Durban and Northumberland and Peter-boro- coun- ties. Mr. and Mrs. Hore will move to Peterboro in the near future. Perry. LOCAL OPTION OUTLOOK Mr. J. n. Knowuon. SEQE'o/wu as "Bob.” bu been .ppomud Unit- ed Staten consular agent at Lind- bronze statue of Chgmplain was CYCLONE KILLS THREE WOOD YARD. Capt. Fremont. Cramdou hu decid- l to open a. wood yard In Port “{0me U. s. comm. Ru tIrena m' 3173 ' m A “:3. .: 1E3}: 0 n we ' m. ; mm ' ., Sydne ; India. 8 K. Pa.2I. ( I "”011”. 0° Kong Dru: Co. ' Jammz Paflfigmn. Ltd. our 50. Alum. Lennon. (‘3 1.; etc" L. Pom:- Drug kt‘n'em mdorpwanhh "m‘m' 31"“. min"?%. 3:;- .382» A” Assisted by Cuticura Oint- ment. For preserving, puri- fying and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair and hands, for clearing the complexion, for itching, scaly scalps with dry, thin and falling hair, for minor eruptions, rashes, itchings and Irritations, fbr sanative, antiseptic cleans- ing and for all the purposes : of the toilet, bath and nursâ€" i ery, Cuticura Soap and Cuti- cura Omtmentare unrivaled. Peter Johnson, of Hamilton, a cigarmaker, was found dead on a bench in the Salvation Army Metro- pole»; Misti Elwell, a. high School teacher, of New York, auflering frbm mealn- cholia, hung herself to a ladder. ACCEPTED PODITION. , Mr. Duncan McSweyn has accepted a. position as traveler for Reid. Tay- lor Co., of Toronto. NEW WINDOWS. Mr. A‘. Higinbotham and Mr. D. Ray are having a. new plate glass front'put in their stores. PURCHASED HOTEL. Mr. W. H. Simpson has leased the Congress Han, and will open up a hotel to be known as the Simpson House. CUTICURA ter in Hamilton. VISITING FRIENDS. Rev. Mr. and ,Mrs. Marsh us via- iting friends in Oflllis. Mrs. D. S. Trew is visiting her sis- ' CHECKER MATCH. Mr. J“. H. Hopkins in the champ- ion checker player in the county. having won the honor from gr. H. A. Smith. of Woodvlllo. They play- od for two days. Mr. Hopkins won nine men. and the 825 price. UNSI GHILY EOMPIEXIONS PURCHASED. RESIDENCE. Mr. w. H. Stovom. Selena. Hutu at the Collegian. hu put-chad Mr. Fulton’s commodmun nuance on Wellington-It. Live hogs sold In Linduy on FH- duy {or $5.25 par curt... and when (or .1 par buphcl. ‘ On Friday 1m Mr. lid iii-n. T. A. Middleton colebntod thou- allv‘or wedding. They received I mason. army of amen-on. m5 imam/IANWARDER, LINDSAY. ONTARIO ' After a chase over the United States lasting several weeks. J oneph Wm, who is wanted in Jan“- villa, Ky.. on the charge of murde- mglittleAJmKeunennlecool a may brewer. bu bean sym- od 3t Houston. Tons. and u bin; mu. m tar-nth: $10. goo I." m for his «man. It has practically been arranged that the coronation of King George will take place about. tha middle of may next year. w. J. Phelan, of Montreal‘ 3 fire brigade, fell on a. scanning. breaking his neck, during a triangly nude. Amaddogmahotmthecon- iIllex' of James and Augusta-st... Ham. ton. It has practically been arranged -â€"Mrs. W. E. Kerslske, of Batsvis. ‘N.Y., is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Jas. Boxall. 38 Wellington-st... and Master Hibbert French. of Ben- trew, is visiting for the summer with his aunt. Mrs. Jae. Boxsll. with Albert. Wars will lesvo to. marrow morning for Goodman, where he will visit his friend. My, Herbert Newsome for s. few days. Mr. Newsome and Mr. Ware left this evening for Cameron. to spend the evening with Mr. Newsome's mother. â€"M'r. Percy H. Skitch, of Toron- to. was in town to-day for a tew hours. He will spend a couple a! weeks holidays with Maids at Thurstoniu. mm, WW: Adams. on old Lindsay boy. has secured a good promotion by hams appointed to the Grand. Trunk Pacific ateomahip Una ~wtth hMmtm o_t_ Vapoouver. n.0, ’ =Miss' Kathleen mum- has return: ed finer tmhin during the mm 9% heavens": . e is new spending her well earned holidays as am: 399?. 9939?: A . AA "flaws: W; W: Jordan and den. (i: res renamed tram the ma am ax evening when they was ma page Wee $99k: touring the mm? memes: an; and Mrs; G; 0; Human. 6L Termite. from Humimv in law the gum at r; and Mm A, W; Far: Rid V â€"Mr. Patrick Callaghan and lama lly leave to-murfow (or Vulcan». nu, where they wm reside in the future; J s m; Jnmmowu ' t to Sturgeon Mint in m; steam nuueh late on guaranty night. returning 1m even: mg 36 wwmu -â€"Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan and family left for Toronto this morn- ing. where they will reside ior the future â€"Mr. and Mrs. Harry Son . of Peterboro. are the guests or . and Mrs. A. A. J. Soaneo. Victoria-ave. Wedneaduy month; (or Havelock 7h C.P,.R. â€"Mr. J. R. Mark and Mr. George Mark, of. Kinmount, was in mm over Sunday. -â€"Mr. McCrae and putty went to Sturgeon Point yesterday. returning to gpwn _i1_1 the evening. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith. of Lindsay, spent Sunday at. Fenelon Falls. agent the day in town. â€"Mr. D. McFadyen, or the Indus. trial School, Mimico, is In towntor his vacation. â€"Mr. J. B. Mason. of Pension Falls. was in town this morning. â€"Mr. John R. Burn. 01 Juiotvllle. was In town to-doy. â€"Mr. Geo. Wilson, of Janetvulo. is in town on business. â€"-Mr. J. A. Warren. of Janotvlllo, «pew1 the day in town. ~31". (Din) Nubia visited with Tor-99m _!rlendl Saturday. â€"Mr. G. B. prluburg. of Peter- boro. was in to?!) this mom. â€"M!u New. Harp”. o! Unduy. s “not. at tho Nation-.1 School at Noun-why in thin town. loft Friday mousing to tan a. position in the Detroit city omen. mu Hus-play In a good operator. and in am to nuke good. 4:11. W. Fluent. Illu- Jan and Halon. and Mr. Stun". J‘luv- ollo ullod Friday from Mont- mu per tumor Flo-perm: ton-.01”- gow. pad thence on I tour through the-firming Illa sud Europe. â€"msa Dollo 'rhompoon. o! and soy, who has just: mm bar 45on In coma-cm Nqnphy at the N.- tiond School at Taker”!!! in this town. bu locum n position in Su- kotoon gt a salary o! monty dol- lm per month. From Monday's Dally. . Warren. of Janetville. and wife leave on Cyclones did grout dance in Sa- hmmmmbg C. Gallbert, Son and Company; Montreal. L A. Plan and Company. Quebec. Duclos and Pagan, St. Hyacinthe and Montreal. Paul Caliber-t, Montreal. Bevan smaller. but important con- cerns ln Ontarlo and Quebec will :1- lo become port of the Canadian Leo.- ther Company. which will take over the fifteen companies and partner- ship. tree 0! All mm. Robson Leather Company, Limit- ed. Oshawa and neutral. C. S. Hyman and Company. Lon- don. The only Toronto firm to join the merger is that of Wickett and Craig. Limited. The other arm. ere: AnggoCenedlen Leather Company. Linn , Huntsville. Brecebridge. Toronto and Montreal. It consolidates fifteen tenneriel. end will control 76 per cent. or the total trade in certain lines of the leather butane“. , Tomato. June M.--A new twen- ty-muuon-dolm locum mom». to be known probably as the 0mm Leather 00.. Limited. 13 being torn:- od In Iona-ml. [Alwammmpufl our u the am: much an on a an. hem. aw hy flee. firm. which that: a mm. was II“ dad'grlm member a! mo 40m ”$3” m .3“ 9.12%"? a: who a can am he 6mm he run we man said»: am m mun-m: ed Amusing. and” imam m mammalian-launch um. Fifteen Tannerles CASJ'ORIA KW“; out“ June “I‘TM” «amp In over. ad the amen“ my» means. we 15 am under eum. m ”mafia to their amount hud- q ~. 10 «up has been a do: 61 .ea gauge; tram every, vlwpelnt. Militia Man Children Cry m Emma's CLARE BROS. (30., LIMITED, __-- â€" â€"'â€"v â€". wuv - u: nus» ‘It never becom red-hotâ€"will not burn fire. So weperfeeted theâ€"Castiron Combustion outâ€"and will save )6 of your coal bill by Chamber, which has proved its wonderful acynl test. strength, service and durability. Our little book “Hecla Heated Homes" tells you a lot of things you ought to know about a. furnace, besides the exclusive features mentioned above. ’ Let us send you a copy. It’s free. Write. has thxee times the radiating surface of any other. Fused Joints ere nboolutely 1nd permanently tight, and insure the worm air being fresh. pure and nntninted by gas, smoke and dust. ere the only permanent joint: between cutimn and steel. By menne of these joints. we prevent gas end smoke from getting in theAir-chnmber end from then into the house. The “Hecla” has four exclusive features that have brought it steadily to the front as the paect warm air furnace. These improvements are so vitalâ€"they mean so much in comfort and health and economyâ€"that every man who is going to put in a furnace this year, should study them in detail. Shot Horse Dead Steelllbbedl‘ll‘epd Send us rough plan of your house â€"and we will submit estimate of the cost of installing the proper size “Hecla” in your home. In a Merger And Its FOUR Big Features D. CINNAMON, Lindsay, Ontâ€"Agent. EAST END WMLMNMON tummy? human Heuughlln Autumnhflafl. A mu il’zeufnummnm Miriam! Don't wait till the day you Want to use ymir motor boat iwfure having nr engine put in naming chum. By having us pm; your mnwr hunt n wia’miasinn for. run. you will lanai Mai; of worry and Lmulvlp and int esnbisl‘nebiun ni‘ knowing your engine Is in cmidmnn n1 dn Hm won pmnerir. G. W. HALL . LINDSAY GARAGE Putrastination is "l9 HIM 0f lime W We found out, by careful tests, that steel would not stand ‘ the intense heat of the furnace fire. So we perfected the Castiron Combustion Of 'bourse, one but is much easier to shske than four. thoroughly without using e poker or sheking down good cod or live fine. No clinker: to clog the grate u is the case when bars are fastened together. Castlm Combustion Chamber Fairhunk‘g Engines. PAGE 8W- ‘ 100

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