FLEIE'I'WOOD. 'lâ€"‘Ieetwood, June :24. - Owing to! the nice warm weather-~01†late the grain is showing some improvement.“ my win be \en scarce as it. “ill ~ not, be half a. crop. Peas in general , will be so short that it. will be in»! possible to harvest them properly. Any ï¬elds of fall wheat that. came out good are Iboking ï¬ne. ' mastic. who passed away at the Boss Hemoï¬al Hospital on Mon- slI-y. took place Wednesday after- noon to Riverside cemetery and was largely attended by relatives and the late )Irs. Paquette, who was in in 33rd year, was a. daughter of 1* late Robt. Menzies, oi Penelon ï¬ns. She leaves behind her to man: her loss a sorrowing husband and three little children, as well as Mr- Wm. Bate, pbstmaster and mam! morchant, is'undcr the wea- ther, but we hope to see him about min shortly. IDES. THOS. PAQUE'I'I‘E. ï¬e funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. loathe. who passed away at the The Blue Serge Suit There in nothing that will take the: place of the. BLUE 216E .“(HERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM. We (lee-ire to call the attention of patents to our ‘ionnr wear CLOTH ‘.8 made of long wea? cloths, by Boys Tailors who know how to put together Boy’s Clothes that w. [I rive long and pleasing wear. There Is nothin 1 that will take the plqco of the BLUE SERGE SUIT for SUMMER COMFQRTâ€"Itg the ideal Suit for warm weather The SERGE SUIT slips on so easily; feels so cool on the warmest dav; looks so cool; and nev r irritates by losing it a shapeâ€"- 1300 well tailored for that. The fabrvcs- are ï¬ne twilled. 30M and seniceable. The Blues are deep rich and permanent The Suits haw,» the «!i~tiuctiveness and chararter of custom made C1 0 1‘ H 155‘ became they’ ve gone through the 2:3me z ~in2 .kinz pvt-922 nf product on. - . . OBITUARY. . J. G‘OUGH $3, $10. $12 to $20 Single Garments 250, 35c, 50c to $2 BOY’S CLOTHING The directors of the L-indsav Cen- tral Fair are good adxertioers, and following the example of a number of other managements 01‘ the big fairs, Ihey purchased a. trade mark stémp. for stamping letters, which they have installed in the Lindsay post otfxce. On every letter coming in and going out: hi the local ‘pdst ofï¬ce is stamped the following: “ Lindsay Central Exhibition, Sept. 19-21,1912.†1 Lindsay Central Advertised on Similar- stamps are being used advertising the ’Iforpnto exhibition, and fairs at -Edmonton, Ottawa, London and other places: her mother, thre esiszprs and ï¬ve brothers: Mrs. S. Sharpe, Fenelon Falls; Mrs. 8. Logan, Guelph; Mrs. Robson, Madoc; Robt†John, Arch- ie and Alber‘s Menzxee of Feneloxi Falls. Alex, of Haileybury‘, and Thomas .01 rWashington. ' Look at these splendid SUITS â€" examine them and then match them else- where if you can. These SUITS are the pride of our store and the comfdrt of PARENTS: Our stock of undergarments is so complete that you need but name the sort which comfort demand»; no matter what size, weave, or cut. The prices are just right in every instance. Drawers, regular and stout sizes. knee or full length. Shirts, coat and conventional models with long, slim or athletic sleevn . . Fabriceâ€"nainsook, muslin, li~lo, balbriggan. linen, mesh, cotton, natural wool and silk. We have no nee-7! to argue underwear with you. ' Thedeslzns are not nf the ordinary sort. Stripei predominate this seasUu, though there are many ratterns in new!) ï¬gure desigm. The materiais are of the best. quality Madras, ‘.ambr1c's and Females; the cuffs are at!- tached or detachtd an you prefer. Our Ads, inn tine to time, reflect th: good things we but it offer and we fear neither scrutiny or comprise. The Coat Shirt is Sort of Irresistahlc SUMMER UNDERWEAR - all Letters 69c to $250 A ï¬re started in M123. Bryant's mill vard last week but some one :saw 1; in time before much hum iiione. It kept the then up from 2 o'clock in ' the 'moming until “six ï¬ghting ï¬re. we were all very saw to say farewell to Captain Beck, who has been with us so long, but as he NOBLAND. Norland, June 24.â€"'I‘he Vows from here arrived back sale- and' sound on Friday evening {rm Barb rieï¬eld, Kingston- Miss Pearl LeCraw has returned, after spending the winter in Toron- to. ‘ Mr.’McWiHiams’ and his grand- daughter, Miss Ena Hunter, spent Sunday with friends in this Village. Mr. Hays and Mrs. Sharp. who have been repairing the slide, have returned home. They were accom- panied by Mrs. Hays. Miss Winifred Woodcock, who has been attending schooL. returned to her home in Coboconk. Mrs T. H. Gostlin is at present staying at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winterburn' s. Miss Maud Gainer is the guest of Mrs. T. Martin. ï¬lm‘s. Arthur Swain ï¬nd childrén, are visiting- at her parénts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adair. ‘ Miss Nellie Allely, who hasmeen in Guelph attending college, 'retum'éd home to spend the holidays. ’ LIN DBAY Maxed; owihsraof g at the Collatgggil of that ~the blessing of our Heavenly Father may ever attend you and yours in your new home, and that; you may also ï¬nd a church home 1:; Lindsay that will be ever 0. grater jay to ypu than the one you m leaving here. > As a. tolnen‘ of'om- re- more than we 'can 'ten in words, but we trust that what seems to be such a. great loss to us may prove to be an even greater gain to you. We pray that “ Love’s banner "may ever be kept floating over you and Dear Friend,â€"-0n the eve of your departure from our midst, we, your friends who have been associated ,with ~vou in the Methodist church of this village have assembled here to wish you God speed and to express our apvreciation of your service- in the church as organist for as many years and also our regard for you as a neighbor and friend Since vour decision to remove from Kirk- ï¬eld has become known expressions of regret have been general, and we beg to assure you that “e feel there is no one connected with our church here that could be more greatly missed than yourself. Your faith- fulness to your duties as organist under conditions, which at than haVe been very discounts-mg. has been; a great help in the services and al- 1‘ a great help in the saw oes and al- WflYs greatlv appreciated bv both putat- and people" .We know that .We shall miss your mute and help . Kil'kflt‘ld. June 24.â€"A large numb- !" of the congregation and choir of the Methodist church with their Pï¬stor. Rev. Hie, gathered at the home of Mrs. George Ashman on I-‘ri- day evening of last week and, had a. .very' enjoyable time with music. games, etc., after which Mr. Hoidge read a well worded address to Mrs. Ashman and presented her with a beautiful rocker. Mrs. Ashman has been organist of the church and a faithful worker for years. After the presentation dainty refreshments were served and all joined in singing “Brest be the Tie that Binds." and before departing, “ God be With You Tm- we Meet iAgain." The address. was as follows : Kirkï¬eld Organist Remembered by Friends A number - of our young people drove, to Beaverton on Sunday last in search of the cooling breeze. ‘was sened in the grove, the {Oll'owr ing program “as wandered ‘in the- church: \nthem b\ the choir; ad‘- dress b3 Rex. Mr. Archer, of Wood'- viflcjhd, Rev.‘ .\lr. Best of Beaver- ton: selections bv the Argyle orch- estxja, ,' uplections by. the Woodville male qUartetto,- and readings by: Aliss Storcx of Markham. After the gaging 01' (- ad Save the King all re- turned to thrir homes “ell pleased with the evening's entertainment. The proceeds, amounted to about 73. Jliss L. Wood of Cambray, es vis- iting Miss Malissa Warren. Xr. (‘harlio and Miss Maud Whetâ€" ‘ter visited Peniel friends on Sun- day and were present at the anni- vetstry services. Promotion examinations are be- ing held in the fecbool this week. The rural telephone people are making preparatiOn for a plenic to be held at“ Bemerton on Wednesdn) .1 good time is anticipated. Seven pupils “out from here to write on the entrance examinations at‘Woodxillq last week. “e wish 'them suc css. ’ A mum 01 Lindsay pom mend ‘ an excellent time.. The evelit mrk ed the 59th anniversary or the Wadi“ Church and was largely attended. Kirflï¬dd suweeded in de- feating LornevilL, in a fast game of baseball] the game being 3 hum- mer from 8‘18," to ï¬nish. A grand supper was enjoyed by the Vast throng, after which an excellent pro; 'gram was rendered, in which Lind- saytalent took part. ' Mrs. G. I". Blackwell was called lon for the \ocul selections. which‘ [she rendered in excellent voice A quart°t composed of Mrs. Blackwell. Mrs. Sushi“ and MW. H. M4 Moynw and H, G. Manning, also} rendered a ï¬ne selection. I The “CELLS. of the Eldon- Pres- byterian church held a very success- ful garden party on me mans. grounds last Wednesday evening. A“ we)! contested baseball game wa-sr plziyed between Kirkï¬cld and' 110mm. ville teams. the visitors winning‘by one run. After a hountcous supper- Th? Stork visited at the- home of Mr. Tim Newman last week. leaving a ï¬ne baby boy, ' s PEOPLE. Lornevillo, June 25. â€"â€" Mr. ‘ Ben Stacey was given the position last week 0! general agent in: the eastern part of the province fbr the De La- val Cream Separaton Min sweep-:5 ability in ï¬hat line' is well known. gnd we wish him success.‘ ' He was called to Montreal early in‘ die task but returned Saturday evening; and spept Sunday-a: home: MR. BBS. STACEY SI'CCFJ'IDS MR. A. H. ROSS FOR LAVAL Lindsay Talent _ ~ Assisied at Eden NEW AGENT also pve a. speech; after which dainty Wt. wae served tad all joined in 5193193 “ God be With You T111 we [set Min. " you my long be spared to en'jpy" it and that it my elp to remind you of your friends at Kirkï¬eld. Signed on behalf of the Methodist chug-d:â€" llrs. C. N. Vassnr. Mrs. H. Hoidge, labStnplesRevAQHie,†deacon, and Rev; Father Kelly of Norwood as sub-deacon. Rev. path- or ,llm'thy of Cobain-g and Rev. Peter's’Cathedral, Peterboro. where a solem_roquiem high. mass ‘wu sung by Rev. Father 35313011. assist- ed by ‘_Rev. Father Fitzpatrick g; Mr; and Mrs. John‘ Foreman visit- ed‘ MI: and Mrs. Maxwell on Sunday. on Sunday Rem. Mr. Dafoe, 01 Marina. conducted the service here, our pastor, Mr. Archer, preaching on the- Manilla circuit. ' LATE FATHER CONWAY. The funeral of the late Rem, Fath- er Conwaywns held Tuesday morn- ing from/his late raidencm to St. Mr: W.‘.. Barker. attended' a: barn raising in Thonah Inst: weak. Mn; 1%., Spence†512-... and Miss Ag- gie Sperice, an! visiting friends in Caraway..- 'Miss Maine Smith. of‘ the L.C.l., is is spending the holidhys. at her home Miss Flbssit- Imi'scoll1 is ï¬siting friends. in‘ this vicinity. HM'ILI‘JCY Hartley. J una- 25.-â€"'I‘-he- three can- didatm from our. school who wrote on the entrance examination were the MiSms Bessie- Smith.. Ellie-Smith and Agnes. Spence: We- wm- than success. AK number: mom here attendo-d the Sunday 0011001: anniversary services at Eden on-Sunda-y last. M185. MW DriStzolL of Toronto, has. been- visiting ben- sister. llrs. Neil Brown; Our company of“ volunteer.) resum- ed on- Fï¬dhy. fmm- Bmieï¬eld after- two ‘weeks~ pleasint and proï¬table. outing.. Capt. Foe-is to» be con- gratulated on- th large number" oi D Cpmpany and on its-efï¬ciency. 7 pan. the- Omngve- Order will attend divine‘sen'ioa-coudimted by Rev. D. m‘s. 'm‘mm o: )[bunu meant. was a- visitor on Monday. ’I'b'e Girls" Guild hold a very suc- cessful gardbn- par!)- on Friday even- ing. It was a matter of regret that Bethe! Had agarden paety for the >sume~evcninr . .\' lamp- numâ€" ber of Omemee- and Mount lfleas~ ant citizens: were present at' Bethe! where's. lplendid‘ evening was spent. A patriot-'6' service is announced for next Sabbath: at 11.00 mm. in the Pfesbyteriim cum-ch, the Sabbath School“ tax thite- part in- the proceed- ings. 011 die. {bllbwi'ng Sundky at Mrs. Norman Clarke has returned home from a visit with her {daught- er‘at Goldwater. Miss Oli've BUrns left for" Tweed on‘ Sagurday to visit. (fiends‘prev- ioixs" to her new residence at lies- eronto'. Scout Master Winslow and' his corps ot'BOy S'outs “ere. applauded for" their splendid work at. th‘e gar- den party on. Fridux evemng. L'et all encourage this noble~movement. Messrs. (.‘.. Best ï¬nd It. Gardener of Mount Pléasant were in town the ï¬rst.. of 1119 week. Mr. Cunningham and party were out in their auto on Sunday and called on Mr. and Mrs. “‘m; Earle of Sturgeon-st. The junior entrance to High 'Sehoor examinations Thursday and Friday of last week brought out .1 list of 41 candidates. Principals Barron and McLean presided. The papers' were an 3Verage' set and very reasonwbte in their entinet’v. A- question in arithmetic asking flier \albe of a certain right-angled tri- angle an. a certain price per acre was thought. by some beyond the limits. Flpating iogs are a menace to launches in the river and it 'is‘ re- ported that. some of our American campers are thinking seriously of making a. change to more navigable waters. This should not be while a remedy is easily obuilable. Mr. and Mrs. H-. J. 31an and daughter, of Mount Wt. Visited. Mr. and ms. T. W. IcLean on Sun- day. Senior entrance to Normal matric- ulation and Faculty of Education Exams. are in progress- this week in the High School. On Dominicâ€: Ddy the l’reshyterv inns “in hold a. grand gtrden WV ’On the lawn o! the church. Seepos- ters {or particularS. , ~ Promotion examinations are going on, this week in the public schools. .Weareplaused toseernr. '1. .1. Pusongback to bushes: again 1!- ter 1 few days indisposition. ‘ Omeeï¬' Jun 24. â€" moot-sum: misc: are to take place at thus may Presbyterian cemetery nut may “venom: at. 2 o '.clock All interested pie-so come prepared to The council are haï¬ng our side- wulxs repaired. The dust of the streets is far thicker than :he crap of ï¬sh stories. News Items From Village of Omemee OBITUARY. her (ï¬ends was in he;- Blst year. has been tiling for two oi- thFee monthk, but despite the best 0! medical cane and the at- tention of kind friends, she tuned to recover' her usual‘good health. {Death occurréd at the home of the demscd's son, Mr Wm. Armstrong. from which pla’o the tum! took place pn Thur-sag? Mn two o “clock ; glut tension the W. lady was a In religion the damned ladv was a. member 0! the wodhcchurch. and was exceedingly well known through- out. the community, Being one of the oldest ond am settlers of the nolgh- borhood. Left to mourn the loss of a loving ma devoted module:- are the following sons and daughters: Wil- lum end Christmas-.031! In. Hep lune set-man for the occasion, and; ‘priest. He referred to his long time- in- the priesthood and? spoke at ‘ his faithful mice {9. the people whose- pastor‘he had been. Father toms-my 'had been ordained ï¬fty years ago when his parishioners were pioneers 'living at long distances apart and in places only messib'le to those who visited them on horseback. His liie had been one of service and of love and the good deeds he had idone‘ here would follow him to his eternal't reward. » ( Father Cline- of Oshawa, were dem- ol- ol honguy to Bishop O'Connor. paid« a, gplendid tribute 00 the leave Rosa. Dr. Oa'Brien fulï¬lled the duties of Master of Cerex'noniq. ~Vern». Arch. dgacon Cmy', or'Lindaw, preached With her-Mg proudly floating-before her. The bonsc of the Red, White and Blue. The boast of the-Red. waive- and! Blue.- her. ' ' When so proudly ahe-bore-hcr' have Wen war wing’d its wide desolation, And threnten‘d' tï¬efliï¬d 'tu dï¬ow-z The ark. then. 0! freedom"; founda- tion, storm‘: With her garlands. oi'victory around- Blue. - , Th3: banners rum-tyranny tremble; “en borne-by‘we Red, White~ and Blua. DEV-England, the-gem of-the ocean, The-home of the brave and the free-; Th‘c shrine obemh’pntriotfs devotion A world on'crs homage-to thee. Thy mandates make heroes- assemble; Wkgw liberty-'5 10m stands, in view Tug-banners mnkowymnny tremble. was) home by the Red, White- and Blue. When borne bless " ’ ' The Maple- beat' Forever: long, Till rock» and' forest ddhtr,‘ ' God Save our: King and Heaven On Merry England's fur-{am‘ed land. May kind heaven sweetly smile; God bless Old Scotland on» mane. And Ireland's- Emerald Isle; Then swell the song: both"'loud and dear. Firmls stood and nobly died; A'ud' tflose dear rights which they maintained, ' ~ We swear to yielh" them new‘er, Our' mtchword evér' mocc- shail‘ be; The' Mhplo- new Fomvar. " ’ Lane, . Our brave fathers side‘by side; For {reedom, homes and loved MRS. WM. ARMSTRONG. SR. A sad death occurred at Janetvine Ac Queenstonjleig‘ljts and Eundy's twine, The Maple Let! (orever. In days of yore, from Mum's shore Woke, the dauntlesa hero came, And phiud flm.Bdtannic'a dug On Canada's {air domain ; Here may it. ,wave our boast sud pride. And join in love toxether, Thu Thistle, Shamrock. Rose ca- Childrggfszational Chorus wow ~I'sf'Ju1y, 1912 bless, , The' Maple M maven Refrainâ€"- The Maplie' Let! our emblem dear, The Maple Lent forever. God Save our King and Heaven BIUe. the new: Leaf 7"" EV“ Refrain-â€" Refrainâ€" Red. White 'and'Bluc rode- ado- through the OBITUARY. by the Red 4-0 into the gn‘nt sed lady, who ,‘ White- and: ,. White- and' 13mm“, 4mm 27. 1912 01189 qalsam me: 33‘, w A Wmick from Grow was a visitor to 1h“ ““ on_ 'Shuhy. ' The invention are anXiousl} Noun“ tan-um to the chains of W “â€001 {or the m holidays Th ‘ “â€16 undoubtedly be t wnh‘m" t m hr». â€CM being 1“" MW I as tho old oi. :- nicely to PM†W e ones if t a panic-â€010Ԡ1‘“ my: in daughter Mary, were V lit. and Hrs. ,J. Jami/e: .QPJSundly hst. the distn‘ct on Sunday. : Nearly everyone has mnafl'†get thon- seeding done. but ‘ been hustling .times to Cam?! Mr. Tom Currins was visiting the Ops district on Sunday la~' Congratulations of can nmm residents are extended to Mim- garet Murchison, 01 Glenamz, has lately lelt. our midst am‘ to Toronto. We wish a. jay-ow oer my mud her in im- we life. with the. backward period. - Mr. and Hm. I). Tolmie the 17m ll» #45}; “a Thy choim m in stor“. 0m him: Be- plbascd to pour. [Long may. he nigh. May 119‘ deftnd‘ our law'S. Amd' ever- giw us cause. To sing with hurt and VMOQ God! w the King. 181391,. June 4-. - )1an M . upon»: manned to her Ome on Ifridax a ‘w‘ a. few «ts visi to her sistorx ac 0‘ Lord- our- God! trite, Suntan his enemies, And make. dim fill. Confound their politics Fmsmm- their havish tricks, 01: wee-outflows- we (ix. God Millie-King God â€vacant-W King. Long liVe- our: Nahua- King, God Siva-dimming. Send him. victorious, Happy and! glorious, Long to reign: over us, Gods Suva- the- King. sings: Fem-less- wd hold“ any brawny sons “1' guard‘ titee- night and day ‘. Oun‘glon‘ous‘ llmd' will! never how To any tymo‘b stay. 0» Canada; blow with the woahh of kings; Faun [and' 170‘ land‘ uh) fame eta-ml Retainsâ€" 0.‘ (s‘nulag. dour ('anatia, Fair am‘thy hunk} abut spread from ;_Tbew.d the Red, “hi sea» tD‘ 881,. And With our lives we'i! guard thy “bony. " 13nd,. Close m» the smiling skies, 1113“ children sing with one arcnrd, 0 Canada; acme. The 0’ (Canadiv our homeland strung and ’Bhum au‘d navy torcx-cr, Three- cm for ahe- Red, mm» and Dine; Fair an: my lander that spread from Three chews for the Red Thee cheers for the l m dim; May the service united ne'er bex'nr. But they to the colors prove um: Tic my and my forever. mice cheers for the Red, \Hmo a Thwjoimnjn praise to our Maker And pnyeï¬llly wk of him : . May the wreaths they have “.0“ . mom wither, Non the 8W .5 their glory Kro' The boast of the Red. White With her flag proudly floating before Refrain.- mighvy mounnains snar dear God Smthc King 0 !i (Jada ISLA Y. 31388 M. 590"“ mic and me 1' visitors ‘0 visiting White and W ! White and ilc and II» pile of rubbish. win and was endeavurmfj by the mntory pr. nears the young feltnw and let the ï¬re Ink» (1 with the result that, q tanned the flamas m tions and in a nun. few‘ Wells, fences and a n we all shooting um upwards and armnul .and men IPWWI um {I the hand reel and SIM and in ; few mnmh-s m Was 9185111,; â€uni “tug!“ at. cnrw r Cambridge-am. Ax m tble “W131 Will ah†m 0‘ th‘.‘ “Tr (‘nri‘j I» calamity which might ed that which Yank 3‘“ Vicinity ahnu‘f c'kL. M several :N‘rt-x l m Mlï¬ts. urn- The ï¬re brigade m ï¬re a“ on 'l.hUr>(L‘1 trouble aux-med m the J. G. Edwnrds' hardw [Theywill you'll not Men's Neg‘i} sud styles, prices Special shm Pique, Mans, Elli Linens, Blouaes collars and cu â€'5 1 Women's lo: close ï¬rm ï¬nish Though the ï¬shign has not l preview“ season I or such an imam summer Diva-Ms1 “'hite rmh‘ aqua-e necks, ow Men's 0min: it] of material, a: ““133 extra ï¬nish with neat 1 Women's ' ity, dmn‘:|o knotanl 10, prices per psi Cash