“ ____._ LINDSAY. THURSDAY. 'JULY 5th. 1900. *~_. 75 Cents per annnm (firm glititttisrmmts. .â€" perlenced, for 8.5. No. 6, Somerville. Duties to commence after summer vacation. Address J. C. ARGUE, secretary, Dongola: Ont.â€"25-4. BICYCLE FOR SALE.â€"A high grade chainless Columbia, listed at $85.00 ; a new use; a decided success. Come and take advantage of it N TEACHER WANTED.â€"Female, ex- BICYCLE FORhâ€"SALE. ; £02m ghherlisemmts English special, in good condition. Price $20 cash. A snap. Apply at this oflice.â€"2o BICYCLE AT A BARGAIN. â€"A high-grade'English wheel (ladies’) for sale cheap. Almost new. A l . Warder _17. PP Y at Watchman known on applying to S. J. PETTY, the FARM WANTED.â€"An improved farm, convenient to school and town or village. A one hundred acre farm preferred. Apply. givmg particulars and stating price, at The Watchman-Warder ofï¬ceâ€"274. £02m glhbtrtiszmmts. â€"High grade SERVANT WANTEDâ€"Good Wages. Apply to C. D. BARR, at the Registry Ofï¬ce, between 9.30 and 3.-â€"25-2. FARM FOR SALE.â€"Lot 24, Con. 8, Brock, containing 100 acres, 90 cleared, balance wood and pasture, Farm is situated one mile north of Manilla, on leading road. Good stone house, ï¬rst-class outbuildings, also orchard ; never-failing stream runs ‘ F 0r further particulars apply to CEO. JOHNSTON, Box 53, Can- through premises. nington P.O.-â€"26-4. 2:29-35“ r‘ne best of the bargains are gone. Look over this list wheel. This is a bargain. Price made .v:‘-’ ' 1_‘ ‘1 , ’2. o o . an: 539 .t niere is not-something .111 which you can make a Jewell", Lindsay._2,_,,_ saving by VISIting us during our great sale. TEACHER WANTED. â€" For School __' ‘M Section No. 3, Brunel, yearly school, salary T W i U d B 1 $20 per month. All applications to be in , . 4‘ â€Car et in a est ' 00 nion an russe s to g ’1, can: 01 P i P r)" ’ after summer vacation. Apply to THOS. go at half price. L'nbion Carpets at 22c, 30c, 38c and 48c. ' ' ,Tapestry Carpets at 30c, 380, 47c and 520. 7' ,Wool Carpets at 600, 75c and 85c. . //â€"â€"â€"â€" i .30 colored Straw Hats for every day wear, were 15c, sale BROADBENT, Sec.-Treas., Huntsville, Ont.â€"-27-3. FOR SALE â€"Pa.rk Lots F. and V. south of George and west of James Streets, Lind- say, containing about twelve acres. make a splendid market garden. Will be sold in lump or in parcels to suit purchasers. Terms easy. For particulars apply to Messrs. Moore Jackson, Solicitors, Lindsay.-22-8 TO LET.â€"The rooms over the ofï¬ce of The Watchman-Warder, next to the post ofï¬ce, will be ï¬tted up for office or light manufacturing purposes to suit tenants. ' de DTlCC 3v- . l choice of75 Boys’ Baseball Caps, were 15c and 25c, for 5c. . ,llen’s 'L'mbrellas, worth 60c, for 48¢. ' 4133’s Umbrellas, worth $1 and $1.25, for 75c. .nf__________________._______. STRAYED.â€"Came into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 12, Corr. 8, F enelon, on or about June Ist, two sheep. I have shorn the same. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take the sheep and fleeces away. ALBERT E. MINTHORNE, Powles’ Corners, Ont.â€" 25-3. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.â€" On Colborne-st., north ward, an eight- roomed, brick-veneered house, heated With coal furnace, a good woodshed and stable, , 08c. Soc, 31 and up. ‘i'hite Bedspreads, regular 75c for 60c; regular $1.20 for 75¢. ,__2.__.â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" “(.4 / 1‘ * dias’ Blouses â€"50 Blouses ranging from 50C to $1 each, any a .â€" 1 ~ cattern for 35c. . 4Y9, '99:: c eated great havoc in our Dress Goods department. .3: :ieccs colored Serge and Tweed effects, were 38c, 45c, 50c, - i ' 5::c, they are yours at 250. . y es. comprising plain shades, checks and broken plaid . i 39“: worth 18c, 20c and 25c, these go at Ioc. Corinne patterns in Black Figrrzd Lustre, these we put I â€"-K . at ev-f‘ f...4*v. 2 «niece; int-ely Broche Dress Gooc , regu a .' 55c and 60c, now â€" .‘.\..v~â€"» :5 v8.11? chance. these for 35¢. â€55:3; beautiful Silk and W0: Dress Goods. handsome ' 2.573;, formerly Sr 3 yard, now Lnife is in they 30 50C- 4..- and soc, now 25C. ea... .\ Vvsâ€" of land with fruit trees, will be sold reason- ably if taken at once. For full particulars apply to Watchman- Warder. â€"6-tf. FARM FOR SALE.â€"â€"Lot 11, Con. I, Fenelon, containing 150 acres, 50 cleared, balance good tamarac and cedar bush. On the premises are a. good frame house, with stone foundation, frame octagon barn with stables underneath; also log stable 30x34. An acre of young bearing orchard. The farm is two miles from Islay school and two from the village of Cambray. For further particulars applv to MATTHEW ROBIN- SON, Cambray, or ELIAS BOWES, Lind- say.â€"22-S. FARM FOR SALE â€"Eist halt Lot 23, Con. 7, Eldon township, containing 100 acres, 70 cleared, balance hardwood bush. Sorl, clay loam. Two miles from Kirkï¬eld, on good road. On the premises are a good brick dwelling, containing 10 rooms and large kitchen, woodshed, etc; frame hip- roof barn. with stone foundation and good stabling. One acre of young bearing orchard; good water A ï¬rst-class farm in every _, .C- n ‘_3 - () INDER . . , 2. am 0.72.1“; «~9le colored Silks, formerly $1. 75( T but». rive Wheel Made. ass Boxes. er Bearings. oller for Elevator. : nd best. improv .. ovariac’es at 35c, 22c, 20c, 15c and Izgc. 4-390 yard-s White and Blue Striped Lawn worth 10C, now 40. â€"Gsod We to Cotton at 7e, 6e and 5c. - lean-y Grey Cotton, full yard wide, ï¬t for sheeting, for‘_5c. â€"':l;a:itities of Children’s Headwear at sale prices. , FF' - _. respect. For particulars apply. at Jigs : ..:nen Collars at 15c, 1233c, and 10C. - The \Vatchman-Warder office, Lmdfl 4:32}: Necawear in latest styles. â€"Knot Ties worth 25c, now say__,4_,f. . f», 3:9, â€"â€"Bow Ties, formerly 25c, going for SC- â€"’r'9»nc Ties. a job, 20 and 25c, now Ioc. " en’s Straw Hats with with brack bands, were . I .9, 60c each, your choice at 20c. .I_____________________._____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" “‘2‘â€? 9 . gist in deies’ Pulley Belts. â€"-Just to hand handsome lot of Ladies’ ‘54: 2: I Shit) I: Ties, regular 60c for 48¢; regular 45c for 38¢, worth 33c now 25c. ‘ sets commence at 25c â€"Ask to see our Ventilator Corsets at 38c. '94 i: Ladies’ and Children’s Hosiery, commencmg at 4c and 5c a pr. â€"‘:=.~i";l heavy Cashmere Hose worth 40C. 531‘? price per P3"_25C- _, " 22s in black, per pair 20c and 15c. â€"100 part Black hid Gloves, were 75c, now 250. â€"Little Bays’ Sunset $1. §O, $1.25. $I. â€")I-:ns’ all-wool Tweed Suits at $6, $5, $4. â€"Bicycle Hose, Bicycle Sweaters. FARMS FOR SALE IN MARI- POSA.â€"South half Lot 13, Corr. 4, [00 acres; 60 acres cleared; good clay loam: 40 acres hardwood bush, With maple syrup evaporator, building, etc. Lot 11, Con. 5, 200 acres; 160 acres cleared; good clay land; 40 acres splendid pasture with running creek. Frame dwell- ing and ham. These farms are situated on main road near Little Britain, convenient to church and school, and will be sold cheap. Apply to A. O'. HOGG, Oakwood.â€"25-3. ________________.______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.â€" That valuable farm, Lot 14, Con. 9, and Lot 14, Con. 10, Eldon township, known as the Birmingham farm, is offered for sale. The farm contains 350 acres, 145 01’ which are cleared, b'alance valuable timber. Soil clay loam. A nevepfailing spring creek runs through the premises. Convenient to school, church and cheese factory. On the farm is a good log house. large frame barn 70x40, with_lean-to of 15 feet, stables, etc. Good bearing orchard f0 about 3‘2 acres. This is a ï¬rst-class farm | ID V i: 9-1 11:25. 3:35 at 3;, S; and $2. ~ . ‘j ' .r .7. Blen’s ‘.\'nite and Colored Shirts. " . 5. soft, hats and straws. by zist July, 1900. Duties to commence HEIFER LOST.â€"From the premises of FARM FOR SALE.â€"Lots 20 and 21, Con. I, Marrposa, 173% acres, 135 cleared, balance mIXed timber on dry land ; soil clay loam. Close to Valentin, 4% miles from Little Britain. Comfortable dwelling, ï¬rst- class barn and other outbuildings. Price $6. 500; easy terms of payment. For further the undersigned, Lot 14, Con. C, Washburn Island, on. or about May ISth, One Red Heifer, With pig ring in right ear. Finder will please notify SAMUEL CARR, Valen- tia P.O.â€"26-2. Would FARM FOR SALEâ€"In good state of cul- tivation, being west half of lot No. 8, 14th information apply at VVatchman-Warder oï¬ice.â€"26-tf. con. of Mariposa, containing 125 acres; FARM FOR. SALE OR RENT â€"East about two miles from Woodville; convenient to schools, churches and market. On the ‘ premises are frame barn With stone base- ment under, also stone shed and stable; frame dwelling house; good bearing orchard; two good wells. For further particulars apply to J. D. SMITH, Lindsay, Box 346. _ fl, , V ~.- ‘ ‘ . - This is now one ofthe best upstairs situations or to H All ' ’ROllel‘ BrindS. some 30 Bllnds lace trlmmEd: worth 60C, to in the town. For terms and particulars offers conï¬dgtiaigEgggctgfiglf A“ clear at 50C . . apply to McLAUGHLINMcDIARMID. Lace Curtains commence at 25¢ a pair; other specrals at 35c, â€"5-tf~ FARM TO RENT. â€"Lot ,2, Con. 4, half-Lots 8 and 9, Con. 14, Mariposa, con- taining 200 acres of ï¬rst-class land in good state of cultivation. Two miles from Wood- ville. Good brick dwelling with kitchen and large frame woodshed; hiproof barn, with hayfork attachment, also stone stables in basement; implement sheds and other outbuildings. If not sold will be rented to reliable tenant on reasonable terms. Apply to JOHN CURRIE, on the premises.-27-3 Emily township, containing 225 azres, 185 CHEAPEST FARM IN CANADA acres plow land, balance good pasture. First-class brick house, with all conven- iences. also two good barns, one 85x30, With stone basement that will accommodate 60 head of cattle, the other 60x30 with large basement; stable 54x24. Three good Wells and ï¬ve flowing springs ; also ï¬rst-class orchard. Two and a half miles from Omemee on gravel road. Will be rented for term of years to suitable tenant. Apply on premises to T. W. Blackwell, or Omemee P.O.--27-4 an excellent well and cistern, half an acre FARM FOR SALE.â€"â€"East half Lot 3, Con. 4, Eldon, containing 100 acres, mom for saleâ€"lot 22, con. 4, Township of Ops; 200 acres all cleared and under cultivation, no marsh land; watered by three wells, 850 apple trees and small fruit ; clay loam soil, free from stumps and stones; brick house and outbuildings the best in the county; 100 acres ploughed ; twenty minutes’ walk from Lindsay post-ofï¬ce. Said by travellers to be the most delightful farm in Ontario. A home for king, lord or duke. Cost $20,000; price now $10,000â€" $3,000 down, and your own time for balance. TIIOS. FEE, Box 353, Lindsay, Ont.â€"16-tf. or less, 70 of which are cleared and in good AUCTION SALE 0f valuable Hotel state of cultivation, balance tamarac bush. 0n the premises are a good log house, frame barn, with stone stable underneath, frame horse stable and driving house. Also frame slaughter house, never failing well and young orchard. The farm is situated two a half miles from Woodville, and the same distance from Lorneville and Grass Hill. The swamp portion is well drained. If this farm is too small the 100 acres opposite can be bought in part or en bloc. For further particulars apply to ANDREW ANNIS, Woodville P.O.â€"24-tf. EXECUTORS’ NOTICE.â€"Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, the creditors of William Goodnough, late of the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the Nineteenth day of Mav, 1900, are requested on or before the Mth day of July, l900, to send by post. pre- paid, to MESSRS. STEWART 8: O’CON- NOR, Solicitors for the Executors of the last will and testament of the said William Goodnough, at Lindsay P.O., their christian and surnames, addresses and occupations, and Residential Property in the Village of GOODERHAM. in the Provisional County of Haliburton. There will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, let day of July, I900, at 2 3o p.m., at the Northern Hotel in the Village of Kinmount, by C. H. SCOTT, Esquire, auctioneer, under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in certain mortgages, which will be produced at time of sale, the following property: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Gla- morgan, in the Provisional County of Hali- burton, in the Province of Ontario and con- sisting of parts of lots twenty-six and twenty- seven in the ï¬fth concession of the said Township, and may be more particularly described as follows: Commencrng at a point on the northerly limit of the Monck road eighty-ï¬ve and seven-tenths feet east of the Junction of the original line between lots twentysix and twenty seven with the northerly limit of the Monck Road, where an iron post has been planted; thence in a westerly direction along the northerly limit of the said Monck Road a distance of one hundred and ï¬fty-ï¬ve feet to the point of _____________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. â€" In the full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. The said Executors shall after the said Fourteenth day of July next be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose claim such Executors have not notice at the time of the ' distribution thereof. Dated at Lindsay this 14th day of June, 1900. STEWART 8: O’CONNOR. Soli- crt0rs for Thomas Stewart and Thomas Redman, the Executors.â€"25-3. junction of the said northerly limit of the Monck Road with the eastern boundary of the cemetery: thence in a northerly direction along the eastern boundary of the cemetery a distance of eighty two and one half feet ; thence in an eastern direction for a distance of one hundred and fourteen feet so as to cross the original line between the said lots twenty-six and twenty-seven at a point one hundred and twenty-two feet from the iron post above named ; thence in a southerly direction to the point of commencing, en- closing that space of land and buildings known as the Union House and grounds at Gooderham containing one half acre more or less. On said property are erected a frame building. stone foundation, used as general store and two frame dwellings, stone foundations, and also a valuable hotel pro- perty known as the Union Hotel, with frame barn, stable and driving shed, all of which are in good repair. These properties will be offered for sale in separate parcels, or if not sold separately in one lot. The property will be sold subject to a reserved bid. TERMS :â€"Ten per ernt. of purchase money estate of RACHEL ADAMS, deceased.â€" Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S. 0., 1397, chapter 129, section 38, that all per- sons having claims upon or against the estate of Rachel Adams, late of the Town- ship of Emily, in the COunty of Victoria, widow. deceased. who died on or about the 22nd day of March, AI). 1900, are on or before the Ibth day of July, A.D. ISOO, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the , . , . , thereafter with interest. undersigned, the Sohcrtors for David Corneil denim: and conditions of sale apply to J. at time of sale and balance in fourteen days For further par- in every particular, one of the best in the township. Hardly an acre of waste land on the farm. For further particulars apply at The Watchman-Warder office.-â€"20-tf. _________________.__._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" TOWN OF LINDSAYâ€"Tenders marked “Tender for Sewers†will be received up to 6 o’clock p.m. on the 12th day of July, 1900. for the construction of about 1950 lineal feet of nine inch tile Sewer with six inch cellar drain and 56 side drains on Kent and Francis streets Plans and speciï¬cations may be seen and form of tender obtained at the ofï¬ce of the Town Clerk, Lindsay, or of the Town Engineer, W. T. Ashbridge, C.E. , Temple. Building, Toronto. A «:eposu in the form of a marked cheque for 5 per cent. - of the amount of the tender must accompany tender. and will be returned when contract is awarded. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ALEX. JACKSON, Largest and best Boot and Shoe Store in Lindsay. Come l ’ l . 3 Chairman Board of Works.â€"-26- 2. <1 l and see our.... ' if “‘2' TAKE NOTICE that the M unicipal Coun- ( â€I cil of the Corporation of the Town of Lind- say intend to pass a By-Law providing for the construction of a Granolithic Walk on East side of William Street, from Kent Street to Russell Street. and to assess 40% of the ï¬nal cost thereof upon the property abutting thereon and to be beneï¬tted there- by, the balance to be paid out of the general funds of the Municipality, and that a state- ment showing the lands liable to pay the said. assessment, arid the names of the owners thereof, so far as they can be ascertained from the last revised Assessment Roll, is now ï¬led in the ofï¬ce of the Clerk of the Muni- cipality and is open for inspection during otï¬ce hours. The estimated cost of the work is $500 00, of which $338.90 is to be pro- vided out of the general funds of the Muni- cipality A Court of Revisron will be held on Wednesday, July 11th, 1900, at the Counâ€" cil Chamber. in the Town of Lindsay, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the conï¬rma- tion of the said assessment and for the purpose of bearing complaints against the proposed assessment or accuracy of the frontage measurements or any other com- plaint which persons interested may desrre to make, and which is by law cognizable by the court. Dated this 23rd day of June, A. D. 1900. F. KNOWLSON, Town Clerk,-â€"26-2. Y BARGAIN TABLES % Tables loaded with Bargains. They will surprise you. OUR morro; Good Boots. Lo One Price to All. M Adams, the Executor of the will of the said deceased, addressed to Lindsay P.O., their christian names, surnames and addresses, and full particulars of their respective claims and the nature of all securities (if any) held by them. And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the said Exe- cutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and tbe said Executor will not be responsible for the assets or any part thereof ' so distributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received as afore- said at the time of such distribution. Dated at Lindsay this 19th day of June. 1900. W. ST. JOHN, Temple Building, Toronto. Toronto, June 1911!, 1900 â€"-26-3. NOW THEY ARE AFTER OVERSEER PlLKlE An Attempt will be Made to Dis- pense with Him. . R. J. McLaughlin asked that. no proceed ings be taken against; ContractcrLuscomb Money enough remained in the town’s hands to cover the loss in re-letting the contract. Ald. J acksonâ€"Ihere are citizens who gave Mr. Luscomb credit, knowing that: his surety was good. They must be pro- tected. The original committeeâ€"the Mayor, Ald. Touchburn and the solicitor â€"ought. to attend to the matter. A letter from McLennan 6: Co. and F. Curtain said that; Luscomb owes them and asked the town to protect them. Stewart O’Connor asked that a board walk be built; on Lindsay-st. before M. E. Tangney’s placeâ€"Board of Works. A votin machine maker sent. his circu- lar,.but. co ncil decided there were enough voripg machines in this region already. Rider Kitchener again asked for ï¬re protection. 0 J as. Staples threatened to take the law if his claim for damage to the transport; sci-Vice on a defective trail in the oriental ward was not paid.â€"Board of Works. The market clerk got $76.60 for weighing and $2.92 for tolls last month. In May the police contributed $93.80, and in the more peaceful month of J une $67.35. The ï¬re chief handed in a report of the ï¬res for. the past. three months. . A'petition was received asking for grano- lithic on the east side of William-sh, between Kent. and Peel.â€"â€"Board of Works. After a batch of unimportant reports of committees had been read, came the by- laws. One said that nobody must; go in swrmmlng at less than 100 yards from an occupied residence; another ï¬xed the salary of Mr. Free, who has charge of the dumpâ€" ing ground, at. $50. A memorial asked the council for: four cannon, to be mounted in the park. A THREAT. Ald. Touchburn got. up once before with a blue piece of paper, whose contents he seemed anxious to make known. At this paint. he read it. It gave notice that. at the next meeting he would bring in a by- law removing Overseer Pilkie and putting another man in his place. MOTIONS. Grahamâ€"Hore-That a reward of $10 be offered for the conviction of anyone de- stroying shade trees; and another that. two dozen hcse rings be ordered. Graham â€" Jackson â€" That. the council thinks the Board of Education would do welt to take the fences away from the school grounds. Ald. Grahamâ€" I have had a petition cirâ€" culated for this. The chlidrcn have no public play ground and if the fences are down the grounds will be improved in looks and be a good place for the children to play on Saturday. Gilloglyâ€"Touchbunâ€"That the clerk ask the government to put the walk in front. of the post ofï¬ce on a level with the grano- lithic on Kent-st. MR. PILKIE ON THE HOOKS. Ald. Jackson rose and read from a copy of the Watchman-Winder of recent date Mr. Pllkle's letter regarding his responsi- bility. It. is as follows :â€" SIR,â€"By reports in town papers of last. week the council of the Board of Trade thought it wise to take up the question of road-making and throw a. little dirt. at. the street: foreman on drainage. I wish the Board of Trade and all other ratepayers to understand that I am simply an employee of the town council for the time being, to do the work as I am told to do it, as near as I can. Beyond a hole in the road or a broken plank my authority ceases. The word "commissioner†attached to my occupation seems to impress some people that: it is very authoritative, but. such is not. the case. The town coun- cil is elected to transact the busrness of the town for the time being. and I am employed as foreman with the men employed to do the work by the town council. When I assume to do any tovVu work upon my own responsibil- ity and don’t do it right, in will then be time enough to sling dirt at. me.â€" Yours, P. G. PILKIE. Ald. Jackson said: The actions of the commissioner caused trouble last year, audit often cornes to my ears that he is saying he does as he is told and is not. to blame for errors. I am not. interferring with him, but: have shielded him in every way. I have even made enemies by doing it. Regarding drainage, I always held as does Mr. Campbell, that underdraining is necessary. Mr. Pilkie says it is no use where sewers are down. He has found tile dry after being down years, but. that. must. be an exception. Last year 1 supported Pilkie against; another man, but. was not. satisï¬ed nor: am 1 this year. The time has come when the town needs something more than a woodworker. The wooden age is past. We have work above ground and under it. That. is why Ashbridge was appointed. The gravel on the bridge has caused annoyance. Neither council or Board of \Vorks gave any authority for putting it. there. I knew nothing of it. till it was on up to Cullen's shop. Yet, I defended it. as an experiment made by the commissioner. I object to this letter. In is unjust and unfair. A clause of the by-law appointing Mr. Pilkie requires him to get value for money expended in his department. He has not done it. If there is glory he takes it, but. if criticism he blames the council. If he makes mistakes let him admit it; like an honorable man. His letter is unjust; The regular meeting of council was held and unfair. on Tuesday night. Reading the minutes Ald. Touchburnâ€"Pilkie has been putting of former meetings was the most extensive down 70 rods of old plank sidewalk on item, if not. the most important. MOORE JACKSON, Solicitors for the Executor, Lindsay.â€"25-3. __________________.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town of Lind- say intend to pass a By-law provrding hr the construction of 3. Sanitary Sewer and cellar drain, together with all necessary side drains. on the North side of Kent Street. from York Street to Cambridge Street, and to assess the ï¬nal cost thereof upon the pro- perty abutting thereon and to be beneï¬tted thereby, and that a statement showing the lands liable to pay the said assessment, and the names of the owners thereof, so far as for inspection during ofï¬ce hours. estimated cost of the work is $1890 00, 0 which $168.20 is to be provided out of the. general funds of the Municipality. Any person desirous of petitioning the councrl against the proposed work must do so on or before the 6th dav of August, 1900 A Court of Revision will be held on Wednesday, July 11th, 1900, at the Council Chamber in the Town of Lindsay, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the conï¬rmation of the said assessment and for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessment or accuracy of the frontage measurements or any other complaints which persons inter- ested may desire to make, law cognizable ‘by the court 25th day of June, A.D. 1900. I“. KNOWL- SON, Town Clerkâ€"262. The crop f hence the delay. meetinas were numerous way that. ofï¬cral will surely be bounced. LETTERS. Mr. J. D. Flavelle wrote that the water commissioners have taken over the system. They ask the town for funds to in ike extensions to Beal’s tannery and Rider 8: About $600 has been spent since the town bought the works, and $200 more is required to put in private servicesâ€"Finance with Kitchener. Each will cost 8415 p0 Wet. . , Contractor McKnight. asked to be re- they can be ascertained from the last revrsed lieved from $5 a day penalty for eleven Assessment Roll, is now ï¬led in the ofï¬ce of days by which be exceeded the specified the Clerk of the Municipality and is open time on the Cambridge-st. sewer. 1oyed local men at a disadvantage. Ald. J ackson presented Both were a letttr on the same mutter. . referred to the Farance Committee. Engineer Ashbridne enclosed plans of sewers, and his account for the Wellington and Cambridge Kent. and Francis-Sits. last mon' h. for thirty After other matters had been dispcsed of, seventy-seven cents. Aids. Jackson and Toucbourn got after Mr. Pilkie. and if these men have their He had ,Councll Logic-st. Such walk used to be put. down cents a rod. It. is now coating 1 did not. know that. he could give some men $1.50 a day and others $1.25. Ald. Glllogly -â€"When Mr. Pllkie was appointed I was the only man to oppose him, but it is a strange thing for members to complain at this late day. If the side- walk has cost 77 cents it. is our fault. He would as soon oversee men to do it at. 30 cents as at 77c. The stone on the bridge was not. complained of by this council. The chairman should have things stopped early if they are wrong. Ald. Jacksonâ€"I would not have men- tipped the bridge if the letter had not ap- peared. The sidewalk is only just. ï¬nish- ed. Ald. Touchburnâ€"Pllkie is worse every year. He acts as though we had no right. to find fault with him. He does as be like. and then says it. is not. his fault when it. is wrong. The walk he laid near the Methodist church had to be laid over again twice. Council adjourned to meet. Monds y. NOTE â€"In another column will be found sts., with extra for the overtime referred Ald. Jackson’s 16““ correcting a state- to above. Dundas Flavelle asked that. last year's assessment be ï¬xed on their egg-house, and Mr. J. D. Flavelle did the same for the new mill.--Fioance. Victor Hill sent; his account for an auto- matic syphon, bought by the engineer.â€" Finance. heir debentures. ment made by him. M SUMMER EXCURSIONS â€"â€" To all points in Manitoba and Northwest. â€" time July, August. . . Thos. Walters wrote about. the trouble and September. erte for partic- and "men ‘5 by with the broken stone at the swing bridge. Dated this â€"Board of works with power. The Lindsay Waterworks Co. asked for plans and excursion literature. '1‘. C. MATpHETT, Agent G.P.R., Lindsay. Ont. I r aux