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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 Jun 1913, p. 2

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ALL KINDS. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. 908. MEEHAN, AUC'I‘IONEER FOR tho Countion of Victori. and Peter- Mro. Than. 449, Lindsay P.O. ITEWAR'I‘ M. GRAHAM. LINDSAY, Ont. auctioneer. Gradunm of Jones’ School of Auctioneoring, Chic-.30. Your pnxomge nonm- d. 'Plono 195L. Poultry Wanted THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to Iona money on farm. town and vil- hgo property, at. very lowont rates 0! interest. Company or private fundl. I am always ready to buy good mortgages. I. E. WELDON. lollcltor, etc... Mime Block. Undluy A. HI GINBOTHAM Money to Loan. 9. B. WEMKHVY, Marlpost township Clerk. ()akwood. Hro Insuranco Igent. Issuer of marriage licenses. Conveyancing In all Its forms. Try This Talcum Cor . MCLAUG IILIN, PEEL. FULTON 6 STINSON, Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries. Money to'loan. Spec- ial attention given to investments. Offices: Dominion Bank, corner of William and Kent-sts., Lindsay. R. 0. Mel.o.u1.:hlin, K.C., A. M. Ful- ton, B.A., James A. Pool, '1‘. H. Stinson. WoodVHIo office open every wvek at office 0! C. E. Weeks. is of impalpable fineness. It is ground to the Imps: possible de- gree, bolted and then air-floated. It is combined with healing anti~ septivs and daintily perfumed. Packages are larger than other pmvdcrs at same price. Fineness is a nwessary Qualit)~ of a talcum that is to be used as a toilet powder. If too coarse, it. is apt to be irritating rather than Soothing and healing. IEIGII R. KNIGHT, Barrister, So- licitor, Notary Public. Solicitor for the Home Bank of Canada, repre- senting Waterloo Mutual Fire In- surance Co., of Waterloo; Federal , Life Assurance Co., 0! Hamilton. Empire Accident and Surety Co., 0! London, Ont., ()mce over Home Bank, opposite Post Office. (CORE 5: J ACKSON. Barristers, etc” solicitors for The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan on mortguges at. lowest cutrent rates. Office, William-st... Lindsay. F. D. Moore, K.C. Alex. Jackson. STEWART (I. O'CONNOR, Barr-incl Notaries, etc. Money to loan at Very lowest current rates on best term. Officeâ€"corner Kent and York-315.. Lindsay. T. Stewart. L. V. O‘Connor, B.A. HOPKINS HOPKINS. Bond.- ton. Solicitors Notary Public. etc. Solicitor. for Bank of Montreal. Money to loan on terms to In". borrower. Officesâ€"6 Willlnm-It. 8.. undny. Ont. G. 1!. Hopkins, K. C., F. 11. Hopkins, B.A.. 1.1...D. Dr. P. BLANCHARD IBADUA'I‘l-z 'IYmONTO UNWERSI- TY. Cummm mlu'OUN'rY OF VICTORIA one. â€" RIdotfl-IL. corner Kent Ind undMy-Iu. Phone 45. Doctor And Physician Dr. Hall. LM. Brita-in ”DUA'I‘E 0F WRONTO AND TRINITY UNIVERSITIES. “CIAL ATTENTION 'I‘O SUB. GERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ”SOCIA'I‘E CORONER FOR! THE COUNTY OF VIC’IORIA. Moe Bonn-1 to 8 p.m. ad by “pennant. Druggist, opp. post office. RED ROSE TALCUM PAGE TWO FRI CE 25 CENTS Barristers. etc. The results warrant giving spray- ing with iron sulphate a. trial on lawns that are badly infested with dandelions. Prepare 8. twenty per cent. solution of iron sulphate by dis- solving two pounds of iron sulphate in each gallon of water. Apply this “as as green as ever. This spring the grass is greener and more luxurâ€" iant on the sprayed plots than on the unsprayed plot. H‘On sulphate, also report success. In our experiments here no perman- ont harm was done to the grass. It looked blackened and discolored just after the spraying, but in a few days two weeks, when the dandelions were Seem to be smiling up new leaves. Another Spraying was then given with the same results. A careful ‘uatt'h was kept on the plots, and it was found necessary to spray them six times during the season Jn order to prevent the leaves getting Astart. This spring the plots were closely observed and the results of last year's sprayings noted. Each plot Contained one hundred and Sixty- eight square feet. The dandeliOns in these sprayed plots and in the un- sprayed check plot were counted. In plot number one there were one hun- dred and thirty dandelions; in plot numb-r two, one hundred and forty- one dandelions; and in plot number three, ninety-one. ‘In the check plot (unsprayed) there were approximate- ly eight thousand four hundred dan- delfons. These figures show that over ninety-eigit per cent. of thedan- de‘ions in the plots were destroyed by spraying six- times with a. twenty per cent. solution of iron sulphate. Some of our correspondents who sprayed their lawns last year with iron sulphate, also report success. @ooooooooooooooooooooaj (l‘rof. J. 1-}. Ilmvitt.) Probably nu \wmi uttl‘uc‘s more at- tt'nUOH at this tinw of the year than the honn-ly dandelion. liverywhvrc Iuw'ns all“? tn he sovn ycllnw whh this post. Lntm‘. “hon tht‘ sm-(ls ure ,I'~[u-. Hwy nn- still more unsightly. 'Spmlding (lumlvlinns from the lawn is n. luhm-iuns nml unprmilnhlv tusk. ‘Smm- vusu-r and mum ('fl'vctive me- thml hxw long lam-n looked for. In Inst yrur'x trinls n. twenty per cent. snlutiuu 0f irun sulphate was used, This was [Il'u-lml'vtl by dissolving two pounds uz' iron sulphate in each gul- mn m‘ “uh-r, This solution was ap. ‘plied uith ,, Mmpsm-k spray-r in the form of u lino spray just after tho hrs! fuu' dumb-1mm in the plots cunn- Into tlmu‘r. I-‘m'tyt'ight hours atm- lhe upplirmiun of the solution, the lanes u! [hp dumlclions were fmmd to be blackvm-d and burned. The burned and withered lvavcs were rak- ed 011' and the plots left for about two Weeks. whvn the dandeliOns were sevn to be Sn-miing up new loaves. Another Spraying was then given! In those days a bOy did not have 3to serVe much time learning business. The deceased served about one year with Mr. Keenan, and then started for himself in the store which he oc- cupied up till his demise. handling goods in a. general way; drugs, hard- ware, cutlery, jewelry, etc. @zoooooooooooooooooooog DOOOOOO Spraying to Destroy The Dandelions " (Continued from page 1,) As to the honest)" of? tho people .g, 1his time g, word may" be said. There E was little or no trouble collecting ac- counts. as people lived within their y means. and many of the emigrants hud nullicient money to keep them for gears. 'l‘hoy were not mendieants or mupvrs. as some would endeavor 7- m «mtnhlish. Many of the merchante‘ lntnr «Md 3 large minimum in tuning goods for “hi-M. outs. skins. and t other form products. '11”: Fluid 0? '61. The tire 1:: mm was a mvmommu ovum in in. history of Lindsay. and one in which the deceased took no ' little part. The are started aboht . 12 o'clock noon in a frame house next to where the residence 0! Dr. Blanch- ard now stands. The wind raised as the are gained headway. and played its pranks eastward, until nothing in- mum; ((-10 regained; down by the mi‘l the {ire Swejt the bridge and Ila": then westward on Kent-CV. tnl' "\‘i'liam-st, where somr- building‘s: Inurw oomph-ted and more in course of erection, licking them all up. One little log house remained in Perl-5L, on the property where the Presbyter- ian (‘hurch now stands. This was owned by a. widow named Murphy. A NEW LINDSAY. Before long the citizens set to work ‘with renewed vigor and rebuilt, and once more the toivn forged ahead. The population at this time might have been 400 persons. No lives were lost, but many narrow escapes were chronicled. Mr. Britton was badly burned around the hands and fa"e that day. ; HHHr‘ r‘ 8' V W 8} Passes AwaY Dr. A. S. \‘ogt was-appointod Di. rector of the Toronto Conservntory of Music. succeeding the late Dr. MERRI'I'F--BERRY â€" In Toronto, on May 24th, 1918, by the Rev. Mr Murray, Miss Mary Berry, (former- ly of Lindsay), to Mr. Charles Merâ€" ritt, of Toronto. The above resOIution was passed at the meeting of the Hamilton District Methodist Conference to-day. The ward "scantily” clad was in the or- iginal resolution, but was removed. There was a lively discussion on the question. WOMEN VIE WITH EACH OTHER. Hamilton, Ont... June 4.â€"“We ap- preciate heartily the attitude of the women of our land who reque to bow to the mandate of Parisian and Low don fashions, and we know they ex- ert an influence for good. We just as distinctly deplore the manner in which many women seem to Vie with each other in wearing immodest ap- parel, and belicx‘e that the wave of crime passing over the land is in no small degree due to the disregard of becoming appearance in this respect." } DEPLORES MANNER IN WHICH I i Oshawa, June 7,â€"Word was receiv- ed in Oshawa Tuesday owning that Mrs. Annie Watson. of (‘alifornim who has been residing in Toronto since she gnu: e\ itlence at the pre- liminary hearing of Mr. \V. J. Wat- son, on a charge of bigamy laid by her, had left there for parts un- known. Constable Carl Stevens, of the Oshawa police stall and her so~ licitor, D. A. J. Swanson, tack the next train to investigate the truth of the report. They found Mrs. Wat- son had left the place where she had been staying and could find no trace of her in the city. Her disappear: ance is somewhat perplexing as it iSl well known She was in Toronto last Sunday, and sull’ering from an attack of nervousness. She then intimated her willingness to be present when the trial came to court next Tuesday ‘ at \\ hithy. l Main Witness in Bigamy Case Disappears (let. this bust. of all medicinw to- day and refuse a substituto for Dr. Hauniltrn's I’ills of Mmulmko and Butternut. Sold by all druggists uml slorckevlrers, 254:. per box or five for $1.00. Sent. pustpuid by The (‘nturrhozunc Co.. Buflulo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. "For a period last summer the thought of food excited feelings of nausea," writes Mrs. C. A. Dodge, bf ’Blomnsbury. "The heat had made me listless and the distaste for food reduced me to a condition of semi- starvation and brought me to the Riterge of nervous collapse. Tonics lwere useless to restore an active deâ€" ‘ mm for food The doctors told me 1my liver and kidnexs were both at fault, but the medicines they ga.\e me were too severe and reduced my 1strength so that I had to abandon them. At the suggestion of a friend who had been cured of blood and skin trouble. I began the use of Dr. Em- ilton's Pillsf The diil‘erence I first notiCed was, that while they cleansed the system, instead of feeling weaker I felt better after taking them. In- deed their activity was so mild it ‘wns easy to forget I had taken them at all: they seemed to go right to the liver, and in a very brief time ‘ not only did all source of nausea “ diSappear, but I began to crave food and I digested it reasonably well. Then I begun to put on weight until within three months I was brought to a. condition of mind health. I, urge D1“ Hamilton's l'ills for all who are in poor health." 1 [MM ODES T APPAREL HERE IS MORE PROOF OF QUICK CURE FOR ALL FOLKS THAT ARE WEAK, AILING, NERâ€" VOUS. Spmylng with iron sulphnie is not, very oxpenslVe. The iron sulphue may be obtained reuil u from two to three cent: 3 pound, or wholeuxe .t a cent a. pound. Forty pounds 0! iron sulphate, costing wholeule one «on: a pound. will mnko malty gut. Ions oi the solution. which in enough to spray at least one-eighth of un u'rc, so that if a lawn thln aim in‘ upl'tyvd slx times during the 901mm the coat tor mterlul will be only {“0 dollars and , forty com» it tho iron lulphuo la purchased Wholvul«.â€"’l‘hu ('anadlun Ilortloulturiat. Gained in Weight Digestion Restored Health Renewed MORE PRAISE FOR DR. HAMIL- TON'S PILLS. MARRIAGES. THE WA’fCEMAN-WARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. For this purpose there is nothing to equal Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup, a remedy that has been universally used for the past twenty-five years. You do not experiment when you get it. Mrs. Louis Lalonde, Penetanguishene, Ont” writesâ€"“When my little boy we: we years old he caught a cold which turned into bronchitis. I tried every- thingtocurehim, even todoctor’emedi- cine, but it did him no good. One day I was advised to give Dr. Wood’l Ncny Pineflyrupatrial, and beforehehadhafl sbottleuaed,hewaacured. Ivonldad- vise all mothers to try it, as good realt- will follow. My home is never “that C0urt house, J une-6.â€"The county council met in session at, 10 o'clock u.m., with all members present. The Conn. Soutfiom will look alter Vic- toria bridge, while an engineer will rebort on the Eldon bridge. You should never neglect a cold, how- ever slight. If you do not treat it in time it will, in all possibility, develop into bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or some other serious throat or lung trouble. Brown's bridge in Emily was spectcd by the engineer and m tion was taken. On the first sign of a cold or cough it is advisable to cure it at once, and not let it run on for an indefinite period. The folluwing‘ out of the plan of painting bridges every five years should be carried out, and on mo- tion the Dobcaygeon bridge will re- oc-ive a coat of paint. Conn. 'l‘ivrs brought in u motion to regulate the speed of Single horses passing over the l“vm~lon l-‘alls bridge. The room said it was a \wns swung. " A light horse and rig hold up fur rigs when the bridge should be permitted to drive as m- pidly us an automobile." Some nmubers of the council thought that the caretaker of the I-‘onclun l-‘uils bridge should be dis- missed if he was not doing his duty. The men: stated that Some parties could trot over the bridge, while others were lined for such infraction of the law. Max-ed by L'oun. L‘hirpuw, seconded by Conn. Southern, that. we get. a, gram of $200 towards the road. The motion was lost by a majority of four. (.‘oun. Mcchâ€"" I know the situa- tion and we do out business at the wrong end and we are now increas- ing our expenditures. I know the wants of the north country. At the beginning of the year we make grants I too readilyâ€"to poultry shows, regi- ments and every other thing that comes along. it would be more in keeping with this council to assist those men than giving it to parties who are not so well entitled." See that you get “Dr. Wood’s}! II However Slight MAY TURN INTO BRONCHITIS. (.‘oun. Southern said the road Was as it was thirty years ago and only room for a wagon track. " It. is impossible to get a threshing ma.- chine through and we cannot, keep up three townships without. aid from the county or government." Coun. Varcoeâ€"" I have every aymo pathy {or peOple with bridges as Mr. Hill speaks of, but we have no mo- ‘ney to r'epair bridges.” Moved by (Toun. Robertsan,~ secondâ€" ed by (.‘oun. \‘arcoc, that. no action be taken in this munchâ€"Carried. A IUD ROAD. A grant for the boundary line be- tween Bexley and Laxton was asked for by Coun. Chirpaw. “ I would like to get $200 tom the county." Coun. Hill spoke of the Head River bridge in his locality. which they ‘had to build a lance across the road to prevent the people from being drowned. “ The water runs over this bridge {or 400 feet. The struc- ture is on Head River and many children were incapacitated lrom at- tending school on account of the high water in spring." Conn. Southern moved. uocondod by (con. Dobson. that Mr. Mchchorn and Mr. Tompkins look after the construction of it. A DANGEROUS STRUCTURE Coun- Tompkins spoke to tho mo- tion 0! the bridge between Fonolon Ind Eldon. The al’Prouhu and railway need repairing. (Continued m m 1.) Sovemot o: the 3m to put thin out on the streets adjoining the court house 1: the stone cannot be laid at $4 per cord in “common with the directions at the chairman of the board 0! work“ Unduy.â€"Cmiod. GLUTER 0F AUTOS. Ln retort-nee to the pulling at n. by- law to reduce tho glitter o! automo- biles brought in by Conn. Morri- non. Faun. Tonmklns thought no mun should be comwllod to when up Nu umchlne to plane Any por- tion. " H ho wluhon to have ‘8“? tor let him have It.” A COLD SI‘I'II'II) ()I-‘ IIURS l-IS COUNTY COUNCIL as in- no ac- 0! course Stefano had to show that he wanted a share and was Willing to accept the fine position that was com- ing to him. Stefano even was will- Taking him to the grounds of the Metropolitan Church, the valiso was opened and big {at bundles of money done up in packages of $1,000, dis- played. Each bundle had a $100 hill on the top of it; well made, good looking stage money. '1 here “as a fine {at share coming to Stasson out. of this money if he “outed to, and “hen the second of the pretended priests had joined the. party and conflrmvd his . partner’s statements, poor Stefano was hook- ed. He was even to be given a good job as Well as a. share of the $14,000. There were no new flourishes on the old trick, and the same old proper- ties and line of talk were used by the crooks, who relied on Stefano's greennehs to gather him in. It did. ()ne of them, resimctuhly dressed, 'accostod their victim in front of the globor Bureau on Front-st. Arm and ‘arm with his victim he walked along d-‘ront-st” and in accents low and mysterious. told him 0! the $14,000 in real money that he had with him‘ in the valise; money that had bet-n entrusted to him by pious souls to distribute among the Catholic immi- I grants in Toronto. I | Toronto, June 5.-â€"Two pretended Catholic priests succeeded in robbing Stefano Stassofl, a Greek, of $700 by means 0! the old vulise trick Only $100 of the amount taken “as Stas- son‘ a onn money, the balance of 8.700 he had borrowed from o. triond, (‘hrlsto GrOZgiv-r, to give to the two crooks. SWINDLERS WORE GARB 0F ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST On motion a. by-law confirming the sale of lot 8, of the village of Bob- caygeon, was reCcived, passed, sign- ed and sealed. On motion the report re the leVy- ing of rates for the your 1913 was received, passed, signed and sealed. On motion the report. of “name and assessment “‘us recechd, passed, signed and sealed. On motion the report 0! the stand- ing committee on education was re- ceiVed, passed, signed and sealed. Toronto. June 7.-â€"A1moet before Mr. and hire. Toronto were out oi bed Friday morning a blue-blooded Prince iron the motherland had elip- pod into the city and out again, de- parting u quietly as he come. He wee Hie Royal Highneee Prince Ai- hert Frederick George. second eldeet eon oi the worifl’e greatest monarch. It won without irille or fade. liege waving. head-clapping or cheering. that in ueualiy neocinud with the‘ vieit oi n member oi the Royal iam- ily. that the youthful Prince came and went. He ie traveling quietly. and hie vieit to the city in not eup- poeed to concern the public. om- cially. the city knows: nothing about the Prince. He just came. He saw, and went without a civic dignitary to welcome him. A epeclal C.P.I‘i. train bearing Hie Royal Highneml and a party 0! sixty-nine royal naval i cadets from the training chip Cum- berland arrived in the city at six 3 business was confined to the [musing 0! reports. The commitwe on reads and bridges met. at 2 o'clock p.m. Pfince’ Albert\ Paid ' , é . Qu1et Visit to Toronto Two Cars, one of Delawares and one‘ 20th Century. The? will be well worth seeing on arrival. Quality. and Prices on All of Above Will Be Found Right. CLOVER SEEDI AND GRASSES .-' We have everything in the seed grain line mat yet: :my require and we have the best the country prochm~< BARLEY WHEAT OATS BUCKWHEAT F [AI POTA TOES .' lt tukvu a lwrson who has known real misery to appreciate hamninoss. 'I‘horo is nu hope for tho mimn ”many who \Tould rather believe E lie than the truth. â€"Stnnloy Dancy, of Donald, left for Norwuod yesterday, to enter the scr-I vice of the (‘.P.R. as operator. lie: is a graduate of Mr. l'aton's SchOol' in this townâ€"Mosh Ruck has em; rolled as a. pupil in Mr. I‘aton’s School. and is taking the course in' (.‘omnwrciul 'I‘vlegraphy. â€"Mrs. If. Doyman and two chil- dren, of (:oodt-rham, passed through town for her home in (‘ambray, to Visit for a few days, while Mr. hey- man winds up his business afiairs in the northern town. before leaving for ()akwood, where he has purchaSed a mercantile business. â€"M1ss Lottie 'l‘hibadeau, of ,Bohcay- goon, was brought to the Ross Hos- pital Monday to be operated upon far appendicitis. Tuesday the operation Wis performed. and reports are that, the operation was successful. It is hoped that the young lady will speed- ily I‘H'OVQI'. mg to the extent of depositing $700 in the valiso, which was to be scaled up utter he had put his money in and put in his keeping so that then- could be no deception. Ladies’ and Gentleman's Tailor. Kent~st., Lindsay W. G. BLAIR SON ln one Of our stylish tailored suits. These suits are well tailored and titted to your measure. Suits to suit the taste and nifty for Summer attire FITTING YOU OUT! We would Take Great Pleasure in shuntad over ATS PEAS FLAXSEED a twenty-1m. lmvm ‘fcred for sale ..n 1 .board lufit “mim- Don't gr? full of HIMD In ('hinu ‘ every Wu [2' PETER”! I! entire quam it eromlv, \u-x M,\NNIN(:.â€"\I 1 Friday, May 3’." hing, _\ounge~'t .‘ Manning, Fth'It WRAY.â€"-In “Xv ' lam, on Wednvs the wife of Mr, '1‘(')M'N].l-}Y.-I :1 Thursday, Ma;- of Mr. 11. .I. ’11 HARRISON.â€"In Penelon, on Saw the wife of Mr. (iaughto‘r. (me Ihnusuxu SCOTT’S. 13 r OW ma every tissue. Phy. nichm everywhere recom. mend Scott ’3 Emulsion with absolute confidence iniz. beneficial results. Don't Wait -â€"qu-t now, but insist on amour-’0 Sea“? Emulsion conecu nmoumeu» it is essentially. foodâ€"e concentrate-d, nouzi.h. ins. curative food to testorethe healthy action of body Cellg {only the blood. sharpen d“ appetite. make strength‘ health. energy and vigor_ A. pure as milk. it is readily “maltedâ€"nourishes every emu and every tissue. Phy. dehnLevegyvghere rem..- THURSDAY, .rm aye actually weak, fun. downâ€"they are slowly deterioratingâ€"they Rted atmngth and nourighmmt for body and brain. .31}: a lone. Torontt; N“ 5.1.539"! °'7 dnm. rt (HM: [1‘ BIRTHS IH l'l hr V3"! you. and although in years. death was un-uxpe R to Pl'eVious exogllcm m In "“8“”! the deceasm “x h" d‘ the Methodist L‘hu Th0113.011 MARG.\1:I~:1 A highly resrbcctcu‘ 9‘1“. StatiOn 1m Lindsay Branc should be made by nma ORDERS. Issued wzzm Issued by The Cannciuu inexpensive method m‘ r payable without chm'gc Territory) and in the pr the following rates : $5 and un‘ Over 5 and no BANK OF CAPITAL, $15, THE C Whm Vou Travel Omemee Brar CAPITAL A N DRUGGIST A N D Your eyes methods. We have ub< tacles, fitted u‘it While the 117 BRANCH .BANK . 1n the perso; beloved wife . The docoa in but a few Incorporated of Parliam [0 Lo 3 o'clm'k. “curd”: 10 n (91111 Paid up Rest Undivid Lindsay Office um. York, (ransac Branch "a brunch .iniull‘ 1 REM JI'NI aciec

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