:ail xgs .nd It in- Mr. J. 0. Douglas who used ‘ to liVe at 500 G-ihnour-st., Peterboro, and who is well lmown to several Lindsay people, but who is now 5, re- sident of Hoboven, N. J. hasaxery interesting article in the New York "Press, †on the summer resorts of Canada. He speaks in the higheSt terms of the natural beauties of this country during the summer months, and his article should 'be the means of attracting many of the American resorters to spend their hot weather vacations in Canada. Mr. Douglas has great commenda- tion to offer the KaWartha Lakes as a. summer resort and speaks of them as follows : ‘ ' the means 0f attracting many 01 me the trout it has been proposed to American resorters to spend their ‘form an association. This society hot weather vacations in Canada will include all followers of the sport Mr Douglas has 8T9at commends. [of kings, trout ï¬shing. tion to 0581' the Kawartha Lakes as! To re-stock the various ponds is a summer resort and speaks of them one of the objects of the association, “follows and this will furnish abundance of “There is no ï¬ner summering place sport in years to come to the ang- in the Dominion than the Kawartha. 1 lers , - Lakes north of PeterbIoro, Ontario. ’ Mr H. A Middleton has been 'ap- The KaWB-rtha Lakes â€8 charm- pointed secretary of the associitï¬on, ing and are unsurpassed for Miwhmhamasyet in the Montage and boating. There are spiendid Interested ones are requested to com- pavilions for dancing and an exeel- mmiCate with Mr magiâ€, v lent steamboat service. The season , . at the lakes is a gay or thoroughly some people look upon tease ; a restful one, as the visitor choose tolmere- drink. It- all depends uncuthe make it. A popular feature is the'tea. 'Saladaâ€. Tuï¬sdflicious and annualregatta, whichisohe therehSBthgMSoldonly in most successful and pictmm fluidised“ lead mm . n. ‘g. Kawartha Lakes ‘ Unequalled for Beauty O’LO U GHLIN 8; MC INT YBE was: DRESS NETS BY THE YARD 52nd YEAR. The balance of our stock of summer muslins at Clear. ing prices Men’s fou’r-in-hand silk neékties in a large variety of patterns and shadings for ....25c Man’s balbriggan underwear, shirts or dnhwera, plain cream shade or striped, each 25c Some special values in towellings. towels' bath mats, bath towels, table napkins, table linens, bed spreads. sheetings, etc. ‘ Silk taffeta ribbon in all colors for child- ren’s hair ribbons, 8 inches wide. per yd. 10c Silk ’taffeta iibbon, in cream, white, sky, pink, brown, na vy, cardinal and black, suitable for ua-bes, hair ribbons, also millinery purpos- es, for per yd .............17c 1000 yds. India silk in white and ivory only, regular selling price 75c, on sale per yard .............................................. 50c pair Women’s ldng llsle chread gloves in grey, white, fawns and black, all best imported per- fcet ï¬tting, regular 500 and 75c, on sale per In these 3156 we are showing a splendtd assortment, aomprieing bruasels,' Russian: point de esprit, ï¬let, etc., staple colors in a variety of spots, ï¬gures and fancy patterns' and all widths. ‘ ‘ THE WATCH AN-WARDER. IDO‘IOOOOIICOUOOICII;O . Cleo-o... Long Lisle Gloves ‘3 l5. SOCIETY TO, PROTECT TROUT. Thev trout in the various ponds within hail uf‘ Lindsay are decreas- ing in number steadily, but surely. In many ponds, which at one ‘time were fairly alive with trout, the spe- cies have become almost extinct. With the aimjn View of conserving these trout streams and propagating The lakes cover. a, stretch of seven- ty miles. They are delightfully re- freshing in their natural beauty. in the Province and provides some exciting sailipg‘. canoe, skiff and laun6h and eccentric raceS. SECHON ONE 24c may be seen daily toiling toward the ' SENTENCED T0 In“ strawberry patches. The appetizing DEATH fruit of the strawberry plant is not It happens every time you abundant thisyear owing to the ex- corn with .. Putnam 8 ..___C( cess of hot weather, and so our â€"never 1.9th Nothing “ young maidens secure little but a tain and We†as Putnam “liberal supply 0‘ ““1 Extractorâ€"417 it. may The Wm nature of our tarm- mm M150“ its merit ers‘is shownby the many improve. ments which atom made. Mr. John B. Wilkie of mmioo. HarryStroudhasbufltanexeenentkinedbythmttTfl Mrs. Geo. Argue has returned to her home in _.Pontypool. after a. short visit with _her sister, Mrs. James Powles. In our humble opinion your Rose- dale correspondent would he better amp-eyed in searching for silver nug- gets than in attempting to manulac- true a. joke (‘2) at the expense of our ball team. Miss V. Harris is yisiting with her sister, Mrs. S. Grillisu, Automobiles have again commencâ€" ed operations upon our roads. Many of the timid-heerted‘refuse to trave! the main highways lest they should come in contact with one“ of these dreaded-monsters. Miss R. Cullismnd Mr. Ray Cullis of Linden Valley, attended divine services here on Sunday last. Powles' Corner, June 29.â€"Another week of ,hot, dry. sultry weather has 1passed into oblivion, and on the in- itial days of the present week “Old Sol" appears to be vigorously striv- ing to “go one better†than he did last week. Although crops have not suffered noticeably as yet, the farm- ers of; the community are hourly awaiting the needed precipitation of rain. Messrs. W. Reesor and C. Cunning- ham, of Lindsayt passed through our ‘ hamlet last Sunday. ‘ 1 Victoria. Roadâ€"J. McNeax-ay, C. Davey, W. Graham, J. Lu'cey, G. Hickman, P.‘ Haygart-h, D. Haley, A. Momtt, W. Cassidy., Feuelon Falls-P. Beteau, W. Cor- bett, E. Clarke, S. Nicholls, G. Cal- Victoria Road and Fenelon Falls played the ï¬rst game, Victoria. Road winning by the large score of 22-16. It took almost three hours to play the game. The line-up was as fol- lows : Immediately after dinner the base- ‘ball tournament commenced. The teams present were Lindsay, Hartley Victoria Road and Fenslon Falls. The dainty supper served by the ladiel during the afternoon and ev- ening, was appreciated by the hund- reds present. It was one o! the beat suppers ever 'aerved at a picnic. and the ladies came inio'r considerable praise. 'l‘he monogram quilt made by the ladies Was sold to Mr. D. McEach- om, a former. resident of Hartley. Mr. John Cameron, of Woodvllln, was the auctloneer. The qullt lold for $6.50. I In the evening speeches were made by Col. Sam Hughes, Rev; Mr. Wat- ham and John Cameron, of Wood- ville. The annual 9mm! held on flomim 19:: Day in the Glmarm Grove. Just north at Glenna; village. under tho ampices at the Présbymarian church. was bigger and better than over be? fore, It was a decided success. Over ï¬tmen hundred people were present, from all sections of the county many being present from Lindsay, Fenelon ’F‘alls, Victoria Road, Kirkflel-d, Lomeville and Woodville. This pie- nic is'an annual an'air on Dominion Day. and is looked forward to months ahead by the residents of that vicinity. The Woodville band was in attendance and furnished ï¬rst class music throughout the day. Successful Picnic and ' Tournament at Glenarm POWLES' CORNERS. BALL TOURNAMENT. LINDSAY. ONL. mademoiselles SEN TENCED TO IMMEDIATE DEATH. It happens every ‘time you treat a, corn with “ Putnam's '9â€"Corn dies â€"never returns. Nothing so cer- tain and painless as Putnun's Corn Extractorâ€"try it. Fifty years' success mangoes its merit. ‘ YMy afternoon a, large num- ber of the lady friends of Mrs. Mc- Laughlin were entertained at her home. an Bond-qt" at a. reception. Occasion was taken to bid ï¬rewall to Mrs. McLaughlin and family. I Mr. R. J-. McLaughlin, 'K.C., sen- jior member of the law ï¬rm of Mc- iLnnghIin, Peel 3; Fulton intends moving to Toronto in September with his family. He has an exten- .sive practise in the city of Toronto. and hasalready opened a law omce there. He will still continue to practise law in Lindsay, however, and will spend several days; of every week in town. Mr. McIlaughlin has been considering the taking; of this step for some time past and will he- move to Toronto in September. Lindsay Lawyer is » Moving to Tomato addition to his barn, which when completed will be one olthe most commodious structures in the vicini- ty. Mr. J. B. Powles is adding beauty to his environments by the erection of a. wire fence. Other ex- tensive rennovatione are in contem- plation, which when materialized will make our neighborhood one of the best in Ontario. Hartleyâ€"A. Campbell, I). Mercer- roll, G. Cook, T. Thombury, 8. Lo- vett, L. McGlnnis, J. Brown, A. Loâ€" vett W. Barker. Umpireâ€"R. Gray, Lindsay. The following Lindsay people were present: Mr. aners. A. Hawkins. Misses .Ethel Lacey, A. Crandell, H. Mimms, L. Dunoon, E. Henderson,‘ G. Crandell, Nevada,Parkin, Thorn- bury, M. Hickingbot-ham, Hancock, Col. Hughes, Messrs. W. Thornbury, W. Dunoon, M. Moynes, M. Bruce, R. Butler, Dr. Hart, Wm. Gray. Lindsay, D. Spratt, J. Spntt, P. Spmtt, W. McMahon, W. Langdon, E.'Hopkina, J. Cain, W. Spence,, G. O'Keefo'. Lengdon and McKerrell pitched good bell and had a. number of strike-auto. to their credit. The beat man on the field was John Sprett. who had three two-beggers and 0. single. The Hartley boys all hit the ball hand. The line-up: ed the ball m blocked, Lindsey claimed it was 1161: with the result thet the 99th crowd flocked on the ï¬eld and exchange many uncompli- mentary marks. The game We: over and the score remained a tie 11 all. rm: second game between Hartley end the Lindsey "Kids" we: nip and tuck throughout. the the! were being 11 all. It was regretted that the me was not completed and broke up in a. ï¬eld "acrep" In which lspectatore and players participate! in. although no blows were struck. :In the lat of the ninth innings Hartley went to but two was be- hind, and with two men out Barker and Cmpbell hlt safely. Barker, who was third attempted to steal home. Spence made an overthrow to Hopkins to catch him. Hopkins re- gained the ball in time to get Camp- ‘ hell out at; the plate. Hartley claim- 09f. B. 6. Graham. E. Minty». A. Fountain, A. human. meiraa Lug= 69! madam. many. 1. MY 8. WOO. me. remodelled cache automobile Keep in mind 'l‘he'Wnrder's three- plan. He is also putting in a new day excursion to Toronto and Nin- guoline engine. 'ne work is being garb. Falls on July 17 18 and 19‘ Railways and Canals, was in town on Wednuday on business. Mr. D. J. McLean is having his launch remodelled on the automobile Miss GeneVieve Twomey arrived home from Guelph convent on Tues- day and is receiving the congratula- tions 0! her host of {ï¬ends here, she having ‘won‘the gold medal in Eng- lish “Meet. Miss Spence. of Peterboro. pass- ed through town on Tuesday to spend vacation with parents at Rose- Mr. Jerry Twomey and Mr. Geo. McGee, drova to Lindsay on Friday evening. in our town. and are guests of the Kawartha Hotel. "I‘hese gentlemen are very much in loveuwith our pret- ty town and its surroundings. Mr. Black, manager of .the Bank of Montreal, 01 Lindsay, is expected to arrive in town on Saturday. He and his family will spend their vao cat-ion at his beautiful cottage re- cently erected on Cameron Luke. Mr. Pike. of Cleveland, and Mr. leu. of Cleveland, are holidaying Mr. Archie Campbell and 903,- of Little Rock. Arkansas. are camping on Cameron Lake. ' Mr. Percy Brokenshire and friend. of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. Brokenshire this week, ‘ Mr. R. E. MacKendt-y. of Toron- to, spent Dominion Day in town the guest of parents. Miss V. Cdthro and Miss Lila Jones, of Unduy, were guests of Miss Hilda Nevison on Thursday. A'lnrge crowd from town attend- ed the Presbyterian picnic at Glen- nm on July lat. and all report an A~1 time. Among those who at- tended were Mr. Dohérty, Mr. Copp, Miss Sharpe. Miss Brokenshire, D. Copp, Mr..nnd Mrs. W. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brandon, Miss F. C. Brandon, Miss Mattie Robertson, Mr. F. A. Robson, Dr. and Mrs. Mason, E. A. Pearce. Bid Burgess“. Matt. Qulgg, C. Heard, and last but not least. the well known base- ball team, the Widenwnkea. siting Toronto friends. Miss L. Hetheringtou is visiting friends it! Omemee. Mrs. Maybee and Mrs. J. H. Chambers spent Wednesday in Lind- Mrs. John Northey entertained the Ladies' Aid at her pretty home on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mn. Courtice are guests at the Hotel Kawartha. Mia. Margaret Lee visited Peter- boro iriendl {or the holiday. Mus Mary Warn, of Powlea' Cor- ners, spent a few days of this week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. ngu. Mr. H. McLean, of Crow's Nat Put. in the guest of his miter, Mrs. 8. Km, of town. Col. 8. Hughes, 0! Lindsay. spent Tuesday in town. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin spent Sunday in Bobcaygeon. Mrs. A. Hoover, of Lindsay, pus- ed through town on Tuesday. Miss Elva Maybee is home from Peterboro (or the vacation. Min Mamie Naylor. one of our popular teachers. is spending the vacation with her parents at Hart- ley. ' m. and In Long. a! the Hotel ï¬r. and Mrs. John Harrington end Kewerthe. entertained a large lemily. of Toronto. arrived on Mon- crowd ot- their friends on July let 'dey end will spend the summer at t0 It all“. A“ 'mluel the outer. 'thelr cottage. tuihmeat wee up to the highest Mr. F. Warren, 8. Warren. Mince mark had everyone thoroughly en- ‘E. Robson, J. McFarlane and D. lic- Joyed themeelvee. [Fat-lane, of Chicago. attended Rose- Miss Greta Smith is visiting with Mend: in Omemee for a few days. leon hus. July a.â€"m. Dc:- sld hafnium. at 01:10:30. spent a tow days this week the guest at his sister. Mrs. W. Warruu. Many Tourists Summering at the Cataract 'Village kg, of the Department 0! PAGESItoS vi‘ “The tourist season is now in full swing. and this season is al- ready a record for Fenelon Falls. Already the number of summer vi- sitors arriving for the summer months are nearly ,up to one hund- red and twenty-ï¬ve. Perhaps here a, word of warning would not come amiss to amateur canoeists. Do not. go out when the water is rough. Better just ï¬ll the canoe with water andhaflleinitasitisvery much safer. One young man tried it and recommends it very highly. Mrs. R. Wager, Miss Annie Bry- an: and Mrs. Geo. Martin, drove to Cannington on‘Thursday and will b0 the guest of Mrs. Clifl. ‘ Mr. Barry Hum, of the Ottawa Public school, stud. is in town this week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J as. Graham, of Vemlm. Mr. llch, of Winnipeg. is the guest of Mr. Clifl Scott at Big Lea! Point. ' Mr. and Hrs. J08. Herad spenf few days in Toronto this week. Mina Violet Fell left on Tuesday to httgd the ‘ marriage of her sister. Miss Qua Fell, and Mr. Petr-in, of Camel-on. Mr. L. Deyman, 81:, left on Thurs- day for Peterboro to attend the In- neral of his little grandchild, who died quite suddmly on Wednesday. Mr. .Callan. of the B.N.A. Bank. spent the holiday in Coboconk. Mr. Mann returned home from the Cobalt this week. Miss Maggie WiISOn spent the ho- lidaxin Lindsay. Mr, Kerswell, of Toronto, was in town: this‘ week renewing old oc- 'quaintance. ‘Miss Annie Crandell, of Lindsay. spent July lst in town and attended the Kawartha ball, in the evening. - Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lord visited in Rosedale on Thursday. dance at Green's lending. About forty-ï¬ve members are expected and our people want to wake up and give these tourists one of the , best times they ever had, so they will not forget to make Fenelon Fells resort their summer home. Our citizens are looking {orward to the arrival on Tuesday, the 6th, of the members of the Rod and Gun club from Pennsylvania, who will take poo-anion o! the lame resi- Mr. and Mrs. J. Keys and child passed through town on Friday on route to Coboconk to spend the ho- lidays with hll mother, Mrs. Pattie. Mr. Keys is manager of the Royal Bank at Montreal. Mr. R. M. Hamilton's many friends are pleased to .see him around oguln after his recent ill- Miss ‘Nellie Heard, of Toronto. came home on Friday to spend a. months' vacation with her parents. She was accompanied by her friend. Miss Vivian Porter, of Toronto. Miss Bessie N la is home from Oril- lb. {or the vmtion season. Mn. ’1‘. C. Porter and daughter Edith, and Master Charlie arrived {tom Toronto on Wednesday and will spend 9, month in our pretty town. Mr. and Mrs. W. Berry, and Miss Edith and John Berry, of Toronto, spent July lot the guest of, Mr. and Mrs. J as. Heard. Mr. F. Wuren. S. Warren. Missa- E. Robson, J. McFarlane and D. Kc- Fulane, of Chicago, attended Roco- dule tea. on July lat. done by m. Jam Perl-1n and will be ccmpiatod in about. two wool“. and when done will be one of tho Meat motor bonus on those lakes. $3.00 YEAR.