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Watchman Warder (1899), 27 Jun 1912, p. 10

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PETER KENNEDY-“MA Winnipeg and Rétumâ€"S34.00 Edmonton and Returnâ€"$42.00 Tickets good for 60 days Special train will leave Toronto 10.30 pm. on above dates carrying Through Coaches and Pullman Tournst Sleeping Cars via Chicago and St, Paul. 89 CHANGE OF 9183 Zecf Ir'cxm Homeseekers Excursions JUNE 25, JULY 9 and 25 an] every second Tuesday thereafter until September 17m via. Sarnia. or Chicago \V. HATS FUR EVERYONE Miss Mitchell has a large stock of (xCo-ptionally good hats for sale, and for sale cheap. Large stack to se- JULY 1 ‘ RETURN LIMIT JULY 3,1912 Single Fare for Round Trip Between all stations in Canada. GOOD GOING JUNE 28, 29, 30 BAN K1853 of CANADA 3”? ww Eyesight Specialistâ€"t 92 Kent-st.,aver Neill 3 Shoe Store Eyeglasses repaized. Broken Lenses replaced are adopted by us when making tests of your eyesight. IL is not our aim to see how hurriedly and cheap- ly we can fit you with glasses, but how well at reasonable pli685. Consult us about yoar glasses, Children's eyes a specialty Dominion Day Mac Na hb. M. B. ANNIS quhp PAGE TEN. Fm. (Minimum rate 25c) Consult your banker about your financial at. fairs and investments. Your bank will not dbcour. age you fl‘om making a. profitable investment be- cause it is the business of a. bank to lend 130:; on any acceptable security, and if what you ' to invest in is good enough for the bank, You will, of course, be recommended to take it. But if you put your money into something that is net an ac- centeble security, P1901} 1°11 ‘fielun” your. tomatoes an?! deprive youi-Self of Ehe cmdit ihit might other- wise be extended to you. TORONTO 1m 11’s; garci'ular» Exam iuuess ..... Agent, Phong 11K WMost Mod- ern Methods Does that mean that “'ill you ,cheer - ful . say “Well yes, per- haps.” Be - 033130 I hap - pen to wear a skirt teach us what to do. Well then, no mat - ter what I may ask then I rue, Can I sev- 61"th knot in two? As strict -ly mor - 8:1 chap: love, you see, You're now tak-ing your first de-gree. We’d like to learn from you; ...Deoot Agent Presented by Sam S. and Lee Shubert, Inc. Casino Theatre, New York City ‘ Words by MATTHEW WOODWARD Music by JEROME KERN ' 8 Sam. Love Is Like A Little Rubber Band Copyright, MCMXI, by T. B. HARMS FRANCIS, DAY 3; HUNTER, New York International Copyright Secured All performing and other rights reserved Used by permission, MURRAY MUSIC (70.. New York “ THE KISS WALTZ ” The report, of the advisory com- mittee as read by Mr. Jackson at thv- meeting of the school! board on Tuesday night recommended that the following- teachers be engaged: Misc Stella Staples. of Bethany, was ap- pointed at a salary of 8500. Miss 1,. Bell, of Florence. at. a salary 01 3500: Miss Cogan. of Latchford, at a. salary of $500, and MiSs Voaden, of St. Thomas, at $450. Mrs. J5 Hyndman, 26 Newton-st. Q’ctawa, Ont, says: " I take great. pleasure in recommending Dr. Hen- derson's Herb Tablets, Hon-Tan “imment and Infantile Tablets. Two months ago my baby of seven nmnths was sufiering with a scabby ringworm on his head, I bought a box of Hon-Tan Ointment from your agent, Mrs. Drew, and in less than a. week it was cured. I also giVe ba- by the Infantile Tablets, and they save me a. lot of worry and I shall never be without them." Skin diseases are almost invariab- ly due to impure blood, which is poiSOned by inactive kidneys and a sluggish liver. In such cases the skin has been trying to do the work of the liver and kidneys in throwing on' the “ tissue waste ” of the blood and it breaks down, resulting in Scoriula, Eczema, Sores, Black Heads, l'lcers, etc. The continued use 02’ Henderson’- Herb Tablets, taken every 'night according to di~ rections in conjunctiOn with Hou- 'I'an Ointment. will heal the diseased Skin and remove the cause of the disease. Sung by ELSA RYAN in the New Viennese Operetta Dr. Hnnderson’s Herb Treatment and Hon-Tan Ointment are for sale at Duncan's Drug store at 50c and $1 ‘1‘}? box. TEACHERS ENGAGED Dr. Henderson’s Herb Treatment I must not flirt ? 1y do the task? Sono. five cheese were boarded at the meeting of the Peter-bore board. Mr. Cook took several factories at 12 9-16 cents. Mr. Morton bonght East Emily at the same price and other factories at 12 9-16 cults. At 12 11-16 cents an. Flaveile bought Keene, Wax-minister. Omohde and Young's Point». Thu bidding opened a}. 12} cents. . .o PETERBORO CHEESE BOARD. .' New Strength For } Nursing Mothers There is no woman. no matter what her station in life, who will not enjoy better health if she occa- sionally for-titles her blood through the use of 11'. Williams’ Pink Pills. The pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be had by mail at. 50 cents a. box or six boxes‘ for $2.50; from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00. Brpckville, Ont. used I was like a diflerent woman. My appetite returned ; I regained my strength, and the work about the house no longer bothered me. As the result of my experiences I would strongly urge all weak women and nursing mothers to use Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills." ' Aching backs, tired limbs, attacks of faintness, headaches and back- aches need not be a part of woman's life. There are times when her blood needs special attention, and this times are indicated by one or more of the above symptoms. It is at Such times that Dr. Williams: Pink Pills are worth their weight in gold to women for they actually make the rich, red health-giving blood which makes weak, tired, despondent women, actiVe and strong, and feel- ing equal to all their household dutg‘es. Such a. suflerer was Mrs. William Sullivan, Main River,.N.B.. who says: “I am writing to ac- knowledge the great good I receiVed through Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. After my baby was born last sum- mer I wal so run down that life was really a burden. I had to drag my- self about to do my housework, and eVery moment was one of Irial. It I went upstairs I would be breathless and tired out. and my heart would palpitate violently, and I would have a feeling as Ihough I was smothering. My appetite was poor. and my baby was suflering from my weakness. I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and got six boxes, and before they were all quite ACHING BACKS AN D TIRED LIMBS NEED NOT BE ENDUR- Two thousand, nine hundred and the col -lega \'n_ 30 Court of Revision was held at. Ca.- vana's Hall, Victoria. Road, on May 25. List. of appeals and the changes made by the court : H. Dav- Bexley Court of Revision And Council 9y. M two bUSi cm; W. J. Chirpaw $1,500, confirmed ; a severe shaking up, in addition to injuries from which he is still lame. He will not Soon forget his exper- ience in the wreck and his narrow escape from what might have been 9 personal fatality. Peterboro Examiner: Mr. John Spence, conductor on the C. G. E. line car of the Radial Railway, re- turned to work toâ€"day for the first time since the G.'P.R. wreck, a week ago Saturday night, above Lindsay. Mr. Spence was in the car in which Mrs. BabCOCR was killed and ceceived MR. SPEN(‘I~I'S IN-II'RIES. Children Cry ' ron nmnsn's >ASTORIA DUNDAS 8: FLAVEILES, Limited SUMMER UNDERWEARâ€"Two piece and combination, in medium fine qualities, mericized, linen, silk, wool and balbriggan. 500“ 1,50 NEW SUMMER SHIRTSâ€"You will be absolutely comfortable and correctly dressed in the New W. G. R outing shirts, made with soft cuffs and collars, and can be worn equally as well with linen collars You’ll want a new has for the holiday and you’ll find it in our stock. The new sailor in fine and rough edge straw, the new panama and new soft felts are ready for you. You are sure of getting the particular hat you want. Prices from Wear our clothes. Never has our stock of Men s Suits embraced a more varied range of styles, and fabrics in garments that reflect in every detail the highest skill 1n tailoring. In fact it shows that our clothing is still in the lead. $10, $12 and $15 are popular prices .{ appeals and the the court : H. Davâ€" business, rpduced to ’paw, asséned for zed: Mark Sears. Be a Welll-Dressed Man Next Monday, July ist. CLOTHING DEPIRMRT John IL E. first week ‘dsay. which eived 1 to lame. ,xper- erow been Pearce, over-charged on acres of land, reCtified ; W. J. Mitwell, as- sessed at. $700. reduced to $500 ; Sir William McKenzie, assessed $20,- 000, reduced to $15,000; Kirkfield Protestant Cemetery, assessed $39,â€" 150, reduced to $34,400. Business assessment of $100 was ordered to be put on Peter Sinclair, which was omitted. The Court adjourned to May 31. All the methbers went in the forenoon to inspect W. J. Mit- chell’s and Sir William McKenzie's _ properties. 1 show. Moved by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Benson, that the N. pts. 0! lots 1 and 2 be detached 1mm No. 6 and attached to No! 9.â€"Cmied. O Council proCeedings were a: fol- lows: Moved by Mr. Black. second- ed by Mr. Benmn, that the following amounts be paid: Pat. Fitzgerald, {or repairing washout; on Victoria. Road, 812 : Wm. McKamey for 21 loads of gravel $2.10; Fred \"eddis repairing road, $2 ; J. J. Montgom- ery, bonus on 40 rods of wire fence. ‘6: J. S. Black, wages 32; James Bell. repairing road 89 ; A. Taylor, clerk. part of salary, 836 ; J. A. cussed by trustees of both sections. Mk. W. J. Mitchell has since ap- pealed to the Judge against the de- cision of the Court 01 ReVision on his and Sir William McKenzie's ap- peal . Arthur Filder, withdrawn ; R. H. Tenders for the purchase of the 1 Love 750 to $3.50 $1 to $12 But in its use you know, like lit -flo lit -tle Moved by Mr. Lytle. seconded by Mr. Carl, that, .108. H. Black, xn. Smith and David Wright be com- mhslonen to “M Government and by-hw money $500 on Base line, 8200 on Day! road, and $200 on Lake Shore road.â€"Cmied. The meeting then adjourned to meet on the 15th of August at Cobb- conk. Application of trustees of S. S. No. 9 to get Fred Weddis' property from school section No. 6 was dis- $4.000 Bexley debentures were open- ed n-om {our Toronto brokers. The he!“ otter was $3,931 with accrued interest. Tenders not accepted. By-law No. 425 to charge circuses and other shows license tees was read three times and passed. The clerk was instructed to order fiVe cement culverts. On motion of Mr. Lytle. seconded by Mr. Carl, the following grants were made for the roads: $60 for Junction mad, $25 Base line, James Bell. Com.; $100 on con. 2, $25 on boundary. Laxton to give same; $25 on Beat 14. G. J. Peel, com.; 8200 for Coboconk; $50 for \‘ic'or- ia Road; 850 on Cameron road, Chris. Moore, Com.-â€"Cmied. Richman, repairing road $1.50; ex- penses to Lindsay, $3.50; H. I’Iawy repairing sidewalk $2.â€"Carried. gal - den to A . TAYIDR. Clerk. stay you Used Worn for ‘IP bind - ing, on the nev - er '82 'lhe increase in twin 1: a ‘ 1.; is 0 m months and the car. ‘tu'l'buuble’ to a large at r“, 17 ‘30 houue “3- This is aim) true 0‘ m VI-I'ious diarrhoea dim-(mm 4f 27'" wt. ‘9‘! children in Um >..mm€7 month" ‘5': the latest rri-HI 0” “‘ ‘y- The M.H.r~j: 1,3 or Ming Pm for flies ; umfi'. a.” flu in your house; don't mm W Places for aid: ; don". M .w an food, apecmlly mllk ; “t buy ‘0“ or confeCtiomry that h. m dame-ed to flies :. don‘t a‘ "h. k “‘9 w; M in 0! HOPKIIS WEEKS HOE Barium, Solicitors. Not 1" Solicifiors for the Bank t: . - Honey to loan at. lowest r:..' ”A 6 William-st. south, ' fit. Bruwh office at. \'~ - G.H.Hopkim, K.C. v 1-; Fred Holmes Hopkins. R A. Dflm. Solicitor. flotary I abli. Commissioner. ac Sumo:- to McDiarmid “fiwu. ““38 "DOV“ their busimh- ' my “er“ own once, opposite Wan-haw ' or, Kent-st. Phone 41. "' " and Ben Baum: In all its 'mn "SWAT .THE FLY." Single Fm Between all nations in (luzmia Pout Arthur and East. Good going Jun. 28. 29. 30. July 1. Return Limit. July 3. BOMBEEKER’S EXCURSIONS Return limit on «lap Through Tourist. Shaping Can u for Homo-coke!"- Pamphlet Winnipeg Exhibition Jul; iv ~ m 20th. 1912 WINNING and RETURN. â€" 35W EDMONTON and RETURN, 542m but and Fort William The Steamer Manitoba sailing: from Port \lcNicoll “'eduesdav wail ml) at Owen Sound leaving ‘lhat yuuint at 10.30 Jun. 25. July 9 and "3’ uni every second Tuesday .ntil “pt 11 tum-iv. haves Toronto 12.45 on Sailing Jays making direct connecxiun wizh Steamers at; Port Mexicn‘.‘ Proporgiopate rates to nth»: ; UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION Steamers leave Port McNicoll Mondays. Tuesdays. Wednesdays Thursdays. Saturdays at. 4 pm. for Saulc Ste. Marie. Port Art STEAMSHIP EXPRESS '1‘. C. MATCBE‘I‘T. Agl'r (Minimum Rate of :17» LIIGH R. KNIGHT you must DOMINION DAY diarrhoea dxsmSW t" children in this *4“ s the latest rem” The 31,1113]; 1:1 In for flies ; 00““ “‘ ham-n, - don't allow I] HOPKINS Marie: C“ g'f M‘ Lire“ 9!}va A Iouochold R CHEESE BOARD. The first meet an: County Cheese Hoar day morning, when Here bonded. Bun 0d the bulk at 12; 1“Die also securing Dr. Morne’s Indigo Root Ctmbray, Jun" Wing of the ( an the Wanen's 1mm 3 feet wide ant: feet of space 15 G. ‘An it‘t' ht» 100‘: wide and ‘. walnut-nth, in blocks, car} 3. “'hut, L. m o! a piec» . M a fight-hand. two shorter .wa Old 9,76 chun.‘ 'Q- Gluing mu k.- 1. A merchant :1 mt per Ctnt. pru A.â€"17§ per cc-nv, 2. In 3, rural 944" 01 $1,000 is to u- dmticm of H14- OoctiOn is $2501“- the tax on th-- 11.“: A" u: hr. hm pru: ed to:- $1,800, \. Here is ‘ cap} 0! *5).- amnution in Arnhmw- “Wins: the pup'm n [V this week. 101 MM- chaln and so» u’ :n-- Ollie answers a~ :j'u- ‘ The Waiter (at QC!!! meet the need whicl lnaes In every family for a hogan up and regulate th Not on] are they efiecti‘ Mdéonstipation, but 1 AND P. - BY I am now well my store every day and all say “Thank God '. for AI. These two cases 5 : fluttered nervous syst Constipationâ€"4nd in com one medicine in the who 50C. 1 box. 6 for‘ ofpricc by Fruit-a-tivcl I It is the only met addition of valuable Ionics gadfying rank: when tal “I am unable to sa‘ tutored me to health, w fled to do anything mo I make of Paralysis in M this left me unable to wal and the constipation of terrible. Nothing did m I wan wretched in every I took “Fruit-a-tives" for and it not only cured m but gradually this fruit the nerves and actually Under theme of “Fruit- itrongcr and stronger un and weakness left me. “‘1 have been in V my townsmcn know that '8 extreme Denim to commence using “Fr: but continue using “ Fm 'vGreat Co Happiness Fruit Juice "thinking upa C Wing out t THURSDAY, .l- ‘L‘l- Iccm (‘A‘M Entra Homesl "18"

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