TEACHER WANTEDâ€"For SS. No. 1, Cavan township. Duties to commence after vacation. Apply stating salary expected to GEO. SHIELDS, Franklin P.O.-â€"29â€"4. TEACHER WANTED.â€"â€"For Schbol Section No. 8 in the Township of Somville ; duties‘tb commence af- ter the summer vacation. Apply stating salary Wanted for balance of the year and qualiï¬cation (if by 1%) to the undersigned. or per- sonally to the Trustees at Burnt, River. SAM SUDDABY, Secuiarv TEACHER WANTEDâ€"For School Section No. 3 in the Township of Bexley. Duties to commence after summer vacation. Salary $250 per annum. Send~ testimonials with applications to J. 33. BLACK Secretary. Bexley.â€"28-3. TEACHER WANTEDâ€"School Secâ€" tion No. 11, Ops, male or female, second-class certiï¬cate. Duties to commence after vacation. Personal @plication. Apply to ROBERT AGNEW, Lindsay P.0.-e- FIRSTâ€"CLASS FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT, South Half Lot 2, in the 13th con. Mairiposa, 100 am ; all cleared, well fenced, good trick house, lungs barn with stone foundation, pig pen, good stabling for horses and cattle. One mile outside corporation of Cannington. Apply to ABRAM BROOKS, Lind- wows ISLAND FOB BALE.â€" Fom- m beautifully “mud in Sturgeon Lab, but way batman Sun-goon Point and Bobcasgoon. Most to Lindsw twice a dsy, uldeslapot forgoummorrod- duct. Apply to MOORE I: JACK- SON, Solidtorn, Lindsay.â€"21â€"t1. STOCK FARM TO RENTl-On Man- itoulin Island ; 100 acres plow land; ample range for stock ad- joining. Good dwelling and out.- buildings. Liberal terms to right man. Apply at this oflice.â€"28-2. Burnt River.-â€"-29â€"3 m FOR SALEâ€"That valuable hrm situated on lot 5, con. 11, Eldon, contatï¬ng ninety acres more or less. On the premises are a log house, framebarn and log stable. The land is in a. ï¬rst-class state of cultivation, about seventy-ï¬ve acres uncle: crop, six acres of good hard. wood bush, balance pasture. Water plentiful. One mile from Hartley. For full particulars apply to Mrs". J. R. GILCERIST, Hartley, P. O. “unankdnylom OI manning. hood-tomhmhk outbuildings, orchard. two good umaudnm-faflingsprhga‘ok. m ploughing well advanod. Ap- ply it by letter GEO. JOHNSON, an. 18, “painâ€"64:1. m to: The wmm.’ ,W FUR “LE OR to RENT TEACHERS WANTED WINSUREDMMM yourmarflagolicenaarron '1‘“. Bean. Dances issued 01th“- st his house on Albert-at. or 31’. I!!! ofï¬ce at G. W. Bedr- Miler, store, Kant-It... Lindaâ€. DR. A. GILLESPIE. O. A. and 8.0. one. ad rumour; corner of Lind- say and Russellâ€"Bu. Inc-nth.“ 01 Royal College Physicians 3nd Sur- geons, Edinburgh. Identiti- o! mama-y, Edinburgh. Spock! Lt- tention given to Midwifery and dio- eueo of woman. Nephew No. 98. DR. HcCULLOUGl o! Peta-borough, THE UNDERSIGNED m propuod to loan money on Fun, Town and Village Props-t7. st the my low- cot ute- 01 interest, prlvsu or DR. JEFFEBS. 0mm houn9t011 DR. G. s. RYEIBON, 60 College“... Toronto. Eyo, on. non. throat. specialist. Emmomswumw A LARGE AHOUNT of privsto (ands tolosn.4§a.ndaparcut. WM. STEERS, Solicitor, Dominion W Building, William-ct... Lindlay Advertise in the Watchman-Worth JAHES DOAN, cuter 1- prepared to do carting a! all kinds on short notice and at reasonable rstes. The ramovd of plum: an! organs Ipochlty. Orders can be Ken. at JOHN FLUREY'S Grocery. Kemt-ut.â€"19-3m. Unfurnity Bodied Mlty. ubo gmduuto of Trinity UM. Toronto, uni mambcr of College of Physician sad Surgeons. Ontario one. Indus-It. Tolephmo 107. Wednesday of ouch month st the Sump-on Homo. Hours. 8 to 4 pm Gonnmution in En, Eu, Throat. and None I)“. phone No. ‘8. WELDON, Solicitors, kc... Ontsrio Bunk Buildingtcor. Kent ugd Wil- Clark, Oakwood, Ont. Insurance Agent, Isma- ot Inn-ins. Lima. Cowman; in d! it- Forms. HONEY TO LOAN, 2, radon. him P. O.â€"41-t!. borrow mom on hm property will and It to that: inure-t to wrihormmobdorophdngthdr 10m. Bulim- strictly conï¬dant- hl. H. 0. EAHILL, lot 17, con. 15;".‘5110 a at», cm WEE mm WHEY TD L0" i, gram“ of Torogto 0‘ Rfllfl Townh‘p uv~-~‘ TO GIVE A'AY.â€"A pedigreed ib- male fox terrier. Will be given to numeum- wh mid take good are expenses and runm thé animal. J .,R. MOOIIE, Coboconk, Outs-74, " 'ubis'a m Wills prawn-II le- M STRAYED.â€"â€"Came onto the premises 0! the undersigned. lot 28. Bailey. on or about In; Int. 1902, ONE RED KEEPER. yearlns. 0m is requested to prom WY: m FIRST-CLASS FARM WANTED. - 100 to 150 acres. Within ten miles of Lindsay and convenient to schools, etc. Good dwelling nnd modern outbuildings; barn must have stabling for 40 to 50' head of cattle. A fair price will be paid for the right lam. Apply at. â€"‘1".-.-' I FAR. WED DR. F. A. Imam. dud-t. Lind- 0' h"- ‘PPI; at t†oflca. figâ€"2‘ W. H. GROSS, Dun-t, Liam Hudqum {or good Dun-try. Member Boyd Doom Coll-[0. Ont. DR. SU’I'I‘ON,d.tl-t. Uni-q, Hon- or grant. of Toronto Human, and Boyd 001103. of Dental. Sur- geons. All the hunt. improved method. udoptod and prints modu- ata. Ofloo ovu- Anderson Nu- gont'u. opposite Vdmh'u hotelâ€"29, DR. E. A. TO’ITEN, dont,st. Lind-u Graduoto of Toronto Unimity and Royal Coll... of Doom Sur- geons. Every (lawman: 0! dan- tutry to don. m n pruned sud odoutfllc manor st modcau prio- u. can our Horm'n Drug Storm ton mu. Dr. Nah-do tut. ho has: given the “I to 186,417 pal-ton- without an gaunt. Dr. Hahn‘- unal the but 10a! pd: ohm. Beautiful artiï¬cial m mud st. modal-at. pacts. Phan- nnd ; postal card More coming. one. nearly opposite tho Simpson Hon... Lindsay. gu(VWA1r).dnmmby himforsoyunwnhgmtmcouu Ho-tudiodthnguundanr. Cot- ton, othw York, the 0W:- 0! RW.donfllt. Lind-q. Mat-toothwithoutpdn by sor to tho In; Dr. Int, m of Toronto D-td Collar and T0- ronto Univ-um. Also M‘- of America: Data! Comp. Most modern dentistry W in up most sci-tine m. ' Crown and kid.- work a W!“- ty. 0m. mod-t“. Ole. fl: Kant-st. uy. Honor Moot. 01 Toronto University all Boyd 001103. of Dental Sargoonl. All tho um and improved brunch. at dentistry moot-dolly Mot-nod. Mt: modonto. one. om Drug Stan, eon-nu Int and '11- WOIVE‘I’II' DAY, dad-t. moo-I- two 12.".ij in th- in: and up. yen-um in tho ban yud. Two of Ir. thuison'u loan can in tho boast the time. taking in w. ith: {ox-tummy escaped. The build- ing was an xflamc .3 . few minutes. Th. flock, camistimz of pigs ud Ievetul horses. v'vn: :a'eiy got out. Th, “In was “‘0! ‘ ' ‘- $2.000. Dflpl. J17 Isaâ€"Aw 8 o'dock m Moon ; and. thus» “stomp-00d through : portion a Guclph Tow-chip. hull-q cub- wnrd. Th barn of It. Jun-Rich- mom SWAIN; W P.O.. Ont... Lian-d Auction-u- nor- Dun» Mm. duo Op. Tot-hip. Fun Stock and othc Id. may n,- W to ; an" mod-run. FARM FOR SALE-Seven miles south-west of Lindâ€. 100 acres. land brick house, large tune barn with stone In“; stable. driving and implement sheds; hog pennnd flux-house; small mun-d; good voter. A good form and well rented. Price reasonable and terms easy. Appb at this ofï¬ce. FARMS FOR SALE IN TOWNSHIP MAN VERS.-South East part Lot. 14, containing 114 acres. Frame house, frame barn, log stable, good water. Also west half Lot 14. Con.13.and south part of the east half same lot. 138 acres: fair buildings, nice orchnr'd. These terms are 9 miles south of Lind- uy. half mile {ram church and Berna]. and conVenient to RC. and blacksmith shqp. Combined these forms make a grand stock and grain farm. Apply on the prem- lsa or to WILLIAM INGRAM, FARM FOR SALE -Lot 1. Con. 1, Township of Mariposa. 220 acres. more or less. Good frame house .and stone stables. Good {rune barn: 20 acres of woods. Terms MILCH COWS FOR SALE. â€" Four choice Durham Grades, .11 good makers and Iresh. Gentle and euy to milk. For price and par- ticulars Apply to THOS. H. THOMPSON . Cameronâ€"22. â€"27-tf. ‘ARM FOR SALEâ€"Lot 5, Con. 12. Hanvers, just south of Janetville, containing 94 acme, all cleared and in good state of cultivation. 0n the premises are : frame house with stone foundation ; frame burn 108x30, stone foundation} ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class shape : straw shed 50x22, implement shed 24 x 50. sheep pen 16x40. Never-fail- ingstreamrunsth‘rongh theta-m: oleo good We". This is an excel- lent grain farm. Close to school and- church; one mild from cheese factory. Apply to JOHN BURNS. Jmotv-ille.-29-6. FOR SALE-A Ladies’ Bicycle in good repair. Pflce reasonable. Ap- ply at. this omce.â€"28-2. ises pr to WILLIAM Omanee.-â€"29-13. easy. Apply to S. BRUCE. Port. Perry.â€"29â€"4. “norm Ottawa‘sâ€"214. The 3:. alum good “mutton. tor mu- 0! the Federal Busineu Colleges. For pmlcuhn raga-ding th at. college to be opened in pk... write to m Bra-tum. NOTICF: TO CREDITORSâ€"Creditors of George Finley and Herbert ’S. Chantlcr of the Town of Lindsay. in the County of Victoria, Boot and Shoe Merchants. trading under the name. style and ï¬rm of Finlay Chnntler (herein called the debtors) are notiï¬ed thnt under the provis- ions of Chnpter 147 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, and Amending Acts, the debtors have: made an whament of all their property to the undersigned, Isaac Ernest Weldon 0! the Town of Lind- say flare-aid, and the creditors are requested to prove their claims be- lore him by tending the same ad- dreloed to him at Lindsey no. on or before the 25th day of July, A. D. 1902. A‘ meeting at the said creditors will be held nt his once in the Town of um aforesaid. on FRIDAY, THE 25th DAY OF JULY. 1902. nt 2 o'clock p.m.. {or “I. mutant of Inspector: and the 3!“ of direction. with relerâ€" enee to the til-pond o! the «tote. ISAAC ERNEST 'lLDON. Ae- TO BORROWERSâ€"Wo no loud-g mouyolrouauummn tholowutcmtntu. 'Ihobuo- mndmnmonomuand. DONALD R. ANDERSON. Baud-w, Solicitor. kc. 1 u now longing largo m of privm fund. on in new on m prom, a 4i maul-cant. Imam-umber- rower. one. may opposite the Duly Eon-c, Kant-0%., Liam. HOOKE‘JAOKSON. W. be swam-'- toc the County or Vb tort. and an Ban 0! Iona-ad. Money to loan on new st. low-t. mt nun. 0mm W.l- nun-ct" Dad-q. I". D. loom. A103. Jud-on. since. by El Solicitor D. R. AN- DERSON. Dated this 11th dny at Jab, Ln. 1901â€"29-2. STEWART O'CONNOR. Burl-m. Nam, 51:. [any to loo. :1. vary low-t. mt no. on but mm. 000- oonu- Kat. .nd G. H. HOPKINS. Burt-w, Solicit- ortortboOntariannk. Mambo Lou: st. Low-u Ru... one. No. m and W. 'ro INVIS- masâ€"w. mm m for diam. on now. also upon mnmdpu about... hm: stock- and bonds. WUGELIN. lit-DIAR- tomwithoutmmol 1" man... Wodnopunh-umonr York-nu†mm. ’1‘. Stuart. L. V. O'Connor, BA. â€onâ€. “' m â€mi 70 DMITOR‘ --'naere is talk of 1 lb labor unions 0“ “the In IPPI'OP‘ John-town. PM J‘ Bunch. . sm used may killod; _Roser no whips in ‘he h Royal salute as the Ki! cad d! the vessels dres manned yards or decks- yacht steamed on 3111105 1y gna- the transfer “:8 I" In Proï¬t“ Who: 1t and 7th. King's 3 reception roox pedally constr the train to the 1 Idoly accomlished Ponmouth. Eng‘o ' Edward arrived here More two p.m. 3'05“ Th. removal of his The only ourupimz 0‘ the W once 7:: Queen Alexandra. 112W hide was driven at ; walking M' Although there was a small “0"“ the nation there was no demw> tion in compliance with the with of on Kim The “m†"‘ nurse. awaited the am“! 0’. d» unbalance, and a Party °f blimp“? cu removed his Majesty ““3â€"? hick to a. Royal saloon W W†1, and by the late Queen “W: Absoluu privacy was 99““ by 8" lofty m 0! red P111511 “Heb†rounded the Plath" 13' t London, J my 16.-King Emmi Ht Victoria. Station at 11.35 c'clot yatcrdq morning tor Portsmouth. 'here he will board the Royal yacht v‘c‘om and Albert. The King" conveyed {tom Buckingham Palace w the railway station in an ambulam. drawn by two horses. II. M'- tutu-x Conan Lea- â€and II- to m “In m h the mannaâ€"leashed Pam QUEEN ONLY IN THE AMBULANCE King Edward Now on Board Thu Royal Yacht. BORE JOURNEY mu 033 KILLID. “a Iolohâ€" “lump m I Ion] Ida“. and !ncn 9.01.1941 0K. ~30“ Ulr JOUI'UO)‘ TWO â€Wm rVG‘ Cor. Kent 0’10†Phone .No STAPLE BORS