FENRLON FALLS VISITORS HAPPENINGS AT THAT RESORT A a...) - . ,,,,, Mr. Chas. Smith and family intend moving to Sudbury in the near fu- ture. ’ Mrs. Inkstor, of Marmara, is visit- ing friends at the Falls. Dr. and Mrs. Berry. of Chicago, are the guosts of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heard. '4 2A- _. :..:-.. an MANY GI'ESTS COME AND GO.â€" DAMAGE DONE BY STORM.â€" SI‘RV'EYLN'G PARTY AT ROSE- DALE.-â€"CIVIC HOLIDAY AUG. 9.-â€"THE CROWD 0): 12th J LIA). â€"EXC['RSIONS FROM LINDâ€" SAY.â€"DE.\TH OF MRS. J. W. BRYANS.â€")IR. AI'STIN'S SCOW OVER'I‘I'I'RNED. Mr. and Mrs. E. Avery, of Lake- ï¬eld. were visiting friends at the Falls last week. ME. T. Ben is visiting friends in Tamworth. Miss Violetta McKendry spent a couple of days in Lindsav last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Littleton are visiting friends in Toronto.‘ Mrs. (Dr.) Big-plow and son, of Chicago. and Mrs. Koyl \and Son. of Lindsay, were the guests of Mrs. H. McDougall last week. Mr. (I. 1.. Main is spending his va- cation in Galt. Miss R. Austin is "lSlIl'ng kuua in Kinmount. Miss B. Mayes. of Toronto. has been the guest of her ï¬riond. Miss G. Smith, for the past few weeks. Mr. Thorn-dyke. of Cloveland. was the guest week. ï¬fQï¬dflVIrs. Chadwick, of Term:- to, enjoyed a day’s ï¬shing at. Fen- elon Falls last week. ~ x -u.- - w-â€"â€" Mr. M T. McEachem kit on Sat- urday for Woodville. Dr Brown of Coboconk, spent a day at the Falls last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. Mrs.- Barkley, of Toronto and Mrs. Kellet were guests at. Mr. John Quibell's last n v‘ .â€" Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wilson. .‘I’iss Wilson. and Mr. Hugh Wilson. of Cannington, were the guests of Mr. A. Clark last week. "Mr, Ivan Tompkins, of the Ontario Bank Limlsay is the guest of his cousin, Mr. A'lvin Gould. {week buusul, Aun. . ..... “v“--u Mr. F. C. (‘hanrflmnm has his shop ready for the machinery. He is in- stalling an up-to-date matcher. and will be prepared to do all kinds of planing and repairing. ’ 7-,4 Miss Wills. of Hamilton, passed through the village last Saturday after spending sommshort time with friends in Bobcayheon. She is now the guest oï¬ Mrs. Jas. Dickson, Fen- elon Falls. His Klan-ya Until Ho' Triad ‘The Methodist Sunday school of this village intend having ‘hcir annual picnic per Esturion to Bob- caygeon and Gannon’s Narrows on Tuesday. July 21th. This is aI'ways one of the most successful andhighâ€" 1y patroniwd excursionsof the seas- The electric storm of Sunday. July 8th was somewhat destructive in this neighborhood. Mr. '1‘. Mitchell. of Vex-Mam. lost six head of cattle. Mr. Jas. Avery. of Penelon, one, and the ham of Mr. W. N. Martin, in Yerulam. was struck, but not mush damage done. ~ Th9 gmemment \acnt “Sovereign was at the Falls on I‘hursduy niLht‘ She passed up to Rosedale nn liri-j day with a partx of government sur- veyors, who are survming a new lock at Rosedale. Which is expected to be built this winter. ,_ Mossrs. Carnegie Hogg’s hand- some yacht was at the Falls for a. couple of days last week. Miss Annie Nie is visiting friends in Lindsay. Mr. John Thompson. of Peterhoro. was at the Falls on Sunday attend- ing the funeral of the late Mrs. J. W. Bryans. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson and Vas- tor Hanï¬v Jackson. of Comcnnk, and Master Bob. McEachm‘n. nf Toronto. spent Saturday at the l’alis'. M y H air is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer’s Heir Vigor is the only buy. It gives new life to the heir-bulbs. You save what hit you have, had get more. too. And it keeps the ucelp clean and healthy. m MI “In“ 00. Um 1|.“me full duy’cvak. Iknowone but: of “30'1Ҡâ€Nd me “Whini- Austin is visiting friends PAGE m v. H. B. Knnny. last ’l WES . Miss Sullivan, of Ottawa, do visit- ing {ï¬ends at the Falls. Messrs. Husband and Bryans, guests at Hotel Kawartha, caught thirteen ï¬ne bass while out ï¬shing one day last week. . Mr. Herb. Puley, of Winnipeg, is spending his vacation among his friends at Fenelon Falls. The Man-its". was obliged to retuSe passengers last Thursday, having her chartered number on board when she reached Fenelon 'Falls from Cabo- conk. The train took up over two thousand, and the crowd on their return expressed themselves highly pleased with the day, The afternoon train was held until ï¬ve toallow all a full day‘s enjoyment. The garden party given by the Ladies’ Aid of St. Andrew’s church on the grounds of Mr. W. L. Robson on Tuesday evening of - last week, was an unqualiï¬ed success. The Es- turion brought about three hundred visitors from Lindsay, and the villâ€" agers turned out well. Over sixty dollars were cleared by the function and an ice cream social on the fol- lowing evening. The party of Tues- day evening was made more pleasant by a sweet. vocal solo by \[iss Louie Foy. of Toronto, who, with her mother is a guest at Brooksâ€. Miss I". C. Brandon also rendered two Very pleasing violin solos ‘in her usual cable manner, and Mr_._ MC? Pachern's gram’ophone Gas also Quite an attraction. .. Mr. W. J. .Pyue. of Toronto, while coming down from Haliburton last week missed his gold watch and left his card and the mum?“ and descrip- tion of the missing article with Mr. H. Brooks. The watch was found by Mr. E. Chambers in front of Mr. Smith’s blacksmith shop, and re- turned by Mr. Brooks tolits owner. largely attended. Messrs. HJPuley, oi Fenelon Falls. and S. Nevison, returned from ‘ the Northwest last week. where they have both purchasod land. Mr. W. Church has also bought adjoining land and intends going to settle there in the spring. with his, tWo The Civic m'd‘»W will be held on éuguot 9th. 1nd «very eflort is be “ putfliofltnl to min“ n better‘thaï¬ My“? Mum. will be moth: sports in the mornâ€" ing on the cunt}. athletic spam in tin-park imthe dtemoon and g cg]- ithumpian procession at 1‘p.m. It is cXpectml and hoped than every resident will do his utmost to mite the day a success. , Mr. W. A. Bishop has rented Kr. Geo. Isaac's cottage on Cmron Lake for the summer months. The R. C. excursion which Md through Fem-Ion Falls hat‘week per Manita to Laidlaw's Landing, was While Rev.‘Mr. McQuarrie, of Bob- caygcon, was ï¬shing last week in Cameron Lake he caughL a maskinâ€" onge weighing sixteen pounds. The Ideal Sanitary Company. of Port Hope purpose running an exâ€" cursion to Fenelon Falls per special train on August 2nd. About nine hundred exeursionists are expected and the townspeople should use every; eï¬ort .to decorate the village and en- tertain the visitors. vw- vu .-- v--- Deep sorrow is felt throughout the village. at the death of Mrs. J. (W. Bryans, eldest daughter of Mr. Geo. Martin. which occurred at the home of her father on Saturday morning after a brief illness. She had only been married for six years and in addition to her parents and a sister. she leaves a husband and three young children to mourn her loss. She was of a very quiet. disposition and was most highly esteemed by her many friends. The funeral on Sunday was largely attended and the floral oiTz-râ€" ings very beautifu.. The sympathy of the whole community is extended to the mourners, and the writer would like to express deep personal regret and sympathy to those left to mourn her loss. ' It seems to a. locker-on that every man in Lindsay belongs to some brotherhood; and they are a.- line looking lot when seen in their Sun- dax clothes. It may be said with truth that among all the orders none has a better.a aggregation of men than the “Lily of the Valley" lodge. The Oddfellows occupied the centre of the church, and the service was appropriate to the occasion Rev J W. Wallace preached an im- pressive sernmn from 1 Peter4:.8 The shbject, he said. has a spatial signiï¬cance for the brethren who worship here toâ€"das, as it harmoniz- es with the mottoee o! the order. Love is a necessary element in hu- man character. Yet Peter tells us there are other things besides char- i121. things which are aheohztelv ne- cessary and indiepeneehle. qualiï¬es- tions, and quomiee which each in- dividual will have to mum.» Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moore and family spent Saturday in Rosedale. The new matcher purchased by Messrs. Taylor Tiers for their planing mill was broken in unload- ing at the station and the loss to its owners will not be small. Miss Mattie Robertson rctumml to Peterborough on! Monday after Visitâ€" ing frignds at the Fans for a couple of dance m us at a“. \i‘hm we know 30 ‘ To CREDITORS little how to direct our course. It is not enough t at" \w gmvs mean ‘ , throng-h ignorance 9nd stupidity We the “flute o! Faulon Full: in tho “"9“ MI h “'5" W0 ““31!" 3“ County of Victofln. "W mmmdonotlounhow to o dbolt it. The mind should be . “a 'm’ Insolvun path Magh!1.0nefluwiu‘ a mu Noihhhrobygimthu David vi)! render inefloctiw all mm J. point; at an unusual __M The members of Lily of the Vyalle ledge. C. 0. 0.13., of Lindsay, attend- ed (in me service last Sunday morn- ing at St. Andrew’ s Pmbytcrian church. There was a large turnout and the men made a ï¬ne appearing!» Soundneas o! mind mans radon- ableneos md suity. When we react upon mt we huve done we see our mistakes and (“hires and the tool- ish things we have. done And it is u mun! um people In“ coca-‘- Mr. H. Austin sustained a serious loss on Thursday-in the overturning of a scow loaded with wood «mar Grand Island. The scow was a new one supposed to carry sixty cards, but in the .opinion ,would not come}: more than twenty cords \nth safety. At the time of the accident it (on- tainod fony vrwka "HI-h \verc sunk in the lake, and the scow broken. The wood was near enough land to" tions. and qualities which each in- M dividual will have to cultivate. 5'3â€â€œ “mum“ Two thoughts are suggested in the text: soundness of mind am! 30» mm Kl m m be recovered, but at quite pense. Canadian Order of Oddfellows “WW“ *'°‘°' \ at St' Andrew s Church 5 DEAD CAMEL WILL HELP ms mm! ARCHDALE WILSON. In the J. H. Steward Challenge ' Cup competition this morning Staffâ€" Sergt. Mortimer of Ottawa made the '. fol-lowing score: 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 ) -33- The shots were at 500 yards. ' Scotland won the McKinnon Chal- lenge Cup master-day. the score being: Scotland, 1:445; England, 1,420, Canada, 1,376. “ moss“: "y w v u- ___________ mmelt. All have amount umriéig- oes, and must single out their own defects. The admonition. "in all things have fervent charity." seems odd coming from St. Peter. :1 hard head; ed, practical man. He had come to know that nothing but love manifestâ€" ed in charity could redeem him from his mistakes. Our- brother needs our love. and must. have it to help him withstand the temptations which age so strong. 0.. "V rv‘ . Sobriety ‘8 30‘ WU mm w a from strong dflhk." lt' m aims. Numb lose their halt. become in- mxlcnwd. in other was (hm through drink. We m how for I} should be men with our wits ghoul, us. God can do very little with s (001181: pet-sen. If God will use us successfully wq must Be sober and LDC Lcmymyn‘ "n ..V._-,- __,‘, ,_ _ Our best nature bids us be kind 5nd considerate. The tendencies to sel- ï¬shness are strong. We know we are our brother’s keeper in the best -.â€" v-- vâ€"vVâ€"F _ sense, but are not ready 10 sacriï¬ce ourselves. The cross currents and counter forces are so strong that we need the love of God to help us to do our duty towards our fellow- men. We do-not gel :he host. mu of life if we do not help ushers and thus Ibuild up our own characters. Why is it that men an. ~. ..:...,-n are willing to give their lives for others, and even to minister to :epers‘.’ It is because they have Bove and «en- thusiasm for humanity. Love rises above all the diï¬iculties and the preâ€" judices of life P---“ _. Many foolish things are done in the name» of love. but ihis. is not true love. No barrier is too great for true love to surmount. 1!. over- leaps all barriers and ministers to the one who needs. Fervent charity-means charity with some heat in it, a noble heart be- hind it, which must go out 04 itself Those who build hospitals and msâ€" cue homes, are not always in sym- pathetic touch with the people these institutions shelter. vacuum-Alt!!! Mr. Wallace also spoke of. the no- cessity of being considerate of otheI‘S. not limiting our henef-actions or our sympathies. seeking to hide the faults in others rather than magni- fying them. Bisley Camp. July 13.-â€"The Cana- dian team won the Kolapore Cup to- day with a score; of 1222. This competition is open to one team of volunteers. from the Mother Country. one team from thg miligia, vvu.-â€"- v--- -w _ locaf form, or vo "lunteers from Ca- nada, Australia. or any other Brit- ish colony, protectorate, or depend- ency, or from any group of colonies, dependencies, of protector- ates ; and one team from members of all forces. The ofï¬cial name of the trophy is the â€Rajah of Kolapore’s†Imperial Challenge Cup, and it was given in 1871 by his Highness the late Rajah of Kolapore. ‘ “UGO unlu unnx vs um 1- v». mv--~v the National Rifle Association home on leave of. the Indian army or of the covenanted or uncovenated In- dian service or Indian volunteers in The morning broke ï¬ne over the camp, but towards noon became ov- ercast. There was no rain, however. The wind was very strong. The score made by the Canadian It is. shot for at 200, 500, and 600 yards, seven shots being allowed to each of the eight. members of each ISH THE MUSEI’M The camel which hasbeen for sev- eral year‘s a special attraction at. the Tofont‘o zoo in Riyerside park and “hich at one time carri_cd germ: lows: : Sergt..-Major Cgven, Yicforja, Lieut. Sample, Truro, Private Smith, diseEetwaeh Céiro and‘Russia, was killed by a train on Wednesday last. His skeleton, enclosed in a glass case willâ€6 .hecopea 3393:! d the Normal school museum, and the skin will be prepared and mounted. for another relic. 'I‘he score‘by teams up to the pre- sent is as follows: Canada. 246: Royal Guernsey Mi- litia, 241 : Malay States Guides, 2-10; Mot-her Country,'236 ;-and In- dia, 236. Staï¬-Scrgt. Kérr,_ '1‘9ropto_, Sergt. Nichols,_ Tgroyto: Corp. Youhill, Wizwxflpég, Capt. Skeddon. LSSIGNEE’S NOTICE ‘ TO CREDITORS A BUSHEL OF FLIFj Canadian Team won the Kolapore Cup in the ï¬rst rouhd was as fol- mum. ONT. .’ A Wilson’ a; u u v V ‘ Lv mutt-mining r means mum. ‘ ,, ‘. becouw in- - _ \uys than 0 here for s ‘ oaJizo it. We __.__-â€"‘ : manifest- him from love. an! withstand so strong. 5 kind 3nd ies to sel- nw we are the best ‘0 sacriï¬ce ems and mg that n help us mr know- “‘31 out of :hers and Lractcrs. . â€LL-u are for others, pers‘.’ It and en- 1.ove rises 1d the pre- 1 say {or ' creditors; watchmaker and jeweller. has made assignment under NR.S.O.. {897. 82 Jackson, solicitors. Lindsay, on SATURDAY, 28th DAY OF JI'LY. 1906. at the hour of 11 o'clock mm. to receiVe a statement of an‘airs, to appoint inspectors and for the ord- ering of the affairs of the estate gen- erally. ‘ Creditors are required to ï¬le their claims with the Assignee on or be- fore thag date, properly proved. as required by the said Act. at or be- fore the time of such meeting. And notice is further given that after the 30th day of August .-\.D., 1906. the Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among "i‘h’é'iï¬Ã©Ã©ting or the creditors will be held in the omce of Beasts. Moore chug-147 and amending acts of all his estate. credits and eflects to me, Peter Mitchell, of the Town of Lind- say (or the geineral beneï¬t of his the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been givqn and that. he will not be liable for the as- sets or anv part thereof to any per- son of whose claim he shall not then have due notice. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Lindsay intends at. a meeting‘ot the Council of the said town, to be held at the Council Chamber in the market building in Chamber in the town of er or owners refuse to become the purchasers at such price as the coun- cil thinks reasonable, then for the sale of the said land to any other 3. greater price. or the said or any other b'yâ€"law to be p the same day may maike sue? disposal of ihe séxd seem proper. madntjuioanuof me“â€â€œ Quinta 3mm Co. Ltd “ml ma SALB.â€"Wat In)! lot 10. n Mllâ€" g‘...“_h_n_ Inn ,A.__-_ H2. 00ng ..H: . ... ......ubo v.9. .. m2.» no... ......s: ...»8 v.3. >5 $592.4»; 2. a»: 5.12.» a» Soars-:3 ...: ... :4 .3 v.3. Str. North King 9-2 Assignee. Dated the 16th day of July. 1906. Dated this 29th day â€"Tovnahip Ciel'k. Dated this 21» day at Jumh An-D Duripg the last ï¬ve years the by rapid steps until it “I: Public .Notice Public Notice MONDAY, the 6th day of AUGUST, M). 1906. Men" and Boys’ STRAW SAILORS 500 to $8.00 Of PET-ER MITCHELL. PROGRESS BRAND SUITS 0. $5.00 to $12.00 The qmï¬ty of the goods has steadily improved. much attention I: 5 say that the Brands of Clothing tbtt we are agents for offers fho w monev. as good. or even better satisfaction in quality, style and ï¬t, Eén'e'y; as good. hereby.._given giant the ‘. KNOWLSON. Town Clerk. Ly of June. A.D.. w, thnt not nanny y- own the history of the clothing basin Any mnn who kn by the better class of wen-era, nnd the cl clothing was despised Ready-moat: Clothing in those dnys Wu) made My ï¬tting, and the fabrics were cheap wttonndec, sntinets, .nd the like. a last ï¬ve years the Clothing Basin clan: nnt‘l it‘has reached a. big To' settle the WILLIAMS' ESTATE ‘tenders are hereby asked and will be freceived up to thp parts of the city of Rochester and railway stations. Baggage checked to all points. For full information apply to E. E. HORSEY, A. ll. PATON. General W. Agent (}.T.R. Kingston. Linden/o Administrators’ Sale _op_. Valuable Real Estate TOWNSHIP OF EMILYâ€"Lot l. concession 2. 200 acres more er less. occupied by Mr. George S. Brown. COUNTY OF DURHAM. TOWNSHIP OI" MAN Vitusâ€"Part lot 1. cancession‘12. 30 acres mcre or less. occupied by Mrs. James Mc- Broken lots 1877 and 19, concession 10. 115 acres more or 155. occupied by Mr. W. E. Armstrong. TOWNSHIP OF CAVAN â€" West. half lot 20. concession 1.4. 100 sues 100 was mqre qr more or lest-2. A (luullvle u. 0"“ wdur on this property. TOWNSHIP OF HOPE â€" North half lot 18. cunecssmn t). ‘00 acres more or less. A quantity of valu- able pine on this lot. COUNTY OF PETERBORO. VILLAGE OF HALLS' BRIDGEâ€"- Buckhorn hotel. property consisting of hotel and pnemisea used in connec- tion therewith. In occupation of Mr. Thomas Eastwood. Brick dwelling with store attached nu! amigos used in connection FAR)! FOB hula-M Ml! lot 251.com 9.0â€. 100mm or n... flag“! 8 mil.- vut of TOWNSHIP 0? SMITH â€" South half lot 28 and lot. 24, concession 16. 300 aces more at less. This pro- perty is heavily timber-ed with hard- wood, principally maple. These lots will be sold separately it so do- STRAYED.â€"Came onto the premium of the undersigned. two cowsâ€"one light wed and one white muley. Benhxnin Kilian Burnt River.â€" 25th Day of July, m, West half lot 3:. (3M Staples- TOWNSHIP or QAIE'EWR‘GHT ,-_-_4.1 601:. a. may town-Mp. 100 am. "“"""‘~ ""- u - hm. V." 75 acres under animation. balance m‘?‘ “a" Mien!†pasture. Met how. hm hm. ‘ m.â€"as. x mm from om. For m..- --â€"-â€"----â€"__....._._________ pas-“coin! mm to 8. J. BEST. PARK ton on the moi-In Ounc- P.0.--8- 0‘ lei-Ins: mung... M... on; "(aim stone toundntion: 0.1.0 log bum: three good wells. Nine miles Iron um: neu- church, For mau- pnrtiwlm .pply to J. 3. names. um p.o.â€"ao. ARE TO RENEâ€"Lot. 3. con. 1.’ Ops township. 126 m. .11 under cuitivntion, but 13 acres goodpun- ture land; 30 acres seeded in 1!- sike and road clover ;‘g‘ood comfgrt- able fume house. two man hum. Kingston. U mum way: 13, concession 13. )r less. occupied by 20th CENTURY BRAND SUITS $12.00 to ‘35.†quan Lity of ;of FARM FOR SALEâ€"Lot 5. con Eldon. 100 ares. Log house. I frame burn. two log stables. watered. Also lot 15. con. 1, clon 54 acres ; frame house FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE.â€" The south half of lot 17 in the ï¬rst concession of the township of Ops, containing one hundred acres. more or less. ninety-(our acres clesmd and in good state 0! cultivation. FARM FOR SALEâ€"Possession on Much lat. 1907, leave to plough Oct. In. 1906. 160 acres of lot good, driving shed and hog. pen. bearing orchard: plenty of water. A road separates these two (arms. Islay village close by; school. postomce and churches. convenient. For further particulars apply to W. H. BROKENSHIRE, Icky P. Lne noun: lulu Ul nun ‘- m vuv ..... concession of the township of Ops, upon containing one hundred acres. more clean or less. ninety-four acres cleared and in good state 0! cultivation. “Vt: the remainder pasture and hard-_ :fw wood. a stone dwelling house. a r frame summer kitchen. woodshed p op; and orchard, a (rune barn 60x80. pale good buildinip. two good cell-t running strum. Twenty acres from Ops milrosd station. and school, convenient to Ghndine post. oflice cud chumh, about four miles from Lindsay. plough leave utter harvest; possession the ï¬rst of March. 1907. Apply to MISS CATHERINE NAYLOR, 22 Elsin- stg. north ward. Lindsay. Ont. No letters answered.â€"-8-tt. good timber. bdanco in good state of cultlvulon. Two miles from leeton Station. C..P.R. Six miles from the town 0! Port Fury. end one mile from the village 0! wood. a, stone dwelling house. a frame summer kitchen. woodshod and orchard, n (rune barn 60:30, a. frame stable for horses and cat- tle 60 leet long. and a driving shed. It. is in a good locality. a. half mile Blackstock. Easy terms. Forpar- ticulnra apply to IRS. L. C. TAY4 12. con. 6. township of Curt- wrigh‘... County West Durham. Good strong had. good fates, LIVERY FOR SALEâ€".A gooo‘ hr-Lck business, with good h0r>w-, hay- nest. rigs. was. robes, Pun. m ï¬rst-class condition. JAMES 51 HILL. Bobcayg'eon.â€"28-3. SEALED TENDERS WILL BF: RE- CEIVED UP TO T313319 MAY '0!“ JULY, 1906, FOR THE I‘t‘R. CHASE OF THE ESTAT: OF THE LATE JOHN ASHTON. PARCEL NO. 1. Consisting of the south west quarter of lot No. 4 in the 81h con- ceSSion of the township of Manposa, 50 m. upon which are cream 3 DU â€1“, uyvu u"... .r , comfortable frame dwelling. frame barn and stable; there is a good orchard and a neverâ€"tailing won ol water on the premises. Soil m su- perior quality, all. cleared and m a. high state of cultivation. PARCEL NO. !. Consisting of 96 acres of the north hall of lot, number 4, in the 7th con- cession of the township 0' \[ariposg upon which is erected a comfortable frame dwelling. ’ About 85 acrts clearedandinagoodstateof cul- tivation. ,the balance in bush and pasture land. A never failing stream of water «one: the property. This property will be sold jointly or se- parately to suit purchasers The road only divide the two properties and la situated times quarters of a mile from lanilla Station and two mzlec from Uanilla village. , The lowest 01' any tender :01. na- ccanarily accepted. For term- and lurther particulars mmmmrm m Toronto ......... ......1025 3.111. . '6': ' m “GI! Toronto apply to TEACHER WANTED .â€"For svhml TEACHER WANTED.â€"l[ale or fe- male, for S. S. No. 1. human. village of Not-land. duties to 3».qu 20:11 August. Apply stating ex- perience and muons. Salary 3850. Address WI. ADAIR. Qea.- ton. or ville. .â€"1 section No. 6. Ops, two milew from Undeny. Duties to begin ax‘te: summer mtion. Apply smuns my and Mentions to IAS WON. Sec. -.,Tm,s Lindsay Box 456.â€"2t 27-4. Theta, Norhnd.â€"â€"27-8. run run sum: W .......... 8w â€.0 Ron Toronto .awrx HENRY GLENDENNING . Manma. 7;, JOHN DREW and 9_ mm, Canning- C. E. WEEKS, “'Ond- m“ Quuull Wra........11 mm huh. Ms‘u.» .u- . Wu n." â€ï¬‚ï¬vuuu mun“... ; u nun-w“ ï¬ â€œ I.‘ W ~1I“ \tuQIx‘: «a ‘U'Q‘I “nun v“. Qs‘t ‘Inu tt‘l‘ Q! n I an" i: PPPW wwww 3282 9'5: Sanderson, Maud. I lurtha. Ella, 8.8. Brien. Lawsnn. Vn Perkin. Whittio-ld. I Ginr-Ely, Hum-m. Perkins Arthur, L ORa-iily. Thunms. lamhall. Shank-5, Dennison. Frank, S TUH_'.. John. Ups 1 Greer. Eva, Pom-k1 acre, Jenniv, l-‘nne Gilliero. Madge J.. Park“), aniv. Li lur‘tha. Mar)’. 9.5 IIIamhall, Willie. Ht Armslrunp', Lin Burn)“ Harnltl. Argum Rubin, I. Broad, Rulwl'ta. Sewn)“. “lax. l Eaugh, (.flSSio‘. I Liddll'. (‘hal‘lhm Park-5,“. EV", Lim mrmld. Alc-x., I nardougall Hunts-r Ril'hul'd. I Scull-1‘, Marl}. $.- Workman, '\\‘illian Non. um. “huald. h Hungo-rfm'd, Hat Jobbm, cum.†Abbott, Willin, “ ii in: Wrig} Farm-U) HYER’S H “'1' lliamsun , Ru» Camp’m-ll. Est her Arg 11», Norma. L Gray. Willi". McMahon. IL at wh n ’31; dams Names of cum“ whivh [nu-[Ian a‘ks obtainx-d. ll Lon ENTRANCE Ej Namo- and Srh‘ 131 whntdoyou workthugo Itionot or expensive. Al .-\m_\ Flnl'l' '4‘al'l ()n ‘\ uni. {usw in: nl'I-IN handli‘ This Hill'lt an Harrit LlNl izlu HI :mm an imfl ll“