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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Jul 1907, p. 12

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June 30th, 1907, James Austin. aged 83 years. 6 months. BROOKSâ€"In Lindsay, on Saturday. July 6th, 1907, George Brook. in. son of Geo. Brooks, aged as yours. 5 months. i CAREWâ€"In East. mm. on Monday. July lat. 1907. Mrs. S. B. Cu-ew. CLARKâ€"In Toronto. on Tuesday. June 26th, 1907. Charles Burk, used .as yours, bomb 0;): town- nd‘gw-A: mm, "on sunny; W ' ' them‘venins public “8‘9““ l4 “and“! in an n'odoob’tbemea pal sionrecentlygivminthe courts against the proprietor St. Charles restaurant. .4 while at dinner in the pi'ivai WY 0‘ W" tearsre PM Prwertv , ‘ overcoat 9, leg from the rack amends , .gLfi- 1M Ohn (Siam A despatch to Th0. .w eybur)’, July 2! ”YE Chief of Police Page“ ”mm“ Gardner Hunter. a bartender at the Veodome Hotel, mileybury,.,hat ev-’ will: one. serious charge. 1' 3 It appears that three . weeks asp a. man named Thomas Boland was “t; the-hotel, and became abusiVe be” 0mm? he was charged 15 cent- for a bottle aluminum: and lemon. Hunt- or put him out. In afew minuteshe can back again, and Hunter «walked from behind the bar and got. Mm out again. Banana turned and ndvancnd mwardn him, calling him We namcl. Hunter came out and hit. Boland {on 5n the doorway and broke his Jaw. [alum was taken to Ottawa. 1nd [ohm was taken to uu-w died yesterdny. Gardner flunwr wu wall km Lindsay. twin; connected with «I bowls mum (llfltl‘k‘t M. d times. Gentlemen, Are You Bald? Investigate and see for yourseu the Art Coverings in Wigs, and Toupees Prof. [lorenWend's manufactures are worn on over 55,000 beads by a1? ‘1'.» worn on over 55,000 beads by all classes. and in all stations of life. They are the essence of perfection. light in weight. durable, and a great benefit to health. and a protection to the head against Cold, Draughts, (Jatarrh, etc. Trying on and demon- strating the complctness of these goodsfree of charge. He will be at Benson House, Lind- say, Friday, July 19th.â€"28-2. A --\« vs..- -_-.~ V J ~ , taWa incorporated witnessed also the institution of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada in Ontario. whose 52nd anniversary will be celebrated at Harmony Hall, on July 17 and 18. Grand Master J. H. Barret, _' C.. of Pembroke, will presid ‘1 about one thousand dag?" from 21 districts andfifivi ’ will. it is expected) “fend. In 1906, the Mg took place in Toronto, and Beveral years have elapsed since the previous visit of Ontario Masons to the capital. On the morning of the 17th the delegates will be welcomed by the Mayor and the Ottawa. breth- ren. will present an address to the Grand Master. Committee business is to be transacted in the Masonic Hall. and for the convenience of those who attend an elevator is being installed. Arrangements for the re ception of the visitors will probably be completed on Friday evening at. .3, meeting of prominent Ottawa cra'its- men . daughter. J OLLYâ€"In Bobcaygeon, on June 22nd, 1907. to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. JOIIS‘, a son. McDONAh‘Dâ€"At Lot , 24, Con. 3. Eldon, on ngday, June 28th, to Mr. and Mrs, J. A. McDonald, 3 daughter. McG REG ORâ€"‘In Bobcaygeon, Thursday, June 27,th to Mt. H URRENâ€"SILV ERTHORN.â€"-At the home ox‘ the bride's parents. Bals- over, Wednesday, July 336. A_da.m E. Hun-en, to Annie E.Siâ€"1ver- thorn, an of Elam. ROSSâ€"BALFOUR.â€"- â€"-At the residence of the‘bride's mother, Mrs: David Balfour, Emily Township, on Wed- AUSTINâ€"At ’7 mm. 89119! ter Seeing, July érd, 1907,1553 Sarah Maud Balfour, to Mr. A. .4. Rose. of Winnipeg. 7‘ To Celebrate Jubilee of Masonry. would not Kniiiwn in [When “-vâ€"‘v GeorgéfiéGr‘gdr, of a daugh- es restaurant. A guest. dinner in the 95"?” m a .. valuable fur-um that saw the city 0-! Qt.- Marriages Births. in the pi'ivate dining- .World from Hail- for yourself the The Examiner of Monday says 3d M2: If“? Fred Eqmunds. .ox'» Lindsgy.‘ ' ' ': mung Pageyborough pgplesg'il‘ , , mom er e'mg here '2 1112' If: 585110”. 33' ago, was in the my yesterday [cDonalé alhg‘overflxe scene of ‘his y1 ’ dass.‘\ IE. Edmunds ma known concert .man when here, for his powers of vcntriloquis has on. amusinz $130er- to, tell :aygeon , On to Mr. and Notice is hereby given that Richard Butler, 0! the Town of Lindsay, has made application for permission to transfer his tavern license for the premises known as the Butler House. in the Town of Lindsay, to George Moorci of the Town of Lindsay. and that the said application will be considered at the meeting of the Board of License Commissioners to be held in the License Inspector's of- fice, in the Town of Lindsay, on SATURDAY, THE 20th DAY OF JULY, 1907, .AT THE HOUR ‘OF T W0 .~_P. M. All-iérsons interested will govern] themselves accordingly. { WILLIAM "Iâ€"IORNI}I£EÂ¥+ 3 Dated at Lindsay July A. n 19%?“ --_ -. _ _â€"., v The circuiétign of books from library was as? follows :â€" 'A The following is the report of the librarian for the month of June as presented at the Board meeting on Monday evenipg ' - . u ,7 9,, “A J'L- History 76. biography 56, voyages and travels 80, general literature 71, juveniles (boys) '209, girls‘ 89, little ones 99. bound periodicals 31. poet- ry 51, science 97-, religion 26, miscel- laneous, 4‘7, fiction 7-7-2. The total circulation for the month during the month. V The cash receipts amounted to $1.15: 80 cents being . from new tickets and 35 cents from fines. LINDSAY VENTRIOQUIST TALKS ' IN PETERBORO HAS A CHAT WITH PFJI‘ERBORO, EXAMINER AND 'I‘IQLLS A FUNNY YARN. The Examiner of Monday says ; Mr. Fred Edmunds, of » Lindsay.‘ whom many P’e'terboroixgh’ people' will re- member being here about '30 years ago, was in the ‘city yesterday: look. ing‘over‘me scene of 'his younger h..- ‘ - 1h- F‘dmunds was a ‘well “wu- .__.. . known concert-man when here, noted for his powers of ventriloquism and has an: amusmg story! to, tell 0! a; former exfil'oit. _ '. I When [first . .he. learned the art, many oi the Old Country people, and particularly . phase 4 from Ireland, where’ fairy ‘stories «abounded, were very sfipe'i'stitfious and believed '_ him to be in‘ league .with Supernatural' powers.="'~~- On one.“ occasion he manui‘ctured a. little ‘woodeh: man; about ‘ two , feet? ' ' in. his ventril'o- quiatic MW, and with which he almost wed to death} an Irish}: 'm whence aethnnoughbeljexer in. Inirv existence. His father; he heft!" u” m “‘1’ "m“ h“ WWW .’ '. Vii-m1? ‘ him i‘f'h‘e' we lookincior his cows~ww . * 5:; H. , . ‘ . ,Mr, 'Edlnun“ as, of courae._wc§ ‘ be "gi‘mg’hu _ “Lg...“ . Sixteen License District of West Victoria Lindsay ' Public Library. new tickets were issued ONE OF THE MAIN IJFTING Licensg 99‘ Insméctor. '5th day of the ‘ _ ‘I‘fie’Ontamio Government has of- ffered a. reWerd of $300 for the re- fcapture of Herman Bartels, the Sy- iracuse brewer, who escaped from i Sheriff Smith in Toronto. I Justice Ridden has made a report to the Attorney-General withdrawing a statement that the Canadian Pac- ific Railway was criminally negligent in a. recent fatality. INTERESTING :lTEMS AROUND THE WORLD Peter Curran. the Socialist candi- date, was elected to- the British Commons from the Jarrow division of Durham. (Kier Hardy. leader of the Social- ist1 party in the British Commons, leaves this weev on a viit to Can? Carlos Waddimg‘ton, ‘thwyoung slay- er ‘of Senora. Ba! 0. at Brussels, has been acquitted on the charge as murder. , Mr. Wallace Nesbitt, K.C., of Tor- onto, is the Grand Trunk’s choice to represent them on the Board of Con- ciliation in reSpect to differences with their engineers. pail in Sound. Edward C. Attrill dell from a. ham- mock at Chemong Park. His spine is injured through striking a. stump. and his condition is serious. Hon. Frank. Oliver has returned to Ottawa. apreCting the Can- adian i-mmi a» jo'n offices in the United States”): , ‘ '- a Mayor Sc . otVSavn'Francisco. ed of external», ' has servitude. NW A], m If“... duties department on account 8100.. The Divisional Court reversed the datisionof Chief Justjcg Mulock Which q'uashed the Midland local np- tion 'by-law. _ _ , ~ After a long hunt by United States Marshals, John D. Rockefeller Was found at 'Pittsfield. Mass, an; served 'with a subpoena. reqhi‘xzing his Wâ€" ence at Court in Chicago. . The Interstate“ Commerce omn- sian, has 'decidegl“ that: mquads Elfin- mg first-'chqs‘fiickgta zto neg'foes The estate 6%, the late ‘_ Timothy aton, has paid to the succession ‘â€" THE WEEK IN BRIEF eighteen-months-old son Schmidt was drowned in RAMS, {figvnship near Parry FROM central slay- 4 Jam wMCBMAmWABDER Knyor Ind Hoawood hove been ro- tohedoo Preoidont and Secretary- Tn‘ounrer mpectivoly by the Western Federation 01 um Tho-“Wt“. of tho Pelee Column-W dtgcnoood tho ”Mint-tho thofideoocoo- macaw . ,.~ 15-month T, You will do yourself juntioe if you see the splendid English Muslim and Delainea we are selling at such a. low price. Magy patterns and coloringe dimity stripe. Make smart looking dresses. Look at our low price, July Clear- 10c ance a yd ............... Gives you a pressing invitat-J ion to visit. her department'- They have been very ‘busy, pleasing custqmen With the el- egant. swat bf Wash Suits, firm/306 Coats that they 06’- m6 at such pleasing prices to. The prices will be kept low dub ing this July Clearance Saler The Head Lady of the Cloak and Suit Room ' Don’t buy your fancy Muslin Dress, for Ladies til you have looked over our imported Muslin‘s,‘letc. The large variety and the special low pri purchaser. Look them over anyway. Don’t have to buy. Mullins for I. Quick w ing of.- the July Clearance Sale, and promisea yup u c swam“ values 01 the season. . ' all familiar with the standards of That means much to you,- and to t prices, we domet weary of well- doing this store When we start tQ cu eatt is in our wgflt We, aPPICCiate the enor ake a? quick dlsparsai of these fine Spring our tents. We hayeiwielded. a heavy aXe, behold Make alist of your needs and Now, we say to you, come and It will pay you, BIG. hurry to the July Clearance Sale. ESTABLISHED 1860 river ct. sou-cum, In“. ’ * ~ ,/ Jouph Ry}. market. owner. droppcd ya: nt Km «my. Mmmfifilnm. him ulna-cwmmuwu More, more of that. specie! good Muslin ,Lewn that gives the good utiefection. 40 Ins. wide and emoonb. You save You save six cents e yard. Worth while is it not. July July Clearance Sale ............... SOME ENTIGING FIGURES : Echoes from Mfllinel‘y ”?es! We had good business last week. Many have taken advantage of the exclusive Hate to be had here and have made Substantial Savings. Besides we have qualities that are of thebcst. Low price will pre- vail all during this July Clear- 8008. IIIIIIIZIIZ..I22212212 1-20 Twohstructonintholloumnwl nun" ”Seaman-80pm mmwzm mm In thaConwflcutSch mm Lawnl nicht at 12 1-20 Last week Department we afihfihfipéfi‘iTthg'oPgn- W And .bmmi‘sed ydu the greatest values of i Did you get your share; many did. Come now your six: and ”Um, JV‘ vv .â€" .. they no hiiia éuility and the July Clearance says 10" low with. A really fine Parasol, good top and good handle. Handy to have one or two around when they one so cheap. Paragon frame and a parseol that always brings $1.75 each. But we will mark them during this July Clearance 51in Dress, for evening or street wear. un- our imported stock of high class Novelty .pecial low prices will surely make youa ’t have to buv. Show them with pleasure. 00000 000.00- Wuwumwmve I’m-”thumb” and “Mg-vellum Parasol Spock! $1.29 LINDSAY, ONTARIO $1.29 A great variety of all kind. Lithos and some rcady m cm. broider. You need them how for boating or for me hum Some of them were as high as 75¢ each, Come take them a- way anyone. July Clearance just end) .................. 4 n- 100 Waists Ends Cheap But very 000d. White V85? ings in light xx eiwht, mtdium and heavy. Eg ptian (mun highly Mercerized and plainâ€" twenty patternsâ€"spot. smpe and fancy, 3 yards in each piace They are marked at easy pneew during this July Clearance WANTED WANTEDâ€"Dining r Cushion Tops Mutt G0 at 19c WANTEDâ€"A (4“ S. No. 8, Bexle‘ on 1‘18““ 19th until the end 01 ary tor the en: Sistant cook : goon \ at SIMPSON HOI'SP‘. Gmndâ€" L'nion Hotel. Goo Apply at the Grand rnioc Thursday, St 19th. mm W -- g“ “(It 531' he and of term. 1. . l‘ the entire year 8350 Mr W. SAYCFTER, 93 "5 Siding, Ontâ€"333 _â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"// ______â€"â€"â€"-â€"’- AT ¢ Nonâ€"Cook «0' 9.4 -1 Road «a ;‘ r00") [3“ Iliadsas Hold] f FoLUME A Good hlecured by E. Greg Gun-Dru; Store, Tested See TRY THE? Turni The war in makin‘ price Just, now Everythin values in much 1mm es, exec Neckweal some " “ Pet int! 81H

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