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Watchman Warder (1899), 2 Jul 1908, p. 10

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There was!“ " - “'83 not with!!! ‘ practically 1mm" , A. -..'IJ¢ fines'm may "nu,“ the “strike” was one of Very mall prOportion at the most and .me half dozen men attempted to hold up the work on the municipal stone crusher. Strikebreakers .were imported from Lindsay, however. and the work went along uninterrupted. Two men who had first participated in the strike went back to work and neemingly the others were “sore " on these two “ scabs,” to use the a. lime dcm on these two nut-N, -- vernacular. This was the cause of] a. little demonstration and ultimate». I}; a. police court incident. g County Magistrate Moore ,andi Chief Vincent drove out to Oakwoodi yesterday and six men were charged: with using obscene and profane Ian-3 guage on June 18. _ The names of! the men were : Simon Ferguson, Wil-E liam Ferguson, Geo. Savanach, Wil-' 15am Savanach, Frank Bolton and J.‘ Channon. Mr. Geo. A. Jordan pro-! secuted and Mr. .G. H. Hopkins deâ€"i (ended. I In a. little village, police court isi an event, and everyone makes it a. point to be present and inspect the manner in which the wheels of the law grind. Oakwood was no excepâ€" tion to the general xun of villages yesterday and the town hall. in which the trial was held was packed. After the evidence of half a. dozen wimewes was taken the cases were dismissed. The witnesses were eithâ€" erer timid about giving their full testimony or else they had none 'fur- the:- to give. The magistrate favor- ed the former theory. .THE EVIDENCE. About half-past nme on Thursday ”‘" '~~ ~ ' ' v- . . Grin unvv-v even anJune 18, Mrs;.Rob1na. buchâ€" Einpgnflg’tl‘i- for $11112“; wigmgs' at- ”.“5' Y'me 0‘ Robert 1‘}c.h°ns' 9 who” m1 )ted a‘xl'ittlicism at the expense hVeN n Oakwood testified that she e I h 1 - ' ‘01“ the prosecuting lawyer, but the hearl swearing on the corner of \Elâ€" Hatter took him to task and gave‘ glint. She looked out of the wm- h'm legal .. dressing down." ‘ dew and recognized three of the men, 1}“an ash he knew the witness J. Shannon, Geo. Savanach ‘wd‘said Bolton was not intoxicated-dur- Prank Bolfon. The latter came and ' th 1 ht of June 18 knocked at the door and later went‘mg‘h'see'gdid the - __, away swearing. Joe Shannon and! ‘ case, ' G Geo. Savanach also were swearing. EVIDENCE NOT STRON - . evidence H1: 'lhcy were planning to meet on the After viewing the . corner and stop the men .from workâ€" -Worship said he had very little doubt on the stone crusher the next mornâ€" that some disturbance contrary to lug. Frank Bolton Was the: worse law had taken place, .but the evi- d liquor semningly. and was stagâ€" deuce in the case .was not strong mine. A stone was thrown at Jthe enough. ' . l “ 1: seems to be that there is -- an em, hack. “ What they came there for ‘ see your husband ? queried Hopkins in crossâ€"examination. f‘ Yes, I guess so." I ~ .‘L fifi‘d they came and went ? " the lawyer persisted. " I don't, know about that. mfepiy. , _ ‘ _ m \nnnnTLS. PAGE ROBERT NI 0 HULLQ. hulls, husband of: 11 Robert. N 1c fed that pcexinus witn , had seen an the accused during the 18 Geo. Savanach, night. of Jun 1 HRS ’w-v-, E 44: years, nan-5...“, “In“, w” ured. 11 J. E. I‘RIC , , sevurely injured at. back of right seriouslv inj shmfldcr : no bones broken. 'vtyâ€"fivc {were injured. MP5. DAN. BFAGAN. Parry Sound, 1y. The rolling s lexL V‘collar bone fractured appeared ‘to be in JAR SMITH. Parry Sound, back the train was runn left, forearm broken. usual Speed. The passengers v injured, WM TAYLOR. 40 years Parry Sound; . injuries to head, and I‘ight arm ab tfznhnm “my hhxs most torn off. mg, where . thgy F 1‘ MLPH Du das Ont rm °°mf°rt ”ss‘ble’ ‘ '. . ' ‘ . ’ n ' " a this afternoon wet Insured shghtly. . :to the scene of th‘ JAS. SQUIRES, Parry Sound. sozup Mgers and baggaj wound and nasal bone fractured. special, which too """ " ““Y’TRES. Parry Sound, in- journey. Four of hurt and some wh (BY THE INJ U RED F. W. MILLER. RS. Fort William, chest cm nal injuriw. 7" 'n ‘n ms. .i. Sound. f 3mm. sWOR-D» ‘ ace badly ‘. [{ALPH, Dundas, Ulu.” w- u ‘ :to the scene of the ’IRES Parry Sound, in- journey. hurt and some who ternally injured. ‘ . ms JAMES WILSON. Otter Lake, contmuc on them )0 beg-(l am! limm injured. to Toronto. Althou , A be passable. the car‘ _ mnrrn, Parry Sound. free m. the r 1‘ jured. ; ERR J. F. WIGGINS. Parry Sound. 1 back slightly bruised. ‘ ‘ 1. B. GURNEY. Parry Sound. leg out: head injured. CONDUCTOR GILLIES. head out and internally injured. Tottcnham. g R. train ithin'fiaâ€"e jurisdiction 01 1: Act and it. died out. unnoticed beyond thecon- Lt viHage. -l 179” JAMES WILSON. and limbs injured J A8 ‘ SMITH, Pi Cfm- Sault Ste' lder dislocated- RUFFELL. 64 S “ strike " at. Oafiwood this aflair .seemingly , -. . -A_ A: [E1 or FALL mas in to} Winnipeg- W on Saturday night NICHOLLS. injured. re for ‘ queried m0“ lJunv ‘1‘-” '_7 Brandon. bank first-class shape, and the pan u- m- road adjacent to Tottenham: was “1- wayfi considered the best part of the 7 Sound, shoulder r , roadbcd between Toronto and Rain ’ since mm} com ‘ . TV iii?“ Soun "1006. The ties and rmlq \ , _ pletely torn up for a. distance of U- Chap‘m“ “memo“ 600 feet. but will ‘)e an in . . Running other to-night. amefi' Bay. 168 In". A rumor that the track had many! iand another that tho roadbed hm! INS. Parry sound, 'given way. were afterwards woven? used, \ to be not correct. and the train while running ‘ast. was not going ~pther heavy trains Hat Par ' S nd, 1 z ’3 °u egluae speed of ha r this put. of d. . . ve been running ove ”LIES“ head out ‘tho road. 'I‘raim have been passed t 60 miles .111 hour. fluted. through here u \ . Old trtfinmeu state that in HM" - “9 â€"'Php C. {long experience trey have nwer svm ., mm. -5 “Male \nil‘i~\3 _â€"â€"â€" 0A7 that." went quiet- ‘ Hug: on the stone cum...“ n- _ day and had to .pay their 1L5 {$1.75 a. 1d of x {h} board out of thls. They wanted $2 1 that by a day and were refused it, hence the during the strikv. '1 he crusher 15 working at. prcsant, with anoih-cr gang of men. Savanach, St. George'St' > Saxan'vzla-Y"s Marie. Regina ; of right lthe case," His Worship said. u'et I THE CAUSE OF THE STRiKE q l l The strike it seems, was caused by Was the discontentment of the men at the (pay they were getting. i Men work- ‘ ging on the stone crusher were paid {$1.75 a. day and had to .pay their They wanted $2 x the board out. of this. ‘ a day and were re‘ ‘t hence the 'v v the strikv. mach, prcsant with an . which left ’as bad a. ma: :ht carrying to I i The voice of Joe L‘nax ‘olationr¢ i commandment, -Lillie Woolridge, Ishc couldn’t. say " luun a, u 7 _ (one said to the witness) to start a. strike and when not stay w1th it." His eVi-denoe further did not bring out. any startling facts. WILLIAM WOOLRIDGE. ! Willi-am John Woolridge, laboner and resident of Oakwood, stated in his evidence that Channon was curs- ing Mr. Mark for not. paying Pi Her on the crusher. All th.- wh- 'l h: Witâ€" were usw. “ Channon mu cal voice,” remark Mr. 'Hopkins got wit. that. it might. who was swearing. This finished the case for the pro- st, have a. very mumâ€" ed Mr. Jordan. the witness to ad" be someone else secution. he was abacus. “ No sir,” was the reply. “ Was there any swe “ Mr. Channon said , “ In what, tone did he say it? " in a. very pleasant tone." Mr. Jordan took the band sharply for answering V impertencntly. Qtem‘pted a’wittficism at the axing ? ’ u. :..... laxvvel‘. but Q witness a git The witness 1 expe1 1 4.! Your a. two hundred passengers, was at: about two miles north of Tottc at 11.4") p.1n. Five coaches thrown down an embankment. tween fifteen and twenty feet, turning completely over. The * u‘e and mail cars pen and bagge. on thc track. There were killed, but two elderly women seriously injured. In all about 'vtyâ€"fivc were inmred. some very The rolling: stock and r‘ be in good order, as running about 1y. appeared ‘to the train w Di Lzéhfifia on MORE HURT Warder .) MRS. WOOLRIDGE. ordan Loon We .,_, aarply for answering a gittle nently. The witness at- l a witt’icism at the expense prosecuting lawyer. but the took him to task and gave legal 5" dressing down." -r as he knew, the witness 'AAAnA Anr. CHARGES .L‘VL’J -wv _ ewing the evidence His d he had very little doubt disturbance contrary to taken place, but the evi- ctrnnq‘ :' Joe Channon upraised violation of the third was heard by . on said dâ€"-â€"n." me did he say it. ? " pleasant tone.” q took the witness in for answering a gittle The witness at- »mnégm at the expense 'flne P9315 0‘ filing stoc be in good order, s runnhxg about the or cause any 01°“ 2m. :of June 18? ., "v-v - men being' paid the Istone 6!qu savanach rher ' evidence What oaths that there is 58 kept back. c; u... - V th as little mi 1‘3 REFUSED T0 CARE FOR BABY It is only a week or so since the. I forlorn little infant found by the roadside has been under the protect- 3M! ion of the township of Brock, but it mc is evidently long enough, judging by We the following motion. which came tty up at last week's session of the Brock. b0 County Council. thl . “Mr. Purvis brought up the ques- ‘it tion of the disposal of an i' which was abandoned in the town- Mt ship of Brock on the 29th of May, 3 ion short. distance from the boundary IH line. After some discussion. Mr. Pur-‘ce vis, seconded by Mr. ‘St. John. mov- 'w: Aâ€". (‘Annt‘i‘ “OW int ‘ mei héirei it placed in some proper nu...“ â€"Lost. “The township of Brock is one the largest and wea whole province of Ontario." . Woodville Adirocate. “and has a. pop-w ulation of 7,000. but according to the reeve’s motion it must needs ask who County of Ontario as a whole to‘ assume the trifling expense of vi‘ding for one poor bundlingâ€"someâ€" thing that a laboring man with no- thing but his daily toil to help him has often and cheerfully done. No wonder the County Council treated ‘the matter with contempt and fairly shoutedâ€"LOST ! For District No.,.......‘ County Tower to be About three mi Emily township, tower for astronomical and les from Omemee. in the government, is erecting a, geodetical purposes. This tower is one of a number that. are being built. in Ontario. A tower sixty feet. in height will be built on a high point. of ground near Cobourg. The other ‘towers will be a. few miles apart. and it is expected that. it will be possible for to flash light from one to the other. Trip to Quebec Ballot When fully filled out. and received at The Wuder 0mm by otherwise on or before expincion of data shown .bovo. AT DATE. Void 11 um voted for has not. been pro 8“ was. or annotated. \auluv. The competition will be de- cided on points as follows : Subscriptions to The Weekly ‘ Watchman-Wander will count one point per month and The Daily Warder subscriptions will earn two points for each month. This is for strictly new sub- scribers. A subscription changed from a. weekly into a daily will count as new business and earn two points for each month‘sub- scribed for. ,1 The votes earned are placed to your credit in the regular way for ,the Quebec Trip and the points are counted separately for the watch. Lv- vâ€"â€" _ The watch is on View in the window of Felix FMbert’s store. A Leather Suit Case To the Lindsay Candidate securing the highest number of points and not. the winner of‘the gold watch, a leather suit me v- zEvilitbewgiven. A Leather Suit Case who secures the highest number of points and is not the winner: of the watch, a. leather suit case willbe given. This suit case is a special prize given by Felix ‘ Forbert, ‘shOe merchant, and is On exhibition along with the other special prizes in the win- dow of his store. See them: Built Near Not good an“ 5'30 o Omemee Soon Address .. From Suturddy’s Daily. Mr. George Moore had his left. hand most painfully injured. Mr. Moore was pulling the cork out. of unemp- lty flask. To all appearances the bottle was perfectly flawless. Never- theless in some unaccountable way it broke up near the neck. When the glass gave away Mr. ' 7--.! -_,| nnnaht. Cut His Hand mmem. nogg for wmm 'lled by Auto u. ....°D, -- while driving his auto flag a. coun- try road, last fall, it will‘ be remem- bered, ran into a rig driven by Mrs. W. G. Shannon. the wife of a. Geor- gina. township farmer. She was thrown violently to the ground, and (filled almost instantly. # ""m "Md .for \Aljv“ “â€"7 Shannonv is now suing $10,000 Qamagf.:n a) t gmhll children. Town Mr. I". E. King, Du brukeman on tho .G.T.R ioufly hurt in Midla morning. Mr. King w: make up a. freight, train was to go out on. Whif to step on the h‘koâ€"t pod and one of the W over both his legs. H¢ 9d that they were not t though it. was an cmp that. ran over them is ”mu" c9 Luuuau .. .V._ that. ran over It was errone first report. of the of the injured man's legs had amputated. Such is not. the and the doctor in attendance sanguine hopes of saving .both Lun'uo. Mr. King is at present in the pital nt Midland. and .will unc‘ edly remain there for a few we Mr. King is a married man ‘ He is about years of age and has been on railroad _a. Iittlc over one year. Was Taken to the Ross Hospital m1 Saturday m herd is very in- hope for a. 899° Plucky Ball Player Taken to Hospital W. Lnngdon. of Ada: store. was badly hurt in Oriental game the other don was at but. and'th plant! 0!} the bat. ontc â€" him MON. “no wu-J .--,, Oriental game the other night. Long- don was at | t. and‘the bull wu played on‘ the but onto his botLv. eevnrely injuring him. He pluckily finished the guns. but was taken bad uterwards. _I-lo_ was taken to the a} QC. '1 n. â€"â€"V _ 7 Ross hospital this morning. o, Hogg. Taking Cork Special Reductions in Dominica Pianos and Organs duriglg June! 1 VOTE 1h! ‘ood Second End Instrumcnu ‘ to 1° cheap for clausnoo' If y'vou unthinking of buying_an ingtrument , _ _ â€"AIIII or exchanging 0“" present one. I Vi l be glad to an: the mat. her over with You- . Shepherd. of the ““th Men to the 30” H.959" 10 Out of Bottle ; Rama-Ruble. statC‘d in 3hc 4.19m. that. one n, in the hoe- .will undoum’ When we are oflering a great man nigh-grade suitiugs in light. and mai- ium weights made in the Darn Uunu - , and stables uhoorneath, a pig pen, sheep house and goose house. a. good well and a young orChard of about one acre. The buildings am in good repair. Situam 1; miles from Cambray station on the Grand Trunk Railway system. .7 miles Milan 0 {ram from Lindsay oakwood. _ 811d H. G. BLAIR 38 Kent Shoot. fluu \l -------- Tenders for the purchase '0! lands addressed to Stewart (c O'- Connor, Undeuy. and marked‘ " Tender re King" will be receivm 1908.. The ed up to 2lst July. purchaser shall pay one-tenth o! ‘mmedlately the purchase money': upon 'being notified of the accep- tance of his tender and the remain- der in one month thereafter with- out interest. There will be a. re- ’ We, the undersigned merchants Town of Lindsay, do hereby agree to C - -o 17 / ,_â€"fin‘ CATITP the estate of the late z_ofler for sale by tender half of iot. 21 in the 10th or the township of Mui- aining :by adWUW‘ more or less. Soil good u A good state of culti- convenient. to 1. sdTCLIFFE SONS LANG MAHER LINDSAY The buildings 4"" Situaw 1% mu“ ,tion on the Grand system. :7 mflcs d 4 miles ' from Hobo” . FORD of said EXP» late school King, or W. .H. Webster or Miss C. W. King, Oakwoo'd P0. or to the undersigned. "â€" - A-mvvnn Kc wwnlgm. ART O'CONNOR» STEW Solidbors for William Penn King, " and Colin William Hayes Mater Wimlfned King, I executon and ' ‘ ' ‘n-vid LINDSAY, I we The . FEE, The Wader- SATURDAYS) THE ‘ LINDSAY, Agent, opposite the Market From LINDSAY via. Chicago and St. Paul ‘I‘ ”A“ 2nd Clam The hew Summer Suits 1h: are prepared to show you, all‘ finest ready-to-wear garments brought into this town. We would appreciate an op- portunity to demonstrate their Quality Prices $5.“) to $25.00 Ask to see our Special Suits in two and three piece, 10.00 and 15.00 value, your choice for ten days at ...... THE GLIIIX of perfection in farming means an elimination of the mathoda vylgifh 11131” same tune, 5‘ retard [11‘0ng ONTARIO rates to cum points in Can-min. in now 1 throuzh St. Ola icity. oice o! sewn lines from Paul and three beyond 55. Pan! which 21L that “'0 {111‘ Outing regular the 3 The Fa carried by Dunsford cirruit dxumh. tion in Bowmam week. returned 3' son is a very mi mission cause, have g splendid Mr. Albert Th lord’s promising wearing a. happy vention If. Thurston's 1 Alice Sloan of L1 on dea}'- Me. 1 reside near Dunsfl to 'Doronto and N Mr. Howard L9 day in Dunsford. Mr. Will Gray. Saturday and Sui me;- in Dunsford. Miss Ethel Ken: naval!!!) and Sco‘ wntly. Mr, Chas. ‘ spent Saturday wright. saw: a Methodist. church June 22.â€"Mr. C' of Lindsay. are ‘ and renewing 01f J une Elton Allm am Lindsay. were 8“ on Sunday men“ The western Bl proving their i amt walks. ( Mr. 1110111115011, 1: isfaction, and ml of the barn. my)“. our baseball bition game “4 hey nine at Edvq boys of our buj phying and 1 ‘ to a finish, wiLh in Britain'5 quOJ spare. Rugvr's find, and 1110 no“ Tomkins, of Ca game, and 631‘“ after the first 111 On Saturday COUNTY 001 played 1 with 1hr was a x: Each 10:3: and in gvnl [or tho mm in favor 01 of Lindsay. a. usua After 1? thc1 p13) and t1)"- $t torn of the nine. The r01 Little Pa Camp i< will (PM: 800d «w! Everyluu oorvod the 1:: roMo. with ‘M me 24-'â€"L35" m did consid village. 1595 Mrs: 31111,) Rev. J two \‘N'. Sunday. tttaendml her! nM ‘akos th‘ Fennl‘ X: 1 nclmugull udlt‘b' \K‘ 'l‘hurmiu) Mrf and visited on in toun l and Mrs. thv ‘nd ling ('0. the hunt on ljfi “(made he mhoul nu owning. siding in Lb! Mr. and Mn (lunchbox-.011 rived in tow‘ be the Guests ochool teach her home in short norm i by her P198 many friend miss here \: willing maid choir. and t peciully mi Miss Essie Miss Lini? Brooks call Means . k In Mr. AI: IO m LITTLE DUNS T

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