IQ} ,mmcuors op'mon on the settlement When your nerves are shaky your'of the second clause of $1000 for self-control is shattered -â€" your Will roads in said township. power is broken. Sudden sounds,E Campbellâ€"Daveyâ€"That the fOIIOW- start you : Your temper is irritable ; ling road grants be made: S2. for the your hands tremble: there is \Veak-lMonck road in Digby from the boun- itrss in your knees : your skin is pale idary to I'phill, and $95 for the and pal‘Chvd: you are restless atiboundary between Laxton and Dig- night and tired when you wake. It ’by, Kerr McDonald. commissioner, all comes from nervous exhaustion, §$5 on the boundary of Laxton and perhaps due to ou-rwork or worry, iDigby, J. McGahey, commissioner. lute hours. hot days, and want ofls2 between 4th and 5th concession Mood. llr. Williams' Pinks Pills isf’line; G. Davey and T. Bailey, comâ€"i the only cure. They make new, rich, finissioners, 2 on Cameron road, J. red blood. They brace up jangled 5G. Perkins, commissioner, $2 from nerves and strengthen tired backs. lNorland west on Monck road, J. 'Fhey give health and energy to dull, Campbell, commissioner, $50 on weary, despondent menâ€"and women. south quarter road between lots 3 Strong proof is offered in the case of and 4, lst con, and the lake shore )IX‘S. Wm. Westcott, of Seaforth. Ont, iroad to the boundary, J. Butterâ€" who says :â€"“I“or a long time my worth, commissioner, $20 on north health was in a bad state. I was iq‘uarter line from 3rd con. to Head subject to headaches, dizziness and Lake, Wm. Winterburn, commission- nervous exhaustion. My appetite:er; $80 on north quarter line. east was poor, and I was so badly runlof 7 and 8 cons., Wm. Armstrong, down I could not stand the least ex-i‘commissioner, $15 on south quarter ertion. I tried several medicinosiline in 1st. com, Wm. Simpson, com- and‘ consulted different doctors, butlmissioner, 315 between 6th and 7th they did not help me any. One, of cons., R. Staples, commissioner. 510 my neighbors strongly urged me to on south Quarter road between 3rd try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and be- and 4th cons, J. Bailey, commissiom fore the second box was ï¬nished theler, $330 in Longford, $10 be expend- turning point for the better had been Ied on Victoria. Road to meet a. like reached, and by the time I had usedappropriation of Garden, J. 11on- a half dozen boxes, to the surprise! ghey, commissioner. . , of my friends and neighbors I was: Campbell â€" Perkins-fThat council againienjoying good health, and havei adjourn to meet atthe'township hall" 4 since been strong and wel . I do'at Head Lake, on WV, the not know anything to equal Dr. Wil--15th day‘of August, at 19 flask/31:39} .‘ Iiams's Pink Pills when the system] ED. BUTTERWORI'EQ isrun dOWn."- . , i M town and at ntlt't‘ the 1- was: :1 româ€" z-lotion. Every eye was strained. l‘t-oplv ('lilltlln‘t't‘-€'l upon f‘HICI‘S. Sht‘dS. nosts.-â€"on anything that, promised the lt-ast aanntag'c. None of thL’SU had en-r 801'“ the prvmier, and their t-nriosity hcvnnn' a mania. Sudden- :y thv tonm-ing iron horse Sprang into sight round a curve and in a monn'nt it stood among; the crowd. panting nt‘tnr its long run. "Thorn ht‘ is. th-oxo he is,‘ rang out. and those on long logs saw a smoothâ€"farm! pntieman of ï¬fty. clad in black, stopping. into an open cat‘- ringv. .\ rompany of volunteers. :‘ollom-d by a brass hand. cleared a {utssugv through the streets, and tho rarriagv. drawn by four white hor- sos. slowly madt- its way to the drill- sln-d. chwrs rvnding the air in wol- (‘Ulllt‘ of the honored gut-st along the route. Sir John smiled graciously as he lwld a black silk hat in his hand and bowed continually to the motley throngs that tillt-d the street to the rarriagv. Occasionally some onto- tionnl old Scot in cow-hides and full- rloth would struggle near and ex- tend a trembling brown hand to- ‘ ward thv prmnier. to rvcoin a hear- 1 15' grasp in rt-turn and a genial word 1 or two for the envy of his noighâ€" L hol‘S. ‘ I ) :‘nllnwvd by u l: [utssagq- through 'zu'rium'. drawn motive w Ill .V (hr Ii nto sight zmmvnt it 'antim: an m' on hnrs The m'cn colors, flags. nbnnting. and ribbons fluttered in rwci‘y bruczo. Mottoes and legends (‘Xpl'l‘SSOd the sentiments m‘ thw riginicing pooplc, as, “Union is Strength." "Hail to the Chief,†"Our New Dominion.†"Welcome to (‘anadu's First Knig‘m.†etc.. the lust rui‘vsi‘ing‘ to thv fact that Mr. Macdonahl had box-n knighted that running. Long before nine o'clock L‘tilliill'}' [mimic hogan to swarm into town by own-y road, mos! 01' them in g‘r‘vat heavy nucons. sonn- in buggies ni' carriage-s. while many Won: afoot Enthusiasm in Lindsay exceeded all “cords. 'l‘riumphul arches. x‘cstmm- {1' with (-Vvl‘gn-cns and dvcorated with L'nion Jacks. spanned the streets. btmuxm-rs of the national colors, flags. hunting. and ribbons The morning of the ï¬rst “Domin- ion Day†dawned without. a cloud. Lindsay! Was up with the sun, the surrounding country before it. Ex- pectant. interest shone on every face. In distant townships wagons were greased for a special efl‘ort ;> impaâ€" tient milkmaids suspected disloyalty in the cows for yielding their contri- butions so grudgingly. Plows were abandoned in their furrows. while cheerful scgthob were left. hanging in the acacia's lual‘y shade. zzturu ()liticz ulmioj :‘h'. The civic authorities of Lindsay having determined to celebrate the day in ï¬tting manner, with com- nnndable enterpriSe resolved on hav- ing present, if at ali possible, the man who had been the head of the whole movement, the Hon. John A. Macdonald. A delegation of leading citizens having been sent. to invite the distinguished gentleman, were (-rostiallon when he informed that he had already accepted an invitation to Toronto for that day. “But," added he, with the pleasing resourceâ€" fulness of a sympathetic mind, “as Lindsay is on the way to Toronto; have your plans arranged and I'll step aside and look in upon you on my way." ICI‘ I u-v math of yesterday's celebration of the same anniversary, 36 years la.- v v-..- on the [Tréi‘bommion Day. July lst, 1867. Her? are some extracts that are of special interest in the after- v\t last Sir Jobs We Was a Vista» at. a Great Card Grated lilâ€" Ext“- cts in. «Oliver Luau†In Mr. Geo. A. Powles' book “Oliâ€" Yer Langton," in which there is much about, the early days of Vidtoâ€" ria county, is a description of Sir John Macdonhld's visif to Lindsay wv.-_-‘ , nuw Inn nu: bun] qua DAY WAS CELEBRATE) IN LINDSAY ucu: progress, or m curious spv- tiun concerning Sir John him- sun 10 uishml hut tho the st wh ich “'1‘“. SHAKV NERVES PAGE SIX alk the wild scream of a loco- s heard at thv cdgn of the at UHU‘ them was: :1 Comâ€" (1m MU was a Visito: II. ’ __- .- ...-.\,J , Vummlwluufl. 0f I32 between 4th and 5th concession isgline; G. Davey and T. Bailey, com- 11. fmissioners, $2 on Cameron road, J. :d‘G. Perkins, commissioner, $2 from s. :Norland west, on Monck road, J. ll, I Campbell. commissioner, $50 on n. [south quarter road between lots 3 3f {and 4, lst con, and the lake shore ta .road to the boundary, J. Butterâ€" Iy 3! worth, commissioner, $20 on north‘ Li "guarter line from 3rd con. to Head‘ ‘r"“' wuâ€" {missionen $15 between 6th and 7th icons†R. Staples, commissioner, $10 {on south Quarter road between 3rd ja-nd 4th cons, J. Bailey. commission-u get, $330 in Longford, 810 be expend- l..A A“ ‘VOAA - Campbell â€" Perkinsâ€"That council adjourn to meet at the township hall at Head Lake, on Saturday, the 15th day of August, at 10 o’clock. ED. BUTTERWORTH, Clerk; appropriation of Garden vvvvvvvv ' an. IVA IIIIU Monck road in Digby from the boun- dary to I'phill. and $95 for the boundary between Laxton and Dig- by, Kerr McDonald, commissioner, $5 on the boundary of Laxton and Digby, J. McGahey, commissioner. l’erkinsâ€"Daveyâ€"That a vote of the ratepayers be taken regarding the advisability of two municipalities unit-ing- in the purchase of a. stone crusher. Campbellâ€"Ilawayâ€"That the clerk be and is hcreby instructed to cor- respond with the solicitor of the Ru.- ven lake Portland Cement ,Company notifying the company that their poles along the public highway must be so placed as to cause no incon- venience to the travelling public. Perkinsâ€"Daveyâ€"That the clerk be instructed to produce all the papers relating to the Longford townshipi with the Longi‘ord Company and our solicitor‘s opinion on the settlement of the second clause of $1000 for roads in said township. MCDonaldâ€"Duvexâ€"That Manrney mortgage h-oing paid,ba,nk interest, up to date he accepuxl. and that the erv and treasurer give discharge of the same. " Daveyâ€"MCDonaldâ€"That the fullow- ing bums rucvivc the amount paid into the trvasury for non.pnriorm- uncc of statute labor. namely: divi- sion Nos. 2. 6. 11. 15, 19, 20 and Dig‘lu' boats N0. 1 6. “Porkinsâ€"Campbellâ€"That the move give his Grader on the treasurer in favor of )h'. Jus. Wakelin for $2. being: rent 01‘ hall_at Norland for county magistrate court. MOTION S CA RRIED McDonaldâ€"Dm'Oyâ€"That the clerk be authorized to write to M1. James le‘adden in \icu ()1 buying :7 of an acre of land for road hurposcs, to pm" the pumhase 1110119.), and have a deed executed for the samv: Laxton, Digby and Longford coun- cil met on the 20th of June. On motion of Messrs. Webster and Mark. the following bills were order- ed to be paid: M. )r‘Iaybee. work on ('on. 6. 87; John Maâ€"umlm'. goods to S. McFadyon S2: A. F. Cragg, ro- pairs to gradm' $2.20, and working same 30: M. Mayhoc. troas. Orange lodge for hall for meeting $2: D. Sinclair, rebuilding Routley’s bridge On motion of Mossrs. Webster and Mark the romp was dirvcted to in- spect the bridge at. 101: 22, con. 5, and rebuild 01' repair as he deems Dost. On motion of Messrs. Cram: and Palmer. H. Hartle was paid 25 cents a rod for 60 rods wire fence at lot 5, con. 2. On motion. of Messrs. Cragg and Webster Sam. McLean was granted 15 cents a rod on 20 rods wire .cnce at lot 12. (T011. 3, and Jas. Bryans the same for 20 rods along road. con. 6, lot 6. On motion of Messrs. Web‘stor and Mark, Reeve Parkin and Councillor Cragg were appointed to meet the recve of Ops, Mr. Brock and Mr. Waldon to settle if possible the fence question on ()ps and Fenelon boun- dary. On motion of Messrs. Webster and Mark council offered D. B. McNabib 30 cents a rod bonus on wire fence on con. 6. lot 9. of wire fence at lot 16, con. .5. On motion of Messrs. Palmer and Cragg, John onkenshire was offered 15 cents a rod for 119 rods wire fence at lot 5. con. 2. Messns. Web- ster and Mark in amendment offered him 15 cents a rod for 100 rods ; the amendment carried. Oh motion of Messrs. Palmer and Mark, $25 was granted J. Dancy to assist him in taking care of P. Beamish. Moved by Mr. Webster. seconded by Mr. Palmer, that. W. Stephenson be paid 30 cents a rod bonus on wire fence provided Verulam pay half that amountâ€"Carried. 7 On motion of Messrs. Webstei‘ and Mark, H. Johnston was offered a. bonus of 15 cents a rod for 30 rods 5 of wire fence at lot 16, con. b. was. D""‘ v.â€" s - Communications were received from W. Stephenson, re bonus for wire fence; from Dr. A. Wilson, re care of P. Boamish, ill with tuberculosis at John Dancy’s; from Col. S. Hughes, M.P., acknowledging re- reipt of council’s request to minister of railways and canals for further; assistance in dredging on short road from Cameron to Lindsay. The Fenelon council met in ad- journed court of revision at Camer- on, on June 10th. No furthe‘ amendments were made to the roll, and general council business was tak- _I !_.A... W What. the pills have done {61‘ others they will do for you, if you â€will give them a. fair trial. Sold by all medicine dealers, or sent post paid at, 50 cents a boxor six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Wil- liams Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. LAXTO 4, DIGEY AND LONGFORD FBNBLOV COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS JOHN B POWLES, Clerk. mg, rte:- om- 7t h 510 3rd ~ “v“..‘v-‘a T. G. Irwin"... Peter Molntyre...... ......... ...... 4.80 ........... “-1112 John J ohmston..." ......... ......,,_18,90 John J 0111191021.â€... ......... ......... 6,50 ‘ - “'illiam Unicorn... ......... ...... 5.00 J. F. meings“... ......... .oo Anson \Valtun...... ......... .........l3.75 John chson...... ......... M42.“ Alered Webster-"m. ......... “14.00 G. A. “'ashinqtm...... ............ 6.00 D. W. Xingu»... ......... ...............12,oa \V. P. Gordon King“... mum W. P. Gordan Kingâ€... â€was.†Gcorgc Hicks“... ......... M- mo: ;by Mr. Alex. McLeod. that tin reports jot the assessor dot the eqmlixation :of the uniccn school sections for the years 1903. 1904 and 1905 be accepted. and that an order be given on the Treasurer in his flavor for 828. In;- his accountâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. McLeod. seconded by Mr. P. S. Mark. that the Gurkha authorized to notify Mr. Donald Jack. son. at Eldon. and Mr. Frederick Moved by Mr. Michael. 860de by Mr. Philip Mark. that the Court at Revision adjcum and that the regular business of the Council be taken up. -4Garried. in favor at tgze assessor. Mr. T. G, Irwin. for his 5:11:11; 8120. i Moved by Mr. Cameron. amended by .Mr. McLeod. that the «following as- fsessments ‘ be confirmed; "Edwin , Mark 3. 1-2 lots 19 and 20. can. 4, 200 acres assessed for $6,100; William White s. 1-2 lot 18, can. 4, 100 acres assessed for $3,500; George DaVey 3. put lot 18, can. B, 125 acres a5- sesscd for $4,800; - C. H. Knight e. 1-2 j lot 17. com. 12. 100 acres assessed for $4,630; Ellwood Rogers n. 1-2 of a. llot 15, com. 6, 50 acres assessed for 82,250; Ellwom Rogers n.w. part. lot 17, can. 6, 20 acres assessed for $750; that part of the property as- ’ScSScd to Mr. John McMillan be as- scssed to Mr. John McCuaig. Toronto, for $25; and that the following names be added to the assessment rolls: Rufus Hall. James Mitchell, Wm. A. Ncsbirt, John Jordan. Leslie Western, Jolm Munchinscn, James ;Whitc, Neil Murchinsoui. Wimam I Hall. sr., Gsorge Stone, Alex. iRonuld Iiï¬cDandld. John Campbell, James Hull, Ben Smith, George Fm- tcr, Thomas Chilvers. Clarence Spar-ks J’umes Martin. James McLean. A. L. IO’nchard. Division Nb. 2. â€"- Thom-as Reynolds. Richard Freed. an, 1“ka Ray. Division No. 3.â€"Joh:n E. 3 Kinmon. John McLean. Thomas Shehe. Fred Evans. Arthur Eversan. Joseph Burrows. Division No. 4.-â€"W. H. McLaughlin. L. T. Pnscoc. James Hui chinson. Ernest Cunnings. D.H. Mur- ray. Division Nm 5.â€"Thnmn.s Jack- son. R. A. Ellcker. Division No. 7â€" John Carelzmd. William Orton. Luke Liujcx‘op, Neil McLean. Fred Buck, Herbert. Harrison. EJmest BoWeng, Henry Wright. Alex. Wilson. Edward Wilson. Division No. 8.-John Mc- Miller. 0n motionnthe assessment .M..- -â€"â€"£9_~ u-‘Alln Muir, i 1 l i I I Mc- E l i 1 I l i Mr. W. P. King presented his ac- count :for drawing stone. but the crushing not having been completed the account was not given in full. We have learned since that the total account will be about 8570. Changes on the R01]. Moved by Mr. Cameron. seconded by Mr. Mark, that the treasurer be auth- orized to pay accounts for grading and crushing stone at lot 15. con. 8, on the order of W'. P. King.the over- scanâ€"Carried. 'The bonus at 30 cents per rod on wire fences was paid Mr. Parkinson {or 123 rods. Mr: W. Broad. [for 17 rods. and Mr. Thus. Grimatone, for 109 rods. Mr. Robert Baking presented an ac- count clf $190.50 «for getting stones crushed in his vicinity; these stones were also collected by statute labor. "LE; P. S. Mark purebsed a gravel pit containing 5-16the of an acre (or $125 from Mr. Samuel Walters. They Held a. Court at Bevisiom The Council then fumed into a Court of Revision (01' the purpose of considering the asseesmenrl; mm, each member taking the oath of ad'- fice. .Aditer caretully considering several appeals. the Court decided to comfirm the assessments of the na- sessor' with the emptim of a. small change in Mr. John ï¬cMilhn‘a and Mr. Rufus Hall’s assessment.n quar- ter of an here being added tothe lat- ter assessment. The total 838033- ment :for Maripoaa Iï¬or 1903 is 32.600,- 0907 -' I i i MI. Finlay Sinclair was present and signified his .will'ngness to lease one quarter of an acre at land hr agnv- el pit {01190. and the clerk was in- structed to prepare the necessary papers before the next meeting at the Council. Mr. Wm. Ohannon pro-entail his ac- count in detailzfar grading underm- ingstone on 191822 toZLoon. 9. Somewhere about 1% cords of stone had B'ecn collected during the East three years by ulntute labor. and the total cost of (grading and brushing atone "this yet}; will amount 1303315. The Municipal M d Erin met at mkwoadon may. Jun 8th. The members were dl ptenent, 1.50 minutes at the hat mm â€'0 tread and conï¬rmed. ‘ 1. Batch at Accounts- The Reeve presented an account .6! mam Mr. J. 1?. mm m- "ionery suppued at tin Divhiu W for‘ the last'aix years. Tb Beenmd Mr. Michael waited on Hr. Canning: and he (in-ally decided to twept 320 in settlement of the name. Mr. '1‘. G.£Irwin. the mic-the Court at Revision. m preaent not! presented his reports d t!» equaliz- ing of the ugian who! sections. MARIN†COUNGL W Pianos and Organs For Sale The lowest or say 'ender not aarily accepted. ‘ M: the Town {Jerk} 0m;e “(-1-me of flee hours. FOR 1mprovem tnts Required to flog Pen at the Market Square.- Se do! tenders. marked “Tende's ’ for the Im rovcment of Hog Pen" will be mocha?“ the Town Clerk’s oflic: up to noon an I ï¬lm“ Possession for farm work Will be given immediately after harwm. and full possession on the 1st day of March next. Further particulars and conditions of sale can be had on application to MOORE 6:. JACKSON. Vendors Solicitors, Lindsay. I This farm is conveniently situated. being about half a mile from a good school. 2 miles from Realporo. 3 imiles from Omemee. and 8 miles "from the Town of Lindsay. The ‘soil is ngood clay loam. it is all cleared gnd about 45 acres are un- der cultivation; there is a good well and there are. erected on the premi- 505 a frame barn 30 x 60 and at. ca dur log stable about 24 x 30. TERMSâ€"Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money must be paid down at, the time of sale, and the balance thereof in 30 days thematter without interest. There will be a. reserved bid. ' FRIDAY, JULY 3rd, [903, next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. the south half of the south half of lot number 6, in the 7th concession of the said Township of Emily. Mr. William Adams. the Administ- rator of the estate of Francis Adams late of the Townshm of Emily, Yeoâ€" man, deceased, will offer {or sale by public auction at the Conuucrcml House, in the Village of Omemec. on Dafed this 6th day of June. 1903 chne sday Juiy 81h, 1903 Very desirable property near the R. C. church. ‘olid brick, (nearly new) 8 rooms. good cellar, Wuodshw) etc" corner lot. Price low and term- easy. Apply at this amoe. â€"19-t!. VALUABLE FARM local Agru‘ . s. BYERSON. AMINISTEATO‘S’S SALE W‘. leWATTER 3, Chairman '1‘ Wu Property 00m Janna 1.1K} gromftations ran ‘0 In the Township of Fmily In the (ounly o; Vic ori- TENDERS J. J. UNDSAY neces- 'fgLindsay Marble Works league Mk. I.†lean: 8m. 40c Inc-cl nun. 75c Due-ca um. I... tame Mask. I.“ catchm' (ll-ta 1.75 803' Gloves 25c. “a. $013 Base Dal: dig “c. hit-flu. l 50 Puck q Ban. 2.“ Pin-Pm Balls. 5:. on: this, at bl! um. should i8 Prepared to furnish tho people a UPMY and surrounding. country HER WEDUING GIFTS SPUHTING EUUDS Repairing neatly and promptly done meat and .Wedding Rings. popular Jewelry Store. value for the money here. We have Silverware, Cut. Ghas_ Fine China, beautiful Clocks. Gold Watches, Jewelry. etc. Elam in silver will aIWays be a men-f ento 0! one of the happiest events of her lifeâ€"doubly so it She knows that. they came from IcCarty'a. (or our name is a. synonym for merit. and vane. The buyer. 300. nun-acumen Page WovenWireFence (one: Man in In": “an; m wwwhkuuptho in: { mumuutmmmomm Inn-mar Down-Minda- kinou It loo-an- uun mum â€01.13% “W0: 3W7?†gummm m.momtmmmnom ml no acorn-mo... m'mmï¬mmumumno R 05" CHAMBERS assured of getting full . MCCARTY twenty million. is W ' tuna. Panto (ands if mime“ G- R. HOPKIKS; JOS. CARROLL’S The Canada Permanent Western Canada Mortme Corporation. a I flOPK'Niflgc-t at Lida!- The beâ€"st brands manufacture! always 11: stock. You will be sure of an enjoyable smoke i you purchase your supplia It J05. GflRROLLS 3â€"1603â€"- “,9. _. roam 0. H. M. BAKER, Phone. 0130: 77, um cost, etc. The Rathbun C0. We have the silo rings .expmsly mnu'acturtd for constructing silos lo mxer for propcn 1v mixing 1h: gravel and cement. Our Cement Expert from Toronto Will be in this dxstrict forasbo t while and is prepared t; take cont ac s or hiding silos. FARMERS | BIND and see us for estimate of Attention Lindsay Clï¬AIS Agent MCL DIVIDEN Notice is I dividcnd at test has be Ilcpnidupc: Vmii loan h “It half )1 H3, and the IE“ the C1 Ii liter Jul!