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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Jul 1907, p. 5

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u evening tram 3.0.7.. It Sturgeon Mt m b [...~...---...----¢ id Head of Lake. Baptie’s 140 train Island. Acton Ind from Lakefield I, .in except Sundays. Bead Up. :tical invention constructed cl 3 and nple means of which tree bloodvel' xclixcalp. 'll‘lhefggmte l w a owingt e sappy hi0. eefl'ee‘a ried to the hair roots. uh ' There isno us growth of hmr. tsoeverkind are employed the” three or Al... nan can... a. ..o- .0. ..-¢-. 0.. to... Du! Itavn ~-â€"° - dvcd. Later on. wkhgfimc” Ipcction. he remar vations h: had previously 1336"!" says that the pfindpk n corrcct and “de1“ gig , fl__n.-_~ ‘vfim‘m c‘p u ”4‘ yticed in all the Local Papers. :1 without notice. gag-ford“... Mon ..... o... p.. .... u" Fro the Medical Bpard on the 96" means could be de _ >ut resorting to an imtadgfim tlvcd. Later on. wked t2: Ipection. he remar ' " dons): mad: 3“ _1.- Motown .t you for sixtfidayi “°° "mi IBW grOWth of air. an .8" 9 your hair. y 0“ m at 'ourselt. It is Mum ” II up be dew?»ited mm the L9 IWSt’ fin‘nd‘“ ”"1 .d Burleigh. 's and Saturdays. :t, W. R. Widdess, G311. :es, Bobcaygeon. A REMARKABII INVINHM FOR THE :nburg. will leave army to LONDON. W» Evans L, 1907 TRIAL at Burleigh Falls 10: . n . . . n ..... .9.9.9.L.L.LSG 3151:. V acuum Wynn I. .Arr 7.45 9.3 .Lv {MD 9.3. Read Up. SUMMER DRY GOODS My Prices in Wash Fabric Department -_ A _ ‘ M I , - m Cream Crepe Check, reg. '56c, sale ...................................... (team Lustre. reg, 42c, sale ....................... Cream Albatross, reg. 30c, sale ................................................... Cream Cashmere. Cream Lustre, Cream Satin Cloth, reg. 660 Black Peau de Soie and Black Tafieta, reg. 680, sale ................ Black Mantle Silk, ‘23 inches, in two weaves, reg. $1.00, 5318‘ Colored navy, brown, black, green and champagne Elaine, re: Sale Price on Cream and Summer July Dress Goods and Silks sale .......................................... Fawn, green and champagne Voile, White hnbroidery Dress Pattern, Chldrenls pink, white and blue Hosiery, sizes 4‘}, 18c, 20c, sale 13c and 156; sizes 7, 7‘}, and E 8i, 9, 99;, reg. 27c, sale ....................... ........ Moria Hose Supporters, rubber button. black, ladies' Tan Cashmere Hose, reg. 3‘56, sale 950; 0 sale - ............................................. _. ..................... bdies‘ Black and Tan Lace Hose, reg. 500. sale July Sale Prices in Handkerchiefs, Cor- sets and Gloves little Children's Handkerchiefs, in White and colored, z 10: ac and 3 Eur 10c. Extra Specials. M’s red and blue and white Handkerchiefs, reg. 10c, sale 19kt, sale ............................................................. .. .............. Malina Handkerchiefs, reg. ‘Sc, sale 5c ; reg. Ric, sale 86 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sale , ............................................... . .. :‘h‘piecgs Embroidery Insertion, reg. 1211c, sale 96; 1‘88- 100» Mud bloves, reg. 90c, sale 706; reg. $1.20, sale ---------- fink and COR-med, reg. $1.35, 581631-30; reg. $1.15, 8318"" i Per cent. ox all Corsets Bargain Days. 10 Per “nt'bf l 10 per cent. Hi all Fabric Gloves, Berlin “’00” and Floss. Bargain Days. CW“ Towels. ‘3 for Se 2 for 10c, Zior 160, are extra speclals. ‘ 30ft Leather Hand Bags, in tan and b)a.ck, reg. 76c, sale ...................... . higher Hand Bags. reg. 65c, sale..... ................... . ....... .°‘ ........ . ................ { fix?“ and Black. $1.15 Overalls sale 90c; $1.00k1nds for ......... ...$.3. Bo”, TWO-piece Suits, Russian blouse style, reg. $4.76, sale ............ $4 "ys DWble Breasted 3-piece Suits, reg. $5.25, 3316 ............ Me: cent. ofi all Carpets, Bugs and Oilcloths during July Sale. 399! cent. off all Curtains during July Sale. In)" articles not mentioned in this list are on sale. Take a. 1< through before buying. 5 We! Whitewear at 1-5 per cent. 0 t . 5% And White Flannexette Mill Ends. 7‘3 Ym' E Won"511’s Chocolate Dongola Oxford, “8‘” 34;. M1, For the whole Month of July the store willbe literally teemingwith saving inducements every day What it means to you. Every offer will have a good business reason to justify it ME Opposite Clearance Sale ite Terry’s Restnmt 3.3.. ..................................... and W 7 ‘E " o us. an. 0 so. on. a. .0. cont-nuvoc no. an. 00.... coo-co an. auto-o - .- t.oucon-uuonoo-non-vouo-ov‘.vor-nocovnu. o .coo..-Iooa-Icooanoo on. c-oocg uo-o- an. out. can. nu.- .. 0-0. a... ggfion. black, reg. 13c, sale ......... 5c. sale 956; Misses’, reg. 25c, and colored,"2 for So, 3 for reg. 10c, sale 81:, reg. . 4-1.01uouoouo.ononunonncooo-un-ouoouo extra. _specia.ls. ..o. on. a. co. .-o no... -.-.-.--.o.ou..aouu-ou 0.. u-ouococoonuoouuouoonno ..-o.-..n¢n white, oo..-. .oc-.-..-.-n..-..- [d 76, reg. 16c, ‘. 25¢, sale 216 ; .‘of all Laces. and Shetland loo ..-oo ano- ‘. $1.13, ......... 400 ,nauu ...95c look 106 .95c w l 50 900 21c 10¢ ‘96 The Finance Committee met in the Council Chamber on Monday awning last, the. chief item at W hefmg Vior the year. fAld. Bytes, chairman of the Committee, presided,- and there were present Mayor VrOOman, ”Reeve Begg, ' and Aldermen Devitt, Weldon and McGeough. ’ ‘- M- An: id‘flIV , Eveley, an Englishman who was' here as a fireman on the G.T.R. running out ofhere, was also at- imc EOR Inn‘s YEAR Wlll. BE 29 l-4 MILLS. . iindsay man, succeeded for the time being in eluding the police.- The special despatch received by the Watchman-warder from the 800 read as follows : â€"â€" Saulf. Ste. Marie, Mich, July 9. -â€"Two men, said to be Richard Wynn and A. Boyeau, of Lindsay, Canada, are under arrest here, charged with issuing or attempt- ing to pass forged $5.00 Traders’ Bank bills. Both were attired as workingmen, and it is supposed were working their way west from North Bay and'Sudbury. Twelve fictitious bills were found on Wynn and 160 on Boyeau. They were taken across the river to the Canadian side, and there are said to have acknowledged that they and Archie Boyeau, Sr. ., Lindsay, mum of about sixty, had been arrested at the $00 on a. charge of issuing or attempting to issue counterfeit bills. When the news leaked out, as- tonishment and surprise were shown on all sides, and the matter became an absorbing topic for dis- cussion. The crops and the weath- er were for once iltogether forgotâ€" ten in the new and uneviable no- toriety in which the town soon found itself. Later, word was received that Richard Wynn, of the South Waifd, *‘ ,LINDSAY, ONT, TfifiRsDXfil-m I:U-LY;,_1907; It came like a thunderbolt to the people of Lindsay on Tuesday morning to discover that an alleg- ed wholesale scheme of counterfeit- ing had been unearthed here, and that Mr. Charles Burke, who had always been looked on as a re- spected citizen, had been taken in custody on the charge of making and issuing counterfeit flve dollar bills, issue of 1897, TradeJS’ Bank of Canada. Strlkesvlmdsay Town is Getting Its Name in the Papers in a Way It Don’t like ES’l'mn 1;qu mce Committee met in .the' ”‘3‘” °” ”mm m Other mt Taxes 1 :haet' ‘itemoibnagnesshemgpmmpon tunes lering of the estuna-tes “,ndiBilliu-d licenses ng' of the‘ rate of tajfa’tmnsButchei-s’fli .. ear. Ald. Eyres,_ chmrmangcm. lic emu” Pms‘dedr “d'Cab licenses , .......... .0 “M Mayor Vrocmn. mmug IW‘ ....... Alieged Gang of Counterfeiters Rounded Up Here “UNâ€"~77 . ”w ............. 100 00 _w_ , , .. .......... 1250 00 County rate M" ....... 1,8600 mills Rgeve thought the-injustiw coujd be ....... a .................. 4300 00 Public school ................. 110.1758 mil}: remedied in other case: bythe town “1 allowances ..... 7800 00;Coneghte Institute ....... 9.9113 yams'lwving a. pound at its own and ‘not. win ................. 260 00 Town‘ debenture debt ...... 7,3241 mgmxns the animal! in a W- Fin- ,,,,,,, : ................ 2.. 25 oo Public-Hum ................ - woo gummy. on motion 01.309" Ban. .5 service ................. 70 oo Contracts- and W oer- founded by m. Weldon. some 34.90 â€"-â€"â€"- vices ..... -............; ............ 7.5866 mm! ' , rdnnded. an. mount, being Montreal, though his gun... o . "can... or. n .9... .000 I. been carefully the Clerk, and 3290 00 100 00 ! Now, it apricots tl'mt the polier 'Ihe counterfeit bills are said to ghave been working on the case for be mostly of the July 2, 1897, l some time past, and thot Lindsay . Series “D” of the fivedollu' Trad- {has been to some extent the scene , ers Bank of Canada Notes; though 50f action. Col. Sherwood and In- ‘ bogus bills of other bank€ are :spector Parkinson of the Domin- rumored also to have been put in lion Police, and Detective Cowan, circulation. The rumors of course of Toronto, were here last week and the two last are still here. Town office expenses Deficit. 1906 ............ ESTIMATED RECEIPTS. Other that Taxes for the Year ’07‘. Dog and poll axes V. ........... 8 600 (0 Billiard “mm ..'. ..... a...‘ ..... 5 450 00 Butchers’flicenses ..... s .......... 30 00‘ In “5v vvâ€"vâ€"r u ‘ ' been nipped in the bud. In addition to those mentioned ‘ Charles Burke, the man who is it is said that there mom or two under arrest here, is abou 60 years other suspects and that one person old. He is said to be in good cir- suspected has left for unknown cumatances financially and he has I parts Cigarette licenses .......... Petty licenses ................. Plumbers’ licensee ...... .6 Liquor licenses ............... Market revenue . ..... Pihmbing inspection foes...“ Police Court fines .......... :. Arrests of taxes and per- centages ...... .9 ....................... Lake shore grairel in stock, Contingencies ........ _ .............. .« The police appear to think they have made a fine catch, and that a huge scheme of counterfeiting hes been nipped in the bud. ‘ 810.717 00 Less estimdtod receipts ....... 5250 00 n“- M that was not genuine. Since then the police authorities have been very busy. - bThe most of Burke was made yChief Ralph C. Vincent and the Dominion officers, on Monday evening. Burke is now in jail on a remand until Monday, and a thorough search of his home is said to have revealed incriminating The police are very reticent about the whole affair, but some surprising developments are ex- apparatus. Other houses were searched in the outskirts of Lind- _'l'he first information of the ex- isténce of counterfeit bills came‘ when the Merchants’ «Bank of Canada at Montreal recently'dn: say and a large number of bogus bills of the Traders and other banks is said to have been secured. "“V“ "u“ "”“,,“"“"J -'- '--vâ€" 'v -â€"â€" â€"- ,, , ». . . Lindsay .to stand‘trial. a ‘ ?well known. He lives in the South , The despatch from 110an Wgrd. ; l v told simply of the arrest of an? Richard Wynn also hasL“‘been a‘ Englishman giving the name oftresident of the South WM and is Evely, and that- a pal of his, is man close on to 70 years of age. thought to be another LindsayéBoth he and Boyeau 9m well man, had succeeded in eluding the police for the presegt. received the bogus money to pass‘ many friends who cannot! believe from a. man named Burke, of Lind- that he' 13 guilty. Heb/13)? say. They were remanded for a. ness here in the shin week and will likely be taken to the river for severfl years, and 18 Lindsay to etamltriel. _‘ ‘ :well known. He l1ves 1n the South .,..4. .---.o n~uu .ou SUMMARY. . ' ecu. ... a. u... .c no"- bu,- ...... an. ‘ . 30 00 The Council each find all went. 2307 00 t ugh each item cac'dully. and after $00 00 t. rough consideration and discus- ‘ 106..- 00 aionfiadded that if 29% min: were +â€"-â€" uecessary. (and they oonlt! use no 10.717 00 way flaw could be cut 6m further), 525000thonthqbeliowdtheylhould levy 85476700 theprogerratcaninot be caving -A A, _.“'A A A 0...“... $525000 ugdtheyintendto hveinalde this fox" the year if at all posfible. and leave with a clean sheet. The byâ€"lew for the levying of this rate for the year was accordingly given its readâ€" ings in Committee and finally passed in Council. , ‘ The Council had another matter that took up some little time. Messrs. Gillson and Brown, two far- mers,.ppearedv-to see if they had not 1": overcharged by the pound- keeper. llr. Wilson. for stray cattle impounded. The cattle; it was claimed._did little or no damage. Poundkeeper Wilson explained where he had iound the cattle and how he made his charges. Bis gauges were. on inveedgntion. found to be pretty near correct ”em-ding to'lew. Inch (linen-ion W - _The are more numerous then the groundson which they rest. Some people, on second thought are in- clined to believe the issue is not 1nearly as numerous as has been reported. The circulstion of count- afeit bank notes is said however, to be reported from smaller towns in the district. "Much discussion remind. The emu [have thought‘the-injustict could be com remedied in other cue- by’the town mm mm a pound at its own andr'not. m kaopingthoulmdlmahgtal.Fin-gmt uly, on motion name Be“. '5' etc., condor! by And. Weldon. tops “.20 the a .-..- .1...“ Mn:- m- hdm 00â€"88. The paper on which the notes are printed is also poor. Al- together the effort is a rather poor counterfeit. I Those who know the Lindsay men implicated in the charge so far would be glad to know that the whole thing is some horrible mistake. The work on the counterfeit note is apparently but pool-Edens. The printing is bad, the color poor and the whole impression blurry. The green “V” on the face of the note is very lightly colored, the numbering and the imprint are also very badly added. Apparently the forgery has been accomplished by the photographic method and rcproduced by an electrotype proâ€"j 'Richatd Wynn also hag “been a.“ resident of the South Weird and is a man close on to 70 years of age. Both he and Boyeau 9m well known and there is nothing par- ticular known against them here. e Council and: find all Went 'ughr each tpgm wwy. and after acted by the private company that. commenced the enterprise. This mean. much to the city as 'it‘cunes 1 mt saving in expenditure {or Indy etc, such” nudity hum mkefor wg also made to the power house and plant of theII'ater Commissjon on thaOtonabee River. Like Lind- no": plant ‘it. was first erected and ofembed by a; private company, but. {utter mt taken over by the corpora- After the Lindsay Commissioners had watched this very successful test, they were taken charge of by the Pet- erboroug-h omciais, who certainly gavethemo. very int‘mtthu; an". .nâ€" structivc time, by all accounts. mun visitors wefl given a nun 01th. city with its many fine red- m nd‘public buildings. A trip THE PETERBORO PLANT. The power house is vegv yomplece in every detail. 'liwre an- due», -on- gines. each .with' three cylinders, to force the water tothv mams.’ \yuceg is motto all parts of the city b'y di: rect. pro-mm, no smndpipe being usâ€" ed. All the power for the driving of the engines and 1he other operations mun-n issue!!!“ from the dam er- however. “briefly this; n )s .u sucn shape that it clamps tightly ‘ arounc the minto beoperated on and the wateris held back by an adjustable \‘Jve operated from the :41». The Smith Patmt. drills two holes in the mdnto be tappec, the water being held by the valve referred to. The second hole madein the main is made to the size required for the fitting of the necessary conneceions. and the valve is operated so that. ,these con- nections are made with fun pressure onand without disturbing in the least. .the service to users on the min. After the Lindsay Commissioners don. dune to be M.“‘\~t [tion. It would!» every thflefl' Peta-borough eeems tobe prosper. to give apnoper description of them fight. About $650,000 war“: machine without the aid of mustra- 0! permits new buildings have tione and diagrams galore, an-l ewn been issued this y ,‘alneady and thenonly an imperfect understanding about $250,000 in additiau .ja ’ onus methodof operation w mld be M in‘pubuc bundingg, The! gathu'od. The idea of tno machine class includes a new Collegiate Imti- howevet“. "briefly this: R is 1'1 such tute, aNormeJ School, and them shape that it clamps tightly ‘ arounc amoriee being erected by the Domin- the main to beopemted 0!: and thelion Government. " water is held back by an adjustablel At the’meeflng cube Lindsay Was- xflve operated from the V10. Theler Commissioners on Monday am- Smith Patmt drills two holes in the ‘noon a resolution of appreciatdon mainto be tappecnhe water Maguand thankswas passedto the Peter- held by the valve referred to. The. borough Commissioners for the 'ex- mm] hole mm the main is madelcenent usage and ooux'teav 9140630“ ing all this time without a wpilig ginc, so perhaps the parallel is not . machkn similar to the one under con- good one. adoration, users would naw to (19‘ Then are two fine well-matched without water during the time the tum: 0! horses kept in the Petcl‘bor- work w done on tin-Jim. m'ough fireball constantly, and gym Smith Tapping machine' ovw- Altogethertho fire protection ”in?“- come- this amenity-ad ltsmethod m sleep inthe hull each night. dwa‘flnzmmhedyfith much «how gangsta be an m; interest by' the Lindsay delegates.‘one, and .évéra imam m: be 0: ladvantage to Lindsay for consider..- rncr the Lindsay delegation. This: 0 waver. was not done, and re- reaentnt/ivs travelled pm ly in- cog, and arrived unanno . Yet theywere given amost ) y wel- come and were splendidly received and well entertained. They have only the kindest words for the Pet- erboroug‘h Water Commissioners “ho not only gave every possible mist- nncein the 'securinsr of useful infor- cog, andorrived unanno . Yet' The Peter-borough Water Comin- they were given a most y wel- sioners have been very successful in come and were splendidly received ’i their management this year, and hnv. and well entertained. They have'a nice comfortable surplus. only the kindest words for the Pet-HIKE PETERBORO FIRE SYSM erborough Water Commissioners xx ho Petertlorough has a large commodi- not only save every possible assist» ous and up-to-date fire hall. It seems nncoin the securing of useful infofi‘ to be splendidly equipped throughout; nation, but .150 did much to make'A new fine alarm System was recent'e theetay o! the Lindsey representa- ly put in, the installation being done three in Peterborough a pleasant by the Bell Telephone Company. one. . Twenty-five fire alarm boxes are in When the Lindsarf representatives service on the system. Every day at arrived in Peter-hora, they found the 12.30 the whole system is 1m City Water, Commissioners busy on a‘Eech individual fire alarm box is best nnd‘investigntion of the Smitb'teoted thoroughly once every week. Potent Tapping Mne. The pun'mse The electric energy for the fire alum of this menhine is to make it possible systanis supplied from about 140 to putt; splioein themeln enema-kc batteries. On the whole the system connections with full preosure on. A seems to bee. very complete and el- little consideration will show whet {active one and appears to work sets an advantage sum a machine efiects. isfectorily. Without such a contrivnnoe it is ne-s In eddlt on a fire engine is on duty cessnry whecher joints and brmch- at the fire hell all the time. 'I‘hisfire :4- inadon, but .150 did much to make the stay of the Lindsay representa- tives in Peterborough a pleasant Without such a contrivanoe it. is 110-; In add“ on a fire engine is on duty oessary whecher joints and brmch- at the fine hall all the time. 'l‘hisfirc es we run off from the main to shut. ‘engine is quite ornamental, but it. the whole line on while connections use seems to be an exat‘t u‘quivdum, “being made. In theme or run- ornearly so. to the utilit." of Lind- ning inubnnch onto a main theta-fours steam roller. Thelroad rolhr, century boring and fitting would uh; however, can hardly be said to be us It lent'thneeor {our hours. anddIIr- ornament“ lnappeamnce as the an- r __A, When the Lindsaff representatives arrived in Peter-bore, tiny town! the City Water, Commissioners busy on a Interesting Visit to . City of Peteroro vuvâ€"u vacuum? thormxghwmnginmyof these fine ”a. branches is a. valuable asset to the young m or woman. The W I. A trio olthe Central Business Collage, Tor- }wer house onto, invfitting graduates for the ’ommission very best positions in the business I! about- . world, commends it to the consider- .m of “its and guardians. This 9111”} on d‘QCIIJA” in the anions school woi‘ld, commends it to the considerâ€" '.o.tion 0! parents nod guardians. This is a school which combines superior service and appointments with reas- onable rates. It really consists of three schools under the male roof, and each school is under the super- [vision of a sum of competent teach- ers, specially qualified for their work. A six months’ course costs $50, and this fee smiths the student to tui- Icson in all schools. The schooi main- !tains an employment department lwhich looks W5: after all stu- dents who have completed their loom-lea. It also maintains and conâ€" ducts. o Correspondence “apartment through which a, number ot'e'xoellest Mom-sec, including Chartered Account- anqy. Advertising and Illustrating, are given with the most satisfactory fault; to thousands of students who Motto!!! college. All who .20 ‘Ioouhg'tor the best in the bum .0560! line should send tor Cato. sin. panama YongB .and pea. ., Toronto. on. A SCHOOL THAT FITS FOR THE DEMANDS OF ACTI'AL EXPER- IENCE. The demand for firstâ€"class sumoâ€" graphers. bookkeeper-s. and telegraph- ers. is constantly increasing withtho great development of Canada, and a thorough training in any of these branches is a. valuable asset to the young mm or woman. The success olthe Central Business Cottage. Tor- to the delegates BUSINESS IRAINING Garden Party. NUMBER 28 4000 from here on the N» may, and cg". protectim ‘ih Pet- hull and: night.

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