Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Watchman Warder (1899), 30 Jul 1903, p. 5

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“PT. 3 2th haln’t got much ‘to'fio ms; speculations one way or other"? V , “Ef I just had that scamp‘fifif fim in before me a minute, Pd 1!: said Abner. “Do you know vim nomination Perkins belongs to? I “No, I don’t,” Dole blurted at“, ,what’s more, I don’t care.” ‘ L “Well, I acknowledge it song, inter. Lasts me,” went on our p . in an inscrutable tone, “beca’se, Mlle: Dole, you kin often trace a man’s ME ‘pr bad doin’s to his belief in Bump Fem Maybe you don’t remember Jabs? Pynan that stold Thad Wilson’s stump: uckin’ boss an’ was ketched an’ m‘ p. I was at the courthouse in hen he received his sentence. m, ife sent me to ’im to carry his pipe If one thing or otherâ€"a pair 0’ loch 11’ other necessary tricks. a little can : lye soap, fer one thing. She hadn’t he time to go, as she said she hada tch 0’ young corn to hoe out. I tom m as happy as ef he was goin’ anon excursion. He laughed an! ’lowed ud be some time ’fore he got back, 11’ J ~wondered svhat could ’a'made (Continued next week) ‘.y new ers, the Expectorant by others, e Oxojell by others still, and all- at, or any three. or two, or any ne, may be used singly or in com- ‘nation, according to the needs of e case. Full instructions with each set of ur free remedies illustrated here. ur readers are urged to take dvantage of Dr. Slocum’s generous Em physician, Dr- La acme of the P It]: then! will be {an nt fort Consumpuonâ€"u- .ntionâ€"as weil as for was id wasting ills of hfe. . ‘ thew mt physician, Dr. Steam 2 name of the _ cale neveriévef I LIVE "00‘ 8 #06 Natum rrdoen treasures m VENICE Ma. will be 03]“qu of Dnflerm and AV; er. ’ FRE ION IE CUBED PRESENTS 0. can, KLU'Q way or0 other In: that scamp 3;“ a minute, I’d flx’im» 2m 30-“ 5' E. E. “W. MCGaffey Wrancy Parasols in White “(waking-1.60, B.D.....~.... $1.10 W main parasols. black “8-. £2.25. Bl)» $1.75, reg. $1.50 for $1.00 _ . Blouses, reg. 500 and 60¢, BI). 30:, reg. 65c Pnnt . 1 3-D ....... 400 1‘?” Sateen, reg- 166. B.D. 120.3116” 862111 Art scrim 3flnmflnr 106’ Bargain Days..._"§ ..... .... "u". “”” "0‘9 ................... 8c - _ _... AA A.‘ w ,...-- - b on Gingham. reg- 10 and 11c, 13.1), 7c, reg. 7c, : Fmama; Apr “hams 410 Prints 4:6, Flannelettw 436, Grey cottons " white 8 oz. Tent Basking, reg 166 ‘BHD' 13: reg 130 ”we thef Ticking, reg. 256 B Dayan...“ ...._. »... .. .‘ 3â€". was W-‘mppelette reg-10°- Bal’gain Days .................... 2;” 50â€"inch Unbleached Table Linen, reg. 401: B D 30c r< Bargain I)a‘s ...... .o .. .-.â€"'oo.o.........,,.. _.__ .00.“ -£.. U. niece Cotton Roller 'lowelling‘, reg. 40, 3.1). 30, reg. 5c ] “”893 Linen Towelling, reg. 80, BUD 50, mg 113 13 Days- Lsmxne Unlaundered Shirts 1'08 50¢ Bargain Days ......... ‘=-*~ won 21 RA Dav; _________ __ ______ --..-.- .. ”'5 Colored Shirts, reg. $1, B. Days ......... .3... mm .. ................. .. 75c In!" Colored Stifl' Front Shirts, reg. 356, Bargain Days .............. 60c Cotton Sox, reg. 250 and 300; B.D. 20c, reg, 15c, ‘31) 10c ”'3 Fancy moBoyS' Belts, reg. 15c, B. D. 5c, Men’s Heavy Braces, reg. 25c, Bargain 1)33'S ............................. no. “on” oooooooooooooooooooooooo 150 W, Night! GO‘an, reg, $2.25, B.D. $1.50, Peg. $1.75, B. D....... $1.25 1196' Ribbed Cashmere Hose, reg. 27c, B.D. 20c, reg. 35c, B.D 25c childreIl'S CottOn Hose, sizes 4;» to 6}, reg. 8 and 100, B. D. ....... 5c W Rich-d and Plain COttOYl 11098, reg. 1, B. Days...... ........... 9c 100 pairs Lace Curtains, 3; yds in length, reg. $1.50, B. Days ...... $1.00- gspairs Lace Cuetains, 3.}, yards in length,- reg. $1.25, B. 1).... ..... 93c 5 pairs Lace Curtains, 3; yards in length, reg- $1, B. D .. ........... 75c mg Bead Spreads, reg. $1.10, B.D. 89c, reg. 75c, B. Days ............ 60c 10W” Black Figured Dress Goods, reg. $1-3. Days ..................... 50¢ 15 piecw Fancy Silk, reg. 35c and 40c, B. Days ....... .. . .................... 20c mics Cotton Vests, reg. 5c, B. Days 4c, reg. 7gc, B. Days ............. .. 60 Reg.9c, B.D. 7c, reg. 13¢, B.D. 10c, reg. 18c, B.D. 13c. ' 100 pairs Colored Lace Mitts and Gloves, reg. 20c, B.D. .. ............. 10c Ladies Summm‘ Corsets, reg- 406, B. Days 25c, reg. 75c, 13.1) .......... 500 15 piece Fancy Neck Ribbons, reg 35c and 40c, B. Days...... 25c ‘ AA 1" 1", 44.. ”IL. cmm Serge and Cream Lustre, reg. 40c and 38c, B. Days .......... len’sand Boys' Colored kas reg. 4c, B- D. 20, reg. 7c, B. D“ lhite Cotton, reg. 9c, B. D. Tc,reg.13c,Bargam Days ............. 100110113 Grey and Drab Soft Hats, reg. $1 and $1.25, B. 1)...- 100 Men's Fancy Straw Hats reg. $1 and 75c, Bargain Day3... Spattcrns ChinOSo Mat-tings, reg. 136, Barng Days......... ...... .. fiNavv and “NH and Black and \‘flfl‘te’ Duck Skirts, reg. $1.16 0.0â€"... an... p ....... Bargain Days .............. .. .................. 500 yards Tapestry Carpeting. reg. 75c, Bargain Days ................ myards Brussels Carpeting, with border, neg. $1.10, 13.1). M. Lindsay’s Leader Low Cash Ptice Dry 00018 "35': more than 0. (1:13”! mg‘fitpne of which. we . and for which we’ might h; l€$fifigd in using biggigg‘uhcadfig give you a list bf pri cs Mow fife “st of ’ , g and in ., k we , as below the cost to‘qumlm‘m; f July “standfit‘gus’i‘lst ordan S't-étion. he is sup- hhave been struck by a. e body is ahnwt WE? His name is David W “me. He was about” 25 ‘80 and unmarried. lpperette: reg. 10¢, Bargain Days ................................ 1 Unbleached Table Linen, reg. 400, B. D. 30c, reg. 600 I)a}'S .-..--..o .ooooneooooao¢.oooouoon -o.â€" m .00... -5... ............ ‘ 1 Roller Towelling, reg. 40, BI). 30, reg. 5c, B.D ..... .. Towelling, reg. 8c, 13.1). ’50, reg. Ilc B. Days .............. "I, yvâ€"U 3 sizes and styles 1’08 $1 3.1). 556, $1.,60 BUD $1. 00 Sateen, reg 130 BD- 10¢ 515368 reg. 25c, B..D.. 15c ihluslins, reg. 100 and 126, 3.1). Go, reg. 20c, B.D..1oc ‘_ reg. $250 and $2.25, B.D. $1.50. reg. $1 and $1.25 ‘fi-OOOU The McGaffey reg. 50, B. Days 4c, reg. 7:0, B. Days ............. .. no or. .IRc, B.D. 10c, reg. 186, 3.1). 13c. .‘5 ace Mitts and Gloves, reg. 20c, Bl). . ............. 10c mts, rug- 401:, B. Days 250, reg. 75c, 13.1) .......... 50c ;_ Ribbons, reg 35c and 40c, B. Days...... 25c Cream Lustre, reg. 40c and 38c, B. Days ............ 30c cred kas. reg. 4c, B. D. 20, reg. 7c, B. D ...... 50 'c, B. D. To, reg. 13c, Bargain Days ............... 10c Drab Soft Hats, reg. $1 and $1.25, B. D....... 506 MlDSUMMER SAlf ooouoo Ica'uoc oozilco’afl 'OO'OOOOO COOIOOOOI'I. ‘ Inna! able Linen, reg. “400, B. D. 30c, reg. 60c. -onoooo-ao-go.oo.ooo -o--. m “D... -l... ............ 48c .ing, reg. 41:, 3.1). 34:, reg. 5c, B.D ..... .. 4c 8c, 13.1). 50, reg. no B. Days .............. 8c rts, reg. 50c, Bargain Days......... ....,.. 40c L, B. Days ......... .:¢_ ...... . .................. - 75c iris, reg. 85c, Bargain Buys .............. 60c r. 25c and 30c; B.D. 20c, reg. 15c, 13.1) 10c . 166,-B.D.' 13c, 2 honesty ;1.25, B. D"... ..... 93c 51, B. D .. ........... 75c 5c. B. Days ............ 600 Days ..................... 50¢ ...... ......... ........... 20c . B. Davs ............. .. 60 o o- .n.‘ â€"o“ .C-. .00.... - poo .- ........ .. 4§c ounonoo.-. ........ 7c H ‘3 G POWER COMPANY WILL BE ASKED FOR FIGURE 0N STREET uams GRAVEL WILL BE STORED The Lake Gravel is not Fitior .Kent-St, but «‘00 Yards Will be Stored for Walks Prospective Purchasers of “the Gas Plant make a Pro- position ‘ The street-lighting question was again thrust upon the attention of council on Friday night, by a vifiit from: a representative oi the St.- Catherines carbide Company, who had a proposition to make. He was Mr. McTavish, and he said that the Lindsay .6113 Company had asked'h'is company to buy the plant. Before doing so his company 'wanted to know that they could get a 5-year- contract with the tOWn for at least IOQ lamps at $15 each. Would the town give such a contract ? That ;was what he came to find out. ‘Mayor Soothcran called a special meeting of the councilzt'o help; hi’ml out. The result was that the prop- osition was not entertained by the council, but a committee was ap- pointed to interview the Light, Heati and Power Company in a general} way on electric street-lighting. THE LAKE GRAVEL Although allowing $400 worth of it to go onto Williamâ€"st. as an exâ€" periment, council is not at all perâ€" suaded that lakeshore gravel provid- ed by the Kawartha Lakes Navi- gation Company is first-class road material, or good enough for Kent- st. After unsuccessful efforts to find better in Quantities, council has dc- cidod not to use it on Kent-st., but to store 600 yards of it for use in walks to be built next year. At Friday night’s meeting Mr. Jos. Parkin was present on behalf of the company. He had a sample of ex- cellent gravel found on the west shore of the lake north of Ball Point: mm strung along the shore for at long distance. and totalling only a couple of scow-loads at most. The old pit from which the gravel form- erly put on Kent-st. was got had been visited by Mr; Perkin but- samples from it showed a large per- centage of earth. The pure gravel deposit must have been exhausted when Kent-st. was repaired before. ’ The mayor suggested that the town Imight. well take a. few hundred yards of the gravel used on the cement walks next year. â€" -‘ 7â€".A.LJ (IO Ald. Cinnamonâ€"ls the gruuu u. for walks ? The mayorâ€"I don’t. know. Ald. Cinna-Inonâ€"Somdhody should know. The specifications said the gravel in the walks should be 7 to 1 or something. We can’t blame Mil- ler if he uses poor gravel, for our or something. We can't nu ler if he uses poor gravel, inspector is over him. The mayorâ€"Our inSpector is all right. Ald. Cinnamonâ€"We can't much attention to that. '1‘? walk we had laid this year one our engineer put down bridge-st. south. It is croo up-and-downâ€"a disgrace to 1 WW- can’t leave things to *but must see for ourselves , L1~¢~ la an: I :5"... Ald. Cinnamonâ€"We can’t pay too much attention to that. The worst walk we had laid this year Was the one our engineer put down on Camâ€" It is crooked and up-andâ€"downâ€"a disgrace to the town., We can't leave things to officials, but must see for ourselves. There is no use in paying a big salary to an . engineer who can't draw a straight line. If the gravel is right buy it; if it isn't, don’t. “ You should know " retorted Ald Robinson to this very wise counsel 0! the hardware alderman who do- clared however that he did not know sin that Inspector Ald. Cinnamonâ€"1 am SllUw-ub --__V7 the inspector Was not reliable in one case, and hence cannot be trusted to 4 judge the gravel. ‘ Ald. O’Reil'ly said that it would take about 1200 yards to build the walks that it was proposed to build on the initiative plan next year. The; Lmayor favored buying 600 yards. ' moved that if the . 600 yards be stored on the Mills lot. the motion Mr Mc'l‘avxsn mung vf, ‘ the streeu proposition regardmg lights. The Lindsay (1 as Company had been getting Carbide from his ever since it began opera- It now somncd to have reached the limit of its rcsourow and wanted his company ’ to buy the $15 a. UNDSAY, THURSDAY. JULY 30th. I903. my J v“â€" v innamonâ€"Is the gravel fit. Lindsay DI sho wing “Ia-ti no lamps “3 q ' It that says it whom ends-worn to mum the walk between the city inn and his oyn domocile alter sessions of the 31}? legislature, have not enhwoed his estimate of the light not sweet.â€" ened his sentiments toward it, asked Hr. Mc'l‘nvish it the light. was a sue» fess uwwhu-e; he'hul heard it had men drown out. by Bradford. This was enquired with the nuiet confi- dence of ; man who reckomfie has a. sure thing and fears not. dislodgeâ€" meat. Be us informed that the Brad- ford Company had got into poor financial condition, and the light-had not been a great swam, but that later the company was reorganized and was now lighting the streets very satisfactorily. 0! course there were only 1000 people in Bradlond. Ald. 3(ch iavéred gutting pro- positions for street-lighting from both the gas and electric companies. Ald. MEWattersâ€"I would not fa- vor taking the gas {or five years ”file mayorâ€"0h no. Ald. Cinnamonâ€"You hail a chance to take it for one you and would not do it. Ald.O’Reillyâ€"And you made a big mistake. ' . The mayorâ€"Certainly. ‘ Ald. HcCrneâ€"Well. I do not. re-1 yet my vote aGainst it, and would vote the same way again. Ald. Maunderâ€"So would I. Ald. Robinsonâ€"So would I. Ald. McWattersâ€"So would I. Ald. Storerâ€"I would too. The mayorâ€"The gas lights the side streets better than they were ever lit before. As the trees get lfngger the low lamps will answer the? purpose better all the time, as com~ 1pared with the are electric lampe. L___._ hid. McCraeâ€"The walks are being put outside the trea now. Thus were the old hostilities re- sumed once more, and Alds. O'Reilly and Cinnamon and the mayor wag. unequal war against the rest of their colleagues in behalf of the gas. The mayor told of a trip he had The mayor told of a trip he had made late one night bctWOen a disâ€" tant. part of the north Ward and his own house. The gas lamps, newly- cleaned, had most favorably iwnpms4 ed both himself and his companions. Aid Storerâ€"We should own the Feuelon power. We cannot. get. elec- 1tric light on any of our streets un- less we take it on all. ‘Ald. Cinnamonâ€"How do you know?! 5 ’Ald. Storerâ€"I was told so. f Ald. O’Reillyâ€"It is not so. Mr. lMcLennan told me that if the coun- |cil wanted a figure on lights they |could ask for it, giving the number and location of the lamps. ' \- -vv_--v__ _ The mayorâ€"Mr. Reebor says the company would light the centre of the town. any Ald. Storerâ€"He told me he would notâ€"at least he said the company did not want a contract because thcyt could get. sale (or their power. 3 The mayorâ€"I wouldn’t talk five minutes to a man who would refuse to light part of the town. Ald. O’Reillyâ€"If we take electricity we cannot light all the town. so we may have to adopt the Irontagamlana :and let those pay who get the light. Ald. McCraeâ€"lf we had the plant we could have plenty of ligxts. What would be the diflerence ? We should only have to tum a little more water on the wheel. Ald. McWatters wondered if the Wltn EUWIEUU. Ald. Storer said the big places and} most towns of 1000 up. had electric light, and often owned the plants. Ald. O'Beillyâ€"I wanted the oneâ€" year contract so that we could have time to consider getting electric light. It would take six months. Ald. Stompâ€"Ono month. ‘ ‘in that; if you bought the Fenelon power it would take six months to get your hy-law and instill a. street plant. . Ald. Storerâ€"Insta) first and con- sider buying the plant later. Ald. Cinnamonâ€"You should know first whet you would have to pay for the ' phat. - .‘LLI A J:Mnn mp3. 'ving ' Ald. dn into tom}. Robinson testified to havmg drnven 12 miles between Bella/inc and Tan. - LL“_ A- -- mile of that read. _ WK II 1115:“. .w -7 7 world.” and there was not a dark mile‘ or that road. Misumted to Aid. O'Reilly the pdssgbil'rty of lighfing Sturgeon Point by the ro- lection Imo- Lindsay's illumination. All this and much else though is as AI).â€" 54.11)qu first and con- the phat 13W. anonâ€"You should know you would have to pay Brighton _on in'utiip ninet- with. but the common old lbs. in M however. At all events "I committee in appointed to inter- view the Light. Beat A: Power Com- pay about. street lighting. The when m Alas. HcOrae, HcWatp ten, Invader. Store!- and the may- or. To them Md. O'Boilly's suggestâ€" tion tint it might. be well to have an idea of what they were to ask the company for, did not. appear neoes~ vvâ€"t naryâ€"tor tho reason, likely, that no- body knows. Tint. however. is no W on enthusiasm such as con- sumes the committee: Thar report will be looked for with considerable intérest. M is no telling, but out of even their blundu'ing way of going about their job, some good may come. Haripou council met on Monday. the 27th inst. The chief business was the adoption _ of the ekg'ineer's neport on the Huncock drain and the resolution endorsing the rciusal of the council the guarantee the bout of any corporation within the coun- ty. ls Opposed to the County unrated-x Bonds of Any Municipality l‘he drain matter was introduwd by the clerk reading the report of the engineer. An opportunity was then given for those aura-rest,” to either add their names to the lmtition for the construction of t e drain, or reâ€" move them from it. Mr. Peter Wilk- inson preecnwd a petition against“ the construction. (me had been re- eeived in favor of it. bearing 16 names, but. three (I thus-.- appeared also on Mr. Wilkinson‘s petition against. The net result. was that only 7 of the 16 persons interested could be counted as favorable. After a long discussion the three people who had signed both petitions with- " â€"‘ _â€"._ drew from the one opposed and gave the favorable one 10. clear of the 16. As a. result the award n:‘ the engin- eer advising the "Olls'tr'Jctifln of the drain was adopted. a by-law orderâ€"1 ed. and a court of revision called for Monday, Sept. l-‘lth. At the next meeting previous to that, County Councillor Channon had brought to council's attention the refusal of the county council to en- dorse the bonds of the village of Fenelon Falls, and commended its action. At this meeting it was moved by Councillor Michael, secâ€" onded by Councillor Mark and adop- ted. that the course of the county council in that matter be approved. Next meeting will be held on the second Monday in August. J. B. WELDON, Clerk. COUNTY WIRESPONDENCE Mr. Geo. Lowden, one mile east of this place, has just completed his fine residence. It is a two-storey brick, 44 x 22, with kitchen 18 x 24. The brick work was done by Mr. J. D. Ewart. and his staff, while Mr. Thomas Downey of Rcaboro had charge of the carpenters. The resi- ‘dcnce is a credit to the owner and l workmen as well. TheLFlavelle Milling Company’s Employees Had a Success- ful Picnic On Saturday last Sturgeon Point was the scene of the 10th annual picnic of the Flavolle Milling Com- pany employes. The crowd was not as‘ybig as last year's, but the equt virus in every way a. gratifying sue- ceas. Amid fine weather more than 1000 people put in a pleasant after- noon. The Alexandra and Kenosha The feature of the event. lor um on space with its big supply of pre- sents was the centre of attraction net; A program followed. But the chief inter-es aquatic events. It there is o. pronounce tel-est in such ever But the chief interest centred in the aquatic events. It is a fact that there is a pronounced revival of inâ€" terest in such events at Sturgeon Point. The offiCials occupied a platform that had been erected outâ€" side 01 Mr. G. H. Hopkin's boat. house. They were Messrs. R. Mil- ler, G. H. Hopkins, Geo D. Flavelle, John Carew J. W. Macmillan. The dinghy rare- bu Messrs. Nasmyth, Ryerso bin. The breeze was v: fairly strong from the The course was over whose three sides total six miles. The first leg westward. and was 1: three boots without a. to - elm race at-flrst, bu first place :t close l‘flPOSA ”UNCIL 75 Ceifi {Year in Advance; 5] if not so paid THE AQUATIC SPORTS CAMBRAY the regatta by Mr. W. "H“. Tremeer. of Little Bri- tain, is spending his holidavs hero. Rev. H. E. Cur-ts, formerly pastor here. but now of Patterson. N. Y., spent part. of his holidays here. He Mt this morning for 'St. Marys, to visi his sister. Mrs. S. Houston. In. L. Olin of Cannington, and Ira. R. Wager of Echelon Falls, have been visiting their parents Mr. and Hrs. Boadway. ' ‘lr. murm' Armour. of Cdurtice, has been spending a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. S. B. Trick of Nor- land. spent part. of his holidays here. He was accompanied by his brother-in- h‘w. Mr. C. Hawkins. of (Jantun. It. Chris. Woodcock. who moved to Regina last summer. has return- ed. His many friends are all pleas- ed to see him back again. Mrs. Trick and Miss Flora Adair are spending a couple of weeks with triads in Oshawa. *NORLAND Mr. John Adair. of Lunsdownc, Penn, who has been spending a week with his brothctr, Wm. Adair, Elegant sateen blouses at $1. and Qiocly trimmed cloth skirts for $2.80 “a $5 at W. L. Coone’s. A bad accident bell-ll Mr. Prise, of Fingerboard, who was assisting Mr. Thos. Sonly in building a (cum, He was engaged in holding a stake in position while Mr. Sonly. jr.. was driving it down with an axe. the axa glanced lighting with the sharp edge downward on his shoulder" and cut- _ting a very deep gash. Under the 1slcilt'ul care of Dr. McPhail, we trust his recovery will be certain. A horse, which was evidently feelâ€" ing his oats, and running loose on our streets, collided with a wheel ridden by Miss V. Coonve. and it was only by a doxterious move on Miss Coone's part that. she was saved from being trumped on. The wheel MANILLA Quite a number attended the social held on If. Thos. Oshorne's lawn on Monday night, and reported a good time. though not too hot. with it See the immense stock and winter goods just. 0 W. L. Coone's. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald. and Mr. John McLean took in the L'xcux'sinn to Niagara Falls on Wednesday, and Mr. Percy King enjoyed the same trip on Friday of last weak. Mr. and MrS. J. J. Cartvr. of 01â€" tawa, .are Spending the holidays at, the home of his father, Mr. Geo. Rev. Mr. Daniels has roturuod his work vr-ry much ipnrrn'svd health after his well-earned holida} â€"-While playing with sexuvral other small l)oys.\a lad eight years old. son of S. G. Perry, managY-r for Phi'n Co., contractors, fell off a wharf below one of the railroad hridgos at Port Robinson and was drowned. Thv body was soon after mm'vred. JAM-m (:nrrson. am-d 45 years, â€"Goorgt- Garrson. am-d a.) yPars, of Verona village, wh-ilv on route to the cheese factory. was sciz'w‘l with a stroke of paralysis and fell off thc wagon. The hind whoa! [199.941 0V0)“ his head. killing him instamly. â€"Frank Ross, the 23â€"yr-ar-old son of J. M. Ross, engine manufacturvr wt Brampton, 0nt., had his leg crushed to a. pulp by being caught ,in the belt of a traction engine which he was taking to the fair at Winnipeg. cident that capsized ms Hunt, m... the second buoy. This time no acâ€" cident happened. and he crosqed the line a, minute ahead of Ryerszm. Nine boats came up at the call for gaSOIinc yaChts. All got uxvay pretâ€" ty well but Terry and Sylvester. The former reckoned his boat was nosing the line at the start. but the judges called him over it, and he had. to make a turn after the pistul-shot. Sylvester-’3 new steel craft did not start for several minutes on account of the engine failing at the last, moâ€" ment. Both the late starters gain- ed a. good deal during the race, and have boats that will be heard from again. It. was a hot race between Curry and Morgan, but the former was a. fair winner. Sam. Britten showed speed that but. for a poor ed a. good deal dunng me rm have boats that. will be heard again. It was a hot race he Curry and Morgan, but the I‘ was a. fair winner. Sam. 13 showed speed that but, for a start would have put him! ahead than third place. Mr. G. H. Illopkins has g i.. 1.4" be'JIiLifui silken flag to 1, for on Sturgeon lake by : part that she was saved ring trumped on. The wheel wreck when the hora: parted canoe. am an with several other lrc god his boat near This time no ac- ld he crossed the of Ryerson. an at, the call for rculatton 5.000 Total k 01' new fall opened up at {ins has given a to be competed :e by all-comers SS, and without were 5 compefi‘ x53

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