iBE Mr â€"â€" JUL-v n w - n: ft. Andrew’s Preacher Declares .1 11 1, q ï¬F’REiggim 3 mm - _ ,oâ€"eaimgSI , .- "I†Mel â€3 '0‘ PW“ I triangular course. AT ST. ANDREWS 12 11.30â€"Dinghy; sailing face, ,3 1’ miles. n'an lar course. m" “mm" e tho - student supply, I Should ttlie wad prove unfavorable iii-nachod at bl. Andrew 3 morning! th I) _ t' th team 1 u ch and evening. In the morning his lat e_a 0er une _e s . an} was= ' Vi??? takiéflee‘ï¬lf‘giéï¬â€˜Ã©â€˜ii‘ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ “And he» saith unto them, ye 3317 race: . - shall drink indeed of my cup, and 'ltzï¬e’D?’ Tiles, .3111 take the place at b... baptised With the baptism c ingi} sax mg race. that I am baptised with : but to i AFTERNOON sit on my right hand. and on my 31 LOOâ€"Rowing skiff race, half mile - _ "4.“. , l with turn. “And he saith unto them, ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and he baptised With the baptism that I am baptised with : but to sit on my right hand. and on my lm‘t. is not mine to give." Advancmnent. said the preacher, comes not except with that pain without which no pleasure is safe. "('an ye drink of my cup?" is the qurstion the Man of Sorrows addreS- scs to thosu- who seek the place of honor. Through struggle and Suffer- ing: are xm-n prepared far butter â€".\t the Cam'Uridgeâ€"st. Methodist ('ht‘ri‘h the pastor. Rev. G. W. Hen- derson. preached twice on the Pro- digal Son. At night the preachéf considered the Prodigal as (1) '71P- â€GTtinq"‘He came i0 himsnlf.†. (2\ "eaï¬zing the hnd :msition he 'was‘ in. (3) Resolving to better it, an†(-1) Parrying out his rz‘salve. Up- on these divisions. Mr. Henderson» ‘rmilt a discourse that was larmh" theological. In this sermon the Pm- ri.‘ gal was made in Tomi. the sinv 'er and the father... Xod. 4.4. 56-21:- Evie passage was that imwhi'ch urn zréachet assured his hearers Mthe Variety m‘ excellence is the law of the Unl'Vt'l'rha (me star difim-eth from another star in glory. There is the. amoeba and there is the man. The \‘I‘g1‘tal131'. animal and human king- «'l0111s-â€"-th~-<1--are “God's beautiful 1hain of inequality.’ †Men are not born equal. l‘iie teaching of Anarchv and Soriu‘ism that they are, cans cs 11 "(1171 d 21. I‘ the social disorder of 1i.~- 1!;1)..’i"'.\o children reared amid snail-(11' smioundings become “holl3 different sorts 01' men. because they are inhurently diï¬'erent.’ They were 11.11 111111 mural. No svstem of ed- ucation (.111 p1 oduce the eagle glance of genius. Poets are born, not made Some hrous axe marked 1'01 infamy, and other for honor. There is the ï¬rst-class and there is the second. the inferior and the superior. Rev- olutions have endeavored to break tlu-s- (listinlrions. but swiftly has (.‘od's i11s:z-:ted law asserted its 1i}.1,hts.Ho:io.ism mav seek to put all indix id»: als on equal footing. but it (lt‘lPiltS itself. for there is no wor- thy i11di\i1’:::zl=ty apart from re- sponsibility. Men may Kill and de- stim hut equalty is a dream and it it Should he realized it could not --xist 1111‘ 2' hours. It is the some in heaxen. Christ tacitly admitted that there were rig-ht and left thrones. and that some (amid occupy them. The. rule OV'er 5 cities. and over 10. points to the same thing. 'l‘here is the glorv and the glorx that excelleth. The disciples Ans-w 01‘ these differences and were anxious to occupy .a high place. They asked for it. Christ replied ‘That is not mine to give, ' can yet drink of mv cup and endure my bapâ€" 115m?" For dxialtalï¬on there 'is an awful preparation. The Son of Man himself was made perfect through" suffering. A man cannot have .vhat lie-is not prepared to receive. Can the man with untrained ear be given the joy that the expert ï¬nds in sweet music. or the. uncultured know the artist's delight in beautiful pictures or sculpture? They are not giveable: they come only to him who can re- (-eive them because of what he is. None can know them who have not drunk of the musician’s and artiSt’s Men strung to the delicate tension that r:‘(‘.*i\'9S such pleasures. “The; are not mine to give: can ye drink of my cup 1’" God cannot put men upon thrones: they are the seats of tImSc who climb to their omincncn and have developed the regal soul. Rx‘on the love of God can put no' other on a throne. and if it. did. to the unprnparod the position would be one of supreme misery. Therefore who! nor ropine beneath the rod and burden of me. They are Christ’s 'c:.xp and his baptism. of which all those must partake who prepare for seats on nigh. â€"â€"On Sunday morning Rev. Har- vey Strike preached ,at the Queen-st: Methodist church. At night Mr. Wes- ton. a temperance organizer, gave an addross in which the liquor busi- noss was likened to Haman who plotted against Mordecai, the Jew. and was hanged on his own gallows. iomsâ€"t hex‘v are â€ï¬‚air: of inequality mm equal. The ti . A , 6 F country. especially to crop. "Aisike is heading lining up so that it an which it would not I without the rains. I: have I seen where harm Game to any crap.†I). Thornton ((Memee) looked better in tion. Hay has' picked awfully. There 'is about of sugar beets plante Peterboro factory. †yic-[d at least 20 ton to At this yield they pa street going down other going up- 1 broken the other ‘13 G. . A. Smith, (manager Gas Company) : “People should drive and wheel on one side of Kent street going down and on the other going up. I had my wheel broken the other day because the other fellow did not observe the rules of the road. In Toronto the policv arrest people who drive or ride on the wrong side of the Street." kGE EIGHT AHONG THE CHURCHES ï¬cnmamm FEW WORDS up so that it can be ‘3‘“. it would no “'0 _,_,v 1100:: ((memee) :.“Crops soked better in our see-- my has picked up WW There 'is about 200 acres beets planted for the '31 They Will ton to the acre. 1103/ pay the fa" any crop he can Prodigal would not have bang“:â€" ed if hehad‘dim "16$ “a. who; ‘ ‘ w 1" ' his hand, a. (3th ask in hisinoi“ it is loaded, and. obskured with the “ï¬gsgary nowadays it is loaded. and! theéfogical “gm“ half-miles, triangular course. 3 1.30â€"Juvenile race, single blade, under 16, half mile, straight. away. a ’1 Lillaâ€"Singles, double blade, half- mile, with turn. ‘ ' 5 auraâ€"Sailing canoe, three miles, triangular course. 6 2.15â€"War canoe rasc, one mile, straight. away. ' " 2.30â€"Tandem, single blade, half- mjle, with turn. 8 2.45â€"Gasoh’ne launch race, 2 9 3.('mâ€"-Fours, single blade, half- milc. with turn. 1H 3.15â€"Hurry scurry race. 11 3.3Ilâ€"Ladies’ Tandem, quarter- mile. straight away. 1.23 3.45â€"Crab race. , 13 4.()0â€"â€"Paddling upset race. 14 4.15â€"Tilting race. 15 4.3t'lâ€"Steam launch race, 2 mile. with turn: or sailing skiff race, 3 miles, triangular course. The German Eye Specialist Coming Prof. J. H. DeSilberge, the Ger- man Exe Specialist, will be at the following plmes on the dates men- tioned : l’enelon Falls, at the Mansxon House, Wednesday afternoon, July 15th, until Friday afternoon. 17th. Kinmount, at Scott’s Hotel, Jul) 18th, 19th and 20th. ‘ Minden, at the Dominion Hotel July 2lst and 22nd. Haliburton, at Lucas' Hotel, Jul} 23rd and 24th. Bobcaygeon, at the Rockland {ouseu July 25th to 28th inclusive Omemee, at the Bradburn House. July 29th, 30th and 3131:. Consultation free. Keep the dates in mind, and tell your neighbors who require advice of a. specialist. Now is the time to have your hind- erslooked after to see that. the knot,- ter is in good‘wo-rking order before harvesting commences; it will save time and anoyanoc. Don’t be too easily persuaded that your machine is worn out. and must be throwr aan to get a new one. Take it‘tc W. Webste'r at the LINDSAY BICY- CLE and GENERAL' REPAIR WORKS, and have it repaired and made to run as good as new for‘ wars at a small cost. OER 310Tâ€" 111â€"th how cheaply, but hog: “911.15%er repairing in all its hranches as uSua}. I , August, 13th, is the date of the annual C. M.B.A. excursion. This year the trip will be made to Berlin. where six hours will be given excur- sionists to visit the boot. sugar fac- tory and other industries of this pretty and thrivmg town. From Berlin side trips cane be made by electric railway to Waterloo. two miles distant ; Bridgeport, two mik‘s: Preston, seven miles; Gait, 1?. miles: Heineler, 12 miles. The train pass- es through Guelph en route to Bar. lin. The tickets from Lindsay are $1.85 and are good for two days. English bacteriologists have takâ€" en a. small piece from a woman’s skirt which had been trailed through London streets, and after washing it in distilled water, have examined the outscourings under a. micrOSCUpe. 150 drops of the water contained more than 25,000 germs of such dis- eases as consumption, diphtheria an! syphoid fever. A train of misfor- tune seems to attend the Woman with a dropping skirt. For other oaeticulars see large [Lust William-st, ’ North. at SW M4.“ The C. M. B. A.Excnrsion to Berlin \ll nice-s are free to cute Farmer; 1 Attention ! Sing-1e ‘blade canoe. open, Trailing Skirts W. WEBSTER Mechanical Expert, at the Mansion ‘5', †n". 1%.; nan. Several weeks ago Mr. cough ad- vertised that. he would give a seriï¬ of prizes from $2.00 in cash, down. ‘Ior the funniest picture of a bhck cat drawn by any boy or gid and This advertisement youth 01.811 parts 0‘ compete. and 30°“ u their hanidwork wen thehig store andbein’g piped on! exhibition in the east windo‘r. Al-l together 184 pictures were sent in., display of the originality in concep- tion and execution, of the school children of the county. The big store has certainly been brought into eviable promineme with the prblic by this very commendable mot-had of getting public attention. The reSUIts, as displayed in Gough’s window, strikingly exhibit the varied conceptions of humor that Fexist. in the youthful mind, and the 1 just as varied "ability to put those 1conceptions on paper. Some com- ;pctitors of capital drawing ability ,. AL- :....+ that man's an»: en? comm Gilles, Ethel Gage, Ethel- Hug-hson, Ruth C. Hutton, Gordon Hall, Herbie Hut-ton, Francis Ho'we, Mable Hutton, Pearl Henderson, Earl Hartwick, Stella. Iloulihan, Mary Ellen Hand Joseph Horstead, Douglas. (Glandino) Henderson, Gordon Hill, Ethel Hughson, Muriel Hart, Howard Harding Ethel ' ' Harvey Stella (Coboconk) Irwin, Edwin (Cambnw) Irwin, Pearl (Cunbray) Irwin, Rube (Cambray) Irwin, Russell (Cainbray) Jackson, Harold (No. 11 Ops) Johnston, Willie (Janetï¬lb) Johnston, Harold. (Janetvill-o) Johnston, Arthur Johnston, Iloyd (Jun‘etville) Jaickson; Olive B. (do. 11 Ops Johnston. Ila-tram (Jnnocvillc) Kmv,- Willie . Kiln.“sw0 , a . “qu m» â€WWâ€; ,. Arth'ur 'ort William) {dor of the day. Miss A. Tolmie is home nor qer vacation. Mr. J. and Miss W. Blaylock of Omr-mr-e were. the guests of their aunt Mrs. F. McEachel-n on Wednes- day of last week. M1,]. Moynos and daughter Lindsay returned home, Inning spcn a \wek w: th his son Mr. M. Moyncs Mr. McNabb and family of Sault Ste. Maiie are the guats of Mr. I) G ruham. Miss \[ (’urrins of Lindsay sponl Sunda) at home “9 ate [Ilt'aStd to see Mr M. Hoy- ms around again. having been con- ï¬ned to his bed for th- past. week, the result of a fall from a wheel. COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE Miss' T. Md‘udyvn returned home after spending a month with her sister Mrs. D. McFadyefl of Mam-x- (irove, Eklon. Puma -â€" LITTLEâ€"0n Wodm-suiay. July 1st, by Rev. Mr. Strike. Mr. .I. Prior of DurIingfon. to Miss Emeline Link- of Mauve“: , Cr-OOPERâ€"HCTAGGART On Mon- day June 15th. at Queegâ€"st. Ham 6 st church parsonage mm In Rev. A J. Strike. Ir. Sm OAKWOOD AN D VICINI’I‘Y Miss Ruth Webster left. Saturday morning to spend a month with irivnds in ()rillia. Miss Nettie Pcrrin who ha: hat-n teaching-in Mui'koku is hmue for ‘vaâ€" cation. A large number of our citizens spent Dominion day in Lindsay and were well ploasvd with the attrac- tions. After a pleasant three-nmks'visit at the Presbyterian Manse, Miss Gourlav returned to Toronto Friday ewning. Mr Moses Webster returned [mm a businn-ss trig . .-~{ 9 tnlm ('n Tucs- d'ay evening. He reports things upâ€" toâ€"date in the Prairie Province. Rev. Moses Methmll of Seagrave broached morning and evening in the Methodist church last Sunday. Masars. Sam (‘uad. Charles Ronnie and G. Gardiner were home for Do- minion day. The League held a strawberry fos- tival Tuesday evening of last week. As the weathivr was‘ thrvatening the basement of the church was utilized for the occasion. A choice musical and literary program was provided. News of the sa‘fc arrival in Eng- Mmd of Mr. Silverwood and company has bucn received. It is reported that he made well on his cattle. McGAH_EY.-â€"At Lindsay. on Juiy 4th. to Mr. and Mrs. J33. E. Me. Guhey, a son. , Miss Hz Gardiner of Toronto was home from Saturday until Monday «vening. HM. 3093 Hills, 11085? Morrison. 5" Masses“. Kâ€" ., Rathwdl. Joe. _ Stinson. Luellu Stimson, Willie, (Penelo- F3118) Shier. Laura ‘ Stinson, Elula (Penelod Nb) Simpson, Jack Scott, Fred Sycr. Bernice Scott, Josephine Scott. Joe Spratt, John Stewart. ()rvis Staples, Myrtle Stewart, Tom Spratt. Peter . Sampson, Sadie, (Pleasant Point) Stewart, Annie Topley. Stella Thomas, Edwalfl Thuyer, Corn Thoburn. Duncan L. Vvitch, Ed. Wessels, Melville, (Norland) Ward. Kate. (Bruccbrldge) Whitv. Florence Watson, Harry Woods. Willi.- Mchan, Sinclair, (Woodvillc) Ill-Kevan. Willie, (l-‘enelon Falls) Mcflill. Bt'alricv McKazuo, Pearl (Woodville) Mcflrilyhon, Norma-n McEVny. Joseph McDonald. Kathleen NC I lnnuld . A l-bort Mcl-‘adyon. Sadie. (Hartley) ISLAY I‘icâ€"nic and barn-raising are the orâ€" McKay. E. 1mm“. 3 (“11" p. ( " nth 0P“) Remnants and Odd Lines MW» w . ;.‘Ju"li*h¢ _ Black, 1} iooha wide. Beg- uiar value 10c for â€mm...†Bathing Caps Ladies' and Children's rubber lined Cashmere bathing caps. 40‘ Special ...................... n...- Sl.25 La Once Corsets 75: Mel‘s $1.25 3 W: 15: Men's Soft and Stuched, Colo Oambric Shirts. pleated and p ' fronts. Regular prim $1 7 and $1.25, to clear at ... arl b ttons. regular vclue gm, to;I ............................. ‘7‘ den 3 "well Puts 85c Men‘s Strong Tweed Pants in Brown, Blue and Grey Strips, we]! made and trimmed. reg- 85c ular value $1.00 pair (or ' Boys" Bio-sf: 25c Boys' Print, Duck and Linen Blous- us. with swig» collar. Regular J. SUTGLIEEE ._§QN3 Cooper. Funclon. to Miss nary Mo- 'l‘aggmt of the same place. EAITNDER â€"McGEE-â€"-At tho resiâ€" dence of Mr. and him. Andre-“i Hall, Lindsay-61.. on Wednesday. July 8th. by Rrv. Harvey Striki‘. Mr. Leslie Mannder. and was >10} his. MCGe‘, both of town. ‘ M'lTlJJENwCUBL'RNâ€"At We rcsi~ dence of the bride‘s pu’ents. Caro- line-3L. on Wodneéday, July 8th. by Rev. £1â€ch Strike. w. J. Mullen and MW. eldaï¬t daugh-a ter of Mr. John Cohurn. July the Month FORM FOR SALEâ€"One Engine and Boil- er, one Shingle Machine and Joint- er. Thesewillbesold atahar- gain. Apply to W. H. KENNEDY. Omemce.â€"26-4. RESIDENCE FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAPâ€"1 double wa- mn.1diachmow.1 mover. 1 Noun «sum 1 pen larva-tor 1 Ion: 1nd 1 M at double har- m. 2 plough-.1 m plough 1 Crompton's'Lo. Grace girdle corsets strong Courtelli, regular . -Valuc $1.25 .. ......... “as"! 15c MO()RE.â€"At Depot. Harbor, Ont-. on July 8th. Mrs. Jane loom. rclict of the late William loom. agedï¬G years .......... Funeral from rmidenm of son Chas. Moore, corner Albert and Durham-sts.. south ward, to marrow. (Thursday). at 8 p.m.. to Riverside cemetery. ‘ FARM FOR BALEâ€"66 area. 8 mil- es from Llndnw: 60 acre: plow land. balance pasture. Log house. log frame barns. A bmain fl takenutonu. Applyatthisd- KARKET- GARDEN FOR SALE. -â€" Adjoining eastern town limits Good soil. Prune house and com- bined barn and stable. Three ac»- rcs on land. wm be sold cheap FARM FOR SALE-Ant 20. con. 9. Ops. two miles east of Lindsay. 100 acres. 40 acres MWe valuable tuna-ac bush: On the premises in a good frame barn : good well. For turthcr particulars apply to HRS. HUGH HORRI- SON. or L. V. O'CONNOR, Ban- HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE.â€" 1‘h. Glenn-m Hotel property for me. 8500 out and balance nec- uredbymowuapercut. or thc sumo any h. baled for a term of years. commencing with Int my next (1908.) For further particul- u-o gpply to JOHN IcSWEYN. Linda-3.. Dated till- 12th day of Inch. A. D. 1908. ESmENCE FOR SABERâ€"0n Lind- sty-st‘. one door north or Dr. Shier' a block. Solid Erick 9 room- and mm kitchen (00‘ won at! iron m. Mb for two good churn. 1 m tad govern! oflm- nrflck and b turning. THOKAS FEE. Agt. I can he found at W mar. oust ward. um.â€"17'fl. Apply at rister. Lindsay P. 0.-25~8. ; ricos clear Stylish Miniuery at REduced Pric CS lc XS? gléée Bum mesh} 1, sateen trimmings and‘ ms. â€gum "we ‘7‘ â€5‘2 Elastic in colors â€wide-308‘ I- A will LINDSAY la) cum-mmâ€: Winery Trill-tings Mail. Sax llc Bays Handkerchiefs 2 {or IGII'O and Boys' Canrbric hundkor. I chiefs. with taped. bordurs, slight. [y imperfect. Regular) 45:: 0M Window Shade . 30c 00 only Opaque oiled window shaâ€" FAR“ FOR SALE OR RENT.â€" Ealt halt Lot 16. Con. 6, Ops, 100 acres. 75 under cultivation. W M pasture [and and timber. This is a rare chance to obtain I, most dairable {arm with- in two miles of Lindsay, on lead- ing mud. For particulars apply on (am or by lener to A. 1k- ARI‘HUB. Box 392, Lindsay.-â€"â€"2t- FAR)! NRï¬ALE.â€"-Lot 8, con. 6. in the Township of Eldon. 200 acres. UK) cleared, balance in good pasture and good Lazuarac. Large brick house and large orchard; one {ram burn 60 x 6†with horse and acne stablw bonoath, one him and drivingâ€"house 30 x 130 with turnip house. shevp and pig the undersigned 1-“ Township of Eldon. Amelie-n (not color Drvss Muslim. m and striped dwirgns, {me “at weave with mercori'md rais- “'3 Fine Herino Sax, seamless, reinforced heel and to“, lh‘g‘ular value 15 cents pvt Imir. "c horas; lot 50 x 115. Fro: of dwelling cane he mat stole at. small expanse. Pu and terms apply a1 this W about. August. 3-,“. or Argyle, and 5 mil4 ville. Terms easy- particulars apply to WOOdVi!le.-2€H. Vith turnip house, she-m and pig M beneath. Both hard and soft. W at house, and a neverâ€"failing was at the barn. One mile from â€11001. i mile from church, 3 miles from Grass Hill station, Lm-ncville 0" Aral; and 5 miles from Wood- $753. 1903, one 2â€"\"' â€1‘. little white on flank 'm pl†communicab- â€"‘ 1". ‘q _“ 5" 30m: an! ROI) â€thy P. 0 â€"23-3 for .o M Black or White Silk «cm. bï¬ wk [1:03 with long fronts. m with Valenccinncs 1m Begum value up to 32.00 m h pout-tome». ou0n~......-.- Remnants of Imil'l'imry mm. mingslin plain and fancy chiflon' (use and phat!!! silks, suitable for millinery or drnss trimming; or fancy work. Regular pn'eeo 35¢ and 31:00 per Him 256 In M at .......... 0 only Opaque oiled window shaâ€" del. 8 feet wide, 6 foot long, good colors of cream, gnu-n and red, mountad on strong. wrvicnahk, â€â€095. a.“ conlplctc. Rug. Ilh-l' value 4.56 each. Spock: "mm wxx‘cHHAN-m a... o-o-u .90... ONE PRICE sm YED N... to! Front. part into 1| mug lisï¬ $69? 9‘ er ‘ «W sen in M flue-ulna ite feeble. - .M the W‘ 59W the air ms und In. of a the MK 5' afternoons .yhe Kisses Grim... “'9" 9 Faith 3vst1 :‘ht with 39.- -On My eve! very pleasing nu Fen by the vocal Kiss Mabel E Inc. Victoria-ave. Ilario Veterinary (‘0' ii an oflico in Smyfl f Kent and Cambri'd M in this issue. 44m night Mr. A. die Rose Cottage, ga â€.1110 g4nial ho: it 0‘ Wits. and (h POM-maker in its cle day last wr-e ‘4)! the county M got his hand c halt mg the whm '00 badly crushed M I recent. meetix .°t~"uxton, Digby mlï¬dded to hax W. in January '0‘ 3 stone cr Mute Elliott. of B â€M to Kingston with m will not. comv l hen, Iiadnmken no“ ‘n ‘ not of the a“ picture of u *7 Miss Olixe Bian B. N011 nu: '3"- 13f Ba rr “New! pat m a game w m 'Qnompeticion. man limo ordinary sort ‘ are this ’ ItintiSay “'1 ban t V f gut “rib 1 omggiSt .. woSha of M ofï¬ce. PS! 01’!“ ){i lle! Smit! “Sb pla 9' H 18 82350! fro ballist l‘hursx It choc! pic ly ,, urbane}: EDI ursdax 0-11 \V atrou a HS 10 OI k M ) l‘ ll )\\ Tht M ik M i1 I!