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Watchman Warder (1899), 2 Jul 1908, p. 12

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, s... The crops never looked better ‘n this sectisn Qan they do at :he pyesent time. Fa" wheat and alsike are very heavy, and give every pro‘ m.se of being an excel? at u-rop. ml 0! the spring crop is Inck‘ng wrll, and will ce'IainIy yie'l; abundance. "xhse parté-d eclipga of the sun was Viewed by many of me villagers on Sunday. Smoked glass waz the uni. erofthedayinthemorning. and everybody watched the eclipse with. interest. 'nxe bright (in added much to the advantage of seeing it well. .. We Jean: with regret first Hrs. Lee- Iie Tram-er, of Petenboro. (nee Miss Louisa. Jenkins), formerly of Little Brita»; Lima-y low ‘af.’ her home, The anniversary of the Methodist church was a decided success. There was a. very large crowd of people. Valentin, Oakwood, Mailing, and Zion Were represented. After the ball game, tea was served 'in the \ base- ment, and then followed the concert part. The assembly hall was packed to the door. Rev's. Moore of Brit- ain. and Leitchl oi Sonya, gave short addresses, and the program was fin- ed withg‘ecitations, dialogues. etc. The proceeds were about 8140. i Many of the farmers are cutting their clover hay and are anxious 'for fine weather. to saVe it in good con- dition. The cut. is very heavy this year, and will reguire lots of hot, dry weether in order to cure it pro- perk. We were pleased to see so many of the \‘alentia. people come up and give their boys support from the breachers. Among some 01‘ the most, ardent. sports were '. Ammon Mark, Cyrus Crozior, James Stokes and J 1m Casey. They cheered the boys to an echo every time they made ' a. score. ' Mrs. Alfred Varcoe, of Zion, Mari- posa, is spending a. few weeks with Mrs. (Dru) Hall, and calling on her many friends in this section, LITT L '2‘. BRITAIN. Little Britain, June 29.â€"The base ball league game hvtxveen Little Bri~ rain and Valentia was played on Monday in George Mark‘s (1910., The southerners weée in excanant trim, all were successful 1:: Irnmning me Britaimtes to a finish. The mucr \‘ere not. in playing vim, and made gross errors all the way through. A htmlbcr from Omemee camped at. the Jndian‘s landing this month. Three pretty gasoline yachts, two skin‘s and about six canoes .made ithe water a picturesque spot Sunday evening. The fish and game inspec- tor did not neglect .to make his visit. in the course of the afternoon. Mr. Isaac Richardson, of gOmemee, passed through the village last week and purchased a. carloa-d of swine. Mr. Jos. Fiezpatrick, of Seattle, Wash, but, formerly of .this place. boarded the magnificent Jefferson on June 3rd, to wend his way to Fair- banks. He will be greatly missed by his companions, the Messrs. Dave and Jeafi O'Brix-n, also of that city. Miss Flossie O’Brien, of St. Jo- seph’s Academy, is home .for he: vaâ€" cation. Mrs. C. Karvin and Miss Maye Mul- cahy, of Chicago, were the guests of Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. Ed. O’Brien Wed- nesday afternoon. Miss Marie Hoolihan, after a. plea- sant trip to the Bermuda. and White mountains, has returned to enjoy the clear atmosphere of “ Little Dow- neyville " for the summer months. Mr. Dan. Connell, .who has been making a. tour of the great Cana- dian West, together with a. year among the ,Yankees, is back to visit his old home. Miss 14m .Carroll, of 'Separate School No. 4, left. on Saturday for her home in Trenton. The Lschools CIOSed on Friday even- ing, June 26th for the annual mid- summer vacation. We wish both teachers and pupils a most enjoy- able holiday, which we feel quite satisfied they have nobly deserved. DOWNEYVILLE. June 29.â€"-Crops in this vicinity continue to look good. M1; .Dryborough is away on \ his holidays. - m. ’Wm. King and children, of Preston, are Visiting friends in town. Mr. and. Mrs. Clark visited friends in town on Sundaf. The garden party held here :on Fri- day evening last, under the auspices of the choir, was a decided sums. and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. An interesting game of baseball was played here on Friday after- noon, becween Victoria Road and Kirkfield, resulting in a score I of about 23-16 in favor of Kirkfield. Mrs. John MacKenz‘ie, of Toronto, is visiting friends in town. 111'. John A. Smith, of Coboconk, paid a. flying visit. .to town last week. Hrs. Rutherford and baby, of 'St. Cat/haxines, is home visiting her par- ants, Mr. and Mrs. H. Campbell. Quite a number of pupils tried the High School entrance examinations here on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. The funeral of the late Mrs. Don- ald MacEachern took place to Bals- ow: cemetery on Friday afternoon last Mrs. .MacEacha’n was quite an old lady, ,and had been a. sufferer for some time. Much sympathy is extended to the vbereiaved family. Miss MacKinnon, of Canningtbn. is staying wieh Mrs. F. ,Fead. 7 There seems to be an extra. good crop of wild strawberries hem gulls year, at the rate some people are bringing them home. . . Mrs. and Mr. R. A. Livia left Monday morning for Allandale, where they ‘will spend their holidays. Mr. Best, of Uxbridge, is at the G. '1‘. R. depot relieving Mr. Livia. Miss Josephine Lucy, of Toronto, is home spending the holidays with her mother. of Eldon Station, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. W. Fol-lion. _ 5, CAIBRAY. I June 30,â€"The social evening of the Women's Institute will he held fat the home 0! Mrs. S. Bagsbaw, on JnLv 3rd at 8 o’clock hm. I A short pro- gram is bging prawn-wed followed by a. dainty lunch. All the members and their gentlemen friends are cordially invited to attend. _ , w. Gilchrist. general merchant, has placed i9 stock this week one car of salt, containing barrels and salt, “Prices right." June 30.-â€"Mr. and COUNTY CORRESPWDBICE. PAGE TWELVE . KIRKFIHJD. lots of hot, [ERâ€"72 > cure it pro- :d Matter '11 do at the at and alsike Ve every pro- .t vrop. .\Il taking wrll. abundance. the sun was villagers 0n @ This Sale Will Commence on Thursday, July the Second ))))))) ;@ Stare Opens at 8 a. m _ Store Closes at 5 n. m. @ Ladies’ Gloves underpriced Just a few left, several different patterns to choose from, all sizes. Clearing an... ..................... - ....... r." Five dozen Wash Belts, embroidered back,_ steel buckles. Clearing at .......................................... Chimesette of Swiss embroidery, assorted patterns, regular 40c each. Clearing at ............................... White Swis: embroidered Chimesette. pretty pat- terns. Regular 50c each. Clearing at ........................ 5 inch Taffeta. Ribbon, seven difi‘erent colors, reg. 30c per yard, for ................................................ 4-} inch Taffeta Silk Ribbons, all colors, black and white included, reg. 25c per yard, for ................... . A Mountain of Goods “to be Levelled by PRICE FORCE 5 inch Plain Satin Ribbon, in navy, cream, cardinal, pale blue and black, yer yard .................................... 3 1-2 inch Taffeta Silk Ribbon, all colors, black 4 included, per yard ................................. , .............. 1‘ Ribbon Savings IT S OUR ANNUAL JULY CLEAR-OUT OF ALL SUMMER STOCK. Which announcement is enough in itself to promiSe a big, hustling, happy throng of Thursday buyer's. And to add to the price- -excitement, we have shattered the prices throughout. Why? Because we re stock-heavy I Read 'a few of the many price surprises . TheBig Bargain Event-gaf the Season Starts Thursday SHOP EARLY Men’s Wash Vests 1.00 Belts “W15 L]. I, 11th “INC UIUV03, nu Of black and white striped materials, neatly made and trimmed. Regular 5.75. Clearing at Skirts 4.00 Of light cheek materials, neat fitting, trimmed with tucks and insertion. Regular 7.50. Clearing at LadieS’ Dresses 155.00 Made of good quality white Lawn neatly trimmed with embroidery insertion tucks and Val insertion. Begu- lar price 7.50. Clearing at 4.00 Ladies’ Dresses 4.00 Save Dollars on Ladie's’ Shirt Waist Suits and Skirts THE WA‘ East.» of Dominion T 1.00 Ti‘ 15c 1' 390 29c 4.00 5.00 9c H - and 1.35. " Cleariné an......' ..... ' ' :'- xv . White Quilts 1.10 Three' dozen only white Quilts, large quality, regulag LOQ gach. Cigar-ing/at ..... 3.. White Quilts 790 Rare Offerings in White Quilts colored effects. Clearing at. 12§c and 1556. Clearing aft ....................... ‘ ............. Inc Our entire stock of white spot and colored Muslins worth 15c and 18c yd. Clearing at ........................ 123: All our twenty and twenty-five cent dainty colored Muslims, in floral patterns and stripes. Clearing at ...... 1 7c O_ur entire stock of thirty-cent Muslims n beautiful Hair Pins, 6 bunches form. Pins, 3 papers for .............. Beauty Pins, 2 for. ............ Corset Laces, 3 for ............ Boot Laces, 6 pair for ........ Needles, 2 for ...................... Safety Pins, 24- for ............. Hat Pins, 12 for ................. Curling Tongs, each....., ..... Mending Wool, 4- cards for Tape, 4 bunches for ............ Veil Pins, each .................... Back Combs, each.............. Side Comhs, per pair .......... Whisks, eacn 9c up to ......... Clothes Brushes. 1213c to.... Hand Mirrors ..................... Cushion Cords .................... Two dozen onlywhite Quiltg, large size, _worth 1.25 .mh o'm Om: EPglisllgtoqk of pretty colored Muslins worth Muslins Greatly Reduced Price Havoc Among Smallwares oo 0: con. cocoo- no... no... o...- oo-o I’D... 00030 to 0000.. no on... on so to coo-oanooooou-o to... to. t..- II no on 0.:- On at Ono-0.... .- o o... COO-II on. t... to. On. Ino‘I 000 no. nus-ou- I... I... can .00 0|- aooo o outta-ooooo I... a... o In an to 00-0000. too-onnuonucooo In anon-count. 10000.... It... I... .01... o... ((Iut $.D‘C uclnu P- (Sf-Cure to a... cacao-coon tattoo-ocoo-oun a ((9 (‘u<ra\‘ Pitta-IOU“ SCI fur .oooo-o a '1.‘ Of checked and striped materials. all sizes, worth 5 00 each. Clearing at 3.00 GE grey invisible checked Tweeds, green Taffeta trimmings. Regular 10 75. Clearing at Ladies’ Suits 7.00 Skirts 3.00 Of black Lustre, all sizes. with silk braid trim- mings. Regular 4.75. Clearing at Ladies’ Suits 3.00 Ladies’ Suits 5.00 Of grey and green figured Sicilian trimmings of silk braid and buttons. Regular 7 50. Clearing at '0 QIOOOOOOOIOO to o-ooo-ooo... 5:: 1.10 790 12min 12%: 12k 7.00 3.00 5C Ten dozen pair black Cotton Hose. assorted. Clear- ing at per pair ................................................. 10c Five dozen fine quality Cotton Hose. Regular 25c per pair. Clearing at ............ -. ........................... 196 . Ladies’ opon work Stockings in tans, browns, blues, black and white, all sizes. Clearing at......... . 256 July Sale uto-ouuonontoooosuuou0.000.... - Ciao-c. t a Flowers Reduced Silk Rosa, eight in bunch, with foliage, reaular 1.00 a bunch. July Sale ............................ a .......... .256 (gayslips, in a few shades bnly. Regular 1.00 GB. Men's Straw Hats Reduced onto... no. no. a... no. out Some left-overs in Tailored Hats, worth from 4.00 to 7.50 each, July Sale. ................................. 2.50 Dozens of Summer Hats, ‘too many to describe, selling; gt Summer Hats for Women 1.25 Straw Sgilors 1.50 Straw Sailors 50¢. Straw Sailors ........ 75th Slalom ........ 1.00 Straw Sailors ...... Darts, worth 35c and 40c, July Sale Price .‘W1‘u D: II It: angina Fam‘rgr .Focc nu.so.nut-ana-aooooaocnuooao30 Hpgierfy Savings Corsets 48c novoooccunuuno y Cotton Hose. Regular 25c tockings m tans, browns, blues, Clem-mg at” ouco-uo....o-ov ...... 7.73:1”: .............. I50 HALF PRICE j. Jam 2. 1903. Lindsay BAN KIM this way with banking busi‘ COUNTR 1H m :-; Saturd The On Total 1‘ Paid I Undiv 1U 151.ch \H 5|Sl cih‘ qu lixl all We dai

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