m Personal Chit-Chat-o-Tlle Exams-«Church Notes-"Watering Cart Wanted Mr. J. II. Brandon spent Monday in Bobcaygeon and Wednesday in" Lindsay. Mrs. Rutherford sr'. "and Miss Lillie Stewart left last Thursday to spend a couple of weeks with Mr. Geo. Rutherford, Rosseau, Muskoka. Mr. J Heard and Mr. “111. Heard spent last Thursday in Lindsay Reeve MC Arthur spent a. couple of days in Lindsav last week. Mrs. Buriey of Souris, Manitoba, who has been visiting friends in Bethany and Port Hope, came to the Falls last week on a. visit to her brother, Mr. T J. Kerr and her sis- ters Medames R. Rutherford and A. E. MC Arthur. . ‘ Miss Edmunds who has been the guest of her friend Miss Wilson, left last week to visit some other friends in Canada. before returning to her home in Denven, Colorado. ‘ The Misses Thompson of Peterboro are'the guests of MiSs Martin. Miss Barrett of Toronto is visiting her aunt Mrs. ‘A. McFarland. 'Mr. G. Ingram is spending his Vac- ation in Fenelon Falls. ‘ Miss Sinclaire, who has been visit.- ing her ‘brother' the Rev; 'R. C. ‘H. Sinclaire for some weeks left on Tuesday on a visit {.9 friends in Perth before'returning tb he‘i‘ home in Carlton Place. Messrs. CressWelI and M. Baker spent Tuesday at the Falls guests at the Brooks House. Mr. J. W. Wylie of Toronto spent Tuesday at the Mansion House. . _Mr. H. V. Ackéu-t is épending his vacati0n_at the. Falls, making the Brooks House headquarters. 12 MeSsrs. J. E. Ross. Brantford, J. C. Q’Beirnc and Dr. LIL-(50110qu of Toronto spent a couï¬le of dï¬ys at the Mansion House this week. ' Mr. Wm. Junkin of Lindsay is spending his vacatan .at the Falls. ' Miss Wilson and Miss McGregor, of (,‘hicagu left on Wednesday to visit Dr. E. S. Wilson oi, Buffalo. .Mjss Bic-Gregor. has been visiting Miss Wilson for some weeks. ' The Mansion House is kept busy and Host, Twomey is a fa'goritc with all. Mr. J. S. Williams, wife and Miss Martin of Manitoba came to the Falls on Friday on anvisitr to her friend Miss .Wilson. FENELON FALLS HAPPENINGS child of Memphis. Tenn, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompsongofâ€"‘Hamilton are staying there this week. Miss Téwsley 3-}th has been visit- ing her friend Miss E. De Cow for some weeks, was called home on Saturday by the illness of her sister. . Miss Loose and Miss Copping m Turontp are visming. at Dr. 1). Gould’s. Mr, D. Barr is back at his old post in D121). Gould's drug store. His many wa‘rnr friends are pleased to see him back again. The heavv rain 01‘ last Friday coolw “ed tl’i‘e'air and 1v’vas very badlv need- ed as both dust and heat had reach- ed a height “hun they were almost unbearable. : The departmental examinations of Part I. in the High School course took place here last week {rem Mon-‘ day until Thursday. )Ir.""7;13. Mosâ€" grove of Kirklield presided and 11 candidates wrote. ‘ ‘ ‘ Tâ€"hé sacrament, of the Lord's sup- per ï¬ves dispensed in St. Andrew’s churéh on last Sunday morning by the ._ pastor, the Rev. B C. H. Sinâ€" claire. Mr. Sinclaire preached a most masterly sermon on‘ love, com- paring the rave of God to that of a mother. The whole discourse was touching in the extreme and to those who have known a mother’ 5 love it. must haxe been particularly welcome The Orangemen of the village atâ€" tended divine service in the Methoâ€" dist church here lastï¬unday evening and listened to a. most instructive sermen from ,the Rev: Mr. Garbutt.‘ The Band accompanied them. It will ’alsq 'go with them to Cgboconk on Friday; July 12th._ It is expected ,that a large number will ge to-Co- Bocenk on the 12th per “Manita.†She will not. take her regular-trips on that day. but, will go to Coho- ‘conk instead. " 'r ' a--.â€"~- -__., Dr. Neelands, dentist, of Lindsay. will be at the MeArthur house. on Tuesday, 16th inst. Keep date in mind and come early. One thing badly needed in ,, our towh is a watering cart The rain ‘nade the walks passable but, if we have another sea99n 0f heat the dust will†be as‘bad" as ever. Who will move in the matter ‘P‘ Mr. L. Deyman moved into his new- ly purchased residenceJast week. It has been much rcno‘vated, and will when ï¬nished be an exceedingly pretty and comfortalgle homgn We need a cow byJ’aW here as' well as a watering. cart. The reporter met ï¬fteen cows last week when passing down two streets:. ‘ No wonder that' we cannot, have open lawns and hedge gardens. but. are compelled to have stiff fences. PersonalnFestivaluBa: ‘ :Wliss Nettie Pcrrin 36Hhome for vacation ‘ Manv friends will be pleased to 500. Mr. Will Bingham, an old ()akwood boy, who has been in the Prairie Province :1 number of years Hogg Bros have just opnnnd two iarge ‘cratcs of beautifully de- m Ited («oilet sets Prices xor nettx 1r. nt- ‘cd sctts start at 82 up to 5-3. ‘ Dame Rumor announces a It w wed- dings in the near future. A little girl has come to make her home at Mr. Fred Brass' “ho cert- ‘ainly thinks it is worth its weight in gold. ‘ Another lot cotton working shirts] selling at. cost of making, 2.“. cents! each, at Hogg Bros. ‘ (The strawberry festival on Tues- day evening under the auspices of the Oakwood Sunday school was a. pronounced success and all agree that it was as pleasant and proï¬ts “able as floating down the Scugog. The advertised sports for the after- ..noon afforded a little recreation and the program in the evening was well i.a.ppreciated_ Neérly every body got a. quarter’s; worth and “as well pleased with the exception of a few cranks like some some of those who took'in the Lindsay show. t The proceeds» amounted to over $60 which reflects much credit on the en- ergetic committee. Look at stamp on binder twine and see number 'of feet. '19 IN 11nd when asked to buy. ‘iou can get the bestat Hogg Bros-.15 low as the lowest; V Friday afternoon the baseball team jéurneyed to Little. Britain to play the. return match. \fter a. good deal ’of fumbling the Britons" 3:913: their team on the ï¬eld about 5 01“.; clock and although the weather frowned on: «the proceedings not inore than a; 500m witnessed the gann ‘which had been thoroughly advertis- ed by the patrons of the home team. The game was one-sided from the beginning and notwithstanding the fact ï¬hat Peny‘fgrohped- himself With the little boys the 'score stood 14 to 27 in favor of the Oakwoodites, ï¬vQ innings being played Throw up the sï¬onge Britons, for you must be con- vihced that yOur sports are of an interior Quality. Look at néw stocks ‘of tweed Suit- OAKWOOD NEWS BUDGET --Festival--BasebalI--Accidents Tunic I’crrin of the L. L'. 1. ings, Worsted and Serges Ilogg Bros†have inst received. Any orders guerâ€" anteed in ï¬t. workmanship and style. Mr. Branddn does the work up neatly and prices are right. Quite afew attended the barn rais- ing on Mr. Chas. Coad‘s- farm on the 11th £011., Friday nitcrnoon. Two able captains were chosen in the per- sons of Messrs. Geo. Graham and Richard Dale. No one was imured during the grogress of the raising and‘ Mr. Graham, who occupied the northern side was the happy winner. I Have you seen the big 11-4 grey and white cotton blankets Hogg Have you seen the mg ‘11â€"}; grey and white cotton blankets Hogg Bros . are selling at $1 per pair. Printsâ€"wide, heavy and fast dyes, in 37 new patterns, at 10 cents are worth trying.“ Mr. Marquis I‘Iisks who lately has ‘been working ‘on the section met. with a. painful accident Monday af- ternoon. While using a. pry his ï¬ng- ers were jammed between two rails injuring two of them Quite badly. ‘ .Read Hogg Bros. ad about. 200 pairs King‘s sample boots. just in. Ygu will 'be able 'to depend on get-. ting a full list of wants supplied any time visiting this store and get cor- rect prices. ’ Passing dowh the Lindsay road it. strikes the beholder that the farmers on the 91h line are not indifferent to appearances. Amongst others Mess- rs Channon and Graham are making oxtvensiyc alterations which will gréatlyhdd to the appearances and comfbrt of their cominodious dwel- lings. A few days ago Mr. Oscar Wak 1y had the misfortune to injure hé io’ot. While drawing some lumbzes 1.0 ‘1‘}15 shop ho got tangled in thr hues and a Wheel passed over h‘e ’foo.t.t . Oscar's locomotion isA no: mam ame ' 7 crumb. w1th the support of._ a CAMERON V Most; of the farmers around this section are done. haying,- they are now getting their hoes sharpened. Quite a number from here intend to take the boat. up ‘to Coboconk on 1.110. 12th.. .. Others intend to drive Miss L. Mallnder of Lindsay is vis- iting her uncle Mr. J. H. Maund- er of this village. ‘gï¬d others to wheel. We must Qngratulate the widow- crs on the match niade at, the tea. fpure Paris Green at P.H.Cbad’s. MCGBE' Sâ€"EMILY On Friday afternoon a pleasant entertainment and tea. meeting was held in the school house and grounds under the auspices of the pastor and congregation of St. John's church of England. The Omemee brass band was in attendance and enlivened the proceedings with an excellent proâ€" gram. Visitors were present: 'from Peterboro, Omemee and Lindsay. An excellent tea. was served in the school room by the ladies. Col. Sam. Hugh- es, M. P. delivered his illustrated lecture on South Africa. The pro- ceeds amounted to $70 and will be applied to ca tain proposed improve- ments to the church. Kerr-To Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kerr, Nelson. B. C., on Sunday, J une301h; a daughter. Jacksonâ€"At Maple Hill Farm. Ops. on Sunday July 7th, to Mr and Mrs Richard Jackson, a. daughter. Walker-Dancey.â€"At the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. J. M. Whyte, on Wednesday, J une 26th, Mr. W. Walker of Lindsay and Hannah. daughter of Mr: Samuel Dancey, Lochlin, Ont. McGuireâ€"Byrne.â€"At St. Mary's, on Wednesday, Jjne 26th, by Mgr. Iiaurent, John' McGuire of Downey- ville and Margaret, youngest. daugho tor of Mr. Thos. Byrnc of West Ops. Hymeneal Ritchieâ€"Astropehâ€"At Pembroke, on Wednesday, July 3rd, 1901, Mrs: Samuel S. Ritchie, jr., of New Lis- keard, to Miss Alice Astrope of Pembroke. Mosleyâ€"Horeâ€"At Lindsay, on July 9th, by Rev, Thos Manning, Mr. Thos. R. Mosely and Miss Margar- et Here. McKinnon.-â€"At Lindsay, on J uly 7th Hush McKinnon, aged 58 years. A new French {mun-co company has Mental-mod to his ticks on the Mum ’0‘ may election to Parliament. Imp â€"â€"Caldcugh. â€" At}. Winnipeg, Man, on June 27th, by the Rev. R. M. Dickey, Mr. Frederick Heap. barrister, Selkirk and Miss Maggie Cal'ceugh. THE WATCBJIANâ€"WARDER, JULY Lowest Warmest Coldest The \Vcc g,“ 'V w goo. m m W W†When per MW (CABS! Gm Highesc Greatest fall of ya Thursday Rain fell on 3 day Total rain fall 2.1 Buckwheat.....--- Edema-bushel“ Report night, Jul Potstoes, per MSW-"till; “AT, PC? Butâ€! per 11‘ Chickens, per pair LTRY AND mm ['00 do redw.,...-- do â€sewn...†do epri ....... Barney...“............1 Rye ..................... . -- Buckwheat Hay ...... 135‘th Cows.............. B “hers cattle, picked....u Britchespame. WW. when “lg-19.,M‘ ....... â€lupus“, w-" v- do medmm........c“ Bumm' oommo «i Bulls. export. heavy, wt“ Bulls. export. light. pet I ccccccccc Mild: 001's 5"†hegy ewes, pa 0": o.- do bucks ------------ lamb. spring. each """""" . Gum, per head .......... . . floss. choice. I)“ M Hogs, light. per out ------- .. 8088. Int. vet 0" """" - Sowmpetcwt.--~--"' .- Shannen" .0 oooooooo . white..." of rain in 03W ration ‘- 13:56 ‘m peratm’e .. .. 94.1w .. .. 57-305- 2.14. 9k ending 51 1901. mos. BEE . 81.30 In; 6545 My 7., ’£5 m. m 953$ W. 9.99 I mum WWW!!!- Parana" 166400 7e have them ’e have them m in the hi ud We ate a: have in Cotto: