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Watchman Warder (1899), 2 Jul 1908, p. 4

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Still doing business in the same 010 stand but not in the same old way. We ' 45in” :nl-tra n position to do better wor New designs, new grani , inproved tools and methods, in fact the most up-toâ€"date Marble and Gran- *9 Works in this part of Ontario. 77-.....) Get om: prices and see our aesxgm before purchasing. how rooms 11 13 Cam- Sbop and 3 bridge St., immediawa north of Fire Washing Maw“ Clothel grins“ (fin-tail) satetphefl McLennan 8?: Alabastine Kalgongine Portland (Sement Glazed Sgwpr Pipe Hardware, PAGE F003 7 Bfil 1 Al UL‘ ”Ru ”0 ӎllr'éxIcâ€"éiboked attbeclock. ssuers of Marriage menses. Foot of Kent-St” LINDSAY “W” 1 same 1°38 3 It “in" 999‘” humane, Modded. withacandor . . . om . ‘9 intended Mk1 disarm criticism. //’////â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" foulyautnowerhaltanhour.m . - HAD HATED ENEMIES. cum!” I we“ you W “”3 ‘° W . n -s'nan LE 41- Maurice Sherman, the Jew who “GOood nigh Oil! hip The charge 88‘1"“ f“ lost $500 in the latest fire,hasbeen M t’ m‘ 77°” '9” any of assault, preferred by m M “' tormented by some unknown person D! ty' has been withdrawn. A“ “mam" previously. Last year two of his WWW" settlement between the two was rea- horses were poisoned. and one of them died. The poison was left in chad out of court. the stable presumably by some on- EXCUBSION POSTPONED. any oflrthio unfortunate non of the tribe of Israel. The alarm for the m ‘1 l- 1?” Grand , Ran way enfp 03: fire at. the hogan of Ira. Jordan .- eesgmmlexcmonhasbgmwrm gentiq‘bymgnconstable r! Jan and‘ - ' the .une26tzh asintended 1361mm; wm-m mum ~ , .mptamfiadtolfiy‘, : m Fire Bricks Fire 0181 of Ontario. our designs old and it given every young man “u young woman an opportunity to be- come Independent, to gain an absolute- l‘y accurate knowledge of Stenogrnphy and Bookkeeping. Individual instruct- ion. Call or write for particulnn. - , A_A COLLEGE spring Term Op.” Bring Your Picture in and let us quote you for 3 Frame on it. Henley BF??? BUSINESS g ,1.” 3 Alt at April 1 l E CHAPTER I. , hand. ( AKLEY wag alone ln thk have first. it I general offices or the Hucklo- he an n berry line, as the 8116M [11113131 and Antioch mi!rgadszg | Den- 3, v...“â€" commonly called by the public. which it betrayed in the matter of malls end connections. He was ioning lazily over hisdeskwithacopyottheiocalpso per before him and the stem of a dis- reputable cob pipe between his teeth- Thebusinessotthedsywasdone. and the noise and hurry attending its ‘ doing had given way to a sudden hush. 30ther-9unds than thosethstnadnlled the ear since morning grew out of the stillness. Big drops of rain driven by u nun-A s'ofb‘y" figdiit’flie unpainted pine door which led into the yards or tell with a gay patter on the corrugated tin root overhead. No. 7. due at 5:40, had just pulled out with terminus of the line. no 6 O'CIOCK whistle had blown. and the men from the car shops, a dingy, one story bulld- lng that joined the general once: on the east, were straggling 0!! home. Across the tracks at the ugly .little de- ,- A‘Iwn" An. ACLU-D wv n_-_. _, pot the ticket agent and telegraph op- erator had locked up and hurried away under one umbrella the moment No. 7 was clear of the platform. From the yards every one was gone but Milton McCilntock, the master mechanic, and Dutch Pete. the yard boss. Protected by dripping yellow oilskins, they were busy repairing a wheezy switch engine that had been incontinently backed in- ‘ to a siding and the caboose of a freight. AL- “bum nf u- wâ€"r__' _ fiaturally the omce had been the least bit skeptical concerning Oakley and his capabilities, but within a week a change was patent to every one con~ nected with the road. The trains be- gan to regard their schedules, and the slackness and unthrift in the yards gave place to an ordered prosperity. Without any apparent effort he found work for the shops. a few extra men even were taken on. and there was no hint as yet of half time for the sum. mer months. The Manager Of the B. Q A. Inc; Lu uu u...- He was a broad shouldered, long limbed. energetic young fellow, with frank blue eyes that looked one square- __ ...,_.2 him hat-n11“ an; ”Ivy VJ -â€" 1 _, ly in the face. Men liked him because he was straightforward. alert and able, with an [indefinite personal charm that lifted him out of the ordinary. These were the qualities Cornish had recog- nized when he put him in control of his interests at Antioch, and Oakley, who enjoyed hard work, had earned his sai- ary several times over and was really doing wonders. -- -â€"Iâ€"- mhh‘lh was muuexcu The matter was that Clarence had concluded to take a brief vacation. After leaving the postomce he skirted a vacant lot and retired behind his fa- ther's red barn, where he applied him- self diligently to a cigarette. When the cigarette was finished the urchin bethought him of the purpose of his errand. This so worked upon his fears that he bolted for the oflice with all the speed of his short legs. As he ran he promised himself emotionally that “the boss” was likely to “skin” him. But whatever his fears he dashed into Oakley’s presence panting and in i there was!" “ â€"â€"-Aâ€"anAnflmf were Wan; He went over to the superintendent and handed him the letters. Oakley observed him critically and with a dry nmllp. For an instant the boy hung capping!" ‘ Oakley waived this bit of gratuitous Information. “Did you run an the way?” “Yep, every step,” with the lmpndent mendacity that comes of long practice. “It’s rather caucus you didn’t get had KLEY wagâ€"Educ- In that we ' am. it was brief an to mew“... generalomcesortheflucklo- hedidnotttoncogxupmm and Antioch railroad ml mmmmmw y called by the public. which plan wine): fully explain W on m the mm or m- m . mummxm" warm m m. 3" “sWWl’M‘r Emma him with my Mum M , --â€"- A: on. local 08° 2m. um noun. a I Innings {at 3: Mb- tl- A- A-II TEM?‘ and glanced'at the clock. matter with that boy '2" he wet day: it'fi pipe, which was his face 35 this point- erty to do 39. .denleu la the thought that he turned i sick on the mount; a great wave or | self plty enveloped lllm. the recollecb tlen of his “male. and hls shame- the bitter. helpless shine of a childâ€"- returned. He felt only reeentznent to- ward this man whose crime bed blast- ll, my "v--_ __,v what he was really worth. He was ‘ neither cowardly nor selfish. It was I not alone the memory of his own hard- ! ships that embittered him and turned i his heart against his father. His I mother’s face. with its hunted, fugitive I look. rose up before him in protest. He recalled their wanderings in search of some place where their story was not known and where they could begin life ' anew, their return to Burton. and then -. her death. .u, _ _ Ann-m I menace-him. and remembered only the evil consequent upon his crime. Next he tell to wondering what sort '2 of a man this Roger Oakley was who i had seemed so curiou had been as a shadow sly remote, who i in his way pre- ‘ ceding the presence. and suddenly he ': found his heart softening toward him. Q It was infinitely pathetic to the young 31 man. with his abundant strength and l ' ’ â€"-' --â€"mol\f énd want not Yet. Two, by degrees. he had 8”“ that his secret might be discovered. | With success he had even acquired a ‘ certain complacency. Without know- ; in; his history, the good or the bad or it, his world had ‘accepted him for ““““ ‘5 “A was man made uyuu u... ....__ __ had been lasting and vivid. He still saw him as he was then, with the chalky prison pallor on his haggard face-a clumsily made man of tremen- dous bone and muscle who had spoken with them through the bars of his cell door while his mother cried softly be- hind her shawl. The boy had thought of him as a man in a cage. . He wondered who Ezra Hart was, for the name seemed familiar. At length he placed him. He was the law- _ - - a-) Lln lofhnr He ue WUuucncu n... _...V, for the name seemed familiar. At length he placed him. He was the law- yer who had defended his father. He was puzzled that Hart knew where he was. He had hoped the little New convinced him it would be quite use- less to try to keep his whereabouts a secret from his father even if he wish- ed to. Since Hart knew. there must be others also who knew. He took up the newspaper clippings Igain. By an 'odd coincidence they had reached him on the very day the gov- E6} his father’s release. AKLEY’ drew down the top of his desk and left the omce. Be- fore locking the door. on which some predecessor had caused the words, “Department of Transpor- ‘v- A dual}. mien und Halatenance; No Aumu tance Except on Business,” to be sten- cDed In black lettefs. he tinned to Mc- n-.- ma. cum. who; with 'Dutch Pete. was still main: over the wheay switch en- zine. “Will you rut 1n the office for an!- tmlx. mm” m mter mechanic. who had been swan-1n: at a rusted nut. got up from hh‘kneel and, dangling a bl; wrench ‘13 9.0m hurled back. “No. I guess nuns. mm" ' ' l The Independent. Order 01 ()ddfel- m mater mechanlc. who had lows will hold their annual decora- swurlns' 'at u ms u from . . . nu m “d, Migiggtaggit‘ 3m tlon Day wow 03 July 9, WM]; mmmuwlea back, um, I Knes- the mgmbers of the lodge will visit "' ' 2;: Riverside cemetery and decorate m ' tum“ damn. graves of their departed com- meat of mggnmfi mime- :22”.ng3 year the brethren o! the? ac in s will hold their aervxdes at, “3°?- Otklw ere-led the tracks to the five o'clock pm. WARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. bu‘ wmw'nuw mt m be danced to WV“ """ wm'monthomootmdm ionmttMIengthofmrm W.whOe-uldumsbetruntodto W brief. A new any mm '5“... Wt. had up come! to a. place Md w tale “”1““me mam.m" ormpnetogetuh 74â€" n_._.__ ham. a. nod with mahoneof ' "n ml‘tmd wear the nnm beauty ”and elegance. Now. women as o, u“ were 11W beyond OekIey’o ten. “.0 wofl However. nine. none responsive com" his wile mmuHenflJexpededotmh' meat so determined to 1m. it over mm at 'yw u once. Imbned with this wen. he went working wmmmmemmm A8 prospem nounyedhlm-elttortheordeflhe when caught torecolln putexperlence mitmp‘sl unewlmthepuoat. Ban-lumen- cent dinner. his most ambitious noel! m: In Denver yam new ml conductor on _I MU“- rigid nnguhrlty its founders had In- . posed upon It when they hacked nnd ' hewed a spot for it In the plne woods. - whose stunted second growth encircled E i sun in all m raw. ugly youth. with me '3 1 It on ever! "6?- if was still mini“. "mu you ous additions am It an air of solid fort unusual In the prevailing st: :1 square wooden street end or a n: The doctor nunseu nuanuw -__ loyfs flu: and led the way Into the par- lor after relieving him of his hat and umbrella. "My wife you know. Mr. Oakley. This is my daughter." Constance Emory rose from her seat gave Oakley her hand. He saw a stateâ€" ly. fair haired girl. trlmly gowned In an evening dress that to hls unsophis- ticated gaze seemed astonishingly elab- orate. But he could not have lmaglned anythlng more becoming. He decided that?” W u.- â€"w --â€" v_v, , hood. 1nd St was :1 impossible to take fl___mooneygotheomer. DECORATION DAY. and of a narrow lot. doctor himself answered Oak- ng and led the way into the par- " relieving him or his hat and ( Continued! ram 11: the 01150: for any- thing. Milt?" ' us and improvements gave solid and substantial com- 1 In a community where 13 style of architecture was ndmx box built close to the huh“! 'm. and Mrs. Plum Remembered by W“ o1 own - dw- . Isu'l' ”Id W takes fully me to get. morouzhw to cpl.“ the third yous than varioufl ”rm. md the not- “ of we work prosper. A _ .__ A..- mud-tor. and the past or In on: W ministry it “a" .-_ - mm to am}! 3““ A POPULAR PASTOR. \ l ‘ There have been very few punters o! the Queen-st. Modist 1 church lwho have become so mdeavedtothe :Mm of that church as Rev. L. aH. Phelps has become to we mem- §bers o! the prelmt congregation. Dur- ‘ing Rev. Mr. Phelps' 'church hul- materially paswraate the advanced and lm-mmd_ nnd the various branches 0;! the work m tion. Epworth W assemb. ed in an in the lecture ha spent a. very sad pastor. will nun. bun» plan.“ ..‘.- ,,_ very hard and enthusiastic worker,i and a beloxed member of their circle. expressed their appreciation in the Iollowing' address and in present- ing Mrs. Phelps with a, beautiful 3- pieoc china piece of art. ‘1 I i S UI'I‘ABLE REP-LIES. Rev. Mr. Phelps made a. very suit- ‘ublo reply on behalf of himself and . 'his wile, in which he expressed his: Ithankzs in a very neat speech. He had ' gained many new friends in thel Queen-st. church, and was sorry to] ‘part with so many, but they would! .always be mnembered. and Queen-st. fpeople would always be Welcomed at ibis new home in Stirling. During his dour yoars' sojourn in Lindsay he had llearned to love his work. and he :tnsted that the Queen-st. church would continue to flourish. Mr. Phelps. wife and family. leave Lindsey with the very beat wishes of ache citizens for a prosperous pastor- ‘Qute in his new field. 1 The nevenend gentleman will deliVer :his farewell sermon next Sunday evâ€" i ening. The following despatch from Belle- ville will interest Lindsay citizens ’ Bellcville, Ont... June 23.â€" At a meeting of the Board of Education last. night. James Collings. B.A.. principal Cobourg Collegiate Insti- tute, was appointed principal at the Belleville High School out of a list of 56 applicants, at a. salary of $1.600 per mum. Mr. Coiling: is an ;honor graduate of Toronto Univers- iity, is‘40 years old. and has been {principal of Napanee High School: er- Millmm. the former principal Mr. Collings to Mr. Milbum. the former pnncupo, here {or over 10 Wuhan“ resignâ€"3:1. ”3‘3:- some years. Eur: Collingo was Latin Master in the Lindsay Colleg- iate Institute. and was a. respected citizen 0! the town. Honors to an Owing to the recencodeath of an. R. G. Seott, public school inspector, in Benh‘ew county, the position; has become vanant. It. is to be filled by Mr. E. T. White. B.A., at. present“- sistant. principal of Pembroke High , Mr. 'White is a. brother of Dr.{ mum, town, and a graduate 01 “18‘ # Lindsay Collegiate Institute. lie taught Public school for .two years in Vietoria county and one year in Essex. Then he went. to (Potomac University from which he took .his 3 B. A. degree with firm/class honors in mthemotlcs. ‘Mr.Whitois dugp‘duouoltho School of Pedugogy, After receiv- ing his degree hewnght high school for two you! in Button. Shauna ha has been W‘m W Hr. Wantohomw“ 51 W " LLEPHOXE. evening the \ hunt is t It: along as! branch “.0 m hen x-m-m 61m; It 1. convenience to an poop preside at. the. organ- in her usual obliging d to the front and the piece was. and if soon it. before. She in to Belleville Old LCJ. Boy the HOUSE .1503 SALEâ€"Beautiful loca- _ ‘_ --.-:Annm yon SALE-44.25 PE _ Bat building proved? WAN’I'Ellâ€"COMPETENT HANAG- er for an: Somh Vcrn‘mm “rushing Amociation, Limited. Also experâ€" ienced engineer and a man L0 help in barn. Applications unust le made before the 7th of July. tnd be accompanied by ) ability. State wages. J. 1'. Hum- , â€" 1 -...l- Germ- Wt): 66 feet. ownâ€"A GOOD cm on Sturgeon Lake, on‘ 1“. Owner can MW “'9 m for W! ad. For ! Waco apply to A- B! QANTED. â€" AN. EXPERIENCED Mar holding a secom elas- pm- national certificate {or S. s. 310. 2, Ops, one and a half an lee east 9mm Lindsay. Personal appliootj FARMS FOR SALEâ€"PARCEL 1.â€" Wost half lots 19 and 20, con. 8, Melon, 200 acres more or less, about 90 acres under cultivation. 20 acres pasture, remainder mixed timber clearing, well fenced with cedar rails, good‘clay loam, we! tile drained. and watered by neverâ€" iajling spring; orchard. commod- ious house, good well and cinema, frame barn 30 x 64. lean 21 x 50, stone basernent, conveniently Sup- plied with spring water. good driv- shed and poultry house. Situated on main road; school half a, mile, doctor, church, daily run“. we. phone and blacksmith two miles. Dav-09‘ 9PM half 23, con. 1, a. vâ€" .â€" tion denimd. Applications received up to J ugy 15. Apply. stating al- “ a... A “All“ iialsay, Ontario. er. P'nesieent: I“ my, Dunsford P. O. m1 Alulw ‘v - overhauling of School House No. 7. Op: (Rmboro). The lowest. or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work must be compheted by Aug. 15. $2 per day will be deducmd from contract price if not complet- muhicate with ed by that date. 'I‘c-nders July 4. For full particulars Central Prim." Binder (ax-mars as follows: These prices an net cash. The twine is put u in fifty pound jute s and in manufacture! rom :Euzn‘ ruxmz. my and ivngth guaranteed. use specify at once what, quality and 1*, tiny is required. Purchaser payg freiglm and cash must :w city is re; aired. Purchaser P3.“ "Gil-3“" ‘ My mapping instructions. Apply J. T.nG Parcel 2â€"East but 20. Penelon, about 107 acres, cleared. 15 acres pasture, well timbered, spring cm uated similar to parcel N MONEY TO at. lowest; current rates. I have at:- was to the cheapest money markv: in Canada. and will give my pelrons the benefit thereof EXPENSES OF LOAN kept, dmxn to the lowest possible point comic- tent with accuracy and nemsary Yv- qu'lrementa. ‘ ALL BUSINESS of this nature strictly private and confidential. “flaw on nun-w - ply to R. A. Smithson, Gienarm, Ont... box 51. I Farm Loans 91 Kent street. Binder Twine. eoo recuperlb-m A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant. nutritious and economical. the Mudflaittondst Mame“. FOR SALE ‘ .' JULY 2. DOD cw SKIFF- m, on Wednel‘hy mmvethesanfi :07 .25 PEBin 1’00 1‘. prowtyin town corner of Lind”! John Hurley . Soothem > LOAN or. Mortgag” u'rant rates. I have at" :heapest money mark“ and will give my ””0“ t6 OI ul'vuu. T. GILMOI'R. “'m-dvn Central I‘riflull. THY-m Twine will be suppl’mi to , J 1'. Lewis, Hum- Moon. In. Lindsay, Ont 101c per lb. 9J0 balm close 15H Friday ‘i Every remn Remnants of hit Remnants of Can [tenants of b Remnants of Sill Wash Goods an SAL 3 colorings of Tar lin, regular 25c 83] 6 patterns of p! regular 10c and 15c One piece natura with raised spot, re: White SpotteJ terns regular 18c s Black Muslin wit; regular 18c sale 12 Black Muslin wit} spot regular 18c saL 25c sale ............. Pink and white : blue, pink and wh Gingham regular 1:: 26 pieces “of l’rin sale... 3 pieces of Cretto: sale. ............ .. Men’s Print Shir and 85c sale ....... 15 per cent. off and 0ilc§ There “‘3 5 Lindsay on visit his 51% who lives 11': participate i1 Was in town buLuz‘u‘ esting feature ui L'm‘ over forty-sum .wm Bradley scL 1001 m Time brings its ('11 Was not. a spot. noL could recall 10 MI‘. the Lindsay ul' oldvn seven years ago a \' people ;. now a thriv 8,000 inhabitants. Curiously enough u Bradley was in 1.1m: dw’s ‘aflcr the big :11 place on July .3, I su‘oyed nearly the w] composed prmcxpal], buildings. 11c “us I fit the time from “cl ABSENT FRO he had LNG“ Clarke Luxxx‘fl) collectiOn . 0" is a \‘de wu- specter! citir as. The lax; clear to him joying his \ ny Canuck- There are #211 u Undsay that uh: re dwr from Luck 5;; J06. “'illiunmon, in] liammn, “as ‘rnuun The former liu-d at time. Dr. ch‘nu (inclâ€"1y recalled, hut. A few more 01' whc dons roman, there town at. pres..- Brad'ley . It. was during the wane used as beasts Ir. Bradley last NJ He spent one night passing from _ Head ind .béen fishing- thusiastic follower though that. gem known very well it! had giriven from hi: township all the W3 beyond Coboconk. ‘ weeks’ fishing. Tl marked out for a. 1 V0538 was hard. u it. At times the in mud to their bn nude-brush oww altogether the jour Several miscelana SECTION I SIS] AN ARDEXT aCFO>S THE BI( siu'tcr, TB 1-) 1’1 0 sihio Sutux‘d the \\ incipal c was om lit filling. ho WCV Job

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