'ades, bush‘d' nguse in Lime “’5'“ One. m 25c XXISG 27.4: Mannie; he r033 5; lb. 1 hrs: icres . cul- l‘hiS! (k‘ d6†(1}. €97 1'0 cuï¬h '1' com In on' Take mec mono q mane: fails to can E. W. GROVE? I --' av ~ n-.. $01531 Hospital acknowledge with ‘ 3 thanks further Hospital Sunday conâ€" M trï¬yuï¬ons as knows: little Britain ~ ' g Methodist Circuit saoo; St PauIS' <2 Mamas. . é; Uphghtaflng a specialty chm-ch, Lindsay, 88045. ,N â€"-Visitors on July- 12th will be wal- a combat the YELCA. rooms, corner rim-1.â€: » g §M E. Tangney as Kent-It, LINDSAY mm.coaealemonademdmg t , >©0A© gAnewlinepf ï¬rm and ? IronBod-have been ad-. 9) . S'prinï¬. and m inéh'rding the Data-moo:- ded to‘dur sfock, g ,1 We Carry the best lines of § and Min-shan' Sanitary If you have a cataract, do not experiment, come. to me. I will tell you the true con- dition of your eyes. C. Hughan There is no case of eye headache but I can cure by my perfect system of eyesight testing. Kent-st... Near the Market. from to pu- roll up to suit every customer and we take pleasure in showing it. whether you buy or not. For’ your ball. parlor. dining room. bedroom or kitchen. no mat» tmr whvw you put. it. we have a suitable paper at a. variety of prices Jewelery and Optical Store with your eye trouble. I have cdnstz‘ï¬cted in my store a. private consulting and testing test†method illustrated below optics by the new “shadow Optical room where I practice Henley Bros., DRUGGIg'l‘, LINDSAY Hearty Opposite Post Office Misc 5 freéh supply of eï¬â€™ective they ever used.. It costs you no more than the doubtful sort. We have received a newx stbck of the high grade Paris Green we handledlast season and which our cus- toiners reported the most Come to Me mm BUG jmsnc'r POWDER 4‘ BLUESTONE é BUG DEATH WALL PAPER 725a lb. 2’3 lbs for 65¢ I Claim This All dental ofï¬ce- in Lindsay will be do.“ each Thursday may. noon during July and Augustâ€"212. -â€"T_he C. P R. bridge over the Goldwater river at Hobart is com- plated The company has commenc- ed buying the right of way for the new road from Victoria Harbor. -‘1‘he governors of the Ross Mem- anus wuy nonlnson returnca on Saturday from spending a week in Rosedale. Mr. Ray Burgess came home from Bracebridgwe last Friday {or a. few days. , Mr. H. Graham. of Drillia. was home for Dominion Day Mrs. Kennedy. of ODS. spent a. few days tots Weeh'the guest. of hcr brother, It Wm. Hem-um: - »-‘- __‘,â€" . â€"..â€"â€"y “y " vvâ€" Inc-‘- ‘9' erboro, left on Thursday uith his turnedâ€"on SatGrday. famfly for Clinton, in the London Miss Bothwell left on Friday for Conference, his new charge. Before her home in perth. leaving he was Presented gvith a purse . Mr. and Mrs. Feathemt‘one, qt Tor. of $85 and man-3" flxpressmns nf sat,- onto, were at “Hotel Kawartha†isfaction with hrs work as pastor., frggn Sgpurday until My. .129»: W, J. Jolifl'c, B.C.L., who has been for years pastor of Char- lotte street Methodist «um-ch in Pet- v anteed. -‘â€"Early on Friday morning last a ï¬ne occurred in Canbray. Fair’s store, which was occupied by Suck- Ioï¬ 3: Co. was completely destroyed also a. dweflingadjomihg omed by Mr. thhford. Other buildings were saved from the flames by the eflorts of a bucket brigade. ‘ â€"Who will be the ï¬rst to have a photo taken in Williamaion’s new studio, 3 doors‘nort'h of the opera house, foot of Kent'street. â€"Evervbody see quï¬atmsén’s up- toâ€"date ground floor studioâ€" the only one in town First-class work guar- â€"In Peterboro, commencing the ï¬rst week in July, all. the retail] stores in the city, except the grocery and drug stores wilj close on Thurs- day afternoons during July and Au- gust. â€"FOR SALEâ€"The Planing Mill, Sash and Door Factory. at‘ Omemeo. formerly conducted . by George H. English of thapplace. Apply to I. E. 'WELDON, Solicitor, .Lindsay.â€" 27-“. ‘ ‘ , . -â€"E. Williamson will open his new. studio on Tuesday, J uly 10, when he will- be pleased to welcdme all his old customers, and also any newtones who may favor him with a call. â€"In the several Lindsay churches on SL‘mday the ministers took the 0p- portunity of referring to the signiï¬- cance of Dominion Day. and their ad- dresses were of a patriotic nature. the. lemency or his prosecutors. --Dr. Totten. dentist, {will be ab- â€"Wm. Reazin “‘88 ï¬ned by the sent from his_ oflice during July magistrate for being drunk and dis- and Au‘gustâ€"27-2. orderly on Monday. -Mr. J. Parnell Morris, of Lon. -â€"A ï¬re alarm took the hose wagâ€" don, formerly organist and choir on and men to the east ward on Sun- master of Cambridge-st. Methodist day afternoon. but there ‘was no‘ ï¬re. Church; Lindsay, sailed from *Boston A man was seen by mid men to be on Tut‘Sdar to spend the summer in tampering with the alarm-box, and England and on the continent. upon their report the young man was ~Mr. Gordon Porter. town. spent brought to the police station. He de- two days Of this week at Niagara nied touching the alarm, however, Fans. .. r and was; not put under arrest. But - â€"-Rev. C. W. BlShOP. 0f 03'8‘8‘3‘. there is a charge for exhibitions of Son of Rev. Dr. Bishop,-is here spendJ ing a vacation. ~ the new ï¬re team, and persons wish- ing to play with the alarm boxes â€"â€"â€"-+-â€"-â€" had better reckon for it. . Wm --Before Police Magistrate Jackson on Tuesday morning Wm. Sandfom for assault was ï¬ned $20 and $6 costs. with the alternative of two months in j-ail.. He chose the Iat- tor. This was a light sentence, through the mercy of the court and the leniency of his prosecutors. Tho ono thing In your ooroor t’hot ohould ho to porfoot tooto to your woddln‘ onnounoomont. ’l‘ho mo- torlol, tho lnvltotlon on it. om! tho otylo of printing ohould ho col-root. and thoy will ho if you ontruot tho work to no. Tho Wotohmon-Wu- dor Println‘ Om. leltod, moko o opoololty of rush ordoro for calling card- ond pollto ototionory. ‘ â€"In the recent examinations held at the Toronto Conservatory of Mu- sic, Mr. J. Norman Eagleson. of Brockville. whose home is in Lind- say. passed the ï¬nal theory examina- tion securing honors. This gives Mr. Eagloson the degree. of A T. C M. (Associuto of the Toronto Conserva- tom 03 Mimic. ) -â€"Saturday 5 market was not as large as usual bwing to heavy rains. Wool washed, Sold for 26 to 28 cents 'a pound and unwashed 17 t 18 Eggspoid at 17 cents a dozen. rain prices were as follows: Oats '36 to $8 qg-nts, barley 45c†fall wheat “15¢, ,_ goose wheat 70c.‘,;;buckwheat 45c. "- ,5T'he local C.M.B.A. will hold R3 fgqrden party on ;.he grounds of St,‘ ‘Maryfs Parish Hall on Tuesday ever» 1mg, 10th inst. Strawberries. i cream etc. . serired Sy lvesterfg bagd will be in attendance. Admis~ gsion 10 cents. _ , g - fl ‘3 ‘ --Lost. on Rent or Ridout street. on Tuesday afternoon, two linen nap- kins wrapped in newspaper. Finder will please leave at this ofï¬ce. â€"The game between the Peterboro §eniors and the Y.M.C.A. of Lindsay. which was played in Peterboro on Dominion Day resulted in 'a score of 8.to 0 in favor of Peterboro. The ï¬rst ï¬ve innings were very even. but the electric nine prOVed too strong at the last for the Lindsay team. ‘ â€"Wellington street bridge is under: gomg repairs in the shape of new plank roadway. [ --Dur:ing~ the â€storm which med iover this section on Friday evening,' seven ï¬ne cattle belonging A to Mr. Frederic Pains were killed by tight- ning. The tree under which the cattle were, lying Was struck and de- li. ed'. This. took place an Mr. F ' lis farm near Millbrook. â€".The concrete walk on the west side of Sussex street between. Kent and Russell streets is completed 'and will greatly improve the street. - ' yw, vâ€" "v.-. -vâ€"vâ€"I- etc.I will be served. In Good Taste a town 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Gray, of ’Iï¬mnto are guests at "Hotel Kawartha †‘ Mrs. Wm. McCarthy and mater Bertie McCarthy left on Saturday to spend a week with Mrs. McCarghy's parents at Hotspur. “: " Hm- Wm; Robertson and Him’ Miss Dolly Robinson returned on §atmjd§y from spending a week in Mr. John McArthur spent a few days in Lindsay last week and re- turned on Saturday. Miss Bothwell left. on Friday {or her home in Perth. Miss D. Johnston, of Tomato. is the guwt of her friend, Miss E. Rob- Miss E. Brokenshire, of Toronto, was at the Falls for a. few days last week. , Miss E; Robson spent a. few days in Lindsay last week. . Mr. John Powers. of Peterboro, was; home from Saturday until M'on- Master Ltiddie Cassels. of Toronto is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. R. A Rovmson. Mrs. W. T. Roberts. oi Leaming- ton. is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. Graham. in Vcrulam. Mrs. Wm. Austin, of Lindsay, was the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Austin, from Saturday until Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. McVity, who have been at “Hotel Kawartha†for the. past month, returned to Toronto on Saturday. hurst . Mr. J. A. Leggett, of Buffalo, spent a few days at the falls last week. Mr. Wm. Bawks was home from Guelph for a few days last week. Mrs. D, J. Collis fetumed last Week from q'lengthy. Visitjn Gravenâ€" FENELON 'FALLS . Miss M. Terrill is visiting Iriends at Colborne. 3 COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE “3% Str.oud of Edon. and Mastér ‘arliu and Baby Victor and Miss Essie Copeland. of East. Oak- woud. have returned home after spending a few days with Mrs. Stroud’s sisters. Mrs. Georg!) Freud and Mrs. Ben 'McCarrell. o! Fowler's Corners. and also called on her friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Carrcll, sr., of the same place. â€"Rov,‘ (3. W. Random. Mrs. Hon- dvrmm hnd’thoir son. Douglas. 04’ Port Hope. wont up to Sturguon fun": .0“ (Mgnday to spend a month's vacal . ' -â€"Mm“ .3 Strand. of Eden. and Mastér 'arliu and Baby Victor and â€"-Mr. and Mrs. W."l‘ownoend and little daughter. of Cameron. spent a h-w days of last wool: with friends at Qplllngwmxl. Ont. -â€"Mr. W. Robertson. 0! the Peter- boro Times. malted Lindsay on Tuesday. â€"Mrs.Wm. Cox and Mrs. Thomas Balm-d. or Petcrbom. are vlnuing thvlr ulster. Mrs. Goo. LN. Elï¬n nth-ct. ‘ ‘-â€"Col. Sam. Hugh'os. M.P.. came from Ottawa and spent-Sunday ut homo. going to Glenarm to deliver an ï¬ddling-5t a picnic on Monday. -Mr. W. G. Rogers. son of Mr. John'Rogers. of town. who has been teaching at Assumption Colic-39, Sandwich, Out... is home for the hol- idafwf "-LMk-xs Joyce Pogue. of Glandine, spent a few days last week with friends at Markham. â€"Mrs.. Milton Fee, Caroline-st, left thit morning to visit relatives and friends at Toronto and Oshawa. --Mr. John Rogers goes to Belle- ville this morning to the ï¬nal meet- ing of the entrance board examiners. ' ‘-â€"Mrs. M. 03km. 'townf left“ this morning to visit h‘er ter, Mrs. E. O. Malins, Chicago. ‘She will be absent a couple of weeks. The theatre will. be cool and com- fortable. and this will be a. splendid entertainment at the close of the 933' o! celebgjation,; . f ~93 1‘ . K : J grel song Mrs. Killin-Keongh has consented to give the garden sc'éne, from “Faust," with traditional costume, spinning wheel and scenery. in which she will sing the reéitative. the ballad “King- of Thule," and {ye I Ir. .Shelton,.manager of the Acad- km of Home, has armbgeq for a sauce program, fonthe evening :01 July 12th. for the enjoyment 01th: yisitingflmgemen andothers. The Program will open with} half hour of minstrelsy by the King! Edward minstrels, in which it is understood the soloists will be Mr. Bruce Mc- Lean, of New York city, Hr. Peter Wilson and Master Percy lantern, Lindsay's boy soprano ;- the end men will be Mr. ‘Jack Billet-ton and Mr. Seldom Meehan. The Pepper twins, well known specialty prtists, will also take part. and up-to-date moving pictures will be shown. home “W1 time ro. are to the i chi:- wi being placed ppon them which an up Mr Robert Nugont hid two vain-l 01 has n all the uneven phas. able cow: killed by lightning during felt t she The ladies of the l’reabvtcriin Fridiy night's storm; also It. Dun- rennin. She chunk are making muons for em Koyallp' a barn was struck and a very capable agudenpirtytobeheld on thosailkillcd. schoolwwe grounds of Mr. W. L Robson. from The local comptuy of voluntamn loan to th 4p..m till 10p.m. Mnmthe have returned and are looking well be hard to n groundleoatti. Mum after the summon exertion of two An emur'aion ii expected up from weakl' drill. 1 Lindsay in the evening. Emursioaâ€" Ila! Edith Anus-Ion in inflating in, E. L- isa mom W Will be Admitted from . alight illness. {orderly or tothegromdlhi'l‘homernoon mmdmmmvlllmfflaflsinthi Norman“ W pooplcualmm. me, :- 1m." once! A!“ AAb»._ 41:4 w. Mr. John Mom-thin- left. on Tues- day morning on a. trip to the north- The front street in being greatly improved by seva loads at gavel being placed ppon them which an up all the uneven places. ~ . . Mrfand lit-3.11. J. “core and £331in pent anday in Bosedale. The excursion to Cobourg last Wednesday to see the “boys" in camp, was one of the most successful ever held from Fenclon Falls. One hundred and sixty-ï¬n tickets were ‘sold here, and the train consisted of ‘cleven passenger coaches after leav- ing Peterboro. The day was not too warm and was thorougth enioyedMy all. The volunteers were well worth seeing. and the 45th drilled the best, oLany on the ground. The band in ‘ thiscompauy met the train at the Cobourgvstation, and were glad to meet so many friends. Cobourg is u lovely town,. and its residences are many and exceedingly beautiful." Those who visited it for. the ï¬rst time were greatly surprised at its beauty. ‘ tion. Mrs H McDo 11. Mr .103. Ram}: tion; and will require prompt action on the put of the lava: council. A C.‘P.B. ballast. pain m busy on SW wanking the W done to thaw bythereoent storms. the ravine at Mr. Ju. IcGill‘s has been left in a very"ruinous condi- tidn; and will require prompt action on the part at the lunar- council. A C.‘P.B. ballast Nu m busy on SW disputing the W done to thatgrackbythereeent storms. Ir. Rota-t Hunt had two v2.1a- most impassable. m brï¬dce across the ravine at Mr. Ju. chill's has bean left in a. very-ruinous condi- quite lhufeltandgenaflregretis «It t she could not be indwea to remain. She maniac-sway be a map-biotechn- the Sunday whoolpwelhand dantureis u 10- to the community that will behudtoreplaoe. t, is visiting of “Toronto, DIEMEE. The canounoanent of a full dinner. for â€c in aid of the Boss Hospital. contort-bu served by the good lad. ice. .in 1 strong attractionuor the m at My ct Lindsay and do- IARIPOSA STATION. Hr. Wesley T. Rich was successful at an Indian Council examinations held My in Tomato. "' In John AM}- doqu mover. river is W13] high.