will 5-. "1 SIGN OF THE MIL!- SAW g Wood and hon Pumps Screen Doors mmmahgflmm'†d We have a nice‘ ï¬ne complete with trimmings at 70c. â€"â€"Adjnstable Window Screens --Ice Cream Freezers â€"â€"Cmmery Cans â€"â€"Scythes .â€"Lawn Mowets _Washing Math“!es _Ca,rpenters’ Tools . â€"â€"Fishing Tackle . At Lowest Prices South cLENNAN8tGO.‘ NINE Bulls: PENN RUNNING 80m. Some 60ggo 91. blood got out cede: Indian. bri'o‘fboilsoï¬kared on my neck, beside- cannon; quell ones-en sores appeared on my foot codkg and I wesinetem’blo state. -A friendadvued Burdock Blood Bitters, so I procured three BRITISH bottles. AM ï¬nishing the ï¬st bottle the boil: started!!! diuppur and themes to heal up. Met taking the third bottle therewas not :boi! orsote'tobe seen. Besides this, the headaches from which I suï¬'ered left me and I improved so much that I am now strong and robust again. Your: may, Mrs Masai; Wen-:-qgc‘muï¬1 Feb- 3rd. “10'- Side of Ken-9"“ â€"â€"Forks coum .conREsronnENcE' ‘ _ M -CAMERON - 'Miss Minnie Dew 011 and 1\IrS. I’ Pcrrin and little son Clifford of Ca 111- eroc are Spending a couple 'of wm-ks in' Toronto, and ‘intendrv'isif’ing Pan-American begore returnixw. Miss H. Gilson has returned to Toronto after spending a. few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Willis and their son were the guests of Mr. Ed. Gil- son on July 1st. MiSS'W'illis intends staying With her parents for a week 'or so. Since there seems to be no regular correspondent here it is a pleasure to report one of the most enjoyable events of the season, which took : place at the home of Mr. Samuel Dancey of Minden township, on Wedâ€" - nesday June 26th when their daught- er Hannah and Mr. William Walker, of the Lindsay Light, Heat and Pow- er Co, were united in marriage by Rev._ J .- M. Whyte of Minden. A large number of invited guests and witnessed the , happy event. The bride was be- c'omingly dressed in white organdie and appeared carrying a bouquet of flowers and .leaning on her father's arm, who gave her away. She was attended by Miss Murchison as ï¬rst bridesmaid who also carried a bou- Quet, and was dressed in pink and white organdie. Miss Ella Dancey, sister of the bride acted as second bridesmaid, and appeared in pink with roses in her hair. The groom was ably supported by Mr. James Shea, who got through his duties admirably. The presents were so numerous that we will not attempt to list them and it will probably be1 sufï¬cient to say that they were well chosen and of most useful character. A very tasteful and elegant'supper was partaken of after which a pleas.» ant evening was spent on the lawn : and in the parlor which had been 7 nicely decorated with ferns and flowâ€" I 7 . ers. The usual congratulations are antnnfled to the young people by a Hm Ayugg. 1 were present nicely decorated ers. The usua Extended to thl host of friends. ed until tWO “'9 was conï¬ned to h gradually sinking ed her of her sum Mr. and Mrs. D. nooeris an; spending a short vacation at Mr. Arch. BIL-Innis" We are pleased to see Miss Stella VEvans out again after being con- ~Iined to the house for a few days. owing to a slight accident. . Mr. Victor Monroe of Cannington gave our village a friendly call ‘ on Sunday evening last. (Arrived too Into for last week.) 1- .Mr. Green, who has been DULLel’-‘ ‘making here in Mr. Graham‘s facton" has resigned and his place is ï¬lled by Mr. Fotheringham. “01001119. Mr. M. Lonsbury, proprietor of the Dunbar House, is preparing to build a new stable in rear of the hotel. It .will have a. foundation -' of piles, ‘which will be driven by Mr. Joseph Brisbin of Burnt River. While a young man named James Farrow, living in Lutterworth, was examining a revolver on Wednesday last it went off, the ball striking him over the heart and penetrating the body. ‘ Dr. E. A. White was at once sent for and holds out hopes for his, recovery, The local lodge of Loyal 'l‘rue Blues attended divine servi'eéi‘n St. James’: church on Sunday evening last, when an appropriate sermon was preackicd by the Rev. Rural Dean Soward. This lodge goeï¬ to Coboconk to spend the 12th. . ..- : Mi. Fred Wilson is home from Golâ€" ’den. B.(‘., on a. visit. to his parents. CAMBRAY LOCHLIN Woodward of Cannington 's John McEachern, and s Doizé of Oshawa spent : at Mr. L. McEachc-rn's. Mrs. D. Roberts are 1 short vacation at Mr. KINMOUNT been butter- the LISrnie ‘Hearn. S . iott, Percy Hearn, Massm > 2.â€"-â€"Herbie McGee, Clyde Robâ€" inson. M‘ilson White. Sr.â€"â€"Louie ._ -- an: 17---... inson. M‘ilson White Sr. â€"-Louw White, Laura Elliott, Mellvillc Heart: Alex. McGee. Sr. 3rd.â€"Eva. Robâ€" Successful Garden Partyâ€"Off for The Sunday school people of this place were favored with an ideal night for the garden party held on the lawn and grounds of Mr. Thos. Webster on the 26th of June. Over 300 people were present and all will come again next year for the even- ing's entertainment was the DGSt. of the season. The ladies of the local- ity provided an abundance of good things. The strawberries served ‘With these dainties were very fine. They were grown in the gardens of Mr. Rodgers of Little Britain. The evening was ,warm and Mr. J. B. Weldon was kept busy at the ice hthuu. wâ€"wi ious article. The program was not long but, ever-y number was good. Messrs. Day, Percy Cullon, and Chalâ€" mers Webster provided music during cning and also gave. several banjo and guitars were used uuu these Lindsay lads know how to use them. The vocal part. of the proâ€" gram was managed by Mr.‘ J. Hart. of Lindsay. The singing 01 the male; quartette was much enjoyed as; were also solos of Miss Winters and Miss Cora Walters. The male sing? ers were bank clerks from Lindsay, _Mr. B. McAlpine, Mr. J. Walker and Messrs Paton. Rev. W. 1'. Clarke, B. A. of Woodville gave a brief but eloquent address on the “Investâ€" lment of. Influence." Rev. Dr. Mar- l-,:.. .. far-mar nastor was present B A of Woodville eloquent address meat of Influence. ' and also spoke briefly seating accommodation tion of house and g much to the success of “God Save the King†‘ and also spoke briefly. Plenty of seating accommodation and illuminaâ€" tion of house and grounds added nguc’h to the success of the gathering. “God save the King" led in splendid voice by- Mr. Hart closed a very en- joyable entertainment. ‘ Rev. H. Leonard Philps. a former pastor, now of Madoc, leaves this week on a trip to the Old Land.‘ aMaster Arthur accompanies him. Their many friends wish them a pleasant voyage. . Farm hands are none too plentiful this year and steady work at good wages is easily obtained. Wages for the harvest months _will probably be this year and wages is easil the harvest :1 about as last .1): Hodgetts. an ofï¬cer of the pro- vintial Health Board has preï¬ented a report, to Dr. BrV'.ce secretarV of the board in which he predicted ‘A more alarming and disasti-"ous outâ€" break of smallpox in Ontario during the coming autumn. Reviewing his inspection of the outbreak in Brant county, the report states that he visited the townships of Burford. Oakland and Windham. Dr. Hodgetts states that he inspect- ed 34 houses Where smallpox was ,sépposed to exist. They were inhab- ;ited by .154 persons. Of these 98 had smallpox. Of the 154 no less than 81 were unv accinatéd. EAST OAKWOOD JO’I‘TINGS. The report warns' medical‘ men and other municipalities that unless greater precautions prevail there will be “in the approaching autumn an outbreak of slip‘ox, more alarming and more disastrous than anv seen for some time.’ “Vaccination of all the people and} successfully should be the order of each municipalitv in this province says Dr. Hodgetts. â€If this warn. ‘ing is not heeded the future expense incurred in stamping out smallpox ‘will be both great and burdersome in many municipalities. . “Many from the infected districts attended the circus at Brantford and the Baptist convention in Scotland: This warning is given to laity and clergy and physicians ': Be on the 1lookout; for new cases.†Laura Britton. A Worse Outbreak Predicted former past or FAIRBAIRN (031‘. In. Obedience. " Irate Mother (to naughty litfle son}- Freddie. you are a very naughty boy. BOW dare you tell your aunt she’ll stupid? ' ' Freddieâ€"8091100. so she is. Irate Mother (smack. stuack)-Don’t you dare say that again! Go at once and tell her you are sorry. Freddie (a few minutes later to taunt) .Auntie 000.1100). 1 am so sorry you’! stupid. -King_. .. . k . Bessieâ€"Talking abbut the that infest the Stock Exchangmï¬v‘; been trying to think. what pa said ho was. Arthurâ€"A bear 0: a‘ but! perhaps. Bessieâ€"No: it was neither of those; not was it a lamb; 011.! have it! ' was a jackass. I remember how it cu?- priscd me at ï¬rst. July 12thâ€"Orange demonstration at Coboconk. Admses by Col. Hughes, J.H.Carnegie, II.P.P. and .others. Steamers and barge leaves Lindsay at. 7 a. m. sharp. The contless man puts a careless am Round the waist 01 the hatless girl As over the dustlessVangl mudlesl road. In a horseless carriage they whirl. " _ Like a leafless bullet from hammerle- gun By smokeless powder driven. They fly to taste the speechless joy By endless union given. Though the only lunch his coinle- pun. Afford: to them the means I: I tasteless meal of‘boneless cod. With a “side" of stringlcss beam, Be pufl's a tobaccoless cigarette ‘ And laugh: a tumble. lunch When papa tries to coax her back By wirelese telemplx. JINGLES AN D J ESTS. In the Days of LCII. leule’u Papa. Coming Events The Lindsay Handy Laundry has mulled a. reputation for high-class laundrv work second to none 1n the prowince. All work done by hand, “hich is superior to steam laundry work in ev ery particular. Better appearance, ï¬ner ï¬nish and much easier on the goods. Work called for and delivered promptly. Charges moderate. CIIOUNG SUN, 18 Wilâ€" Ham-st. northâ€"364. M In out... Faeâ€"They say he flung himself at he: Simply .pply "SWAYNE'S om’r- KENT." No internal medicine re all eruptions on the face, hands. nose QC†leaving the skin clear. white and pealthy. Its great. healing and cum- tiva powers nre W by no othel remedy. Ask your druggist '0' SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. 58.319185 free Sheâ€"I heard she threw hex-sci! at his J . A Surprise to an... E'Ead you heard that 0in Mike had ï¬tnearcemted?’ I7210: I didn't even know he was m nnl 89w. “lineup. dict." he called be: when H: win tied (o luff lor lik, 3m “that are dim-"in now and then. M ‘3‘. «lied “Ix 001’“! (1193' flow to Cure all Skin Hausa Why! thtolhmthhnyh While in the car we catch 1!. Int WIIUEIANâ€"WARDER, JULY 31 24 Trains arrive From Port 24-“ For For For For Grand Trunk T" w Bellcville--" Whitby """" Torontov" Port. HOW WhitDY--°-"' 11th â€no" £75 til GEO. J the ““uï¬r of ‘7’“ COM‘ {13840.1 16 “-3 (All i1 orders. 01' send for (111 Ran anly 16 Public i; 3 Jul £51 (All i! t., west. J 111‘ promp