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Watchman Warder (1899), 16 Jul 1903, p. 12

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Way's mention. however, shows that ”no loadstone was known long beâ€" “ his time, and the discovery was more probably due to wise men at no East than of the West. But it Deena as i! We must go further afield flan even Chaldea, unless we are to ”pose the Chinwe to be. Sumerian “grants, and to have taken with M from their ancestral home in ‘ the Euphrates Valley the knowledge I o! the loadstone, if not of the .com- ”a. The Far East, by common coho dent, is credited with “clutter, and 1 I to my believe a certain Chinese historian, the rudimentary idee was hen about forty-five centuries ago. 1'!» Emcror of. that W. W . “nee of oxygen has no more effect, but substitute the intermediate mago antic three atoms of iron combined fifth four of oxygen md the needle comes to its arms like a long-lost brother. So, too, when a hand mag at is dipped intoa little heap of Judy hematite nothing happens; but mule:- magnetite rushes to it so “sly that grain sticks to grain. nt__', - 1 'hy dam that particular substance was this property in so extraor- linary a degree? Touch a common needle with a piece of pure iron and It remains on the table; the ore imntito which consists of two atoms of iron in chemical combination with an to a mass of magnetic iron ore, all found that the top of his crook and the nails of his boots stuck to it. rocks. Strange, if true; and that llepherd must have felt very much «‘1! he were walking on soft as- t on a hot day. But those Who vs scrambled in Alpine boots over mil banks of magnetic our tell us {hey were unconscious of any im- pediment. But to the first discover- er the property of attracting a bit of ordinary iron must have seemed "s very great medicine," and it is .doubtedly a marvel. itorocks. «‘1! be t on a , v9 scram mil bank: they were a the przol at ordinar) ”u. very gr releasa- repeated Pliny}: story hbout the formerâ€"how an unsuspect- h‘ shepherd gnconsciously ’stepped will say nothing, since no one, he baiievw, ony longer imagines Marco to have had anything to do with the utter. The properties both of the magnet and the magnetized needle have been so long known that their discoverers have been forgotten. They hiked to obtain a vates sacer, and hv. gone down to oblivion like hun- dreds of the world’s benefactors. Probably the attractive efi‘ect exer- cised by the magnet on iron was dis- mmd by accident, and its other properties ascertained by degrees. The was he even correct in ascribing the introduction of the mariners’ com- pass into Europe to Marco Polo. That idea. is dismissed by Col. Yule with the remark that of it and the ,fllised bringing of gunpOWder he In a. lecture on “The Magnet and It: Author” at tho Royal Institu- tion, Prof. Silvanus Thompson di- W for a time into the attract- ive bypaths of romance. We need hrdly say that Dr. Gilbert was not no discoverer of the magnet, nor 3 F. A. Robinson $3033333$3W0333WW33W but Silvana: Thampuou, in a Return, Repeat. Pliny’u story, In to It. Dil- ooveryâ€" Bypaths of Romance. ‘ Women’s fine Vici Kid Slippers, turn sofas, 7 3A “ or 4 straps, very stylish, prices $1.25, $1.50 Women’s fine Vici Kid" oxford Shoes, super- ior quality and finish, prices $1,115, 1.35. L50 3 E Men’s White Canvas Oxfords, extra well made. i very cool and comfortable, only - SLO!) Men’s White Canvas Lace Boots, Goodyear welted soles. This is one of the most fashionable as well as the nicest sum- mer weanprice ' - - - .- $2.00 Men’s, boys’ and Youths’ Tennis Shoes, nice for any kind of; an outing. prices 60c, 50c, 40c For fine wear you cannot do better than a pair of [lager Shoes at $3.59 to $5 for men; or J. and T. Bell Shoes for women at - - - - - $2.50toS4 High Grade Shoe Repairing Ready When Promised PAGE THE MAGNET. The White Front Between Campbell's and Sutcliffe’s 74 KENT STREET, LINDSAY lots. All drugists refund the honey it it fails to can, E; W. GroVes' sig- ‘natnre faint-uh box. 25:. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tib- Patâ€"But why 1. the en. 05? Patriceâ€"Why, 3h. “ enough to tell him, ope pig AL- --___ I Major the Hon. Henry Dundas Na- lpier, who has been selected to sue- i ceed Colonel C. E. do la Poer Beres- ford as Military Attache at St. Pet- ersburg, is a son of the first Lord Napier of Magdala. He entered the army in 1884, receiving a. commis- }sion in the King’s Own Scottish Borderers, from which he transferred to the Indian Stafl‘ Corps two years later. For a considerable period he was employed in the intelligence branch of the Qnartermasterâ€"Gener- al’e department, and won an excel- lent reputation as a. diligent stafl omoer. Subsequently he officiated as staff captain at headquarters, and in 1900 accompanied Sir Alfred Gase- lee as special service ofiicer during his march to the relief 0! Pekin. He was appointed Military Attache at j His Majesty’s Leg-ation at :eneran ‘ in the following year. Major Napier is a. notable linguist. qualified to act as an interpreter in both Russian and Germansâ€"London Star. v_~ --â€"-u-- _-vâ€". aouu you, U1 in the north of Russia, or at th back of Greenland, or in Japan. We must, of course, not forget Sinbad’s experiences with a magnetic island, or the way in which two mag-nets held Mohammed's comn suspended botWeen heaven and earth. Sir Tho- mas Browne has unbalmed many strange notions about the magnet in his “Vulgar Errors," yet, after all, the scientific fut: m euficiently curious.â€"London Stmdard. Icardinal points. But as the to; is {of the late hour, and the late ses- Iaid to have been raised by the ma- P sion of' last night, that the $110,000 , chinations of his enemy the story in- for salaries and employes in Canada. I vites experts in the higher criticism. ; Great Britain and foreign countries, The compass, however, is mentioned ! and two small items, should be pass- in early Chinese records, and some- ed, but that the remaining item of i thing of the kind must have been , $483,000 for contingencies should be ; know before the Christian era. It 5 held over. § seem to have been used in navigaâ€" l Mr. Sifton accepted the suggestion, tion by sailors of that nation early ! and the House adjourned at 12.20 a. in the fifth century, and in eastern : m. seas, generally in t9! earlier Middle Ages, the first really definite men- Norweginn Unload”:- tion 91 thg alerinerl' compass by 8 Quebec, July 15.â€"'I‘he Allan stem? Western writer dating from the er Norwegian, which recently went I twelfth century. At first the needle ashore at Cape Ray, arrived in port! was supposed to turn due north be Monday evening, and is moored at 083136 ,3 111180 mus 01 10311593119 the company's wharf, where she be- marked the position of that pole; gan‘ to discharge cargo from the 31. but when its variation was discoverâ€" ; terâ€"hold yesterday morning. The i ed the theory had to be mOdifiOd' I damao-n Anna in tho Narmmioâ€" in j kind of chariot which indicated the g Mr. Monk suggested that, in view Then, as Professor Silvunus Thompson tells us, the centre of atâ€" traction Was shifted about, as cir- cumstances seemed to require some putting the magnetio mountains in Calcuttaâ€"certainly an unfortunate guessâ€"others near the Red Sea, or cs; immenen‘cr 01‘ ms any Inipeded py g persistent fog, constructed a. A 1' out]. nun”; ‘nent More, July 15.4mm. Gan-L son, feldspar drawer, took . fainting spell, fell on his load; and 1,53 wag,” wheel as out his but mg..- Ion) Tint-wing in Croatia. Vienm. July 15.-â€"Two dynamite outrages are reported from Agnun the “pink o! Crouit. yesterday: ML-.. â€".-- â€"--‘- ~‘i‘ ' but no fatalities. Drowning at Pctcrboro. Peterboro, July 15. ~ Another drowning accident. occurred here yes. terd‘ay. Albert Dunsford, Arthur Mitchell and Arthur Wringer left in the morning in a canoe to fish down the Otonabeo River. About three miles below Pcterboro the canoe up. get and Dnnsford became entangled in the woods and was drowned. 11. leave- . lunily of three childrm. Hamilton, July 15. -- The Grand Trunk had another small wreck yes- terday. When the engine of the In- ternational Limited that ligand in the collision Monday night. was beâ€" ing taken into tho round house a. new man set the turn table wrong and two more engines dashed into each other. Both Wen badly dam- aged. No one was hurt. The Lace Justice Arnou.‘ London, July 15.â€"'I‘he body of Justice Sir John Douglas Armour o! the Supreme Court of Canada. and a member of the Alaska: Boundary Commission, who died July 11, leaves Thursday for Canada by the Allan Line steamer Tunisian. The tWO daughters of the deceased will accompany the body. A memorial service will be held toâ€"day at the Temple Church, and will be attended by representatives of the bench and bar and other prominent porsonagos. Norwegian Unloading. Quebec, July 15.â€"'I‘he Allan m er Norwegian, which recently went ashore at Cape Ray, arrived in port Monday exening, and is moored at the company s wharf, where she be- gan‘ to discharge cargo from the al- ter-hold yesterday morning. The damage done to the Norwegian is not so great as anticipated. Capt. Whitney, in command of the ship, says that the vessel only requires three or four new plates, and the re- pairs ought to be made within three days, I Immigration Policy. After a. discussion on the Govern- ment'l immigration policy, precipit- ated by Mr. Uriah Wilson and who was answered by explanations by Mr. Siiton, the House Went into supply at midnight on Mr. Siiton’ 8 main e;- timatcs for immigration. On a. vote of 87 to 51 Mr. Monk's motion to refer the bill back was de- clared lost. 0]]. UK M HUIIUVIO ”WVI Over in the Senate a statement in u 3,; exactly the same wsrds was made‘ ' 2:. it? fiymm% oreiused' t" an by a” mu” “8““ ’ '3‘ agar. The exchange then withdres Why "nu“ 3m w” W"""""-". .11 propositions More the union ant Sir Frederick Borden made it Effie- advertised for laborers at the' olc‘ meat regatdinggthe Militia Bill. The rate_ The union wages previous ta W “5‘1 ¢ 311°“ time 38"? HOD.- the strike were 25 cents an hour. Joseph Chamberlain intimated that The men go back at this rate. the Donnmon Par ament he Would St. John, N.B., July 15.--The city be glad '11 Sir Frederick Berden , would go to England and discuss laborers' strike is over and the men the measure with the Secretary of decided last night to accept the com.- State for the Colonies and the Score promise oflered them by the Council. tary of State for War. ‘ Sir Wilfrid The old men get $1.10 and the Laurier concurred in_ the proposal, younger get $1.40. The former rate and the bill Was withdrawn so that was 81 and 81.20. and they struck the conference may be held. - {or $1.25 and $1.50. Over 200 men _l‘lshin¢ l‘or \Vhales. -' have been out twelve days. Hon. Mr. Prefontaine introduced' a One strike Called ctr. bill to amend the Fisheries Act. He . explained that the bill contained ; Za’é‘csi'é‘rfifgnn‘efénfa‘g” ”gag; provisions governing the hunting of ( 2:518”, te y viz 15 “cceents per “Vital; Witehtsexpg‘gsnsfuazld “5“"?! fish during July and 14 cents during W! p n ' .e. so pro JAugust, and the strike declared by vides that the Mlmsmr Of Marina 1 the white fishermen has therefore and Fisheries may license the use of call d all ' ' purse selves in the Pacific Ocean. Mr. been 9 ' Preiontaine stated that the bill is “010300 by “rule". the result oiithe work of the com- Clinton, Mass, July 15.-â€"A body 1 mission appomtcd last year, the ’76" of striking stone masons, who had port Of WhiCh' shortly to be submit- been employed on the Wachusett Dam : ted to the Houee. of the Metropolitan Water system, 1 ”m‘" “m.” “'1'”- armed with revolvers, yesterday ‘ Mr. Monk moved that the Ottawa [marched among the other workmen Valley Railway Bill be referred back i and with threats compelled 450 to l to the Railway Committee for fur- ,stop work. One man who hesitated j ther consideration. A long discusâ€" I was thrOWn into the Nashua River, } sion ensued, in which Mr. C. N. but was rescued by his associates. ‘ Armstrong, one of the incorporat‘ors 30.000 0“ Ad'u‘ou‘ of the company, was roughly h‘and- ‘ led by Mr. Prefontaine. Mr. Pre-I Youngstown, 0-. JUIY 15-â€"At the: fontaine said that he himself had a f biâ€"month wage conference held here; claim against Mr. Armstrong 0! . yesterday between the representatives [ some seventy thousand dollars, i 0‘ “‘9 Amalgamated ASSOCiation of: which he had been unable to recov- I Iron, Steel 811d Tm Workers and the I l 1 i “I have to inform the House that the Hon. Mr. Blair has tendered his resignation as a member of the Cabi- net and Minister of Railways and Canals, and His Excellency the GOV- amen-Genera! 'has agreed to accept the resignation. The detailed explor- nations will be giVen probably Thurs- day next. " 1 cans, July 15. -â€"In the House yesterday, Sir Wilfrid Laurier._ Prime Ministér,‘ addressing the Speaker, "Say- That £319 Roiignntjon or the nit-mm- or uni?”- as. Boon Anemia by an -. Govinér-Ginenl, and That'l‘nn El:- phn‘aflon of “10' Event Will B. into , _ on. Iggy-idly. Nut â€" Mon .61: a. jammy Bill. - Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s Announce- " ment in the House. MR. BMIR HRS RES Another G. 1.3. Wreck. I." h Hi. I Cant; mtcrid Causing ey, not Only Cumberland, but the whole Dominion loses one of its most qstecmed men, one who has taken a prominent place in many of the councils 0! his country, and one whom Amherst in part"--.flzu- is in. debted to for much of in: progress ”d prosperity. The deceased was may are the monuments that testify to his generosity. He is survived by three children, Juno A.,_ Amherst- May, wife of H. E. Milnor, C. E., Dickey passed away late yosterfiay afternoon at the ripe old years. In the “deggh of Senator Dick- _ __A _‘_I Well up to the top and takes fourth moneyâ€"£9. Paddle, who is eighth, wins £8. Pte. Smith, Blst, wins £4. O'Brien, 32nd, gets £4; Naugh- ton, 35th, wins £3; Vroom, 37th, £3; Spearing, 46th, £2, while White (79th). thurst (90th), ‘Russcll (117th). Stuart (135th), Simpson (139th), Smith (145th) and King (15191:) each win £1. The winner of the first plane in tho Barlow competition Monday scored 93; there were also two scores of 89 and three of 87. Elliott of the 12th Yogic. Rangnrs, who made 89, was Col. Sherwood Was presented to thnging Monday. night. 12thYorkR 4545555455â€"47 w. Dryadale . 5455554554â€"47 R. McGrcgor, G.G.F.G., made 46. In the Morris competition, J. H. Simpson made : possible, circling his seven shots all around the ',"bull ” while T. H. Hayhurst and Smith of the 13th, Speariug of 53rd and Vroom each made 33. In the Wantage competition, Simp- lon of the Grenadiers made 23. In the Alexander Martin competi- tion, the following scores were made: J. W. Smith 555555455H8 A. Elliott. In the Gregory match. Baylcs made 34, J. H. Simpson 34 and Spearing (53rd) made 34. Clinton, Mass, July 15.-A body of striking stone masons, who had been employed on the Wachusett Dam of the Metropolitan Water system, armed with revolvers, yesterday marched among the other workmen and with threats compelled 450 to stop work. One man who hesitated was thrOWn into the Nashua River, but Was rescued by his associates. 80.000 Get Advances. Youngstown, 0., July 15.-â€"At the bi-month wage conference held here yesterday between the representatives 0! the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers and the Labor Bureau of the Republican Iron ;and Steel Company, the rate per ton for puddling was increased from‘ $6.12} to $6.25 {or the next two months. About 30,000 mill workers are interested in the advance. ~Bisloy. July 15. â€" Stad-Sergt. Bayles of the R. G. made a possible at 500 yards in the Steward Chal- lenge Cup yesterday. J. H. Simp- son 0! the R. G. made a possible in the Morris competition. ' GoodScom lulu by longhor- of Dominica's Tom. Ono Strike Called 08. Vancouver. B. 0., July 15.â€"Japaâ€" ncse fishermen yesterday accepted the canners' terms, viz., 15 cents per fish during July and 14 cents during August, and the strike declared by the white fishermen has, therefore, been called off. rate. The union wages pmvioue to the strike were 25 cents an hour. The men go back at this rate. City Strike It Over. St. John! N.B., July 15.â€"The city laborer-3' strike is over and the men mews-y badlyjused up. However. it turned out that the man was a. 3farmerlivingmfewmileanmrth of .m town, and he laid "information yesterday , morning against {Our '0! the. Itriking moulderl for assault. The magistrate's' hearing is set for Friday. the 17th inst. The strike is being fought to the bitter end. - , Laborer: Strike Over. Toronto, July 15.â€"â€"The stubbornlyj contested longâ€"drawnâ€"out fight be- tween the union builders’ laborers and their bosses ended last night. Six hundred builders' laborers went out on May Day for an increase of five cents an hour. The masons sec- tion of the Builders' Exchange offer- ed them a compromise of two cents an hour advance. They refused this offer. The exchange then withdrew all propositions before the union and advertised for laborers at the old ANOTHER SENATOR GONE. CANADIANS AT BISLEY. u any m: July 15.â€"-â€"After Sunni. born at 20 Men Wanted for Sewer Work on Sussex-St. Séwcr. ‘ Apply'to MEN WANTED! STRAYED.-From the premises of the undersigned, Lot 2. Con. 10, Township of Eldon, on or about my 5th, 1908, one 2-year-old hei- fer, hind legs white epd white on (when! Ind tip of tail. Finder will pleue consummate with own- en. JOHN and ROD lcEACIiERN Having decided on tucking a change in my business. my complete stock of Crockery will be sold at and be» low cost Wt reserve. Reducâ€" tions will clso bek'nnde in some lines o! Groceries in order to reduce the stock by the first 0!- August. Don’t miss a good thing. A PRIMEAU. Kentonâ€"22. 7' ' a8’9: cattle. year-flags, 50c, 2 year- olds 75 cents ud'cowa 81. The pasture in first-class. and the new windmill inmates plenty of water.â€"1 and can take in a. limited number of cattle besides his own. Price: : colts from _$1 to 3;.50, according to -Ald. Robinson last week erected a. fine new windmill on his farm in Em_ily. He, is pasturing the farm. Montreal. July 10.-The Montreal Board of Trade decided to petition the Dominion Government to assume the Montreal Harbor debt and make it practically a free port. , A Kovlco. Mr. do Tongâ€"I passed Mrs. Bitch in the park this morning, but she didn't see me. Do you think the slight was intentional? Mrs. Smartt â€"Oh. it chuldn’ t have been. She hasn'tbeenolulylong enoughto know how to be Me.â€"P1ck-Mog-Up. Strain. 'July 10.â€"David flattery} who had been employed on the farm" of Patrick Doyle, Semi; ToWnship, for a. few days past. was overcome ; by the heat while working in the fields yesterday extol-noon. and died : in a. few minutes. Deceased was an; unmarried man, forty years 01 age. . | ! Sun for the knowing ones. (leap r to buy than to do “mm line! It M's Prices. Men' 5 Unlined Summer Coats m Sages, Twecds and Funds Men 5 White Duck Trowsers - Men 3 Two Piece Tennis Suits . . Men' 5 7.50 Tweed Suits . - _ Boys’ Two piece Tweed Suits - . , Youths' 9 piece Heinz: tweed Su: ts . . , Min' 5 40:. Underwear - - , - Boys’ Washable Blouse Suits fi' ’2 - - . 15 40 do: Silk md Satm Summerties . - . Men’a Negligee Shins - - - - STRAW BATS SCAT'IERATION :â€" Sen fie st'aws a'd <:~1 once lLWe must. Never tefore solo at such scatcramn pacts: GHHQH’S JHlyI (HPX It goes without nylng that our July Cut Pric . s mace-o x-ot from the-mm linking standpoint, bfu fir]: ofgoodunwill dhpoae of. A 00011309.ch mugt beetfet tad No goods to be from season to canon. hugunnre therefore bxg and bum Summer Stocks are Boaked t9 :0 Ampktecleu-me mnstbeefiatd Nog bOi~ {Aim} B v fifth“: special day. live rice '~ - . v finds! 13 hat you have ever had.y pNo rlriaattscgecfialcpmc' E“! bought or where you have looked, we are out to beat of" }:u hut Wu cveqbodjeisd: bat in money saving chutes. 3M Bargains in Crockery” Little Local Lines In!“ by the lost. AI a Pro. Port. G. II. LINDSAY m WA'rcmx-WARDER Everything in Cool Suits Ewrything in WI flats Everything in Cool Furnishings WERE TO SERVE W GOUGHE WYED.â€"From the undersignmr “don, on night ‘ at 12 OCIO Ck 110011, Saturday, Juliy 25th, 1903 a; ' giving informatiox Moms will ,, W’ m; JOHN NES I'I'l‘, Under the powers 01' ed in a certain morlgu be produced at the there will be ofl‘ox‘ml for lie Auction. by Cha‘ send, at 66 King-st. } at 12 o’clock noon, on imbered M'W‘w Valuable Farm WP Graduate of Ontario College, Toronto. ffi. Block, comer Kent am stsf Day or night on attended to. DESTIS] CIAL’I‘Y.â€"â€""6-6m. C. A. COATES VETERINARY SURGEON DOW IN HAUBURTGN LINDSAY. ONT. â€"OF-' m w 03 Cl - ' and bountifgLWl 0nd th( July lcs 15 3.11150" ’,ake )rlfk 1o; 3 4s. 9 a u (am; fine ...5c and "C E. Gr: Fruit spoi|ed I few Gen Rm We inc 1 Gtinds

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