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Watchman Warder (1899), 27 Jun 1912, p. 1

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our New Method TM 5 NEED TO CURE oases of Men for m: It. ave to experiment. Consult U‘ E OF CHARGE Eether you are enable «not. ‘ wcnk. drspondent and up“? I with dart: circles under h: ritabie, paifitstiun of the he.“ reams. sediment. ism-inc, m ;en. hollow cheeks. m .1, m: .1st 20. 1910.? 2X actions of the body so Mn,- has: “ill weaken 811m “iteration. and Wm ”01 remi‘in; young men. H at vxuzzzy and they new-ranch, x ma:l.ood. They remain w... rally and sexuai{y. Hwy-“7 ‘ISORETIONS AI ; HAVE UNDER- !OUR SYSTEM . l Canada must be addressed :1 Correspondence Deput- or, Ont. If you desire to Detroit as we see and treat ,- for Correspondence and :33 all letters as known: wit. for FOR ROME mm 1;!eless. discrustt’ul, mw‘ ‘ raindfi‘ ratioss nights, cm. decay. bone pains, hairlooegeu. m. PASSHIYâ€"u the resiâ€" *hc' brxdp's mother. by the L .\V Frfiuc'n, on Tuesday. 7 Fem-hm Va”) 311'. Ilen- Harri I); Hahtaygm to 3rd ('uss‘idfi. of Fenelon ,t N‘ 01' «(m m» uh. in Bobcayâ€" ' “j,- .»;‘ Jubn Johnson, nah» lhh. in Hobcaygeon nx‘ l’v-rct' Wicks. of ason. no hihhn'}. You won't ‘I known :«N \ttiTa, you r a (Genghis Khan or VARICOSE e Warning ll \KRI H: l4 >1 Boots 3’ mi may or SHH,X,-4m the lst by Shh”, Mary Adele. the m‘ “r. and Mrs. Wm. anomo, to Thos. N85- ‘r m‘ 'l'ornntn. Jm-Wm y Executed kiHr-r. av‘tiVo- and re- - mu”m JAM... Kmbbbfl‘ Fs within got have to :e is ovalâ€" .111 Street, N. y“““‘ “ ‘ - : quickly and of any kind. 1 :3; 2: even the ten- Detroit. Mich. HIETHS 0F abe. Try ,ovalcakej ity and other. Far th is spring thin. in Bobcay- \. it. Croft. of a. 30(3)! [Ix-kirk?- ‘:.;.m:m5‘ and gut-rounding commun- 1' ,. was visited during the last few 44‘: b Messra. '1‘. (1'. Rayner. and â€". I‘Unau, m' the seed branch de- pariznr‘nt, nttawu. The former was n '21» vicinity in connection with the (anariian Seed (:rowers' Associa- non, Whilv the Xattcr sgent several «11,4 33 (bk community looking over Lu.» prospect for clover seed. Many I‘urmm's will remember that 11.9? gumr warning; was given that iim proszwct for clover seed was “the." poor in the usual seed pro- ducing parts. This year it is. if anything, “‘UX‘SP, and it. will pay firmors who have fields of clovér to 59W eéw second growth for seed. If an}: an; x‘nrttxnati‘ enough to haVe CIY-3Fr for pasture they should run a ill-TI»? owr tho fields after turning tin» stock M the latter part of this month. Ii the piece is retained for Prospects For Clover See .' ron rmcusn's ‘ 5 C AS T O R l A ; Chfldren Cry Sunshades A new : coat collars, with CUR-5: New Neckwear per Corset Covers Petticoats Hoisery Is a big department with us white, new tans, fancy colors and black silk hose. Lisle hose, cotton hose, silk hose {1'0"} 25c per pair . . . u‘o uqcoo-u coo-cc-n. 0.00.0... Io...»$1.°0 moves, siik, tafl’etta, Lisle in nearly all colors and black, and at all prices» Tneywill be good enou gh next season for every you'll not betâ€"willing to stay may" from this Sale- An exceptionally good assortment: oflall the newest de~ 31> Hnd colorings of silks and fancy cambrics -in stnpeq, i’gvjtni, paisleys and plain colors, prices from-"250 to $5 ‘t‘lce -- - sauna...- Cash and One Price. Various lines at Handson e style with deep flounce, rows of heavy lace nbroiiery insertion d e.) ruffle, lengths 38, 40 and 42. .A AA L new shipment of the newest styles for viomen'swear, oHsu‘s, Dutch collarsa, coat and cufi setts, sailor collafs cuffs, a. beautiful collection in designs and quality SECTION ONE non-n- can... In 1912 various prices, all unbeatable values o-o oovoono-c 0.00.9... oaQooooooooooua 0-OOOI-oot A BUS-Y CONTRACTOR. Contractor James Baldwin 333 had a. busy season this past spotting in erecting stone wallls throngh the Townfihip 0f Emily. in which ‘piaeei he built no less that: five foundations He also has the contract of' a. brick residence for an Emily farmer which he will undertake at ' first. convenience. In Lindsay Contractor Baldwin has suflicient work to 06-' cupy his attention until the" Christ- mas time, if the weather is favor- able. All told the contractor" speaks of V busines! in the building line be-‘ ing equal to pre‘v'inus years. ' 3 Albert \V. Marsh, steward on the IVictorian, rescued three men from. drowning at Montmal. An outbreak of rabies has occurred in Goderich township one 301mg man being badly bitten. - hay the mowing. should be dime early, when the clover begins to bloom nicely, so that the 'second' growth may have a better chance. Farmers who were able to raise seed last year profited well by it and in view of the probable scarcity of seed this sensor: eVery available field should be utilized for" seed pro- duction. next seaSon for every one except ourselves. Always new Shoes $1.00 IDr. McAlpiue Favors New Government j ' Regulations-fewer Member: on Local ' Board of Health who will bePaid ‘ J'rhe Lindsay choirsterys left, the 10- ,éa; wharf at“ 5.15 o‘clbck and «he }concert commerioed at. 8.30 o’clock, tthe warious musical numbers being 'w‘eu. rendered by a choir of thirty- five vaiges. The concert was high- lly appreciated by the People of Few . The appointment 0! a, health of- floor for this dxst'rict in ' worfianm ,with Government legislatjon is con- sidered by .Dli, AWIcAlpim, .the local 1!. H. O. to be a good idea. and in the interest of the public presentative it the establishment oi fixexoflice here ‘wouid 'inteflere with his‘own duties to any extent; hand, it will materially assist .in‘thc settlement and adfiustihg rot unhealth- ful conditions in‘ adjoining municipal- ities wherein we’ have'no jurisdicâ€" tion." ' ‘ ' - from conveyance to others, the" pres- ence of the Health Oflicer will im- mediately be Mpansible 1m: the .cor- rect treatment of the case. Walk with God" (Foster), solo ‘ 'by Master Vernon Mills ; by'i‘tom'soloâ€" “He Knowsfi (Thgquqon), Mr. Fa W. Moynes; anthemâ€"“The Radiant Morn" (Woodward) 1; ‘Soprano soloâ€" “The Lord is My-‘Shepherd"- (Anitâ€" son), mm W. E. 'Reoaor: anthem- “Saviour, when Night envolves ~ the Sky" (Shelley), with solo-by MIME. Brianne“ ; ‘contralt'o soloâ€"”Anchor- ed‘Fast." (COwen). ‘Mrs. ‘(D-.-.‘) irv- file i' " anthemâ€"“Fear Not Y0,5 O Israel” (Buck), solos 'by Mrs; W.- E. Beedor ahd MrrH. Haynes ; anthem â€"â€"“I- Lay My Sim-on Jeans?” so- The expenditure . of monies appro- printed for road improvements will be duly advertised in the different divisions allotted for such appropria: tions and the commissioners will be on hand to receive bids for work,re- quired to be proceeded with at once. Reeve Robertson has been out put- ting up notice of when and where he will be to award contracts to the lowest bidder, gravellinggrading tind- such like trimmings that the Ops highwayv require. ' For example if there is a case 'of Scarlet fever or somav other similar disease in Omemee or Oakwood not. being propel-1y treated' or prevented “Cambridge-st MethOdist C hurch Chair- Visited F ‘enelon Falls The follo'iwing choice program rendered by the Lindsay choir : "-'â€"‘No it will not shoot us in any way," he replied; "but" on the other ROAD APPROPRIATIONS. A very delightful outing was that pgticipated in Monday by V the members of. the choir of thg Cam- bridge-st. Methodist church. when Organâ€"(a) At Tirilight,‘ (Gutty sellers); (b):0tlert0ire in Bb (Band) In: Cecil Carl Foray:th anthem "Sui: of My Soul,” (ml-nor); with soprano 'solo"’by Mrs. W. 'E'. 'Reesbr ; conmlto éoloâ€"“O' Eyes that "are Weary' '- (Brackettp, Mrs. G. F. Black well: anthem-â€" "0 For a. Chisel“ her program concert. in the large new Methodist churrh. the concert being under the auspices of the Falls choir they exéurted ~to Fenclon Falls via. Str. Lintonia. At the Casuact'vil- lage the_ choir rendered a fifteen pum- lon Pulls a heart) vote of1 thanks being moved by Rev ‘John Bedtprd and seconded by Mr. Powlei The‘ loan dedical health FELIX w FORBERT UNDSAY, ONL, "IURSIMY. JUNE 2719i2 IF YOU read what we say about this “Twice-a-Year Shoe ‘ Sale, you'll get some idea of it and have the key to it. Any day you’re ready wlll be a good day: to come. Never in [our history have we offered such splendid Shoes at such fragments of prices. , Shoes For Men, Women. and Children. ’ Every Shoe in The House Must 'Go! We buy Shoes to sell in their season-"not to carry over .Their duties will be to supervise all matters afleeting public health. They will not interfere. however, with the duties of the local Board of Health as long as the performance thoy- nil bum; with ports. Only cities ’9! 50.000 population and our gill be exempt [Torn the authatity of the hedth oflcer in the variants diViSlOnS. ills of n; mptuoun supper. md. ' as stated above. the entire trip- was one that plowed é'Vory person, and the Lindsay aongsters sped: in . .the very higheot toms of the nplendid treatment accorded , than by the Health Oflieer. district of that body's duties on being .3“- islmtorily curried'on. Where a mun- icipal health officer is discovered to be lax in his duties the district officer has been vested with author- ity to supersede him. It is likely that a reorganization of the 10m Board oi Health will take place in scord with 'the new set. In future there ,will only be three members in place ot eight and they will be paid for every session held. The intention is to inaugurate a general cleaning up of We province withaviewofmkingitestreeas Dossible from communicable diseases A LARGE EGG. Mr. S, Balfour, a Kentâ€"st. meat dealer handed a hen egg into, The Warder to-dayh which was lay-ed -by one of his own flock that. look: like a. good sized. goose egg. The (wit weighs i- lb.- and measures 6} x 8 members ‘0! i the choir of Pension Falls'llathodist churCh. The Lindsay choir- were particulu'ly well planned with‘the fine appearance of the .new church, which is built. in modern style and 1; beautiful .odifice in every inches. .Eggs at .21 cents per dozen and weighing as thil! one does. w0uld be much cheaper food than meat, as their relative value for giving vi- tality and strength has been fully established ‘ by the medical profess- ion. At' the close of the concert the Lindsay choir '- were entertained by the Penelon Falls choir. ell pal-talk Light," (Feat-in), Mrs: W. R. Wid- dess and? choir; dosing chorusâ€" ";Worthy is the Lamb" (Feat-is), by choir. ing'.’ was on . of‘the- vpurticularly bright numbers of use cutting and wu enthusiastically apphuded. Mrs. W; R. Widdess’ solo and the , lady chorus, was also well mired. . :- prand sol?) by Mrs. W. E. Beesor; duetâ€"‘11: Eesvenly Love Abiding“ (Rockwell), Mrs. Recom- uud Mrs. Blackwell ; solo and ladies" chorusâ€" “:rhero is Joy in tho‘ Mien: o! The duet by lire. R6080: and Hrs. Blackwell, ”In 'Hoavenly Love. Abid- Space forbids making mention of anemone o! the filteen numbers. but. particular mention should be made of the splendid singing of Mrs. ‘W. E. Reesor. who rendered. a number of solos in the anthems. Mrs. Reeeor also tutored the audience with a beautiful soprano solo. .“The Lord is My Shepherd. " which number was very much gpprecinted The organ selections at the openâ€" The organ selection: a‘. the; 999;): it; of theyromm, p‘y Hr. c. - ‘C. Forsythe were well mama. .s Fell as the cpntralto 30103 3:: first Black- well and 18. W‘ “TM-k 9-, ‘Q will DECORATION DAY ON JUNE 3qu war-old baby; Viola. Semi. lass Irene Thomas, In. Westhll. Hrs. Hyde, So {u u is known all at lapsed under the weight. at 260 peo- p1e.pre<:ipit'eting them. into twelve bet of water. Up to midnight new h-vn has!) recovered. at when eix hu'e 1873. died April 4, 1891 ; Jnmes E Baldwingtinitinted in Lindsay lodge No. 100 Jan 3 1905, died Nov. 2, 1910;} Geo. 1264216, inimced. into 'Lindsny lodge No.100.-AUg.,2. 1886, died June. 1906; P. S. [Lu-tin, initiated into Lindsay lodge N0.100, Apt-113.1873 died Nov. l2 PEOPLE ~ DROWNED The 34th nnnuni decorntion cem- monies in connection with Lindsay Lodge No. 100., Independent Order of- Oddfellows,- will be held at the Riverside cemetery on Sunday next, June 30. The beautiful and im- pressive ”Vices will be held in the etternoon and the citizens of Lindsay will hue an opportunity of visiting the beautiful city of the dead and decorating the graves of their de- parted loved ones. The society is to be commended for the deep and sincere interest they take every your in decorating the guns of the brethren who;have crossed into the Great Beyond. _By holding a gener- 1873, :died Nov. 25, 1875: “Thoms Williams. initiated into Lfinds!y lodge No. 100. June 14, 1880. died lodge No. 100. June 4m, “you. w... my 13. 1892; Edward nxngu, hfiihted‘into Bobcaygeon lodge. Oct. 13, 1893. died OCt. 5, 1911; W. G. Woods; initiated into Lindsay lodge Lodge, Mich. died August 27, 1908 ; John McLean. initiated into Hamlin lodge.-Feb.~26. 1873. died Oct. 24, 1906) W. J. Hdmfl, died‘ Jun. 16. 1905‘; 'J.’ P. 'Suthe'rhnd, 'initilted into Lindsay? lodge No; 100. 'April 16, 1874. died Feb. 3. 1885; John F. ‘Jobbitt. ~ii1itintedr into 'Nipissing £0ng No. 79, Juno 1884.’dlod April 11, 1900 ;; Jas. Williamson, Cobourg lodge No. 136, died Jana 26. 1896; Wm. B. Williamson. Sides lodge No. 165.‘ Detroit, died Dec. 14. 1900; Williun' Jackson. initinted ‘ into Mininn- lodge NO. 105 July 9, teen md two“? 900910 warp‘ dnown- ed and a. number W tonight when a fifty-toot dock M Engbhrk Cr-nd Ishnd. NW3 ”'0’. 00‘- fie. 12, 1872, died March 17,1901; M. H. McLaughlin, initiated into Lindsay lodge April 14» 1890 died Feb. 25.1896;an1: Reeves, ini- Continued on page 6. Phin. The following graves will be decor- iriclms m residents 0! But- 175 pairlot, . a. Special incolored oboe: newest styles for this mafia; the 3 eyelet out. ulna-rt 100%ng 82 quality, ill ciao. Iancy owing Silo pfiao ’ ‘. Nesbitt. jr'J 'Iiuuter. StockBridSe r season-"not to carry over here‘ Note these prices and Women’s Chocohte Oxfords ”ed, into ),:~ Aug" 2. '-; ‘ ‘1’. 3 S. dsay lodge lied Nov. r‘.,' Jan, 2, ; 'rh'os; s. o“ Lindsay 1380. {lied -d Blewétt, PAGESHn4 Belleville. June 20!. -â€" The strong Sabin: umotthelew hustler-celled into “0m 3° . fanatic 4 play to curb_the W dongs of He gives Sylvester SchinS. ‘0! Brighton. ‘1‘“ denomim night 'Provincm Inspector W. A- Bible no Gunton. of the Department of Ne- to his 0 glected Children, Toronto. and Mr. siders hi W. H. erghtmoya’. its agent at of me new. returned to this city with children thmo boys below“ to the Sabina, hen. Pet the eldest o! whom it 35.0. lusion u The people at Brighton paid little of the o “mention to Snbins as long as he back to minded his on business and did Sabins not attempt to interfere with others. as his 11 The Department of Neglected Child- the year tea has had the family under surveil- wooden lance for some time. but there was mumfm no utfi'o interference until yester- lmtrictu dny. Plots-.111; Point, June' 24. -- This pretty swimmer resort on Sturgeon Lake is filling up rapidly with cot- ugers and campers and now that we hove telephone comma all thatis required to make this point one of the best .on Sturgeon Luke is a. first- cluss hotel or boarding house. mHWHQWQMUP his With the Cottagers at Pleasant Pointâ€"News Items store and post office for the summer and as a result. is doing a rushing bushesa Kr. and Mrs. Neehorne of Toron- to, and family, are back once more for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bradshaw and the Misses Bradshaw are spending a few weeks at the Hughston cottage. Mr. Harris and Mr. W. Wilaon, of Toronto, spent the weekend at our Point and captured ewo‘ fine lunge Saturday, Mr. L. Wheelton, of Hamilton, is spending a short holiduy at our point and succeeded. in landing four ,m'ce members Of the tinny tribe on Friday eVening. Religious Fanatic at ‘ Belleville Judged 111521116 hf incolored shoes, made in one offiw LINDSAY BRANCH. ‘nmtmu. S 13w Lindsay, spent Sunday at their cot- of Jacob, 11": wife is Rachel, and his children were renamed Ephraim, Reu- hen. Peter and Ruth, under the de- lusion that. they were really same of the old Biblical characters come back to earth. Sabins' mode of life was as strange as his religious beliefs. He filled the year (wound in tents mounted on wooden wheels that he had tunnel! 'mnufactured. The. family diet was ram-iota] to fish, Jruits. homnnde bread, honey, milk, butter and eggs. llr. and Mrs. R. L. Morgan and may. 0! Lindsay. spent. Sunday as their cottage. The fishing at. .pnesent could not be better and splendid catches .are re- ported by the connects and tourists at our‘point. )[iss Ethel Graham. Miss Flossie Jones and Miss Fuller, or Lindsay. paid a short visit 1» our point. Sun- ' Ssbins came to Brighton in 1903 (tom Rochester. He is a reiigious hustle o! s, most pronounced type. He gives Moe to no religious denomination; but interprets the Bible literally cad makes it conform to his own cmy views. He 00n- siders himself to be a reincarnation Mr; Keith uwnnce, oi the Sund- nrd Bulk. Lindsa3. and Mr. Allen Manbb spent Dunda3 "' with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. G. Dean and family of Lindsay. are spending a few weeks at the Morton cottage Mar John Ross Hay. the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Will. Ray, is growing like a weed and is easily the bestlookiw baby at the point. Sunday was by far the finest we have had at the Point in some time M a large number of visitors spent. Q” «by at, the diner-eat points and camping grounds of: Sturgeon lake. Y A number of our 3oung people en- ‘Ydm a. sail to Fenelon F1113 Sug- HeLEAN-FLAV ELLE â€" 0n _Thur_s: day, June 20,1911“: Cambridge- d’. lethodist church, Lindsay. by, pnf .r, w. mum. D.D.. ot llr. Harry Reid, of Lindsay. was a. nest at the Bradshaw cottage Sun- Eflifnx. assisted by Rev. S. J. Shorey. D.D., pastor of the church‘. Edith Lillian. duug'hter otlr. and Hrs. J. D. Fhveue. Unduy. to James Stsnley McLean. 0t Toron- ROBERT ROSS. Manager'- mum mo PERT “‘5 a; MARRIAGES.

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