DULbCDo, - â€"â€" , ' We can do no better than cbntinue our sale into July. FOR ‘ make July business a greater success. Here Is : FARM FOR SALEâ€"North quarter lot 2, con. 7, Mariposa. Contain- ing mty ma, good frame house wfth stone cellar, full size, log stable, thirty acres cleared, with running stream through it. This property is within one hundred rods of Manifla Junction. E. EVANS, Cresswell.â€"25-4. IARM FOR SALE OR RENEâ€"Being out ha]! lot 24, con. 9, Brock, one mile north 0! Manilla, 4 miles from Cannington, 100 acres, 90 acres aimed, sou dark clay loam.. On the farm is a. good atonovhouso, fair outbuildings, orchard, two good rolls and never-failing spring creek. Full ploughing» well advanced. Ap- ply 11 by letter GEO. JOHNSON, Box 53 Canmngton, or on lot 2, WONG ISLAND FOR SALE.â€" l'our was beautifully situated in Wu Lsko, hd! way botwun Dem-goon Point md Bobcaygoon. numbed. to Lindsay twice a. dgy, u ideal spot for a. summer tool- «on. Apply to MOORE JACK- SON, Solicitors, Lindsay .â€"24-t1. FARM FOR SALE.â€"East halt Lot 1, Con. 14, Emily, 100 acres, all plow had, 0n the premisw are good log dwelling, frame and log barn, frame and log stable, pig-pen, hen- .ry, roothouse, etc. Two acres of hearing orchard. Plenty of good water. Eight miles from Lindsay and four mfla from Dunsford. For further particulars apply at this ofï¬cerâ€"2041f . FARM FOR SALEâ€"South half lot 19, con. 10. township Ops, contain-1 ing 100 acres good land about 60 of which are cleared and in good state of cultivation ; 20 acres bush, reminder good pasture. Frame barn 60 x 30_ with stabh'ng under- neath; log stable holding three team of horses ; comfortable log house; young bearing orchard; nevâ€" erâ€"failing well. Three and a half miles from Lindsay; school house HOUSE FOR SALE IN LINDSAY.â€" I hrve been authorized by Mr. H. Ferguson to sell his midence on corner Albert gnd Melbourne-eta, south ward. This is a. substantial dwelling, containing eight rooms, Building lot attached. A good dance to secure a condor-table home, as the property must be sold at once.-â€"C. CHITTICK.â€"22â€"tf TEACHER WANTEDâ€"For School Section No. 8 in the Township of Somerville, duties to commence af- ter the summer vacation. Apply stating salary wanted for balance of the year and qualiï¬cation (if by letter) to the undersigned. or per- sonally to the Trustee: at Burnt PAGE TWELVE "tor: close to achool ahd church Price $1300. Apply at this 0 ‘ARM FOR SALEâ€"That valuable than situated on lot 5, con. 11, Eldon, containing ninety acre» more or 153. On the premisw are a log house, frame barn and log stable. The land is in a ï¬rstâ€"class state of cultivation, about seventyâ€"ï¬ve acres under crop, six acrw of good hardâ€" wood bush, balance pasture. Water plentiful. One mile from Hartley. For full particulars apply to Mrs. J. R. GILCHRIST, Hartley, P.0. on the corner of the place. This farm will be sold at a. rmonable price as I intend giving up farm- ing. MRS. MARGARET CALâ€" VERT, Lindsay, P.0.â€"25â€"4. ' River: SAM SUDDABY, Secretary, Burnt Rivenâ€"23. TEA CHERS WI â€TED as been a “ Marked Success.†The All found the goods oflered the same g. S ADVERTISED.†'ioG'IE. Lindsay- acid colt. STRAYEDâ€"From the premises of the undersigned, lot 8. con. 8, town- ship of Ops, on or before the lat of June, ONE DARK RED STEER yearling, with white spot on left side, tail clipped and star on face. Any information that will lead to its recovery will be thankfully re- ceived. PETER HAWKcNS, Reaâ€" STRAYEDâ€"rInto the premises of the undersigned, June 11th, 1902, ONE SORREL HORSE. Owner will please prove property, pay expens- and remove the animal. JOHN -‘r n STRAYEDâ€"Came onto the premises of the undersigned, lot 23, Bexley, on or’about May lat, 1902, ONE RED HEIFER, yearling. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and remove the animal. J .VR. MOORE, Coboconk, Ontâ€"74, JAMES DOAN, out» 1. prop-ma to do outing 0! d1 kind: on lhort notice sud at reasonable nm. The maul 017 ppm» and. organs ‘JL STRAYEDâ€"Came onto the premises of .the undersigned 6th con Ops on June 6th,_ one sorrel broncho mare, blind one eye and branded “A. A." arty, pay expenses and remove the animal. WILLIAM CROWLEY. A LARGE . B. WELDON. unripe“ Tow-8WD Clerk, Oakwood. Ont- 138““ Agent, Issuer o: Marriage 11W: Conveyancing. in t“ “4' “’m' HONEY TO LOAN. EILâ€"Eï¬RI ST, Hartley. Eilï¬my P. o.â€"â€"24-3. to loan, 4} and 5 per cant. Wm. STEERS, Sogqiï¬or. .Dominion I _‘¥_“ HE UNDERSIGNED are prepmd to 103.11 money on Farm, Town and Village Property, at the Very low- est rates 0! interest, prlvnte or company funds. McSWEYN I; WELDON, Solicitors, to., Ontario Bank Building, cor. Kent and Wil- liam-eta†Lindsay. In Omemee every Mondny. Separator. will add at least aw. ahundnedtothenlueo! your milk. m there lo a eavlns in labor and the eatlelactlon 0! know- ing that you are getting all the butter. Can you word to care for, feed and milk cows and then .nhdnyloou25permt.01the tat produced ? Many people heel- tate to get a Separator because the old style complicated machines are no discs, zig-zag plates or other contraptione in the bowl, it is ab- solutely guaranteed to skim closer than any other make of separator. A free trial given. Come and see the whine in operation any time borrow money on {arm proper» will and ltto their interest to writ. or no mo Moro plains their loans. Business strictly conï¬dant- lnl- H. c. EAMILL, lot 17. con. on m farm adjoining Gambray or at Massey-Harris shop, Lindsay. Send post-card for descriptive mat,- ter and prioo list to P. J. WIL- KINSON, Cambray, or to GEO. Dianna-s), ~v-â€"v-"_ , Bank Building, William-st... Lindsay â€mom ran “L; 818‘ 750 DART!†vâ€"Olt’d'ï¬ an be -1.“ FLUREY'S Grocfl'yo 25-3 . T0 BORROWERSâ€"Wo Are loam-g money on real estate mortgages at the lowest current rates. The bus- inesaiadoneinourownomaand the principal and inherent repaid touswithoutanyupenaoo! re- 3. gages and (1W. TO INVE- TORSâ€"We invest money for client. on mortgagee. also upon municlpd debentures. investment. noct- and bonds. HcLAUGBLIN, W MOORE Jr; JACKSON. W. to Solidtora for tho County or Vio- tori; and the Bank 0! Montreal. Money to loan on mortmea 1t. lowest curl-em. rota. one. WJ- 'liam-at.. Linden. STEWART t O’CONNOR. Burl-tn. Notaries. lac. Money to loan st vary love-t all-rent nu: on but: DONALD R. ANDERSON. Ban-1M, Solicitor, Inc. I am now loaning large sums of private funds on ht mortgages on farm property d. 4:; toï¬pereent. Wtosuitborâ€" rower. 0mm immediatdy opposite the Daly House, Kent-0tâ€. Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS. W, Solicit- or for the Ontario Bunk. Honey to Loan at Lowest Rota. one. No. 6 William-at... south. DR. FHA. WALTEIB. dentist. Lind- say. Honor gamut. 0! Toronto University and Boyd 001103. of Dentgl Stu-goons. All the hunt and improved bunche- o! dentistry aucoeeafully performed. Gin-gel modern... 0mm ovc '- Drug Store, corner Kent and W11- DR. NEELANDS. dam-t. Elm-who tooth without. uses the best loud pdn Ohm- Beautiful artiï¬cial teeth mutt“! 3t moderate prices. Please said 3 postal cud before coming. 0mm nearly opposite the SW01! Hm- Lindsey. R. E. A. TOTTEN. dam-t. Lind-u Gradusu 0! Toronto quouity md Boyd Coll" of Doom Sur- goons. Every apartment 0! du- may hdonomapnctlul and scientiï¬c W :t moan-uh prio- u. can. our Hot-gun'- Drug Stan. R. ARTHUR DAY. dentist, succu- sor to the late Dr. Bart, Mambo! of Toronto Dents! College and To- ronto Univmity. Also gradat- of American Dental College. Most modern dcntlatry pram-0d York-ata., Linduy. T. Stewart. L. V. O'Connor. B.A ï¬ndqm '10: (00‘ Datum. lumbar Roy-J now Coll-r. Olt. Extracts tooth without pun by gas (Vltdmd All) metered by himtornï¬yeu-Iwithgratauccoao He studied tho go: under Dr. 00t- ton, of New York, the originu'tor of gas for Wing tooth. Dr. Cot- ton writes Dr. Nodudn tint ha has given thc gas to 186,417 pot-0m without an socidont. Dr. Noam R. gamma-tut. 1m. Hon- or graduate 01 Toronto Univmlty and Royal 0011030 ‘01 Doug! gor- " 'w a)? ‘ mm unprovo’d Vâ€"Iw vvvâ€" _â€"'- gent' I. oppoolu thch' 0 total. â€"89. Hoon._ .Jnduon. 0mm cornu- Kant and WHITE" T Butter, per lb fl...â€" Chlohnn. per pd: ...... 'lhrkoys pt lb -- ... Ducks. per pair ............ Lard, p. 1b. --,....9... Potatou. per Oats ..... Ful Wheat, per bushel... Fyio Wheat, per bucket... Spying Wheat, per but. Goose What. per bush... Buckwheat. ...... ... ... Barley, per bush DB. WHITE. groan“; of Toronto [Inï¬nity ladle) Mtg, duo groduto at Trinity Unimlty. Toronto, and manbc 0! College of Phylldano ï¬nd Sun-goons. Ontario. Ofloo Linda-vat. Minoa- 107‘ Fm FOR SALEâ€"Seven miles south-west. of Lindsay, 100 at'rel, loud brick house. lute (rum barn with stone v.11: "Able, driving and implement. shod-z bog pen and “house: until ombud; good water. A good {arm and well rented. Price Nannie and term easy. Apply st. this omcc. rented it decided. Apply to I. PERRY, Kirkfleld. Ontâ€"22. momma momma tor_-uo._ In .‘ï¬onus swam. BM 19.0.. Ont... nomad Auctions-r for Dar R. A. GILLIESPIE, 0. A. um 8.0 Once and realm corner of W Toronto. throgt a} Simpson Hon-o. Bonn. 2 to 4 run Don-mutton in Ibo. m. 'I‘roct and Non Din-nu. ii HcCULLOUGn at muorough. will Vilit Lindon flat and third M 01 each month gt. the hm. dao 0p- Tomhip. Farm Stock and other also promptly nt- tando‘d to : chases modes-nu. â€"27-t.1 {mi c1;- mm. Inn b. sold u. a. mun. Apply to WILLIAI now, Box a Jmtvfllo.â€"244. n “a WEE mm ‘I'Ile Unis-y Markets POUUI‘RY AND DAIRY PRODW ' mumsou, 00 column. VEGETABLES II)! “III 0... o 00-. p- The number of new customers who came asking for 2 same as advertised. There’s the key to our Marked « 0.... mmwmmmmw .mmmmwmmn 0005570 060m100 mwmwmumwnnmmmn 0000000000008‘ mwmmwmmmwmwwww wwmmmmmumwmmmw 00000000000000 Winï¬pe‘ July 1. â€" About 1,000 men employed by the Canadian Nor- ‘thern Bunny, end when of the ’ United Brotherhood of Runny Em. ployee, went out on strike lat even- : m. owing to the refusal o! the com- ? pony to receive e committee of the brotherhood and to recognize othed- ul- tor revision of wages presented. There in much indignation over the shooting» , nun-nu mun-11a: «Agustin tendon. July Lâ€"Un attic dandy at “5° to Mic. dressed weight; realm but. 11%: to 1115c per lb. CHEESE MABKIC‘I‘S. WJWLâ€"Atmmemmeb unnamumwmmwe "6me but". Boas-c. c- â€It Watkln. 100 It 9 1-16c; no: to 16¢; Ingram. 140 ut an. In “c: Minna Maud mu: Ind Mon-gun. aw“. Ont, July Lâ€"Cunpbell- lord Board met 00-day: 1800 whit. m. we. were II follow": Watktn, as ct 95k: Watkln. mo fl! 9 lice; cook. a two-wooks‘ W and 60 cents pc- ton u the maximum price for mining cod. an increase 0! 5 cents. The operators refused to grant these concessions. Another report is that he tried to get our the fence. would not. heed the policemm's warning to go away, and insisted on making his way in- to tho Itoclmde. For Wluon 0! Union. Winnipeg. July 2.--'naere were no very startling developments yaterâ€" dew in the C.N.R. strike. Everything In practically tied up, and promises to remain so, as the various organâ€" lzntlonleeem to have been preparing tor the worst tor some time past. Will Return to Work. There We: no important develop ment yesterday in the Canadian Northern Railway etrike owing to the holiday: The management. cluim thnt 3 large number of the men out will return to work toâ€"mor- row. Pueenger trains were mu m. but no attempt Was nude to move freight. 18.000 )li-en Quit. Birmingham Ala†July 2.â€"Ova' 12.000 mine“ quit work Hondny, end n etrike. which means serious (Ii-comfort to the Birmingham dis- trict. he: bqun. At a recent meetâ€" ing 0! the operators and miners. the mu:- demnnded en eight-hour day, n. two-weekn’ Dnv-dnv and 60 cents The clam 0! workers aflected are: Mint clerks, {night handlers. (rm, owitchmen, stationary en- gineers. pawn-makers, camen (in- cluding every department}, washout ‘ 'i'ho :U'fli; extends over the whole mum of the Canadian Northern road. Iron Port Arthur wastward. lull.- shot by Police. Wilkesâ€"Barre. Pa" July 2.â€"At the William A. collicry. at. Duryca. yes- terday. Antonio Gui-nope, an Italian was shot dead by one of the Coal mil Iron policemen. from behind the stockndo of the colliery. Reports diner ubout the matter. The dead man's friends say he wu walking on tho road new the stoékade. when ï¬red upon. being on his wq from Scranton to Darya. A m. Engine 'wstchmen, coalhcavero. wipers, mhout helpers, bridge and building department. men. The machinists of the company hue been out nearly six weeks, and to-dw'n'wulkout is the result. 01 non- “ï¬lament or their strike. 1,000 MEN our IN THE WEST. STRIKE SYMPATHETIG. Canadian Northern Striko to Hotp Man Already Out. “at. m In. Port Arthur W.»- M-WMI tho IIâ€. In About Inc- My laud-Tho amt Vsflfly ‘01...“ o! Workar- Al.“ U-Imfl-OI' Chill â€any wm Rot-n to u on. into july. No pains are bving spared to Here is a list to start the m mth ;_ an um-WAnnrm, JUL 'odcm' St. pamburg was 0‘ the 1“ deny. 1!“ mm" m Loco-Vera WV-â€" 0 HIGH - in independent p deï¬ned in the dtx‘iara Promises hem‘til} m «Ir-OP“ / n-‘ London, July 2-‘ assisting ï¬shermen west coast 01 Ire]: rotary {or Ireland. introduced in the mom yesterday a grunt 0! £100. 000 construction of ha district- interested muntain the work Madon, July 2_â€"'A|v J morning's session of a" prob convention the constitution newly-termed Tamera†Lag“. was adopted- â€d w‘ mm taken thorouél‘11y h The constitutional “th taken by “ch "lamb“; it; St. Louis. of Lord Lu an Fair here of edumtional pol-tun“! 819° tish maniac“ hibitn. Bunnie 8. Newark 2. Rochaur 2. J may unto-u We. “land-v bassador tation to S“ Ferisco Kama: liner. A ed yesterday "'0 mm Valparaiso wrecked Kosmc The Sakkarah 1: m 3. about 3 of vgpuraiso. a {at on the T0“ “v06, but the S was held yester“ purpose of brim His sisterS. how oroualy for fall“ brother that. thé poned {or a. few own he ‘3 0‘“ C u, get. well with weak-- Chlago 1. St. Lauis 4. Chicago 8, St. Louis 1. Brooklyn 2. Philadelphh 1. Brooklyn 8. Philadelphis O, Pittsburg L Cincinnati 3. New York 3, Boston 8. Auction- Long-c, Toad-y. Detroit 0. Cleveland 3. Philadelphia 2. Baltimofl I Boston 9, Wuhington 2. m- ung-o. loud-y. Montml 9. Proï¬cient. 7. Other games postponed. flan-Id Long... “mun". Pans, J recovering days in t! A-onuu Imam". Montreal 0. 1 neutral ‘. St St Joan an Grout lint-in W To Aunt 1r pnubmon ‘ 40018 All Htld BASEBALI Nichou mm n J uly LH‘JGcnce 3. ProVidm 3. ' \l mum, sh Fisher-.- (“1'1†1m- -$\'ith the m M) i 185 40' Cat. [cut an 0’10U MW â€.7 Ii ne whom to: i: C Oil Cake and low Staple I. Cow ; Cove