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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Jul 1907, p. 10

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hered by Correspondents Around tne Neighborhood. Interesting Items Got porters from HE'I‘I'IANY. ‘Ufflvnpt‘al Husvital. Hamilton. fife Miss: H. Staples. whu has hevn inrbhnme for vuutinn. the past ymr or 90. teaching in' The sthv nutk‘vd in last week‘s Svkatchmmn. hasgetugned mime. $1.5”?th marriage "f Mr‘ Lockie . ins Addie Step 5. as re urne . ' _ . J (1 ‘ from Mrw fur the holidays; Calder. "f desaxl, . 1.01:5”? F“ r!“ Mrs. Huahvl. of Uri-dang. is: sâ€"Ismngg “R of Argyle. : t; much"? ml “1 - Wu“ known around m1. “emits and Mira} Jamieflcm; . “"“ “‘“M‘” '-“‘”"»“- “W3 “a?“ WP“ his mm»- frivndn hero join in hmrty PAGE Miss “hm“? buwwi. studying m l’vtefbgm m‘ “HOME. 191 hgme fur MFR; u fillllk'suv . mas Winnie Luwvn‘. who has been studying m l’vterborn at the 00116362 u! mums. 1:: name for the holidays: my: Dnytu. (‘mmurg. has man vise: Wm; triads m mwn: Thu jumcw mmiuwr. Mr, J, (1: Mo: Ree. pregame“ mg m: sternum 'm the Mathudm ohui'tfih Rummy night. We _-' "NANA“... mm: Hana. PHldylflB m l'p‘seruvur “I, "m V“. 5 EV";- ,g‘ _ .* ' , g ,1 ,9: _- “W. _7 _ n! Mush 1: home tor the h. 1 day. my; “mp“; m‘ Hamnmn. farmn Mimi hnylu. (‘mmtwgu has Mon v19: ‘ . erlyatnavhm'm town. 19 (ha gnaw mm; Manta m {awn ‘l‘ho jumnr‘ nmnuwv. Mr J, (L Mt‘=;0f{hnM1H§u§ Hand ihiti wwk': $99k; ”saga“ “a” Efflmwm‘pg ’m ‘wh‘N MM H: Swan. of. Lindsay. was , at, at at max mu 3 mg L e . f - .' . - are pleased m welcome him. Him ages; 9! M131: F. L: Bmdan, last. \\ «mommy. Rev, Mr. Hendermn. Port "ape. , , “Quad the paysmage Mflfldny, Huv, J. Wan-ave. medummr or Mud: Rev, Dr. Marvin preached in Port any Freshman: win amend me can: Perry 1““- Sunday, mammal awning 'm Ht. Andrew’s The Methodist Sunday school wm church an 'Fbumday at 21km. It is» m“ am ”mam“ to lay! Wywe onluameltly honed that an members Civic holiday. July 1711‘: Bethany. hand will he in attendance. ’and adherents who ham the wem‘wre Tile distf‘i‘cth 2:11:33)! 83:00:) Pond'm' the church {at heart. will make iLa ven 1011 W1 8 in e reshyâ€" - tartan church. Bethany, on Ju‘y‘pm‘f‘ to “PMS?“ H ‘ . 1-6th. M18865 Dalsy beeper, Vmiet Lut- |Lle, and GametQuinn, of Toronto, hand will he in attendance. The district Sunday School (‘om vent’ion will he held in the Preshy~ tartan church. Bethany, on July 1-6th. PEN ELON FALLS Mrs. M. W. Brandon. sr.. returned home from Peterboro on Months ev- ening. ‘ ‘ .77 .2 LA‘A Mr. Findlay Robson at the mmmer resort, Mr. J. Irvine left on left hie home in Parry Smmd. ‘ lies Clara. Powles, of the Corners; spent Sunday evening in town. Ir. J. Fey and Miss Lou Foy, of Toconto. are guests as the Brooks Home. i _ Hr. Levi Battle, of Minden. is this veektheguestot his triend‘lfiss Lil- mnrooks. ~ â€" -’ ax...â€" on their va'cation. m Spent Sunday vacation at home. , Rosedale. Miss Alberta Vanstone._ vâ€". a nasal”! A: July mm‘f‘! of P0‘V185’ for "In"? IUI ‘n‘u . .._. . ‘- , 1 ‘ . ‘1‘“ --- - rho sun!“ nutimd .11 last «99k Slpoliciting Toront papel'fhv marriage nf Mr. Lockiejoapt y‘gmon Caldm nf Lindsay, to Mien E. drilslmgd}. Humnt canvass Lornevi 1'15. 0! Argyks. Mr. 'Cahk‘r l9 unite J V \wll known around thin Hemm- ml (2511135:an 3': his many ffietndn hvrv gum in Marty Stacey. W. A. (j etmgramlationh; an; on Speedln ll,__‘;|lA.A) Lanai: GIHOW'. pl [’1 l | Miss [arenas left for her home in IPicton on Saturday. MrS. Cairns and children left last ‘week for Saskatoo», where they will spend the summer‘ lamest)" fioilod that all membm'a WWW "v' '" "W .H“- ' _ - 3’ eat that am “tel-Way system Would uld adhemxts who ham lhe wemere be pushed to a My finish. )I lhe church all heart “'1” make lLa Mr. Hod McIntosh. 04 Uhilliwuck. mint to belINBBnL 13.0., is here visiting with friends. Misses Daisy Cooper, Vinlet (.‘l‘it- MP. Mall-nail! was formerly a rebi- dent of Woodville. Twenty years Lle, and GarnetQuiml, of Toronto, ' .. . . V _ ago he took Horace Greeley 8 advice Visited lrunds 1n town 18.29.11 meek. and' wont west. He engaged in the M" and 35" ”“50“": 0‘ ””“heswri boot and shoe business in Chilllwnck, are the guestsof Mr. and Mrs. L. Arâ€" where he has been very successful amd he is now taking a inn-earned1 cher. - l - - a. holiday. Mr. McIntosh will go from M' . .'\ . d (x ‘ i . ‘ {EMS Bum? fiber an_ H.” here to Glengarry. where his mother Smith, spent Dommlon (la) With and other members 01 the family Miss Naylor in Lindsay- still live. He will also visit Ottawa. Mr. W. Corbett and young child, orgMontreal and other eastern pointspe- Kearney, are visiting at lhv huh“: mliore returning home. . . 1 Mr. W. Smith. of Vermllllon.L A1- her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Brynell. berm, call ed on friends here last Rev. Mrs. Cook returned home on week. Monday evening after spending a \‘tâ€" Miss Davis, of Rochester, N.Y., is cation in_Quebec. visiting at her uncb's, A. McKinâ€" Mrs. A. McArthur, of 0 -, ‘s "n non's. ps 1 1 W. ROgerS, of. 'I‘ilsonburg, is visit- town this Week. the guest of MISS A. ink with his sister, Mrs, J, Gunn. McArthur. Miss Cathro. of Lindsay, is visiting . _- . ‘1-.. v “opium. field daughter. Mrs. Geo. Smith and her son, Mr.‘Jas. N. Hancock, at present. Miss OliVe M. Irvin returned to Oshawa. on Saturday after a two weeks’ visit at. home. ‘34- I... spent Friday going to their home m 1‘ Mr. Edward Burton visi wan, at Sebright recently yup; Irwin and bride. called oni in this neighborhood before their home in Toronto. CAMBRAY. and Re- '1‘ of Hartley, LU Wmuxy vv u" A. E. Stabadx‘ to wait on Woodvllle Council; Dr. J‘ McRae and Capt. Patterson to Canvass Cannington; C. A. Plank and Fred Edwards to gaolicltin-g Torontu ; J. Mumhlaon and mum Putter-pan to solicit in Lind- |u55..(1. xcklnnon and IL Stacey to canvas Lornevme: w. A. Grant and J. Vanuatu; to canvass Woodvme. Committee on_ entertainmmts: B. Stews. \y. A. Grant. and Jud. fly- ;AA- 5.. AI.- um»! ‘h'. A regular meeting of the Eldon Agricultural Society was held in the reading room on the 3rd inst., the president, Dr. Galloway, in the chair. when. the following committee were appointed to solicit subscriptions and special prizes ; Dr. Galloway and Capt. Patterson to wait on Eldon township Council; W. A. Grant and _ “."n.-‘.I:|‘A\ Dhuvclg "I ;-. V?" n; on Speeding In the Ring: m. Gnuowuy. D. J. Mafia». A. E. Hm: back. 0. Maximum: (m priw 1m: A. E. Shahack. hr. Gnltoway. J. J. Hum. w A. dram. A great many at our $90919 wont. ‘to klrkfleld Ian: Samar ay to be present; at the emu owning at m m locks on the Tram mm canal {at any place.‘ and were we! paid MAM Innhu a“ wondeflul and practical pieces a: work. and it was a wish freely ex- pmflsgid‘bx ill the are“ throng prea- Miss Robertson. or mum mum... visited over Sunday with her uncle, Harry Robertson. The pulpit of 4.116 Presbyterian church was occupied last. Sunday by a. student from Knox 001qu very common ordinary student-4nd your correspondent has no expectations of ever hearing of him making any [great stir in religious circles by his 1 rew, which occurred on mommy, u my lat, came as a. shock to the whole‘ community. The {mind was very largely; attended,; and there was‘ evi- dence on every hand of the respect and esteem in which the W was "I E. W. Rogers, of Tilsonburg, is visit- Ig with his sister, Mrs, J. Gunn. Miss Cathro, of Lindsay, is visiting Cr. and Mrs. V. McPherson. .Miqs: Robertson. Of Little Britain. and 851288111111 WuAuu u... wâ€"-_-- An amusing incident occurred to held. , Constable‘floues on Tuesday "min!- Rev. C. M. CareW. 0‘ Wm” Was A former Penelon Falls young man W133; week to attend the {uncml returned to tow from Midland m1 of his brother’s wife. ‘ visit his friends and straight“)? ‘ _____+____._â€". ~ proceeded_ to aelebnte by 00 ‘ V ‘ . too' much “booz,” with 4.116 result CRESSWELL- that. Constable Jones was reluctant- Ir. W.7.Hmni1ton. o! TOW, wth‘W :- giant the holidays withhis wifeand mammal-basalt. 1e " "iEMPtthfiayflmtqmt‘x-am I- .._:‘I- mwfiwy 1‘ V" a bu}. liker the latte; was respOnsIu-v for her untimely demise. ' ’ thesceneot thetragedy to see the trunk was clear. The pilot ,0! the engine looked as if it had been establishment . -.â€"â€"â€"d‘.aâ€"-â€"d‘~ NEW CHEMONG CHURCH. n.- mind“, and Monday last NEW CHEMONG CBUKUn. 0n Sdnday and Monday last, the‘ five: from‘Rama. Scugog. Itimuths and other tribes. The services on Sunday were conducted by lbw. Mr. Dull. of Blackntock. and large con- mwtfions were 9mm. Many VIM- tors from autumn pain“ were also In attendgnce. On Monday there mm a prom-um 0: sports in the nflornnnn. Mid n ton. and concert. in the owning. Ova-four hundred enjoyed the con- ‘cort and many other: coum um gain admission. mw 'rnmmn Assnmmmx mnmm my vmuumm. Mr. I). E. 31mm. who has had Gina's:- uf um (mm-M for tho Agri- uunuml I "QM. in "mung most cammom e Mort! to Induce tho tanner: to form Cow mung Gmupu. Varulam Uounou being in Milan um day he arrtved in Bobcnyuoon he at- tended. and tntrodmod the autumn. which was tonowed by a dyouauiou. WHIU" wuâ€" .w......ro_ _' Submuwtly. m convemtlou whh Mr. John Mitchell. on armuxummt was made to hold p meeting on Wed. away. of this week. at Star Fac- tory. to be addressed by Moan-an Somerville and blackouts. and there is every likelihood of a group being formed. A group is compocad of six or more {owners who undertake to weigh tho milk of each of their cows mar-aim and evemnz on three day: UV" .A vuâ€"uâ€"o _~__ to do directly with the Factories. as some seem to Suppose. It is a pri- vate matter with each farmer. He does his own weighing and keepshis test. The object is that the farmer shall become acquainted with the When it is shown that a cow is not earning the cost of its food. and labor of attendance, the farmer will the course 01 c ‘few years. 1 produced of good paying an other words the farmer can his income fully any per ca the same number of cows. ‘ Kenzie, accompanied by Mr. , and a. group was formed. that has most promising prospects of leading to results of the greatest au- ivantage-to the neighborhood.-.â€"Bob- lcaygeon Independent. FENELON FALLS CONSTABLE MAKES A CUTE CATCH. évming someoneA _ 83’“ will be ‘1. that: the farm: dated with the can increase r cent. from congngattion. Rev. Mr. Kemp‘ mule . suitabic re- ply, voicing his spprocittion of this total: of respect. and tinnitus; than breacht for their grout kind”! at .1] times to him and to Mrs. Kemp. After this a most “0 able sock! evening was upem. by all. My re- JULY WELDING IN EIHN‘TnWN- fruit brunch. SHIP. In! a. My M the home of awbflde'u mother, M m Mrs. David mllour. Bun-m mu. mu- " tut (Immuon Wodnudny. July am. a which ”"1 varylnwmg ad huppy W901 oc- m“ u u“ curred when um B. Ilwd iultour. Ottawa m mood dung-hm- ot um um: mvld tound no auteur. was «and in mart-go w n on 7h. . m. Aim-ow MM m. o: mmm ”mm,” Manitoba. Tho many was per- ordlnd. .n tau-mod u. mm o'clock. the unclat- sum m! in; clot-gm bung Raw. Robert la- ‘n 0“.“ Ounoch. 9! 0w. - __ I .41)- 77‘ Bf the event- “In". " ‘W. -_,v um muour. m. a: an hddo. mbridumdd. milk. George a. Boss. brother ottho groom. wu tho !our. The bride'n filter. um Corrie Balfourfpkyod the wedding much. ‘ V The wedding wan ntuhlonnbleono andthe ceremony was witnessed by a large number of Mn. Among those Wadi-um were W from- Pot- arbor-o. Miss Vance. “Detroit, Wm. Lloyd Wood. of Toronto. others. The wedding supper was prepued mow. Ring- the clou- voice of our coun- by special caterers from Peberboro. Kr. and. Mrs. Ross i it on the 6 p. W3 apps-1; m. train for Toronto. Niagara, Wis Calm t01‘ heroes Who sci! 1!!th and other mm. and were followed ”Om. bythe congntuhtions and by the DO mt they know and due what they feel. 'm. and 1m. Boss will take up idence in Winnipeg. GOVERNKENT GRANTS TO NOR- THERN ROADS. expenditure on roads for ships not previously rel proachel to new steel bridge. TAN: up Honk road between Kinmount and Irondnle. 3200. Adam Dmnclly, o'V- vâ€"G'lomorgan. on Book road. from Maxwell's east, $200, A. Curry. over- seer; on Hell St., 8100. B. G. Mina. overseer; on Buckhom road. south. 3200, John Kennedy. overseer 3. on Buckhom mod. north. 8200. Jas. Billings. overseer. Monmouth. on Halibut-ton road, west, {tom lot. 22 to Dyna-t bound- "3'. ”00, J. J. Noble, overseer, Essouville to Tory Hill. 8200. H. ire. overseer; on Honk Bond me“ from thorgnn My to Hots may. R. Dixon. overseer; Deer road. south 0! Ogilvie's, $100, Thos. Watson. overseen, ‘ Lntterworth. Davis Lake road. ‘“00. J. Lyle. om; linen": Buy? mud. 8160, A. Boldt. overseer :, wishes of all. "by three touowa : Snowden .« 'i MW“ ‘5” oar ‘Iflt 0‘ the tho camping Blankets $2.50 Per Pair h cotton to make them wash without shrinking, light weight. soft napp‘ good size, nice light grey, royal blue border In; the mpocwr’l pluck won. so M m utter the man mm m tut new with waning: which won mend um uprtu. The malt to am. may haw. "perm to (man mt. no to uwy MW (out! no 11W WW imam Bms. Woollen (0., limited Sum mo)! upon-aw M u t" Canaan stud-Nd are Here in the dawn o! Not in move-1th of her in; watu‘l. cm: “the 1 No£ in her output of silver gold, MWV‘V a. cult to her nomad dguchtarl: hood w-dty- The Call Malinda C...“'.-'wv is no dust nuisance in connection With the Sunshine. V; (Q, L. Valet) m voiuof 1|!!!me people. free. righteous m bcffl. u‘l'lNe dur- im olher sons NM- “Inhlll-ITN LII DIAY ‘ntloh 0" ”IA % .3... ...o-o.‘ro‘ N “I. to o! a 9 mm: mm 3mm Arrivo Lindny .. Dundord ............... 12.05 ,I; " Anoonn Point .......... 12.15 p. Arr!” Bonus-goon ........... 12.35 9‘ Mind to Toronto. I‘ve Bobcaygeon ........ .....1 4.80 M. u. Among Point.......... 4.40 p. " Dnndord .................. (.52 ll. ." mlLo-u ............. u 6.01 m m Lind-y ........ -.... 5.1. y‘ u" nudity... ............ . 5.20 pm “ 0” ....................... 5.29 ll. .1 cm» , ................. 5.34 9... V‘ J “"110 ............... 5.40 p.‘ i u. Nestleton ..... 5.50 p... Pun u the xguld in H mounulm. Strong as her tom-x the can. 81PM!“ “the pinv I8 her fountains Bone“ and {W'luss and (me. Di." her supromm! One D Juntvllh m ,: M oooooooooooooo ~00-‘ 7.1. .‘ may .... .. 7.” PM. W on» 0. hon 7‘” “4 Bur-ml! ............... 7.83 M. Duh-lord .............. 7 a N- M Pout ..... .... 7.50 p‘ u Bot-«noon ........... 8 no “ Hind from Toronto. tuld “I“ Chill hunm‘ mu nil w our bulw- ,. Jury n. ‘ ..................11.u u anon-.0! com IV “no... -u~o wrwm I that “"9 u would pray um W of tram-um I “0‘ i U'w' I!“ IN the MN. Lezn 3km“ (4m mum?! JOSHUA BRA N‘ JOHN mums. W. A. G0 Picture New Mouldi: Half Price. or box M I3 Edwards l1 mnow i: ind that Estillii 'Il'illbei TEST!!! eveTY‘hi‘

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