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Watchman Warder (1899), 26 Jul 1906, p. 9

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' lawn axsts, :home plating “I .6 ~M .mens 29c. 89c. i1 50. 1 (102. stock aists 111 at Ind alf :tems :s, at rtwright and LVliSh u to CT P. A W, stun have woof on. (“CV h L laurels when the tom 5506033 1 GOLD m on DIY A short‘programwas Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinina park on Randal/even Tab-tets. Drjuggists retund moneyii- it ‘plezeent to the 91131 fails to cure. E. W. GROVE’S lil‘ evemng whichwas'slu nature is oi: each box. .251;- 5§runmwnr Kent-st, Near the Market. If you have a cataract, do not experiment, come to me. I will tell you the true con- dition of your eyes. There is no case of eye headache but I can cure by my perfect system of eyesight testing. c. Hughan a m mgmnot 1mm; 3 9- :: DR UGGIST, LINDSAY; from 4c per roll up to auit every customer and we take pleasure in showing it whether you buy or not. , For your hall. parlor, dining room. bedroom or kitchen, no mat- ter. where you put it, we have a. suitable paper at a. variety of prices 'ith your eye trouble. I have constructed in my store a private consulting and testing test" method illustrated below optics by the new “shadow optical room where I practice Jewelery n4 01533991, 35*??? I {Colds Cured§ Henley Bros., DR UGGIST, LINDSAY Nearly Oppoute Post Office Any cold can be cured in a , day if_ on start eating the 3: first day. Can be done withj asimple remedy that does 5: nothing but good. Therej are other cures that some- s4 times cure, but none so safe 33 and pmznpt as Laxo Qui-‘ (1 nine Chocolates. M 37011? wi~h to avoid colds alto- <4 gather, keep this remedy on 5: hand and you can stop the 3: coir! almost with the first 4 3:101 26. Come to Me In 24 Hours THE WATCHMANâ€"WARDER, J FLY 26th. 1906. I Claim This Price, 3 oz. box 25c. 10c oz. an HO! y l â€"A folder just received firom , Winnipeg Telegram, gives the infor- ’I mation that the volume of advertisâ€" in: in that journal has in the last '1 four months increased 26 per cent. ' and the earnings show an increase in the rate per line of own seventeen !per cent. This is a proof of the cf. iectiveness of that daily, and it also ’shows that the thriving westerner 1 gets there by advertising. . i â€"-Considerable damage was done to ' grain crops in the south of Fenelon township by the storm on Sunday afternoon. The width of the tract afiected by the Wind and rain was only abOut a rile to a mile and a ihah‘ wide, and the storm spent itself {before-progressing very far. The oats and wheat 'were laiiifiat in that area. but the wheat is rising and will not be greatly damaged. Much of the oats will not rise. -â€"-'Ih’e‘ Sylvester hand went to Jan- etvi-lle on Tuesday evening to fur- nish music at in garden party: Mr. Roenigk s forces numbered 24 and the Hope, will preach at Sturgeon Point next Sunday afternoon. Miss Louie Taylor, of Hindon Hill, Ont., is the guest of Mrs. T. Guth- bert, Fair avenue. town./ Mr. H. Rankin, of Spokane Falls, Wisconsin, is the guest of his broth- erain-law, Dr. F. A. Walters. Mr. Leigh R. Knight, barrister, and Mrs. Knight, are spending a week at Huntsville, Muskoka. - Mr. W. B. Miller, traveller for the A. A. Allan 00., Toronto. with his wife, are visiting relatives heme. â€"Miss Edith Finley, of New York city, is visiting her step-mother, Mrs. I. Finley. and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pepper letttown Monday for Jersey Shore, Pan, to visit their son Harry for a month. Mrs. E. 30300 of Detroit, is the guest of he sister-in-law; In. "B. Carley, Regent street, north ward Miss Annie Thorium. of VW fact, one man was heird t6 Say that they played better than they ever did in Lindsay. This is ' saying- much, but it can easily be believed when we reckon what improvement â€"Mr. P. G. Pilkie. formerly of Lindsay. has removed from Sas- katoon to Vcrmilion, Alta... which he calls the bull's eye of the west. He writes that he regrets veryimuch the death of Mr. George Lytle, as he was among the fvw friends in Lindsay from whom he would like to hear good news. Md Pilkie is in busi- ness as a lumber merchant, and is a magistrate of the town. checks as the men rggeiyedx than“ ilhis' xxas highlx appreciated by the G. T. R. oflicials both here and in Montreal. â€"-'I‘he Grand Trunk pay car was here oil-Saturday. arriving at 5.15 p.m. An innovation in the manner of banking checks was made possible by Mr. .Loosemore of the Standard Bank" taking ,ythe gash up ,to. 1.119 1.3193 pot,s_ '21qu ‘_,¢,xchang,.ing ,it..--.. I'm: . the: â€"So'me peoyle in Peterboro are agitating for a public swimming pool. and their plan is to use the rink for that purpose in the summer. This seems to be a good idea and it has been suggested” for some time in Lindsay. Such an institution would afl'ord the opportunity of learning to swim under conditions not so dangerous as the river. --â€"'l‘h-- m, rm-act for the new :7. 1’. R. bram-h running through )r51li;r_ from Victoria Harbor to Peterboro. has bt-en awarded to the Toronto Con- struction Co. The distance is 92 milvs[ and the work of construction will by: commenced within a few days. It is estimated that it. will take at least two years to complete the line. i Get ready for the great Methodist 1church excursiOn by special train, on July 28th, from Mariposa station 6.!“ a.m.. Lindsay 6.30, to Belleâ€" villc duck. thrnca by tho commodious safe and improved steamer “Niaga- ra" to arm.) Islands. Stay ovm- Sabbath. return Monday. Tickets from Mariposa Station to. Birdsail, inclusive. gum! returning July 3lst. fromnthvr points July 30th. Do not fail t0 rally your friends and enjoy this cheap trip. See bil1s.â€"‘28â€"3. â€"The Von. Anchdeat‘on Warren, M. ;\.. of Lakvtiv-M, has arranged to vis- it Cameron and Cam-bray on Sun- day next. and will (I).V'.) preach in St. Paul's, iin’dsay in the evening. Tho Archie-neon is a clean. \igorous and earnvst speaker. chvfi Excursion to Thousand Islands â€"Mrs. (Dr.) Burden, Rochester, is visiting her parents, Mr. and‘ Mrs. Jas. Lovell, town. Mr. J. Carter, of the Ottawa pubâ€" lic schools; with wife and child. are spending vacation with friends in Lindsay and Manilla. Rev, G. W. Henderson, of Port Hope, will preach at Sturgeon Point next Sunday afternoon. Mr. George _Bateson‘, of New York city, is visiting relatives and friends in Lindsay. â€"Mr. W. J. Thompson. .8. Se. AI. \ Mrs. Thompson and [IE-P!" Helen, have 1been visiting at Mrs. Thompson's home at Carson. this_county. Mr. “Thompson is in charge of the foreign fertilizer trade of Suift (30., Chi- cago. and has traveled in South America and the West Indies. The) “ill retuln to Chicago in about four weeks, and thence he will go to Cuba, British “est India and South America in October. Mr. Thompson was brought up on a. farm near Barrie, and with his family will vis- it there this week. He left school in 1893 for the 0. A. C. in Guelph: took honor degree of B. Se. A. in Toronto University- in 1896, and traveled considerably over Canada and the United States before taking his present position. He married, in; 1901, Miss Sadie Corson, in Hamil- ton; she is the eldest daughter of Mr. John Corson, of Victoria coun- ty. In a recent interview with the Argosy in British Guiana. S. Am” Mr. Thompson strongly urged the development of trade between the British West Indies and the South American colony. and Canada. Miss Mair. of the Moi-ton : it. on Saturday for a four nation, at Toronto and I' The one thing in your career that gchould be in perfect taste is your ‘ wedding announcement. The ma.- terial, the invitation on it, cm! the style of printing should be correct, and they will be if you entrust tho work to us. The Watchman-War- der Printing 60., Limited, make a; specialty of rush orderozfor calling‘ cards and polite stationery. In Good Taste Clute, ,of NEW ISLANDS IN THE ST. LXW- ‘ RENCE. London. July 22.â€"-In the Associaâ€"l tion Cup contest. 200 and 600 yards. Captain W. H. Forest, 6th ‘9 Regiment, Vancouver, took first “P9 3‘ place, winning £23. ‘Staff-Sergt. Old the! Hayhurst was fourth, winning £12. m Allen, Bayles and Mitchell were ml, at farther down. but inside the prize all list. Captain Davies. 19! Middlesex. with a score of 324. if the winner .of The Canadian team of twenty marksmen. who went to Bisl'ey. Eng- land, under Commandant Lieut..-Col. Wilsml, of Montreal, to represent the Dominion, will brim back to Can- ada with them in prize money the sum of $1,300, or $65 apiece on the average. These figures do not in- clude very substantial earnings of the three free lameesâ€"Scrgt. Bayles of Toronto. Sergt. Stewart of Otta- wa. and Capt. Mitchell, GAME PLENTIF‘UL IN ALGOKâ€" QITIN PARK. Mr. Thus. Southwortb, of Toronto. giircctor of colonization, has just returned from a trip through Algon- quin Park, and reports that the black bass which. were introduced in- to those waters six years ago have flourished exceedingly, and that, fish weighing three pounds are common. 17p to that time they had not been heard of- in that district. The bem- or in the park: ore {an increasing in- :num'bor. and deer: are Noun. plentiful Cobalt. Ont.. July m.-Everyonc in,this district is talking ,of the won- derful gold finds reported from Lake Opasatica. almost. 80 miles due north. Dozens of prospectors have gone up during the last few days from Co- balt. and hundreds are rushing in from all points of the compass. On‘ The York County farmers are in the midst of haying. and they need‘ men. despite the fact that 82 a day is freely offered. says the Toronto Star. A number of immigrants are cmploved, but the average immi- gram does not take kindlv to haV-F ing. and mam a farmer ,is in a: sorn plight, “ith tons and tons of fodder to handle and little hiredl help for the purpose. RIFLE CONTESTS ABROAD. GOLD NORTH OF COBALT. I! b f'Jâ€"‘fiâ€"n Lmsmx LE1". l increasing. in {awnplemfiuL . N. AT Mfimwathehndmmmen contact-Inca and pant trees accom- Inxlymburbnnlteamldrmupmd cull them blastâ€"Country m. In 'l'hc Checkerboard lbwn. Improvements, 0.! 8t. Pull aid at science, In ottan “nicely so called." It the an] mm men would but forget the Mal-bum idea In laying out a newtownandwonldukeasood land- !; Seasonable Summer Goods WWWâ€"+44â€" oâ€"oâ€"oâ€"oâ€"«oâ€"oâ€"oâ€"oâ€"oâ€"oâ€"é is made of the Muslin Underwear Department. The coun- ters are full of special offering that will make much saving for you and The Wash Goods Department offers some high class goods much under the regular price. Come Every Day or Any Day and you will find at each counter some SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES to supply present needs at little prices. Marked in Plain Figures Ladies, Special Mention at Special Price Reductions and the Quality of the Goods needs no comment here. July here, 10¢: and 15c None Higher Ask for August Fashion Sheet Free Butterick Patterns for fnmltrcumtcnmlodndon uncut Nttnmhtnllotgenlmtull 'otthcm,uthltnotlmke maps a: tuhlonlnxhud. Nothing Ikeheapnndmndthcdndmpl gumâ€"mum“. D Lindsay, Ontario thocenfiat. cum-mumm- no loam at the l-m ‘ no thin now now art"!!! from tho mmmonmycmt " or those beautiful m: arm mmmnmmtmm‘m‘ one-tenthotumchtnm. per muwommmmm «financial-tuna. mmuxpertect ummmmmmamw Special 'attention paid to cattle and hogt' dealers. Grain cheques. Hailey loaned to tow qs‘hip councils and ochod sections a. a spoon! rave. ! summ- humus! By' and!!! dealing and courteous W we hope to begin and con- tinue doing business with all within ouraectiondcountryuan early Drums hought and mid an all watts of CM. United States. Gut-at ‘1.00 opens an account. Inferest. ptéd from day of deposit to (In? of withdrawal, and compounded twioen year. We onet- unquestioned securi- Notes 'discounted at. 'lowest rates of intense. Sale notes cashed or tak- en tor collection. 1m WCIM A branch of this bank has been opened at. the above place where a general banking business will be transacted. Fsmm' Business I. specialty Wmtem Bank “handgun-m U.I.YI§IX. LITTLE BRITAIN of Canada

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