nrthimï¬ to time the made of the Various L wxli lw seen in Llnduy m- In“ n and county to hm um! it hehoves ovary . , ., ,- culvndur thusly: “I will “A hm nonunion Day for th. w ‘e mum active commng~17'* “ark arranzimr for a m Ms, games and pastime. mg 'gmntz-r than owr sum ‘ .1 Miles slew.\'l'l‘I-IRS. hr mum of James McWat’.uu_ a ;;,. “mum, on Monday. Jun. 8. “V.†J mun-u who had mm nllngr fur almost. half 3 a... f. and um- "! the oldest. mm Jn‘ umnship. The late Mr. .13.. turn hm! never expenencod W “â€3 vllm-ss am: at the mam. [h was almost 100 you-s a“. ?"l-“ new years and 5 months. Up fl t‘m- inst he was in very good H'n, h» death bï¬ing attributed to u- latu \Ir “flutters for M‘- ‘Pwed the occupation of harness ’m‘ and u. as widely m: bughour th? collntB). He was. ‘mer of th» Methodist church. an; inn arm-Ht member of the Oran36 v dccnased gen’leman is survivé y twu DOVS and four girls. The) ai u'. H take place on Wednesday: 0 'clnck interment in the Litt‘ rv patriotic Canadian to and instill in r-‘he )a» the vastness and Jetter dav he Admncement Club 0! 1g Doings in Lindsay Dominion- 7 Cbmmiwonu‘, to: , acessor to 'McDiarmid a Weakg; lg removed their businela to my‘ oflice, opposite Watchman-Inmj Kent-3t. Phone 11. Imam Real Estate in all its branching 'KINS WEEKS 809m. deters. Solicitors. Rotunda-fl icitors (or the Bank VI Montreal 5; to loan at lowest ratea. Of- 6 leliam 3: south, Lindsay, Branch ofï¬ce at Wbodhn’c'. ‘.Hopkins. KC. C. E. Weeks. ‘ Holmes Hopkins. B.A.. LL.D. p traditional 1'00! and his W :ky eurr to have got togmr a! hrs: placr. many Du bl )mioion Day at M inter. Solicitor. Notgry Fulani, my, JUNE 6, 19m. in mner lself .xm 1‘] VJ. pro LEIGH R. KRIOH‘I' A n neiery ()BI'I‘I'ARY ......,.. â€W? mes thnt till? ' .empted '- nounw nus lentum: lax Mï¬â€˜j to Mt m vex-3v citing; The Felix“ F wear the three eyelet @116) Smart lookingfeg .Q quality, all sizes Mcney saviag Sale mo 175 pair lot, a special in eqlorgd 30w shoes, madein one of the newest styles for thié season’s You can’t make a better paying investment than_to shoe up the entire family while these out prices are on want the money that’s investedin our Spring and Summer Shoes. That’s all there is to the story. Root out do so much for so little. Can you stay away frompthese prices ? Good bye to Spring and Summer Footwear while there is still plenty of weari Patent Leather Footwear. The selling time is-growing shortand we shall at once Misses' and Children’s Shoes and we shall cut so deep that shoes will move out of O’Loughlin McIntyre 50 ins Panama, splendid hard wearing Dress Goods, (made by the best English makers, the dyes are of the best English quality and they have the para anent ï¬nish 50 in black and navy only, at per yard .................. c You will get no better: Hose, Gloves or corsets any- where than at We have just received a shipment of those superb, all wool French voiles, ï¬ne and medium mesh, crisp ï¬nish that will not crush or break, best possible dye and ï¬nish I 00 '10:} \alues at per yard 50c, 75c and ............... Every lady in the county should have a. white marquio- cue Iress--,beantiful soft clinging marquisette at per 50 )3rd, 20c, 3‘) to......I..J.'....O‘.."...... ..... .I........ c Woman‘s long silk ï¬nished gloves, open at wrist 3 5 biack or white, bargain price ........ . ..... ........... c This material, as the name implies is a very strong fab- x-ic .~;:e:cially made for boys‘ suits, blouses, also for nurses’ ;:.~ifc.rm~a etc, fast cclors and practically indestrucn- 206 â€)it.‘ at l)er 3'8rd...... uvco-o QIOOOQOII .on-.o‘--‘-ooclooouno dark from Amongut our fully up-bo-date stock of waeh fabric. will be faund wary popular demanded weave, conspicuous mnnn_vst these being the very popular Ratine voiles in ï¬ne pink and white, blue and white and white and black 40.. mt}: borders to match at per yard. ...... .l W... b Cash and WHITE MARQUISBTTB HARDMERB GALE’I‘EE Dainty French vbiles in plain, black, black stripes, greys, light greys and pale shades at per yard 45c 25c to .cnuuau col-0.010 no... 000...... BLACK VOILBS WASH FABRICS SECTION ONE Women’s Choco- late Oxfords 200 pair Men’s Patent leather low shoes it has the newest high knob toe so pop- ular with young men; sizes 6 to 81; reg $3, noney l 99 saving sale price... . The new 3 eyelet Tie One Price. 75 pair lot Men's Boots, Patent leather- and Velour- ealf:zkin, new 139% And . shape ï¬lm has exeelleat skyle and ï¬tting qualities 396336“ walked 58M: Haney Saving Sale Price (‘ounty Clérk J. R. McNeillie at the opening presented Warden Steele I The June session of the county with a. new gown. The history M I council washeld in the county coun- ;the old one appeared in The Warder ’cil chambee on Tuesday of last'columns same months ago so it iweek. All members were pre-gwould be superfluous to make any 50m, namely: Messrs. Warden Jas. 'more mention of the antiquated gar- Stec-le, J. A. Richman, A. E. Bot- fment. which has been east away 102 um, Isaac H. Fee, Duncan Tolmie. :mingle with other relics after its 50 Dr. Sims, 4. J. Southern, A. 0. years of service. i Babcock, M. J. Lewis. Hugil Dob-; The members all applauded the arm, J. I. Michael, R. J. Mulligan. ' W .v'den as Mr. McNeillie placed the .1-.s. Robertson, A. Morrison. J. J. 'silk garment upon his shoulders. . De‘v'itt, Jes. Graham, Wm. Hill and The Warden in bi; usgal. happy - Wm 3 McKee. ’ manner thanked the members for the (‘ounty Clerk J. R. McNeillie at new gown, and expressed his pleas-I ‘ A deputation was appointed last vear to join wieh others in inter- viewing the Government of Ontario relative to provision being made by the province for the betterment of consumptives. Owing to delays consequent on the elections, the depu- tation was not called until after the January sessiOn. I deemed it to be advisable that the county should be County Council Inspect Hospital-and Refuge | In obedience to your nstructions the members appointed at the Jan- nary eession to represent the county on the proxincial deputation to in- terVie“ the premier of Canada and his cabinet on the question of Fed- eral aid for the construction of roads, visited Ottawa. The depu- tation were aï¬orded a. very cordial reception, and deï¬nite assurance of generous assistance was given by the premier. MW+W+MWH+HH W Every Shoe Must go at Once! while there is still plenty of wearing time for Our Summez Shoes, Oxfords, Tan 95 pair Women’s Low Shoes DECIDED BAR- GAIN. Select quality of Vici kid, bright ï¬nish and always dressy. This'atyle oxford is suitable for the house or street wear, neat and perfect ï¬tting. Mon- ?‘L..§‘f‘.’f§‘§..§?§? 1.35 lINDSW, ONL, ‘lflURSIMY. JUNE l3 19l2 ‘wlth a new gown. The history 01 the old one appeared in The Warder columns same months ago so it would be superfluous to make any more mention of the antiquated gar- ment. whiCh has been Cast away 103 mingle with other relics after its 50 years of service. represented and therefore attended with several other members whom I requested to accompany me. The deputation u-as‘receiVed by the pro- vincial secretary who accorded a. con- siderable hearing to your warden and the others who joined in pre- senting the question. The Govern- ment is prepared to continue the as- sistance piready given to the insti- tutions which have been established in various parts of the province, but WARDEN JAS. STEELE. and board of management of venous Who donned the new gown of omoe committed to these institutions has Tuesday. His address to the coun- been made stringent and eflective ty ’council will he found in this' The salaries of inspectors of issue. schools. the maximum of which up â€"â€"â€" to the end of the year 1911 was represented and therefore attended :1, 700 per annum. payable one-half uith sexeral other members whom I‘ each by the province and the county, requested to accompam me. The Ihave been increased .30 6‘1, 800 for the deputation was-received by the pro- {present year and are to be increased Vincial secretary who accorded a. com 8100 per annum until the new maxi- siderable hearing to your warden mum of 82,000 is washed. at having the proud dismal-on 200 pair lot of Children’s Patent Leather, Tan and Chocolate Low Shoes and Ankle Strap. There is he other style of summer fonts we“ as heat and dressy as this pretty shoe. Wank 301.23. All 333941.910; Meney Saving sale “- _ I once cut the prices 611 ‘all our lines of Men's, Women’s, Boys’ out of our store in a jiï¬â€™y. hile these out prices are on. Do it immediately. We simply is to the story. Root out the old pocket book when it can of being the ï¬rm, Warden who don‘ ned the mantle which showed anth- ority and dignity of ofï¬ce. '2he speaker said it was with pleasurable pride that he looked upon his col- leagues in omce, and to see them all in their respective places ready. as always, to serve their township and the county in its best int!!‘~.‘8‘.8. The Warden spoke at some length on the duties which devolve on such a‘ ibody, and reminded them that the great essential was to do their duty honestly and conscientiously with- out dread of what the ratepayer or public might say concerning their strick adherence, and justice to all with special favors to none. The speaker said there was one member of this body he was especially glad to see present and that was our eshemedclerk, Mr. J. R. McNeillie. A number of documents will be submitted for your consideration. I have the honor to be. gentlemen, your obedient servant, (Sgd.) J AMES STEELE. Warden. Size 11 to 2, ‘iale “rice «in... ......nnn Size 3 price .. 100 pair 101: of Mieaes and Children’s Bare- foot Sandals on Sale Ideal for Summer for hot weather, so open and so cool. Soft tan leathers, hand turned soles. Obi... boo... Store, ......... 79° to 10, sale PAGES Ito 4 On motion of Coun. Lewis and Bnbcock the members adjourned to Wednesday morning at 10.30. Aver the adjournment the mem- bers and county clerk, Mr. McNeillie. visited the Ross Memorial Hospital where they were greeted by Miss On motion of Dr. Sims. seconded by Conn. Dobson. the communica- tions were referred to The appropria- tion committee. Clerk McNeillie read the various communications received during the put six months, which consisted at the usual style of those letters, ask- ing for grunts and consideration. commiciees. 'I‘ho Warden next read the address. Moved by Coun. Michael and sec- onded by Coun. Southern that the various parts or the Warden's ad- The minutes of the last, maeting, on a. motion 0! Dovitt md Steele were gdopted as read. ‘ Ir. HoNdllie in his usual masterly manner. Naked the Warden {or the new kind We concerning his poeitlou in omce. end seid he 'll pleased to be amongst the coun- pillow and to meet them ell once more in their ouch! capacity. He um.- "I thank you all very much {or the kind feeling you bear to- ward me. and we elevating remarks of our worthy friend. Warden Steele." {aw at to main with the county sad the the minutiae and recene tint Which his you! of valued ex- pel-knee now entitle. him; to be considered one of the tonmost coun- ty clerk- ln the Province of Ontario. Th. Warden expat-ed s wish that this valued once: would main (or my you: to an the position. “:0th knew was ousted greater mam-gum for his canines, but LINDSAY BRANCH, _..- __._-.._ .. "â€" â€"..r.. rm w. n. In“ "It“ mm". c. A. Mr. m w. Clam-I pull up. 04.1mm mm “.700â€. ToU M (70,000,000 m m onus Farmers. Trader: 1nd Municipal and other Corporations. unsurpassed banking faculties. Banking maybeumctedby mails: anbe FM' Sale Note: collected. mm;mn:..m AA__A_ ". O. HAM mm. canvas covered, heavy dome leather straps riv- eted to sheet iron bottom, site 34. Homer “flag sale prim; very much like real leather built on a strong frame, brass lock. 22 inch $1.25 THE MMIIIOI BANK retort-ed to the different 04.00 buys this strongly ham trunk squnre top â€"’ 'm' Special Value in 52 Kent St. Llnduy 24 inch $1.35 This case is made up from leatherette and looks KEEFER.-â€"On Wednesday, May 29, 1912, at. Smnac Luke. N. Y.. Ralph Delamene. second son of the late R. W. Keefer, of Toronto, in his 28th year. Funeral at, Otta- that the very best of treatment the institute could anord was tendered thou. The councillors seemed satisâ€" ï¬ed with the methods employed in running the farm as well as the in- ner workings of the institute. The outhiildinga were not inspected as it wu needless to do this, all cattle were out on pasture and the build- ing-I are in good condition. After conversing with 'he inmates {loin their respective localities the august body returned to town perfectly sot- ioiled that the poor and indigent 0: our county are well l‘ooked after. m them to the large waiting room on the left hand side of the main entrance, where each signed the visitors register. A look through the building disclosed the fact that mined attention in detail was giv- en this institute. The old people looked with surprise at the visitors viho on being questioned, testified Alter takin¢ a. look through an, mmdent building. inspecting the openting roam and nurses' home. the mm named for the House of W. when they were met by the superintendent. Mr. Robertson. end hie wife. Here again the clerk went through the pleasant ordenl o! introducing the council to tho lady and gentleman in charge, who institution. Alter twittering the men were tak- en ‘11 through the spacious building which is scrupulously clean and all pstlenu seemingly huppy. corners, “to outside ROBERT ROSS, L00 PER YEAR Calf ‘and 26 inch $1.45 luperintendent o! DEATHS