are making very low pa... lachines of beau-1v ans--. Ill-I‘ll- --__ [anamwiehummw’udï¬ .- 0. " :3 tgancwwatch. :: :: .. .. 88 .. .4} ’- it wears well. no; u», -â€"- ~ Mch you can ace. but khe “I‘VE ith thcir hundreds of little '50“ P Id parts. all hidden from sight HM - s - a. me. nun-w +++¢++++++++H+H+ whines of 11me an“ IQ. two H) slop Bwylan. 5N m. Orgnns :nd Sums; M x 21?. WNW “I. none St. Andrew’s M Table Glasses cLennan ‘DSAY ‘§§§§+§“*Ҥâ€m INS? Flower Pots ECIMAL you buyâ€" )RTERSâ€" Cut Glass at the Tea. Pots Eta, Etc. Step ALL Poultry Money to Loan '- 3‘ WELDON, Mariposa townsnip k. Oakwood. Fire Insurance Agent. Issuer of Marriage Lxcencel. _c9“eyancxng in all its forms. W’: 33 GROSS. Dentist. Lindsay, mom. w Royal College Dental Surgeons, All modern methods in‘ the Out. dxflercnt departments of dentistry iced. successiull; pmct M 3nd by ORS .’~ lyuight Blacklist, osx‘or to Dr. R. R. Milne) arlors 9‘3 Kent-st. Over 0. Store. Lindsay. 5mm ‘ given to difï¬cult ‘ ‘ d treating the (5‘:ch (ace and 1' ydll's Sho MART O'CONNOR. Barristers Nam-in. etc. Money to loan at my lowest current rate! on but ï¬rm. omce corner Kent. “d Yorkatlu Lindsay. 1'. Stewart, L. V. O’Connor, B-A- Md and Hourfl.‘ a pOOUE, DENTIST. omce near- _ , . Special â€lie the P0“ 9mce . 11.09:);0n given to cmldren I teeth. “.1311 _. .. _.._ an T.-D.S. IOORE t. JACKSON, Barrintara. m. solicitor: {or the County of Victoria anï¬ the Bank of Montreal. Honey to loan on mortgages at the lows: current rates. Oflce William-IL, Lindsay. F. D. Moore. Anex. Jacklon .EwnLluu 5 He'm'd x . Pogue. .vuâ€" v~ nus. L.D. ,1â€" EM}! 1'1. K‘JIGIITâ€"Barrister Soâ€" _. â€"~ ' ‘ - ' ‘ m' that's noun w f"‘~0r. .\|)1ary l’ubhc, Represent- igï¬ â€œ9911.6" to my 15. mg “awn“ Mum“ Fire Insurance 6 mm, gghall not algn myse with LO'Of MWâ€) : Federal Life As" “In that case †returned Mayenno. t each continue on â€Face (30.. 01' Hamilton; Empire .. . ï¬chdent um‘l Surety Co., of Lon- gaggi’m “ugh ï¬n? (mi â€â€3“" 0f ‘Ve‘don 8‘ “With all my heart, monsieur.†mght' “1an B10“- °pp°51te 1" Each drew back against the wall to 5931's Shoe Store, my and 1(05'8-1 surgeons. All t] methods adopted we. omce over I Wfli’am, street. R F. A. WALTERS, dentist. Lind- m'. Honor graduate of Toronto Lawersity and Royal College of mum-11.101 tho but and im- mVea branches of dentistry luc- mfully performed. Charges mod- nte. Ofï¬ce over Gregory’s Drug .wre, corner Kent and William- RS. SEELAN’DS : IRVINE, Den- na, members of the Royal Col- 1:39 of Dental Surgeons. We have :22 the latest methods of dentistry Special attention will be given to Orthodonia. Crown and Bridge work. The successful extraction of was under gas (Vitalized Air) and thd insertion of the belt artiï¬cial dentures continues to be a specialt§ o.’ thi: ofï¬ce. omce nearly oppo' im the Simpson Hence ‘. H. HOPKINS. Barrister. Solicit- w for the Ontario Bank. Money to roan at lowest rates. Oflice No. 6 Nunavut. , south. ’53 UNDERSIGNED Is prepared to 1°“ “0385' on Farm, Town and En“? PYOPerty at very lowest ?CLAL'GHLIX, PEEL FULTON, Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries. Ofï¬ce. Comer Kent, and William treets. over Dominion Bank. Lindsay. mum- to loan on real came. n. .x. McLaughlin. K~C~ Jams A. Peel, A. M. Fulton. 13- "le- ot interést. Company 01' I’fl'ute funds. I am always ready t" b“? I E. 800d mortgages. ' W1". Solicitor, etc..\ lune SI'TTOX. Dentist, Lindsay, or arraduate of Toronto Umver- am; Royal Collage of Dental :‘Nm- Ali the )atest improved 10ds adopted and priCes moder- nmoe over Post New Building. usts adjustt‘d .I) w .3 Saturday evenings. l. Lindsay. ( Trinity University, and Medical College for Wo- ' «X n. attention gaven to (1.9- cn and children. Hours 2 to 5 p. m. on“: v“ - -. m £135qu I Barristers. etc tâ€"st., ‘ Phone Dentistry ‘ 1907. §ttendbd jo- «71408 Mem- the ki id t ' â€"â€"S s a 6 You P“ 3 . °‘ iï¬ï¬ aegis; glut?! my1 15th » him 3 not sign gage: the Lemue-n ‘ .re “In that case †return ,mpl fperhaps we might teach 4’) egdnst the well. smiling pleasantly endwsitingierthednketonshthe next mm. Meyenne keptsnon- plussed silence. yThe situation was indeedsomewhstewkwerd. Heoeuid not come forwud without encounter- ingsn snedieo op.ponent who'seéxeeedâ€" ingekillwiththeswordwnsprobï¬hy knumtohim Heoouldnotturn had his dignity allowed the course. without exposing himself to he spit- ted. He wesinthe predieunen to! the [oetonthmbrï¬-a Yum he pingetnsleesinieerJthink. then bewilderment. This I in bewilderment. Thie Ferou. u I loomed inter. was one of his right- hend men. yearn-long supporter. Hey- enne hed es soon expected to meet u lion in the tunnel as to meet u ioe. He cried out spin upon us. with en instinctive eertuinty thet . e mm prince's question must be ensured. “How come you heiferfl msks sd ush sxplsnstlon.†"Now. n is csllsnt of you.“ re- mrnsd M. Nouns. “ss it is svldsnl thst m. closeness of those wslls will luconvsnisnos Your Grscs ‘mm thsn it will ms.†Theâ€? "I don’t ask.†said M. Etienne. "how it happens that M. lo Duo in walking_ this railiolo. Not «19 I _i_ool V'Vory well, then." add Humm- "our awprds. if yoga tr! ugly. viii he welle o! the p many“ lei .Meyenne “We hie lentern on (i projecting stone. "On (nerd. 3r,†he enewere’d. The eflenoe wee profound. Meye nne hed no com enlon folio him. He wee elone w th hie eword. e wee not heed of the state. but only e men with e.eword standing oppoeite enother Nor wee he in the map with a sword. Noi- was he in the pink 0! form. Though he cove the of- ect from his clear ‘or and proud hearing. perha. from hisp mu- tertul energy. 0 _tremendous 19m tnd tertul ene , or tremendous zeros and stre . sbody was in truths. r mac ne, his great corpulence m ‘ 3 him clums and scant of breath. He must have nown, as he eyed his 3:?- le antagonist. what the end we d Re. Yet he merely said: “On guard, monsieur.†M. Etienne did not raise his wee- pon. I retreated a pace that I might not be in the way of his jump should Ma enne spring on him. M. Etienne sai slowly: 7 “M. de Mayenne, this encounter was none Aofrmy contriving. Ne}- have A-vâ€"v -_ __d I any wish to cross swords with you. Farmly quarrels are to be deprecated. Since I still intend to become your cousin. I must respectfme be to be released from the obligation 0 ï¬ght- ing youâ€- ' - 7, , in -_-__.-‘.L 185 :vu. A ma knowing himself overmatch- ed cannot refuse combat. He may, even as Mayenne had done, thiv= himself compelled to offer it. But ‘ he insists on forcing battle with a re- luctant adversary, he must be a ho‘ head indeed. And Mayenne was m: hothead. He stood hesitant, feeling that he was made ridiculous in ac- cesting the clemency and should be at l more ridiculous to refuse it. He half lifted his sword, only to lower it again, 3111 at last his good sense came to his relief in a laugh. “M. de Mar, it appears that, after all, some anations are necessary. You think at in declining to. ï¬ght you put me in your debt. Possi ly you are right. But if {on expect that in gratitu e I shall and over Lor- ance de Montluc, you were never more mistaken. Never, while I live, shall she marry into the king's camp. Now. monsieur, that we understand each other, I abide by your decision whether we ï¬ght or not. . For answer M. Etienne put up hrs blade. The Duke ntMayenne, saluting with his, did the Ike. “Mar.†he said. 'you stood on from three us, like a coquetting girl, for ears. At length, last May. you re- used paint-blank to join us. I do not often ask a man twice, but I ask you. 1 Will you join the League to-night and L‘U Luau vvu... __.~ ,_ flanker grace, I believed then, I be- lieve now, he meant it. M. Etienne be- lieved he meant. it. "Monsieur,†he answered. “I have shiny-shamed long; but I am plant. ed squarely at last with my lather on the kings side. You put your interest- ew mto my father to the League.†_ . I! _-L-.â€"nnt‘ anamna- past him. “Cousin Charm,†said M. Etienne, "I see that when I have married Lor- anoe you and I shall get on capitally. 1n Till then, God have you ever _ Etienne took“ me I ll parted. Mayenne 9W 9 ‘0: ‘ ; I] an we heard ins retreating 1-...(mnl and the“ Summer 0f . ' - '~-.. MP W {e Helmet flétgahï¬ â€M. nuke any oxxbluuï¬on of the du.1nvemwm ne unnum- 1116 next instant we heard a flunt D A: 4.. ns‘L‘- _-_-__I.-_. of: uyt'ches ed “that, and then thetn We climbed out into I eflkâ€"nfereer’a shop. “Path. m m, " said M. Etienne to the little ybourgeois who had open- edtous."Im gladtoseeyouapâ€" pear I0 promp p.tly " He looked at us. somewhat troubled ;butâ€" most comforting tinkle mayhem above us. Before we had time‘ta won- dor whether my marked it but us we hgard aton- mrhwlgï¬d 959Ԡ.9 "You must have met"-â€"he sug- gested with hesiuncy. “Yes," said M. Etienne; “but he did ngpbjgc}. We are, of course. of did not object. ‘3 the initiated.†"Of course. of course," we litde follow assented, with a funny assump- tion 0! knowing all about ' it. “Not every one by the agent of the pu- __ .- I. _ I---I__ Vvv-a vâ€"v â€" use. Well, I cen cell myself e lucky men. 'Tin mighty lew meroere have e duke in their shop on often as ‘1.†We looked curiously ebout us. The eho wee low end dim. with piles of st in rolls on the shelves. and other etufle l ' loose on the counter before us. ee if e men hed just been meeeuring themâ€"gorgeous brocedes end “tins. Above as e bell on the ed in its radiance gqllpnt who wore no but they vanish- cu Lu HID Imuuuvv. “And now. my friend, let us out into the street_and forget. our faces." 7 ; 1!. A- H-LO law but: auvvu uanu ---°-- _ _, The man took up his candle to light us to the door. “Perhaps it would not trouble mon- sieur to say a word for me over there?†he s sted, pointing in the direction of t e tunnel. “M. 19 Due has every conï¬denée in me. Still, it would do no harm it monsieur should mention how quiple I let him out.†,,,:u .......1« man- meuuuu. uvvv ‘u-v---.y _ 7,, "When I see him I will surel men- tion it, " M. Etienne promiq him. "Continue to be vigilant to-night. my friend. There is * man to come. ’ - ‘ A- “. Amnmin’n come. Followed by B ‘ bourgeois’s thanks and adieus, we walked out in- to the sweet open air.\ As soon as his _ door was shut again we took to our heels, nor stopped. running till we had put half a dozen streets between us and the mouth of the tunnel. Then we walked along in breathless si- lence. . . Presently M. Etienne cned out: “Death of my life! Had I fought there in the burrow I should have changed the history of France!†The street before us was asorderly as the aisle of Notre Dame. Few way- ‘farers pseeed us; those there were talked together as plamdly as if love- trysts and melees existed not. .and tunnels and countersrgns were but the smoke of a dream. It was a‘ street of shops. all shuttered, while above the lags-shard {mules went respectably to “This is the Rue deals Ferronnerie,’7 my mneter eaifi. using a moment to me he W3. “See under the ’Th‘ 1 have the ‘e‘b'rd?’ he ex'claim- CHAMEB XXI. “I wont to m WA'rgnuAN-wmï¬ï¬ï¬‚ ‘ """‘?â€'. ‘ ..-.... â€"-. "'Hâ€" To has day I have no quï¬e clear idea 0! how we went. Amt-sage city at nightâ€"Paris of :11 citiesrâ€"is n hby. rinth._I .know flat. after '3 time-’we came out in some meadows alo {he river bank. manned them mdp un - ed once more into net-row. high-well- ed streets. It was very late, and ' hte were few. We hid named in our starlight. but now e reek of cloud. hid even thaw“? 8.1mm . .. __:) EVE" WWI v vumv- “The 3min]. overlain." aid M. Etienne. "But wé are ulmoot at. our own gates.†But. no in the nuke-hole. came light. Turning a slurp corner we run “flight into a (panama nod 1m pone-ambuu. swinging dong u no any“! psoo p we. L.“ n u rum-m. “A thousand pardons." M. Etienne cried to his encounterer. the possessor of years and gravity but of no great size. whom he had almost kn down. "I heard you. but knew not you were so cloauWe were speeding to t home.†_ u t personage was a o o a port“- uses.» and the oollision had knocked the wind out at him. He leaned pant. in: against the wall. Aa he scanned M. Etienne’a on!) countenance and princely dreea ' alarm vanished. "It is unseemly to to about on a ni ht like this without a lantern.“ he a d-with asperity. “The municipality should forbid it. I shall certainly lying. the matter up at the next sit- “Wonaieur is 1 member of the Par- liament?†M. E‘ienne asked with im- mense respect. - “J have that..hQnor, mqnsigug" 3he ‘ "Stilt tone BIC [I as JV‘- -,-, : afraid he would drop the flambeau and run, but he did not; he ionly sank back against the wall, sword with exceeding deter- eymg my once. He knew not,"h that there was but tfoot of blade in the scabbsrd. The burgher looked up thg\ street t ‘end dgn the street. eiter M. Etieno ne '3 example. but there was no"o help l:;‘:0h.y muPiemWPAnd *hthngw No ln‘ our swords end thouting of the to? of our lungs. twutooderktoeeemucheevee none of stunning ï¬gures, with every now and then, u the Iteel hit. o point of light fluhlng out. to Me end eppeer uein like e brillient glowwom. We could mm tell which were the stacker-e. which the two comredee we hed come to one. But it we could not make them och. neither could they us. We ehouted pboldlyuilwehedheenecom- shay, end in the clutter of their heel- , n the atonee they could not count our feet. They knew not how Ineny loï¬owere the darkness held. The p pureed. Two men nuninod in 0!. comb“. elou under the- mg wtll. I." vvâ€"â€"_â€" -_-_- Across the way Shir sturdy ï¬ght" hold oa two. while a sixth mm. cry- ‘9‘ 9n his mute: to tollow, fled down mi M. Eucnnc know now whct he wu nbont. sad at once £00k side. with the solitary tenccr. The combat. bein‘ mode cqunl, I “crud in punuit o! the flying ï¬gure. I hcd run but u icw ynrdc. however. when I tripped and fell prootrnu over the bod o! 3 mm. I was up in a moment, cclinc him to and out if he were dud; my hnnds over his bent dipped_ into n THERE IS â€$ 9'“ ‘." at mawï¬ï¬‚w a. I; O. Jet......11.oo .3: A- --, PAGE THREE 7.30 mi. 0.80" (â€In 0.28... I 8.“ C.- Mm; KIWI ï¬ll)" v «V;