â€"â€"G Mï¬ï¬‚ (M M . Boots and Shoes. No 010 stock on hand. All our goods are bought direct from the manufacturer for spot cash, which enables us to sell cheap. for the latest styles in GILLESPIE 5: Co. New Boot and Shoe Store Kawartha Lakes me Hem Vane! Nuviumion m, Limnen SAILINGS 0F BOATS Bobcaygeon, Sturgeon Point, Lindsay ‘.‘ E51 "â€"’c Atrive Lmd say 8 . 4o :: Lave “.00 ‘ Sturgeon Point 12.10 p.m. Arvin Bobm) goon 1.15 “ Saturdays bogt. wi'l‘. aw an ex eniug ,j -_ L__ Coboconk. Fenelon Falls, Lindsay We Guarantee Satisfaction or Money Refunded. Bobcaygeon. Chemong. Burleigh. Lew: Bobmygeon “ Chg-non; ' ‘. Buckhom My: Burleigh Kentq Burleigh, Lakefield. Lave Burleigh Falls Jumper Island “ N’cCrackcn s Landing “ Young' 5 Point Arrive Lakeï¬eld Lave Burleigh Falls 6 oo 1 m and u u Jumper Island 7 no a m “ McCrackcn's Landing 7 :0 a m “ Young's Point 3 lo a m Arrive Lakeï¬eld 8 40 a m Lave " 9 15 a m “ Young's Point 9 ‘5 a m “ McCracken‘e Landing n 00 a m “ Juniper Island xx x; a m Arrive Burlcigh Falls 12 x 5 p m 0‘ u l‘ u 6: $( t‘ ‘6 xxspmi 2x59m? 225pm 32591:: ¢xopm 63opm 7oopm 8x5pm stpm 925pm Gina; close connections at Lakeï¬eld with morning and evening trains to and from Petcrboro_ Meals on board, Connections each way a: Juniper Island with Str. ‘Alert' for all points ast. 2° and so Trip Tickets for Fami ies may be had at reduced mtes at the Ofï¬ce of the Company, or or W. H. Hamilton. Bobcaygeon. Lindsav Agent. Geo. “'ilder, G. I . R. Town 'ï¬cket Arm, Express Ofï¬ce: Peterb ~ro Agent, W. Bunton. UptOn Agent. G.T.R. Lakeï¬eid Agent Gen. B. Hilliard. Feneloa Falls Agent. D. Gomd, Telephone Exchange. W Oald respeccful y intimate to the public that. they have added a commodious Pleasure Wagon to their Livery Plant. This vehicle i. specially made. for pleasure parties, and will carry twenty or more people comfortahKy. First-Class horses and careful drivers always in charge. LINDSAY BRos., New Pieasme Eaniage LINDSAY BROS. Sprain; Strain, Cm, VMIM Open MSW. saffjdntlu-m‘ Stings ofhsecmCoughl, COMM Codthcumflsm. NMdtht-ondmh, Madmpmswaum'. To Bicyclists Coaster brakes of any make ï¬tted to any wheel. Enameling in any standard color. Tires vulcanized and warranted. WM. WEBSTER, Machanical Expert, Williamâ€"st, Lind- say .-â€"24â€"t.f. . Bobcaygeon Sturgc .n Point Stur; TROOP OIL LINIMENT SEASON OF 1901 BRITISH 'geon 6.15 sun. and 3.10 p.x .n Point 7.15 4.10 3' 8.40 5.30 IX.OO u n 6.30 0 m Point 12.10 [mm 7.40 gcon 1.15 “ “ 8.55 l‘ at will awa‘t evening Torontofltrain. Meals served on board. June 18% to July :5: to A LARGE BOTTLE. I". July 2nd to Sept Nth ‘n 12 4S P 1“ Meals served on Boat Shoes. No old Phone 53 ‘1‘ Gwam ufl 7mam 7xoam swam 84oam gxsam 9453!“ nooam xx xaam U u (t (‘ ‘- ‘K ‘5 0000“ 0‘03 H M II gxsam xét Lindsay ESTURION" “OGEMAH†“SUNBEAM†“MANITA†Cambridge“. your Several farmers o cussing- the advisability of a xt summer. ites still pass throng "h are dis beef ring for ne The Cambray- to our lake. Miss Kathleen Drury of Victoria. Road spent last. week among friends here. ' --_-,.,q hor N Miss Clara Eyres h: ï¬rst year examination honors. Miss Cowieson paid Cameron a fly again. Mr. P. Northcott dal have decided t: American during tb We sincwely Jas. McGrmh, little son by c' is now down W“ hope for a. speedy was a visitor in Mr, Yeoman Sn urday last. Mr. JOS- 7 has been in ing piles f0I uraay' luau. shin of Burnt River Mr. Jos. Bri has been in Kinmoun ing piles for the foundation of Mr. F. Dettman's Gbarn. 0v or the Burnt river in rear of the hotel. One pile jumpâ€" ed out again and H‘Joe ' says it must have struck a “dead preaéher." Rain wanted. Miss .TeSSie Uunu u. .“m spending a month‘s vacation with her friend Miss. Edna Porter, Janetâ€" ville. Some people out driving the sick. A heavy electric storm passed over this place on Saturday night. A milch cow belonging to Mrs. Jackett : was struck by lightning and killed. A very large quantity of the fam- ous Sylvester mowers and binders and other machinery has been sold throughout this section this season by their local agent Mr. W. Arthur's. and still the call is for more. He is e well-known Tud- are getting very kind. also agent. for th knnn buggies and carriages, which also agent. for the w hope buggies and ca are not surpassed strength or casyâ€"runn Canada. Is it not time that this little burg Was se {or the Civic holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Britton spent last. Sunday at the home -of her brother, Mr. Will Davidson. The glorious and immortal memo cry of King William III. was cele- brated as usual by ï¬fe and drum, badges and speech-making and all orange enthusiasm. Our orange- men spent the day in different places. The following persons had a pleasant. time at Coboconk: Messrs. Tallmir. Robinson, \Vill Pogue. Wm. Lamb. David Oliver and Chris. Heaslip and Misses Ada Oliver. Jennie Flette and Gertie Tier. Messrs. Lorn Mulli- gun and Robt. Little spent the day at Port Hope While Mr. John Britton Went to Buckhorn. The popularity of orangeism was once more tried and the members of the lodge may well congratulate themselves on the results of the glorious 12th 1901. Mr. Jas Herron of Cameron spent Sunday with his friend Jno. Pai- Larson. Mr. D. A. Robertson 0: spent Sunday in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Northey Ion Falls visited Mrs. Ticrs' day. Miss Carrie Skitch has gone to Campbellford to spend her vacation. Messrs. Jno. Glass, E. Tiers and 'l‘hos. Oliver spent the glorious 12th ï¬shing. Some of our boys went m 1 Coboconk. SOOD. MOUNT HORI-ZB Mount Horeb against' the world! At an early hour on the morning,r of‘ the 12th of July all the village wasj alive and large flags were seen flying in a, right royal way. Nearly everyone went to Port. Hope. where there was a grand display of orange men, orange girls, orange women and all the rest orange and an or- ange dog. Be it understood that not. a single orange man was intoxi- cated. If some men were drunk do not come to the conclusion that the Orangemen are responsible All came back in due time pleased uith the outing, and thus ended the glorious 12th. On the evening of the 11th the boys of Mt. Horeb and suburbs gath- ered together and under the supervis- ion, of Captain Lowery the ï¬re works were handled in firstâ€"class style. A game of football. patriotic songs, ehree cheers for King Edward and the glorious 12th wound up the evening and all went heme at a proper hour. Lost â€"- Between Mt. Horeb and Reaboro, by way of Hillhead, on the 12th of July, a. 'blue regalia. with KINMOUNT urely sympathize with Mr. ':‘.th, who recently lost a by diphtheria. P. Chessell‘s you own with diphtheria. We L speedy recovery. sitor in Kinmount on Sat- )mau Smith of Bury’s Green ngest son A. Robertson of this place AIRBAIRS flying to visit the Pan- this month. .5506. for beauty, running qualities in has passed m in piano Mr. Arnold visit. Come l1} the reeve of setting the date of London ‘5 vacation with Porter, Janet- J . Cun- 93' of F0! with wedding bon motto L.O.L. No. 820 on it. The ï¬nder will be suitably rewarded by returning the same to Wm. Elliott, ElliOtt House, Mt. Horeb. Donhnrn NO. 820 deserves Sunâ€" :ne- Higinbotham's, next to Daly House. â€"-°7-4. Inspector Lowery Makes His First Visit 1 â€"Severe Fines lnilicted 1 Mr. J. B. Lowrey, the new instruc- tor for the Victoria County Cheese Board has just completed his ï¬rst ‘visit to the various factories. He reports» fairly favorable on what he has seen. He compliments the dis- trict upon the class of makers em- ployed. and states that with ï¬rst- class equipment they could hardly fail to make anything but choice cheese. It is a matter of regret that on his ï¬rst visit he has had to in- :Llict severe penalties for the adulter-1 ation of milk. Will the unthinking people never learn to be honest? Severe ï¬nes will. or at least should. prove a warning to other would-be transgressors. The curing-rooms as a whole are hardly up to the standard for the curing of choice cheese. Two or three factories have put in the subâ€" air duct with good results. but strange as it may seem one of the air duct with good results. but strange as it may seem one of the best curing rooms was minus ice and sub-air duct. On the other hand lumber and paper had not been spar- ed and with two air spacesâ€"most of the factories having only oneâ€"â€" the maker has been able during the hot wave to keep the room down to 70 degrees. With the sub-earth duct added what an ideal curing lroom this would be. Speaking of the whey nuisance, Mr. Lowrey gave us a new idea. He states that whey is little worse than any other ï¬lth that is sure to conâ€" gregate where care is not exercised in cleaning and airing the milk cans. Unclean cans are an abomination, and they will ruin the reputation of any factory or maker. He has found the great majority of cans in this district to be clean and alright, but here and there he found individ- ual cases where the cans were really ï¬lthy. They had been simply rinsed with water while the Covers were not given even that much attention. At one factorv he refused to permit the offensive cans to be brought into the factory, while in other cases where not so bad they were accepted with a warning never to bring them back in that condition or they and their contents would be rejected. Some of the cans were so filthy that he could not scrape the ï¬lth and rust off with a stick. The practice of leaving the whey in the can will quickly destroy the tin and rust is- sure to follow. KEEP THE MILK CANS CLEAN Fresh ground insect powder at Mr. Lowrey states that it is sim- ply an impossibility for any maker‘ to manufacture a. pure and whole- some cheese where milk from ï¬lthy cans is accepted, as their contents will contaminate all the milk in a large vat. He had been forced to deal harshly with the transgressors ‘along the line.‘ but looks forward to a marked improvement in the future. A clean can has a “feel" all its own andhe can pick it out blindfolded. aggie Scott, teacher of Mt rho has been here only one k up a. class? of six pupils Entrance examination; ï¬ve nun nnnil heading: the list. Hair Falls “I tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor to stop my hair from falling. Onc- half a bottle cured me.†Ayer’s- Hair Vigor is certainly the most eco- nomical preparation of its kind on the market. A little of it goes a long way. It doesn’t take much of it to stop falling of the hair, make the hair grow, and restore color to gray hair. stun-uh. Ana-nu. sc‘ï¬-d "Jawâ€"on?) (17513: and we will' o'xp'reu' you a bottle. Bo sure and YO the name of your neat-(at ex resso 00. Address, A " m f 1““ “n-- I! at (in: he cannot an I and ’3: one dï¬ï¬ar 3nd we _v _0% J. C. Baxter, Braidwood, Ill. ’, the new instr ia County Che mpleted his fl us factories. rable on what. nnlimcnts the ‘ makers em- with ï¬rst- could hardly but choice )f regret, that, had to in- thc adulter- xe unthinking . be honest ? instruc- r Cheese is ï¬rst as. He what he the disâ€" IMPORTANT NEW FEATURES OF OUR BIG AND BUSY SALE! Stirring tidings for shoppers! Last w’eeks sales ir- volume of business exceeded all previous July rcords This week promises to set even a swifter pace judging by indications. To 1'11: various Iinesin process of clearance we have added some new and no eworthy pm}, asers Departments have been fortiï¬ed with tempting bar gains: om wholesalers eager to sell and which we have priced a: jug a 111"; - above cost. GRAHAMS CLOTHING The Better the Grade the Better the Trade The Stocker Trade Mr. P. B. McIllhargey. our local live stock dealer, endorses to a cer- tain extent the views of Mr. Austin on the cattle trade given in our last issue. Mr. McIllhargey thinks that while the market, in Canada will cerâ€" tainly be lower, he does not expect will go below two-and-aâ€" that it 11 e at tributes half cents per pound. the dullness in the stocker trade to the drouth in the American ranching {st-ates. Where he says man): ranchers are selling to more fortunate ranchers at any price rather than have. their cattle ‘stm‘Vc. This Statement comes; wu~â€"~~ from him “right off the hat." andl that after a trip through (‘oloraduf and Texas. He also states that if the worst comes we will in a few years ï¬nd a ready market in the Northwest for all our yburlg stockers and \Vhllt' the trade may be retarded for .‘1 time it will not be lost. Al- ready there is a good business'being done. He could have sold tort cars for Calgary recently, but ï¬nding them ditllcult to purchase only sent ;one lot. The times are good and ‘prospocts are bright for a big har- and he thinks that farmers will uvr.(' 9 English and Canadian Tweeds, i_â€"-“ rA-AA E. m. 100 Men’s Suits of Fine e Boys feel that we strive as much to please then This is the children’s store, we’d like to have th to make every day a day extraordinary in the as we do the men. For the rest of July we are going selling of Summer Clothing and Furnishings. No questions about you being suited with our qualities. They had first to satisfy us, and we at: particular what we pass into stock. East of Benson House nclined to hold onto the young i; so long as the grass is good L the View of getting tho most†of them. ,Thls is very well from r' point of View, b\1t7(\n.tlwotlwr yit means that they will. be, all ‘ed in' gt. once and the mafket be glutted, with stools-oils tliot. hardly be sold at am'ï¬irice. His ' in handsome mixtures Sluts, special this week - PLAIN WORSTED FINISHED TWEEDS, special this week for - THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER Stirring tidings for shoppers! Last week’s sales in volume of business exceeded all previous July rcords.. This week prOmiscs to set even a swifter pace, judging by indications. To the various linesin process of clearance we have added some new and noteworthy Pinch. asers. Departments have been fortiï¬ed with tempting bargains'fmm wholesalers eager to sell, and which we have priced at jug: a Whiï¬ above cost. advice to farmers would be to let them go just as soon as the drovors ï¬nd a market- for them. which be. ex- pccts will begin to open up in about a month. He would also advise farmers who have plenty of rough fodder to hold the big stockers and go in for home feeding and ï¬nishing for the British market. 'l‘he light stock when finished has to he sold in the American market. where they can be produced cheaper than in Canada. The big steer. well fed and ï¬nished. is the kind they can make money out of. Don't forget breed- ing also counts in the L‘attlequvsâ€" tion. He also endorses the View that lambs will run low in price this fall in common with the low prices in the United States. All the advices point this way. : 4.75 The Toronto Exhibition is to be held from August 26 to Sept 7. un- nounccs that its principal char-amorâ€" istic will be the adoption of New Century Ideas. The phrase might be considered u»bit indeï¬nite but for the fact that, ,conmmporanoously thin; Staten cut is made that daily and: nightly displays of all the new weap- ons of war as well as recent develop- ments in the arts of peace. The Dom-pom will be on View. wireless u‘legraphy will be shown in practical Use 9f! the shore to passing vessels. magniï¬qent displays of illuminalim: oilects “ill be made, recent announcâ€" ed developments in electricity will In TEE WATCHMAN-WARDER, JULY 25 seasonable goods in Light W and Medium Shades, also regular $7.00, $8.00 and $8.50 values, 3 95 Sail COL 65 Blouse Suits, if,“ 33;?†, -°‘75 __:......AA nnnnnn â€h; c n: ma}! LINDSAY and BOB CAYGEON shown, demonstrauozxs mu r in the cultivation of the 509’ modern methods of reed!“ “ Will be illust ra latter-din art ï¬ller-:v in fact. the military will“ much in evidence in all its ‘2‘ latter-day arvmcry w»- in fact. the military viiâ€? much in While the handy-man , marines will a M the off-shore operations liant nighth specwcle. 'laku Forts by mean of the \n 111me ioual forces . tary '1 auou w..- _ the opening night. I: (if troops will be at e-‘dlibit of French-Ca 0f Pan-American liW made. In fart, it dairv products an 'Ioronto Exhibition so wrll as this \‘t‘ so Well 33 ~ duced rates steambouts hi and no better Toronto and the former 3 than {KetVVG-‘n When it is $12 onto will di~ct the former ' than betwet‘n -' When it is stated that a mute “9" for 230 - . greaust ted. ishing Tattoo ‘ ht‘ mag" exhibition have 1 1M is p8†TflHBN HIGHS] $65,000 it I? Naval fit :5 not! grill put, time he! flowers BINDE without no man to 31w: but it. to any 93‘ Ask china. 1 epquire chances out lac.1 pure n elevate: HARVE 0? Can BRI wil