,I‘a’l IIIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister, so lidto , Notary Public, solicitor for Mars Bank. representing Water- loo Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Inter-loo ; Federal Life Assurance 80., of Hamilton, Empire Accidâ€" lnt and Surety £30., of London, 7.“ -‘- Dn n‘! IcLAU‘GHLIN. PEEL. FULTON 8: STINSON, Barristers, Solicitors, Ind Notaries. Money to loan. Spe- cial attention given to investments. oases: Dominion Bank, corner of William and Kent-sts., Lindsay. R. U. McLaughlin, K.C., A. M. Ful- m UNDERSIGNED is. prepared to Iran money on Farm, Town apd Village Property at very lowest ute- ot interest. Company or ‘privute funds. I am always ready to buy good mortgages. I. E. WILDON, Solicitor, etc., Iilne iiaThle and Granite Moments Stil’. (‘t ing lusiness in the same old? stand but not in thesame old way. We dva. nce with the times andare in a. position to <10,th work than ever. New dwigns. new granites, new and mproved tools and methods. in fact the most up-to-date Marble and Gran- ite Works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. Shop and show rooms 11 13 Cam- tax-idle St“ immediately north of Fire - W u» an 2"“ --_ I. William Street. Lindsay. I: n "nnl'QA K.C. Alex. Jackson. “a the Simeon norm 4: JACKSON. ‘13,, solicitors for T11 flank of Commerce: I Undsay Marble Works 3. cannnnns. Prop‘ 9! Money to Loan b I. NELDON, Mariposa township Wk, Oakwood. Fire Insurance mt. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Bunyanclng in all its forms: Dnvt. w'(ance ovei- Farmers .ppoaite post oflice. Birds a. speciality. Also case work. Canaries. ‘ Finches. Rabbits Pigeons and other pets for sale at T. W. Campion Deer and Moose Heads Toronto Bird Store 175 pandas-st, Toronto, .â€"Ridontpat . , Taxidermist and animals stuffed} mounted Barristers. etc Dentistry House. So and - The ninety-second annual meeting of the Whit-by and Lindsay Associa- tion of Baptist churches was held in the town of Uxbridge on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. There was an attendance of some sixty de- legates from the twenty-seven chur- ches in the association. The church at Uxbridge has recently erected a ï¬ne new church, and in it the meet- ings of the association were held. , A-_ a-.. v- 7â€"- Rev. W. B. ’I‘ighe, moderator ‘ for 1909-10, presided. The meeting consisted of three sessions on each day. The delegates were hospitably entertained to dinner and tea» in the church. and for bed and breakfast in the homes 01 members of the com gregation and other friends. Within the bounds of the associa- tion there had been numerOus changes of pastor during the year, and all the new men were present. They were: Rev. J. Ford, lately inducted into the pastorate of the Port Perry church; Mr. Wm. Arth- urs, student pastor at Sunderland ; Mr. Wm. Ashmore, of Bobcaygeon, student pastor; Mr. Walker, of Kin- mount church; Rev. C. J. Loney, of Sto'uï¬ville, preached the associa- tional sermon. The whole of Wednesday afternoon was devoted to the program of the Women’s Mission Circles and Bands. Reports were encouraging. - u “Kt the errening session' Moderator Tighe delivered his address, an in- novatiOn on the program of recent years. This was followed by an address by Dr. S. S. Bates on the educa- tional work of the denomination, in which he emphasized the splendid work the schools of Woodstock and Moulton were doing for primary edu- cation, and the prominent place Mc- Master ocCupied amongst the uniâ€" versities. ~ Whitby and Lindsay Baptist In order to let Dr. Grant, of Dun- das, away by an early train, ‘the prOgram for Wednesday morning was altered to permit him to deliver his address on western missions. Then the reading of the reports and letters from various churches was taken up. This is always an ation in the United Stateé, Canada, Mexico, the Philippine Islands, .Pan- ama. and Cuba. The membership in Ontario 3 year ago was 2,002, and on May 1 last it was 3,162, presided over by twenty-three councils. The election of ofï¬cers resulted as follows: State Deputy, 0. K. Fra- ser, Brockville; Secretary, J. H. Botsford, Brockville; Treasurer, L. V. O’Connor. Lmdsay; Advocate, ‘J. O. Drumgole, London; Warden, J. A. Hussey, Sault Ste. Marie; Re- presentatives National Convention. 111'- __A_ . 12‘ T Brockville, June 22.â€"The Provin- cial Council of the Knights of Col- umbus opened its annual sessions here yesterday and concluded this morning. The order is now in oper- Lindsay Citizen is New Treasurer Dr. John S. Booth, of Montreal, was ï¬ned $3 and costs for cuffing a man who wanted him to attend his sick father. The Canadian Oddfellows ï¬nished their two days’ convention at Ham- ilton and elected Dr. -Ada.m Thom- son of Ralf. Grand Master. H ad Weak Back. In. Arch. Schnare, Black Pbint, 11.3., unholyâ€"“For years I was troubl with weak back. Oftentimu I but Iain‘ig bedfpr dayg,_be_ing mmelxsbbtomn m ,gndlhavedsobeensput mï¬'emr whilo trying *0 P8110“ '3? household dutia. ,, I had doctors at - in; me without uni! and tried linimentl and but nothing waned to do no “3’ I was about to give up in dupur when my husband induced me to try Dean’s Kidney Pills. md after tin; mboxulamnow well andsbletodï¬ gym-k. I an positive Dean’- Ki __ an “act van olnim for M. “d Pflk m that ygu claim for than, and I wouldndvinsll kidney mifenntogiw than 3 hit trial.†_ DOAN’S KIDNEY PILLS no s partly vegetable medicino. radian? quick, pep manent relid, without my a. ter ill effects, A medidno that will absoluaely cunBa’ack- aqhoandmfomsofKidneygndBladdu Disease. Price, 50 cents per box. or 3 for 31125. .t dl dealers or The T.- Milbnm 00., Lun- iteg, Toyoqto, Would Often Lie hnod For Days, Soarcoly Ablo '1'. Turn Herself. In ordering specify " ext 131 szocfation at Uxbridgel ’ A strong resolution supporting the work of moral reform was intro- duced by Rev. G. R. Welch, of Lind- say, and carried. Thursday evening was devoted to missions. Dr. J. G. Brown conduct- ed a most instructive conference on foreign missions, and Mr. Thomas Urquhart, of Toronto, gave an in- spiring address an the Laymen' a Missionary movement. . ~El;;kâ€";r{d treasurerâ€"C. A. Good- fellow, Whitby. - - , L The invitation of the church at Lindsay to meet with them next year was hegrtilx nccepted. Stouï¬ville. A request4 from the Peterboro as- sociation to appoint a committee to meet with a committee appointed by that body to consider a. union of the two associations was received and complied with. Some records are always stimulat- l I ing. Some of the records from mem- bers of the cow testing associations for May are indicative of good cows well kept and wen fed, in a word. decidedly proï¬table cows. For inâ€" stance, onc dairyman in Western On- tario owing a herd of 62 cows has the inspiring record of 1127 lbs. or milk per cow during the month. Again, in six associations in Peter- boro and Oxford «.otmties the aver- age yield of 380 cows was 1055 lbs. of milk and 34.3 lbs. fat. The reverse of the picture in not so rosy, indicating the need of more and better cows. Several associat- ions have an average of under 70‘.) lbs. of milk and 25 lbs. fat. A group of 75 cows at one creamery gave only 604 lbs. of milk and 21.9 lbs. the average yield noted above is 70 fat in May. Think of the difference! per cent. butter. 1 As an instance of what is being I done by the selected animal the re- cord of onelof the most famous cows She is credited with 120 lbs. fat 13 thirty (lays. This cow, it is said, was picked up from a neighbpr who did not keep recommend therefore was unaware of her phenomenal val- ue. Whowillbetnenextmen to discover another such diamond in the rough ? Individual cow records alone can show where such jewels exist. -“m Some Contrasts Moderatorâ€"Mr. J. H. Ratcliï¬e. Ottawa, June, 1910. The following ofï¬cers were appoint- VOLUNTEER ILL. One of the Lindsay volunteers at Barrieï¬eld camp, Mr. Everett Fell, formerly of The Warder staff. and son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fell, Cam- eron, is at. the present timeln every serious condition, although the doc- tors state that be Is improving. slow- ly. ‘ ‘Young Fell left with the 45th un- der Captain Henley, but ’three days after reaching Battleï¬eld he had to be removed to the mfllt’u‘y hospital! ‘in Kingston. and there halal hem ’y isdusto withthesevereh on'rueodaylut sentlor-andatt‘ Mutthkbe‘ my av. “â€" w- vâ€"v Fell in at his bedaiéiijm. nan rm. ing returned this morning. The fellow is some better. but it “118 is thought that he will be unable to return tomorrow with the root qt the soldiers. in Milk Yields LL. asâ€; ndsay volunteers at the D, Mr. EVerett Fell, pri< » Warder stud. and ing Mrs. Wm. Fell. Cam- The l the 45th 1111- Lakeï¬eld. Pine G! at 'threé W8 Maple Led. My“ Lem he had to Lang, Fraser-ville] mm hospital East Emily. 'rrew a he has been â€dale. and Fleet 0! MI W in all. able, combined Mr. Morton at Ind 6261M. (1319, Daisy 1.3., 0! were met. Cwanville. amt mum-s. lax-new. in an 866 SOLD FOR 10 L‘s-16¢. 3904 boxes of cheese were boarded at the sale of the l’eterboro Cheese Board Wednesday morning. the larg- est boarding for the season. while the sale was marked by the highest price of the year. Hr. Gillespie pay- ing 10 13-16c. for ï¬rst selections. There was a large attendance. Mr. Gillespie at 10 11516:. secured the ï¬rst call and took Keene. W81" minster. Shearer, Central Smith. Selwyn, Vimers. Warsaw. westwood. Lakefleld. Pine Grove. King Ed'md- Maple Leaf. Myrtle. Young's Pom" Lang, Fraserville. Indian River. East Emily. Trewern, Benslort. 00¢ aedole. and £100th 3036 boxes in all. » Mr. Morton at was. secured Duk- dale, Daily 1», Omondo. flora: Dun- mar. ogvanvnle. Nmood and K11- lamey. in 0.11 868 boxes. - C.0.0.F. GRAND LOBGE Children cry son rmcusn's :AsTORIA True Household Economy Our dominant part is to give that we can make or bake. Bu‘ tempted to save a few pennies in foc ‘ 'â€" LL:A OTHERS, we owe it as a duty to our husbands and families to -v--wv â€" v “7 Our dominant part is to give them the very best that we can make or bake. But sometimes we .are . tempted to save a few pennies in food and thmk that 111 so domg we are economising. But is it so? Is_this the kmd of economy that 15 ms: and proï¬table? Is it doing our full duty to our loved ones? We wouldn’t think of buying the lowest priced eggs in thc market just for 3m ELK-6f wccéggomy. We woï¬ld feel that because they were cheap they would be good eggs to avoid. The low price would give us a suspicion of their fres '- ‘ ‘ ‘ " f 7 _ “I J '1 v..-â€" nacs aniâ€"duâ€"avlity, ‘Nonc of us would want to cconomisc by buying eggs marked ten cents a dozen. ‘ But when it comes to flour, for example, we may be tempted to buy the second best instead of the best because of the few pennies difference in price. We may think that economy in flour is different from economy in eggs. But it isn’t. The principle is the same. The difference in cost between theAbest flour in the world and ordinary flour is so little that in justice to our responsibility as wives and mothers we can not aj'ord to take c/zamw. Royal Household Flour NORTHWEST NEED MIEN._ The farmers of Alberta. Saskatch- ewan and Manitoba are worried over the labor outlook. With 14,850,000 acres under crop this season. it in going to be a ditï¬cult task to get men enough to handle the grain. La.- lmr is the greatest probIem with which the farmers of the Northwest have to content, but the situation will have to be met and grappled with in some manner. Gener‘" A1 Hospital. is going to New- !oundland to take charge of a. hos- pital at a galarv ‘0! {5000 par un- hum. Dr. Jamiaofl at one time ut- tended the Lindsay L.C.I.. and gain- ed 9 host. of friends in Lindsay. PAYS THE PENALTY. Peterboro, Ont., June 23.â€"Robert Henderson, the murderer of Miss Manpherson. of Norwood in January lust, wa‘s hanged hero ‘ this melting at 7.02 o'clock. Henderson retired at 10.80 last night and slept «n, being awakened at 5.80 this morn- ing. 83 aid good-byeAto all. and thanked the jail omcmlu tor their kindness to‘him during his imprison- ment. and walkaa to the gallows without numbing. Rev. Canon Dov- idson walked with the prisoner ro- und trust. Hangman Eula pulled the lover and the door dropped at two mm- put mm. m heart action suppod‘tt 7.11. Hendmon'a neck was blow by the tall. nobodlesottwomenkmed in thocompoootthaQnobecbridgein August. 1907. were found My plan m was being moved. “I“ new vvvvv "â€"7 From every point of view l Royal Household Flour is more economical than any other. It produces more loaves to the barrel. It is richest in food value. It is more uniform. It is best for Pastry as well as Bread and yields more baked product in either bread or pastry than any other flour. ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR furnishes more nourishment, more real food value per pound and per penny’s worth than any other flour in the world. The acme of economy in flour buying is to use only “ Royal Household.†Best for Bread. Best for Pastry._ Most uni- f2:1;1.VMB-s;;>;r§ea. Best and'cheapect for health and happiness of the entire family. The Newest and The favored song this season is e novelty conception, entitled “ I’ve Got the Time; I‘ve Got“ the Place. but. It's Hard to Find the Gir ." No matter where one wanders. he's bound to hear the strains of this song. either . whistled. played or The advent of summer usually brings an unusual number of so-call- ed popular songs to our great metro- politan city. and this year has prov- en no exception to that rule, which stands out prominently from the rest and which. for a time at least seems to hold sway with all the bands, or- chestras. singers and. in fact, with everybody in any way musical. yet. sun}; the only fortunate point being that. the tarrible hand organ man hasn't started to flat! it, out as ' Thenita-sotthis songm s. B. Henry and Ballard Mound, whose names are well known in the world of popular music, for they are the authors at much m u .“ Down at the Huskln‘ Bee," " I Wish I Had My Old Girl Back Again." " When It's Homllght on thorPrairle." "Down lg Yucatan" March and a number at other. equally well known. T. P. O'Connor my: the feeling is undng British politicians M pace “almost in sight. August A. Busch, vice-president of tho BM Brewing Corporation, is to build I/ “.000 house on the old Gm Grant tum near St. Louis. Jane. A. Potter: 0! Chicago, the Cotton King. om! seven other men inthumnu-ty Inthooottonmar: hot hon bun indicted by 0., special d - - mi BI lave boa: indicted by I. Ipocm mm _or violating the Bhemu} hum-m“ ' 1;â€: ‘s}"opm""’ £133? "Fad, to coma- tho supply or nw cotton. Latest Song played or point being orgtn man 1, out n rareS.R. J. 8. Br: If you are Wanm‘ of the above it 'u“ you to come 1'†in plain and ““31 I A full line of I have plush an rage in}. plush and fa ncy " rugs in several PM which I have marked “7. JUNE so Clearing W SPECIAL SM Also a qantiW Um. â€" A WELL FA“ FOR SALE.-â€"I 2. flavors, contain 100 acres cleared. a 4 yds. wide linuh flonl blOCk and reg. 55c sq. yd., sul :50 dose our plum \ HY hung July anu Augu P- Iv 811811), Satuxwiilf 314 yds. in crimson fawn grounds, reg. 950, reg. 12.50, sale ï¬che town of I Entire S m, hemlock, spruce] wood and balsam sxvun [art clay loam and s 11-81: are on the pr: {mo dwellings, fume 50. nu nine-ft. 51mm M of good Spring seven teet depth. 'l‘h flu streams wrung swamp. A190 100 acr less. t-c’ng S. ‘3 lot 21. an. cured, and mm oak and pine. Both fa W cue and one- half and: and store, loss miles to school. Reasq I08. ill health. Inspect. My t0 Geo. A. Thou Etna Ont. ‘ We the undersi J. W. Wakely B; J. Cough J. Homr In W; McGuï¬L; I. Sutclifl'e 8; E ,1. J. Carter Pandas F12“ EARLY CLO 53rd YEAR. Oil Sons ï¬nds SCI‘C UH